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Acta bioeth ; 27(1): 101-117, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383230


Abstract 19. Literature points to the existent diversity in medical graduate courses' curriculums, reinforcing the need to systematise and deepen more studies in this area with the aim of qualifying the formation of our future professionals. This study aims to understand the methods used in the teaching of Bioethics in medical graduation worldwide. It was characterised as an integrative review and the databases used were Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science. In total 2993 articles were identified and 72 met the pre-selected criteria and were included in the review. The characteristics of teaching bioethics that stood out the most in the analysis were: teaching still very heterogeneous between different universities, use of various methodologies in the process of teaching/learning, teaching disconnected from the medical practice of students showing the need to integrate the curriculum with clinical practice and challenges of teaching-learning process. Most of the studies in this review lead us to understand that there is still no minimum parameters on the ideal method to teach bioethics, suggesting that it may affect the feeling of unpreparedness felt by students in face of ethical issues in clinical practice, despite the theoretical basis acquired.

Resumen 23. La literatura apunta a la diversidad existente en los currículos de los posgrados de medicina, reforzando la necesidad de sistematizar y profundizar más estudios en esta área, con el fin de capacitar la formación de nuestros futuros profesionales. Este estudio tiene como objetivo comprender los métodos utilizados en la enseñanza de la bioética en la graduación médica en el mundo. Se caracterizó como una revisión integradora y las bases de datos utilizadas fueron Pubmed, Scopus y Web of Science. En total se identificaron 2.993 artículos, 72 cumplieron los criterios preseleccionados y se incluyeron en la revisión. Las características de la enseñanza de la bioética que más se destacaron en el análisis fueron: docencia aún muy heterogénea entre diferentes universidades, uso de diversas metodologías en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje, docencia desconectada de la práctica médica de los estudiantes, mostrando la necesidad de integrar el currículo con la práctica clínica y los desafíos del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje. La mayoría de los estudios de esta revisión nos lleva a entender que aún no existen parámetros mínimos sobre el método ideal para enseñar bioética, sugiriendo que puede impactar en la falta de preparación que sienten los estudiantes ante cuestiones éticas en la práctica clínica, a pesar de las teorías base adquiridas.

Resumo: 27. Vários estudos relatam a diversidade existente nos currículos da graduação em medicina, reforçando a necessidade de sistematizar e aprofundar mais estudos nesta área com o objetivo de qualificar a formação dos nossos futuros profissionais. Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender os métodos utilizados no ensino da Bioética na graduação em medicina em todo o mundo. Esse estudo caracterizou-se como revisão integrativa e as bases de dados utilizadas foram Pubmed, Scopus e Web of Science. No total, foram identificados 2.993 artigos e 72 atenderam aos critérios pré-selecionados e foram incluídos na revisão. As características do ensino da bioética que mais se destacaram nas análises foram: ensino ainda muito heterogêneo entre as diferentes universidades, utilização de diversas metodologias no processo de ensino / aprendizagem, ensino desvinculado da prática médica dos alunos evidenciando a necessidade de integração curricular com a prática clínica e os desafios do processo ensino-aprendizagem. A maioria dos estudos desta revisão nos leva a entender que ainda não existem parâmetros mínimos sobre o método ideal de ensino da bioética e traz como um desafio importante o despreparo sentido pelos alunos frente às questões éticas na prática, apesar da fundamentação teórica adquirida.

Humans , Bioethics/education , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Ethics, Medical/education , Teaching , Curriculum , Ethics
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 29(1): 174-185, enero-mar. 2021. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251072


Resumo Está cada vez mais evidente que a reflexão sobre ciências humanas e deontologia é necessária para a formação mais abrangente do estudante de medicina, visando preparar não apenas profissionais tecnicamente capacitados, mas também humanizados. Diante disso, e a fim de seguir as diretrizes curriculares nacionais atuais, as Faculdades Integradas do Norte de Minas instituíram módulo no sexto período de medicina chamado "Humanidades, Bioética e Antropologia Médica". Objetivando avaliar a percepção de alunos sobre o ensino de ética nessa instituição, esta pesquisa aplicou questionário a estudantes do sétimo ao décimo períodos do curso de medicina. O instrumento contava com perguntas sobre a estruturação do módulo e o ensino de ética. Os resultados evidenciaram a proposta inovadora do módulo e a importância da ética médica na grade curricular no sentido de contribuir para a formação de médicos mais humanos.

