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Prensa méd. argent ; 110(1): 31-38, 20240000. graf, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552647


Introducción: Pos-pandemia COVID-19 los centros de salud vieron incrementados el número de consultas en salud mental (SM). Objetivos: -Evidenciar el aumento de la demanda en SM pos-pandemia. Pre y pos-pandemia: -Comparar las características de demanda en SM -Relevar las demandas del área judicial (DAJ) -Evaluar la dispensa de psicofármacos (PF) Material y Métodos: Trabajo descriptivo, retrospectivo, poblacional. Pacientes atendidos en SM del Área Programática del Hospital Penna. Se obtuvieron consultas de psicología (PSI) psiquiatría y psicopedagogía, motivo de consulta, edad, sexo, dispensa de psicofármacos (PF) desde el 1/01 al 31/12/2019 y mismo período 2022. Los datos se analizaron en frecuencia, porcentaje. Resultados: Las consultas pos-pandemia aumentaron un 8%, los pacientes atendidos aumentaron 37.91%. Las consultas PSI pediatría/adolescencia descendieron 6.5% en 2022 predominando niños en 2019 y niñas en 2022. En adultos aumentó 20.10%, predominando mujeres ambos períodos. Si bien consumo, violencia y angustia fueron nombrados en ambos periodos, pobreza apareció en 2022. Las DAJ aumentaron más del 1000%. La dispensa PF aumentó más del 100%. Conclusiones: En pos-pandemia aumentaron las consultas de PSI y los DAJ. El aumento en dispensa PF evidencia el deterioro y la complejidad de la SM pos-pandemia. Estos datos, plantea la necesidad de incorporar nuevos profesionales

Introduction: Post- COVID-19 pandemic, health care centers increased the number of mental health (MH) consultations. Objectives: - Evidence the increase in demand for SM post-pandemic. Pre and post-pandemic: -Compare the characteristics of demand in SM -Review the demands of the judicial area (DAJ) -Evaluate the dispensation of psychotropic drugs (PF) Material and Methods: Descriptive, retrospective, population-based study. Patients treated in SM at the Programmatic Area of the Penna Hospital. Consultations from psychology (PSI), psychiatry and psychopedagogy, reason for consultation, age, sex, dispensation of psychotropic drugs (PF) were obtained from 01/01 to 12/31/2019 and the same period 2022. The data was analized in frequency and percentage. Results: Post-pandemic consultations increased by 8%, patients treated increased by 37.91%. Pediatric/adolescent PSI consultations decreased 6.5% in 2022, with boys predominating in 2019 and girls in 2022. In adults it increased 20.10%, with women predominating in both periods. Although consumption, violence and distress were mentioned in both periods, poverty appeared in 2022. The DAJ increased more than 1000%. The PF dispensation increased more than 100%. Conclusions: In the post-pandemic, PSI and DAJ consultations increased. The increase in FP dispensation shows the deterioration and complexity of post-pandemic SM. These data raise the need to incorporate new professionals

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Referral and Consultation/statistics & numerical data , Therapeutics/psychology , Health Statistics , Mental Health Assistance , COVID-19/therapy
Diagn. tratamento ; 29(1): 18-22, jan-mar. 2024.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1551771


A hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) representa o crescimento não maligno do tecido da próstata. Proliferação de células estromais e epiteliais na zona de transição da próstata causa compressão uretral e obstrução do fluxo vesical. Isso pode levar a manifestações de LUTS (lower urinary tract symptoms): urgência urinária, noctúria, dificuldades de micção, esvaziamento incompleto da bexiga, menor força e/ ou interrupção do jato e inflamações. Mecanismos do LUTS/HPB compartilhados afetam a função sexual masculina. Atividade aumentada de subtipos de receptores α1-adrenérgicos na próstata está associada à HPB. Tais receptores, também presentes no pênis, podem inibir a ereção, devido à HPB. Quanto à correlação entre LUTS e disfunção sexual, aventa-se que ambas resultem da contração anômala da musculatura lisa, por ativação dos receptores α1-adrenérgicos. LUTS/HPB causam desconforto nos homens, devido à obstrução urinária, ejaculação dolorosa, disfunção erétil (DE), distúrbios ejaculatórios e baixa libido, que prejudicam a qualidade de vida, deles e de suas parcerias. A noctúria interfere negativamente na qualidade do sono e na disposição para a atividade sexual. Tratamentos para LUTS/HPB podem induzir disfunções sexuais. Entre eles, ressecção transuretral (RTU), α1-bloqueadores, inibidores da 5α-redutase e terapia combinada (α1-bloqueador e 5α-redutase). Os efeitos prejudiciais do LUTS/HPB e de seu tratamento sobre a função sexual ainda são subdiagnosticados e insuficientemente tratados. A atividade sexual deve ser investigada antes e durante o tratamento, também orientando o paciente sobre os possíveis efeitos de cada opção terapêutica sobre a função sexual, evitando-se assim o abandono do tratamento.

主题 s
Humans , Male , Prostatic Hyperplasia , Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms , Erectile Dysfunction , Quality of Life , Therapeutics
Diagn. tratamento ; 29(1): 31-39, jan-mar. 2024. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551777


Contextualização: A melatonina é um hormônio endógeno encontrado em quase todos os organismos e participa de vários processos fisiológicos. A suplementação de melatonina tem sido preconizada na mídia para o tratamento e prevenção de várias doenças. Entretanto, há carência de informações científicas disponíveis sobre seu real benefício para a saúde. Objetivos: Sumarizar as evidências de revisões sistemáticas da Cochrane, referentes à efetividade das intervenções com suplementação de melatonina em humanos. Métodos: Trata-se de overview de revisões sistemáticas Cochrane. Procedeu-se à busca na Cochrane Library (2023), sendo utilizado o descritor "MELATONIN". Todas as revisões sistemáticas de ensaios clínicos foram incluídas. O desfecho primário de análise foi a melhora clínica, a redução dos sintomas ou a prevenção da doença. Resultados: Oito estudos foram incluídos, totalizando 53 ensaios clínicos e 4.024 participantes. Houve evidência de efetividade apenas para controle de ansiedade em pacientes em pré-operatório (evidência moderada) em comparação com placebo e para prevenção e tratamento de jet lag de fuso horário (evidência alta de certeza). Discussão: Embora seja muito veiculada na mídia, a suplementação de melatonina carece de estudos de qualidade para análise de sua efetividade. Os estudos clínicos disponíveis até o momento são heterogêneos e apresentam limitações metodológicas. Poucas análises convergem com segurança para um bom nível de evidência que permita sua recomendação. Conclusão: Não há suporte com bom nível de evidência atualmente para a maioria das intervenções com suplementação de melatonina, sendo recomendada a realização de novos estudos prospectivos para melhor robustez dos achados e análises.

主题 s
Systematic Review , Melatonin , Primary Prevention , Therapeutics , Clinical Trial
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e54679, 2024.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529193


RESUMO. A implementação da reforma psiquiátrica é tema de recorrentes discussões no campo da saúde mental. Essa implementação não é padrão para todas as localidades brasileiras, uma vez que depende dos recursos materiais, humanos e aspectos culturais de cada região. A esta singularidade retoma-se a noção de arranjo assistencial. Este trabalho se propôs a conhecer a implementação numa regional de saúde da região Sul. Foi realizado um mapeamento descritivo, seguindo método empírico-fenomenológico. Descrevem-se serviços que acolhem todos os públicos, mas que encontram dificuldades no trabalho com a população usuária de álcool e outras drogas. Foram elencados sete dispositivos assistenciais: acolhimento, grupos terapêuticos, oficinas, atendimentos individuais, uso da medicação, encaminhamentos e reuniões de equipe. Expõe-se a ideia de que a estrutura de um serviço de saúde mental não pode ser estanque. Os arranjos assistenciais estão relacionados às vivências e soluções criativas e humanas como também práticas irrefletidas e normatizadoras na atenção do sofrimento mental.

