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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e261792, 2023. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529200


O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como mulheres adultas (acima de 30 anos) diagnosticadas com transtornos alimentares (TAs) vivenciam o adoecer. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, desenvolvido com base no referencial teórico-metodológico da Análise Fenomenológica Interpretativa (AFI). Participaram seis mulheres, com idades entre 34 e 65 anos, atendidas em um serviço especializado. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista aberta, de inspiração fenomenológica, na modalidade remota. As entrevistas foram audiogravadas, transcritas e analisadas seguindo os passos da AFI. Duas categorias temáticas foram identificadas: "Vivendo antes do adoecer" e "Encontrando-se doente." Constatou-se que os sintomas tiveram início anteriormente à vida adulta e que houve dificuldade na confirmação do diagnóstico. Na perspectiva das participantes, conviver com a sintomatologia ficou mais complicado em função de particularidades de manejo dos sintomas na vida adulta, e a idade é percebida como um fator que impacta e dificulta ainda mais a recuperação. As participantes relataram desesperança em relação ao futuro, apesar de a maioria reconhecer melhoras no quadro clínico ao longo do tempo e de valorizar a relação de confiança estabelecida com a equipe multiprofissional.(AU)

This study aimed to understand the experience of illness of adult women (over 30 years) diagnosed with eating disorders (ED). This is a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study, using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as theoretical and methodological framework. A sample of six women aged 34-64 years, assisted in a specialized service, were recruited to complete a phenomenological in-depth open interview. The data were remotely collected. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analyzed following the IPA. Two thematic categories were identified: "Living before the illness" and "Finding about the illness." It was found that the symptoms started before adulthood and that there was difficulty establishing the diagnosis. Living with the symptoms became more complicated due to particularities of symptom management in adulthood and age is perceived as a factor that impacts recovery and makes it even more difficult. The participants reported hopelessness about the future, although most recognized improvements in the clinical condition over time and valued the trusting relationship they established with the multiprofessional team.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender las experiencias de las mujeres adultas (mayores de 30 años) diagnosticadas con trastornos alimentarios (TA) respecto a la enfermedad. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, desarrollado a partir del marco teórico y metodológico del Análisis Fenomenológico Interpretativo (AFI). Participaron seis mujeres, con edades de entre 34 y 65 años, atendidas en un servicio especializado. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas abiertas, de inspiración fenomenológica, en la modalidad a distancia. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas en audio, transcritas y analizadas siguiendo los pasos del AFI. Se identificaron dos categorías temáticas: "Vivir antes de enfermar" y "Encontrarse enfermo." Se constató que los síntomas comenzaron antes de la edad adulta y que hubo dificultades de establecer el diagnóstico. La convivencia con síntomas se complicó debido a las particularidades del manejo de los síntomas en la vida adulta y la edad se percibe como un factor que influye y dificulta aún más la recuperación. Los participantes manifestaron desesperanza sobre el futuro, aunque reconocieron mejoras en el cuadro clínico con el paso del tiempo y valoraron la relación de confianza establecida con el equipo multiprofesional.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Anorexia Nervosa , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Bulimia Nervosa , Pandemics , Anxiety , Perceptual Distortion , Appetite , Personal Satisfaction , Psychiatry , Psychology , Psychopathology , Quality of Life , Self-Assessment , Self Concept , Shame , Stomach Diseases , Stress, Psychological , Awareness , Therapeutics , Thinness , Beauty Culture , Vomiting , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Body Image , Body Weight , Aging , Menopause , Weight Loss , Family , Hyperphagia , Comorbidity , Mental Health , Mortality , Interview , Cultural Factors , Dehydration , Transcription Factors, General , Malnutrition , Depressive Disorder , Diagnosis , Diet , Diet Therapy , Emotions , Nutritional Sciences , Laxatives , Feeding Behavior , Binge-Eating Disorder , Bullying , Social Stigma , Physical Appearance, Body , Self-Control , Applied Behavior Analysis , Food Addiction , Rumination, Digestive , Mental Health Recovery , Body-Weight Trajectory , Embarrassment , Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder , Body-Shaming , Social Representation , Orthorexia Nervosa , Social Status , Guilt , Health Promotion , Mass Media , Mental Disorders , Metabolism , Obesity
An. venez. nutr ; 35(1): 37-47, 2022. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1412461


José María Bengoa, hijo ilustre de Sanare, inicia su estadía en ese poblado rural en 1936, allí como el mismo lo expresó se forma en la Universidad de Sanare, donde con su acuciosa observación, reconoce los determinantes sociales de la desnutrición, allí descubrió que la desnutrición y el hambre, eran el denominador común de las enfermedades. Propone atender al niño y educar a la madre, y así surge el primer centro de recuperación nutricional. En medio de esa soledad recoge su experiencia, reflexiones, observaciones y soluciones prácticas las cuales publica en el libro "Medicina Social en el Medio Rural Venezolano" (1940). Logró extenderlo al resto de América, Asia y África desde su trabajo en Naciones Unidas. En 1941 dirige la Sección de Nutrición en el Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social, y contribuye con la creación del Instituto Nacional de Nutrición, la Escuela de Nutricionistas y Dietistas de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (1940 a 1950).En 1955 se incorpora a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en Ginebra, de esta experiencia comentaba "cuando comencé mis actividades en la OMS, había un hiato evidente entre investigación en nutrición y la salud pública", dirigió la Unidad de Nutrición(1964 ­ 1974). Dirige a la Fundación Cavendes y logra convertir a Caracas en la Capital Latinoamericana de la Nutrición gracias a su capacidad para integrar alianzas, con instituciones nacionales y con organismos internacionales. Trabajó intensamente para fortalecer las instituciones existentes y promover nuevas instituciones(AU)

