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Med. lab ; 27(3): 229-244, 2023. ilus, Tabs, Grafs
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444235


La hemocromatosis es un desorden en el cual la sobrecarga progresiva de hierro puede llevar a complicaciones sistémicas con gran morbimortalidad. Es una entidad clinicopatológica, con múltiples genes comprometidos y una fisiopatología común, con una expresión clínica y fenotípica variable, que depende de múltiples factores, tanto individuales como ambientales. Para su diagnóstico y seguimiento adecuado es necesario tener en cuenta elementos clínicos, bioquímicos y moleculares. En esta revisión, se presentan las generalidades de la hemocromatosis, además de sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos y moleculares, teniendo en cuenta su valor para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Adicionalmente, se describe la clasificación y un algoritmo diagnóstico propuestos recientemente por grupos de trabajo de expertos, así como las opciones de manejo y seguimiento de los pacientes con hemocromatosis

Hemochromatosis is a disorder in which progressive iron overload may lead to systemic complications with potential morbidity and mortality. It is a clinicopathologic entity that involves multiple genes and common pathophysiology, and has a variable clinical and phenotypic expression that depends on several individual and environmental factors. To make the diagnosis and perform a proper follow-up, clinical, biochemical, and molecular elements must be considered. This review aims to present the general characteristics of hemochromatosis, its molecular and pathophysiologic mechanisms, and their significance in the diagnosis of this disorder. In addition, a new classification and a proposed diagnostic algorithm by an expert working group are described, as well as management and follow-up options for patients with hemochromatosis

Humans , Hemochromatosis , Phlebotomy , Iron Overload , Ferritins , Hemochromatosis Protein , Liver Cirrhosis
Saúde Soc ; 32(4): e210915pt, 2023. tab, graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530410


Resumo Hemocromatose hereditária (HH) é a doença genética mais comum em descendentes de europeus e sua epidemiologia em nosso país é incerta. Considerando o cenário das políticas públicas em HH no mundo contemporâneo, este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre o tema, com objetivo de fazer uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa sobre a abordagem adotada para essa doença em países desenvolvidos e a nível nacional. Além disso, discute sobre o custo-benefício da incorporação do índice de saturação da transferrina (ST) e ferritina sérica (FS) no nosso sistema de saúde, com a finalidade de identificar a HH antes que surjam suas complicações, bem como seu rastreio em campanhas nacionais de prevenção. O valor gasto para o screening da HH com dosagem de ST e FS pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) é muito menor do que os custos gerados quando o dano por excesso de ferro já está estabelecido. Nos casos suspeitos de HH, deveria ser viabilizada pelo SUS a pesquisa da mutação genética para o gene HFE, que atualmente só está disponível de forma privada. Com essas medidas, modifica-se a história natural da doença, reduzindo a morbimortalidade dos portadores e custos ao sistema público de saúde.

Abstract Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is the most common genetic disease among European descendants and its epidemiology in Brazil is unclear. Considering the contemporary public policy scenario aimed at HH, this narrative bibliographic review reflects on the approach adopted for this disease at the national level in developed countries. It also discusses the cost-effectiveness of incorporating transferrin saturation (TS) and serum ferritin (SF) indexes in the Brazilian healthcare system for early HH identification, as well as its screening in national prevention campaigns. The amount spent on ST- and FS-based HH screening by the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) is much lower than the costs generated by the already established iron overload. In suspected cases, genetic mutation research of the HFE gene, which is currently only performed privately, should be made available by the SUS. These measures can modify the natural history, reducing HH morbidity and mortality and its costs to the public health system.

Phlebotomy , Ferritins , Healthy Aging
Hepatología ; 4(1): 60-74, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1415977


Introducción. El objetivo de esta investigación fue comparar el perfil bioquímico y clínico de los pacientes con hiperferritinemia secundaria a hemocromatosis hereditaria (HH), frente a aquellos con hiperferritinemia por causas sospechosas de sobrecarga de hierro (Fe) diferentes a la HH. Metodología. Se estudiaron 92 pacientes (61 hombres y 31 mujeres), remitidos tras la detección de valores de ferritina >300 µg/L en hombres y >200 µg/L en mujeres. En todos se analizaron datos demográficos generales, comorbilidades, motivo de remisión para estudios de hiperferritinemia, manifestaciones clínicas, antecedente familiar de HH y tratamiento reci-bido. Los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio, imagenología, hallazgos histopatológicos y estudios genéticos, se describieron según la disponibilidad. Resultados. El 96,74 % de los pacientes fueron evaluados en consulta externa, 86,96 % procedían de Medellín o de otros municipios de Antioquia, Colombia. La edad promedio de los participantes fue de 52 años, la principal razón para ser derivados para estudios fue la elevación de los marcadores de Fe sérico, la causa más frecuente de hiperferritinemia fueron los diagnósticos diferentes a la HH (64,13 %) y entre quienes no tenían HH, la etiología metabólica fue la más común (59,32 %). Los pacientes con HH tuvieron niveles más elevados de ferritina y Fe sérico, mientras que en el grupo sin HH se presentaron mayores elevaciones en la saturación de transferrina, transfe-rrina y transaminasas. En pacientes con sobrecarga de Fe, la mutación más frecuentemente encontrada fue la homocigota H63D (36,67 %). Finalmente, 93,94 % de los pacientes con HH recibieron tratamiento con flebotomías, mientras que los cambios en el estilo de vida fueron indicados en el 55,93 % de los pacientes sin HH. Conclusiones. La hiperferritinemia es una presentación clínica frecuente y es importante hacer un abordaje sistemático para identificar sus causas. Aunque la HH es una causa importante de elevación persistente de ferritina, en el enfoque de los pacientes con esta condición, se deben descartar etiologías más frecuentes como la hiperferritinemia de etiología metabólica.