Abstract It is increasingly evident that reflection on humanities and deontology is necessary for a more comprehensive training of medical students, aimed at preparing professionals that are not only technically qualified, but also humanized. For this reason and also to follow the current national curriculum guidelines, Faculdades Integradas do Norte de Minas introduced a new module in the sixth period: "Humanities, Bioethics and Medical Anthropology." Aiming to evaluate student perception about the teaching of ethics in the institution, this research applied a questionnaire to the students (seventh to tenth period) of the medical course. The instrument comprised questions on the module's structure and the teaching of ethics. Results show the importance of including medical ethics in the medical curriculum for a more humanized formation of doctors.

Resumen Cada vez es más evidente que la reflexión sobre humanidades y deontología es necesaria para la formación integral del estudiante de medicina, con el objetivo de preparar no solo profesionales técnicamente calificados, sino también humanizados. Por lo tanto, y con el fin de seguir las actuales directrices curriculares nacionales, las Facultades Integradas del Norte de Minas establecieron un módulo en el sexto período de medicina denominado "Humanidades, Bioética y Antropología Médica". Con el fin de evaluar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la enseñanza de la ética en esta institución, esta investigación aplicó un cuestionario a estudiantes del séptimo al décimo período de la carrera de medicina. El instrumento tenía preguntas sobre la estructuración del módulo y la enseñanza de la ética. Los resultados mostraron la propuesta innovadora del módulo y la importancia de la ética médica en el plan de estudios para contribuir a la formación de futuros médicos más humanos.

Perception , Students, Medical , Ethical Theory , Education, Medical , Humanization of Assistance , Ethics, Medical/education , Anthropology, Medical
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(1): e012, 2021.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155913


Resumo: Introdução: Os valores humanos e as virtudes éticas que norteiam a ação médica na sociedade contemporânea são um tema deveras importante, contudo pouco tematizado e enfatizado no processo de formação dos futuros médicos. Objetivo: Dada a suma complexidade do assunto para a formação profissional integral, haja vista a medicina ser uma ciência sobretudo humana que alia técnica e conhecimento ao bem-estar das pessoas, faz-se necessário problematizar quais os principais desafios bioéticos na formação médica sob uma perspectiva teleológica e axiológica. Métodos: Por meio de um artigo de reflexão, far-se-á uma análise sistemático-crítica conceitual das principais virtudes e dos principais valores debatidos e refletidos na tradição ética ocidental mediante cotejamento bibliográfico à luz do atual estado da arte do processo formativo médico. Resultado: A preocupação didático-pedagógica com valores e virtudes ético-morais, tais como caráter, amor, liberdade, respeito, responsabilidade, compaixão, paciência, humildade, fortaleza, prudência, justiça e coragem, entre outros, não está sendo privilegiada no ensino médico. Há um déficit nessa dimensão, dificultando o amadurecimento e a aprendizagem de práticas ético-morais indispensáveis em nosso tempo. Conclusão: O atual estágio do exercício da profissão médica, imersa num paradigma tecnicista, requer, cada vez mais, profissionais com uma formação humanista e não apenas tecnopragmática. Os desafios advindos de uma sociedade multifacetada, em constante evolução, exigem que as universidades e faculdades médicas enfoquem, precipuamente, as dimensões axiológicas e ético-morais na formação.

Abstract: Introduction: Although the human values and ethical virtues that guide medical action in contemporary society constitute a very important theme, they are given little emphasis in medical training. Objective: Given the complexity of this issue in relation to comprehensive professional training, and since medicine is - an above all human - science, that combines technique and knowledge with people's well-being, it is necessary to question the main bioethical challenges in medical training from a teleological and axiological perspective. Methods: In a reflection paper, a systematic-critical conceptual analysis of the main virtues and values debated and reflected in the Western ethical tradition is conducted by means of bibliographic comparison in light of the current state of the art of the medical training process. Results: A didactic-pedagogical concern with ethical-moral values and virtues such as character, love, freedom, respect, responsibility, compassion, patience, humility, fortitude, prudence, justice and courage, is not being prioritised in medical education. There is a deficit in this dimension, making it difficult for students to mature and learn the ethical-moral practices that are indispensable in our time. Conclusion: The current stage in the exercise of the medical profession immersed in a technicalist paradigm increasingly requires professionals with a humanist and not just techno-pragmatic background. The challenges that emerge from a constantly changing and multifaceted society require universities and medical faculties to focus, above all, on the axiological and ethical-moral dimensions of training.