RESUMEN. La implementación de la reforma psiquiátrica no se encuentra estandarizada para todas las regiones brasileras, una vez que eso depende de recursos materiales, humanos y de aspectos culturales. Por cuenta de esta singularidad, se retoma la noción de arreglo asistencial. En este trabajo se propone conocer la implementación en una regional de salud de sur de Brasil. Se realizó un mapeo descriptivo, siguiendo el método empírico-fenomenológico. Se describen servicios que acogen a todos los públicos, pero que encuentran dificultades en el trabajo con usuarios de alcohol y drogas. Fueran enumerados siete dispositivos asistenciales: Acogimiento, grupos terapéuticos, talleres, atendimientos individuales, uso de medicación, encaminamientos y reuniones de equipo. Se expone la idea de que la estructura de un servicio de Salud Mental no puede ser hermética. Los arreglos asistenciales están relacionados con las vivencias y soluciones creativas y humanas como también prácticas irreflexivas y normalizadoras en la atención del sufrimiento mental.

ABSTRACT. The psychiatric reform is not standard in all Brazilian places, as it depends on different factors such as material, human and cultural aspects of each region. As for its singularity, it is seen as a care arrangement. This article aims to study the psychosocial care network on a regional health department in south Brazil. A descriptive mapping has been performed, following the empirical-phenomenological method. The services described welcome the entire community, people from all walks of life, but when it comes Drug and Alcohol addicted, the approach becomes more challenging. There have been seven care services listed: Hosting, Therapeutic Groups, Workshops, Individual Treatment, Medication usage, Referrals and Support Group Meetings. The approach for care arrangement is related to the creative experiences and human solutions as well as thoughtless and normative practices in the attention of mental suffering.

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Patient Care Team , Health Services , Mental Health Services , Psychiatry , Therapeutics/psychology , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Substance Abuse Detection/psychology , User Embracement , Binge Drinking/complications , Prescription Drug Overuse
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e55617, 2024. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529192


RESUMO O diagnóstico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade - TDAH é bastante complexo, podendo ser influenciado por fatores contextuais, e seu tratamento pode envolver diferentes intervenções. A participação dos usuários nas decisões a respeito do tratamento vem sendo promovida por instituições de diversos países e, no Brasil, é prevista pelas legislações do Sistema Único de Saúde. Este estudo investigou o processo de tomada de decisão no tratamento de crianças com indicadores de TDAH a partir da percepção de oito profissionais de serviços públicos de saúde mental, que foram entrevistados individualmente. Os dados foram examinados através da análise temática, revelando desafios relativos ao excesso de demanda nos serviços e à complexidade do processo diagnóstico. O envolvimento de usuários e familiares nas decisões foi percebido como parcial, ocorrendo geralmente após a elaboração do plano terapêutico pelas equipes, e envolvendo dificuldades na comunicação entre profissionais e pacientes e divergências de interesses entre as crianças e seus familiares. Esses aspectos poderão ser abordados em futuros estudos e intervenções a fim de facilitar e melhorar a qualidade da tomada de decisão nesse contexto.

RESUMEN El diagnóstico del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad - TDAH es bastante complejo y puede verse influenciado por factores contextuales, y su tratamiento puede implicar diferentes intervenciones. La participación de los usuarios en las decisiones sobre tratamiento ha sido promovida por instituciones de diferentes países y, en Brasil, está prevista por las leyes del Sistema Único de Salud. Este estudio investigó el proceso de toma de decisiones en el tratamiento de niños con indicadores TDAH desde la percepción de 8 profesionales de la salud mental pública, que fueron entrevistados individualmente. Los datos fueron examinados a través del análisis temático, revelando desafíos relacionados con el exceso de demanda en los servicios y la complejidad del proceso de diagnóstico. La implicación de los usuarios y familiares en las decisiones se percibió como parcial, ocurriendo generalmente después de la elaboración del plan terapéutico por los equipos, y implicando dificultades en la comunicación entre profesionales y pacientes y divergencias de intereses entre los niños y sus familias. Estos aspectos pueden abordarse en futuros estudios e intervenciones con el fin de facilitar y mejorar la calidad de la toma de decisiones en este contexto.

