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Rev. bras. enferm ; 71(supl.5): 2237-2242, 2018.
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-977658


ABSTRACT Objective: evaluate how the crack user is portrayed by the media. Method: qualitative study, using fourth generation evaluation. The data were collected in interviews and field observations in a mental health network service of the Porto Alegre-RS metropolitan area. The participants were 10 users, 11 family members, 08 health service professionals and 07 managers. Results: the findings revealed that media relates the crack user profile to violence, crime and disease, which does not correspond to the reality experienced in the health service. This image disregards the different ways of using the drug and the different productions of life of these individuals, increasing social exclusion and stigma. Final considerations: The challenge is to build shared, integrated, clear and honest information.

RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar cómo el usuario de crack es retratado por los medios de comunicación. Método: estudio cualitativo, utilizando la evaluación de cuarta generación. Los datos fueron recolectados en entrevistas y observaciones de campo en un servicio de la red de salud mental del área metropolitana de Porto Alegre-RS. Participaron 10 usuarios, 11 familiares, 08 profesionales del servicio de salud y 07 gestores. Resultados: Los resultados revelaron que los medios de comunicación divulgan un perfil del usuario de crack vinculado a la violencia, la criminalidad y la enfermedad, lo que no corresponde a la realidad vivida en el servicio de salud. Esta imagen desconsidera las diferentes maneras de uso de la droga y las diferentes producciones de vida de esos individuos, aumentando la exclusión social y el estigma. Consideraciones finales: el desafío es construir informaciones compartidas, integradas, claras y honestas.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar como o usuário de crack é retratado pela mídia. Método: estudo qualitativo, utilizando-se avaliação de quarta geração. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas e observações de campo em um serviço da rede de saúde mental da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre-RS. Os participantes foram 10 usuários, 11 familiares, oito profissionais do serviço de saúde e sete gestores. Resultados: os achados revelaram que a mídia divulga um perfil do usuário de crack ligado à violência, criminalidade e doença, o que não corresponde à realidade vivenciada no serviço de saúde. Essa imagem desconsidera as diferentes maneiras de uso da droga e as diferentes produções de vida desses indivíduos, aumentando a exclusão social e o estigma. Considerações finais: o desafio é construir informações compartilhadas, integradas, claras e honestas.

Humans , Portraits as Topic/psychology , Social Stigma , Cocaine Smoking/psychology , Mass Media/standards , Brazil , Family/psychology , Health Personnel/psychology , Qualitative Research , Cocaine Smoking/adverse effects
Rev. Kairós ; 19(2): 121-132, jun. 2016. ilus
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-913850


A doença de Alzheimer (DA) desencadeia o declínio progressivo da função cognitiva, particularmente da memória. A doença compromete o córtex frontal e temporoparietal, impactando nas habilidades cognitivas e motoras do paciente. Neste artigo, descrevem-se as mudanças no estilo visual dos autorretratos do artista norte-americano William Utermohlen, produzidas após o diagnóstico de DA, correlacionando-as com as habilidades analisadas com os testes de função cognitiva, a fim de destacar a magnitude da expressão gráfica para a compreensão desta doença.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) triggers the progressive decline in cognitive function, particularly memory. The disease affects the frontal and temporoparietal cortex, affecting the patient's cognitive and motor skills. This article describes the changes in the visual style of self-portraits by American artist William Utermohlen produced after AD diagnosis, correlating them with skills analyzed with cognitive function tests in order to highlight the magnitude of the graphic expression for the understanding of this disease.

La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) desencadena la disminución progresiva de la función cognitiva, particularmente de la memoria. La enfermedad compromete el cortex frontal y parietotemporal, impactando en las habilidades cognitivas y motoras del paciente. En este artículo, se describen los cambios en el estilo visual de los autorretratos del artista norteamericano William Utermohlen, producidos después el diagnóstico de EA, relacionándolos con las habilidades analizadas con pruebas de función cognitiva, a fin de destacar la magnitud de la expresión gráfica para la comprensión de esta enfermedad.

