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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252743, 2023.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448951


O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar e compreender fenomenologicamente, por meio de relato de Psicólogos de Esporte (PE) e de Coaches, em sua vivência prática, como ocorrem os processos reflexivos em sua atuação, conforme apreendidos a partir de relatos de experiências. O método de investigação escolhido foi a fenomenologia, pois oferece os recursos necessários para tal mergulho junto à experiência reflexiva. A amostra intencional foi delineada por PE e Coaches (profissionais de Educação Física que recorrem ao Coaching) em atividade em esportes de alto rendimento, que tenham atuado ou estejam atuando em modalidades esportivas coletivas e/ou individuais. Realizaram-se nove entrevistas (cinco com PE, quatro com Coaches). O acesso ao objeto desse estudo se deu por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e semiestruturadas, orientadas pela escuta suspensiva. As questões disparadoras foram formuladas com base no Procedimento Estruturado de Reflexão adaptado. Para análise das entrevistas, realizou-se uma síntese de cada relato, seguindo-se de cruzamento intencional. Como resultados, percebeu-se que PE e Coaches trazem algumas similaridades no que se refere aos modos de refletir sobre sua prática. No entanto, as experiências que eles fazem desses processos reflexivos é que podem tomar rumos distintos. Os(as) PE amparam-se na regulamentação da profissão e resguardam-se em seus apontamentos, trazendo suas experiências e reflexões sobre os processos vividos. Os(as) Coaches trazem em suas explanações um trabalho coerente, organizado e compatível com o método do Coaching. Problematizar os processos reflexivos desses profissionais permite diferenciar qualitativa e eticamente suas atuações, possibilitando o fomento multiprofissional no esporte.(AU)

The aim of this study consists in phenomenologically identifying and understanding, by the report of Sport Psychologists (SP) and coaches, in their practical experience, how would be the reflexive processes that take place in their performance, as learned from reports of their experiences. The research method chosen was phenomenology, since it offers the necessary resources for such a dive along with the reflective experience. The intentional sample was outlined by SP and coaches (Physical Education professionals who use coaching) active in high performance sports, who have or are working in collective and/or individual sports. Nine interviews were conducted (five with SP, four with coaches). Access to the object of this study took place by in-depth and semi-structured interviews, guided by suspensive listening. The triggering questions were formulated based on the adapted Structured Reflection Procedure. For the analysis of the interviews, a synthesis of each report was carried out, followed by the intentional crossing. As results, it was noticed that SP and coaches bring some similarities regarding the ways of reflecting on their practice. However, their experiences of these reflective processes are that they can take different directions. The SP are based on the regulation of the profession and guard themselves in their notes, bringing their experiences and reflections on the processes experienced. Coaches bring in their explanations a coherent, organized, and compatible work with the coaching method. Problematizing the reflective processes of these professionals allows to differentiate their actuation qualitatively and ethically, making the multiprofessional phenomenon in sport possible.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio consiste en identificar y comprender fenomenológicamente, a partir de la experiencia práctica de psicólogos del deporte (PD) y coaches, cómo serían los procesos reflexivos que se llevan a cabo en su rendimiento, tal y como se desprende de los informes de experiencias. El método de investigación elegido fue la fenomenología, ya que ofrece los recursos necesarios junto con la experiencia. La muestra intencional fue delineada por PD y coaches (profesionales de la educación física que utilizan el coaching) activos en deportes de alto rendimiento, que tienen o están trabajando en deportes colectivos e/o individuales. Se realizaron nueve entrevistas (cinco con PD, cuatro con coaches). El acceso al objeto de este estudio fue entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas, guiadas por escuchas suspensivas. Las preguntas se formularon desde el procedimiento de reflexión estructurado adaptado. Para el análisis de las entrevistas, se hizo una síntesis de cada informe, seguida del cruce intencional. Como resultados, se notó que los PD y coaches tienen algunas similitudes con respecto a las formas de reflexionar sobre su práctica. Sin embargo, las experiencias que hacen de estos procesos pueden tomar diferentes direcciones. Los(las) PD se basan en la regulación de la profesión y se protegen en sus notas, aportando sus experiencias y reflexiones sobre los procesos vividos. Los(las) coaches plantean en sus explicaciones un trabajo coherente, organizado y compatible con el método de Coaching. Problematizar los procesos reflexivos de estos profesionales permite diferenciar sus acciones de manera cualitativa y ética, además de posibilitar la promoción multiprofesional en el deporte.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Psychology, Sports , Mentoring , Anxiety , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Personal Satisfaction , Aptitude , Physical Education and Training , Physical Endurance , Natural Science Disciplines , Play and Playthings , Professional Competence , Psychology , Psychomotor Performance , Quality of Health Care , Quality of Life , Recreation , Rehabilitation , Running , Attention , Science , Sleep , Soccer , Social Control, Formal , Social Identification , Social Justice , Sports Medicine , Stress, Psychological , Swimming , Teaching , Therapeutics , Track and Field , Vocational Guidance , Wounds and Injuries , Yoga , Behavioral Sciences , Breathing Exercises , Health , Mental Health , Physical Fitness , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Occupational Health , Walking , Professional Autonomy , Guidelines as Topic , Interview , Congresses as Topic , Meditation , Life , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Wit and Humor , Fitness Centers , Practice Management , Complex Regional Pain Syndromes , Credentialing , Crisis Intervention , Mind-Body Therapies , Exercise Movement Techniques , Biomedical Enhancement , Depression , Diet , Dietetics , Education, Nonprofessional , Employee Performance Appraisal , Employment , Ethics, Professional , Sanitary Supervision , Professional Training , Athletic Performance , Resistance Training , Resilience, Psychological , Musculoskeletal and Neural Physiological Phenomena , Feeding Behavior , Athletes , Capacity Building , Sports Nutritional Sciences , Return to Sport , Work Performance , Professionalism , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Academic Success , Water Sports , Work Engagement , Cognitive Psychology , Science and Development , Cognitive Training , Psychological Well-Being , Working Conditions , Gymnastics , Health Occupations , Health Promotion , Anatomy , Job Description , Jurisprudence , Leadership , Learning , Life Style , Memory , Methods , Motivation , Motor Activity , Motor Skills , Movement , Muscle Relaxation , Muscles , Obesity
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(4): e2929, 2021. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289622