Humans , Bioethical Issues , Education, Medical/ethics , Ethics, Medical/education , Social Values , Ethical Theory
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 28(2): 319-331, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137098


Resumo Impulsionadas pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do curso de graduação em medicina, publicadas em 2001, as universidades reestruturaram seus currículos a fim de articular a prática médica ao Sistema Único de Saúde, dando maior atenção às humanidades. A Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal da Bahia reformulou seu currículo em 2007, implantando o eixo ético-humanístico, ofertado do primeiro ao oitavo semestre. Este estudo analisa a percepção acerca desse eixo com base em questionário respondido por 418 estudantes. A maioria dos participantes afirmou conhecer os objetivos do eixo ético-humanístico, mas acredita que seus colegas de curso não o consideram importante para a formação. A maior parte diz privilegiar disciplinas dos módulos biológico e clínico, mas considera necessário que disciplinas do eixo ético-humanístico estejam presentes em todos os semestres.

Abstract Universities have been restructuring their curricula to direct medical practice onto the Brazilian Unified Health System, driven by the publication of the National Curricular Guidelines for the Undergraduate Medical Course in 2001, by introducing humanities as an important instrument to the students' education. The Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, Brazil, reformulated its curriculum in 2007 and implemented the ethical-humanistic axis, provided from the first to the eighth semester of the course, aiming at adapting the education of physicians to the profile proposed by the guidelines. Our study analyzes the students' perception of this axis in the curriculum. Questionnaires were applied to obtain 418 respondents. The students know the objectives of the ethical-humanistic axis; however, they think their colleagues do not consider the axis important for their education. Although most of students favor subjects from the biological and clinical modules, they also consider the disciplines of the ethical-humanistic axis should be present in all semesters.

Resumen Impulsadas por la publicación de las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales para el Curso de Grado en Medicina, publicadas en 2001, las universidades reestructuraron sus planes de estudio para articular la práctica médica al Sistema Único de Salud, para lo que concedieron mayor atención a las humanidades. La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Federal de Bahía reformuló su plan de estudios en 2007 e implementó el eje ético-humanístico, ofrecido desde el primero hasta el octavo semestre. Este estudio analiza la percepción de este eje, sobre la base de un cuestionario al que respondieron 418 estudiantes. La mayoría de los participantes afirmó que conocía los objetivos del eje ético-humanista, aunque piensan que sus compañeros de curso no lo consideran importante para su formación. La mayor parte afirma que prioriza las disciplinas de los módulos biológico y clínico, aunque considera necesario que las disciplinas del eje ético-humanista estén presentes en todos los semestres.

Perception/ethics , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Ethics, Medical/education
Rev. méd. Chile ; 148(5): 684-688, mayo 2020.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139353


Physicians values are largely supported by a socio-cultural moral basis, also known as "classical utilitarianism". Technological advances and social questions to physicians show their paucity of an ethical conceptualization in medicine. A new way of approaching ethical conflicts in medicine should be constructed. Training should promote ethical reflection about these conflicts and about the actions of physicians. Ontogenetic and phylogenetic research on human nature, and the advances in moral psychology, could allow us to understand the construction of our judgment of values. An introspective emotional and rational effort to understand "how we are" and from there, to "how we act" lacks among physicians. This issue is even more complex in a political-social model which does not stimulate this type of analysis. The university space is a privileged opportunity to educate. The student must be envisioned as a human being whose professional acts should consider the needs of our society, aiming at a new ethical conceptualization in medicine.

Humans , Physicians/psychology , Ethics, Medical/education , Judgment/ethics , Morals
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(8): 1067-1072, ago. 2019. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058644


The Chilean Law regulating the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, contemplates the possibility that health personnel may refrain from doing the procedure if they have stated that they are conscientious objectors (CO). There are numerous articles on the subject. However, the impact on medical training centers when a student or resident abstain from performing certain clinical procedures invoking CO, has seldom been analyzed. In this article, we explore the rights and duties of the CO students to perform an abortion or other clinical procedures for either religious or cultural reasons. Based on international experience, we recommend that all health care centers should have established and publicly known policies on this matter. Finally, we honor CO invoked by students, based on three general principles. First, the autonomy and moral integrity of the students should be respected. Second, an adequate ethical sensitivity is promoted. Third, it contributes to the necessary heterogeneity and diversity of students, promoting a desirable pluralism. However, certain interests and values, such as the well-being of patients, must be considered over and above accepting the CO requests.