Humans , Alzheimer Disease , Humans , Paintings/psychology , Portraits as Topic/psychology
Rev. Soc. Peru. Med. Interna ; 27(1): 27-32, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-722361


Se presenta evidencia de que cuando la fotografía del Carrión mestizo fue publicada en las primeras décadas del siglo XX no hubo cuestionamiento alguno de parte de los médicos que lo conocieron ni de los historiadores de la medicina nacional de entonces. Además, el estudio de las proporciones de los rostros de las diversas figuras de Carrión demuestra que se trata de la misma persona.

It is showed evidence that when mestizo CarrionÆs photograph was published in the first decades of the 20th century there was no questioning on the part of physicians who knew him neither the historians of the national medicine by then. In addition, the study of the proportions of the faces of Carrion in different portraits shows us that it is the same person.

Humans , Male , Physicians , Portraits as Topic/history , Peru
Acta méd. peru ; 31(1): 42-49, ene. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-717307


Después de serias investigaciones un grupo de médicos llegó a descubrir que desde hace medio siglo algunos miembros de la Orden médica han confundido al gremio médico y a la opinión pública, presentando una imagen falsa de Daniel A. Carrión (DAC). La imagen ha sido divulgada y distorsionada en artículos médicos, en la prensa y en la televisión. De esa manera, mediante el uso de falsificaciones, lograron reemplazar su imagen verdadera por una falsa en las oficinas del Colegio Médico del Perú (CMP), en su sede principal en Miraflores y en todos los Colegios Médicos Regionales del país. Desde abril de 2011, cuando nos percatarnos que en las oficinas del CMP se había reemplazado la verdadera imagen de DAC por una falsa, comenzamos a leer su libro publicado en 1886 y casi todos los libros publicados por ilustres médicos en los siglos XIX, XX y XXI, donde narran su vida, obra y sacrificio. Para conocer profundamente la vida, obra y sacrificio de DAC, se ha revisado artículos médicos y de prensa, desde su época hasta 2013 y, ademßs, tres libros publicados para demostrar exclusivamente la verdadera imagen de DAC. Se muestra ilustraciones acompa±adas de fotografías de DAC y su familia que son verdades históricas inobjetables que demuestran la verdadera imagen de nuestro héroe y mßrtir. Asimismo, se muestra el esfuerzo que han hecho los detractores de Carrión para demostrar su falsa imagen como verdadera, con lo que, al final, solo han conseguido demostrar mßs su error.

After thorough research, a group of Medical Doctors discovered that, for the last 50 years, some members of the Peruvian Medical Professional College (PMPC) have been misleading the scientific community and the public opinionÆs understanding of Daniel A. CarrionÆs (DAC) historic figure. In effect, these members of the PMC have made public a fake portrait of the Peruvian Medical Doctor. In that way, DACÆs legacy has been distorted in several medical articles, in the press and in the media to the extent that false images were used in the process and replaced DACÆs real portrait with a fake image in all the PMPC offices nationwide. Since April of 2011, the researchers went through a thorough literature review, which included DACÆs book published in 1886, and several publications made by prominent Medical Doctors from the XIX, XX and XXI centuries. Those publications are reliable sources to understand DACÆs life, work and sacrifice. To fully understand DACÆs life, work and sacrifice, the researchers reviewed medical articles and press articles from the XIX century to the present. In that way, three books have been published to fully prove DACÆs real portrait. The document has several illustrations and photos that portrait DAC and his family. The evidence demonstrates which is DACÆs real portrait. Accordingly, the document will show the fallacies and mistakes made by the PMPC members who tried to impose DACÆs fake portrait. That information will be included in order to reflect these PMPC membersÆ effort to impose a false and deceptive portrait.