Introducción: Ingresar a la universidad implica múltiples cambios que repercuten en el estado nutricional y pueden condicionar la aparición de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles al futuro. Objetivo: Comparar el estado nutricional de las estudiantes de Nutrición y Dietética de México y Colombia mediante mediciones antropométricas y el consumo de alimentos. Material y Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, multidimensional de tipo transversal; con un tamaño de la muestra de 583 estudiantes elegidos aleatoriamente en centros universitarios de Colombia y México. Se aplicó una encuesta que indagó sobre el consumo de alimentos y el estilo de vida de las estudiantes, la toma de datos antropométricos se realizó de manera presencial mediante la técnica The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Se emplearon las técnicas estadísticas: test de comparación de proporciones, MANOVA y distribuciones de frecuencias. Resultados: Se presentó mayor carga genética para diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial, cáncer y obesidad en las estudiantes mexicanas; quienes reportaron más sobrepeso y enfermedades gastrointestinales. El consumo frecuente de queso entero, huevo, grasas saturadas y poliinsaturadas, azúcares y dulces, y productos fritos fue mayor en las colombianas; mientras que el consumo de queso bajo en grasa, leguminosas y mezclas vegetales, grasas monoinsaturadas, salsas, frutas, verduras y hortalizas, nueces y semillas, enlatados y bebidas alcohólicas, fue superior en las mexicanas. Conclusiones: Se reportan cambios alimenticios desde el ingreso a la carrera, lo cual es un factor protector para el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles(AU)

Introduction: Entering the university implies multiple changes that affect the nutritional status and can condition the appearance of chronic non-communicable diseases in the future. Objective: To compare the nutritional status of Nutrition and Dietetics students from Mexico and Colombia through anthropometric measurements and food consumption. Material and Methods: Through the application of a survey, the food consumption and lifestyle of the students were investigated. The anthropometric data collection was carried out using the techniques adopted by The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). With the data obtained, a descriptive, exploratory, multidimensional and cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample size was 583 students randomly chosen from university centers in Colombia and Mexico. The statistical techniques used included: comparison test for proportions, MANOVA and frequency distributions. Results: There was a higher genetic load for diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, cancer and obesity in Mexican students who reported more overweight and gastrointestinal diseases. The frequent consumption of whole cheese, eggs, saturated and polyunsaturated fats, sugars and sweets and fried products was higher in Colombian women while the consumption of low-fat cheese, legumes and vegetable mixtures, monounsaturated fats, sauces, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, canned goods and alcoholic beverages was higher in Mexican women, presenting a significant difference (p <0.05). Conclusions: Dietary changes are reported from the beginning of the studies, which is a protective factor for the development of non-communicable chronic diseases. There must be consistency among knowledge, eating practices and lifestyle to maintain health and achieve greater credibility of the knowledge imparted(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students/statistics & numerical data , Universities , Dietetics , Nutritional Sciences , Nutritional Status/physiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia , Eating/physiology , Alcohol Drinking in College , Mexico
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 9(1): 1-5, 2021. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352350


Objetivo: o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a qualidade nutricional de cardápios de dietas da moda veiculadas nas revistas de circulação não cientificas "Malu" e "7 Dias com você". Métodos: tratou-se de um estudo quali-quantitativo que avaliou cardápios das revistas mencionadas anteriormente, publicadas entre 2015 e 2016. Para a análise do conteúdo nutricional, foi utilizado o software DietWin® para averiguar o valor energético, macronutrientes, o teor de fibra bruta e a quantidade de cálcio, ferro e folato; e para a análise qualitativa, utilizaram-se as recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira para oferta de frutas, hortaliças e a presença de alimentos ultraprocessados. Resultados: as dietas analisadas são hipocalóricas; os macronutrientes estão adequados segundo os intervalos de distribuição de macronutrientes para adultos, pois são deficientes em fibras, cálcio, folato e ferro. Em relação à Ingestão Dietética Recomendada, atendem às recomendações para o consumo de hortaliças, são inadequadas em relação ao consumo de frutas e prescrevem alimentos ultraprocessados. Conclusão: a inadequação do conteúdo nutricional das dietas leva a prejuízos nutricionais e estão relacionadas às carências e aos excessos alimentares. Portanto, faz-se necessária a prescrição de dietas individualizadas por meio de avaliação detalhada.

Objective: This study aimed to analyze the nutritional quality off addiets menus published in the non-scientific magazines "Malu" and "7Days with You". Methods: This was aquali-quantitative study that evaluated menus ofthe previously mentioned magazines published between 2015 and 2016. For the analysis of nutritional content DietWin® software was used to ascertainthe energy value, macronutrients, crude fiber content and the amount of calcium, iron and folate and for qualitative analysisit wasused the recommendations of the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population for the supply of fruits, vegetables and the presence of ultra-processed foods. Results: The diets analyzed are hypocaloric, the macronutrients are adequate according to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribuition Range, are deficient in fiber, calcium, folate and iron in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake, meet the recommendations for the consumption of vegetables, are inadequate in relation to the consumption of fruits and prescribe ultra-processed foods. Conclusion: The inadequacy of the nutritional content of diets leads to nutritional losses and are related to deficiencies and overeating. Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe individualized diets through detailed evaluation in a physical consultation.