Introduction. The aim of this investigation was to compare the biochemical and clinical profile of patients with secondary hyperferritinemia caused by hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), versus those with hyperferritinemia due to suspected causes of iron (Fe) overload other than HH. Methodology. A total of 92 patients (61 men and 31 women) referred after the detection of ferritin values >300 µg/L in men and >200 µg/L in women were studied. General demographic data, comorbidities, referral reasons for hyperferritinemia studies, clinical manifestations, family history of HH, and treatment received were analyzed in all patients. The results of laboratory tests, medical imaging, histopatho-logical findings, and genetic studies were described based on availability. Results. Of all patients, 96.74% were evaluated as outpatients, 86,96% from the municipality of Medellin in Antioquia, Colombia. The average age of the participants was 52 years, the main reason for being referred for studies was the elevation of serum Fe markers, the most frequent cause of hyperferritinemia in the population studied were conditions other than HH (64.13%), and among those who did not have HH, the metabolic etiology was the most common cause (60%). Patients with HH had higher levels of ferritin and serum Fe, while in the group without HH there were greater elevations of transferrin saturation, transferrin and transaminases. In patients with iron overload, the most frequently found mutation was the homozygous H63D (36.67%). Finally, 93.94% of the patients with HH received phlebotomy treatment, while changes in lifestyle were indicated in 55.93% of patients without HH. Conclusions. Hyperferritinemia is a frequent clinical presentation and it is important to make a systematic approach to identify its causes. Although HH is an important cause of persistent ferritin elevation, in the approach to patients with this condition, more frequent etiologies such as hyperfe-rritinemia of metabolic etiology should be ruled out.

Humans , Hyperferritinemia , Hemochromatosis , Phlebotomy , Iron Overload , Ferritins , Transaminases
Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 44(1): 95-99, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364881


Abstract Hemochromatosis is currently characterized by the iron overload caused by hepcidin deficiency. Large advances in the knowledge on the hemochromatosis pathophysiology have occurred due to a better understanding of the protein of the iron metabolism, the genetic basis of hemochromatosis and of other iron overload diseases or conditions which can lead to this phenotype. In the present review, the main aims are to show updates on hemochromatosis and to report a practical set of therapeutic recommendations for the human factors engineering protein (HFE) hemochromatosis for the p.Cys282Tyr (C282Y/C282Y) homozygous genotype, elaborated by the Haemochromatosis International Taskforce.

Humans , Male , Female , Iron Metabolism Disorders , Hemochromatosis/diagnosis , Hemochromatosis/therapy , Phlebotomy , Iron Overload , Hepcidins/deficiency , Hemochromatosis Protein
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 30: e3623, 2022. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1389118


Resumo Objetivo: identificar as ocorrências relacionadas à punção venosa periférica e à hipodermóclise entre pacientes internados em um hospital geral e em um hospital exclusivo de assistência a pacientes em cuidados paliativos oncológicos. Método: estudo observacional, descritivo e multicêntrico. A amostra do tipo consecutiva e não probabilística foi constituída por 160 pacientes oncológicos internados sob cuidados paliativos. A variável desfecho correspondeu às ocorrências e complicações relacionadas a cada tipo de punção. Utilizou-se um questionário contendo as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas e um roteiro estruturado para acompanhamento e avaliação diária da punção. Foram utilizadas estatísticas descritivas para a análise dos dados. Resultados: as ocorrências relacionadas à punção venosa no hospital geral foram sujidade de sangue na inserção do cateter (17,4 %) e prazo de uso expirado (15,8%), enquanto no serviço específico para atendimento a pacientes sob cuidados paliativos foram prazo de uso expirado (32%) seguido de infiltração (18,9%). Quanto à hipodermóclise, foram duas punções subcutâneas com sinais flogísticos (1,0%) no hospital geral e um hematoma no local de inserção do cateter (0,5%). No serviço específico para atendimento a pacientes sob cuidados paliativos foram três punções subcutâneas com sinais flogísticos (5,7%). Conclusão: as ocorrências relacionadas à punção venosa periférica foram superiores às relacionadas à hipodermóclise.

Abstract Objective: to identify the occurrences related to peripheral venipuncture and hypodermoclysis among patients hospitalized in a general hospital and in an exclusive hospital institution for the care of patients in palliative cancer care. Method: an observational, descriptive and multicenter study. The consecutive and non-probabilistic sample consisted of 160 cancer patients hospitalized in Palliative Care. The outcome variable corresponded to the occurrences and complications related to each type of puncture. A questionnaire containing the sociodemographic and clinical variables and a structured script for monitoring and daily evaluation of the puncture were used. Descriptive statistics were employed for data analysis. Results: the occurrences related to venipuncture at a general hospital were blood soiling at catheter insertion (17.4%) and expired use period (15.8%), while at a specific service for the care of patients under palliative care they were expired use period (32%) followed by infiltration (18.9%). As for hypodermoclysis, there were two subcutaneous punctures with phlogistic signs (1.0%) at the general hospital and a hematoma at the catheter insertion site (0.5%). At the specific service for the care of patients under palliative care there were three subcutaneous punctures with phlogistic signs (5.7%). Conclusion: the number of occurrences related to peripheral venipuncture was higher than those related to hypodermoclysis.