Humans , Students, Medical , Conscience , Education, Medical/ethics , Ethics, Medical/education , Morals , Chile , Abortion, Legal/ethics , Personal Autonomy , Education, Medical/methods
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 36(1): 93-99, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043272


La ética moderna, con su racionalismo, ha derivado en una dialéctica entre deontologismo y teleologismo que fragmenta la razón práctica en dos dimensiones: intuitiva-trascendental y calculadora-utilitarista. La inflexibilidad y la casuística son consecuencia de esta filosofía que intenta vanamente dar un fundamento al deber. Para la filosofía moderna, lo primero es la ley, los principios a partir de los cuales surgen las obligaciones. En cambio, la filosofía clásica penetra en la naturaleza del hombre y así conoce, cada vez mejor, el auténtico bien para la persona humana. Se trata de manifestar el «deber ser¼ a partir del «ser¼, la ética desde el conocimiento de la metafísica del acto de ser, superando así la «falacia naturalista¼. El aprecio y el respeto de la persona como un sujeto que posee un valor supremo es lo que fundamenta esta ética con base antropológica. En base a la fundamentación de la ética y la bioética en la filosofía del ser y la antropología, pero sin circunscribirse de manera exclusiva en un planteamiento bioético que desprecie los aportes de otras corrientes. Proponemos, para la carrera de medicina, un plan humanístico que incluya cursos de filosofía, antropología, ética y bioética. Este plan se trabaja fundamentalmente en los primeros años pero continúa a lo largo de las ciencias médicas y culmina, ya al final, en los cursos de clínicas. Al mismo tiempo, la propuesta va más allá del dictado de las propias materias y atraviesa toda la malla curricular. La formación integral que se busca para el estudiante de medicina no se consigue sólo con la existencia de determinadas asignaturas o créditos, sino que va avalada por el trabajo docente de todos.

Modern ethics, with its rationalism, has resulted in a dialectic between deontologism and teleologism that fragments practical reasoning into two dimensions: intuitive-transcendental and calculator-utilitarian. Inflexibility and casuistry are a consequence of this philosophy which vainly tries to give a foundation to duty. For modern philosophy, the first thing is the law, the principles from which obligations arise. Classical philosophy, on the other hand, penetrates into the nature of man and thus knows, better and better each day, the true good for the human person. It is a question of manifesting the "must be" from the "being," the ethics from the knowledge of the metaphysics of the act of being, thus overcoming the "naturalist fallacy." The appreciation and respect of the person as a subject who possesses a supreme value is what underpins this anthropologically-based ethics. Based on the foundation of ethics and bioethics in the philosophy of the being and anthropology, but not limited exclusively to a bioethical approach that disregards the contributions of other currents. For the study of medicine, we propose a humanistic plan that includes courses in philosophy, anthropology, ethics, and bioethics. This plan is mainly worked on in the early years of training but continues throughout the study of medical sciences and is completes, at the end, with the clinical courses. At the same time, the proposal goes beyond the teaching of the subjects per se and goes across the entire curriculum. The integral education that is sought for the medical student is not obtained only with the existence of certain subjects or credits, but it is guaranteed by the teaching work of all.

Bioethics/education , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Ethics, Medical/education
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 36(1): 100-105, ene.-mar. 2019.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043273


Tomando como base las encuestas epidemiológicas sobre salud mental aplicadas a estudiantes de las Ciencias de la Salud de la Facultad de Medicina (Medicina, Enfermería, Obstetricia, Nutrición y Tecnología Médica) de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, el autor postula que existen dos formas de entender las necesidades de enseñanza de la ética: 1) Como estrategia curricular, con información teórica a través de cursos específicos; y, 2) Como soporte al desarrollo moral de la personalidad con diversas metódicas innovadoras. Apoyándose en los resultados de las encuestas citadas, que evidencian prevalencias de vida de intento suicida y conductas disociales mayores que en población general, se plantea que tal enseñanza debe planificarse para dos grupos de alumnos con diferentes necesidades: 1) Aquellos que sin patología de salud mental pueden beneficiarse con la estrategia curricular regular; y, 2) Aquellos que, presentando problemas de salud mental e indicadores de dificultades en su conducta social, deben, además, ser ayudados con técnicas orientadas a ofrecerles apoyo en su desarrollo moral. Y que este reto educativo debe ser responsabilidad de la universidad del siglo XXI, bajo la pregunta de ¿qué necesita nuestro país, profesionales de la salud que sepan ética o que se comporten éticamente?.

