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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e55157, 2023.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529185


RESUMO. Esse artigo analisa a institucionalização da assistência social no Brasil e a implicação dos trabalhadores sociais neste campo. Partimos da narrativa de vida de Maria, que da experiência religiosa parte para a militância nos movimentos sociais e institucionaliza sua prática na ampliação da assistência social do governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva em 2004. Neste contexto de luta e paixões, Maria investe em um saber prático que se torna o ponto de partida para a construção de uma sobreimplicação. Pelo método de narrativas de vida e da análise institucional, o trabalho contempla o campo micropolítico de um percurso biográfico para chegar a aspectos sócio-históricos da constituição da pasta no país e a construção de uma sensibilidade peculiar por parte dos trabalhadores. Essa sensibilidade, construída nas experiências anteriores ao trabalho social e potencializada no encontro com a política institucionalizada, pode adoecer os profissionais e favorecer a precarização da política pública quando alimenta um compromisso pessoal que se nega a enxergar a complexidade do que seja manter a seguridade social com competência e seriedade no país.

RESUMEN Analizamos la institucionalización de la Asistencia Social en Brasil y la implicación de los trabajadores sociales en este campo. Para esto, partimos de la narrativa de la vida de María, que a partir de la experiencia religiosa, comienza a ser militante en los movimientos sociales e institucionaliza su práctica en la expansión de la Asistencia Social del gobierno de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva en 2004. En este contexto de lucha y pasiones, María invierte en conocimiento práctico que se convierte en el punto de partida para la construcción de una sobreimplicación. A través de la metodología de la historia de la vida y el análisis institucional, el trabajo contempla el campo micropolítico de una ruta biográfica para llegar a los aspectos sociohistóricos de la constitución de la pasta en el país y la construcción de una sensibilidad peculiar por parte de los trabajadores. Esta sensibilidad, basada en experiencias previas al trabajo social y mejorada en el encuentro con la política institucionalizada, puede enfermar a los profesionales y favorece la precariedad de las políticas públicas cuando alimenta un compromiso personal que se niega a ver la complejidad de lo que significa mantener la seguridad social con competencia y seriedad en el país.

ABSTRACT. This article analyses the institutionalization of Social Assistance in Brazil and the implication of social workers in this field. For this, we start from Maria's life narrative, which from religious experience, starts to militancy in social movements and institutionalizes its practice in the expansion of Social Assistance. Maria invests in practical knowledge that becomes the beginning for construction of an overimplication. Through theory and institutional analysis, the work contemplates the micropolitical field of a biographical path to reach socio-historical aspects of the constitution of the paste in the country and the building of a peculiar sensitivity on the part of the workers. This sensitivity, built on experiences prior to social work and enhanced in the encounter with institutionalized politics, can make professionals sick and favors the precariousness of public policy when it feeds a personal commitment that refuses to see the complexity of what it means to maintain social security with competence and seriousness in the country.

Public Policy , Social Support , Occupational Groups , Pastoral Care/education , Social Work , Charities/education , Personal Narratives as Topic , Institutional Analysis/policies , Government
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e243764, 2023. graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422423


A população em situação de rua (PSR), em seu cotidiano, se relaciona com diferentes pessoas, grupos e/ou coletivos ligados à execução das políticas públicas, às organizações não governamentais, familiares ou a membros da sociedade civil. Pensar nessas dinâmicas de trabalho, cooperação e auxílio remete a pensar sobre uma rede de apoio que constrói estratégias com essa população. Tendo presente essas problematizações, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as narrativas das pessoas em situação de rua sobre como é produzida sua rede de apoio. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, de orientação etnográfica, sendo utilizada a observação participante, registros em diário de campo e entrevistas narrativas. Participaram seis pessoas em situação de rua que recebem alimentação ofertada por projetos sociais em uma cidade do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados produzidos foram analisados a partir da Análise Temática. As análises expressam as especificidades das narrativas das trajetórias de vida associadas à chegada às ruas e à composição de uma rede de apoio na rua. Ao conhecer como se produz e opera essa rede de apoio, a partir das narrativas das pessoas em situação de rua, problematiza-se a complexidade dessa engrenagem e o desafio de produzir ações integradas entre as diferentes instâncias da rede. Nisso, destaca-se a potencialidade de práticas que levem conta à escuta, ao diálogo e à articulação na operacionalização de políticas públicas atentas às necessidades dessa população.(AU)

The street population, in their daily lives, relates to different people, groups and/or collectives linked to the execution of public policies, to non-governmental organizations, family members, or to members of civil society. Thinking about these dynamics of work, cooperation, and assistance leads to thinking about a support network that builds strategies with this population. Having these problematizations in mind, this study aims to analyze the narratives of homeless people about how their support network is produced. To this end, a qualitative study was carried out, with ethnographic orientation, using participant observation, records in a field diary, and narrative interviews. Participated in the research six homeless people who receive food offered by social projects in a municipality in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The data produced were analyzed using the Thematic Analysis. The analyzes express the specifities of the narratives of life trajectories associated with the arrival on the streets and the composition of a support network on the street. By knowing how the support network is produced and operated, the complexity of this gear and the challenge of producing integrated actions between the different instances of the network are problematized. Thus, it highlights the potential of practices that consider listening, dialogue, and articulation in the operationalization of public policies that are attentive to the needs of this population.(AU)