Diet Fads , Nutrients , Diet , Dietetics , Eating , Food , Nutritive Value
Acta méd. colomb ; 45(3): 83-83, jul.-set. 2020.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1149052


En ocasiones se emplean los términos dietético y dietario indistintamente para de-nominar elementos referentes a la alimentación. No obstante, el primero es el único adecuado en ese contexto. Aunque las dos palabras son similares, poseen significados diferentes:Dietario: (Del latín bajo dieta, traducción del alemán Tag 'día'):1. m. Libro en que se anotan los ingresos y gastos diarios de una casa.2. m. Diario personal.3. m. Libro en que los cronistas de Aragón escribían los sucesos más notables.Dietético, -ca: (Del latín diaeteticus, y este del griego διαιτητικός, derivado de diaeta'régimen de vida'):1. adj. De la dieta o relacionado con ella [inglés: dietary].2. adj. De la dietética o relacionado con ella [inglés: dietetic].3. s.f. Disciplina científica que trata de los alimentos más adecuados para cada per-sona según sus características, con el fin de conseguir una alimentación adecuada o favorecer el tratamiento médico [inglés: nutrition, dietetics].Quizás la equivocada traducción del inglés ha llevado al uso de expresiones inapro-piadas en el idioma español, como «suplemento dietario¼ o «fibra dietaria¼, siendo sus formas correctas: suplemento dietético y fibra dietética.

Dietetics , Diet , Food
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(4): 677-684, ago. 2020. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138603


RESUMEN El propósito de este artículo es analizar la evolución de las carreras y programas de Nutrición y Dietética en Chile. Se verifica un incremento sostenido de la oferta formativa, particularmente en los últimos veinte años, asociado a procesos de mercantilización de la Educación Superior. El aseguramiento de la calidad ha operado a través de la acreditación voluntaria y sus resultados son congruentes con el contexto nacional. La creciente importancia de la alimentación y nutrición en la salud pública del país exige formular cambios en la formación en Nutrición y Dietética, para lo cual se plantean diversas recomendaciones para lograr mayores niveles de pertinencia y el mejoramiento continuo de la calidad.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of Nutrition and Dietetics degree programs and majors in Chile. This research demonstrated a sustained increase in the number of training programs, particularly during the last twenty years, due to the process of commodification of higher education. Quality assurance has been implemented by voluntary accreditation, which has shown results consistent with the national context. The growing importance given to food and nutrition in the national public health scenario requires changes in Nutrition and Dietetics academic programs. To this end, different recommendations are made in order to achieve improved relevance standards and continuous quality improvement.

Humans , Dietetics , Nutritional Sciences , Nutritionists , Food , Nutrition Programs , Quality Improvement
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 24(2): 81-85, maio-ago. 2020.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116356


A obesidade possui vários prejuízos para a saúde e está associada à inúmeras patologias e baixa expectativa de vida. O desequilíbrio alimentar é um fator que necessita de atenção especial, pois é capaz de alterar as interações entre nutrientes e genes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar as principais linhas de pesquisa associadas à nutrigenômica, e evidenciar a relação da influência da nutrição na expressão de genes relacionados à obesidade. Realizou-se o levantamento bibliográfico e a análise cienciométrica por meio do banco de dados publicados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e do Centro Latino-Americano de Informação em Ciências da Saúde (BIREME). Identificou-se 118 artigos originais, os quais foram agrupados em cinco classes: restrição calórica, expressão gênica, alimentos, intervenção dietética e diversos. Os resultados evidenciaram que a restrição calórica possui relação direta da expressão gênica com o controle das células cancerígenas e a diminuição do excesso de tecido adiposo. Além disso, a análise cienciométrica relacionou a importância das fibras alimentares na redução do colesterol e sensibilidade à insulina, bem como a ação do jejum na regulação negativa de genes que contribuem para o crescimento do tecido adiposo. Dessa forma, este artigo fornece princípios ideológicos para auxiliar especialistas na aplicabilidade de estratégias para atingir a redução de peso sustentável por meio da expressão gênica.

Obesity has several health risks and is associated with numerous pathologies and low life expectancy. Food imbalance is a factor that needs special attention, as it is able to change the interactions between nutrients and genes. This study aimed at verifying the main lines of research associated with nutrigenomics, and at showing the relationship of the influence of nutrition on the expression of genes related to obesity. The bibliographic survey and scientometric analysis were carried out through the database published in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) and the Centro Latino-Americano de Informação em Ciências da Saúde (BIREME). A total of 118 articles of original research were identified, and were grouped into five categories: caloric restriction; gene expression; food; dietary intervention; and miscellaneous. The results showed that caloric restriction has a direct relationship between gene expression and the control of cancer cells and the reduction of excess adipose tissue. Furthermore, the scientometric analysis related the importance of dietary fibers in reducing cholesterol and insulin sensitivity as well as the action of fasting in the negative regulation of genes that contribute to the growth of adipose tissue. Thus, this paper provides ideological principles to assist specialists in the applicability of strategies to achieve sustainable weight reduction through gene expression.