Humans , Male , Physicians , Peru , Portraits as Topic
Rio de Janeiro; Fiocruz; 2014. 422 p. ilus.
专著 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-745447


A história da Fiocruz é contada por meio de fotografias de pessoas, paisagens, locais de trabalho, situações e detalhes que, em sua diversidade e riqueza, revelam o conjunto desta instituição centenária. À plasticidade das fotos somam-se legendas competentemente editadas. Tudo isso introduzido por um belo texto do pesquisador Jaime Larry Benchimol, intitulado O Legado de Oswaldo Cruz aos Olhos de um Historiador. A edição é bilíngue...

Humans , Academies and Institutes/history , Governmental Research Institutes , Photography , Portraits as Topic , Famous Persons
Rev. Kairós ; 16(1): 77-91, mar. 2013.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-768659


Feito levantamento e reflexão sobre os autorretratos de Rembrandt, artista holandês do século XVII, mostrando-o na juventude, na maturidade e na velhice. O artista fez mais de 100 autorretratos durante a trajetória de vida, que documentaram impiedosa e cruelmente o perecimento de seu corpo. A altivez e o vigor, retratados nos autorretratos da juventude, foram substituídos por qualidades adquiridas na dura caminhada pela vida. Diante da decadência da carne, desnudaram-se a paciência, a reflexão e a sabedoria. Rembrandt, na última etapa da vida, velho e pobre, continuou a trabalhar executando pinturas de grande qualidade. Com paixão e amor pelo seu trabalho, experiente e maduro, esmerou-se na técnica pictórica e produziu seus melhores quadros. A pintura foi o refúgio do artista, dando-lhe forças e ânimo, até sua morte aos 63 anos de idade. Em nossa sociedade atual, da mesma forma que ocorria na época de Rembrandt, o velho ainda é desprezado, descartado e excluído, em fase da vida na qual poderia continuar a ser útil, em decorrência dos conhecimentos e experiências adquiridos ao longo dos anos, o que o predispõe ao aparecimento de doenças, como depressão e demências. Portanto, da mesma forma que Rembrandt, os indivíduos idosos podem-se manter produtivos contribuindo ativamente para sua qualidade de vida, assim como da sociedade atual.

It was made a survey and reflection about the self-portraits of Rembrandt, dutch artist of the seventeenth century, showing him on youth, maturity and old age. The artist made more than 100 self-portraits during his life course, merciless and cruelly documenting his body extinction. The loftiness and vigor portrayed in the youth self-portraits, were replaced by qualities acquired in the hard journey through life. Given the decay of the flesh, they were stripped by patience, reflection and wisdom. Rembrandt, in the last stage of life, old and poor, continued to work creating great quality paintings. With passion and love for his work, experienced and matured, he excelled in the painting technique and produced his best paintings. The painting was the artist refuge, giving him strength and courage until his death at age 63. In our current society, same way in the time of Rembrandt, the old man is still despised, discarded and excluded, in a life phase in which he could continue to be useful due to the knowledge and experience acquired over the years, that predisposes him to diseases such as depression and dementia. Therefore, just as Rembrandt, older people can remain productive, contributing actively to the society quality of life.

Humans , Aged , Aging , Paintings , Portraits as Topic
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 19(3): 432-437, jul.-set. 2011. ilus
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-618869


Pesquisa na perspectiva da história semiótica, tendo como objeto de estudo as representações objetais ostentadas no corpo das enfermeiras-parteiras do Hospital Maternidade Pró-Matre, Rio de Janeiro, na delimitação temporal de 1929 a 1931. O objetivo do estudo foi desmontar, analiticamente, as peças do uniforme utilizado pelas enfermeiras-parteiras na perspectiva da moda. Método: Trata-se da análise de dois fac-símiles veiculados na Revista da Semana, no que se refere à decodificação de suas representações objetais como véu, gorro com símbolo de cruz na frente, gola, manga, saia, meia e sapatos. Os resultados foram organizados em dois subtítulos – A construção da identidade social pela moda e Representações objetais ostentadas pela enfermeira-parteira do Hospital Maternidade Pró-Matre. Conclusão: Decifrar os códigos permite a construção da identidade profissional, facilitando a correlação da imagem pública da parteira e da enfermeira.