Las personas en situación de calle en su cotidiano se relacionan con distintas personas, grupos y/o colectivos, que están vinculados a la ejecución de políticas públicas, organizaciones no gubernamentales, familiares o miembros de la sociedad civil. Pensar en estas dinámicas de trabajo, cooperación y ayuda nos lleva a una red de apoyo que construye estrategias con estas personas. Teniendo en cuenta esta problemática, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las narrativas de las personas en situación de calle acerca de cómo se produce su red de apoyo. Con este fin, se realizó un estudio cualitativo, etnográfico, utilizando observación participante, registros de diario de campo y entrevistas narrativas. Este estudio incluyó a seis personas en situación de calle que reciben alimentos ofrecidos por proyectos sociales en una ciudad del interior de Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). Se utilizó el Análisis Temático. Los análisis expresan las especificidades de las narrativas de las trayectorias de vida asociadas con la llegada a las calles y la composición de una red de apoyo en la calle. Al saber cómo se produce y opera la red de apoyo, a partir de las narrativas de las personas en la calle, se problematizan la complejidad de este equipo y el desafío de producir acciones integradas entre las diferentes instancias de la red. Destaca el potencial de las prácticas que tienen en cuenta la escucha, el diálogo y la articulación en la implementación de políticas públicas que estén atentas a las necesidades de esta población.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Public Policy , Ill-Housed Persons , Community Support , Poverty , Primary Health Care , Psychology , Relief Work , Safety , Social Behavior , Social Change , Social Conditions , Social Desirability , Social Isolation , Social Sciences , Social Support , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Tobacco Use Disorder , Unemployment , Urbanization , Violence , Emergency Feeding , Health Surveillance , Occupational Risks , Illicit Drugs , Charities , Child, Abandoned , Hygiene , Disease , Risk Factors , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Hunger , Medically Uninsured , Crack Cocaine , Clothing , Interview , Community Health Services , Community Participation , Substance-Related Disorders , Criminology , Shelter , Disaster Vulnerability , Health Risk , Personal Autonomy , Dehumanization , Gift Giving , Human Rights Abuses , Alcoholism , Economics , User Embracement , Existentialism , Family Conflict , Drug Users , Alcoholics , Social Stigma , Emergency Shelter , Social Discrimination , Social Marginalization , Food Deprivation , Frailty , Freedom , Self-Neglect , Social Vulnerability Index , Solidarity , Community Health Status Indicators , Social Defeat , Food Insecurity , Life Course Perspective , Economic Stability , Housing Instability , Access to Healthy Foods , Social Status , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Family Support , Health Services Needs and Demand , Helping Behavior , Human Rights , Income , Mental Disorders
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e245027, 2023.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431133


Este artigo versa sobre o processo de desligamento institucional por maioridade de jovens que residem em serviços de acolhimento. Aposta-se em uma política do sensível para visibilizar os encontros e desencontros que acontecem entre as e os jovens e as políticas públicas brasileiras. Para tanto, realizaram-se encontros com jovens que já haviam passado pelo processo de desligamento e com jovens que logo completariam 18 anos e teriam de sair das instituições de acolhimento. Para tornar visíveis essas existências, investiu-se na escrita de biografemas, inspirados na obra de Roland Barthes. Os conceitos de necropolítica e vidas precárias foram fundamentais para compreender as omissões do Estado no momento do desligamento. Verificou-se que o Estado pode maximizar a precariedade de algumas vidas, especialmente daquelas marcadas por características de raça, gênero e classe culturalmente marginalizados. Contudo, é também o encontro com as políticas públicas que garante melhores condições de vida para alguns, facilitando o acesso à universidade e ao mercado de trabalho. A pesquisa aponta que, diante do abandono, as e os jovens se fazem vagalumes, produzindo luminosidades em meio à escuridão e reivindicando o direito à vida.(AU)

This article discusses the process of institutional removal of young people that reside in foster care institutions for reaching adulthood. It relies on a politics of the sensitive to make visible the encounters and mismatches that take place between young people and Brazilian public policies. To do so, meetings were held with young people who had already experienced the removal process and with young people who would soon turn 18 and would have to leave the host institutions. To make these existences visible, this study invested in the writing of biographems, inspired by the works of Roland Barthes. The concepts of necropolitics and precarious lives were fundamental to understand the omissions of the State at the time of removal. It was also found that the State can maximize the precariousness of some lives, especially those marked by culturally marginalized race, gender, and class characteristics. However, it is also the encounter with public policies that ensures better living conditions for some, facilitating access to the university and the labor market. This research points out that, in the face of abandonment, young people become fireflies, producing luminosity amid the darkness and claiming the right to life.(AU)

Este artículo aborda el proceso de desconexión institucional justificado por la edad adulta de los jóvenes que residen en los servicios de acogida. Utilizamos una política sensible para hacer visibles las reuniones y los desajustes que tienen lugar entre los jóvenes y las políticas públicas brasileñas. Con este fin, se celebraron reuniones con los jóvenes que ya habían pasado por el proceso de desconexión institucional y también con los jóvenes que pronto cumplirían los 18 años y tendrían que abandonar las instituciones de acogida. Para hacer visibles estas existencias, se redactaron biografemas, inspirados en el trabajo de Roland Barthes. Los conceptos de necropolítica y vida precaria fueron fundamentales para comprender las omisiones del Estado en el momento de la desconexión. Se encontró que el Estado puede maximizar la precariedad de algunas vidas, principalmente de aquellas marcadas por características de raza, género y clase culturalmente marginadas. Sin embargo, el encuentro con las políticas también puede garantizar mejores condiciones de vida para algunos, facilitándoles el acceso a la universidad y al mercado laboral. Esta investigación señala que, ante el abandono, los jóvenes se convierten en luciérnagas, produciendo luminosidad en medio de la oscuridad y reclamando el derecho a la vida.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Public Policy , Adolescent , Deinstitutionalization , Institutionalization , Orientation , Personal Satisfaction , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Prejudice , Psychology , Safety , Self Concept , Sex Offenses , Social Behavior Disorders , Social Change , Social Control, Formal , Social Problems , Social Responsibility , Social Support , Social Welfare , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Unemployment , Violence , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Child Labor , Biographies as Topic , Bereavement , Child Custody , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Mobility , Charities , Child Abuse , Child Advocacy , Child, Institutionalized , Child Welfare , Organizations , Health , Mental Health , Data Collection , Life Expectancy , Mortality , Adolescent, Institutionalized , Coercion , Homeless Youth , Crime , Criminal Law , Shelter , Armed Conflicts , Culture , Custodial Care , Personal Autonomy , Moral Obligations , Public Power , Death , Law Enforcement , Minors , Vulnerable Populations , Human Rights Abuses , Dependency, Psychological , Growth and Development , Education , Empathy , Employee Discipline , Employment , Social Investment Projects , Resilience, Psychological , Bullying , Racism , Community Integration , Drug Trafficking , Emotional Adjustment , Underage Drinking , Criminal Behavior , Social Segregation , Psychosocial Support Systems , Frailty , Foster Home Care , Survivorship , Recidivism , Freedom , Self-Neglect , Emotional Abuse , Social Interaction , Citizenship , Family Support , Helplessness, Learned , Homicide , Human Rights , Income , Juvenile Delinquency , Malpractice
Vínculo ; 18(1): 32-41, jan.-abr. 2021. ilus
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1280710


