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Medwave ; 24(1): e2771, 29-02-2024. tab
文章 在 英语, 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532756


El cáncer causa millones de muertes a nivel mundial por lo que su registro es fundamental, existiendo registros clínicos, hospitalarios y poblacionales. Estos últimos son el estándar de oro para la información sobre incidencia y supervivencia de cáncer en una región definida. En Chile se cuenta con cinco registros poblacionales ubicados en ciertas zonas del país. El Registro Nacional del Cáncer chileno surge como un desafío para conformar una herramienta transversal a los tres tipos de registro con la finalidad de, al menos, conocer la cantidad de casos por tipo de cáncer. Su diseño implicó un despliegue de acciones orientadas a lograr consensos entre diversos actores respecto de la información, validación y eventos necesarios de registrar. Se identificaron cuatro etapas en el proceso de atención y el registro: sospecha de diagnóstico, confirmación morfológica (biopsia), resolución clínica (comité oncológico incluyendo la indicación de tratamiento), tratamiento y seguimiento oncológico. A su vez, el desarrollo de la plataforma (años 2018 a 2021) implicó levantamiento de información y acuerdos sobre los requerimientos para el co-diseño del registro, incluyendo un exitoso pilotaje con más de 20 establecimientos de salud del sector público y privado con registro de cerca de 7500 casos de cáncer. El despliegue y uso del Registro Nacional de Cáncer a nivel nacional depende de la autoridad sanitaria. Se trata de un sistema de información que recolecta, almacena, procesa y analiza de forma continua y sistemática datos sobre todos los casos y tipos de cánceres que ocurren en el país. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño y desarrollo de la herramienta, los desafíos abordados, sus fortalezas y debilidades.

Cancer causes millions of deaths worldwide, making its registration essential. There are clinical, hospital, and population-based registries in place. The latter is the gold standard for information on cancer incidence and survival in a defined region. Chile has five population-based registries located in specific areas of the country. The Chilean National Cancer Registry emerged with the challenge of creating a tool encompassing all three types of registries to identify the number of cancer cases by type. Its design involved a series of actions to achieve consensus among various actors regarding information, validation, and events to be registered. Four stages were identified in the care and registration process: suspected diagnosis, morphological confirmation (biopsy), clinical resolution (oncology committee, including treatment recommendations), treatment, and oncological follow-up. The platform's development (from 2018 to 2021) involved gathering information and agreements on the requirements for co-designing the registry, including a successful pilot program with over 20 public and private healthcare facilities that recorded nearly 7500 cancer cases. The deployment and use of the National Cancer Registry at a national level depends on the healthcare authority. It is an information system that continuously and systematically collects, stores, processes, and analyzes data on all cancer cases and types occurring in the country. This work presents the design and development of the tool, the challenges addressed, as well as its strengths and weaknesses.

Humans , Neoplasms/therapy , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Information Systems , Chile/epidemiology , Registries , Incidence
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 21-33, 2024.
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007647


γδ T cells are a kind of innate immune T cell. They have not attracted sufficient attention because they account for only a small proportion of all immune cells, and many basic factors related to these cells remain unclear. However, in recent years, with the rapid development of tumor immunotherapy, γδ T cells have attracted increasing attention because of their ability to exert cytotoxic effects on most tumor cells without major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction. An increasing number of basic studies have focused on the development, antigen recognition, activation, and antitumor immune response of γδ T cells. Additionally, γδ T cell-based immunotherapeutic strategies are being developed, and the number of clinical trials investigating such strategies is increasing. This review mainly summarizes the progress of basic research and the clinical application of γδ T cells in tumor immunotherapy to provide a theoretical basis for further the development of γδ T cell-based strategies in the future.

Humans , Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell, gamma-delta , Immunotherapy, Adoptive , T-Lymphocytes , Immunotherapy , Neoplasms/therapy
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4095, 2024. graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1530195


Objective: to understand the meaning attributed by men to the experience of caring for their family member with cancer and to develop a substantive theory that represents the experience of men caring for their family member with cancer. Method: this is qualitative research guided by the methodological framework of Grounded Theory and the precepts of Symbolic Interactionism. A form with identification and interview data was used. The analysis followed the substantive and theoretical coding stages. Results: 12 male caregivers of their family member with cancer participated. The constant comparative analysis of the data allowed the creation of a substantive theory "Experiencing the care of a family member with cancer: men as a caregivers" explaining the experience that has as its central category "The love that drives care", representing the symbolic actions and attitudes of men living in the context of illness due to cancer and care Conclusion: the theory allowed us to understand feelings, perceptions, ways of acting and facing the diagnosis, providing care, recognizing difficulties and learning from the situations that arise, making explicit the interactional processes and symbolic elements present and how these influence male caregivers in their actions and attitudes.