Resumen Objetivo: identificar los eventos relacionados con la venopunción periférica y la hipodermoclisis en pacientes hospitalizados en un hospital general y en un hospital que atiende exclusivamente a pacientes en cuidados paliativos oncológicos. Método: estudio observacional, descriptivo y multicéntrico. La muestra consecutiva y no probabilística estuvo compuesta por 160 pacientes oncológicos hospitalizados que reciben cuidados paliativos. La variable resultado correspondió a los eventos y complicaciones relacionados con cada tipo de punción. Se utilizó un cuestionario con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas y una guía estructurada para el seguimiento diario y la evaluación de la punción. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para el análisis de datos. Resultados: los eventos relacionados con la venopunción en un hospital general fueron contaminación de sangre en la inserción del catéter (17,4%) y catéter vencido (15,8%), mientras que en un hospital específico que atiende exclusivamente a pacientes en cuidados paliativos oncológicos fueron catéter vencido (32%) seguido de infiltración (18,9%). En cuanto a la hipodermoclisis, hubo dos punciones subcutáneas con signos flogísticos (1,0%) en hospital general y un hematoma en el lugar de inserción del catéter (0,5%). En el hospital en un hospital que atiende exclusivamente a pacientes en cuidados paliativos oncológicos hubo tres punciones subcutáneas con signos flogísticos (5,7%). Conclusión: los eventos relacionados con la venopunción periférica fueron mayores que los relacionados con la hipodermoclisis.

Humans , Palliative Care , Punctures/adverse effects , Phlebotomy/adverse effects , Inpatients , Neoplasms/therapy
Rev. argent. cir ; 113(4): 487-491, dic. 2021. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1356960


RESUMEN Los pseudoaneurismas de la arteria humeral son infrecuentes, pero pueden asociarse a complicaciones de alta morbilidad como la isquemia de miembro superior. Comunicamos un caso de pseudoaneurisma humeral en el pliegue del codo, que se presentó como tumor pulsátil con leve disminución de la temperatura y parestesias en la mano homolateral de un año de evolución, debido a una punción arterial inadvertida durante la venopunción para extracción de sangre. Se trató con éxito mediante resección quirúrgica más reconstrucción vascular con bypass húmero-cubital y bypass húmero-radial ambos con vena safena. Se discuten las diversas opciones terapéuticas disponibles para los pseudoaneurismas humerales considerando las características anatómicas y la sintomatología del paciente.

ABSTRACT Brachial artery pseudoaneurysms are rare but can be associated with severe complications as ischemia of the upper extremity. We report a case of a brachial artery pseudoaneurysm in the crease of the elbow presenting as a pulsating mass with progressive growth over the past year. The ipsilateral hand was sightly cold and presented paresthesia. The lesion was due to inadvertent arterial puncture during venipuncture. The pseudoaneurysm was successfully treated with surgical resection and vascular reconstruction with a brachial to ulnar artery bypass and brachial to radial artery bypass with saphenous vein graft. The different therapeutic options available for brachial artery pseudoaneurysms are discussed, considering the anatomic characteristics and patients' symptoms.

Humans , Female , Aged , Aneurysm, False/diagnosis , Ischemia , Paresthesia , Saphenous Vein , Therapeutics , Brachial Artery , Ulnar Artery , Phlebotomy , Upper Extremity , Iatrogenic Disease
Hepatología ; 2(1): 211-222, 2021. tab, ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1396555


La hemocromatosis hereditaria es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por la sobrecarga sistémica de hierro y se asocia a múltiples mutaciones genéticas que conducen a una producción inadecuadamente baja de la hormona hepcidina o a una alteración en la unión de la hepcidina a la ferroportina. Esto tiene como resultado un aumento de la absorción intestinal y el depósito de cantidades excesivas de hierro en las células, lo cual, a su vez, si no se corrige, genera daño tisular. La expresión clínica puede variar desde individuos completamente asintomáticos, hasta pacientes con cirrosis hepática a temprana edad, y eventualmente carcinoma hepatocelular. Habitualmente, el diagnóstico no es invasivo e incluye el examen clínico, la evaluación de los parámetros de hierro plasmático, imágenes y pruebas genéticas. El principal tratamiento es la flebotomía, pero terapias alternativas como la suplementación con hepcidina son un tema de investigación actual.

Hereditary hemochromatosis is a disease characterized by systemic iron overload of genetic origin, that leads to an inadequately low production of the hormone hepcidin or a reduction in hepcidinferroportin binding. This results in an increased intestinal absorption and the deposit of excessive amounts of iron in cells, which in turn results in tissue damage if not treated. The clinical expression can vary from completely asymptomatic individuals, to patients with liver cirrhosis at an early age, and eventually hepatocellular carcinoma. Diagnosis is usually noninvasive and includes clinical examination, assessment of plasma iron levels, imaging studies, and genetic testing. The main medical treatment is phlebotomy, but alternative therapies such as hepcidin supplementation are the subject of current research.

Humans , Hemochromatosis , Phlebotomy , Hemochromatosis Protein , Liver Cirrhosis
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 13: 724-729, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus, tab
文章 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1222962


Objective:The study's main purpose has been to characterize the peripheral venipuncture practices performed by nursing professionals providing care to pediatric and geriatric patients in a Brazilian Southern university hospital. Methods: It is a descriptive and observational study with a quantitative approach, which was performed in a Brazilian Southern university hospital over the period from December 2015 to June 2016, counting with 14 nursing professionals who were performing peripheral venipuncture in children and elderly people at the study's data collection time. Results: A total of 20 observations were made for the elderly group and 5 for the pediatric group. During all observations there was some divergence with the theoretical orientation that could result in harm to the patient and/or professional. Conclusion: By carrying out this study, it was noticed a variation of the technique and divergences between the practiced actions, therefore, underlining the importance of defining standard procedures and techniques based on scientific reasoning to promote patient safety