ABSTRACT The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD is quite complex. Contextual factors may influence it, and its treatment may involve different interventions. Institutions in several countries have promoted the participation of users in treatment decisions. In Brazil, it is provided by the Unified Health System. This study investigated the decision-making process in treating children with ADHD indicators from the perception of 8 public mental health services professionals interviewed individually. Data were examined through thematic analysis, revealing challenges related to excessive demand for services and the complexity of the diagnostic process. The involvement of users and family members in the decisions was perceived as partial, generally occurring after elaborating the therapeutic plan by the teams, and involving difficulties in communication between professionals and patients and differences of interests between children and their families. These aspects may be addressed in future studies and interventions to facilitate and improve the quality of the decision-making process in this context.

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Child Behavior/psychology , Health Personnel/psychology , Decision Making , Therapeutics/psychology , Family/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Psychosocial Intervention , Case Reports as Topic , Mental Health Services
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e240396, 2024. ilus
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1537126


Aim: Like other fields of health, the main focus in dentistry has shifted from treatment to prevention of diseases. Parents have a vital role in deciding about their children's oral health issues. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of four educational methods (including printed pamphlets, digital pamphlets, faceto-face education, and educational films) in increasing the awareness of parents about preventive orthodontic treatments. Methods: The study samples were selected from patients who were referred to the Pediatric Dentistry Department. 150 parents of children between 4-12 years old participated in the study. They filled out a questionnaire including demographic data and knowledge about orthodontic problems and their early treatments. Then they were divided into five groups (control, printed pamphlet, digital pamphlet, face-to-face, educational films) and after one month they repeated the test. Results: A total of 102 fathers and 48 mothers were evaluated. There was no statistical difference between different ages, sex, or income in terms of their awareness, but the awareness score between educational groups was different. There has been observed a significant increase in the awareness level of all four groups (except the control group) (P < 0.05). The highest score was seen in the video group. The difference between printed pamphlets and digital pamphlets was not significant. Conclusions: The results indicate that educational films are the most effective way of increasing awareness about preventive orthodontic treatments

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Orthodontics, Preventive , Parents , Awareness , Therapeutics , Surveys and Questionnaires , Pediatric Dentistry , Education, Dental
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e54902, 2024.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529197


RESUMO Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a percepção dos profissionais dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) de São Paulo/SP da importância do trabalho multiprofissional em saúde mental para os usuários dos serviços e as relações possíveis com a integralidade do cuidado. Com as reformas sanitária e psiquiátrica, a integralidade passou a ser um princípio fundamental das ações de saúde, conceito que vem sendo entendido a partir de diversas influências. Foram entrevistados 27 profissionais de nível superior e utilizado o referencial metodológico da análise de conteúdo. Os participantes não apresentaram clareza sobre a noção de integralidade do cuidado, valorizando a integralidade e o trabalho de integração disciplinar de forma concomitante a ações tutelares e não favorecedoras de autonomia. Tal fato se deve ao pouco conhecimento teórico do tema sobre a integralidade e a prática ainda persistente centrada na falta de autonomia e ausência de contratualidade na relação profissional e usuário. A efetivação da integralidade do cuidado é aspecto fundamental na compreensão dos usuários de saúde mental como sujeitos de direitos, importante desafio à reforma psiquiátrica brasileira.