Jose María Bengoa, illustrious son of Sanare, began his stay in that rural town in 1936, there, as he himself expressed it, he trained at the University of Sanare, where with his careful observation, he recognized the social determinants of malnutrition, there he discovered that malnutrition and hunger were the common denominator of diseases. He proposes caring for the child and educating the mother, and thus the first nutritional recovery center arises. In the midst of that loneliness he collects his experience, reflections, observations and practical solutions of his published in the book "Social Medicine in the Venezuelan Rural Environment" (1940). He managed to spread it to the rest of America, Asia and Africa from his work at the United Nations. In 1941 he directed the Nutrition Section in the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance, and contributed to the creation of the National Institute of Nutrition, the School of Nutritionists and Dieticians of the Central University of Venezuela (1940 to 1950). In 1955 he joined the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, commented on this experience "when I began my activities at WHO, there was an evident hiatus between research in nutrition and public health", he directed the Nutrition Unit (1964 - 1974). He directs the Cavendes Foundation and manages to turn Caracas into the Latin American Capital of Nutrition thanks to his ability to form alliances with national institutions and international organizations. He worked hard to strengthen existing institutions and promote new institutions(AU)

Social Medicine , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Hunger , Community Medicine , Malnutrition , Research , Social Support , Universities , Rural Areas , Public Health , Famous Persons
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 7(1): 25-30, ene.-mar. 2021. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380355


Las úlceras por presión son lesiones de la piel y/o del tejido subyacente. El soporte nutricional adecuado constituye parte del tratamiento de estas lesiones. El objetivo de este reporte es demostrar la eficacia del soporte nutricional como factor coadyuvante en la recuperación de éstas. Paciente masculino de 29 años de edad que ingresó al hospital con diagnóstico de neuroinfección. Durante su estadía desarrolló una úlcera en la región sacra. Fue tratado con nutrición enteral por sonda nasoentérica que incluyó dieta y soporte nutricional hiperproteicos enriquecido con glutamina y arginina; posteriormente se brindó colágeno hidrolizado. A los 36 días tras la aparición de la úlcera, ésta es recuperada. Luego de 4 meses, el paciente fue dado de alta. La intervención nutricional fue crucial en la recuperación de la úlcera. Se enfatiza la necesidad de prevenirlas a través de un monitoreo oportuno y adecuado.

Pressure ulcers are injuries to the skin and / or the underlying tissue. Opportune nutritional support is part of the treatment of these injuries. This report aims to demonstrate the efficacy of nutritional support as a contributing factor in this ulcer recovery. A 29-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of neuroinfection. During his stay, he developed a pressure ulcer in the sacral region. He was treated with enteral nutrition via a nasoenteric tube that included a hyperprotein diet and nutritional support enriched with glutamine and arginine; subsequently, hydrolyzed collagen was provided. Thirty-six days after the development of the pressure ulcer, it has recovered. After four months, the patient was discharged. The nutritional intervention was crucial in the recovery of UPP. The need to prevent this type of ulcers through timely and adequate monitoring is emphasized.

Humans , Male , Adult , Nutritional Support/methods , Pressure Ulcer/diet therapy , Malnutrition/therapy , Sacrococcygeal Region , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Nutritional Support/standards , Pressure Ulcer/pathology , Malnutrition/etiology , Malnutrition/metabolism
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 69(3): 182-199, sept. 2019. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1053369


Los centros de recuperación nutricional (CRN) fueron creados por el Dr. José María Bengoa en Venezuela. En el presente estudio se realizó una revisión sistemática cualitativa, de 1984 al 2011, que permitió analizar las modalidades de funcionamiento de los diferentes CRN en el mundo, mediante indicadores de: criterios de admisión, parámetros utilizados en estos centros, así como las modalidades de tratamiento, tiempo de estancia y criterios de alta. Se encontraron diecisiete artículos que describen algunos o todos estos indicadores. El uso de los CRN se encontró en cuatro países de África (Etiopía, Kenia, Malawi y Nigeria), cuatro de América (Bolivia, Brasil, Chile y Nicaragua) y dos en Asia (India y Nepal). Los resultados reflejan la importancia de los CRN en el tratamiento de la desnutrición, sobre todo si se acompaña con la educación de las madres sobre la alimentación, prácticas higiénicas, etc., para un mejor cuidado en el hogar. Nuevas evidencias en el tratamiento de la desnutrición han motivado la evolución de los centros, pero aún así, sus limitaciones persisten. No obstante, las ventajas de su uso son excepcionales. Se propone, de acuerdo con los diferentes tipos de centros, y en base a las deficiencias o limitaciones observadas en su conceptualización y designación, redefinir las NRC bajo el concepto de Centros Globales de Nutrición (GloNuCen) basados en la comunidad y la personalización nutricional, los cuales podrían ser centros fijos en el caso de hospitales y servicios ambulatorios, e instalaciones móviles para situaciones de emergencia que, si duran con el tiempo, puedan convertirse en centros fijos(AU)

The Nutritional Recovery Centers (NRC) were created by Dr. Jose María Bengoa in Venezuela. In the present study a qualitative systematic review was carried out, from 1984 to 2011, allowing us to analyze the operating modalities of the different CRNs in the world, by means of indicators of: admission criteria, parameters used in these centers, as well as their treatment modalities, time of stay and discharge criteria. Seventeen articles have been found that describe some or all of these indicators. The use of NRCs was found in four African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Nigeria), four in America (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Nicaragua) and two in Asia (India and Nepal). The results reflect the importance of NRC in the treatment of malnutrition, especially if it is reinforced with mothers' education about food, hygiene practices, etc., for better home care. New evidence in the treatment of malnutrition has motivated the evolution of the centers, but still, their limitations persist. Nonetheless, the advantages of their use are exceptional. It is proposed, according to the different types of centers, and based on the deficiencies or limitations observed in their conceptualization and designation, to redefine the NRCs under the concept of Global Nutrition Centers (GloNuCen) based on the community and nutritional customization, which could be fixed centers in the case of hospitals and outpatient services, and mobile facilities for emergency situations that, if they last over time, could turn into fixed centers(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Food and Nutrition Education , Child Nutrition Disorders , Deficiency Diseases , Protein Deficiency , Public Health , Protein-Energy Malnutrition
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 18(1): 215-221, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013083


Abstract Objectives: to assess the efficacy of mussels (Mytella falcata) in malnourished children's recovery. Methods: 64 chronically malnourished children were accompanied for 12 months and attended at the Centro Recuperação e Educação Nutricional (Recovery Center and Educational Nutrition). The children were paired by age and malnutrition level forming three groups, which they received a balanced diet for nutritional recovery differing only on protein source. The group was offered (1) preparation of red meat, group (2) preparation of mussels and group (3) preparation of mussels in coconut milk. Results: the anthropometric assessment revealed that the children obtained a mean increase in the Z score in A-I indice of 0.70 for the group who red meat, 0.62 for the group who had mussels and 0.57 the group who had mussels cooked in coconut milk (p<0,05). An observation was made on a reduction in the prevalence of anemia with 22,8% (p=0,002), 27.8% (p=0.,007) and 42.4% (p 0.001) in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Conclusion: the preparation of mussels cooked in or not in coconut milk can be an effective substitution for meat in combating child malnutrition and anemia and may be included in the children's institutions menus and in the programs that aim for children's nutritional recovery.