Objetivo: comprender el significado atribuido por los hombres a la experiencia de asistir a un familiar con cáncer y desarrollar una teoría sustantiva que represente la experiencia de los hombres acerca de dicho cuidado. Método: se trata de una investigación cualitativa guiada por el marco metodológico de la Teoría Fundamentada y los preceptos del Interaccionismo Simbólico. Se utilizó un formulario con datos de identificación y entrevista. El análisis siguió las etapas de codificación sustantiva y teórica. Resultados: participaron 12 hombres cuidadores de un familiar con cáncer. El constante análisis comparativo de los datos permitió elaborar una teoría sustantiva "Vivenciando el cuidado de un familiar con cáncer: el hombre como cuidador" explicando la experiencia que tiene como categoría central "El amor que impulsa el cuidado", representando la acciones y actitudes simbólicas del hombre que vive en el contexto de enfermedad por cáncer y sus cuidados. Conclusión: la teoría permitió comprender los sentimientos, percepciones, formas de actuar y afrontar el diagnóstico, brindar cuidados, reconocer dificultades y aprender de las situaciones que se presentan, explicitando los procesos de interacción y elementos simbólicos presentes y cómo influyen en los hombres cuidadores en sus acciones y actitudes.

Objetivo: apreender o significado atribuído pelos homens à vivência do cuidado ao seu familiar com câncer e elaborar uma teoria substantiva que represente a vivência de homens no cuidado ao seu familiar com câncer. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa norteada pelo referencial metodológico da Teoria Fundamentado nos Dados e pelos preceitos do Interacionismo Simbólico. Utilizouse formulário com dados de identificação e entrevista. A análise seguiu as etapas de codificação substantiva e teórica. Resultados: participaram 12 homens cuidadores de seu familiar com câncer. A análise comparativa constante dos dados permitiu a elaboração de uma teoria substantiva "Vivenciando o cuidado de um familiar com câncer: o homem como cuidador" explicativa da vivência que tem como categoria central "O amor que conduz o cuidar", representando as ações e atitudes simbólicas do homem ao viver no contexto do adoecimento por câncer e do cuidado. Conclusão: a teoria permitiu conhecer os sentimentos, percepções, modos de agir e enfrentar o diagnóstico, desempenhar o cuidado, reconhecer as dificuldades e aprender com as situações que se apresentam, deixando explícito os processos interacionais e os elementos simbólicos presentes e como estes influenciam os homens cuidadores em suas ações e atitudes.

Humans , Male , Caregivers , Grounded Theory , Symbolic Interactionism , Neoplasms/therapy
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e71271, jan. -dez. 2023.
文章 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1437524


RESUMO Objetivo: descrever as experiências vivenciadas por familiares de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em tratamento oncológico, durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Método: estudo qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo, com 20 familiares de crianças e adolescentes em tratamento oncológico em um ambulatório de oncopediatria. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas em setembro e outubro de 2020 e posterior análise de conteúdo. Resultados: as experiências vivenciadas pelos familiares no cuidado à criança e ao adolescente durante a pandemia revelam repercussões e formas de enfrentamento advindas das preocupações e inseguranças relacionadas à COVID-19, das mudanças na rotina e da reorganização das programações terapêuticas para a continuidade do tratamento oncológico. Conclusão: tanto as crianças e os adolescentes quanto seus familiares redobraram as precauções que estavam habituados antes da pandemia. Observou-se a necessidade de reorganização e reagendamentos de consultas, procedimentos e internações, mas sem prejuízos para a terapêutica programada. A insegurança e a ansiedade foram os sentimentos mais presentes, relacionados à evolução da COVID-19(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the experience of family members of children and adolescents with cancer undergoing cancer treatment, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study, with 20 family members of children and adolescents undergoing cancer treatment in a pediatric oncology outpatient clinic. Semi-structured interviews were carried out in September and October 2020 and subsequent content analysis. Results: the experiences lived by family members in the care of children and adolescents during the pandemic reveal repercussions and ways of coping arising from concerns and insecurities related to COVID-19, changes in routine and the reorganization of therapeutic programs for the continuity of cancer treatment. Conclusion: both children and adolescents and their families redoubled the precautions they were used to before the pandemic. There was a need for reorganization and rescheduling of consultations, procedures and hospitalizations, but without prejudice to the planned therapy. Insecurity and anxiety were the most present feelings related to the evolution of COVID-19(AU)

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir las vivencias de familiares de niños y adolescentes con cáncer, en tratamiento oncológico, durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: estudio cualitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo, junto a 20 familiares de niños y adolescentes en tratamiento oncológico en un ambulatorio de oncología pediátrica. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas en septiembre y octubre y posterior análisis de contenido. Resultados: las experiencias vividas por los familiares en el cuidado de niños y adolescentes durante la pandemia revelan repercusiones y formas de enfrentamiento derivadas de las preocupaciones e inseguridades relacionadas con el COVID-19, los cambios de rutina y la reorganización de los programas terapéuticos para la continuidad del tratamiento oncológico. Conclusión: tanto los niños y los adolescentes como sus familiares redoblaron las precauciones a las que estaban acostumbrados antes de la pandemia. Hubo necesidad de reorganización y reprogramación de consultas, procedimientos y hospitalizaciones, pero sin perjuicio de la terapia prevista. La inseguridad y la ansiedad fueron los sentimientos más presentes relacionados con la evolución del COVID-19(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Family/psychology , Child Health , Caregivers/psychology , Adolescent Health , Neoplasms/therapy , Cancer Care Facilities , Qualitative Research , COVID-19 , Neoplasms/nursing
Pensar mov ; 21(2): e57059, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1558646