RESUMEN Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar la percepción de los profesionales de los Centros de Atención Psicosocial (CAPS) en São Paulo / SP de la importancia del trabajo multiprofesional en Salud Mental para los usuarios del servicio y las posibles relaciones con la atención integral. Con las reformas de salud y psiquiátricas, la integralidad se ha convertido en un principio fundamental de las acciones de salud, un concepto que se ha entendido desde diferentes influencias. Veintisiete profesionales de la educación superior fueron entrevistados y se utilizó el marco metodológico del Análisis de Contenido. Los participantes no tenían claro el concepto de atención integral, valorando el trabajo integral y de integración disciplinaria al mismo tiempo que las acciones tutelares que no favorecen la autonomía. Este hecho se debe a la falta de conocimiento teórico sobre el tema de la exhaustividad y la práctica aún persistente centrada en la falta de autonomía y la ausencia de contractualidad en la relación profesional y de usuario. La efectividad de la atención integral es un aspecto fundamental en la comprensión de los usuarios de salud mental como sujetos de derechos, un desafío importante para la reforma psiquiátrica brasileña.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to verify professionals' perceptions of Psychosocial Care Centers (Centros de Atenção Psicossocial - CAPS) in São Paulo / SP regarding the importance of multiprofessional work in Mental Health for service users and the possible relationships with comprehensive care. The Health and Psychiatric Reforms made comprehensiveness a fundamental principle of health actions, a concept understood through various influences. Twenty-seven higher education professionals were interviewed, and the Content Analysis methodological framework was used. The participants were unclear about integrality care, valuing comprehensiveness and disciplinary integration work concomitantly to tutelage actions that do not favor autonomy. This fact is due to the lack of theoretical knowledge on comprehensiveness issues and the still persistent practice centered on the absence of autonomy and contractuality in the professional-user relationship. The effectiveness of comprehensive care is fundamental to understanding Mental Health users as subjects of rights, an important challenge for Brazilian Psychiatric Reform.

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Patient Care Team/organization & administration , Allied Health Personnel/psychology , Integrality in Health , Mental Health Services/organization & administration , Psychiatry , Therapeutics/psychology
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e53449, 2024.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529195


RESUMO Por meio da antropologia da saúde, podemos compreender o terreiro de umbanda como parte de um sistema popular de cuidado. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar as concepções de saúde e doença produzidas por zeladores de terreiro de umbanda. Participaram dez zeladores de terreiro da cidade de Uberaba (MG/Brasil), sendo três mulheres e sete homens, com idades entre 40 e 76 anos. O tempo médio de atuação como dirigente foi de 18,4 anos, variando de cinco a 43 anos. Os terreiros chefiados por esses participantes atendem entre 15 e 280 pessoas por dia de funcionamento. Pela análise das entrevistas, destaca-se que o cuidado em saúde oferecido pelos zeladores ultrapassa os limites rituais, nas cerimônias públicas, sendo prestado de modo contínuo nos terreiros. As posturas assumidas pelos entrevistados envolvem ações de escuta, acolhimento e proximidade física no momento da urgência. Pelas narrativas, pode-se concluir que o zelar, no sentido de gerenciar o espaço do terreiro, espiritual e materialmente, não pode ser dissociado do cuidar, significando os zeladores como importantes agentes populares de saúde.

RESUMEN A través de la antropología de la salud podemos entender el terreiro de umbanda como parte de un sistema de atención popular. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las concepciones de salud y enfermedad producidas por los cuidadores del terreiro de umbanda. Participaron diez cuidadores de terreiro de la ciudad de Uberaba (MG/Brasil), tres mujeres y siete hombres, con edades comprendidas entre 40 y 76 años. El tiempo promedio como gerente fue de 18.4 años, que van de cinco a 43 años. Los terreiros encabezados por estos participantes atienden entre 15 y 280 personas por día de operación. Del análisis de las entrevistas, se destaca que la atención médica ofrecida por los cuidadores va más allá de los límites rituales, en ceremonias públicas, que se brindan continuamente en los terreiros. Las actitudes asumidas por los entrevistados implican escuchar, acoger y proximidad física en el momento de urgencia. A través de las narrativas, se puede concluir que el cuidado, en el sentido de administrar el espacio del terreiro, espiritual y materialmente, no se puede disociar del cuidado, lo que significa que los cuidadores son importantes agentes de salud populares.

ABSTRACT Through health anthropology we can understand the umbanda terreiro (specific place for the religious ritual) as part of a popular system of care. This study aimed to investigate the conceptions of health and illness produced by saint keepers of umbanda terreiro. Ten leaders of the terreiros in the city of Uberaba (MG/Brazil) participated, being three women and seven men, between 40 and 76 years old. The average time of performance as a manager was 18.4 years, ranging from 5 to 43 years. The terreiros led by these participants attend between 15 and 280 people working day. The health care offered by saint keepers exceeds ritual limits in public ceremonies and is provided on a continuous basis in the terreiros. The postures assumed by the interviewees involve actions of listening, welcoming and physical proximity at the moment of urgency. From the narratives, it can be concluded that care, in the sense of managing the space of the terreiro, both spiritually and materially, can not be dissociated from caring, meaning saint keepers as important popular health.