Objetivo: Caracterizar as práticas de punção venosa periférica executadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem no cuidado aos pacientes pediátricos e geriátricos em um hospital universitário do sul do país. Método: Quantitativo, observacional descritivo. Realizado em um hospital universitário da região sul do país, de dezembro de 2015 a junho de 2016, com 14 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem durante a realização da prática de punção venosa periférica em crianças e idosos. Resultados: Realizou-se 20 observações para o grupo de idosos e 5 para o grupo pediátrico, e em todas as observações houveram alguma divergência com a orientação teórica que poderia resultar em um dano ao paciente e/ou profissional. Conclusão: Ao realizar esse estudo, percebeu-se uma variação da técnica e divergências entre as ações praticadas, destacando a importância da padronização e desenvolvimento de técnicas a partir de fundamentação científica para promoção da segurança do paciente

Objetivo: Caracterizar las prácticas de punción venosa periférica que realizan los profesionales de enfermería en la atención de pacientes pediátricos y geriátricos en un hospital universitario del sur del país. Método: cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo. Realizado en un hospital universitario de la región sur del país, de diciembre de 2015 a junio de 2016, con 14 profesionales del equipo de enfermería durante la práctica de venopunción periférica en niños y ancianos. Resultados: se realizaron 20 observaciones para el grupo de ancianos y 5 para el grupo de pediatría, y en todas las observaciones hubo alguna divergencia con la orientación teórica que podría resultar en daño al paciente y / o profesional. Conclusión: Al realizar este estudio se observó una variación de la técnica y divergencias entre las acciones realizadas, destacando la importancia de la estandarización y el desarrollo de técnicas con fundamento científico para promover la seguridad del paciente

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Aged , Catheterization, Peripheral/nursing , Phlebotomy/nursing , Patient Safety , Hospitals, University , Nursing, Team/methods , Pediatrics/methods , Patient Harm/nursing , Nurse Practitioners/trends
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(2): 109-116, abr. 2020. ilus, tab
文章 在 英语, 西班牙语 | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1099860


Introducción. La anemia es una complicación para los recién nacidos de muy bajo peso al nacer, y los exámenes de laboratorio son un factor de riesgo preponderante. Más del 50 % recibe, al menos, una transfusión de glóbulos rojos. Estas se han asociado a mayor riesgo de infecciones, hemorragia intracraneal, enterocolitis necrotizante y displasia broncopulmonar. En 2012, se implementó, en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, una estrategia de menor volumen de extracción de sangre por flebotomía. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar su asociación con el número detransfusiones.Métodos. Estudio cuasiexperimental del tipo antes/después. Se comparó el número de transfusiones entre dos grupos de prematuros de muy bajo peso con diferente volumen de extracción. Se evaluó la correlación entre el volumen extraído y el número de transfusiones estimando el coeficiente de Spearman. Para ajustar por confundidores, se realizó un modelo de regresión logística.Resultados. Se incluyeron en el estudio 178 pacientes con edad gestacional media de 29,4 semanas (desvío estándar: 2,7) y peso al nacer de 1145 gramos (875-1345). El perfil de la serie roja inicial fue similar entre ambos grupos. El número de transfusiones (p = 0,017) y el volumen transfundido (p = 0,048) disminuyeron significativamente. El coeficiente de correlación resultó de 0,83. En el análisis multivariado, volumen de extracción y peso al nacer se asociaron a un requerimiento mayor de 3 transfusiones.Conclusión. Un menor volumen de extracción de sangre en prematuros de muy bajo peso está asociado de manera independiente a menor requerimiento transfusional.

Introduction. Anemia is a complication in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, and lab tests are a predominant risk factor. At least one red blood cell transfusion is given in more than 50 % of cases. Transfusions are associated with a higher risk for infections, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. In 2012, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires implemented a strategy to collect a lower blood volume by phlebotomy. The objective of this study was to assess its association with the number of transfusions.Methods. Before-and-after, quasi-experimental study. The number of transfusions was compared between two groups of VLBW preterm infants with different blood collection volumes. The correlation between the collection volume and the number of transfusions was assessed estimating Spearman's coefficient. A logistic regression model was used to adjust for confounders.Results. The study included 178 patients with a mean gestational age of 29.4 weeks (standard deviation: 2.7) and a birth weight of 1145 g (875-1345). The baseline red series profile was similar between both groups. The number of transfusions (p = 0.017) and the transfusion volume (p = 0.048) decreased significantly. The correlation coefficient was 0.83. In the multivariate analysis, collection volume and birth weight were associated with a requirement of more than three transfusions.Conclusion. A lower blood collection volume in VLBW preterm infants is independently associated with fewer transfusion requirements.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Blood Volume , Erythrocyte Transfusion , Phlebotomy/adverse effects , Infant, Premature , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Erythrocyte Indices , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Anemia, Neonatal/prevention & control , Anemia, Neonatal/therapy
Rev. bras. enferm ; 72(6): 1512-1518, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1042199


ABSTRACT Objective: to create, apply and analyze in clinical practice the effectiveness of a bundle to prevent peripheral vascular trauma to approach the peripheral venous puncture process. Method: action research with 435 adult participants in an emergency service from 2011 to 2013. Creation of the bundle for prevention of vascular trauma based on scientific evidence, ease of operation, observation and measurement with implantation through an educational intervention of the team of nursing. Effectiveness analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using chi-square. Consecutive sample with 95% confidence interval. Results: Five stages of the bundle were related to the catheter fixation, permanence and removal process. The incidence of vascular traumas due to vein punctures reduced by 46.41% after implantation of the bundle to prevent vascular trauma associated with emergency peripheral catheterization. Conclusion: The bundle in clinical practice reduced vascular traumas by venipuncture.