Resumen Desde la primera publicación de la declaración de consenso sobre pautas de ejercicio para personas con cáncer, de la asociación Ejercicio y Ciencias del Deporte - Australia (ESSA, Exercise and Sports Science Australia), ha ocurrido un crecimiento exponencial en las investigaciones que evalúan el papel del ejercicio antes, durante y después del tratamiento del cáncer. El propósito de este reporte es utilizar la evidencia científica actual, junto a la experiencia clínica y los principios de las ciencias del ejercicio, para poner al día la declaración de consenso de ESSA sobre la prescripción de ejercicio específica para el cáncer. En esta declaración de consenso se reporta un resumen de los beneficios alcanzados mediante el ejercicio luego de un diagnóstico de cáncer, así como las fortalezas y limitaciones de la evidencia acumulada. Se propone, entonces, un marco de prescripción del ejercicio para permitir la aplicación de consideraciones específicas para el cáncer en la individualización, especificidad, seguridad, factibilidad y progresión del ejercicio para toda clase de pacientes. Se ofrecen consideraciones adicionales específicas para la prescripción del ejercicio cuando hay presencia de enfermedades hematológicas, osteomusculares, sistémicas, cardiovasculares, linfáticas, gastrointestinales, genitourinarias y neurológicas y preocupaciones relacionadas con su tratamiento, así como la presencia crónica de comorbilidades. Además, se identifican y comentan temas prácticos específicos y barreras que deben tomarse en cuenta para la prescripción del ejercicio. Si bien es cierto que el ejercicio multimodal de intensidad moderada a intensa será apropiado para la mayoría, no hay una prescripción establecida ni una dosificación semanal, que se puedan considerar basadas en la evidencia, para todos los pacientes de cáncer. Es necesaria una prescripción del ejercicio dirigida específicamente a esta población, que asegure el mayor beneficio (conforme lo defina cada paciente) a corto y largo plazo, con un bajo riesgo de perjuicio.

Abstract Objectives: Since Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) first published its position statement on exercise guidelines for people with cancer, there has been exponential growth in research evaluating the role of exercise pre-, during and post-cancer treatment. Design and Methods: The purpose of this report is to use the current scientific evidence, alongside clinical experience and exercise science principles to update ESSA's position statement on cancer-specific exercise prescription. Results: Reported in this position statement is a summary of the benefits accrued through exercise following a cancer diagnosis and the strengths and limitations of this evidence-base. An exercise prescription framework is then proposed to enable the application of cancer-specific considerations for individualisation, specificity, safety, feasibility and progression of exercise for all patients. Additional specific exercise prescription considerations are provided for the presence of haematological, musculoskeletal, systemic, cardiovascular, lymphatic, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and neurological disease- and treatment-related concerns, as well as presence of co-morbid chronic disease. Further, we also identify and discuss cancer-specific pragmatic issues and barriers requiring consideration for exercise prescription. Conclusions: While for the majority, multimodal, moderate to high intensity exercise will be appropriate, there is no set prescription and total weekly dosage that would be considered evidence-based for all cancer patients. Targeted exercise prescription, which includes the provision of behaviour change advice and support, is needed to ensure greatest benefit (as defined by the patient) in the short and longer term, with low risk of harm.

Resumo Desde a primeira publicação da declaração de consenso da Organização de Ciências do Exercício e do Esporte - Austrália ((ESSA, Exercise and Sports Science Australia) sobre diretrizes de exercícios para pessoas com câncer, tem ocorrido um crescimento exponencial nas pesquisas que avaliam o papel dos exercícios antes, durante e depois do tratamento do câncer. O objetivo deste relatório é usar as evidências científicas atuais com a experiência clínica e os princípios da ciência do exercício, para atualizar a declaração de consenso da ESSA sobre a prescrição de exercícios específica para o câncer. Esta declaração de consenso relata um resumo dos benefícios obtidos por meio de exercícios após o diagnóstico de câncer, bem como os pontos fortes e as limitações da evidência acumulada. Assim, propõe-se uma estrutura de prescrição de exercícios para permitir a aplicação de considerações específicas para o câncer na individualização, especificidade, segurança, viabilidade e progressão do exercício para todas as classes de pacientes. Considerações adicionais específicas para a prescrição de exercícios são fornecidas quando há doenças hematológicas, osteomusculares, sistêmicas, cardiovasculares, linfáticas, gastrointestinais, geniturinárias, neurológicas e preocupações relacionadas ao seu tratamento, bem como a presença crônica de comorbidades. Além disso, questões práticas específicas e barreiras à prescrição de exercícios são identificadas e discutidas. Embora seja verdade que o exercício multimodal de intensidade moderada a vigorosa seja apropriado para a maioria, não há uma prescrição definida ou dosagem semanal que possa ser considerada baseada em evidências para todos os pacientes com câncer. Há uma necessidade de prescrição de exercícios especificamente direcionada a essa população, garantindo o maior benefício (conforme definido pelo paciente individual) em curto e longo prazos, com baixo risco de danos.