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Therapeutics , Mental Health/ethics , Faith Healing/ethics , Self Care/psychology , Ceremonial Behavior , Emotions/ethics , User Embracement , Ethnopsychology/ethics , Anthropology, Cultural
Ibom Medical Journal ; 17(1): 87-90, 2024. figures, tables
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1525750


Objective: Malocclusion affects aesthetics, the physical, psychological and social life of a person. The aim of this study was to evaluate the awareness of malocclusion and attitude towards orthodontic treatment among trainee dental surgery technicians in Nigeria. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out among 68 final year (sixty-eight) trainee dental surgery technicians in Nigeria. The research instrument was a self-administered close ended questionnaire. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. P value (P<0.05) was regarded as significant. Results: Sixty-one (89.7%) of the respondents were females, while 7 (10.3%) were males. Fifty-seven (83.8%) have heard of the term malalignment of teeth, 53 (77.9%) of the students think malalignment is due to external habits. 61 (89.7%) are aware that few teeth may have to be removed for proper positioning of irregular teeth and 51 (75.0%) were aware that the irregular teeth can be corrected even after 40 years of age. More females were aware of malocclusion and had positive attitude towards orthodontic procedures when compared to the males, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05).Conclusion. Majority of the respondents in this study were aware of the term malalignment and had positive attitude towards orthodontic treatment. More females constituted the study population.

主题 s
Orthodontics , Therapeutics , Methods , Students , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Oral Health
Ibom Medical Journal ; 17(1): 103-107, 2024. figures, tables
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1525664


Context: Malaria is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Transfusion transmitted malaria contributes significantly to the burden of malaria in SSA. The safety of blood transfusion as it relates to frequency of blood donation and malaria occurrence on the part of donors is an aspect that has not been properly investigated hence this study. Objectives: This study was conducted to assess the frequency of blood donation and occurrence of malaria among blood donors at OAUTHC, Ile-Ife. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Ethical approval was obtained. One hundred and thirty-three consenting blood donors aged between 18-50 years were recruited for the study. Two milliliter's of blood were collected from each study participant and immediately transported to the laboratory for processing. Giemsa-stained films of the samples were viewed under the oil immersion objective of the microscope. Questionnaires were administered to the study participants to obtain relevant information. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSS software version 20. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: The prevalence of malaria among the blood donors was 21.1% with the highest rate among commercial donors (33.3%) followed by family donors (12.9%) then voluntary donors (11.9%). Evaluation of the frequency of donation showed that malaria occurred more in recurring donors (77.78%) than first time donors (22.22%).

主题 s
Malaria , Therapeutics
Pan Afr. med. j ; 47(NA)2024. figures, tables
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1531992


Introduction: effective COVID-19 vaccines for the prevention of severe illness have been available for more than one year now. This study was carried out to ascertain vaccine hesitancy and its associations among pregnant women receiving antenatal care in Port Harcourt, a large cosmopolitan town in Nigeria. Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional online survey over 2 months among consenting pregnant women receiving antenatal care in the 3 largest obstetric service centers in Port Harcourt to evaluate COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and its associations. Results: the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy was 669 (72.2%). Of the respondents, 27 (2.9%) had been infected or had a close family member infected with SARS-CoV-2, and 897 (96.8%) of them had heard of the COVID-19 vaccine; however, only 133 (14.4%) had been vaccinated against COVID-19. The safety of the mother in 260 (32.8%) and the safety of the unborn baby in 114 (14.4%) of the respondents were the reasons for vaccine hesitancy. A small proportion of women 7(0.9%) were hesitant on religious grounds. Tertiary education, use of childhood immunization for previous infants delivered, and availability of COVID-19 vaccine in the antenatal clinic at no cost to the women, were statistically significant predictors of vaccine uptake among the respondents. Conclusion: the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women in Port Harcourt was 72.2%. Higher academic achievement and availability of the COVID-19 vaccine in the antenatal clinic were predictors of vaccine uptake, while reasons for hesitancy were mostly due to safety concerns for the mother and unborn baby.