Resumo Objetivos: avaliar a eficácia do sururu (Mytella falcata) na recuperação de crianças desnutridas. Métodos: foram acompanhadas por 12 meses 64 crianças desnutridas crônicas atendidas no Centro Recuperação e Educação Nutricional. As crianças foram pareadas por idade e grau de desnutrição formando 3 grupos, os quais receberam dieta balanceada para a recuperação nutricional diferindo apenas na fonte de proteína. Foi ofertada ao grupo (1) preparação de carne bovina, ao grupo (2) preparação de sururu e ao grupo (3) uma preparação de sururu com leite de coco. Resultados: a avaliação antropométrica revelou que as crianças obtiveram um incremento médio em escore Z no índice A-I de 0,70 para o grupo da carne, 0,62 no grupo que recebeu sururu e 0,57 no grupo que recebeu sururu com leite de coco (pD0,05). Constatou-se ainda redução da prevalência da anemia nos grupos com percentual de redução de 22,8% (p=0,002), 27,8% (p=0,007) e 42,4% (pD0,001) nos grupos 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. Conclusões: a preparação sururu com ou sem leite de coco pode ser um substituto eficaz da carne bovina no combate a desnutrição infantil e da anemia, podendo ser incluída no cardápio de instituições infantis e em programas que visem à recuperação nutricional de crianças.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child Nutrition Disorders , Poverty Areas , Mytilidae , Foods Containing Coconut , Anemia , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Brazil , Food and Nutrition Education , Anthropometry , Infant Mortality , Morbidity , Child Nutrition
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 34(2): 98-102, Apr.-June 2016. tab, graf, fig
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-832747


Objetivo ­ Avaliar, em ratos recuperados de desnutrição proteica, as condições fisiológicas dos músculos da articulação temporo-mandibular. Métodos ­ Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, inicialmente com 21 dias de vida (estudo aprovado pela CEUA da UNIMEP, protocolo 09/2015). Os animais foram divididos em grupos experimentais (N=10) assim denominados: Controle (C; tratados com dieta normoproteica durante 90 dias) e Recuperados pós-desnutrição (R; desnutridos com dieta hipoproteica durante 45 dias e a seguir tratados durante mais 45 dias com dieta normoproteica). Foram avaliados os seguintes itens: curva de peso semanalmente, concentrações plasmáticas de albumina (A) e proteína total (PT), reservas glicogênicas (G) e a relação proteína total/DNA (PT/DNA) dos músculos masseter, temporal e digástrico. Os valores foram comparados através de teste de normalidade (Kolmogorov-Smirnov), ANOVA e teste de Tukey, p<0,05. Resultados ­ Foi observada menor curva de peso no grupo R, o qual também apresentou menores concentrações de A e PT, indicando que a renutrição não propiciou a recuperação destes parâmetros até valores controle. O grupo R ainda apresentou menores concentrações de G nos músculos masseter, temporal e digástrico acompanhado de menores valores na relação proteína total/DNA, indicando que disfunções metabólicas ou estruturais gerados pela desnutrição podem ser duradouras. Conclusão ­ As alterações no perfil metabólico da musculatura mastigatória, geradas devido à restrição proteicas são recuperadas parcialmente após renutrição, fato que compromete a dinâmica mastigatória, sendo sugestiva a possibilidade de gerar fadiga durante a mastigação.

Objective ­ To evaluate, in rats recovered protein malnutrition, the physiological conditions of the muscles of the temporomandibular joint. Methods ­ Wistar rats were used, initially with 21 days (study approved by CEUA UNIMEP, 09/2015 protocol). The animals were divided into experimental groups (N=10) named as follows: Control (C, treated with normal protein diet for 90 days) and Reclaimed post-malnutrition (R, malnourished a low protein diet for 45 days and then treated for a further 45 days). A normal protein diet were evaluated the following: weight curve weekly, plasma albumin concentrations (A) and total protein (PT), glycogen reserves (G) and the ratio of total protein/DNA (PT/DNA) of the masseter muscle, temporal and digastric. The values were compared using normality test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov), ANOVA and Tukey test, p<0.05. Results ­ We observed lower weight curve in the R group, which also had lower concentrations of A and PT, indicating that the renutrition didn't led to the recovery of these parameters to control values. The R group also had lower G concentrations in the masseter muscle, temporal and digastric accompanied by lower values in relation total protein/DNA, indicating that metabolic or structural dysfunctions generated by malnutrition can be lasting. Conclusions ­ The changes in the metabolic profile of the masticatory muscles, generated due to protein restriction are recovered partially after renutrition, fact that compromises the masticatory dynamics, being suggestive the possibility of generating fatigue while chewing.

Animals , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Malnutrition , Metabolism
Lima; s.n; 2016. 25 p. tab.
学位论文 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1114400


Introducción: El manejo nutricional de la PA consiste en medidas de control del dolor, disminución de días de ayuno, inicio temprano de la nutrición, hidratación endovenosa y monitorización estrecha. Objetivo: Determinar si el inicio temprano de la nutrición oral y enteral, influye en el costo directo y efectividad en pacientes con PA del Hospital "Víctor Ramos Guardia" Huaraz. 2011 - 2014. Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, cuantitativo, analítico de las Historias clínicas de 100 pacientes, que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Lugar: Hospital "Víctor Ramos Guardia" Huaraz, 67 fueron de inicio temprano y 33 de inicio tardío. Las pruebas estadística Chi-cuadrado y Pearson. Resultados: Los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda que iniciaron la nutrición oral en forma tardía tuvieron significativamente amilasemia más elevada, estancia hospitalaria más prolongada y mayor costo directo total. La edad, sexo, ocupación, grado de instrucción, tipo pancreatitis y complicaciones observadas no tienen diferencia significativa con el inicio de la nutrición oral. El inicio temprano de la nutrición oral y enteral disminuyo el costo directo total en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda hospitalizados de forma estadísticamente significativa, permitiendo un ahorro hasta del 57 por ciento en el grupo etario más frecuente. Conclusiones: El inicio temprano de la nutrición oral, enteral en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda influye directamente en la disminución de la estancia hospitalaria y costo directo, permitiendo un ahorro del 57 por ciento en el grupo más frecuente, midiendo de esta manera la efectividad.