O objetivo deste estudo é compreender a experiência emocional de 14 adolescentes abrigados frente a possibilidade de desabrigamento considerando a usual permanência prolongada do adolescente na situação de acolhimento institucional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa psicanalítica em que adotamos uma Narrativa Interativa (NI) em duas entrevistas coletivas seguidas de uma reflexão sobre o tema investigado, além de uma entrevista individual seguida de um momento de reflexão com uma adolescente que não teve a oportunidade de participar do grupo. A análise do material narrativo resultou em campos de sentido afetivo-emocional. Destacamos o campo emblemático "É muito peso para uma pessoa só", que descortina os sucessivos desabrigamentos e o consequente desamparo vividos pelos jovens como resultados da sobreposição de vulnerabilidades que cercam a vida dos participantes.

The aim of this study is to understand the emotional experience of 14 sheltered adolescents in the face of the possibility of helplessness considering the usual prolonged stay of the adolescent in the institutional shelter situation. This is a qualitative psychoanalytic research in which we adopted an Interactive Narrative (NI) in two group interviews and one individual interview followed by a reflection on the theme investigated, in addition to an individual interview, followed by a moment of reflection with a teenager who did not have the opportunity to participate in the group. The analysis of narrative material resulted in fields of affective-emotional meaning. We highlight the emblematic field "It's too much weight for one person", which reveals the successive homelessness episodes and the consequent helplessness experienced by the young people as a result of the overlapping vulnerabilities that surround the participants' lives.

El objetivo de este estudio es comprender la experiencia emocional de 14 adolescentes protegidos ante la posibilidad de quedarse sin hogar considerando la prolongada estadía habitual del adolescente en la situación del refugio institucional. Esta es una investigación psicoanalítica cualitativa en la que adoptamos una Narrativa Interactiva (NI) en dos entrevistas grupales y una entrevista individual seguida de una reflexión sobre el tema investigado, además de una entrevista individual seguida de un momento de reflexión con una adolescente que no tuvo la oportunidad de participar en el grupo. El análisis del material narrativo resultó en campos de significado afectivo-emocional. Destacamos el campo emblemático "Es demasiado peso para una persona sola", que revela la sucesiva falta de vivienda y la consecuente impotencia experimentada por los jóvenes como resultado de las vulnerabilidades superpuestas que rodean las vidas de los participantes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Charities , Child, Abandoned , Domestic Violence , Personal Narrative , Exposure to Violence , Foster Home Care
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(3): 837-857, set. 2020. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134080


Resumo Discutimos a tentativa de organização do Hospital Proletário na capital da Paraíba nos anos 1930. Para tanto, problematizamos a cobertura do jornal A União sobre esse episódio. O envolvimento de diferentes atores - trabalhadores, associações e médicos - revela a emergência de uma nova forma de pensar e praticar as políticas de saúde. Conforme o projeto varguista de construção nacional, tais ações visavam à formação de trabalhadores saudáveis, aptos para o mercado e úteis para a nação. Apesar de seu fracasso, o projeto do hospital evidencia as diferentes concepções sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores na Era Vargas. Apropriamo-nos dos conceitos de "interdependência sanitária", "medicina social", "cidadania regulada" e "trabalhismo".

Abstract We discuss the attempt to establish the Hospital Proletário in the capital of the state of Paraíba in the 1930s. To this end, we problematized the coverage in the newspaper A União on this episode. The involvement of different actors - workers, associations and physicians - reveals the emergence of a new way of thinking and implementing healthcare policies. According to the Vargas government's national construction plan, actions like this were intended to ensure healthy workers - ready for the market and useful for the country. Despite its failure, the hospital project provided evidence of the different concepts of worker health during the Vargas Era. We identified the concepts of "health interdependence," "social medicine," "regulated citizenship" and the "labor movement."

Humans , History, 20th Century , Hospitals/history , Social Class , Brazil , Charities/history
Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 27(2): 159-174, Dic. 2019. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1103197


Las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil se han encargado de complementar o suplir la función del Estado en la atención de problemáticas cuyo origen es precisamente las necesidades de la propia sociedad. Es conocido que los trabajadores humanitarios están expuestos a situaciones nocivas, una amplia variedad de factores determinantes de estrés que afectan su salud, resultado de la labor que prestan. El propósito es estudiar la presencia de estrés en trabajadores de una Organización de la Sociedad Civil (OSC), dedicada a hacer Casa de Emergencia en caso de desastres. Estudio Transversal y descriptivo. Muestra convencional de 25 trabajadores, que corresponde al 95% del total. Resultados: El 66% eran mujeres y 33% hombres, la edad promedio fue de 28 años, escolaridad de licenciatura 62%, 92% eran solteros. La prevalencia de estrés fue de 54%, se relacionó de manera marginal con el ET (Exigencia Intelectual o de Trabajo); con el 59% de casos y con el AS, (Apoyo Social) pues el 75% de estresados reportó bajo apoyo social de sus superiores y pares. Conclusiones: La presencia de estrés es mucho más alta de lo esperado Incluso las OSC precisan de una estructura administrativa tradicional después de un tiempo, que permita seguir cumpliendo con su labor social(AU)