RESUMEN Objetivo: crear, aplicar y analizar en la práctica clínica la efectividad de un paquete para prevenir el traumatismo vascular periférico para abordar el proceso de punción venosa periférica. Método: investigación de acción con 435 participantes adultos en un servicio de emergencia de 2011 a 2013. Creación del paquete para la prevención de traumas vasculares basado en evidencia científica, facilidad de operación, observación y medición con implantación a través de una intervención educativa del equipo de enfermería. Efectividad analizada mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial utilizando chi-cuadrado. Muestra consecutiva con intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados: Cinco etapas del paquete se relacionaron con la fijación del catéter, la permanencia y el proceso de extracción. La incidencia de traumas vasculares se redujo en un 46,41% después de la implantación del haz para prevenir traumatismos vasculares asociados con cateterismo. Conclusión: el paquete en la práctica clínica redujo los traumas vasculares por venopunción.

RESUMO Objetivo: criar e aplicar um bundle na prática clínica e analisar sua efetividade para prevenção de trauma vascular periférico para abordagem do processo de punção venosa periférica. Método: pesquisa-ação com 435 participantes adultos num serviço de urgência, no período de 2011 a 2013. Criação do bundle para prevenção de trauma vascular baseada em evidências científicas, com facilidade de operacionalização, observação, mensuração e implantação por meio de uma intervenção educativa da equipe de enfermagem. Efetividade analisada por estatística descritiva e inferencial, usando o qui-quadrado. Amostra consecutiva com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: foram realizadas cinco etapas do bundle relacionadas ao processo de fixação, permanência e remoção do cateter. Houve redução de 46,41% na incidência de traumas vasculares após a implantação do bundle para prevenção de trauma vascular associado ao cateterismo periférico em urgência. Conclusão: o bundle, na prática clínica, reduziu a ocorrência de traumas vasculares decorrentes de punção venosa.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Catheterization, Peripheral/methods , Phlebotomy/adverse effects , Emergency Service, Hospital , Vascular System Injuries/prevention & control , Patient Care Bundles/methods , Nursing Assessment/methods , Catheterization, Peripheral/adverse effects , Chi-Square Distribution , Confidence Intervals , Emergencies , Middle Aged
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 53(4): 477-486, dic. 2019. graf, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124025


En este estudio se evaluó el efecto de tomar mate en las pruebas bioquímicas de rutina. Se extrajo sangre a 32 mujeres voluntarias luego de 12 horas de ayuno y a la hora (T1), dos horas (T2) y tres horas (T3) posteriores a la toma de 5 mates. Se estudiaron parámetros hematológicos y analitos de química clínica. Los resultados se analizaron empleando pruebas estadísticas para muestras relacionadas. Se calculó la diferencia porcentual media (DM%) de cada analito en cada hora respecto del valor basal y se comparó con el valor de referencia del cambio (VRC). Una DM% mayor que el VRC se consideró clínicamente significativa. En T1, T2 y T3 los recuentos de neutrófilos, eosinófilos y linfocitos fueron más bajos que en T0, también los niveles de glucosa, urea, creatinina y cistatina C fueron más bajos que en T0, mientras que los valores de proteínas totales, colesterol transportado por lipoproteínas de baja densidad y la actividad enzimática de lactato deshidrogenasa fueron más altos que en T0. En todos los casos los cambios fueron estadísticamente significativos, aunque no lo fueron desde el punto de vista clínico. Tomar 5 mates antes de la flebotomía no interfiere en los resultados de las pruebas bioquímicas de rutina.

In the present study the effect of drinking mate in routine biochemical tests was evaluated. Blood was collected from 32 female volunteers after a 12 h fasting period. In addition, 1 hour (T1), 2 hours (T2), and 3 hours (T3) after drinking 5 mates, blood was collected again. Hematological parameters and clinical chemistry analytes were studied. The results were analyzed using statistical tests for related samples. Mean difference % (MD%) was calculated for each analyte and was further compared with reference change value (RCV). The MDs% higher than RCV were considered clinically significant. At T1, T2, and T3 the count neutrophils, eosinophils and lymphocytes were lower than at T0. Also glucose, urea, creatinine, and cystatin C values were lower than at T0 whereas total proteins, LDL-C, and LD enzymatic activity values were higher than at T0. In all cases, variability was statistically significant but not clinically significant. Drinking 5 mates prior to phlebotomy does not interfere with the results of routine biochemical tests.

Neste trabalho, o efeito de beber chimarrão foi avaliado em testes bioquímicos de rotina. O sangue foi extraído de 32 mulheres voluntárias após 12 horas de jejum, e uma hora (T1), duas horas (T2) e três horas (T3) após a tomada de 5 chimarrões. Parâmetros hematológicos e analitos de química clínica foram estudados. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando testes estatísticos para amostras relacionadas. A diferença percentual média% (DM%) de cada analito em cada hora foi calculada em relação ao valor basal e comparada com o valor de referência da modificação (VRM). Uma DM% maior que o VRM foi considerada clinicamente significativa. Em T1, T2 e T3 as contagens de neutrófilos, eosinófilos e linfócitos foram mais baixas que em T0, Também os níveis de glicose, ureia, creatinina e cistatina C foram mais baixos que em T0, ao passo que os valores de proteínas totais, colesterol transportado por lipoproteínas de baixa densidade e a atividade enzimática de lactato desidrogenase foram mais altos que em T0. Em todos os casos as alterações foram estatisticamente significativas, embora do ponto de vista clínico não o tenham sido. Tomar 5 chimarrões antes da flebotomia não interfere nos resultados dos testes bioquímicos de rotina.