Introduction: The nutritional management of the PA is pain control measures, decreased fasting days, early onset of nutrition, intravenous hydration and close monitoring. Objective: To determine whether early initiation of oral and enteral nutrition influences the direct cost and effectiveness in patients with PA Hospital "Victor Ramos Guardia" Huaraz. 2011-2014. Design: Retrospective, descriptive, quantitative, analytical study of the medical records of 100 patients who met the inclusion criteria. Place: Hospital "Victor Ramos Guardia" Huaraz, were 67 early-onset and 33 late onset. The statistical test Chi-square and Pearson. Results: Patients with acute pancreatitis who started oral nutrition belatedly had significantly higher serum amylase, longer hospital stay and higher total direct cost. Age, sex, occupation, level of education, type and pancreatitis complications observed no significant difference with the start of oral nutrition. The early onset of oral and enteral nutrition decreased the total direct cost in patients with acute pancreatitis hospitalized statistically significant, allowing savings of up to 57 per cent in the most common age group. Conclusions: The early onset of oral, enteral nutrition in patients with acute pancreatitis directly influences the decreased hospital stay and direct cost, allowing a saving of 57 per cent in the most common group, thereby measuring the effectiveness.

Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Enteral Nutrition , Pancreatitis , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Retrospective Studies
Univ. salud ; 16(1): 103-111, ene.-jun. 2014. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-725022


Introducción: En América Latina y el Caribe el 10% de la población de presenta desnutrición y el 16% en niños menores de cinco años. Objetivo: Identificar la anemia como signo de malnutrición en niños del programa de recuperación nutricional domiciliaria del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Santa Rosa de Osos, Antioquia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, que incluyó 33 niños (0-10 años) del programa y fueron excluidos pacientes anémicos por otra causa. Se realizaron hemoleucogramas analizando valores de hemoglobina, hematocrito, presencia de anemia y su clasificación. El MUAC Mid-Upper Arm Circumference se empleó para valorar el estado nutricional de la población. Otras medidas antropométricas utilizadas fueron el peso en kilogramos y talla en centímetros e IMC (Indice de Masa Corporal). Se realizó una base de datos en el programa SPSS versión 19.0 para el análisis así: las variables cuantitativas con nivel de razón, promedios y desviaciones estándar (DE) y variables cualitativas en porcentajes. La investigación contó con el aval ético de la institución. Resultados: El 51% de los pacientes incluidos en el estudio fueron de sexo femenino, la edad promedio fue 3.5 años, el 97% correspondieron a estratos socioeconómicos 1- 2 y cuatro de cada cinco pacientes pertenecían al régimen contributivo. El 8.6% padecían desnutrición global y el 23% bajo peso. Se encontró la hemoglobina con promedio de 12.3 g/dL y el hematocrito 37.3%. En los niños con anemia, en más de la tercera parte, se evidenció microcitosis e hipocromía. Conclusión: Los valores antropométricos se relacionan con valores límites de la hemoglobina y la presencia de anemia microcítica hipocrómica.

Introduction: 10% of the population present malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean and 16% in children under five. Objective: To identify anemia as a sign of malnutrition in children belonging to the home nutritional recovery program from San Juan de Dios Hospital in Santa Rosa de Osos, Antioquia. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study which included 33 children (0-10 years) from the program was carried out. Anemic patients for other reasons were excluded. Full blood counts were done using values of hemoglobin, hematocrit, presence of anemia and its classification for analysis. The MUAC (Mid-Upper Arm Circumference) to assess the nutritional status of the population was employed. Other anthropometric measures used were the weight in kilograms and height in centimeters and BMI (Body Mass Index). A database in the program SPSS version 19.0 was done for the analysis of information. The quantitative variables with the level of reason, averages and standard deviations (SD) were analyzed and qualitative variables were expressed in percentages. The research had the ethical approval from the institution. Results: 51% of patients included in the study were female, and the average age was 3.5 years, 97% corresponded to 1 and 2 socioeconomic strata and four out of five patients belonged to the contributory scheme. The 8.6% suffered from global malnutrition and the 23% suffered from underweight. Hemoglobin with average of 12.3 g/dL and hematocrit 37.3% were found. In children with anemia, in more than a third, hypochromia and microcytosis were evident. Conclusion: anthropometric values relate to limiting values of hemoglobin and the presence of hypochromic microcytic anemia.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Malnutrition , Feeding Behavior , Anemia
Rev. med. interna ; 17(1): 29-34, ene.-abr. 2013. tab, ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-836221


En el paciente crítico, la malnutrición puede ser preexistente, manifestarse al ingreso o desarrollarse de forma evolutiva, favorecida por el estado hipercatabólico e hipermetabólico. Por lo que para identificar el estado nutricional del paciente existen parámetros destinado a su valoración. Sin embargo, su aplicación en los pacientes críticos es difícil, debido a la interpretación de los resultados se encuentra alterada por los cambios originados debido a la enfermedad aguda y a las medidas terapéuticas. El objetivo fue determinar si el estado nutricional es un factor pronóstico de mortalidad en el paciente críticamente enfermo...

Humans , Patient Care/mortality , Critical Care/methods , Malnutrition/complications , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Food and Nutritional Surveillance , Nutrition for Vulnerable Groups
Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 38(1): 27-37, abr. 2013. graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-676108


The aim of the study was to evaluate the evolution of anthropometric parameters of children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing dialysis. It is a prospective, observational and descriptive study with inclusion criterion comprising all patients between 2 and 19 years old who began treatment between 2004 and 2008. Patients under 2 years old and/or patients who spent less than 3 months on treatment were excluded from this study. Patients were evaluated by Z score (Z obs) of height for age (H/A), weight for height (W/H) and body mass index (BMI); they were classified as protein-energy malnutrition (any esc Z<?2), nutritional risk (?2<any esc Z<?1), or normal weight (?1<Z all esc <+1). We used Student?s t test and descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation). We assessed 22 patients (11 males) with follow-up range of 12-41 months, distributed in the following stages of chronic kidney disease: stage 2 (n = 6), stage 3 (n = 7), and stage 4 (n = 9). On admission to treatment, 13 patients (59.1%) presented protein energy malnutrition. We observed changes in the anthropometric indices form the beginning of treatment to the end of the study, especially in the later stages of CKD, such as stage 3. The level of rejection of the null hypothesis was 0.05. This study confirms that the protein-energy malnutrition is a common finding in CKD and concludes that the multidisciplinary specific nutritional guidelines are essential for the maintenance and/or nutritional recovery of the pediatric population, compared to the progressive nature of CKD.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la evolución de los parámetros antropométricos de los niños y adolescentes con Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) en diálisis. Se trata de un estudio prospectivo, observacional y descriptivo, que incluyó a todos los pacientes de entre 2 y 19 años de edad que comenzaron el tratamiento entre 2004 y 2008. Los pacientes menores de 2 años y/o que permanecieron menos de 3 meses en tratamiento fueron excluidos de este estudio. Los pacientes fueron evaluados por la puntuación Z (pto. Z) de altura para la edad (A/E) y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y se clasifican como ?en desnutrición proteico-calórica? (cualquier pto. Z<?2), ?en riesgo nutricional? (?2<cualquier pto. Z<?1) o ?peso normal? (?1<Z todos los ptos. <+1). Se utilizó la prueba t de Student y estadística descriptiva (media y desviación estándar). El estudio incluyó 22 pacientes (11 varones), con un rango de seguimiento 12 a 41 meses y distribuidos en las siguientes categorías de la enfermedad renal crónica: etapa 2 (n=6), etapa 3 (n=7) y etapa 4 (etapa n=9). En la admisión al tratamiento, 13 pacientes (59,1%) presentaron desnutrición proteico-calórica. Se observaron cambios en los índices antropométricos desde el comienzo hacia el final del estudio, especialmente en las últimas etapas de la ERC, como la etapa 3. El nivel de rechazo de la hipótesis nula se fijó en 0,05. Este estudio refuerza que la desnutrición proteico-calórica es un hallazgo común en la ERC y llega a la conclusión de que el acompa-ñamiento multiprofesional y las orientaciones nutricionales específicas son esenciales para el mantenimiento y/o la recuperación nutricional de la población pediátrica, dada la naturaleza progresiva de la ERC.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a evolução dos parâmetros antropométricos de crianças e adolescentes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em tratamento conservador. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, observacional e descritivo, que apresentou como critério de inclusão todos os pacientes com idade entre doise 19 anos que iniciaram o tratamento entre 2004 e 2008. Os pacientes menores de doisanos e/ou que permaneceram menos de três meses em tratamento foram excluídos deste estudo. Os pacientes foram avaliados pelos escores Z (esc Z) de estatura por idade (E/I) e índice de massa corporal (IMC), sendo classificados em desnutrição energético-proteica (qualquer esc Z<?2), risco nutricional (?2? qualquer esc Z<?1) ou eutrofia (?1? todos esc Z<+1). Utilizaramse o teste t de Student e a estatística descritiva (média e desvio-padrão). O estudo totalizou 22 pacientes, sendo 11 do gênero masculino, com intervalo de seguimento de 12 a 41 meses, distribuídos nos seguintes estágios da doença renal crônica: estágio 2 (n=6), estágio 3 (n=7) e estágio 4 (n=9). Na admissão ao tratamento, 13 pacientes (59,1%) apresentaram desnutrição energético-proteica. Observaram-se variações dos índices antropométricos do início do tratamento para o final do estudo, principalmente nos estágios mais avançados da DRC, como o estágio 3. O nível de rejeição da hipótese de nulidade foi fixado em 0,05. O presente estudo reforça que a desnutrição energético-proteica é um achado comum na DRC e conclui que o acompanhamento multiprofissional e as orientações nutricionais específicas são essenciais para manutenção e/ou recuperação nutricional da população pediátrica, frente ao caráter progressivo da DRC.

Humans , Adolescent , Child , Nutrition Assessment , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/pathology , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Pediatrics/classification
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 41(1): 11-19, ene.-mar. 2012.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-629233


Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia del nutrial II como nutrición enteral suplementaria en el preoperatorio del lesionado complejo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio experimental, longitudinal y prospectivo de forma aleatoria en los pacientes lesionados complejos que ingresaron en la Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios Quirúrgicos del Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto", en el periodo comprendido desde el 1ro. de enero de 2006 hasta el 1ro. de enero de 2009. Se conformaron 2 grupos y fue posible estudiar a 100 pacientes. A ambos grupos se les suministró la dieta libre establecida. Al grupo 2 se le adicionó un producto cubano, llamado nutrial II. Resultados: el grupo 2, que consumió el suplemento nutricional, mostró en el preoperatorio elevación hasta 82 por ciento de los pacientes con buen estado nutricional. Se evidenció una estadía hospitalaria más corta en el grupo que consumió el suplemento nutricional. Los lesionados del grupo 2 tuvieron menor estadía preoperatoria; en este grupo se logró que los pacientes asistieran al acto operatorio con una pérdida de nitrógeno cerca de los valores límites de la normalidad, al igual que la albúmina y el colesterol, y solo el 20 por ciento de los pacientes del grupo que recibió el suplemento por vía oral presentó algún tipo de complicación. Conclusiones: las variables que miden el estado nutricional de los lesionados complejos se mantuvieron dentro de límites aceptables para una intervención quirúrgica a corto plazo en el grupo que recibió el nutrial II. Se mostró reducción del número de complicaciones posoperatorias infecciosas en el grupo de lesionados que recibieron el nutrimento, el cual se considera útil para disminuir la morbilidad

Objective: to assess the effectiveness of Nutrial II as supplementary enteral nutrition in the postoperative stage of complicated injured patient. Methods: a randomized, prospective, longitudinal and experimental study was conducted in complicated injured patients admitted in the Surgical Intermediate Care Unit of the "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" Central Military Hospital from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2009. Two groups were created and it was possible to study 100 patients. Both groups received the established free diet and to group 2 a Cuban product called Nutrial II was added. Results: the group 2 had the nutritional supplement and in the postoperative stage showed a rise up to 82 percent of patients with a good nutritional status. It was evidenced a shorter hospital stay in the group consumed the nutritional supplement. The injured ones of the group 2 had less postoperative stay; in this group authors achieved that patients went to surgery with a loss of nitrogen near of limit values of the normality like the albumin and cholesterol, and only the 20 percent of patients from the group with oral supplement had some type of complication. Conclusions: the variables measuring the nutritional status of the complicated injured remained within the acceptable limits for a short term surgical intervention in the group with Nutrial II. There was a reduction in the number of postoperative infectious complications in the injured group under nourishment, which is considered as useful to decrease the morbility

Humans , Preoperative Care/trends , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Nutrients/analysis , Nutrition Rehabilitation/methods , Longitudinal Studies , Prospective Studies
Prensa méd. argent ; 98(8): 538-540, 2011.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-665121


Nosocomial desnutrition is a severe problem of world public health whose prevalence rounds between 30 to 50%. To assume the responsibility of an early detection of the patients at risk for this problem, an adequate nutritional supply is the great challenge that the health team should assume, in order to discard the nosocomial desnutrition as an "iatrogenic disease"

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Malnutrition/therapy , Hospitalization , Nutrition Assessment , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Retrospective Studies
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2011. 183 p. tab, graf, ilus.
学位论文 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-837239


A desnutrição protéico-energética (DPE) afeta mais de 1 bilhão de pessoas no mundo, principalmente crianças, idosos e pacientes hospitalizados. Ela provoca alterações metabólicas e hormonais, além de afetar o tecido hemopoético. O comprometimento da hemopoese provoca anemia e leucopenia, modificando a resposta imune inata e adquirida do organismo. Dessa forma, é comum a associação entre desnutrição e infecção, levando ao comprometimento do tratamento e aumento da morbidade e mortalidade de indivíduos hospitalizados. Após a recuperação nutricional, é relatada a reversão das alterações bioquímicas e hormonais, bem como das alterações na hemopoese e na resposta imune. Porém, muitos resultados são controversos, existindo dúvidas quanto à reversibilidade das alterações. Assim, nos propusemos a avaliar os efeitos da recuperação nutricional nos parâmetros bioquímicos, hormonais, hematológicos e imunológicos em modelo murino de desnutrição. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram perda de peso significativa, redução de proteínas totais, albumina, glicose, insulina e IGF-1, bem como aumento de glutamina plasmática, glutamina sintetase muscular e corticosterona. Houve redução dos parâmetros hepáticos e musculares, bem como alteração na sensibilidade à insulina, evidenciada pelos testes de OGTT e ITT. Todas as alterações descritas caracterizam o quadro de desnutrição. Após a recuperação nutricional, alguns parâmetros foram normalizados, mas as concentrações de glicose, insulina e IGF-1 permaneceram reduzidas. Da mesma forma, as alterações na concentração de DNA hepático e na sensibilidade à insulina permaneceram nos animais renutridos. A pancitopenia periférica e hipocelularidade da medula óssea e do baço observadas nos animais desnutridos foram revertidas após a renutrição. A avaliação de macrófagos peritoniais mostrou reversão parcial do comprometimento da capacidade e adesão e espraiamento, bem como da atividade fungicida nos animais renutridos. A produção de peróxido de hidrogênio continuou baixa após a recuperação nutricional, enquanto a produção de óxido nítrico voltou a aumentar. O comprometimento da produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias decorrente da desnutrição não foi completamente revertido, visto que, em camundongos Swiss Webster, somente a produção de TNF-α retornou ao normal, enquanto em camundongos C56BL/6J a produção de nenhuma citocina foi restabelecida. A avaliação da via de sinalização do fator de transcrição NFkB mostrou alteração na expressão de MyD88, TRAF-6, IkKß e IkBα em animais desnutridos. Após a recuperação nutricional, algumas dessas proteínas não retornaram ao normal. Os animais desnutridos também apresentaram comprometimento da ativação de NFkB, que não foi normalizada após a recuperação nutricional. Sendo assim, é possível afirmar que o retorno a uma dieta normoprotéica não é suficiente para reverter todas as alterações causadas pela desnutrição

Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) affects more than 1 billion people worldwide, mainly children, elderly and hospitalized patients. It causes metabolic and hormonal changes, besides affecting hematopoietic tissue. Impaired hematopoiesis causes anemia and leukopenia, modifying innate and acquired immune response of the organism. Thus, it is common the association between malnutrition and infection, leading to impaired treatment and increasing morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients. After nutritional recovery, it is reported reversal of biochemical and hormonal changes, as well as, reversal of changes in hematopoiesis and immune response. However, many results are controversial, and there are doubts about the reversibility of the changes. Thus, we proposed to evaluate the effects of nutritional recovery biochemical, hormonal, haematological and immunological parameters in a murine model of malnutrition. The malnourished animals showed significant weight loss, reduction in total protein, albumin, glucose, insulin and IGF-1, as well as increased plasma glutamine, corticosterone and muscle glutamine synthetase. There was a reduction in muscle and liver parameters as well as change in insulin sensitivity, evidenced by the tests of OGTT and ITT. All modifications described characterize the malnutrition. After nutritional recovery, there was normalization of some parameters, but the concentrations of glucose, insulin and IGF-1 remained low. Likewise, changes in hepatic DNA concentration and insulin sensitivity remained in renourished animals. Peripheral pancytopenia and hypocellularity in bone marrow and spleen observed in malnourished animals were reversed after refeeding. The evaluation of peritoneal macrophages showed partial reversal of impairment of adhesion and spreading ability, as well as fungicidal activity in animals renourished. The hydrogen peroxide production remained low after nutritional recovery, while nitric oxide production increased again. Impaired production of proinflammatory cytokines due to malnutrition was not completely reversed, whereas in Swiss Webster mice, only the production of TNF-α returned to normal, whereas in C56BL/6J mice no cytokine production was restored. The assessment of the signalling pathway of transcription factor NFkB showed alterations in the expression of MyD88, TRAF-6 IkKß and IkBα in malnourished animals. After nutritional recovery, some of these proteins didn't return to normal. Malnourished animals also showed impaired activation of NFkB, which wasn't normalized after nutritional recovery. Therefore, it is possible to say that the return to a normal diet is not enough to reverse all the changes caused by malnutrition

Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Nutrition Rehabilitation/methods , /analysis , Histocompatibility Antigens Class II , Protein-Energy Malnutrition/prevention & control , Hematopoiesis
Rev. saúde pública ; 44(5): 793-801, oct. 2010. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-558923


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade de programa governamental de suplementação alimentar no ganho ponderal de crianças. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte com dados secundários de 25.433 crianças de baixa renda com idade entre seis e 24 meses que ingressaram em programa de distribuição de leite fortificado Projeto Vivaleite, realizado no Estado de São Paulo de 2003 a 2008. O ganho ponderal foi medido por meio dos valores de escores z de peso para idade, calculados pelo padrão da Organização Mundial da Saúde (2007), obtidos, na rotina do programa, ao ingressar e a cada quatro meses durante a permanência. As crianças foram divididas em três grupos de escore z ao entrar: sem comprometimento de peso (z > -1); risco de baixo peso (-2 < z < -1) e baixo peso (z < -2). Utilizou-se regressão linear multinível (modelo misto), permitindo a comparação, em cada idade, das médias ajustadas do escore z dos ingressantes e participantes há pelo menos quatro meses, ajustadas para correlação entre medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se efeito positivo do programa no ganho de peso das crianças, variando em função do estado nutricional ao ingressar; para as que entraram sem comprometimento de peso, o ganho médio ajustado foi 0,183 escore z;entre as que entraram com risco de baixo peso, foi 0,566; e entre as ingressantes com baixo peso, foi 1,005 escore z. CONCLUSÕES: O programa é efetivo para o ganho ponderal de crianças menores de dois anos, com efeito mais pronunciado entre as crianças que entram no programa em condições menos favoráveis de peso.

Child , Humans , Program Evaluation , Weight Gain , Infant Nutrition , Nutrition Programs , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/supply & distribution , Child , Cohort Studies
Perspect. nutr. hum ; 12(1): 77-85, ene.-jun. 2010. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-591519


Antecedentes: la parálisis cerebral es un término usado para describir el síndrome producido por lesión o daño del sistema nervioso central durante períodos críticos del desarrollo. Los niños con parálisis cerebral presentan diferentes manifestaciones clínicas, pero todos presentan deterioro de la función neurológica. Esta enfermedad, considerada altamente incapacitante, presenta una incidencia de 2,5 por cada mil nacidos vivos en países en desarrollo y de 2,0 en países desarrollados. Objetivo: identificar características alimentarias y nutricionales de los niños con parálisis cerebral para orientar a los profesionales de la salud con recomendaciones que contribuyan a la intervención efectiva de este grupo. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años en bases de datos nacionales e internacionales. Resultados: la parálisis cerebral afecta el desarrollo de los diferentes sistemas reguladores de las funciones vitales del organismo: succión, masticación, deglución y respiración, que comprometen los procesos de alimentación y el estado nutricional de los niños que la padecen.Conclusiones: la atención alimentaria y nutricional de niños con parálisis cerebral, requiere que el nutricionista dietista, de forma interdisciplinaria, desarrolle modificaciones dietéticas acordes a las características del paciente para favorecer el consumo de alimentos y mejorar su estado nutricional.

Cerebral paralysis defined the syndrome for damage of nervous system, it could happen during critical periods of child development. Children having cerebral paralysis present different clinical manifestations, but all present damage of neurological function. Cerebral paralysis is an extremely disable disease, the world incidence is 2,5 per 1000 newborns in developing countries and 2,0 per 1000 newborns in developed nations. Objective: to identify feeding and nutritional characteristics in children having cerebral paralysis in order to develop guidelines for health professionals working with these children. Methods: a systematic search of articles published the last 10 years related to the topic was done, looking in scientific national and international data base. Results: cerebral paralysis affects physiological functions like suction, mastication, swallowing and breading system, that affect feeding process and nutritional status of children. Conclusion: the main purpose of this review was to understand the impact of cerebral paralysis on nutritional status in children having this syndrome, also this review provides information about recommendations that health professionals should apply to improve the quality of life for this population.

Child , Cerebral Palsy/diet therapy , Cerebral Palsy/metabolism , Nutrition Rehabilitation
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 60(1): 56-63, mar. 2010. graf, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-588619


Hace 30 años los niños chilenos que se recuperaban en CONIN recibían alimentación ad libitum, que podría haber favorecido la aparición de sobrepeso y obesidad (SP/OB). Por este motivo el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre la ingesta energético-proteica durante la recuperación nutricional y la aparición de sobrepeso-obesidad (SP/OB) al alta. Se diseño un estudio retrospectivo, analítico del universo formado por las 168 fichas encontradas de menores de 2 años, desnutridos primarios recuperados en CONIN entre 1977-1982. Se evaluó el estado nutricional por Sempé (referencia de crecimiento utilizada en esos años) y OMS (referencia actual), desde el ingreso hasta el cuarto mes de estadía y al alta. Según referencia de Sempé la desnutrición al ingreso fue 25 por ciento grave, 63 por ciento moderada y 12 por ciento leve; por OMS (P/T) estas cifras eran 14.9 por ciento, 29.2 por ciento y 38.1 por ciento, respectivamente; el resto era eutrófico. Al alta, no había niños con SP/OB por P/E (Sempé), mientras que según P/T, el 6 por ciento tenía SP/OB a los 3 meses de tratamiento y el 13,8 por ciento al alta. La ingesta alimentaria promedio, aportada ad libitum, fue de 148 kcals/Kg/día y 4 g prot/kg/día. Los niños con SP/OB tuvieron mayor ganancia de peso diario (30,3 vs 19,2 g/día) que sus pares no obesos y mayor ganancia de peso diario comparado al promedio para la edad (19,7 vs 8,2 g/día). La alimentación prescrita alcanzó valores elevados dentro del rango utilizado actualmente; la ingesta real, administrada ad-libitum, fue significativamente menor y se asoció a una frecuencia de 13,8 por ciento SP/OB.

Thirty years ago malnourished Chilean children were recovered by CONIN; they were fed ad libitum and this may have favoured the appearance of overweight-obesity (SP/OB). The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between energy-calorie intake during nutritional recovery and the appearance of overweight-obesity (SP/OB). The design was a retrospective, analytical study of the universe formed by the 168 clinical records found, of children below 2 years of age, recovered by CONIN between 1977 and 1982. Nutritional status was assessed using the Sempé criteria (applied in the period evaluated) and those of WHO, (currently in use), on admission, after 4 month treatment and on discharge. By Sempé criteria, malnutrition on admission was classified 25 percent severe, 63 percent moderate and 12 percent mild; instead, using WHO standards these figures were 14,9 percent, 29,2 percent y 38,1 percent, respectively; the remaining children were well nourished. On discharge, there was no SP/OB by W/A (Sempé), but by W/H (WHO) 6 percent and 13.8 percent were SP/OB after 3 months and on discharge, respectively. Food intake, administered ad libitum, reached a mean of 148 kcals/kg/d and 4 g prot/kg/d. SP/OB children had greater daily weight gain (30,3 vs 19,2 g/d) than the non-obese children and greater daily weight gain than the mean for age and sex (19,7 vs 8,2 g/día). The prescribed feeding reached values considered high by currently used criteria; actual intake, administered ad-libitum, was significantly lower and was associated with 13.8 percent of children with overweight-obesity at the time of discharge.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child Nutrition Disorders , Feeding Behavior , Infant Nutrition , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Weight Gain
Arch. venez. pueric. pediatr ; 71(2): 42-47, abr.-jun. 2008. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-589258


Determinar las concentraciones séricas de citocinas Th2 (IL4 e IL10), en niños desnutridos y eutróficos sin infección, en edades comprendidas entre 6 meses y 6 años. Se seleccionaron 89 niños; 64 niños con algún grado de desnutrición (leve, moderada y grave) y 25 niños eutróficos. Las citocinas se midieron en sangre periférica utilizando el método de ELISA doble sandwich. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizo el test de ANOVA con post test de Tukey. Se presentan como media + DE. La IL4 mostró en el grupo de desnutridos, niveles más elevados: leves (0.46 ± 0.04 pg/ml), moderados (0.48 ± 0.10 pg/ml) y graves (0.55 ± 0.006 pg/ml), presentando cada grupo diferencias significativas p < 0.001 en relación con el grupo control (0.37 ± 0.004 pg/ml). También hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos de desnutridos leves y moderados con los graves p < 0.001. La IL10 mostró diferencias significativas entre los desnutridos moderados (9.91 ± 3.17 pg/ml) y graves (10.88 ± 5.13 pg/ml) con el grupo control (6.53 ± 2.59 pg/ml) p < 0.01. Los valores elevados de IL4 e IL10 en el niño desnutrido son consecuencia de un daño en la capacidad de activación de las células inmunitarias en los mismos, sumándose el grado de infestación parasitaria con helmintos que presentan, que condiciona la elevación de IL4.

To determine the cytokine serum measurements Th2 (IL4 and IL10), in malnourished children and eutrophic without infection, in ages understood between 6 months and 6 years. 89 children were selected; 64 children with some grade of malnourishment (mild, moderate and severe) and 25 eutrophic children. The cytokines was measured in outlying blood using ELISA'S double sandwich method. For the statistical analysis we use the test of ANOVA with post test of Tukey. They are presented like Mean + SD. The IL4 showed in the group of malnourished, higher levels: mild (0.46 ± 0.04 pg/ml), moderate (0.48 ± 0.10 pg/ml) and severe (0.55 ± 0.006 pg/ml), presenting each group significant differences (p < 0.001) in relation with the control group (0.37 ± 0.004 pg/ml). There were also significant differences among the groups of mild malnourished and moderate with the severe ones p < 0.001. The IL10 showed significant differences among the moderate malnourished (9.91 ± 3.17 pg/ml) and the severe (10.88 ± 5.13 pg/ml) with the control group (6.53 ± 2.59 pg/ml) (p < 0.01). The high values of IL4 and IL10 in the malnourished children are consequence of damage in the capacity of activation of the immune cells in the same ones, being added the grade of parasitic infection with worms that present that conditions the rise of IL4.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Cytokines/analysis , Protein-Energy Malnutrition/diagnosis , Protein-Energy Malnutrition/physiopathology , /analysis , Nutrition Rehabilitation/methods , Nurseries, Infant , Pediatrics , Socioeconomic Factors
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 14(1): 74-84, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-507776


A desnutrição é, ainda hoje, grave problema médico-social nos países em desenvolvimento. Assim, é de grande interesse o desenvolvimento de procedimentos mais efetivos no seu tratamento. Isso inclui o emprego do exercício físico. O presente estudo teve como objetivo revisar: a) os principais tópicos referentes aos efeitos da desnutrição sobre o organismo, bem como à sua recuperação através da alimentação associada ao exercício físico e b) o metabolismo protéico muscular de ratos em recuperação da desnutrição protéica. Para atingir tal fim, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica minuciosa dos principais trabalhos científicos publicados pelo nosso grupo de trabalho, e por outros pesquisadores na área, nos últimos anos.

Today, malnutrition still remains the single most important factor impairing health and productivity of large human populations, mainly in the developing countries. For this reason, the exploration ofalternative treatments, in addition to nutritional recovery, became a matter of generalized interest, and this includes the employment of physical exercise. The present study aimed to review: a) the main topics relatedto malnutrition effects on organism as well as nutritional recovery through dietary procedures associated tophysical exercise and b) Muscle protein metabolism of rats recovering from protein malnutrition. To reach the objective of the present study, a bibliographic review process was applied and scientific papers published by our work group and by other groups in this area, were used.

Exercise , Malnutrition , Muscle, Skeletal/metabolism , Nutrition Rehabilitation/methods