Civil society organizations (CSO) complement or supplement the role of the State in responding to societal needs, often in the aftermath of a natural disaster. There is evidence that humanitarian workers are exposed to harmful work-related situations, including various determinants of stress, that can ultimately affect their health. We studied the presence of stress in workers of a disaster response CSO that addressed medical emergencies. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study of 25 workers (95% of the total workforce at this CSO). Results: 66% were women and 33% men; average age was 28 years, 62% had completed college, and 92% were single. The prevalence of stress was 54%, marginally associated with the intellectual demands of the job (59%) and with social support services (with 75% of stressed participants reporting low levels of social support from their superiors and peers). Conclusions: The presence of stress is much higher than expected. Even CSOs need a traditional administrative structure after a while, to allow them to continue fulfilling their social work(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Social Support , Charities , Social Workers , Occupational Stress/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Workload , Emergencies , Mexico , Occupational Groups , Natural Disasters
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 38(2)dic. 2019.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387230


Resumen La institucionalización es el acogimiento residencial de menores en desamparo en diversas formas y constituye un problema nacional e internacional, porque limita el desarrollo psicosocial y vulnera derechos humanos. Los objetivos del estudio fueron los siguientes: 1) Describir y conocer las diferencias de los indicadores de las vivencias en el proceso de institucionalización de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) de 7 a 18 años, según Centros de Atención Residencial (CAR) de procedencia. 2) Describir y conocer las diferencias de los puntajes totales de la inteligencia emocional (IE) y sus dimensiones de los NNA de 7 a 18 años, según sexo, edad y tiempo de permanencia en los CAR. El estudio fue descriptivo-comparativo y transversal; se utilizaron las técnicas de entrevista y grupo focal. Los instrumentos fueron un cuestionario, la guía de grupo focal y el inventario de inteligencia emocional Bar-On ICE: NA estandarizado en Perú. Se emplearon técnicas estadísticas paramétricas y no paramétricas, así como un análisis de contenido para el análisis de los resultados. Se encontró que hay diferencias y similitudes en los indicadores de las vivencias de los NNA referidos a las emociones, necesidades físicas y psicológicas, aprendizajes, y perspectiva temporal futura, según cada CAR. La mayoría de los NNA presentaron IE de nivel bajo. Se concluye que los indicadores de las vivencias referidos a los motivos de ingreso de los NNA a los CAR y los vínculos afectivos difieren significativamente, según cada CAR. Los puntajes totales de la IE no difieren significativamente según grupos de edad, sexo y tiempo de permanencia en el CAR; pero, existen diferencias significativas en la dimensión interpersonal de la IE, según sexo.

Abstract: Institutionalization is the residential care of children at risk in various ways and constitutes a national and international problem, because it limits psychosocial development and violates human rights. The objectives of the research were: 1) Describe and ascertain the differences in the experience indicators in the institutionalization process of children and adolescents (CAA) from 7 to 18 years of age, according to Residential Care Centers (RCC) of origin. 2) Describe and ascertain the differences in the total emotional intelligence (EI) scores and their dimensions in children from 7 to 18 years, according to sex, age and time spent in the RCC. The study was descriptive-comparative and transversal. Interview and focus group techniques were used. The instruments were a questionnaire, the focus group guide and the inventory of emotional intelligence Bar-On ICE: NA, standardized in Peru. Parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques were used, as well as a content analysis to analyze the results. We found that there are differences and similarities in the indicators of the children's experiences, referred to emotions, physical and psychological needs, learning, and future-temporal perspective, according to each RCC. Most children presented low level EI. It is concluded that indicators of the experiences referred to the reasons for the children's entry to the RCC and their affective links, differ significantly, according to each RCC. The total EI scores do not differ significantly according to age groups, sex and time spent in the RCC; but there are significant differences in the interpersonal dimension of EI, according to sex.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Child, Abandoned , Emotional Intelligence , Institutionalization , Charities
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(supl.1): 129-145, out.-dez. 2019.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056277


Resumo No Brasil oitocentista evidenciou-se a emergência de instituições assistenciais. Por meio delas, os estados provinciais projetaram membros das elites políticas e econômicas nomeando-os grandes benfeitores. Homens de notoriedade local desempenharam papel na construção de determinados espaços asilares por meio de práticas que ratificaram seu prestígio social não apenas entre seus pares e para sua época, mas também para a memória e a história das instituições às quais estavam vinculadas. O artigo problematiza a construção de três instituições assistenciais no Ceará: Asilo de Mendicidade, Colônia Orfanológica Cristina e Asilo de Alienados São Vicente de Paula, cuja tônica discursiva e ações filantrópicas estavam inseridas no cenário da grande seca de 1877-1879.

Abstract In the nineteenth century, Brazil witnessed the emergence of the first welfare institutions. These became the platforms for provincial states to raise the status of their political and economic elite, naming them great benefactors. Men of local repute played active roles in building certain institutional spaces, employing practices that reinforced their social prestige not just among their peers and for their time, but also for the memory and history of the institutions with which they were involved. The building of three welfare institutions in the province of Ceará is problematized: Asilo de Mendicidade, Colônia Orfanológica Cristina, and Asilo de Alienados São Vicente de Paula, whose discourse and philanthropic actions were entangled with the great drought of 1877-1879.