Based on the epidemiological surveys on mental health applied to Health Science students of the School of Medicine (Medicine, Nursing, Obstetrics, Nutrition, and Medical Technology) of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, the author postulates that there are two ways to understand the teaching needs of ethics: 1) as a curricular strategy, with theoretical information through specific courses; and, 2) as a support to the moral development of the personality with diverse innovative methods. Based on the results of the surveys mentioned, which show lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts and dissocial behaviors greater than in the general population, it is proposed that such teaching shall be planned for two groups of students with different needs: 1) those without a mental health pathology and who can benefit from the regular curricular strategy; and, 2) those who, with mental health problems and indicators of difficulties in their social behavior, shall also be helped with techniques aimed at offering them support in their moral development. And that this educational challenge must be the responsibility of the university of the 21st century, under the question: What does our country need, health professionals who know ethics or who behave ethically?.

Moral Development , Ethics, Medical/education , Health Occupations/education , Health Occupations/ethics , Curriculum , Education/methods
São Paulo; Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo; 2019. 88 p.
专著 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, SMS-SP | ID: biblio-1436355


Já na graduação, o futuro médico enfrenta dificuldades que vão de lidar com matérias e problemáticas novas, como enfrentar aulas com cadáveres e ­ mais complicado ­, aflições e temores de pacientes e familiares. Ao chegar à residência, por vezes, depara com assédio moral e suas consequências emocionais e profissionais ao longo de toda uma carreira. Não por acaso, foi o tema escolhido pelo Cremesp para esta publicação voltada à formação médica, em especial à residência, mas também à graduação. A obra ora lançada revisa, amplia e atualiza a versão on-line publicada pelo Cremesp em 2016, trazendo enfoques como bases históricas e sociais, relações interpessoais como causa e consequência e o reconhecimento do assédio, entre vários outros. A intenção é conscientizar a classe médica sobre a questão do assédio, sugerir e alavancar medidas para superação.

Humans , Adult , Students, Medical/psychology , Ethics, Medical/education , Emotional Abuse/prevention & control , Internship and Residency/standards , Bullying
Acta bioeth ; 24(1): 105-115, jun. 2018. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-949313


Abstract: 18. Aim: We aimed to receive the opinions of the preclinical medical students on medical ethics education, and to present some suggestions for the education program. Methods: Focus group discussions were held with third-grade medical students. The analyses were implemented using Creswell's six-step qualitative data analysis. Results: During the data analysis, themes with the following titles were identified: necessity of the education, content, education methods, assessment, participation, contribution of the education, moving to clinical training and suggestions. Discussion: The students stated that the discussions on movies/books/case-based scenarios are more useful than lectures. Although they believed that student assessment was necessary for the medical ethics education, they had negative attitudes towards Multiple Choice Questions. At the stage of moving to the clinical training, their feelings and thoughts about the learning outcomes they would gain from ethical education were contradictory. Conclusion: Each theme and code obtained from the students' expressions may contribute to improving medical ethics education for all institutions. Besides student education, it is also necessary the faculty development programs on medical ethics education for clinical teachers. Additionally, further studies can be conducted on the actions that need to be taken to help students internalize the ethical issues and feel the need of learning more.

Resumen: 22. Nuestro objetivo consistió en recibir las opiniones de estudiantes de medicina en pre-clínica sobre educación en ética médica y presentar algunas sugerencias para el programa de educación. Métodos: Se mantuvo discusiones de grupo focal con estudiantes de medicina de tercer grado. Se implementó el análisis cualitativo de datos de seis pasos de Creswell. Resultados: Mediante el análisis de datos, se identificaron los siguientes temas: necesidad de la educación, contenido, métodos de educación, evaluación, participación, contribución de la educación, el paso a formación clínica y sugerencias. Discusión: Los estudiantes consideraron que las discusiones sobre películas/libros/escenarios de casos eran más útiles que las clases dictadas. Aunque pensaban que la evaluación de los estudiantes era necesaria para la educación en ética médica, no valoraron positivamente las pruebas de preguntas con respuesta múltiple. En el paso a la formación clínica, sus sentimientos y pensamientos sobre los resultados del aprendizaje en educación ética eran contradictorios. Conclusión: Cada tema y código obtenido de las propuestas de los estudiantes puede contribuir a mejorar la educación en ética médica en las instituciones. Además de la educación, también es necesario desarrollar programas sobre educación ética médica para los profesores clínicos. Además, se pueden realizar más estudios sobre las acciones que se necesitan tomar para ayudar a los estudiantes a internalizar los temas éticos y sentir la necesidad de aprender más.

