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RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1562488


As propagandas de bebidas alcóolicas, além de serem mais frequentes do que outras mercadorias, também apresentam conteúdo que pode ter papel facilitador no uso dessa substância psicoativa, visto que, na maior parte delas, trazem ideias e sensações de prazer. Por isso, esta pesquisa consistiu na identificação e análise qualitativa de propagandas de cerveja que tiveram alguma denúncia feita ao ou pelo Conselho Nacional de Autorregulamentação Publicitária (Conar), nos últimos cinco anos (2015 a 2020), a partir do levantamento dessas denúncias no site do Conar e, posteriormente, foi realizada análise dos motivos condizentes com o código. Como resultado, constatou-se uma progressão nos alinhamentos entre as denúncias e as decisões, sendo encontrada maior dificuldade no alinhamento da infração em relação ao conteúdo das peças publici-tárias do que em questões técnicas.

Advertisements for alcoholic beverages, in addition to being more frequent than other goods, also present content that can play a role in facilitating the use of this psychoactive substance, since, in most of them, they bring ideas and sensations of pleasure. Therefore, this research consisted of the identification and qualitative analysis of beer advertisements that had any complaints made to or by the National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (Conar), in the last five years (2015 to 2020), based on the survey of these complaints on the website of Conar and, subsequently, an analysis of the reasons consistent with the code was carried out. As a result, there was a progression in the alignments between complaints and decisions, with greater difficulty being found in aligning the infraction in relation to the content of the advertising pieces than in technical issues.

Los anuncios de bebidas alcohólicas, además de ser más frecuentes que los de otros productos, también presentan contenidos que pueden desempeñar un papel a la hora de facilitar el consumo de esta sustan-cia psicoactiva, ya que, en la mayoría de ellos, aportan ideas y sensaciones de placer. Por lo tanto, esta investigación consistió en la identificación y análisis cualitativo de los anuncios de cerveza que tuvieron alguna denuncia realizada ante o por el Consejo Nacional de Autorregulación Publicitaria (Conar), en los últimos cinco años (2015 a 2020), a partir de la encuesta a estos. denuncias en el sitio web del Conar y, posteriormente, se realizó un análisis de los motivos compatibles con el código. Como resultado, hubo una progresión en los alineamientos entre denuncias y decisiones, encontrándose mayor dificultad en alinear la infracción con el contenido de las piezas publicitarias que en cuestiones técnicas.

Psychotropic Drugs , Sensation , Alcohol Drinking , Consumer Behavior , Cultural Characteristics , Marketing , Products Publicity Control , Social Networking , Underage Drinking
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559768


En esta investigación se analiza la mejora del servicio de la salud mediante aplicaciones para el paciente, a través del espacio digital personal Mi Salud, que permite a la ciudadanía disponer de su información de salud y de otros servicios en línea para mejorar la relación médico-paciente. Se realizó un estudio de caso en el hospital Sant Llorenç de Viladecans, focalizado en la aplicación Mi Salud, cuya función es, precisamente, mejorar las estrategias de promoción para abordar aspectos como las expectativas, necesidades o características de los clientes. Los resultados mostraron que Mi Salud mejora el índice de satisfacción de los pacientes; que los usuarios de más edad tienden a utilizar más la aplicación, pese a cierto desconocimiento sobre la app, y que el uso de los datos privados es una cuestión secundaria para estos. De manera global se concluye que este tipo de herramientas son eficaces para la consecución de tales objetivos, por lo que resulta recomendable ahondar en su uso para la agilización y mejora de los servicios(AU)

This research analyzes the improvement of the health service through applications for the patient through the personal digital space My Health, which allows citizens to have their health information and other services online to improve the patient -doctor relationship. A case study was carried out at Sant Llorenç de Viladecans hospital, focused on My Health application, whose function is, precisely, to improve promotion strategies to address aspects such as the expectations, needs or client characteristics. The results showed that Mi Salud App improves the patient satisfaction rate; older users tend to use the application more, despite a certain lack of knowledge about the app, and the use of private data is a secondary issue for them. Generally, it is concluded that this type of tools is effective in achieving such objectives, so it is advisable to delve into their use to streamline and to improve services(AU)

Humans , Communications Media , Consumer Behavior , Marketing , COVID-19/epidemiology
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559793


Introducción: La vacunación ha sido una de las intervenciones sanitarias más costo-efectivas, por su impacto en el control de las enfermedades inmunoprevenibles. La pandemia ocasionada por SARS-CoV-2 condujo al desarrollo mundial de más de doscientas vacunas en diferentes fases de investigación con diversas plataformas. Objetivo: Caracterizar la evaluación del control de calidad de las vacunas contra SARS-CoV-2 y los eventos adversos de las aprobadas contra otros agentes patógenos en las diferentes etapas del ensayo preclínico y clínico. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en Google Académico y PubMed/Medline de artículos publicados entre 1969 y marzo de 2021. Se seleccionaron los de mayor relevancia. Desarrollo: Las vacunas se desarrollaron en un corto tiempo ante la pandemia de COVID-19, sin comprometer el adecuado control de los ensayos clínicos. Aunque resultan seguras, no están exentas de eventos adversos; por ello se debe vigilar su seguridad durante el proceso de poscomercialización. Muchas de ellas han comprometido su seguridad. Conclusiones: Las vacunas deben poseer inmunogenicidad, eficacia y seguridad comprobadas. Los eventos adversos pueden surgir en cualquier etapa de la investigación; por tanto, resulta fundamental la vigilancia en la fase de poscomercialización(AU)

Introduction: Vaccination has been one of the most cost-effective health interventions, due to its impact on the control of immunopreventable diseases. The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 led to the worldwide development of more than two hundred vaccines in different phases of research with diverse platforms. Objective: To characterize the quality control assessment of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 and adverse events of those approved against other pathogens at different stages of preclinical and clinical trials. Methods: We searched Google Scholar and PubMed/Medline for articles published between 1969 and March 2021. The most relevant articles were selected. Development: Vaccines were developed in a short time in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, without compromising the adequate control of clinical trials. Although they are safe, they are not free of adverse events; therefore, their safety should be monitored during the post-marketing process. Many of them have compromised their safety. Conclusions: Vaccines should possess proven immunogenicity, efficacy and safety. Adverse events can arise at any stage of research; therefore, post-marketing surveillance is essential(AU)

Humans , Health Surveillance , Marketing/methods , COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19/prevention & control , Quality Control , Immunogenicity, Vaccine , Vaccine Efficacy
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(2): e202102528, abr. 2023. tab
文章 在 英语, 西班牙语 | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1418567


Introducción. En la Argentina, según los datos de la última Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición y Salud, 4 de cada 10 niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNyA) entre 5 y 17 años presentan exceso de peso. Objetivo. Identificar las estrategias de marketing en las páginas de Facebook® e Instagram® de las marcas de los alimentos consumidos por niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNyA), y categorizarlos según las Guías Alimentarias para la Población Argentina (GAPA). Métodos. El análisis se realizó en las publicaciones de agosto y septiembre de 2019, se identificaron aquellas dirigidas a NNyA y se categorizaron los alimentos promocionados según las GAPA. Resultados. De las 200 marcas identificadas, 111 tenían página de Facebook® y 95 de Instagram®. Las marcas que tenían página de Facebook® presentaron 65 publicaciones y las que tenían Instagram®, 64 publicaciones. Las estrategias más utilizadas fueron la imagen del producto y la interacción con los consumidores. La mitad de las páginas estaban dirigidas a NNyA. De los alimentos promocionados, 6 de cada 10 correspondieron al grupo de opcionales según las GAPA. Conclusiones. Se evidencia la importancia de monitorear la implicancia de las redes sociales en las conductas alimentarias.

Introduction. As per the National Survey on Nutrition and Health, in Argentina, 4/10 children and adolescents aged 5­17 years are overweight. Objective. To identify marketing strategies on Facebook® and Instagram® of brands of foods consumed by children and adolescents and to categorize them according to the Dietary Guidelines for the Argentine Population (GAPA). Methods. The posts made between August and September 2019 were analyzed, identifying those targeted at children and adolescents and categorizing promoted foods according to the GAPA. Results. Out of 200 brands identified, 111 had a Facebook® page and made 65 posts and 95 had an Instagram® account and made 64 posts. Product image and interaction with consumers were the more used stategies. Six out of 10 of the foods promoted corresponded to the optional group according to the GAPA. Conclusions. It is important to monitor the implications social media have on eating behaviors.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Marketing/methods , Social Media , Argentina , Nutritional Status , Cross-Sectional Studies , Food
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 49(1)mar. 2023.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441855


Introducción: El comercio de servicios educativos se ha desarrollado a partir de la consideración de la educación como algo que se produce y se vende. Actualmente, las organizaciones de servicios, así como las educativas, solo perdurarán si compiten con éxito en los mercados nacionales e internacionales. Objetivo: Propiciar la concientización de la importancia de hacer competitivos los servicios educativos con que cuenta el Sistema Nacional de Salud en Cuba. Posicionamiento del autor: es criterio del autor, que en los servicios educativos que se ofrecen, debe primar el interés social, ya sea los que se ofertan con carácter público como los que se comercializan, pero sin dejar de tomar en cuenta la eficiencia, racionalidad y flexibilidad. Lograr un balance adecuado que permita la comercialización sin dejar atrás los objetivos sociales de la educación. Conclusiones: En el trabajo se demuestra que es posible comercializar los servicios educativos de ciencias de la salud, más allá de las fronteras nacionales, con una estrategia de marketing de calidad que los haga competitivos en el escenario internacional(AU)

Introduction: Trade in educational services has developed from the consideration of education as something that is produced and sold. Today, service organizations, as well as educational organizations, will only endure if they compete successfully in domestic and international markets. Objective: To raise awareness of the importance of making competitive the educational services available to the National Health System in Cuba. Positioning of the author: It is the author's discretion that in the educational services offered, the social interest must prevail, whether those offered publicly or those that are commercialized, but without neglecting to take into account efficiency, rationality and flexibility. Achieve an adequate balance that allows commercialization without leaving behind the social objectives of education. Conclusions: The work shows that it is possible to commercialize educational services of health sciences, beyond national borders, with a quality marketing strategy that makes them competitive in the international scenario(AU)

Humans , Marketing , Educational and Promotional Materials , Products Commerce
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971309


The real-world data of Hainan Boao Lecheng International Tourism Pilot Zone has the advantage of supporting pre-market clinical evaluation of medical devices. Based on the relevant requirements of clinical evaluation of medical devices and based on the practical experience of pilot devices in the early stage, the application of Boao Lecheng real-world data in the pre-market clinical evaluation path of medical devices from the perspective of review is discussed. At the same time, the elements that should be considered in real-world study design and the way of data quality evaluation are proposed. Expect to provide a reference in order to allow registration applicants to use real world data wisely to help declare device registration for marketing.

Device Approval , Marketing , Research Design
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010239


Traditional Chinese medicine fumigation device is the carrier of traditional Chinese medicine fumigation treatment. In recent years, with the rapid development of new technology and new materials, the development of fumigation device changes with each passing day, and a variety of new products continue to emerge. However, at present, the lack of corresponding evaluation norms, resulting in some difficulties in the registration, marketing, quality control, evaluation scale and other aspects of the product. Some products have many disadvantages in clinical use. From the perspective of technical review, this paper elaborates and analyzes the main concerns in technical review, such as product structure, main risks, performance requirements, clinical evaluation, etc., in order to provide a basis for the design, development, production, registration, use and post-marketing supervision of the devices.

Fumigation , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Marketing , Quality Control
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252949, 2023. graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440791


As startups são empresas que apresentam modelos de negócios marcados pela inovação, rapidez, flexibilidade e alta capacidade de adaptação aos mercados. Atuando em diferentes setores socioeconômicos, elas prometem criar e transformar produtos e serviços. A emergência e disseminação dessas empresas ocorrem em um momento histórico de mudanças iniciadas a partir de 1970 e marcadas pelas crises geradas com o esgotamento do paradigma da sociedade urbano industrial. No Brasil, o número desse modelo de negócio apresentou uma expansão expressiva, alcançando a marca de 13.374 nos últimos cinco anos. Atento a esse cenário, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em compreender como sujeitos, grupos e instituições atribuem sentidos à experiência de trabalho nas chamadas startups. Na parte teórica, as condições sociais e econômicas que possibilitaram a emergência e disseminação das startups são analisadas em uma perspectiva crítica. A parte empírica, por sua vez, apresenta depoimentos de empreendedores relatando o contexto geral de atuação nas startups. Ao final deste artigo, conclui-se que há uma instrumentalização capitalística de componentes subjetivos específicos selecionados e colocados em circulação para fortalecer o modo de produção capitalista financeirizado.(AU)

Startups are companies that have business models characterized by innovation, speed, flexibility, and a high capacity to adapt to markets. Operating in different socioeconomic sectors, they promise to create and transform products and services. The emergence and dissemination of these companies occur at a historical moment of changes that began from 1970 and are marked by the crises generated by the exhaustion of the paradigm of industrial urban society. In Brazil, the number of businesses in this model showed a significant expansion, reaching 13,374 companies in the last five years. Attentive to this scenario, the objective of this research was to understand how subjects, groups, and institutions attribute meanings to the work experience in so-called startups. In the theoretical part, the social and economic conditions that enabled the emergence and dissemination of startups are analyzed in a critical perspective. The empirical part presents entrepreneurs reporting the general context of action in startups. At the end of this article, it is concluded that there is a capitalistic instrumentalization of specific subjective components that are selected and put into circulation to strengthen the financed capitalist production.(AU)

Las startups son empresas que tienen modelos de negocio marcados por la innovación, la velocidad, la flexibilidad y una alta capacidad de adaptación a los mercados. Desde diferentes sectores socioeconómicos, las startups prometen crear y transformar productos y servicios. La aparición y difusión de estas empresas se produce en un momento histórico de cambios que comenzó a partir de 1970 y que está marcado por crisis generadas por el agotamiento del paradigma de la sociedad urbana industrial. En Brasil, estas empresas se expandieron significativamente alcanzando la marca de 13.374 empresas en los últimos cinco años. En este escenario, el objetivo de esta investigación fue entender cómo los sujetos, grupos e instituciones atribuyen significados a la experiencia laboral en las startups. En la parte teórica, se analizan las condiciones sociales y económicas que permitieron el surgimiento y la difusión de las startups en una perspectiva crítica. La parte empírica presenta testimonios de emprendedores que informan sobre el trabajo en startups. La investigación concluye que hay una instrumentalización capitalista de componentes subjetivos específicos que se seleccionan y ponen en circulación para fortalecer el modo de producción capitalista financiero.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Psychology, Social , Work , Organizations , Capitalism , Organization and Administration , Organizational Innovation , Peer Group , Personality , Politics , Professional Corporations , Professional Practice , Psychology , Public Relations , Risk Management , Safety , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Social Adjustment , Social Change , Social Values , Technology , Thinking , Work Hours , Decision Making, Organizational , Competitive Bidding , Capital Financing , Artificial Intelligence , Consensus Development Conferences as Topic , Organizational Culture , Health , Administrative Personnel , Occupational Health , Planning Techniques , Adolescent , Entrepreneurship , Employment, Supported , Private Sector , Models, Organizational , Interview , Total Quality Management , Time Management , Efficiency, Organizational , Competitive Behavior , Natural Resources , Consumer Behavior , Contract Services , Benchmarking , Patent , Outsourced Services , Cultural Evolution , Marketing , Diffusion of Innovation , Economic Competition , Efficiency , Employment , Scientific and Educational Events , Products Commerce , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Agribusiness , Planning , High-Throughput Screening Assays , Small Business , Social Networking , Financial Management , Inventions , Crowdsourcing , Cloud Computing , Work-Life Balance , Stakeholder Participation , Sustainable Growth , Freedom , Big Data , Facilities and Services Utilization , e-Commerce , Blockchain , Universal Design , Augmented Reality , Intelligence , Investments , Mass Media , Occupations
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255290, 2023. graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529217


Os jogos digitais são considerados um ambiente de privilégio masculino que exalta o padrão heteronormativo de masculinidade. A partir da Teoria das Representações Sociais, buscamos identificar as diferentes formas de expressão e ancoragens da homofobia a partir de princípios organizadores, nos discursos dos fãs do jogo League of Legends (LoL) na rede social Facebook. Foram selecionados 470 comentários publicados em 2017, os quais foram analisados com apoio do Iramuteq (software de análise lexicométrica) por meio de uma classificação hierárquica descendente, resultando em quatro classes: "Debate sobre a sexualidade dos campeões" (14,9%), "Representatividade no LoL" (29,8%), "Confronto entre as histórias de Varus" (39%), e "Estratégia empresarial" (16,2%). Os resultados evidenciam a existência de um conflito intergrupal, mediado pelo processo de ameaça simbólica: enquanto alguns comentários, realizados majoritariamente por homens heterossexuais, se utilizam do preconceito sutil para perpetuar a manutenção da heteronormatividade, outros comentários reforçam a importância da representação da diversidade nos jogos digitais.(AU)

Digital games are considered an environment of male privilege that promotes heteronormative standard of masculinity. Based on the Theory of Social Representations, we seek to identify, based on organizing principles, the forms of expression and anchorages processes related to homophobia within the speeches of the fans of the game League of Legends (LoL), on Facebook. A total of 470 comments published in 2017 were selected to be then analyzed with support from IRAMUTEQ software (lexicometric analysis software), which resulted in four classes: "Debate on the sexuality of champions" (14.9%), "Representativeness in LoL" (29.8%), "Confrontation between the stories of Varus" (39%), and "Business strategy" (16.2%). The results show intergroup conflict that is mediated by the process of symbolic threat: some comments, which are mostly from heterosexual men, carry aspects of covert prejudice to perpetuate the maintenance of heteronormative standards, whereas other comments reinforce the importance of representing diversity in digital games.(AU)

Los juegos digitales son un entorno de privilegio masculino que enaltece el estándar heteronormativo de la masculinidad. Con base en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales, buscamos identificar las formas de expresión y anclaje de la homofobia a partir de principios organizativos en los discursos de aficionados del juego League of Legends (LoL) en la red social Facebook. Se seleccionaron 470 comentarios publicados en 2017, que pasaron por el análisis en IRAMUTEQ (software de análisis lexicométrico) mediante una clasificación jerárquica descendiente la cual dio como resultado cuatro clases: "Debate sobre la sexualidad de campeones" (14,9%), "Representatividad en LoL" (29,8%), "Confrontación entre las historias de Varus" (39%) y "Estrategia comercial" (16,2%). Los resultados muestran un conflicto intergrupal, mediado por la amenaza simbólica; mientras que algunos comentarios, hechos en su mayoría por hombres heterosexuales, utilizan prejuicios sutiles para perpetuar el mantenimiento de la heteronormatividad, otros comentarios refuerzan la importancia de representar la diversidad en los juegos digitales.(AU)

Humans , Male , Video Games , Hazards , Gender Norms , Exergaming , Personality , Aptitude , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Rejection, Psychology , Religion , Self Concept , Social Behavior , Social Problems , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Stereotyping , Taboo , Violence , Women , Behavior , Brazil , Bisexuality , Family , Ceremonial Behavior , Communications Media , Homosexuality, Male , Homosexuality, Female , Privacy , Internet , Crime , Culture , Psychosocial Impact , Ethical Relativism , Marketing , Ego , Erotica , Population Studies in Public Health , Ethics , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Social Stigma , Social Media , Racism , Sexism , Social Discrimination , Transgender Persons , Protective Factors , Harassment, Non-Sexual , Social Privilege , Monosexuality , Cisgender Persons , Transphobia , Androcentrism , Gender Stereotyping , Gender Performativity , Cyberbullying , Respect , Gender Identity , Weight Prejudice , Internet Use , Gender Equity , Gender Role , Social Representation , Social Status , Belonging , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Hostility , Love , Morale
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 57: 44, 2023. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450402


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the availability of different promotional strategies applied for UPF sales in Brazilian food retailers. METHODS Information available on food packaging was gathered from all packaged products sold in the five largest food retail chains in Brazil in 2017. UPF were identified using the NOVA food classification system. From this sample, data related to promotional characteristics, nutrition claims and health claims were collected and coded using the INFORMAS methodology. Additional claims referring to the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines were also collected. RESULTS This study evaluated the packaging of 2,238 UPF, of which 59.8% presented at least one promotional strategy. Almost one third denoted a simultaneous use of different promotional strategies in the same packaging. Nutrition claims were the most commonly found promotional strategy, followed by health claims and the use of characters. The food subgroups comprising the highest prevalence of promotional strategies on their labels were: noncaloric sweeteners (100.0%), breakfast cereals and granola bars (96.2%), juices, nectars and fruit-flavoured drinks (92.9%), other unsweetened beverages (92.9%), and other sweetened beverages (92.6%). CONCLUSIONS Considering the poor nutritional quality of UPF, the widespread presence of promotional features on their packaging highlights the need for marketing restrictions on this kind of product.

Food Packaging , Marketing , Food Labeling , Food, Processed
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 43(3): 12-16, set.-dez. 2022. graf, tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1381007


Verificar a rotina dos cirurgiões-dentistas (CD) e a utilização das mídias sociais, como meio de divulgação profissional e de atração de pacientes em clínicas odontológicas privadas, durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Este estudo transversal qualitativo inclui questionários respondidos por CD atuantes em clínicas privadas na região sudeste do Brasil. Um questionário virtual, elaborado através da plataforma Google Forms, abordou informações sobre o perfil dos profissionais e os aspectos dos métodos publicitários e mídias sociais utilizados para o alcance de pacientes durante o período de pandemia de Covid-19. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística descritiva (%). No total, 102 CD participaram do estudo, sendo que 96 questionários seguiram os critérios de inclusão para a análise dos dados. A divulgação social como meio de exposição profissional foi uma ação realizada por 75 (78,13%) CD da amostra. Considerando esses profissionais, 74 (98,67%) utilizam redes sociais e domínios virtuais para tal finalidade, sendo que 71 (95,95%) CD usufruem do Instagram. Grande parte dos participantes (71,62%) relatou não possuir assessoria de marketing especializada para fazer publicações de conteúdo profissional nas redes sociais, embora a maioria publique este tipo de conteúdo mais de uma vez por semana (58,11%). Uma grande parcela dos participantes do estudo (67,71%) notou que a pandemia de Covid-19 procovou diminuição na quantidade de pacientes nas clínicas odontológicas. A inclusão de outros equipamentos de proteção individual foi a conduta mais seguida pelos CD (56,25%) para evitar a transmissão da doença neste período. Conclui-se que os CD participantes acreditam que a pandemia de Covid-19 promoveu um impacto negativo na atração de pacientes em clínicas odontológicas privadas na região sudeste brasileira, ainda que a maioria destes profissionais tenham incluído outros equipamentos de proteção individual como medida de segurança e utilizem frequentemente redes sociais para divulgação de conteúdo profissional, tendo o Instagram como a principal mídia social. No entanto, a assessoria de marketing especializada em publicações de conteúdo profissional nas redes sociais ainda é um recurso pouco utilizado no meio odontológico(AU)

To verify the routine of Dental Surgeons (DS) and the use of social media as a means of professional dissemination and patient attraction in private dental clinics during the Covid-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional qualitative study included questionnaires answered by Dental Surgeons working in private clinics in the southeastern region of Brazil. A virtual questionnaire, which was developed through the Google Forms platform, addressed information about the profile of professionals and aspects of advertising methods and social media used to reach patients during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The data were tabulated and submitted to descriptive statistical analysis (%). A total of 102 Dental Surgeons participated in the study, with 96 questionnaires meeting the inclusion criteria for data analysis. Social disclosure as a means of professional exposure was an action performed by 75 (78.13%) Dental Surgeons of the survey. Considering these professionals, 74 (98.67%) use social networks and virtual domains for this purpose and 71 (95.95%) Dental Surgeons use Instagram. A large portion of the participants (71.62%) reported not having a specialized marketing consultancy to make professional contente publications on social media, although most publish this type of content more than once a week (58.11%). A large portion of study participants (67.71%) noted that the Covid-19 pandemic caused a decrease in the amount of patients in the dental clinics. The inclusion of other personal protective equipment was the conduct most followed by the Dental Surgeons (56.25%) to avoid the transmission of the disease in this period. It can be concluded that the participating Dental Surgeons believe that the Covid-19 pandemic promoted a negative impact on attracting patients in private dental clinics in the southeastern region of Brazil, in spite of most of these professionals have included other personal protective equipment as safety measure and frequently use social networks for dissemination of professional content, with Instagram as main social media. However, a marketing consultancy specialized in publishing professional content on social networks is still a resource which is little used in the dental environment(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Dentists , Social Media , COVID-19 , Marketing , Social Networking
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(6): 1244-1251, dic. 2022. tab., ilus.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1427415


Las enfermedades cutáneas son una amplia gama de afecciones que afectan la piel, de origen bacteriano, viral, fúngica, reacción alérgica, cáncer, parásito, hereditarias, ideopáticas; por sus sintomatologías pueden generar estigma. Por tal motivo, la Organización Mundial para la Salud, alienta a los Estados miembros a que se involucren en actividades de promoción para aumentar la concienciación con el fin de combatir la discriminación que perciben los pacientes con enfermedades dermatológicas estigmatizantes (EDE), tanto por la comunidad y en los establecimientos de salud, pudiendo repercutir negativamente en la adherencia del tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue valorar el uso de endomarketing para la adherencia al tratamiento de EDE. Se realizó una investigación cuantitativa. Se les aplicó encuesta de endomarketing a 279 participantes; además con 147 pacientes con EDE se indago la percepción de actitudes estigmatizantes. Los resultados mostraron un alcance sobre el endomarketing de 0,62 en personal de atención directa y 0,45 para atención indirecta; los pacientes con mayor percepción de actitudes estigmatizantes fueron los que presentaban afecciones en piel tipo infecciosas, mayormente proveniente de la atención indirecta. Se infiere que el conocimiento sobre las EDE disminuye las expresiones de rechazos. Como alternativas para la formación del personal con una mayor satisfacción en el trabajo, competencia para gestionar y elevado sentido de espiritualidad corporativa, que garantice atención humanitaria a estos pacientes, se sugiere el uso de endomarketing, para conciliar los objetivos e intereses del recurso humano interno a las necesidades y expectativas de los pacientes con EDE(AU)

Skin diseases are a wide range of conditions that affect the skin, of bacterial, viral, fungal origin, allergic reaction, cancer, parasite, hereditary, idiopathic; due to their symptoms they can generate stigma. For this reason, the World Health Organization encourages Member States to engage in promotional activities to raise awareness in order to combat the discrimination perceived by patients with stigmatizing dermatological diseases (SDD), both for the community and in health establishments, which may have a negative impact on adherence to treatment. The objective of this study was to assess the use of endomarketing for adherence to DTS treatment. A quantitative investigation was carried out. An endomarketing survey was applied to 279 participants; In addition, with 147 patients with EDE, the perception of stigmatizing attitudes was investigated. The results showed a reach on endomarketing of 0.62 in direct attention personnel and 0.45 for indirect attention; The patients with the highest perception of stigmatizing attitudes were those who presented infectious-type skin conditions, mostly from indirect care. It is inferred that knowledge about DTS decreases the expressions of rejections. As alternatives for the training of personnel with greater job satisfaction, competence to manage and a high sense of corporate spirituality, which guarantees humanitarian attention to these patients, the use of endomarketing is suggested, to reconcile the objectives and interests of internal human resources. to the needs and expectations of patients with DTS(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Scabies , Skin Diseases , Chickenpox , Marketing , Social Stigma , Patients , Health Personnel
Acta bioeth ; 28(2): 301-309, oct. 2022. tab, ilus
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402921


Abstract: The marketing matrix on a short video platform is an intriguing research topic. It is a novel film marketing strategy on the short video platform that successfully stimulates the audience's emotion in the film marketing process, but it must also be ethically tested.To address this desire, we examine the problem using normative ethics (consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics). The marketing matrix will be addressed within the framework of philosophical ethics, whose emotional marketing can be tested, in what follows, through reviews of literature and content analysis. First and foremost, a matrix standpoint will be adopted in order to provide a preliminary conceptualization along with its emotional techniques of the marketing matrix; then, the marketing matrix will be addressed within the framework of philosophical ethics, whose emotional marketing can be tested. In the future, when creating a moral marketing matrix, the author proposes that numerous ethical concepts be taken into account comprehensively.

Resumen: La matriz de marketing en una plataforma de vídeo de corta duración es un tema de investigación intrigante. Se trata de una novedosa estrategia de marketing cinematográfico en la plataforma de vídeos cortos que estimula con éxito la emoción de la audiencia en el proceso de marketing cinematográfico, pero también debe ponerse a prueba desde el punto de vista ético. Para hacerlo, examinamos el problema utilizando la ética normativa (consecuencialismo, deontología y ética de la virtud). La matriz de marketing se abordará en el marco de la ética filosófica, cuyo marketing emocional puede ponerse a prueba, en lo que sigue, mediante revisiones de la literatura y análisis de contenido. En primer lugar, se adoptará un punto de vista matricial para proporcionar una conceptualización preliminar junto con sus técnicas emocionales de la matriz de marketing; a continuación, se abordará la matriz de marketing en el marco de la ética filosófica, cuyo marketing emocional puede ponerse a prueba. En el futuro, a la hora de crear una matriz de marketing moral, el autor propone que se tengan en cuenta numerosos conceptos éticos de forma exhaustiva.

Resumo: A matriz de marketing em plataforma de vídeos curtos é um tópico de pesquisa intrigante. É uma nova estratégia de marketing em plataforma de vídeos curtos que estimula com sucesso as emoções da audiência no processo de marketing, mas deve ser também eticamente testada. Visando esse propósito, nós examinamos o problema usando ética normativa (consequencialismo, deontologia e ética da virtude). A matriz de marketing será abordada na perspectiva da ética filosófica, cujo marketing emocional pode ser testado através de revisões da literatura e de análise de conteúdo. Em primeiro lugar, um ponto de vista de matriz será adotado de forma a fornecer uma conceitualização juntamente com suas técnicas emocionais de matriz de marketing; em seguida, a matriz de marketing será abordada na perspectiva da ética filosófica, cujo marketing emocional pode ser testado. No futuro, ao criar uma matriz de marketing moral, o autor propõe que inúmeros conceitos éticos sejam levados em consideração de forma abrangente.

Humans , Marketing/ethics , Emotions , Morals , Motion Pictures/ethics , Ethical Theory
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928887


OBJECTIVE@#Sort out and analyze the current status and existing problems of the pilot work of the medical device marketing authorization holder system to provide reference opinions for the full implementation of the medical device marketing authorization holder system.@*METHODS@#Use literature analysis, comparative analysis and field research to comprehensively analyze the status, advantages and risks of commissioned production under the medical device marketing authorization holder system.@*RESULTS@#The commissioned production under the medical device marketing authorization holder system brings dividends and also brings risks.@*CONCLUSIONS@#We should consider improving the medical device marketing authorization holder system from marketing authorization holder, the entrusted manufacturer, and the regulatory authority, and strengthen the quality supervision of the entrusted production of products.

China , Marketing
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928912


In the perspective of technical evaluation, the pre-marketing regulatory requirements of allergen detection reagents in China, America, European Union were compared, and the regulatory risks and performance requirements of this product were analyzed based on the monitoring of post-marketing adverse events, reference standards and domestic and foreign regulatory documents. In view of the "neck-stuck" problems such as the difficulty of clinical trials, the difficulty of finding comparable contrast reagents and the lack of clinical diagnostic gold standards, this paper discusses and gives regulatory suggestions, with a view to providing technical reference for product R&D, production, evaluation, approval and supervision in this field.

Allergens , European Union , Indicators and Reagents , Marketing , Reference Standards
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928914


This study is based on the summary of the characteristics of quality variation of national medical device supervision and inspection in 2020. According to the results of the national medical device supervision and inspection through comparative analysis, this study puts forward suggestions on the medical device production and supervision measures for the post-marketing products, so as to further improve the level of the medical device and ensure the safety use of medical device.

Marketing , Reference Standards
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939767


OBJECTIVE@#This paper puts forward suggestions on the development of in vitro diagnostic reagents and supervision measures for the post-marketing products, so as to further improve the quality of in vitro diagnostic reagents and ensure the safety use of medical device.@*METHODS@#This paper summarizes the quality of in vitro diagnostic reagents and analyzes the causes of the problems, according to the results of the national medical device supervision and inspection in 2020.@*RESULTS@#The overall quality of in vitro diagnostic reagents for national medical device supervision and inspection in 2020 is stable and the unqualified detection rate is 1.6%. However, there are some problems. For example, the management of raw materials is unscientific, the faultiness in the preparation of reference materials, the understanding of standards is unthorough, and the management of instructions is unimportance.@*CONCLUSIONS@#It is suggested that manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic reagents should improve the binding force of the quality management system, strengthen the awareness of risk management, attach importance to communicate with regulatory authorities, study standards sufficiently and strengthen the management of instructions. It is also suggested that the regulatory authorities should strengthen supervision and inspection, and further complete the evaluation guidance and standard publicity and implementation.

Indicators and Reagents , Marketing , Reference Standards
Chinese Journal of Oncology ; (12): 587-592, 2022.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940927


Single-arm trial refers to a clinical trial design that does not set up parallel control group, adopts open design, and does not involve randomization and blind method. These features, on the one hand, speed up the process of clinical trials, significantly shorten the time to market and meet the needs of patients with advanced malignancies, but also lead to the uncertainty of single-arm clinical trials themselves. Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration held a meeting of the oncologic drug advisory committee to discuss six tumor indications that have been accelerated approved, which once again triggered the discussion of single-arm trials. The basis of accelerated approval by single-arm trial is actually a compromise on the level of evidence-based medical evidence requirements after assessing the benefit risk. Therefore, the sponsor should strictly grasp the applicable conditions of single-arm trial in anti-tumor drugs and conduct single-arm trial scientifically. Post-marketing clinical trial should be implement as early as possible to ensure the benefit of patients. Based on the characteristics of single-arm trial, combined with two guidance relevant to single-arm trial issued by National Medical Products Administration recently, this article is supposed to propose and summarize the strategy of single-arm trial supporting the marketing of anti-tumor drugs.

Humans , Antineoplastic Agents/therapeutic use , Clinical Trials as Topic , Marketing , Neoplasms/drug therapy , Research Design , United States , United States Food and Drug Administration
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e19538, 2022. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383993


Abstract The globalization of the pharmaceutical market has enabled access to a considerable number of new medicinal products. Consequently, the circulation of substandard medicinal products has also increased. To minimize this problem, post-marketing quality sampling and testing programs are performed to monitor and confirm that the medicinal products available in the market meet appropriate quality requirements. In this review, the post-approval sampling and testing procedures of six regulatory authorities were compared with the goal of strengthening these market surveillance systems. Similarities were observed between the procedures adopted by different regulatory authorities. However, the agencies were not always transparent about the results of these monitoring procedures. A probable mismatch between the registration procedures and the quality requirements listed in official compendiums was observed, which resulted in dissonance and contradiction between the specifications approved by the regulatory authorities and those required in the pharmacopeias. Therefore, strengthening harmonization projects related to these activities can help minimize such difficulties.

Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Pharmaceutical Preparations/standards , Sampling Studies , Quality Control , Total Quality Management , Marketing
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 56: 1-12, 2022. tab
文章 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1390010


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the receipt of sponsorships from breast-milk substitute companies by health professionals in scientific events. METHODS Multicenter study (Multi-NBCAL) performed from November 2018 to November 2019 in six cities in different Brazilian regions. In 26 public and private hospitals, pediatricians, nutritionists, speech therapists, and a hospital manager were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive analyses were carried out regarding the health professionals' knowledge about the Norma Brasileira de Comercialização de Alimentos para Lactentes e Crianças de Primeira Infância, Bicos, Chupetas e Mamadeiras (NBCAL - Brazilian Code of Marketing of Infant and Toddlers Food and Childcare-related Products), companies sponsoring scientific events, and material or financial sponsorships received, according to profession. RESULTS We interviewed 217 health professionals, mainly pediatricians (48.8%). Slightly more than half of the professionals (54.4%) knew NBCAL, most from Baby-friendly Hospitals. Most health professionals (85.7%) attended scientific events in the last two years, more than half of them (54.3%) sponsored by breast-milk substitute companies, especially Nestlé (85.1%) and Danone (65.3%). These professionals received sponsorships in the events, such as office supplies (49.5%), meals or invitations to parties (29.9%), promotional gifts (21.6%), payment of the conference registration fee (6.2%) or ticket to the conference (2.1%). CONCLUSION The infant food industries violate NBCAL by harassing health professionals in scientific conferences, offering diverse material and financial sponsorships.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar o recebimento de patrocínios da indústria de substitutos do leite materno por profissionais de saúde em eventos científicos. MÉTODOS Inquérito multicêntrico (Multi-NBCAL) conduzido entre novembro de 2018 e novembro de 2019 em seis cidades de diferentes regiões brasileiras. Em 26 hospitais públicos e privados foram entrevistados pediatras, nutricionistas, fonoaudiólogos e um membro da chefia, mediante questionário estruturado. Foram realizadas análises descritivas do conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre a Norma Brasileira de Comercialização de Alimentos para Lactentes e Crianças de Primeira Infância, Bicos, Chupetas e Mamadeiras (NBCAL), das empresas patrocinadoras de eventos científicos e dos patrocínios financeiros ou materiais recebidos, conforme a categoria profissional. RESULTADOS Foram entrevistados 217 profissionais de saúde, principalmente pediatras (48,8%). Pouco mais da metade dos profissionais (54,4%) afirmaram conhecer a NBCAL, principalmente em Hospitais Amigos da Criança. A maior parte (85,7%) dos profissionais de saúde havia participado de congressos científicos nos últimos dois anos, mais da metade, 54,3%, deles apoiados pela indústria de substitutos do leite materno, em especial pela Nestlé (85,1%) e Danone (65,3%). Patrocínios foram recebidos por esses profissionais nos eventos, como materiais de escritório (49,5%), refeições ou convites para festas (29,9%), brindes (21,6%), pagamento de inscrição (6,2%) ou de passagem para o congresso (2,1%). CONCLUSÃO As indústrias de alimentos infantis infringem a NBCAL ao assediar profissionais de saúde em congressos científicos, oferecendo patrocínios materiais e financeiros diversos.

Humans , Female , Infant , Milk Substitutes , Infant Food , Brazil , Breast Feeding , Food Industry , Marketing