Humans , History, 19th Century , Charities , Child, Orphaned , Workhouses , Mania , Brazil , History, 19th Century
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(supl.1): 163-177, out.-dez. 2019.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056281


Resumo A relação entre filantropia, poder público e conhecimento científico é analisada a partir da experiência de Helena Antipoff na Sociedade Pestalozzi de Minas Gerais. Essa instituição promoveu, na primeira metade do século XX, iniciativas de auxílio às crianças "anormais". O apoio às classes especiais, o trabalho do Consultório Médico Pedagógico, a criação da Associação de Assistência ao Pequeno Jornaleiro, as atividades do Instituto Pestalozzi e a Fazenda do Rosário são exemplos de parcerias entre poder público e filantropia. A centralidade do nome de Helena Antipoff na Sociedade Pestalozzi imprimiu na instituição a marca de sua idealizadora. Formada na Europa, mais especificamente no Instituto Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Helena Antipoff conciliou a filantropia e a ciência em prol dos "anormais".

Abstract The relationships between philanthropy, government, and scientific knowledge are analyzed through the experience of Helena Antipoff at the Sociedade Pestalozzi of Minas Gerais. In the first half of the twentieth century, this institution spearheaded welfare initiatives for "abnormal" children. Support for disabled people, the work of the Medical Education Office, the creation of an association for the care of newsboys, and the activities of the Pestalozzi Institute and Fazenda do Rosário farm are examples of partnerships between the authorities and philanthropic organizations. Today, Sociedade Pestalozzi is strongly associated with the identity of its founder. Educated in Europe, at Institut Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Helena Antipoff conciliated philanthropy and science for the good of the "abnormal."

Humans , Child , History, 20th Century , Science , Charities , Child Welfare , Brazil , History, 20th Century
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(supl.1): 79-108, out.-dez. 2019. tab, graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056285


Resumo O artigo analisa como as santas casas de misericórdia do estado de São Paulo foram subvencionadas pelos governos municipais, provincial e estadual na passagem do século XIX para o XX. Para tanto, são discutidas as dotações orçamentárias realizadas de 1838 a 1915, com o fim de avaliar o repasse e a ampliação de verbas nesse ínterim. É possível notar que foi criada uma rede de assistência fortemente apoiada pelo Estado, mas efetivada pela assistência filantrópica. Essa rede de atendimento hospitalar permanece com o mesmo formato até pelo menos o primeiro terço do século XX, contexto em que se incluíam as misericórdias criadas pelo interior do estado paulista.

Abstract This article investigates how the santas casas de misericórdia charitable associations in the state of São Paulo were subsidized by the municipal, provincial, and state governments at the turn of the twentieth century. Budget appropriations from 1838 to 1915 were examined to evaluate these charitable grants as well as the growth in funding during this period. While a care network created with strong state backing, it was put into action by philanthropic assistance. This network of hospital care retained the same format until at least the first third of the twentieth century, and included misericórdia establishments created within the interior of the state of São Paulo.

Humans , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Charities/history , Health Policy/history , Hospitals/history , Brazil , Budgets/history , Charities/economics , Charities/legislation & jurisprudence , Economics, Hospital/history , Financing, Government/history , Government/history
文章 在 韩国 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-759915


The purpose of this research is to describe how Hansen's disease patients experienced the modern system of control of Hansen's disease introduced by Japan, and the inimical attitude of society against them in colonial Korea. The study also seeks to reveal the development of the system to eliminate Hansen's disease patients from their home and community to larger society and leprosarium in this era. Sorokdo Charity hospital (SCH), a hospital for Hansen's disease patients, was built in 1916, and vagrant Hansen's disease patients began to be isolated in this hospital beginning in 1917 by the Japanese Government-General of Korea (JGGK). Once the police detained and sent vagrant Hansen's disease patients to SCH, stigma and discrimination against them strengthened in Korean society. Because of strong stigma and discrimination in Korean society, Hansen's disease patients suffered from daily threats of death. First, their family members were not only afraid of the contagiousness of Hansen's disease but also the stigma and discrimination against themselves by community members. If a family had a Hansen's disease patient, the rest of community members would discriminate against the entire family. Furthermore, because Hansen's disease patients were excluded from any economic livelihood such as getting a job, the existence of the patients was a big burden for their families. Therefore, many patients left their homes and began their vagrancy. The patients who could not leave their homes committed suicide or were killed by their family members. The victims of such deaths were usually women, who were at the lower position in the family hierarchy. In the strong Confucian society in Korea, more female patients were killed by themselves than male patients. Moreover, all of patients victims in the murder were women. This shows that the stigma and discrimination against Hansen's disease patients within their families were stronger against women than men. Strong stigma and discrimination made the patients rely on superstition such as cannibalism. Patients believed that there were not any effective medicine. There were a few reports of patients who were cured, and many were treated with chaulmoogra oil in the modern Hansen's disease hospitals. Eating human flesh was known as a folk remedy for Hansen's disease. As such, patients began to kill healthy people, usually children, to eat their flesh. Increased stigma led to increased victims. Hansen's disease patients who left their homes faced many threats during their vagrancy. For survival, they established their own organizations in the late 1920's. The patients who were rejected to be hospitalized in the Western Hansen's disease hospital at Busan, Daegu, and Yeosu organized self-help organizations. The purpose of these organizations was first to secure the medicine supply of chaulmoogra oil. However, as stigma and discrimination strengthened, these organizations formed by Hansen's disease patients demanded the Japanese Government-General of Korea to send and segregate them on Sorok island. They did not know the situation of the inside of this island because news media described it as a haven for patients, and very few patients were discharged from this island to tell the truth. On this island, several hundreds of patients were killed by compulsory heavy labor, starvation, and violence. They were not treated as patients, but as something to be eliminated. Under strong suppression on this island, the patients resisted first by escaping this island. However, in 1937, some patients tried to kill a Korean staff but failed. Attempted murderers were all put in the jail, also located on this island. In 1941, a patient murdered another patient who had harassed other patients, and in 1942, Chunsang Lee, a patient, killed the director of Sorok island. These instances show that there was a system to eliminate Hansen's disease patients in colonial Korea.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Asian People , Cannibalism , Charities , Discrimination, Psychological , Eating , Homicide , Japan , Korea , Leprosy , Medicine, Traditional , Police , Starvation , Suicide , Superstitions , United Nations , Violence
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 23(3): e20190036, 2019. graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1012090