Humans , Urea , Blood , Lymphocytes , Chemistry, Clinical , Fasting , Phlebotomy , Creatinine , Drinking , Cystatin C , Pre-Analytical Phase/methods , Glucose , Lipoproteins, LDL , Referral and Consultation , Rutin , Triiodothyronine , Women , Cholesterol , Data Collection , Eosinophils , Pre-Analytical Phase/statistics & numerical data , L-Lactate Dehydrogenase , Neutrophils
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 65(9): 1216-1222, Sept. 2019. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041073


SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Iron overload is a broad syndrome with a large spectrum of causative etiologies that lead to iron deposition. When iron exceeds defenses, it causes oxidative damage and tissular disfunction. Treatment may prevent organ dysfunction, leading to greater life expectancy. METHODS Literature from the last five years was reviewed through the use of the PubMed database in search of treatment strategies. DISCUSSION Different pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies are available for the treatment of iron overload and must be used according to etiology and patient compliance. Therapeutic phlebotomy is the basis for the treatment of hereditary hemochromatosis. Transfusional overload patients and those who cannot tolerate phlebotomy need iron chelators. CONCLUSION Advances in the understanding of iron overload have lead to great advances in therapies and new pharmacological targets. Research has lead to better compliance with the use of oral chelators and less toxic drugs.

RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO A síndrome de sobrecarga de ferro engloba um grande espectro de etiologias que levam a um aumento da quantidade de ferro nos tecidos. Esse ferro excede a capacidade de proteção dos tecidos, levando a dano oxidativo e lesão tissular. Tratamento pode prevenir esse dano, levando à melhor sobrevida. METODOLOGIA A literatura dos últimos cinco anos foi revisada por meio de pesquisa na base de dados PubMed buscando identificar estratégias de tratamento. DISCUSSÃO Medidas farmacológicas e não farmacológicas estão disponíveis para o tratamento da síndrome de sobrecarga de ferro e devem ser utilizadas de acordo com a etiologia e a aceitação do paciente. A flebotomia terapêutica é base do tratamento dos pacientes com hemocromatose hereditária. Pacientes com sobrecarga transfusional ou aqueles que não toleram flebotomias devem utilizar quelantes de ferro. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS Avanços no entendimento da síndrome de sobrecarga de ferro têm levado a grandes progressos na terapêutica, com promessas de abordagem de novos alvos farmacológicos. A evolução da pesquisa tem possibilitado melhor aderência com o uso de quelantes orais e com possibilidade de drogas menos tóxicas.

Humans , Iron Chelating Agents/therapeutic use , Iron Overload/therapy , Syndrome , Patient Compliance , Phlebotomy/methods , Hemochromatosis/therapy
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997626


Background and Objectives@#Two of the authors, one heterosexual and one homosexual, both voluntarily donated blood to a well-known health institution in the Philippines. As they were filling out the paperwork, one of the authors' attention was called by one of the questions in the form: “Nakipagtalik ka na ba sa iyong kauri?,” which can be literally translated as “Have you had sex with your own kind?”. This erroneously phrased question was the sole question interrogated and problematized in the study.@*Methodology@#Reviews of Standpoint Theory and the methodology associated with it and, in effect, used in the study, formed part of the critique, divided into individual narrations and interpretations by each author. A third co-author, a hematologist, lent her insight on the logistics and issues of phlebotomy. Institutional ethnography was brought to bear on the narratives@*Results and Conclusion@#This three-author collaboration is presented as a claim that an interdisciplinary approach may open new vistas to a phenomenon that has long existed but been ignored. Reviews of Standpoint Theory and curriculum planning for health professionals are recommended.

Phlebotomy , Communication , Homosexuality , Blood Donation
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 114: e190170, 2019. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012672


BACKGROUND The state of Rondônia (RO) is a hot spot for human cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Many sandfly species in RO are putative vectors of leishmaniasis. OBJECTIVES This study examines the diversity patterns and the presence of Leishmania DNA and blood meal sources of sandflies in RO. METHODS A sandfly survey was performed between 2016 and 2018 in 10 municipalities categorised into three different environment types: (i) Conservation Unit (CUN) - comprised of preserved ombrophilous forests; (ii) Forest Edge (FE) - small forest fragments; and (iii) Peridomicile (PE) - areas around dwellings. FINDINGS A total of 73 species were identified from 9,535 sandflies. The most abundant species were Psychodopygus davisi (1,741 individuals), Nyssomyia antunesi (1,397), Trichophoromyia auraensis (1,295) and Trichophoromyia ubiquitalis (1,043). Diversity was the highest in CUN, followed by the FE and PE environments. One pool of Ps. davisi tested positive for Leishmania braziliensis, reinforcing the possibility that Ps. davisi acts as a vector. The cytochrome b (cytb) sequences were used to identify three blood meal sources: Bos taurus, Homo sapiens and Tamandua tetradactyla. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Our results demonstrated that sandflies can switch between blood meal sources in differing environments. This study enhances the knowledge of the vector life cycle in RO and provides information relevant to leishmaniasis surveillance.

Animals , Psychodidae , Phlebotomy , Diptera , Amazonian Ecosystem , Biodiversity
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 27: e3125, 2019. graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1004251


Objetivos durante a punção venosa periférica, recomenda-se o uso de um garrote acima do local da punção para potencializar a distensão venosa. Dadas as suas características e o uso em ambientes clínicos, os garrotes podem representar uma fonte de disseminação de micro-organismos. Entretanto, os resultados de estudos científicos nessa área estão dispersos na literatura. Esta revisão de escopo tem como objetivo mapear as evidências disponíveis a respeito das práticas dos profissionais de saúde no que concerne ao uso do garrote durante a punção venosa periférica e à contaminação microbiológica associada. Método revisão de escopo de acordo com a metodologia do Instituto Joanna Briggs. Dois revisores independentes analisaram a relevância dos estudos, extraíram e sintetizaram dados. Resultados quinze estudos foram incluídos na revisão. Em geral, os garrotes foram reutilizados sem processos de descontaminação recorrentes. Verificou-se que os profissionais compartilham esses dispositivos entre si e os usaram continuamente por períodos entre duas semanas e sete anos e meio. Conclusão as práticas de enfermagem relacionadas ao uso do garrote durante a punção venosa periférica não são uniformes. A reutilização de garrotes pode colocar em risco a segurança do paciente se o reprocessamento (limpeza e desinfecção/esterilização) não for adequado, dado o tipo de material do garrote e a microbiota encontrada. Novos estudos são necessários para avaliar o impacto de vários tipos de práticas de reprocessamento na descontaminação de garrotes e na segurança do paciente.