Resumo: 26. Objetivo: tivemos como objetivo coletar as opiniões dos estudantes pré-clínicos de medicina no ensino da ética médica e apresentar algumas sugestões para o programa de ensino. Métodos: foram realizadas discussões em grupos focais com estudantes do 3º período de medicina. As análises foram implementadas usando o método qualitativo de seis etapas de Creswell. Resultados: Durante a análise de dados, os seguintes temas foram identificados: a necessidade da educação, conteúdo, métodos de ensino, avaliação, participação, contribuição da educação, transição para o treinamento clínico e sugestões. Discussão: Os alunos concluíram que as discussões sobre filmes/livros/estudos de caso são mais úteis que aulas expositivas. Embora eles acreditassem que a avaliação de alunos era necessária para o ensino da ética médica, eles tinham atitudes negativas em relação a questões de múltipla escolha. Na fase de transição para o treinamento clínico, seus sentimentos e pensamentos sobre os resultados da aprendizagem, que eles obteriam com o ensino da ética eram contraditórios. Conclusão: Cada tema e código obtidos das opiniões dos alunos podem contribuir para melhorar o ensino da ética médica para todas as instituições. Além do ensino dirigido ao aluno, é necessário que haja também programas de desenvolvimento do corpo docente acerca da educação de ética médica. Ademais, mais estudos podem ser realizados sobre as ações que precisam ser tomadas para ajudar os alunos a interiorizar as questões éticas e sentir a necessidade de aprender mais a respeito.

Humans , Students, Medical/psychology , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Ethics, Medical/education , Turkey , Focus Groups , Qualitative Research
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;44(2)abr.-jun. 2018. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901570


Introducción: Las nuevas tecnologías disponibles en el campo de la genética humana y médica pueden ser utilizadas, cada vez más, con fines médicos preventivos. Existe también el riesgo de su uso indebido que favorezca la discriminación y la eutanasia selectiva y minimice el papel de los condicionantes sociales en la salud de las poblaciones. Objetivo: Establecer normas éticas para garantizar que las pruebas presintomáticas en Cuba se realicen conforme a los principios éticos de respeto a la autonomía, justicia, beneficencia y no maleficencia. Métodos: Estas normas se elaboraron a partir de una propuesta discutida y consensuada en talleres nacionales con la participación de genetistas clínicos de todo el país y aprobadas por el Comité de Ética del Centro Nacional de Genética Médica y el Ministerio de Salud Pública. Resultados: Las normas aprobadas consideraron aspectos esenciales como el conocimiento sobre el alcance de la información que la prueba revelará y sus implicaciones a nivel personal y familiar, el consentimiento informado para su realización, las condiciones en que se realiza y la seguridad de sus resultados, las obligaciones médicas antes, durante y después de la realización de la prueba y lo concerniente a la privacidad y confidencialidad de la información. Conclusiones: La generalización y cumplimiento de las normas aprobadas asegura la protección a individuos y familias vulnerables, contribuye a mejorar su atención médica y a aminorar el impacto que sobre su salud, su reproducción y su vida en general, tienen las severas enfermedades para las que están en riesgo o padecen(AU)

Introduction: New technologies available in the field of human and medical genetics can increasingly be used for preventive medical purposes. There is also the risk of misuse that favors discrimination and selective euthanasia, and that minimizes the role of social determinants in the health of the populations. Objectives: To establish ethical norms to ensure that presymptomatic tests in Cuba are carried out in accordance with the principles of respect for autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-malice. Methods: These norms were elaborated from a proposal discussed and agreed upon in national workshops with the participation of clinical geneticists from all over the country and approved by the Ethics Committee of the National Center of Medical Genetics and the Ministry of Public Health. Results: The approved norms considered essential aspects such as: the knowledge about the scope of information that the test will reveal and its implications on a personal and family level, informed consent for its implementation, the conditions under which it is performed, and the safety of its results; medical obligations before, during and after the performance of the test; and all concerning to the privacy and confidentiality of the information. Conclusions: The generalization and compliance of these ethical norms ensure the protection of vulnerable individuals and families, contributes to improving their medical care and to reducing the impact on their health, their reproduction and life in general terms of the severe diseases they are at risk or suffering from(AU)

Humans , Ethics, Medical/education , Genetic Counseling/methods , Genetics, Medical/methods , Genetics, Medical/standards , Cuba
Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 59(1): 41-50, 2018. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-972861