ABSTRACT Objective: Analyze the social representations of professionals and managers of long-term care institution for the elderly about the care and the influence of this conception in the practice of caring. Method: This is a qualitative research carried out with twenty-nine professionals and four managers of a long-term institution for the elderly in a city in the interior of São Paulo. The data, collected in two phases through individual interviews and workshops, were analyzed through the techniques of the Collective Subject Discourse and Content Analysis in the thematic modality. Results: About their representations about care, three main ideas were identified for managers: "giving affection"; "Supply basic needs"; and "look broadened." For the professionals, the main ideas were "to help and to give affection"; "Supply needs"; and "extended care". It also identified that the representations of the elderly influence the care practice. Final considerations and implications for the practice: The maintenance of the caregiving vision of the care process and the charitable model of producing health in these institutions are reflections of the representations of the elderly. Thus, it is necessary to review the social roles of the elderly, recognizing them as protagonists of their care process aiming at a better quality of care for this population.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar las representaciones sociales de los profesionales y gestores de una Institución de Larga Permanencia para ancianos sobre el cuidado y la influencia de esta concepción en la práctica del cuidar. Método: Se trata de una investigación de abordaje cualitativo, realizada con veintinueve profesionales y cuatro gestores de una Institución de Larga permanencia para ancianos de un municipio del interior de San Pablo. Los datos, recolectados en dos etapas por medio de entrevistas individuales y talleres, se analizaron a través de las técnicas del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo y Análisis de Contenido en la modalidad temática. Resultados: Respecto a sus representaciones sobre el cuidado, se identificaron tres ideas centrales para los gestores: "dar afecto", "suplir necesidades básicas", y "tener una mirada amplia". En los profesionales, las ideas centrales fueron: "ayudar y dar afecto", "suplir necesidades", y "cuidado amplio". Además, se pudo observar que las representaciones de los ancianos influencian la práctica del cuidado. Consideraciones finales e implicaciones para la práctica: El mantenimiento de la visión asistencialista del proceso de cuidado y el modelo caritativo de producir salud en estas instituciones son reflejos de las representaciones del anciano. Así, es necesario revisar los roles sociales de los ancianos, reconociéndolos como protagonistas de su proceso de cuidado, buscando mejorar la calidad en la asistencia de esta población.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as representações sociais dos profissionais e gestores de instituição de longa permanência para idosos sobre o cuidado e a influência dessa concepção na prática do cuidar. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa realizada com vinte e nove profissionais e quatro gestores de uma Instituição de Longa permanência para idosos de um município do interior de São Paulo. Os dados, coletados em duas fases por meio de entrevistas individuais e oficinas, foram analisados pelas técnicas do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e Análise de Conteúdo, na modalidade temática. Resultados: Acerca de suas representações sobre o cuidado, identificaram-se três ideias centrais para os gestores: "dar afeto"; "suprir necessidades básicas"; e "ter olhar ampliado". Dos profissionais, as ideias centrais foram "ajudar e dar afeto"; "suprir necessidades"; e "cuidado ampliado". Identificou-se, ainda, que as representações dos idosos influenciam a prática do cuidado. Considerações finais e implicações para a prática: A manutenção da visão assistencialista do processo de cuidado e o modelo caritativo de se produzir saúde nessas instituições são reflexos das representações do idoso. Assim, faz-se necessário rever os papéis sociais dos idosos, reconhecendo-os como protagonistas de seu processo de cuidado, visando à melhor qualidade na assistência dessa população.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Health Personnel , Comprehensive Health Care , Health Manager , Health of Institutionalized Elderly , Homes for the Aged/organization & administration , Nursing Homes/organization & administration , Charities , Qualitative Research , Health Policy , Health Services Needs and Demand
Cienc. Trab ; 20(63): 178-186, dic. 2018. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-984171


Resumen: El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación entre el estrés laboral y la satisfacción laboral en una Institución de Beneficencia en la Provincia de Concepción. Se desarrolla un estudio empírico trans versal, descriptivo correlacional, con un universo del estudio conformado por 184 trabajadores, segmentado en cinco grupos. El cuestionario autoadministrado y anónimo con 71 ítems divididos en 3 secciones: información general, estrés laboral y satisfacción laboral. El análisis de fiabilidad del cuestionario presento valores de alfa de Cronbach, para Satisfacción Laboral entre 0,656 y 0,923, para Estrés Laboral entre 0,635 y 0,927 siendo aceptable la fiabilidad en ambos. En general, respecto al estrés todos los grupos de trabajo se ubican en el cuadrante baja tensión, baja demanda psicológica, alto control laboral y alto apoyo global. Respecto a Satisfacción laboral el promedio general en las líneas de trabajo evaluadas es de 3,8 puntos, lo que denota un nivel mediano de satisfacción laboral. Las correlaciones permiten concluir que a mayor percepción de las variables de Satisfacción laboral y mayor Control sobre el trabajo, se logra reducir el grado de estrés. Además la dimensión de Apoyo Social Laboral Global aumenta la Satisfacción Laboral, permitiendo disminuir el estrés.

Abstract: The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between work stress and job satisfaction in a Charity Institution in the Province of Concepción. A cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational empirical study was developed, with a study universe consisting of 184 workers, divided into five groups. The self-administered and anonymous questionnaire with 71 items divided into 3 sections: general information, work stress and job satisfaction. The reliability analysis of the questionnaire presented values of Cronbach's alpha, for Labor Satisfaction between 0.656 and 0.923, for Labor Stress between 0.635 and 0.927, the reliability being acceptable in both. In general, with respect to stress, all work groups are located in the low tension, low psychological demand, high labor control and high global support quadrant. Regarding Job Satisfaction, the general average in the evaluated work lines is 3.8 points, which denotes a medium level of job satisfaction. The correlations allow us to conclude that the greater the perception of the variables of job satisfaction and greater control over work, the reduction of the degree of stress is achieved. In addition, the dimen sion of Global Labor Social Support increases the Labor Satisfaction, allowing to reduce stress.