Objectives during peripheral venipuncture, health professionals are recommended to use a tourniquet above the puncture site in order to potentiate venous distension. Given its characteristics and use in clinical settings, tourniquets may represent a source of microorganism dissemination. However, the results of scientific studies in this area are scattered in the literature. This scoping review aims to map the available evidence on health professionals' practices related with tourniquet use during peripheral venipuncture and associated microbiological contamination. Methods scoping review following the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology. Two independent reviewers analyzed the relevance of the studies, extracted and synthesized data. Results fifteen studies were included in the review. Overall, tourniquets were reused without being subject to recurring decontamination processes. It has been found that practitioners share these devices among themselves and use them successively for periods between two weeks and seven and half years. Conclusion nursing practices related to tourniquet use during peripheral venipuncture are not standard. Reuse of tourniquets may jeopardize the patient's safety if reprocessing (cleaning and disinfection/sterilization) is not adequate, given the type of tourniquet material and microbiota found. New studies are needed to assess the impact of various types of reprocessing practices on tourniquet decontamination and patient safety.

Objetivos durante la punción venosa periférica, se recomienda el uso de un garrote arriba del sitio de la punción para potenciar la distensión venosa. Dadas sus características y uso en ambientes clínicos, los garrotes pueden representar una fuente de diseminación de microorganismos. Sin embargo, los resultados de estudios científicos en esta área están dispersos en la literatura. Esta revisión de alcance tiene como objetivo mapear las evidencias disponibles acerca de las prácticas de los profesionales de salud en lo que concierne al uso del garrote durante la punción venosa periférica y la contaminación microbiológica asociada. Método revisión de alcance de acuerdo con la metodología del Instituto Joanna Briggs. Dos revisores independientes analizaron la relevancia de los estudios, extrajeron y sintetizaron datos. Resultados quince estudios se incluyeron en la revisión. En general, los garrotes fueron reutilizados sin procesos de descontaminación recurrentes. Se verificó que los profesionales comparten estos dispositivos entre sí y los utilizaron continuamente por períodos entre dos semanas y siete años y medio. Conclusión las prácticas de enfermería relacionadas al uso del garrote durante la punción venosa periférica no son uniformes. La reutilización de garrotes puede poner en riesgo la seguridad del paciente si el reprocesamiento (limpieza y desinfección/esterilización) no es adecuado, dado el tipo de material del garrote y la microbiota encontrada. Nuevos estudios son necesarios para evaluar el impacto de varios tipos de prácticas de reprocesamiento en la descontaminación de garrotes y en la seguridad del paciente.

Humans , Professional Practice , Catheterization/methods , Central Venous Pressure/physiology , Disinfection/instrumentation , Equipment Contamination/prevention & control , Portugal , Health Personnel , Phlebotomy/methods
Rev. venez. cir ; 72(1): 32-35, 2019. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1370348


Los aneurismas de la arteria braquial (AAB) en el contexto de las fistulas arteriovenosas (FAV) en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) son una entidad infrecuente. Al presentarse, ameritan su resección y colocación de injerto autólogo o heterólogo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 57 años de edad con antecedente de enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis mediante fístula arteriovenosa (FAV) braquial izquierda, con aparición de masa pulsátil proximal a la FAV de 7 x 5 cm de nueve meses evolución. Se diagnosticó AAB mediante ultasonido doppler arterial. Se practicó resección del aneurisma y anastomosis con injerto de politetrafluoroetileno (PTFE) con evolución satisfactoria. Los AAB en pacientes con ERC son infrecuentes y deben sospecharse cuando aparece una masa pulsátil adyacente a una FAV. Su tratamiento está indicado en lesiones > 3 cm o en pacientes con sintomas compresivos(AU)

Brachial artery aneurysms (BAA) in patients with renal chronic disease (RCD) and arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) are an infrequent entity. When they are presented, they merit resection and placement of autologous or heterologous graft. We present the case of a 57-year-old patient with history of chronic renal disease treated with hemodialysis by left brachial arteriovenous fistula (AVF), presenting pulsatile mass proximal to AVF which measures 7 x 5 cm, with evolution of nine months. Diagnosis of BAA was achieved by arterial doppler ultrasound. Aneurism removal and anastomosis with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft was carried out. Patient evolution was uneventful. BAA in patients with RCD are infrequent and should be suspected when a pulsatile mass appears proximal to AVF. Surgical removal is indicated in lessons > 3 cm or patients with compressive symptoms(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Brachial Artery , Renal Dialysis , Phlebotomy , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Aneurysm/etiology , Physical Examination , General Surgery , Chronic Disease
Rev. bras. enferm ; 71(6): 2983-2989, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-977615