INTRODUCCIÓN: Se presenta un estudio realizado durante la gestión 2017 sobre Valores y Virtudes del médico del Siglo XXI. OBJETIVO: Determinar el grado de conocimiento sobre los valores humanos del médico del siglo XXI, que tienen docentes y estudiantes de la Carrera de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (U.M.S.A.). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, realizado en la gestión académica 2017, mediante la aplicación de la encuesta educativa: "Principios y Valores en el Médico". Participaron 912 estudiantes correspondientes a los seis años de la Carrera de Medicina y 56 docentes, la muestra fue voluntaria. RESULTADOS: El valor más conocido por los estudiantes de primero a quinto año de Medicina es el de la Cortesía (de 77 por ciento a 71.5 por ciento), seguido por el valor de la Sencillez que está entre el 60 por ciento y el 72 por ciento; el valor menos conceptualizado es el de la Honestidad en estudiantes de todos los años, incluido Internado rotatorio (4.3 por ciento a 10 por ciento). En docentes el valor que definen todos (100 por ciento) es el de la Sencillez, le sigue el de la Cortesía con 95 por ciento. Se evidencia mayor nivel de conocimiento sobre los valores del médico (de 56 por ciento a 100 por ciento) en el grupo de docentes en todos los valores, comparado con el grupo de estudiantes de los seis años (incluido el Internado Rotatorio). Los estudiantes además definen en menor porcentaje los valores de Humanismo y Respeto...

A study carried out during the 2017 term on Values and Virtues ofthe XXI Century physician is presented. OBJECTIVE: To determine the degree of knowledge about the human values of the doctor of the 21 st century, which teachers and students of the Medicine Major of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (U.M.S.A.) have. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried out in the academic term 2017, by means of the application of the educational survey: "Principles and Values in the Physician". 912 students participated, corresponding to the sixyears ofthe Medicine Major and 56 teachers, the sample was voluntary. RESULTS: The best known value for students from first to fifth year of Medicine is Courtesy (from 77 percent to 71.5 percent), followed by the value of Simplicity that is between 60 percent and 72 percent; the least conceptualized value is Honesty in students ofallyears, including Rotary Internship (4.3 percent to 10 percent). Among teachers the value that they all define (100 percent) is that of Simplicity, followed by Courtesy with 95 percent. There is a greater level of knowledge about the values of the doctor (from 56 percent to 100 percent) in the group of teachers in all the values, except Honesty (36 percent), compared with the group of students of the six years (including Rotary Internship). The students also define in a lower percentage the values of Humanism and Respect...

Ethics, Medical/education , Social Values
Rev. medica electron ; 39(6): 1297-1307, nov.-dic. 2017.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1146397


Se pretende divulgar el trabajo para la formación en ética de investigación de la Caribbean Research Ethics Education Initiative (CREEI), y argumentar los retos de la capacitación en bioética ante nuevos y complejos dilemas de salud en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. La CREEI es un programa que puede ser analizado, mejorado y reproducido en los países asociados, para habilitar, en programas híbridos, la reflexión con perspectiva ética, la argumentación en la generación de planes, programas y políticas públicas sanitarias; la pertinencia social, la integridad y dignidad humana; y sobre todo, la actuación para garantizar el ejercicio de la autonomía individual y social, y la tutela de la comunidad que requiera el cuidado del otro, incluyendo humanos, no humanos y medio ambiente. Para ello se utilizan dos herramientas metodológicas principales, el pensamiento complejo de Morin, con estudio de caso y análisis de problema en el sistema educativo basado en el aprendizaje del estudiante y en el significado del fenómeno de estudio; y la casuística como metodología de la ética aplicada, que permite una ética alerta de la moral laica, plural, multidisciplinaria, incluyente o alternativa a otros métodos como el principialista, el personalista, el feminista, etc. Finalmente, el presente muestra los resultados a la fecha de la iniciativa de formación CREEI, el perfil de los participantes en dos generaciones, y los retos de reproducción, cambio o mejora que tiene el programa, atendiendo los requerimientos de los países asociados en materia de formación, capacitación y atención en salud e investigación actual (AU).

It is pretended to divulgate the academic work of the Caribbean Research Ethics Education Initiative, and to debate the Bioethics training challenges in front of new and complex dilemmas of health in Latin America and the Caribbean. It shows the CREEI as a program that can be analyzed, improved and replicated in partner countries to enable in hybrid programs (classroom and online education), the reflection from an ethical perspective, the debate in the generation of plans, programs and health policies; the social pertinence, the human integrity and dignity and, specially, the behavior ensuring the practice of the individual and social autonomy and the tutorship of the community requiring care from others, including humans, non-humans and environment. For this academic challenge, two main methodological tools are used, the complex thought of Morin, with case study and analysis of problem in the educational system, based on student learning and the significance of the phenomenon of study; and the casuistry as methodology of applied ethics, allowing an ethics watchful on secular, plural, multidisciplinary, inclusive moral or alternative to other methods such as the principlist, the personalist, the feminist, etc. Finally, the current work shows the up-today results of the training initiative CREEI, the profile of the participants in two generations, and the challenges of the program reproduction, change or improvement represent, taking into account the current requirements of the participant partner countries in the fields of education, training and care in health and research (AU).