Humans , Charities , Occupational Stress/psychology , Job Satisfaction , Occupational Groups/psychology , Social Support , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational Stress/epidemiology , Correlation of Data , Internal-External Control
Salud pública Méx ; 59(4): 429-436, Jul.-Aug. 2017. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-903773


Abstract: Some interpretations frequently argue that three Disability Models (DM) (Charity, Medical/Rehabilitation, and Social) correspond to historical periods in terms of chronological succession. These views permeate a priori within major official documents on the subject in Mexico. This paper intends to test whether this association is plausible by applying a timeline method. A document search was made with inclusion and exclusion criteria in databases to select representative studies with which to depict milestones in the timelines for each period. The following is demonstrated: 1) models should be considered as categories of analysis and not as historical periods, in that the prevalence of elements of the three models is present to date, and 2) the association between disability models and historical periods results in teleological interpretations of the history of disability in Mexico.

Resumen: Se argumenta que tres modelos de discapacidad (de prescindencia, médico/rehabilitador y social) se corresponden con periodos históricos en sucesión cronológica. Esta visión a priori ha permeado dentro de los principales documentos oficiales sobre el tema en México. El presente trabajo se propone probar si esta asociación es plausible, mediante la aplicación de una metodología de línea temporal. Se diseñó una estrategia de búsqueda con criterios de inclusión y exclusión en bases de datos para seleccionar estudios representativos, con los cuales se retomaron hitos a representar en la línea temporal por cada periodo. Se muestra que los modelos deben plantearse como categorías de análisis y no como periodos históricos, dado que: 1) existe prevalencia de elementos de los tres modelos en la coyuntura actual y 2) la asociación entre modelos y periodos da lugar a interpretaciones teleológicas de la historia de la discapacidad en México.

History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Disabled Persons/rehabilitation , Models, Theoretical , Social Security/history , Social Welfare/history , Attitude to Health , Charities/history , Disabled Persons/history , Disabled Persons/statistics & numerical data , Disability Evaluation , Mexico/epidemiology
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-633096


SCOPE: A formative evaluation of a one-day Community-Based Health Program (CBHP) workshop in an urban poor setting in Silang,Cavite was done.OBJECTIVE: To determine if the workshop was feasible and useful from the perspective of important stakeholders.RESEARCH DESIGN: A descriptive research design was used with triangulation of data sources: participant observation, short-form questionnaire and monitoring checklist.RESULTS: The responses from the short-form, self-administered feedback questionnaire showed that out of the 42 participants: 1) 38% liked that they gained knowledge from the workshop; 2) 72.3% expressed that there was nothing that they disliked during the sessions; 3) about 13% expressed their desire to have more workshops like this one in the future; and 4) only 6.4% learned the importance of CBHP. It was observed frequently during discussions that participants said that the San Beda College of Medicine, played an important and crucial role in the CBHP. The College was visible and active together with the staff of the Canossa Health and Social Center run by the Canossian Daughters of Charity as well as with its community leader, Sr. Maria Elena Adre. With the presence of the clinical clerks and doctors of San Beda College of Medicine, the program continuously provided health services. Furthermore, other strengths that were mentioned were the volunteer health workers, the laboratory (microscopy), numerous training activities and seminars, feeding program and scholarship program.CONCLUSION: A one-day CBHP workshop was feasible and useful in an urban poor community setting from the perspective of important stakeholders.

Humans , Male , Female , Charities , Checklist , Feedback , Health Promotion , Information Storage and Retrieval , Microscopy , Nuclear Family , Physicians , Surveys and Questionnaires , Volunteers
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960260


@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>SCOPE:</strong> A formative evaluation of a one-day Community-Based Health Program (CBHP) workshop in an urban poor setting in Silang,Cavite was done.<br /><strong>OBJECTIVE:</strong> To determine if the workshop was feasible and useful from the perspective of important stakeholders.<br /><strong>RESEARCH DESIGN:</strong> A descriptive research design was used with triangulation of data sources: participant observation, short-form questionnaire and monitoring checklist.<br /><strong>RESULTS:</strong> The responses from the short-form, self-administered feedback questionnaire showed that out of the 42 participants: 1) 38% liked that they gained knowledge from the workshop; 2) 72.3% expressed that there was nothing that they disliked during the sessions; 3) about 13% expressed their desire to have more workshops like this one in the future; and 4) only 6.4% learned the importance of CBHP. It was observed frequently during discussions that participants said that the San Beda College of Medicine, played an important and crucial role in the CBHP. The College was visible and active together with the staff of the Canossa Health and Social Center run by the Canossian Daughters of Charity as well as with its community leader, Sr. Maria Elena Adre. With the presence of the clinical clerks and doctors of San Beda College of Medicine, the program continuously provided health services. Furthermore, other strengths that were mentioned were the volunteer health workers, the laboratory (microscopy), numerous training activities and seminars, feeding program and scholarship program.<br /><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> A one-day CBHP workshop was feasible and useful in an urban poor community setting from the perspective of important stakeholders.</p>

Humans , Male , Female , Charities , Checklist , Feedback , Health Promotion , Information Storage and Retrieval , Microscopy , Nuclear Family , Physicians , Surveys and Questionnaires , Volunteers
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(4): 1153-1167, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-828874


Resumo Este artigo é parte do esforço de compilação das análises elaboradas em dissertação de mestrado, defendida em 2012. Apresentamos novas perspectivas sobre o Hospício de Pedro II entre 1883 e 1889, a partir de pesquisa empreendida com as fichas de entrada e os anexos de pacientes internados na instituição, fundada em 1852, no Rio de Janeiro. Buscamos destacar a participação de atores diversos e as imbricações de diferentes interesses e demandas em relação ao hospício. Assim, além do olhar médico-científico, apontamos a importância de ampliar o debate sobre a instituição, considerando sua importância, tanto pelo viés caritativo quanto pelo papel central nas relações políticas e sociais do Império.