主题 s
Pregnant Women , COVID-19 Vaccines , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Vaccination Hesitancy , Therapeutics , Cross-Sectional Studies
Ibom Medical Journal ; 17(1): 56-61, 2024.
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1552049


Background:Methicillin resistant S. aureus(MRSA) has become a major public health predicament worldwide. This is owing to its involvement in the evolution of MDR strains and difficulty in therapeutic management of infected patients. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureusamong patients in two health facilities in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.Materials and Methods:Clinical isolates of patients from University of Uyo Teaching Hospital (UUTH), Uyo and General Hospital, Ikot Abasi (GHIA) were investigated based on the strategic location of the hospitals. The study design was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Three hundred clinical samples were collected from male and female in and out-patients of all ages and processed using standard bacteriological methods. Detection of Staphylococcus aureusand MRSAstrains were done according to standard protocols while antibiotic susceptibility testing of MRSAisolates was conducted using Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method and interpreted following the CLSI 2021 guidelines. Results:The prevalence of MRSAstrains in this study was 42.9%. Majority of patients with MRSAwere from UUTH (44%) closely followed by patients from GHIA(40%). High antibiotics resistant rates of MRSAwere recorded for ampicillin (96.6%), ciprofloxacin (73.3%), erythromycin (63.3%) and cotrimoxazole (60%). Gentamicin and ceftriaxone sensitivity rates were 53.3% and 63.4%, respectively. Conclusion:Health facilities in the state should institute effective antimicrobial stewardship, intensify surveillance and screening of Staphylococcus aureusfor MRSAstrains to guard against dissemination of multidrug resistant strains in both hospital and community settings because of the clinical implications.

主题 s
Staphylococcus aureus , Prevalence , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Therapeutics , Clindamycin , Diagnosis , Health Facilities
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 17(2): 1-7, 2024. figures, tables
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1552189


Contexte et objectif. La survie à long terme des accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques (AVCI) reste un défi majeur. L'objectif de ce travail était d'analyser la mortalité à long terme des survivants d'AVCI. Méthodes. Il s'est agi d'une cohorte rétrospective portant sur les patients hospitalisés du 1er janvier 2017 au 31 décembre 2019, sortis vivants du service de neurologie au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sourô Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso après un AVCI. Nous avons recouru aux méthodes de Kaplan Meier et la regression de Cox pour décrire respectivement la survie et les prédicteurs de la mortalité. Résultats. Au total, 87 patients dossiers ont été colligés. L'âge moyen était de 61,2 ans (±13,7). Le sex-ratio M/F était de 1,23/1. L'hypertension artérielle était le principal facteur de risque cardiovasculaire (65,5 %). Les antécédents de cardiopathies étaient présents chez 6 patients. La conscience était normale chez 82 patients et les complications de décubitus ont été observées chez 20 patients au cours de l'hospitalisation. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 15,8 jours. La mortalité cumulée en post hospitalisation était de 40,2 % à 4 ans. Les facteurs prédictifs de la mortalité étaient l'âge > 60 ans (p=0,008; HRa= 3,05 ; IC 95 % : 1,33-6,99), le score de Glasgow>9 (p<0,001; HRa = 0,09; IC 95 % : 0,02-0,31) et l'absence de complication de décubitus (p=0,009; HRa = 0,34; IC95 % : 0,15-0,76). Conclusion. Dans ce contexte, la mortalité à long terme des AVCI est élevée. Le renforcement du suivi vis-à-vis des groupes spécifiques pourrait contribuer à réduire considérablement cette mortalité à long terme.