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the effectiveness of an educational hypermedia in the knowledge of Nursing academics on peripheral venipuncture. Method: Quasi-experimental study with pre and post-test design. Results: The mean number of right answers of the 73 individuals who participated in the study, in the pre-test, was 7.7 (DP = 1.05), and 8.3 in the post-test (DP = 0.74). The comparation of pre and post hypermedia mean number of right answers showed significant difference (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Hypermedia is a strategy that increases knowledge and is feasible in the teaching-learning process, being useful as a support tool for teachers and for the development of undergraduate Nursing students.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de una hipermedia educativa en el conocimiento de académicos de enfermería acerca de la punción venosa periférica. Método: Estudio casi-experimental con diseño pre y pos prueba. Resultados: El promedio de aciertos de los 73 individuos participantes del estudio, en el pre prueba, ha sido de 7,7 (DP = 1,05), y 8,3 en el pos prueba (DP = 0,74). La comparación en los promedios de aciertos pre y pos hipermedia ha presentado diferencia significativa (p < 0,001). Conclusión: La hipermedia es una estrategia que incrementa el conocimiento y es viable en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, siendo útil como herramienta de apoyo para los profesores y para el desarrollo de los estudiantes de graduación en enfermería.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade de uma hipermídia educativa no conhecimento de acadêmicos de enfermagem acerca da punção venosa periférica. Método: Estudo quase-experimental com desenho pré e pós-teste. Resultados: A média de acertos dos 73 indivíduos participantes do estudo, no pré-teste, foi de 7,7 (DP = 1,05), e 8,3 no pós-teste (DP = 0,74). A comparação nas médias de acertos pré e pós hipermídia apresentou diferença significativa (p < 0,001). Conclusão: A hipermídia é uma estratégia que aumenta o conhecimento e é viável no processo ensino-aprendizagem, sendo útil como ferramenta de apoio para os professores e para o desenvolvimento de estudantes de graduação em enfermagem.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students, Nursing/psychology , Clinical Competence/standards , Phlebotomy/methods , Hypermedia/standards , Clinical Competence/statistics & numerical data , Phlebotomy/standards , Phlebotomy/statistics & numerical data , Curriculum/standards , Curriculum/statistics & numerical data , Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate/methods , Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate/standards
Int. j. morphol ; 36(1): 159-163, Mar. 2018. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-893204


RESUMEN: La venopunción periférica es un procedimiento muy común y necesario para la administración de múltiples sustancias. Cada enfermero(a) debe recibir la capacitación en varios aspectos que le permitan adquirir la competencia de realizar una venopunción segura. Uno de los elementos de mayor relevancia se relaciona con la anatomía aplicada, particularmente con la descripción de varios patrones de organización de las venas superficiales del antebrazo y su relación con estructuras neurovasculares cercanas. Los patrones de acuerdo a su distribución, podrían jugar a favor o en contra de las complicaciones durante o después de la punción. En este artículo describimos las respuestas de docentes de las escuelas de Enfermería de varias regiones de Colombia frente a la enseñanza de estos temas anatómicos. Sobresale el hecho que solamente en el 56,5 % de la escuela de Enfermería se realiza la enseñanza completa de los conceptos anatómicos que servirán para mejorar la seguridad del paciente en el momento de una venopunción periférica.

SUMMARY: Peripheral venipuncture is a very common and necessary procedure for the administration of multiple substances. Each Nurse must receive training in several aspects that allows him/her to acquire the competence to perform a safe venipuncture. One of the most relevant elements is related to applied anatomy, particularly with the description of various organization patterns of the superficial veins of the forearm, and their relation to nearby neurovascular structures. These patterns according to their distribution, could play for, or against complications during or after puncture. In this article, we describe the responses of teachers from the Nursing Schools of several regions of Colombia while teaching these anatomical subjects. It is noteworthy, that only 56,5 % of Nursing Schools included complete instruction of anatomical concepts that improve patient safety at the time of a peripheral venipuncture. Therefore, nearly 50 % of students do not receive information on updated anatomical terminology.

Humans , Veins/anatomy & histology , Phlebotomy/nursing , Forearm/blood supply , Anatomy/education , Surveys and Questionnaires , Clinical Competence , Colombia , Upper Extremity/blood supply
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742168


BACKGROUND: Venipuncture pain is an uncomfortable suffering to the patient. It creates anxiety, fear and dissatisfaction. The ketoprofen transdermal patch is a proven treatment for musculoskeletal and arthritic pain. We planned this study to evaluate the efficacy of the ketoprofen patch to reduce venipuncture pain. METHODS: Two hundred adult patients, aged 18–60 years, of either sex, ASA grade I or II, were enrolled. Presuming that therapy would decrease venipuncture pain by 30%, a power calculation with α = 0.05 and β = 0.80 required enrollment of at least 24 patients into each group. However, 100 patients in each group were recruited. Group I (Control) received a placebo patch; Group II (Ketoprofen) received a 20 mg ketoprofen patch. A selected vein on the dorsum of the patient's non-dominant hand was cannulated with 18 g intravenous cannula 1 h after the application of the respective patch. Assessment of pain was done by a 10 cm visual analogue scale (VAS) of 0–10, where 0 depicts “no pain” and 10 is “the worst imaginable pain”. The venipuncture site was assessed for the presence of skin erythema, swelling and rashes at 12 h, 24 h and at the time of decannulation. RESULTS: Incidence of pain was 100% (94/94) in the control group as compared to 93% (85/91) in the ketoprofen group. The severity of the venipuncture pain was 6 (2) and 2 (2) for control and ketoprofen groups respectively (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Application of a ketoprofen patch at the proposed site of venipuncture one hour before the attempt is effective and safe for attenuating venipuncture pain.

Adult , Humans , Anxiety , Catheterization , Catheters , Erythema , Exanthema , Hand , Incidence , Ketoprofen , Phlebotomy , Skin , Transdermal Patch , Veins , Visual Analog Scale