Gene Expression/genetics , Food/adverse effects , Obesity/genetics , Dietary Fiber , Weight Loss , Adipose Tissue , Caloric Restriction , Dietetics , Nutritional Sciences , Nutrigenomics , Insulin , Neoplasms
Demetra (Rio J.) ; 15(1): 51595, jan.- mar.2020. tab, ilus
文章 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363716


A dietoterapia é essencial para pacientes hospitalizados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a aceitabilidade das refeições do almoço de pacientes que receberam a dietética para Diabetes Mellitus (DM) e verificar aspectos que podem interferir nesse consumo, como as estações do ano. Estudo quantitativo descritivo que avaliou o consumo da refeição almoço dos pacientes que receberam dietética DM em um período de verão e outro de inverno no ano de 2019. Os dados foram verificados em frequências absolutas, porcentagens, médias, e o teste estatístico foi o de regressão logística com a correlação de dados a um nível de significância de 95% (p <0,05) usando o software SPSS® 18.0. Foram selecionadas duas unidades de internação, com amostra de 49 indivíduos (63,3% do sexo masculino). Das 115 refeições servidas, 55,7% foram parcialmente consumidas ou não consumidas. O desperdício de pratos nas refeições do almoço apresentou média per capita de 64,15 g (consumo de 310,89g) no verão e de 135,99g (consumo de 248,12g) no inverno. O padrão do cardápio foi semelhante nas duas estações. Encontrou-se p <0,05 em relação à temporada na associação do odds ratio univariável. Pesquisas dessa natureza são importantes para auxiliar no prognóstico do paciente. (AU)

Diet therapy is essential for hospitalized patients. This study aimed to evaluate the acceptability of lunch meals in patients who received diet for diabetes mellitus (DM) and to verify aspects that may interfere with this consumption, such as seasons. This is a quantitative, descriptive study. The consumption of lunch meal in patients who received dietary DM in summer and a winter period in 2019 was evaluated. The data were verified in absolute frequencies, percentages, means, and the statistical test was the logistic regression with the association data at a 95% significance level (p <0.05) using the SPSS® 18.0 software. Two inpatient units were selected, with a sample of 49 individuals (63.3% males). Out of the 115 lunch meals served, 55.7% were partially consumed or not consumed. The plate waste for the lunch meals showed a mean per capita of 64.15 g (intake of 310.89g) in the summer and of 135.99g (intake of 248.12g) in winter. The menu pattern was similar for both seasons. It was found p <0.05 in relation to the season in the association of univariable odds ratio. This typo of research is important to assist in the patient's prognosis. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Diet, Diabetic , Dietetics , Feeding Behavior , Food Preferences , Inpatients , Brazil , Lunch
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 31: e3102, 2020. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098328


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the meanings of supplement use among those who engage in physical activity in fitness centers. A qualitative study was carried out based on 67 questionnaires answered on the internet by practitioners of physical training. There was also an observation of the groups in the Facebook, the dynamic and other aspects such as discussions, messages, profiles and images. It was detected that physical activity practitioners care more about the quantity of substances ingested than any other factor that may lead them to suffer certain health risks. They believe that so-called "excesses" may cause diseases to the internal organs. Although the participants believe that their own consumption of supplements does not compromise their health, a biomedical authority is crucial for them to recognize whether or not they are at risk. The consumption of supplements can vary depending on what is understood to be excessive and which risks may compromise the body. There are many motivations for managing these substances. Health risks should not be analyzed solely from a biomedical perspective, but also addressed by the socio-cultural logic of the perceptions and meanings attributed by the subjects to the body and the management thereof.

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar os significados do uso de suplementos entre aqueles que praticam atividade física em academias de ginástica. Um estudo qualitativo foi realizado com base em 67 questionários respondidos na internet por praticantes de atividade física. Houve também uma observação dos grupos na Facebook, a dinâmica e outros aspectos como discussões, mensagens, perfis e imagens. Foi detectado que os praticantes de atividade física se importam mais com a quantidade de substâncias ingeridas do que com qualquer outro fator que possa levá-los a sofrer certos riscos à saúde. Eles acreditam que os chamados "excessos" podem causar doenças aos órgãos internos. Embora os participantes acreditem que seu próprio consumo de suplementos não compromete a saúde, a autoridade biomédica é crucial para que eles reconheçam se estão ou não em risco. O consumo de suplementos pode variar dependendo do que se entende ser excessivo e quais os riscos que podem comprometer o corpo. Existem muitas motivações para gerenciar essas substâncias. Os riscos para a saúde não devem ser analisados apenas a partir de uma perspectiva biomédica, mas também abordados pela lógica sociocultural das percepções e significados atribuídos pelos sujeitos ao corpo e ao seu gerenciamento.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Dietary Supplements , Fitness Centers , Physical Education and Training , Behavior , Exercise , Knowledge , Internet , Health Risk , Biomedical Enhancement , Dietetics , Nutritional Sciences , Anabolic Agents , Motor Activity
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719493


Renal transplantation is one of the renal replacement therapies for patients with end-stage renal disease. The number of patients who receive renal transplantation is continuously increasing, and the use of immunosuppressive drugs that are essential after transplantation requires continuous nutritional management. In the early post-transplantation period, sufficient supply of nutrition in consideration of the increase in metabolic demand is necessary. The long-term nutritional management after transplantation requires nutritional interventions to prevent obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, and osteoporosis, which are the adverse effects associated with the use of immunosuppressive drugs. Department of Dietetics in Samsung Medical Center has been engaging with patients to conduct them about initial nutritional assessment and reassessment, description of therapeutic diet, nutrition education for kidney transplantation, and follow-up education after discharge. Nutritional intervention of kidney transplant patients should be carried out according to the post-transplantation period and the nutritional status of the patient. It is necessary to perform patient management according to the planned process.

Humans , Diet , Dietetics , Education , Follow-Up Studies , Hyperlipidemias , Hypertension , Kidney Failure, Chronic , Kidney Transplantation , Kidney , Nutrition Assessment , Nutritional Status , Obesity , Osteoporosis , Renal Replacement Therapy
Health SA Gesondheid (Print) ; 24: 1-6, 2019. ilus
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1262549


Background: A dietary supplement is a product that aims to add nutritional value to the diet. University students are known to make use of dietary supplements to improve their academic performance, increase energy levels and promote overall general health. Based on assumption, students studying towards a nutrition-related degree may eat healthily and choose not to use dietary supplements. Alternatively, because of their interest in and exposure to nutrition, they may decide to use dietary supplements. However, there is a lack of published studies investigating the prevalence of dietary supplement use and reasons for use among South African university students studying towards a nutrition-related degree. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the use of dietary supplements by dietetics students. Setting: University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Results: Of the 139 participants, 23% (n = 32) used dietary supplements. There was a greater use by female students, those who lived at home and those registered for the Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics. Reasons for using dietary supplements included the following: to strengthen the immune system (62.5%), to improve energy levels (56.3%) and to enhance physical health (50%). Cost (32.7%; n = 35), an adequate diet (22.4%; n = 24) and not necessary or waste of money (15%; n = 16) were reasons for not using dietary supplements. Most students (84.4%) made use of a multivitamin and mineral supplement. Conclusion: There was a low prevalence of dietary supplement use by UKZN dietetics students, with the high cost of supplements given as the main reason for non-use

Dietary Supplements , Dietetics , South Africa , Students
HU rev ; 45(4): 431-440, 2019.
文章 在 法语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1177335


Introdução: A batata yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia) ou batata "diet" é considerada uma planta medicinal, nativa das regiões andinas da América do Sul que foi introduzida no Brasil no início dos anos 90. A batata yacon possui baixo valor energético e alto valor nutricional. Este alimento é considerado fonte de FOS podendo ser caracterizado como um alimento funcional, uma vez que, atua na redução dos níveis de glicose do sangue e como prebiótico equilibrando a quantidade de bactérias intestinais promovendo o crescimento de organismos probióticos. Objetivo: Verificar a aceitabilidade da batata yacon em diferentes preparações de alimentos. Materiais e métodos: Revisão sistemática realizada entre agosto e setembro de 2018 por meio das bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SESSP-CTDPROD, BDENF-Enfermagem, PERNAL com a estratégia de busca: (("Polymnia sonchifolius" OR "smallanthus sonchifolius") OR "Yacon" OR "Yakon")). Resultados: Dos 148 artigos encontrados, nove pesquisas foram selecionadas por meio dos critérios de exclusão empregados por três etapas de leitura: de títulos, resumos e textos. Dentre as preparações analisadas, barra de cereais, cookies e iogurtes elaborados com a batata yacon apresentaram índices iguais ou maiores do que 70%. Baixos níveis de aceitabilidade foram avaliados nas seguintes preparações bebida funcional, bolo, geleia e biscoitos diet. Conclusão: A partir dos resultados avaliados concluímos que a barra dietética, os cookies e os iogurtes podem ser inseridos no hábito alimentar da população como boas alternativas de alimentos funcionais, uma vez que possuem boas expectativas de aceitação no mercado e equilíbrio nutricional. Como principal limitação desta revisão apontamos a ausência de escala padronizada para avaliação da qualidade da evidência científica de pesquisas que envolvam análise sensorial

Introdution: Potato yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia) or "diet potatoes" is considered a medicinal plant, native to the Andean regions of South America that was introduced in Brazil in the early 1990's. The yacon potato has low energy value and high nutritional value. This food is considered a source of FOS and can be characterized as a functional food, since it acts to reduce blood glucose levels and as a prebiotic, balancing the amount of intestinal bacteria promoting the growth of probiotic organisms. Objective: To verify the acceptability of yacon potatoes in different food preparations. Material and methods: Systematic review performed between August and September 2018 through the MEDLINE, LILACS, SESSP-CTDPROD, BDENF-Enfermagem, PERNAL databases with the search strategy: ("Polymnia sonchifolius" OR "smallanthus sonchifolius" OR "Yacon" OR "Yakon")). Results: Of the 148 articles found, nine surveys were selected using the exclusion criteria used by three reading stages: titles, abstracts and texts. Among the analyzed preparations, bar of cereals, cookies and yogurts elaborated with the potato yacon presented indexes equal or greater than 70%. Low levels of acceptability were evaluated in the following functional beverage preparations, cake, jelly and diet biscuits. Conclusion: From the results evaluated, we conclude that dietary bar, cookies and yogurts can be inserted ninth food habit of the population as good alternatives of functional foods, since they have good expectations of market acceptance and nutritional balance. As the main limitation of this review pointed to the absence of a standardized scale for assessing the quality of scientific evidence from research involving sensory analysis.

Plants, Medicinal , Solanum tuberosum , Dietetics , Functional Food , Food , Nutritive Value
Health sci. dis ; 18(1): 34-38, 2017. tab
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1262771


Objectifs. Les mesures hygiéno-diététiques représentent un volet important de la prise en charge de l'hypertension artérielle. La bonne connaissance et l'application de ces dernières réduiraient la fréquence des complications de l'hypertension artérielle. Le but de ce travail était d'évaluer le niveau de connaissance des mesures hygiéno-diététiques chez les hypertendus suivis à l'hôpital général de Yaoundé. Méthodes. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale des patients hypertendus sous traitement suivis à l'hôpital général de Yaoundé du 02 janvier au 22 avril 2016.Les données évaluées étaient : le traitement médicamenteux et les mesures hygiéno-diététiques par un questionnaire. Résultats. Nous avons recruté 148 participants hypertendus ; le sex ratio h/f était de 0,56 avec une prédominance de la tranche d'âge de 46 à 65 ans. 64 ,9 % des sujets étaient sous diurétiques thiazidiques. La bithérapie était retrouvée chez 47,3 % des patients et la monothérapie chez 25,7%. Le régime hyposodé était la mesure hygiéno-diététique la plus connue avec un taux de connaissance de 95,9 % suivie respectivement par la réduction de la consommation d'alcool (56,8%), la réduction de la consommation des graisses (53,4%). L'arrêt du tabac et la pratique d'une activité physique régulière étaient connues respectivement par 34 ,2 % et 30,8 % des hypertendus traités tandis que 14,4% d'entre eux considéraient la réduction du poids comme composante du traitement non médicamenteux de l'hypertension artérielle. Au total, 37,2 % des hypertendus avaient globalement une bonne connaissance des mesures hygiéno-diététiques de l'hypertension artérielle. Conclusion. Dans notre population d'hypertendus traités, 62,8 % des sujets avaient une mauvaise connaissance des mesures hygiéno-diététiques. Un tel résultat pourrait suggérer une intensification de l'éducation et de la prescription des mesures hygiéno-diététiques en pratique clinique courante

Cameroon , Dietetics , Hospitals, General , Hygiene , Hypertension
Rev. Kairós ; 19(4): 293-304, mar. 2016. ilus, tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-947894


O presente artigo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre idosos, constipação intestinal e dieta, através de pesquisa bibliográfica integrativa e exploratória, com abordagem descritiva e quantitativa, realizada nas bases de dados de Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e Google Acadêmico.

The following article aims to evaluate the relationship between the elderly, constipation and diet, through integrative and bibliographical research, with descriptive and quantitative approach, performed in the Virtual Library of Health databases and Google Scholar.

El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la relación entre ancianos, estreñimiento y dieta, a través de una investigación bibliográfica y de integración, con enfoque descriptivo y cuantitativo, realizada en la base de datos de la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud y Google Scholar.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Constipation/etiology , Diet/adverse effects , Aging , Constipation/diet therapy , Dietetics , Diet, Healthy
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-174603


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Competent renal dietitians are crucial for better patient compliance and clinical outcomes, specifically in critical settings. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate an evidence-based course in renal dietetics for dietitians working in health care systems where dietetic specialization is absent. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Fifteen licensed dietitians working with hemodialysis patients in Lebanon were randomly recruited to participate in the course. The latter was developed by the study's primary investigator, according to evidence-based practice guidelines, and focused on all aspects of renal nutrition. Total course duration was 28 hours spread over a 2 month period. Dietitians' knowledge in renal nutrition was tested pre- and post-training through a 23-item questionnaire; the total score was expressed in percentage (< 60% score indicated insufficient knowledge). Paired-samples t test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Overall knowledge of the dietitians significantly improved post-training and reached satisfactory levels (pre: 38.75 +/- 17.20%, post: 62.08 +/- 21.85%). Sub-analysis of the change in the knowledge showed significant and satisfactory improvement only in 3 topics: 1) correct body weight use in calculations, 2) energy estimation method and 3) phosphorus management. Knowledge in the fluid management significantly improved but did not achieve a satisfactory level. CONCLUSION: The course significantly improved dietitians' knowledge in renal nutrition. If adopted as part of the continuing education of dietitians in countries that lack dietetic specializations, it may serve the first step towards improving health care practice.

Humans , Body Weight , Delivery of Health Care , Dietetics , Education, Continuing , Evidence-Based Practice , Lebanon , Nutritionists , Patient Compliance , Phosphorus , Renal Dialysis , Research Personnel
Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 26(2): 234-242, 2016. graf, tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: lil-797816


INTRODUCTION: Nutritional conditions and food patterns in preschool children are elements that emphasise the importance of health monitoring in this period of nutritional transition, both to ensure nutritional adequacy and how much to intervene in identified inadequacies. Hence, it may also constitute a strategy for public programs and school health services to make decisions. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the anthropometric and dietary profiles of pre-schoolers of a pole city in Northeastern Brazil. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional evaluative study with 114 children aged 2-5 years, of both genders, in three municipal centres of early childhood education. Anthropometry was used to measure weight and height, and the nutritional condition was assessed using the indexes Height for Age (H/A), Weight for Age (W/A), Weight for Height (W/H) and Body Mass Index for Age (BMI/A) in z-score values with classifications established by the World Health Organization. The food intake record was done by direct weighing of the food menu offered during a week in the three institutions. This procedure allowed for the evaluation of the nutritional composition of menus, from the estimates in percentages, average and standard deviations of total calories, macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) and micronutrients (calcium, iron, vitamins A and C), to the adjustments and comparisons to the reference values of the Recommended Dietary Allowances, National Research Council and the PNAE recommendations, by age stages, in full-time units, 1-3 years, 700 kcal; 4-5 years, 950 kcal (70% coverage prediction of daily nutritional requirements) and the part-time units, these same ranges of age, respectively, 200 and 270 kcal (20% coverage for forecasting nutritional needs daily), considering adequate consumption to that with a variation of up to 10% above or below 100% of these recommendations. RESULTS: Most of the preschool children had adequate nutritional conditions, especially those of full-time units, with relative frequencies (W/A: 94.5%; W/H: 89.5%, BMI/A: 81.7%). There were registered also overweight percentages higher than the deficits, in the indices W/A (22.2%), P/E (33.3%) to municipal early childhood centre CMEI-A girls; the indices W/A, W/H, BMI/A (23.8% each) in CMEI B-boys. In relation to the adequacy of the food profile, there was only convergence between the offer and the recommendation of 70% coverage of the daily energy needs, for pre-schoolers of 4-5 years from the centre of full-time units (mean: 951.2 ± 172.3 kcal). As for nutrients, inadequacies had a trend in the coverage of the daily needs on the menu offered in part-time units. CONCLUSION: Although most children do not present indicative of nutritional risk, requires attention to food portion that was with inadequacies of nutritional condition, with emphasis on weight surplus, while the readjustments in per capita and in portions of the menu implemented in those locations.

INTRODUÇÃO: O estado nutricional e o padrão alimentar de crianças na fase pré-escolar são elementos que ressaltam a importância da vigilância à saúde, nesse cenário de transição nutricional, tanto para garantir as adequações, quanto para intervir nas inadequações identificadas, podendo, inclusive, se constituir em estratégia para a tomada de decisões dos agentes públicos escola e serviço de saúde. OBJETIVO: Analisar os perfis antropométrico e dietético de pré-escolares em cidade polo do Nordeste brasileiro. MÉTODO: Trata-se de estudo avaliativo transversal, com 114 crianças entre 2 a 5 anos, de ambos os sexos, em três centros municipais de educação infantil. Foi utilizada a antropometria para aferir peso e estatura, sendo o estado nutricional avaliado pelos índices Estatura para a Idade (E/I), Peso para a Idade (P/I), Peso para a Estatura (P/E), Índice de Massa Corporal para a Idade (IMC/I) em valores escore-z, com classificação referida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. E registro alimentar com a pesagem direta dos alimentos do cardápio oferecido durante uma semana nas três instituições. Este procedimento permitiu avaliar a composição nutricional dos cardápios a partir da estimativa em valores percentuais, médios e desvios-padrão de calorias totais, macronutrientes (proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios), micronutrientes (Cálcio, Ferro, vitaminas A e C), para fazer as adequações e comparações aos valores de referências da Recommended Dietary Allowances, National Research Council e as recomendações do PNAE, segundo estágios etários, nas unidades de tempo integral, de 1-3 anos, 700 kcal; de 4-5 anos, 950 kcal (previsão de cobertura de 70% das necessidades nutricionais diárias); e nas unidades de meio turno, nesses mesmos intervalos de idade, respectivamente, 200 e 270 kcal (previsão de cobertura de 20% das necessidades nutricionais diárias), considerando como consumo adequado aquele com variação de até 10% acima ou abaixo de 100% dessas recomendações. RESULTADOS: Os pré-escolares, em maioria, com estado nutricional adequado, destacando-se aqueles da unidade de turno integral, com frequências relativas (P/I: 94,5%; P/E: 89,5%; IMC/I: 81,7%). Registraram-se, ainda, porcentagens de excesso de peso maiores que os déficits, nos índices P/I (22,2%), P/E (33,3%), para meninas do CMEI-A; nos índices P/I, P/E, IMC/I (23,8% cada), em meninos do CMEI-B. Quanto à adequação do perfil alimentar, somente houve convergência entre a oferta e a recomendação de 70% de cobertura das necessidades energéticas diárias, para os pré-escolares de 4-5 anos do centro de turno integral (média: 951,2±172,3kcal). Quanto aos nutrientes, houve tendência de inadequações na cobertura das necessidades diárias no cardápio ofertado em unidades de meio turno. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de a maioria das crianças não apresentar indicativo de risco nutricional, requer atenção a parcela que se encontrava com inadequações do estado nutricional, com ênfase aos excedentes ponderais, simultaneamente às readequações nos per capitas e nas porções do cardápio implementado nesses locais.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Dietetics , Health Status , Malnutrition , Nutrition Policy , Nutritional Requirements , Nutritional Status , Pediatric Obesity , School Feeding , Schools, Nursery , Anthropometry , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Public Health Surveillance , Public Policy , Sanitary Profiles
文章 在 韩国 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-73850


OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to examine nutrition problems and causes/contributing risk factors. METHODS: This study was conducted using data 1,863 adults visited Asan health screening & promotion center located in Seoul, Korea during May to June of 2013. We used Nutrition Care Process Model developed by the International Dietetics & Nutrition Terminology (IDNT). RESULTS: The most frequent nutrition problem in male subjects was excessive alcohol intake. Men in fifties showed the highest rate of excessive alcohol intake among the age groups examined (22.4%). By comparison, the most frequent nutrition problem in women was inadequate protein intake. Women in fifties exhibited the highest rate of inadequate protein intake (22.5%). The most common contributing factors for these observations were a low preference for dairy products followed by high preference for alcohol and a deficit in food-and nutrition-related knowledge, regardless of the sex and age. The most common nutrition problem observed among the group diagnosed with hyperglycemia or hypertriglyceridemia or hyperuricemia or fatty liver was excessive alcohol intake (p<0.001), whereas the group diagnosed with hyperglycemia or hypercholesterolemia showed significantly higher rate of inappropriate intake of carbohydrate (fructose) compared to the group not diagnosed with such disease conditions (p<0.05). The group diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia and fatty liver showed significantly higher occurrence of inappropriate intake of fat (saturated fat) than the group free of such diseases (p< 0.001). The osteopenia group showed higher rate of inadequate protein intake (p<0.001) and the fatty liver group with excessive energy intake (p<0.001). Overall, the results suggest that there is a significant relationship between nutrition problems and health conditions found in groups diagnosed with a diverse array of medical conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, we strongly suggest that dieticians should implement nutrition interventions with people visiting health screening & promotion center based on nutrition problems and the contributing factors diagnosed by dietitions in order to prevent chronic diseases in this population.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Bone Diseases, Metabolic , Chronic Disease , Dairy Products , Dietetics , Energy Intake , Fatty Liver , Hypercholesterolemia , Hyperglycemia , Hypertriglyceridemia , Hyperuricemia , Korea , Mass Screening , Nutritionists , Risk Factors , Seoul
Ghana Med. J. (Online) ; 48(4): 219-223, 2015.
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1262283