Humans , Bioethics/education , Ethics, Medical/education , Review Literature as Topic , Ethics, Research/education , Education/ethics , Ethics/history , Morals
Rev. medica electron ; 39(2): 280-290, mar.-abr. 2017.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-845415


Introducción: la educación en el trabajo en la especialidad de Medicina General Integral constituye la principal forma de organización de la enseñanza, donde los tutores desempeñan un papel fundamental. Objetivo: caracterizar la educación en el trabajo en la especialidad de Medicina General Integral. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio pedagógico, y en su ejecución se emplearon métodos teóricos como: la revisión bibliográfica y documental, que abarcó las principales temáticas: el plan de estudio de la especialidad de Medicina General Integral, el perfil profesional y recursos para el aprendizaje. Resultados: se expusieron los resultados del análisis documental efectuado a partir de: la formación del profesional, educación en el trabajo, así como los valores y la ética médica. Conclusiones: la educación en el trabajo constituye el principal artífice de los procesos de formación profesional, educación en el trabajo propiamente dicho, así como valores y ética médica (AU).

Introduction: the education in the work in the specialty of General Medicine constitutes the main form of organization of the teaching, where the tutors play a fundamental part. Objective: to characterize the education in the work in the specialty of Integral General Medicine. Materials and Methods: a pedagogic study was carried out, and in their execution theoretical methods were used as: the bibliographical and documental revision that embraced the main ones thematic: the plan of study of the specialty of General Medicine, the professional profile and resources for the learning. Results: the results of the documental analysis were exposed made starting from: the professional's formation, education in the work, as well as the values and the medical ethics. Conclusions: the education in the work the main author of the processes of professional formation, education in the properly this work constitutes, as well as you value and medical ethics (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Teaching/education , Teaching/standards , Work/standards , Mentors/education , Education, Medical/methods , Education, Medical/standards , General Practice/education , General Practice/methods , General Practice/ethics , Review Literature as Topic , Education, Professional/methods , Ethics, Medical/education , Professional Training
Rev. medica electron ; 39(supl.1): 832-842, 2017.
文章 在 西班牙语 | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1128749


La relación entre el médico paciente se ha modificado y se requiere realizar una reflexión crítica en torno a los procesos de salud y enfermedad en los diversos escenarios en que éstos se producen para desarrollar una nueva cultura sanitaria. En este contexto, la Bioética y sus principios favorece una manera diferente de entender la relación entre el médico y el paciente, en donde se privilegia el derecho que tiene el paciente como persona con autonomía en la toma de decisiones sobre su salud y se reconoce una responsabilidad compartida que considera el impacto de factores biológicos, sociales, culturales, económicos, psicológicos y éticos sobre la atención médica y el cuidado de la salud. Se hace necesario el aporte de la Filosofía, la Bioética y Ética Médica para investigar y estudiar la relación médico paciente en sus diferentes dimensiones: ética, médica, social y moral; fortalecer las bases éticas y legales de los médicos, lograr que sean capaces de analizar y hacer propuestas que lleven a la solución de los conflictos y dilemas que se generan con el desarrollo, la innovación del conocimiento y la aplicación de la tecnología en los seres humanos, y en todos los seres vivos (AU).

The doctor-patient relationship has changed and it is necessary to carry out a critical reflection on the health-disease processes in the different sets where they take place to develop a new sanitary culture. In this context, Bioethics and its principles favor a different way of understanding the doctor-patient relationship, where the right the patient has as a person with autonomy in taking decisions about his health is privileged, and it is recognized the a shared responsibility that takes into consideration the strike of ethic, psychological, economic, cultural, social and biological factors on medical and health care. The contribution of Philosophy, Bioethics, and Medical Ethics is necessary to investigate and study the doctor-patient relationship in its different dimensions: ethic, medical, social and moral; strengthening the physicians' ethic and legal bases, achieving them to be able of analyzing making propositions leading to the solution of conflicts and dilemmas generated with the development, knowledge innovation and the application of technology in human people and all the rest of living beings (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Physician-Patient Relations/ethics , Culturally Competent Care/ethics , Bioethics/education , Patient Satisfaction , Medical Care/methods , Medical Care/standards , Medical Care/ethics , Ethics, Medical/education , Ethics, Professional/education , Culturally Competent Care/methods , Culturally Competent Care/standards , Culturally Competent Care/trends