This study has a historic semiotic nature. It contemplates object-representations displayed on the body of the nurse-midwives of the Maternity Hospital Pró-Matre, from 1929 to 1931, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It aims at breaking down the professional uniform worn by those nurses from a fashion-oriented perspective. Its methodological framework involves the analysis of two facsimile printouts from Revista da Semana, with regard to the decoding of its object-representations, such as veil, hat with a cross on the front, collar, sleeve, skirt, socks, and shoes. Results were organized into two subheadings – Construction of social identity through fashion and Object-representations displayed by the nurse-midwife of the Maternity Hospital Pró-Matre. Conclusions show that semiotic decoding allows for the construction of the professional identity as well as for the correlation of the public image of the midwife and the nurse.

Investigación en la perspectiva de la historia semiótica, teniendo como objeto de estudio las representaciones objetales ostentadas en el cuerpo de las enfermeras-parteras del Hospital Maternidad Pro-Matre - Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, en la delimitación de tiempo de 1929 a 1931. El objetivo del estudio fue desmontar, analíticamente, las piezas del uniforme usado por las enfermeras-parteras en la perspectiva de la moda. Método: se trata del análisis de dos facsímiles publicados en la Revista de la Semana, en lo que se refiere a la decodificación de sus representaciones objetales como velo, barrete con símbolo de cruz en la frente, cuello, manga, falda, calcetines y zapatos. Los resultados fueron grupados en dos subtítulos: La construcción de la identidad social por la moda y representaciones objetales ostentadas por la enfermera-partera del Hospital Maternidad Pro-Matre. Conclusión: Decifrar los códigos permite la construcción de la identidad profesional, facilitando la correlación de la imagen pública de la partera y de la enfermera.

Obstetric Nursing/history , Nurse Midwives/history , Social Identification , Clothing/history , Clothing/psychology , Brazil , Cultural Characteristics , Portraits as Topic
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol ; 2008 Jul-Aug; 74(4): 411-4
文章 在 英语 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-52732


Dr. U. B. Narayan Rao L.C.P.S (Bom) (born 23 rd November 1895, died 14 th June 1960) had a busy general practice in Bombay. He adopted dermatology and venereology as his specialty in the 1930's and started the Indian Journal of Venereal Diseases in 1935, the first of its kind in the subcontinent. This journal went on to become the official mouthpiece of the Indian Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists in 1955 and was then known as the Indian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology. Dr. Narayan Rao also played an important role as a founder member of the Bombay Association of Dermato-Venereologists as well as the Indian Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists. Activist, indefatigable worker dedicated to the cause, nationalist, and patriot, generous, dynamic and aggressive, with a flare for arguing; negotiating and convincing, and winning friends in the process, were some of the attributes that may be mentioned of this remarkable person who contributed so much to our specialty.

Dermatology/history , History, 20th Century , Humans , Journalism, Medical/history , Pakistan , Portraits as Topic , Venereology/history
Rev. chil. infectol ; 25(supl.1): S2-S7, abr. 2008. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-480659


In this review international and national historical features of rabies are presented remarking the start of preventive immunization in Chile, at year 1896, with the creation of the first service for rabies vaccination and la descentralización of preventive treatment from year 1929. Figures of human cases produced by this zoonosis between 1950 and 1986 are described, señalándose changes that occurred in local epidemiology of rabies since 1990, with an endemic pattern in bats and almost disappearance of canine rabies.

En esta comunicación se reseña antecedentes históricos de la rabia, a nivel mundial y nacional, destacándose la iniciación de la vacuna preventiva en Chile, en el año 1896, con la creación del primer servicio de vacunación anti-rábica y la descentralización del tratamiento preventivo, a partir de 1929. Se menciona el número de casos humanos con esta zoonosis entre 1950 y 1986, señalándose los cambios ocurridos en la epidemiología de la enfermedad en el país, desde 1990, con una endemia exclusiva en murciélagos y eventual desaparición de la rabia canina.

Animals , Dogs , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, Ancient , History, Medieval , Humans , Rabies Vaccines/history , Rabies/history , Chile , Chiroptera , Portraits as Topic
Bol. Asoc. Méd. P. R ; 100(1): 50-60, jan.-mar. 2008.
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: lil-507227


Review article that includes the worldwide history, as a reference for the readers, and the local history of hyperparathyroidism in Puerto Rico.

Parathyroidectomy/history , Portraits as Topic , Puerto Rico
Rev. chil. infectol ; 25(1): 54-57, feb. 2008. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: lil-473652


Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian obstetrician who in the nineteenth century, preceding the discoveries of Pasteur and Lister, proposed the infectious etiology of puerperal sepsis. With a simple antiseptic procedure, he achieved marked reduction of the prevalence of this disease. However, he needed to fight against the reluctancy of his colleagues who didn't accept his observations although they were for the first time in the history of Science, supported by statistical significance analysis. This report describes biographical data of this revolutionary physician and the circumstances of his strange death based on information not often revealed.

Ignaz Semmelweis, fue un obstetra húngaro que a mediados del siglo XIX, precediendo los hallazgos de Pasteur y Lister, logró descubrir la naturaleza infecciosa de la fiebre puerperal, logrando controlar su aparición con una simple medida de antisepsia. Debió luchar con la reticencia de sus colegas que no aceptaron sus observaciones que, por primera vez en la historia, fueron apoyadas con datos estadísticos. Esta comunicación describe datos biográficos de este trascendente científico y las circunstancias que rodearon su extraña muerte, apoyada en información infrecuentemente divulgada.

History, 19th Century , Asepsis/history , Hand Disinfection , Obstetrics/history , Puerperal Infection/history , Hungary , Portraits as Topic , Puerperal Infection/etiology
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-257190


Professor TIAN's experiences on acupuncture treatment of various difficult diseases with different acupuncture methods based on syndrome differentiation of different patients, for example, para-acupuncture for treatment of migraine, triple puncture at Dazhui (GV 14) for recurrent depression, lifting and thrusting point Shexiaxue for treatment of aphasia, electroacupuncture at Shuigou (GV 26) and Baihui (GV 20) for treatment of schizophrenia, etc. are introduced.

Humans , Acupuncture Therapy , History , Methods , Aphasia , Therapeutics , Clinical Medicine , History , Methods , Depression , Therapeutics , History, 21st Century , Migraine Disorders , Therapeutics , Portraits as Topic , Schizophrenia , Therapeutics , Stroke , Therapeutics
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-257191


Under guidance of the traditional theories of acupuncture and modern knowledge of anatomy and in combination with his long-term clinical practice and clinical researches, academician SHI Xue-min formulates scien tific and strict acupuncture methods and corresponding quantitative requirement for the acupoints for treatment of stroke and relative diseases and symptoms, including patient's posture, doctor's posture, angle of needle insertion, manipulation, amount of arrival of qi, etc. Correct grasping these needling methods of acupoints is a key to learn and understand SHI Xue-min's Acupuncture Science and "Xingnao Kaiqiao" needling method and quantitative acu puncture manipulation theory. In this paper, SHI Xue-min's partial experiences on needling acupoints are introduced.

Humans , Acupuncture , History , Methods , Acupuncture Therapy , History , Methods , History, 21st Century , Portraits as Topic , Stroke , Therapeutics
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-244423


Some reminiscences of events since the 1930s are presented chronologically. These include sketches of informal introduction to Medicine at the General Hospital (SGH), the amazing spirit of medical professionals during the "Syonan" years at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and of professors of Medicine and training in Hong Kong, Singapore and Britain. An account of practice of Medicine in the Civil Service, of teaching and research and of evolution of specialist training and examinations in the Academy of Medicine, the University's Post Graduate School (DGMS) and Specialist Accreditation Board (SAB) is given. The over-riding values of our profession are stressed, always contributing to improving the quality and standards of practice in the interests of our patients and fellow men.

Humans , Education, Medical , History , History, 20th Century , Hong Kong , Physicians , History , Portraits as Topic , Singapore , Teaching , History , United Kingdom