Abstract This article is part of an effort to compile the analyses made for my master’s dissertation from 2012. It contains new perspectives on Hospício de Pedro II (Pedro II Hospice) between 1883 and 1889, drawing on research of admissions records and files of patients staying at the institution, founded in 1852 in Rio de Janeiro. The involvement of different players and the interplay of different interests and demands with regard to the hospice are highlighted. It is important to expand the debate concerning the institution beyond medical and scientific aspects, considering its importance both as a charity and for its key role in the political and social relations of the empire.

Humans , History, 19th Century , Charities/history , Hospices/history , Hospitals, Psychiatric/history , Brazil
文章 在 韩国 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-8013


On July 3, 1928, the Wonsan Labor Union established the Wonsan Laborers' Hospital in Seoku-dong, Wonsan for the purpose of reducing medical consultation fees for its members. The union's efforts to improve the welfare of its members include the establishment of an educational institute, a consumers union, a barbershop, and a relief department. The Laborers' Hospital, which began with ten wards, was led by a team of two doctors, one midwife, two pharmacists, and four nurses. The two doctors were Cheol-sun Cha and Jeong-kwon Lee, and the midwife/nurse was Sun-jeong Kim. Union members received a 40% discount on medicine, and this was utilized by a daily average of 60 to 70 workers, or 21,000 workers annually. The Laborers' Hospital was clearly distinct from medical facilities founded as charity institutions in that funds were raised by the recipients themselves, and that the recipients formed a community based on their common status as laborers. However, the Wonsan Laborers' Hospital was shut down in roughly April 1929 due to the breaking of the general strike, and the heightened suppression of union activities prevented any additional opening of laborers' hospitals until Korea's liberation from Japan. Nevertheless, the history of the Wonsan Laborers' Hospital represents a key development in Korea's health coverage. It is not adequate to declare, as was the case in past research, Korea's health coverage to be simply an imitation of the Western system and lacking its own history. Despite some differences in scale and operation, the development of health coverage in the Korean peninsula is in line with the history of health coverage development in the West. The Wonsan Laborers' Hospital, founded and operated by the laborers themselves, thus holds great significance in the history of Korea's health coverage, The findings of this study are expected to stimulate new and more diverse discussions on the history of health coverage in Korea.

Humans , Asian People , Charities , Fees and Charges , Financial Management , Japan , Korea , Labor Unions , Midwifery , Occupations , Pharmacists , Strikes, Employee
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 36(2): 82-88, Apr-Jun/2015. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-752575


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the opinion of hospital nurses on the use of quality indicators for nursing care. METHOD: Research based on the qualitative approach, conducted with 41 nurses from two charity hospitals in Minas Gerais, from September to October 2013. Interviews with a semi-structured script were used to collect data. The empirical data were organized by means of content analysis. RESULTS: Indicators are important for assessing the provided care, for improving the quality of care, and for defining strategies to achieve goals. CONCLUSIONS: The difficulties encountered when using these indicators revealed the following constituent elements: lack of time, inadequate number of professionals and lack of knowledge on the subject. It was concluded that nurses understand that indicators are instruments that enable evaluations and improvements, but their understanding of how to use these instruments is incomplete and fragmented. .

OBJETIVO: Investigar la opinión de los hospitales las enfermeras en el uso de indicadores de calidad de los cuidados de enfermería. Las investigaciones realizadas por el enfoque cualitativo realizado con 41 enfermeros de dos hospitales filantrópicos en Minas Gerais en el período septiembre-octubre de 2013. MÉTODO: Se utilizó entrevistas con guión semiestructurado. Los datos empíricos se organizaron de acuerdo con el análisis de contenido. RESULTADOS: Se encontró que los indicadores son importantes para la evaluación de la atención, mejorar la calidad de la atención y el desarrollo de estrategias para alcanzar las metas. CONCLUSIÓN: Entre las dificultades encontradas en el uso de indicadores, que era posible enumerar los siguientes componentes básicos: la falta de tiempo, el número insuficiente de profesionales y la falta de conocimiento sobre el tema en cuestión. Llegamos a la conclusión de que las enfermeras entienden los indicadores como herramientas de evaluación y mejoras, sin embargo, tienen una comprensión incompleta y fragmentada de cómo utilizarlos. .

OBJETIVO: Investigar a opinião de enfermeiros de instituições hospitalares sobre a utilização dos indicadores de qualidade da assistência de enfermagem. MÉTODO: Pesquisa conduzida pela abordagem qualitativa realizada com 41 enfermeiros de dois hospitais filantrópicos no interior de Minas Gerais, no período de setembro a outubro de 2013. Utilizaram-se entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado. Os dados empíricos foram organizados mediante análise de conteúdo. RESULTADOS: Constatou-se que os indicadores são importantes para avaliação da assistência prestada, melhoria da qualidade da assistência e para definição de estratégias para alcançar metas. CONCLUSÕES: Dentro das dificuldades encontradas na utilização dos indicadores, foi possível elencar os seguintes elementos constitutivos: falta de tempo, número inadequado de profissionais e falta de conhecimento a respeito do tema abordado. Conclui-se que os enfermeiros entendem os indicadores como instrumentos de avaliação e melhorias, entretanto, possuem um entendimento incompleto e fragmentado sobre sua utilização. .

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Nursing Care/standards , Nursing Staff/psychology , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Attitude of Health Personnel , Brazil , Charities , Goals , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research , Quality Improvement , Quality Indicators, Health Care/standards , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Safety-net Providers/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors