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Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 19(1): 110-117, 2020.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363826


OBJETIVO: Identificar e analisar os achados da literatura referentes a terapia miofuncional orofacial em crianças e adolescentes que sofreram queimaduras de cabeça e/ou pescoço. MÉTODO: Revisão sistemática na qual foram incluídos estudos com desenho analítico observacional, sem restrição de idioma ou data de publicação, com a população de crianças de ambos os sexos, faixa etária de 0 a 18 anos, expostas à queimadura de cabeça e/ou pescoço e como desfecho, que tivessem realizado alguma modalidade de terapia miofuncional orofacial. As bases de dados utilizadas para a busca de artigos científicos foram PubMed, Cochrane CENTRAL, LILACS, CidSaude, PAHO, REPIDISCA, BDENF, MedCarib, WHOLIS, IBECS e SciELO, incluindo estudos indexados até dezembro de 2019. A estratégia de busca foi adaptada para cada base de dados. A seleção dos resumos, seleção dos artigos incluídos, extração de dados e análise de viés foi realizada por três pesquisadores separadamente. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 311 artigos nas bases de dados e, desses, quatro foram selecionados para compor o estudo. Identificaram-se diferentes intervenções nos pacientes, variando o tempo e o número de sessões realizadas durante o tratamento de acordo com o tipo de queimadura de exposição, incluindo terapia por pressão, aplicação de silicone, massagem e exercício facial, massagens e uso de aparelhos (placas) associados. CONCLUSÃO: Há falta de evidências sobre a terapia miofuncional orofacial como forma de tratamento para pacientes pediátricos com queimaduras de cabeça e/ou pescoço.

OBJECTIVE: To identify and to analyze the findings in the literature regarding an orofacial myofunctional therapy in children and adolescents who suffered head andor neck burns. METHODS: Systematic review which included studies with observational analytical design, with no restriction on language or publication data, with a population of children of both sexes, aged 0 to 18 years, exposure to head and/or neck burns and as an outcome, they had undergone some modality of orofacial myofunctional therapy. The databases used to search for scientific articles were PubMed, Cochrane CENTRAL, LILACS, CidSaude, PAHO, REPIDISCA, BDENF, MedCarib, WHOLIS, IBECS and SciELO, including studies indexed until December 2019. The search strategy was adapted for each database. The selection of abstracts, selection of included articles, data extraction and bias analysis was performed by three researchers separately. RESULTS: 311 articles were found in the databases, and four were selected to compose the study. Different treatments were identified in patients, varying the time and number of combinations during treatment according to the type of exposure burn, including pressure therapy, silicone application, massage and facial exercise, massage and use of devices (plates) associates. CONCLUSION: There is a lack of evidence on orofacial myofunctional therapy as a form of treatment for pediatric patients with head and/or neck burns.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Burns/therapy , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation , Face , Neck
Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 19(1): 37-42, 2020.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361386


OBJETIVO: Esse estudo teve como propósito verificar, por meio da fotogrametria computadorizada, a eficácia do uso da órtese oral como auxiliar na terapia fonoaudiológica. MÉTODO: Após a documentação fotográfica, cada paciente foi submetido a terapia fonoaudiológica, por meio da terapia miofuncional orofacial, associada ao uso da órtese oral, confeccionada segundo Borges et al. (2011). Ao término do tratamento, foi realizado novo registro fotográfico, em seguida, a mensuração da dimensão vertical (distância entre lábio superior/inferior) e horizontal (distância entre comissuras direita/esquerda), com o uso do programa Corel Draw X3. RESULTADOS: As médias da abertura bucal aumentaram da avaliação inicial para a avaliação final, tendo aumentado 5,1 mm no sentido horizontal (67,3 mm para 72,4 mm) e 13,9 mm no sentido vertical (de 32,7 mm para 46,6 mm). Essas diferenças se revelam significativas para as avaliações (p <0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O uso da órtese oral associado a terapia fonoaudiológica demonstrou ser eficaz como mais um instrumento na prevenção da microstomia.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to through computerized photogrammetry, the efficacy of oral orthosis as an aid in speech therapy. METHODS: After the photographic documentation, each patient underwent speech therapy, through orofacial myofunctional therapy, associated with the use of an oral orthosis, made according to Borges et al. (2011). At the end of the treatment, a new photographic record was taken, then the vertical dimension measurement (distance between upper lip) and horizontal (distance between corners right/left), using the program Corel Draw X3. RESULTS: The mean mouth opening increased from the initial evaluation to the final evaluation, increasing 5.1 mm in the horizontal direction (67.3 mm to 72.4 mm) and 13.9 mm in the vertical direction (from 32.7 mm to 46.6 mm). These differences are significant for the evaluations (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The use of oral orthosis associated with speech therapy proved to be effective as another tool in the prevention of microstomia.

Humans , Burns/rehabilitation , Photogrammetry/instrumentation , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/methods , Microstomia/therapy , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Orthotic Devices/supply & distribution , Longitudinal Studies , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation
Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 15(4): 278-282, out. - dez. 2016.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-915192


Introducción: En la área de fonoaudiología, una quemadura puede producir secuelas en deglución, comunicación (habla y voz) y motricidad orofacial. La inclusión del fonoaudiólogo en el trabajo con quemados ha sido paulatina y con escasa evidencia científica. El objetivo fue describir la intervención fonoaudiológica en un paciente adulto gran quemado internado en la UCI del Hospital de Urgencia Asistencia Pública (HUAP) en Santiago de Chile. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 44 años, con intento de autolisis, 53% de superficie corporal quemada por fuego, con quemadura orofacial e injuria inhalatoria. Resultados: La evaluación fonoaudiológica evidenció trastorno deglutorio, vocal y de la motricidad orofacial. Posteriormente se inició terapia en estas tres áreas. Luego de dos meses, al momento del alta, paciente recuperó en su totalidad función deglutoria y vocal, con mínimas secuelas en motricidad orofacial. Conclusión: La intervención fonoaudiológica precoz favorece la recuperación de la persona quemada y ayuda a disminuir las secuelas posteriores. Es fundamental la inclusión de este profesional en el equipo de rehabilitación del paciente quemado, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional

Introdução: Na área da fonoaudiologia, uma queimadura, uma queimadura pode produzir sequelas na deglutição, comunicação (fala e voz) e motricidade orofacial. A inclusão do fonoaudiólogo no trabalho com queimados tem sido paulatina e com escassa evidência científica. O objetivo foi descrever a intervenção fonoaudiológica em um paciente adulto grande queimado internado na unidade de terapia intensiva do Hospital de Urgencia Asistencia Pública (HUAP), em Santiago do Chile. Relato do caso: paciente, do sexo masculinho, com 44 anos de idade, com tentativa de autoextermínio, 53% da superfície corporal queimada por fogo, com queimadura orofacial e lesão inalatória. Resultados: Avaliação fonoaudiológica evidenciou alteração na deglutição, vocal e da motricidade orofacial. Foi iniciada terapia nestas três áreas. Após dois meses, na alta hospitalar, o paciente recuperou em totalidade sua função deglutativa e vocal, com mínimas sequelas em motricidade orofacial. Conclusão: A intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce favorece a recuperação da pessoa queimada e ajudana diminuição as sequelas posteriores. Torna-se fundamental a inclusão deste profissional na equipe de reabilitação ao paciente queimado, tanto em nível nacional como internacional.

Introduction: Burns can produce Speech-Language Pathology disorders which can include difficulty in swallowing, communication (speech and voice) and orofacial motricity. The inclusion of speech therapist in burn people intervention has been gradual and with limited scientific evidence. The aim was to describe the speech-language intervention in a adult burn interned in the ICU of Hospital de Urgencia Asistencia Pública (HUAP) in Santiago, Chile. Case report: 444-year old male patient, due to attempt suicide, 53% of body surface burned by fire, with orofacial burn and inhalation injury. Results: A speech-language assessment revealed swallowing, voice and orofacial motricity disorders. Subsequently, therapy was started in these three areas. After two months, at discharge, the patient recovered his entirety deglutory and vocal function, with minimal sequelae in orofacial motricity. Conclusion: Early speech therapy favors the recovery of the burned person and helps to reduce subsequent sequelae. It is fundamental the inclusion of this professional in the burn patient rehabilitation team, both nationally and internationally.

Humans , Male , Adult , Burns/therapy , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation , Facial Injuries , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/instrumentation , Chile
文章 在 英语 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140104


Background: Functional posterior crossbites are a common finding in children with deciduous teeth and must be treated as soon as they are diagnosed in order to avoid unwanted changes in normal growth and development patterns. Objective: This study objective was to evaluate the changes caused by Planas' direct tracks treatment on the arch dimensions of patients with functional posterior crossbite in first dentition. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 20 children, 4 to 6 years old, divided into two groups, paired up according to age and gender. Group test was composed of 10 patients with functional posterior crossbite treated with PDT. Group control consisted of 10 children with normal occlusion. The evaluation criteria were intercanine and intermolar distances and Carrea's analysis (arch perimeter). All data were collected by a pre-calibrated examiner on study casts obtained at baseline and after 4 months of treatment. The statistical analysis of the data was achieved using GraphPad InStat software, version 3.05 for Windows, with the level of significance set at 0.05. For the comparison between intercanine and intermolar distances, the Tukey-Kramer Multiple Comparisons test was used. When Carrea's analysis was considered, the Mann-Whitney test was used. Results: At the beginning of the study, all the evaluated criteria showed lower mean values in patients with posterior crossbites, and significant differences between test and control groups were noticed (P<0.05). After the end of follow-up period, these differences could not be verified (P>0.05). Conclusions: Within the limits of the present study, it is possible to conclude that the treatment with Planas' direct tracks was able to give back the normal dimensions of deciduous arch in patients with unilateral functional posterior crossbites, thus making it possible a better growth pattern.

Case-Control Studies , Centric Relation , Child , Child, Preschool , Cuspid/pathology , Dental Arch/pathology , Dental Occlusion, Centric , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Male , Malocclusion/pathology , Malocclusion/therapy , Molar/pathology , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Appliances , Tooth, Deciduous/pathology , Treatment Outcome
J. appl. oral sci ; 17(5): 487-494, Sept.-Oct. 2009. ilus, tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: lil-531402


OBJECTIVES: Functional orthodontic devices can modify oral function thus permitting more adequate growth processes. The assessment of their effects should include both facial morphology and muscle function. This preliminary study investigated whether a preformed functional orthodontic device could induce variations in facial morphology and function along with correction of oral dysfunction in a group of orthodontic patients in the mixed and early permanent dentitions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The three-dimensional coordinates of 50 facial landmarks (forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, jaw and ears) were collected in 10 orthodontic male patients aged 8-13 years, and in 89 healthy reference boys of the same age. Soft tissue facial angles, distances, and ratios were computed. Surface electromyography of the masseter and temporalis muscles was performed, and standardized symmetry, muscular torque and activity were calculated. Soft-tissue facial modifications were analyzed non-invasively before and after a 6-month treatment with a functional device. Comparisons were made with z-scores and paired Student's t-tests. RESULTS: The 6-month treatment stimulated mandibular growth in the anterior and inferior directions, with significant variations in three-dimensional facial divergence and facial convexity. The modifications were larger in the patients than in reference children. In several occasions, the discrepancies relative to the norm became not significant after treatment. No significant variations in standardized muscular activity were found. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary results showed that the continuous and correct use of the functional device induced measurable intraoral (dental arches) and extraoral (face) morphological modifications. The device did not modify the functional equilibrium of the masticatory muscles.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Male , Cephalometry/methods , Electromyography/methods , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Orthodontic Appliances, Functional , Case-Control Studies , Cheek/pathology , Ear, External/pathology , Eye/pathology , Follow-Up Studies , Forehead/pathology , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Malocclusion, Angle Class I/pathology , Malocclusion, Angle Class I/therapy , Mandible/growth & development , Mandible/pathology , Masseter Muscle/physiopathology , Maxilla/pathology , Mouth Breathing/pathology , Mouth Breathing/therapy , Mouth/pathology , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation , Nose/pathology , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontics, Interceptive , Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted , Temporal Muscle/physiopathology , Vertical Dimension
Rev. CEFAC ; 8(4): 485-492, out.-dez 2006. ilus
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-439825


Objetivo: propor um protocolo específico para documentação fotográfica do paciente na área deMotricidade Oral. Método: foi utilizada uma câmera digital fixada em um tripé e foram realizadasfotografias padronizadas corporais e de face. Realizou-se ainda, a teleradiografia lateral contrastadacom bário sobre a língua. Resultados: as fotografias facilitaram a visualização dos nossos resultadosterapêuticos. Conclusão: concluiu-se que a documentação proposta auxilia no diagnóstico e no estudodo prognóstico do paciente, bem como, pode ser utilizado como material auxiliar nas orientaçõesaos responsáveis e ao paciente.

Purpose: to propose a specific protocol for photographic register of Oral Motricity patients. Methods:a digital camera mounted on a tripod was used. Standardized photos of body and face were taken. Atele-radiography modified by using contrast with barium which was spread over the patient’s tonguewas taken. Result: the pictures made easy the visualization of our therapeutic results. Conclusion:so far it is possible to conclude that the proposed documentation helps in the diagnosis process andprognosis analysis, and it may be used as supplementary material for guiding patients and parents onthe best treatment to follow.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Documentation/standards , Stomatognathic Diseases/diagnosis , Photograph/methods , Clinical Protocols/standards , Myofunctional Therapy/standards , Photograph/instrumentation , Prognosis , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2006 Sep; 24(3): 136-9
文章 在 英语 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-115131


Midfacial deficiency is a common feature of cleft lip and palate patients due to scar tissue of the lip and palate closure procedure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the physiological force of the tongue to move the maxilla in forward position. This research has been done experimentally by, before and after treatment following up in private practice. Ten patients (6 female, 4 male) with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate were selected. All of them had Cl III malocclusion with maxillary deficiency due to scar tissue of lip and palate surgery. Their age ranged from 7.6 to 9.8 years. All the patients were delivered tongue appliance to transfer the force of the tongue to maxillary complex. The mean observation time was 13+/-2 months to achieve positive overjet. Pre- and post-lateral cephalograms were compared to evaluate the skeletal changes with paired t-test. The results showed that after the application of tongue appliance, normal sagittal maxillomandibular relationship was achieved. SN-ANS angle was increased 1.9+/-1.8 - P < 0.03. This study showed that the tongue appliance could transfer considerable force during rest and swallowing period to the maxilla. This method might be considered to improve the deficient maxilla by means of growth modification and redirect concept.

Cephalometry , Child , Cicatrix/complications , Cleft Lip/complications , Cleft Palate/complications , Female , Humans , Male , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/etiology , Maxilla/growth & development , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation , Oral Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Orthodontic Appliances, Functional , Retrognathia/etiology , Tongue/physiology
J. bras. ortodon. ortop. facial ; 5(26): 42-46, mar.-abr. 2000. ilus
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-556407


O objetivo deste artigo é oferecer informações e relatar casos clínicos de pacientes que usaram o aparelho miofuncional de guia de erupção chamado Occlus-O-Guide©.

Humans , Child , Tooth Eruption , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation
Pró-fono ; 11(1): 8-12, mar. 1999. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-241977


O Exrcitador Labial foi idealizado na intençäo de concentrar e aumentar a eficácia dos exercícios propostos para a reeducaçäo dos músculos orbiculares orais, propiciando sua tonoficaçäo e alongamento. Por tratar-se de um aparelho elaborado exclusivamente para esse fim, facilita a prática fonoaudiológica mioterápica, reduzindo o número de exercícios e a grande variedade de materiais adaptados e "emprestados", nem sempre adequados e funcionais. Nesse estudo preliminar, 10 crianças passaram a usar o Exercitador Oral, tanto em terapia, como em seus lares, durante 6 meses, com o uso diário por 3 meses e nos meses seguintes, 3 vezes por semana, obtendo modificaçöes significativas nos músculos em questäo

Child , Adolescent , Humans , Activator Appliances , Facial Muscles , Lip/physiopathology , Muscle Tonus , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation
In. Psillakis, Jorge Miguel; Zanini, Silvio Antonio; Mélega, José Marcos; Costa, Edgard Alves; Cruz, Ricardo Lopes. Cirurgia craniomaxilofacial: osteotomias estéticas da face. Rio de Janeiro, Medsi, 1987. p.325-31, ilus.
专著 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-256037