Objective: Prevalence of obesity and related diseases has increased in Ghana. Dietitians have essential skills to prevent and manage dietary diseases. However; little is known about dietetic practice in Ghana. This paper describes the history and current state of dietetics practice in Ghana. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 13 dietitians and six dietetic interns in February 2012. The questionnaire collected data on perceptions about dietetics practice; career progression; and challenges in dietetics practice in Ghana. Key informant interviews (KII) on history of dietetics in Ghana were also held with four retired dietitians; and two dietetics educators. Additional KII were conducted with the Chief dietitian; two officers of the Ghana Dietetic Association; and three other dietitians. Most KII were conducted faceto-face but a few were only possible via telephone. Some of the KII were audio-recorded; in addition to handwritten notes. Following transcription of audiorecorded interviews; all data were subjected to content analysis. Results: Dietetic practice in Ghana has evolved from low-skilled cadre (catering officers) offering hospitalbased meal services to the current era of available trained dietitians providing diet therapy in diverse settings. However; 80 of the 35 dietitians identified are working in Accra. In three regions of Ghana; there are no dietitians. There remain limited opportunities for continuous learning and professional career advancement. Additionally; there are many unqualified dietitians in practice. Conclusion: A huge unmet need for dietitians exists in all regions of Ghana; except Greater Accra. Bridging this gap is essential to increase access to dietetic care throughout Ghana

Dietetics , Feeding Behavior , Ghana , Nutrition Surveys , Obesity
Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 39(3): 297-305, dec 2014. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-737289


benefited by the ?Bolsa Família? Program in Viçosa, Minas Gerais state, according to the food (in)security status of their households. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with informed participation of the heads of households of 242 preschool children, aged 2-6 years, of both sexes, living in the urban area of the previously mentioned municipality. The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale was used for the evaluation of food (in)security, while the Diet Quality Index, adapted to the Brazilian reality, was used for dietary assessment. Statistical analysis was performed by the Sigma Statistic software for Windows, version 3.5, using the Mann-Whitney and the Kruskal Wallis (p< 0.05) tests. Results: We found prevalence of 27.3% and 72.6% for food security and insecurity, respectively. According to the classification of the Diet Quality Index, the average score was 63.27 ± 7.94 for those under food security, 63.38 ± 8.06 for mild insecurity, 62.42 ± 8.10 for moderate insecurity, and 60.84 ± 7.39 for severe insecurity. No significant difference between the scores of the Diet Quality Index was found according to the classification of food (in)security, but it is worth mentioning that all the children (secure and insecure) investigated were below the recommended level for the intake of cereals, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Conclusions: These findings underscore the importance of using the Brazilian Food InsecurityScale along with another instrument capable of identifying, besides food (in)security, nutrition insecurity related to diet quality, so that action can be taken to improve nutrition and prevent nutritional disorders among children.

Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar a qualidade da alimentação de pré-escolares beneficiados pelo Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), do município de Viçosa-MG, segundo a situação de (in)segurança alimentar do domicílio. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com participação consentida pelos responsáveis de 242 pré-escolares, com idade entre 2 e 6 anos, de ambos os sexos, residentes da zona urbana do município. Para avaliaçãoda (in)segurança alimentar, utilizou-se a Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA), e para avaliação da dieta, utilizou-se o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta (IQD), adaptado à realidade brasileira. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do software Sigma Statistic for Windows versão 3.5 e utilizaram-se os testes de Mann-Whitney e Kruskal Wallis, sendo significante quando p<0,05. Resultados: A prevalência de segurança alimentar encontrada foi de 27,3%, enquanto a de insegurança, 72,6%. Segundo classificação do IQD, a média de pontos foi de 63,27±7,94 para aqueles em segurança alimentar; 63,38±8,06, em insegurança leve; 62,42±8,10, em insegurança moderada, e 60,84±7,39, em insegurança grave. Não foi encontrada diferença significante entre a pontuação do IQD, segundo a classificação de (In)Segurança Alimentar, mas ressalta seque todas as crianças (seguras e inseguras) apresentaram consumo abaixo do recomendado de cereais, hortaliças, frutas e leite e derivados. Conclusões: Isso ressalta a importância de se utilizar a EBIA junto a outro instrumento capaz de identificar, além de (in)segurança alimentar, a insegurança nutricional relacionada à qualidade da dieta, para que seja possível adotar medidas a fim de melhorar a alimentação e prevenir distúrbios nutricionais.

Child, Preschool , Child, Preschool/classification , Dietetics/classification , Food Security
Espaç. saúde (Online) ; 15(2): 37-46, junh. 2014.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-723427


A fim de colaborar com o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina nutrição humana e saúde, ofertada em uma instituição de ensino superior pública federal, este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar uma webliografia básica, que possibilitasse aos estudantes acesso e interação com materiais relevantes, produzidos nacionalmente e disponibilizados em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem(Moodle). A webliografia é apresentada como um índice de links para sites e outros recursos, funcionando como uma das estratégias de ensino tanto nas modalidades presencial e semipresencial quanto a distância. Para a busca foram utilizadas as bases Google e Google Acadêmico, sendo selecionadas 34 referências para compor o material indicado para estudo, dentre sites, materiais governamentais, dissertações e artigos científicos. O artigo trata da metodologia utilizada para a construção desta webliografia, suas vantagens e limitações.

In order to cooperate with the process of teaching and learning in a basic human nutrition course offered in a public university in Brazil, the present study aimed to develop a basic webliography, which enabled students to access and interact with relevant materials produced nationally and made available on a learning environment (Moodle). The webliography is presented as an index of links towebsites and other resources, acting as one of many educational strategies in face-to-face, hybrid or distance courses. Google and Google Scholar databases were used and 34 references were selected to compose the material suitable for study, including websites, government materials, dissertations andscientific papers. The present material discusses the methodology for building the course webliography, its advantages and limitations.

Dietetics , Universities , Teaching Materials