Humans , Exercise , Exercise Therapy , Neoplasms/therapy
Rev. cuba. med ; 62(1)mar. 2023.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1450009


Introducción: El uso clínico de la ozonoterapia se incrementa cada día. Abarca disímiles especialidades médicas como la oncología. En Cuba las investigaciones que evalúan el empleo de la ozonoterapia en pacientes con cáncer son escasas, se precisan estudios científicos que demuestren su eficacia clínica. Objetivo: Explicar los mecanismos farmacológicos y bioquímicos de la ozonoterapia y su uso en el cáncer como terapia complementaria. Métodos: Se consultaron bases de datos disponibles a través de la red de Infomed. Se utilizaron como palabras clave: cáncer, ozonoterapia y estrés oxidativo. Se seleccionaron artículos originales y de revisión sistemáticos de los últimos diez años que evaluaron la utilización de la ozonoterapia en el tratamiento del cáncer. Resultados: El cáncer es per se una enfermedad inductora de estrés oxidativo. La ozonoterapia respalda su utilización como una terapia adyuvante mediante el preacondicionamiento oxidativo que estimula los sistemas antioxidantes de la célula contra la acción de los radicales libres. Así, se logra neutralizar la acción nociva del estrés oxidativo. El ozono incrementa la eficacia de la radio - quimioterapia y ayuda a reducir los efectos secundarios de estos tratamientos al activar los sistemas antioxidantes de la célula. La ozonoterapia se caracteriza por la simplicidad de su aplicación, bajos costos, alta efectividad y prácticamente ausencia de efectos colaterales en comparación con otros tratamientos adyuvantes. Conclusiones: El uso de la ozonoterapia en oncología como una terapia adyuvante representó un recurso terapéutico de gran valor dado por su perfil de efectividad y seguridad. Su uso podría extenderse para disminuir los efectos secundarios y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes(AU)

Introduction: The clinical use of ozone therapy is increasing every day worldwide and it covers different medical specialties, including oncology. However, in Cuba, the investigations that evaluate the use of ozone therapy in cancer patients are scarce, so scientific studies are needed to demonstrate its clinical efficacy. Objective: To explain the pharmacological and biochemical mechanisms of ozone therapy and its use in cancer as a complementary therapy. Methods: Databases available through Infomed Network were consulted. Key words used were cancer, ozone therapy and oxidative stress. Original and systematic review articles from the last ten years that evaluated the use of ozone therapy in the treatment of cancer were selected. Results: Cancer is, as such, a disease that induces oxidative stress. Ozone therapy supports its use as an adjuvant therapy through oxidative pre-conditioning that stimulates the cell's antioxidant systems against the action of free radicals. Thus, it is possible to neutralize the harmful action of oxidative stress. Ozone increases the efficacy of radio-chemotherapy and helps reducing the side effects of these treatments by activating the cell's antioxidant systems. Ozone therapy is characterized by the simplicity of its application, low costs, high effectiveness and with practically no side effects, compared to other adjuvant treatments. Conclusions: The use of ozone therapy in oncology as an adjuvant therapy represented a therapeutic resource of great value given its effectiveness and safety profile. Its use could be extended to improve tissue oxygenation and thus enhance the efficacy of radiochemotherapy, reducing side effects and improving the patients's quality of life(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Radiotherapy/methods , Oxidative Stress , Drug Therapy/methods , Ozone Therapy , Neoplasms/therapy
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971126


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the distribution of irregular blood group antibodies in patients with malignant tumors, and to analyze the relationship between it and efficacy of blood transfusion in patients.@*METHODS@#5 600 patients with malignant tumors treated in Shanxi Bethune Hospital from January 2019 to December 2021 were selected as the research subjects. All patients received blood transfusion, and cross matching test was conducted before blood transfusion, irregular antibody results of patients were tested; the irregular distribution of blood group antibodies was observed, and the relationship between it and efficacy of blood transfusion in patients was analyzed.@*RESULTS@#Among 5 600 patients with malignant tumors, 96 cases were positive for irregular antibody, and the positive rate was 1.71%; the main blood group systems involved in the irregular antibody positive of 96 patients with malignant tumors were RH, MNSs and Duffy system, among which Rh blood group was the most common, and the proportion of anti-E was the highest; among the malignant tumor patients with positive blood group irregular antibody, the proportion of female was higher than that of male; the proportion of patients aged >60 years was the highest, followed by patients aged >40 and ≤50 years, and the proportion of patients aged 18-30 years was the lowest; the patients with positive blood group irregular antibody were mainly in blood system (including lymphoma), digestive system, reproductive and urinary system; the positive rate of irregular antibody of patients in the ineffective group was higher than that of patients in the effective group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis results showed that, irregular antibody positive was a risk factor for ineffective blood transfusion in patients with malignant tumor (OR>1, P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The irregular blood group antibody positive of patients with malignant tumor are mostly female, and the proportion of patients aged >60 is the highest, which is mainly distributed in malignant tumors of blood system, digestive system and urogenital system, and the positive blood group irregular antibody is related to the efficacy of blood transfusion in patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Blood Transfusion , Blood Group Antigens , Rh-Hr Blood-Group System , Antibodies , Neoplasms/therapy , Isoantibodies
Chinese Journal of Oncology ; (12): 1032-1040, 2023.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007385


Cancer related anemia (CRA) is a common side effect in patients with tumors, the incidence of which is related to tumor type, treatment regimen, the duration of chemotherapy, etc. The pathogenesis of CRA has not been fully defined. CRA may lead to chemotherapy dose reduction or may even delay chemotherapy. Patients with CRA require red blood cell transfusion, thus increasing the treatment cost, reducing the efficiency of chemotherapy and the patient's quality of life, and shortening the survival time. The main treatments of CRA include red blood cell transfusion, iron supplements, erythropoietin, and so on. Based on recent literature and clinical studies, the expert committee of the China Anti-Cancer Association drew up the consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of anemia related to tumor in China (2023 edition). The 2023 consensus incorporates the latest evidence-based medicine evidence and Traditional Chinese Medicine related content and aims to provide more reliable diagnosis and treatment plans for Chinese oncologists to help improve CRA and the quality of life in patients with cancer.

Humans , Consensus , Quality of Life , Anemia/prevention & control , Neoplasms/therapy , China/epidemiology
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969663


Knowledge of an underlying genetic predisposition to cancer allows the use of personalised prognostic, preventive and therapeutic strategies for the patient and carries clinical implications for family members. Despite great progress, we identified six challenging areas in the management of patients with hereditary cancer predisposition syndromes and suggest recommendations to aid in their resolution. These include the potential for finding unexpected germline variants through somatic tumour testing, optimal risk management of patients with hereditary conditions involving moderate-penetrance genes, role of polygenic risk score in an under-represented Asian population, management of variants of uncertain significance, clinical trials in patients with germline pathogenic variants and technology in genetic counselling. Addressing these barriers will aid the next step forward in precision medicine in Singapore. All stakeholders in healthcare should be empowered with genetic knowledge to fully leverage the potential of novel genomic insights and implement them to provide better care for our patients.

Humans , Singapore , Genotype , Neoplasms/therapy , Risk Factors , Family
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007414


There is a commonality between jingjin (muscle region of meridian) and the fascial network for coordinating the balance in the body. The occurrence and the progression of tumor may disrupt the overall coordination between the fascial network and jingjin directly or indirectly, thereby, the impairment of this coordination may result in cancer pain. Rooted on the theory of overall balance of the fascial network, and combined with understanding of pain in jingjin theory, professor HUANG Jin-chang emphasizes the importance of "relaxing the knot" in treatment of cancer pain. It is recommended to select the fascia reaction point as the target point, in accordance with the principle of balance adjustment and apply various acupuncture and moxibustion therapies, such as Fu's subcutaneous needling, small-needle scalpel therapy, fire needling, and moxibustion.

Humans , Moxibustion , Cancer Pain , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Fascia , Neoplasms/therapy
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4759-4772, 2023.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008056


Cell-mediated immune response is an important part of machinery in maintaining the body's homeostasis. After the innate immune system selectively activates the adaptive immune system, the cell-mediated immunity exerts its killing and clearance functions. Therefore, evaluating the level of cell-mediated immune response is crucial in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, monitoring the immune status after organ transplantation, diagnosing and preventing viral diseases, and evaluating the effectiveness of vaccines and other areas. From the initial overall assessment of the immune effects in vivo to the precise detection of the number and function of multiple immune cells, the evaluation methods of cell-mediated immune response have greatly advanced. However, cell-mediated immune response involves multiple levels in the body, and it's difficult to choose the numerous detection methods available. The article systematically compares the evaluation methods of cell-mediated immune response at four different levels: the organism, the tissue and organ, the immune cells and the immune molecules, with the aim to facilitate the applications of related technologies.

Humans , Immunity, Cellular , Neoplasms/therapy , Immunity, Innate
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008994


Objective This consensus aims to provide evidence-based recommendations on common questions in the diagnosis and treatment of acute respiratory failure (ARF) for critically ill cancer patients.Methods We developed six clinical questions using the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome) principle in diagnosis and treatment for critical ill cancer patients with ARF. Based on literature searching and meta-analyses, recommendations were devised. The GRADE (Grading of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation) method was applied to each question to reach consensus in the expert panel. Results The panel makes strong recommendations in favor of (1) metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) tests may aid clinicians in rapid diagnosis in critically ill cancer patients suspected of pulmonary infections; (2) extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy should not be used as a routine rescue therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome in critically ill cancer patients but may benefit highly selected patients after multi-disciplinary consultations; (3) cancer patients who have received immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy have an increased incidence of pneumonitis compared with standard chemotherapy; (4) critically ill cancer patients who are on invasive mechanical ventilation and estimated to be extubated after 14 days may benefit from early tracheotomy; and (5) high-flow nasal oxygen and noninvasive ventilation therapy can be used as a first-line oxygen strategy for critically ill cancer patients with ARFs. A weak recommendation is: (6) for critically ill cancer patients with ARF caused by tumor compression, urgent chemotherapy may be considered as a rescue therapy only in patients determined to be potentially sensitive to the anticancer therapy after multidisciplinary consultations. Conclusions The recommendations based on the available evidence can guide diagnosis and treatment in critically ill cancer patients with acute respiratory failure and improve outcomes.

Humans , Consensus , Critical Illness/therapy , Neoplasms/therapy , Oxygen , Pneumonia , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/drug therapy , Respiratory Insufficiency/therapy
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009922


OBJECTIVES@#To explore the factors that influence self-management behavior in cancer patients based on the theoretical domain framework.@*METHODS@#Studies in Chinese and English about factors influencing self-management behavior in cancer patients were searched from Wanfang database, CNKI, VIP, SinoMed, PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science Core Collection, Cochrane library and Medline from inception to June 2022. Two investigators independently identified, extracted data, and collected characteristics and methodology of the studies. Factors were analyzed with Nvivo12, and the theoretical domain framework was mapped to the theoretical domain. Then the secondary node was generalized by theme analysis. Finally, the specific influencing factors were summarized and analyzed.@*RESULTS@#Thirty-four studies were included for analysis. A total of 194 factors were mapped to 13 theoretical domains, and 31 secondary nodes were summarized. Theoretical domains environmental context and resources, social/professional role and identity, and beliefs about consequences were the most common factors. Knowledge, age, self-efficacy, disease stage, social support, gender, economic status and physical status were the most influential factors for self-management in cancer patients.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The influencing factors of self-management of cancer patients involve most of the theoretical domains, are intersectional, multi-source and complex.

Humans , Self-Management , Neoplasms/therapy
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009927


Tumors in which the microenvironment is characterized by lack of immune cell infiltration are referred as "cold tumors" and typically exhibit low responsiveness to immune therapy. Targeting the factors contributing to "cold tumors" formation and converting them into "hot tumors" is a novel strategy for improving the efficacy of immunotherapy. Adenosine, a hydrolysis product of ATP, accumulates with a significantly higher concentration in the tumor microenvironments compared with normal tissue and exerts inhibitory effects on tumor-specific adaptive immunity. Tumor cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, and T cells express abundant adenosine receptors on their surfaces. The binding of adenosine to these receptors initiates downstream signaling pathways that suppress tumor antigen presentation and immune cell activation, consequently dampening adaptive immune responses against tumors. Adenosine down-regulates the expression of major histocompatibility complex Ⅱ and co-stimulatory factors on dendritic cells and macrophages, thereby inhibiting antigen presentation to T cells. Adenosine also inhibits ligand-receptor binding and transmembrane signaling on T cells, concomitantly suppressing the secretion of anti-tumor cytokines and impairing T cell activation. Furthermore, adenosine hinders effector T cell trafficking to tumor sites and infiltration by inhibiting chemokine secretion and KCa3.1 channels. Additionally, adenosine promotes the secretion of immunosuppressive cytokines, increases immune checkpoint protein expression, and enhances the activity of immunosuppressive cells, collectively curbing cytotoxic T cell-mediated tumor cell killing. Given the immunosuppressive role of adenosine in adaptive antitumor immunity, several inhibitors targeting adenosine generation or adenosine receptor blockade are currently in preclinical or clinical development with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of immunotherapies. This review provides an overview of the inhibitory effects of adenosine on adaptive antitumor immunity, elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved, and summarizes the latest advances in application of adenosine inhibition strategies for antitumor immunotherapy.

Humans , Adenosine/pharmacology , T-Lymphocytes , Adaptive Immunity , Cytokines , Neoplasms/therapy , Tumor Microenvironment
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982044


NK cell immunotherapy is a promising antitumor therapeutic modality after the development of T cell immunotherapy. Structural modification of NK cells with biomaterials may provide a precise, efficient, and low-cost strategy to enhance NK cell immunotherapy. The biomaterial modification of NK cells can be divided into two strategies: surface engineering with biomaterials and intracellular modification. The surface engineering strategies include hydrophobic interaction of lipids, receptor-ligand interaction between membrane proteins, covalent binding to amino acid residues, click reaction and electrostatic interaction. The intracellular modification strategies are based on manipulation by nanotechnology using membranous materials from various sources of NK cells (such as exosome, vesicle and cytomembranes). Finally, the biomaterials-based strategies regulate the recruitment, recognition and cytotoxicity of NK cells in the solid tumor site in situ to boost the activity of NK cells in the tumor. This article reviews the recent research progress in enhancing NK cell therapy based on biomaterial modification, to provide a reference for further researches on engineering NK cell therapy with biomaterials.

Humans , Biocompatible Materials/metabolism , Immunotherapy , Killer Cells, Natural/metabolism , Immunotherapy, Adoptive , Neoplasms/therapy
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 27: e20210512, 2023.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1421444


Resumo Objetivo Compreender a assistência de enfermeiros a crianças com câncer em cuidados paliativos à luz da Teoria de Jean Watson. Método Estudo qualitativo, tendo como referencial a teoria de Jean Watson, realizado com dez enfermeiros assistenciais de um hospital de referência em câncer de João Pessoa, PB. A coleta do material empírico ocorreu entre outubro e dezembro de 2020, por meio da técnica de entrevista semiestruturada, posteriormente analisado sob a Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados Os depoimentos dos enfermeiros trouxeram reflexões contundentes acerca dos conhecimentos no campo da enfermagem oncológica, com ênfase na assistência a crianças em cuidados paliativos, uma vez que as estratégias implementadas neste cenário são coerentes com a Teoria de Jean Watson, pautada nos elementos contidos no Processo Clinical Caritas. Conclusão e Implicações para a prática A atuação dos enfermeiros a partir de uma assistência humanizada, com o escopo na promoção de conforto e alívio da dor e nas práticas dialógicas, lúdicas e transpessoais, é imprescindível neste processo de doença. Deste modo, as estratégias identificadas poderão contribuir para a prática clínica de enfermeiros ao cuidar de crianças com câncer em cuidados paliativos, fundamentada na Teoria de Jean Watson.

Resumen Objetivo Comprender los cuidados que brindan los enfermeros a los niños con cáncer en cuidados paliativos a la luz de la Teoría de Jean Watson. Método Estudio cualitativo, basado en la Teoría de Jean Watson, realizado con diez enfermeros clínicos de un hospital de referencia en cáncer de João Pessoa, Paraíba. La recolección del material empírico se realizó entre octubre y diciembre de 2020, mediante la técnica de entrevista semiestructurada, posteriormente analizado bajo la Técnica de Análisis de Contenido. Resultados Los testimonios de los enfermeros aportaron fuertes reflexiones sobre el conocimiento en el campo de la enfermería oncológica, con énfasis en la asistencia a los niños en cuidados paliativos, ya que las estrategias implementadas en este escenario son coherentes con la Teoría de Jean Watson, a partir de los elementos contenidos en el Proceso Clinical Caritas. Conclusión e Implicaciones para la práctica El papel del enfermero a partir de la prestación de un cuidado humanizado, enfocado en la promoción del confort y del alivio del dolor y en las prácticas dialógicas, lúdicas y transpersonales, es fundamental en este proceso patológico. Así, las estrategias identificadas pueden contribuir para la práctica clínica del enfermero en el cuidado de niños con cáncer en cuidados paliativos, con base en la Teoría de Jean Watson.

Abstract Objective To understand the care provided by nurses to children with cancer in palliative care in the light of Jean Watson's Theory. Method Qualitative study, based on Jean Watson's theory, carried out with ten clinical nurses from a reference hospital for cancer in João Pessoa, PB. The collection of empirical material took place between October and December 2020, through the semi-structured interview technique, later analyzed under the Content Analysis Technique. Results The nurses' testimonies brought strong reflections on knowledge in the field of oncology nursing, with an emphasis on assistance to children in palliative care, since the strategies implemented in this scenario are consistent with Jean Watson's Theory, based on the elements contained in the Clinical Caritas Process. Conclusion and Implications for practice The role of nurses based on humanized care, with the scope of promoting comfort and pain relief, and dialogical, playful and transpersonal practices, is essential in this disease process. In this way, the identified strategies may contribute to the clinical practice of nurses, when caring for children with cancer in palliative care, based on Jean Watson's Theory.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Oncology Nursing , Palliative Care , Nursing Theory , Child Care , Neoplasms/therapy , Qualitative Research , Humanization of Assistance , Pain Management/nursing , Nurse-Patient Relations
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 69 p. ilus, tab.
学位论文 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, Inca | ID: biblio-1434417


INTRODUÇÃO: Em menos de duas décadas, a imunoterapia consolidou-se como um dos pilares do tratamento do câncer. Apesar da sua potencial elevada eficácia e resposta duradoura, a proporção de pacientes que apresentam resposta objetiva é relativamente baixa e existem poucos biomarcadores para selecionar os pacientes com maior potencial de resposta. OBJETIVO: Nossa hipótese era de que era possível avaliar globalmente o sistema imune do paciente através da mensuração por imagem do timo e do baço e usar essas métricas como fator prognóstico e preditivo de resposta a bloqueadores de checkpoint. RESULTADOS: Os principais resultados foram: 1) As medidas tímicas não se correlacionam com a sobrevida em pacientes tratados com imunoterapia; 2) Há aumento do volume esplênico após o uso de imunoterapia na maior parte dos pacientes, mas o grau de aumento não se correlaciona com resposta à terapia; 3) Maior volume esplênico está associado a pior sobrevida livre de progressão em pacientes com melanoma tratados com imunoterapia, mas essa correlação não pôde ser replicada em outros tipos tumorais. CONCLUSÃO: a espessura tímica não se correlaciona com desfechos clínicos em pacientes oncológicos tratados com imunoterapia. Menor volume esplênico antes de iniciar imunoterapia está relacionada a melhor prognóstico em pacientes com melanoma, mas não em outros tipos tumorais.

INTRODUCTION: In less than two decades, immunotherapy has established itself as one of the pillars of cancer treatment. Despite its potentially high efficacy and long-lasting response, the proportion of patients who have an objective response is relatively low and there are few biomarkers to select patients with the greatest response potential. OBJECTIVE: Our hypothesis was that it was possible to assess the patient's immune system globally by measuring the thymus and spleen by imaging and using these metrics as a prognostic and predictive factor of response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. RESULTS: The main results were: 1) Thymic measurements do not correlate with survival in patients treated with immunotherapy; 2) There is an increase in splenic volume after the use of immunotherapy in most patients, but the degree of increase does not correlate with response to therapy; 3) Greater splenic volume is associated with worse progression free survival in patients with melanoma treated with immunotherapy, but this correlation could not be replicated in other tumor types. CONCLUSION: thymic thickness does not correlate with clinical outcomes in cancer patients treated with immunotherapy. Smaller splenic volume before starting immunotherapy is associated with better prognosis in patients with melanoma, but not other tumor types

Humans , Male , Female , Splenomegaly , Diagnostic Imaging , Immunotherapy , Spleen , Thymus Gland , Biomarkers , Immune System , Neoplasms/therapy
Demetra (Rio J.) ; 18: 66420, 2023. tab, ilus
文章 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437582


Introdução: Pacientes com câncer avançado apresentam sintomas e distúrbios metabólicos que podem impossibilitar a alimentação oral adequada e levar à perda de peso, com implicações na capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida, sendo indicadas sondas/ostomias para alimentação. Objetivos: Compreender os sentidos e significados da alimentação por sondas/ostomias para pacientes com câncer avançado em cuidados paliativos exclusivos e cuidadores. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratório-descritiva, realizada em hospital do Rio de Janeiro, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 12 pacientes e 12 cuidadores, no ano de 2021. Após transcrições, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo de Laurence Bardin. Como referenciais teóricos, as ideias de Elizabeth Kübler-Ross e perspectivas da Psicologia Social. Resultados: Três dimensões temáticas foram identificadas sobre indicação, vivências e sentidos e significados da alimentação por sonda/ostomias, com respectivas categorias. A maioria dos pacientes e cuidadores abordou a evolução da doença e a participação na decisão da via alimentar alternativa. Como sentidos da alimentação: qualidade de vida, conforto, vida e esperança. Conclusões: Dessa forma, a nutrição artificial é ressignificada como a nova alimentação possível, apresentando também aspectos simbólicos, além da função biológica.

Introduction: Patients with advanced cancer show symptoms and metabolic disorders that can make appropriate oral feeding impossible causing weight loss, with implications regarding functional capacity and quality of life; feeding tubes/ostomies are indicated in such cases. Objectives: To understand the senses and meanings of tube feeding/ostomies for patients with advanced cancer in exclusive palliative care and for caregivers. Methods: This is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive investigation, carried out in a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, through semi-structured interviews with 12 patients and 12 caregivers, in the year 2021. After transcriptions, Laurence Bardin's content analysis was used. As theoretical references, the ideas of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross and perspectives of Social Psychology were used. Results: Three thematic dimensions were identified on indication, experiences and senses and meanings of tube feeding/ostomy, with respective categories. Most patients and caregivers addressed the evolution of the disease and their decision on the alternative food route. As meanings of food: quality of life, comfort, life and hope. Conclusions: In this way, artificial nutrition is resignified as the new possible feeding method; artificial nutrition also presents symbolic aspects besides the biological function.

Humans , Male , Female , Palliative Care , Enteral Nutrition , Life Change Events , Neoplasms/therapy , Quality of Life , Brazil , Cancer Care Facilities , Nutritional Status , Caregivers , Qualitative Research
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 62-64, 2023. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, HomeoIndex, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1519121


A Homeopatia é uma das ciências médicas complementares mais utilizadas para pacientes com Câncer, sendo também utilizada durante o tratamento de crianças com a referida moléstia, havendo relato e debate de seu uso na literatura médica. Visando construir o conhecimento e dividir experiências, relatamos seis casos de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, para os quais realizamos tratamento homeopático, em nossa experiência na cidade de São Paulo. Além da diversidade de sexos e idade, os casos apresentam diagnósticos oncológicos diferentes, bem como momentos diferentes no tratamento, sendo curativo ou paliativo, e os medicamentos homeopáticos, baseados tanto na totalidade sintomática característica quanto no modo reacional para cada indivíduo, puderam ser utilizados para todos com satisfação de famílias e pacientes, mesmo quando o desfecho letal foi a via final no estado paliativo. Assim, a Homeopatia pode também ser prescrita para os casos oncológicos infantis como terapia complementar ao tratamento convencional, sendo a pesquisa neste campo vasta e possível.

Homeopathy is one of the most used complementary medical sciences for cancer patients, and is also used duringtreatment of children with the aforementioned disease, with reports and debate of its use in medical literature. Aiming to build knowledge and sharing experiences, we report six cases of children and adolescents with cancer, for which we carry out homeopathic treatment, in our experience in the city of São Paulo. In addition to the diversity of sexes and age, the cases present different oncological diagnoses, as well as as different moments in the treatment, being curative or palliative, and homeopathic medicines, based both on symptomatic totality characteristic and in the reactional mode for each individual, could be used for everyone with the satisfaction of families and patients, even when the lethal outcome was the final route in the palliative state. Therefore, Homeopathy can also be prescribed for oncological cases children as complementary therapy to conventional treatment, research in this field is vast and possible.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Homeopathic Remedy , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Neoplasms/therapy , Opium , Phosphorus , Bone Marrow , Arsenicum Album , Lapis Albus , Silicea Terra , Stannum Metallicum , Thuya occidentalis , Arnica , Conium , Cadmium Sulphuratum , Aconitum