Context and objective. Long-term survival from ischaemic stroke remains a major challenge. The aim of this study was to analyse the long-term mortality of stroke survivors at the Sourô Sanou University Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso. Methods. This was a retrospective cohort of hospitalized patients from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019, discharged alive from the neurology service after ischaemic stroke. We used Kaplan Meier and Cox regression methods to describe survival and predictors of mortality, respectively. Results. A total of 87 patients were included in this study. The mean age was 61.2 years (±13.7). The sex ratio M/F was 1.23. Hypertension was the main cardiovascular risk factor (65.5%). A history of heart disease was present in 6 patients (6.9%). Consciousness was normal in 82 patients (94.2%) and decubitus complications were observed in 20 patients (23%) during hospitalisation. The average length of hospital stay was 15.8 days. Cumulative post-hospital mortality was 40.2% at 4 years. Factors predictive of mortality were age >60 years (p=0.008; aHR= 3.05; 95%CI: 1.33-6.99), Glasgow score>9 (p<0.001; aHR = 0.09; 95% CI: 0.02-0.31) and absence of decubitus complication (p=0.009; aHR = 0.34; 95%CI: 0.15-0.76). Conclusion. In this context, long-term mortality in ischaemic stroke is high. Closer monitoring of specific groups could help to reduce considerably this long-term mortality.

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Ischemic Stroke , Therapeutics
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 45-51, 2024.
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016681


Background@#Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular cancer in childhood in the Philippines. Most data though on demographics, clinical profile, treatment options, and outcomes in the country are from the National Capital Region. @*Objectives@#This study aimed to describe the demographics, clinical profile, treatment done, and outcomes of retinoblastoma patients seen in a public tertiary referral center in Davao from 2011-2020 to make available literature more representative of the status of retinoblastoma in the Philippines. @*Methods@#An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted using the records of retinoblastoma patients seen in a tertiary government hospital located in Davao Region from January 2011 to December 2020. @*Results@#There were 157 patients included in the analysis. Seventy-three (46%) were female with 44% coming from the Davao Region. One hundred seven (69%) patients had unilateral disease. Median age at initial consultation for patients with unilateral disease was significantly older than those with bilateral disease (p<0.003). Tumors were extraocular in 82 (40%) eyes. In the intraocular group, 36% of the eyes belonged to International Classification of Retinoblastoma (ICRB) Groups D and E. Enucleation was the most commonly performed treatment. Survival rate was 28%. This is the first report to provide epidemiologic and clinical data on retinoblastoma in the literature, including survival data, from Mindanao. Advanced stages and extraocular cases of retinoblastoma remain high. Delay of consultation contributed to the prognosis and clinical outcome of the disease.@*@#Conclusion. Advanced stages and extraocular cases of retinoblastoma remain significantly high in the country, even in Mindanao.

主题 s
Retinoblastoma , Therapeutics , Survival Rate
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e252676, 2024. ilus, graf, tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364501


Hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) is the foremost reason of progressive hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis, with an elevated risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development. Medicinal plants have been used for human health benefits for several years, but their therapeutic potential needs to be explored. The main objective of this study was to figure out the in vitro antiviral and anticancer characteristics of total crude protein of Iberis gibraltarica against HCV and HCC. Total crude protein of Iberis gibraltarica was isolated and quantified. The level of cytotoxicity was measured against the HepG2 cell line and it shows no significant cytotoxicity at the concentration of 504µg/ml. The anti-HCV effect was determined by absolute quantification via real time RT-PCR method and viral titer was reduced up to 66% in a dose dependent manner against the total protein of Iberis gibraltarica. The anticancer potential of Iberis gibraltarica was also examined through mRNA expression studies of AFP and GPC3 genes against the total protein of Iberis gibraltarica-treated HepG2 cells. The results show up to 90% of the down-regulation expression of AFP and GPC3. The obtained results indicate the therapeutic potential of total protein of Iberis gibraltarica against HCV and hepatocellular carcinoma in vitro.

A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (HCV) é a principal causa de fibrose hepática progressiva e cirrose, com risco elevado de desenvolvimento de carcinoma hepatocelular (HCC). As plantas medicinais vêm sendo utilizadas para benefícios à saúde humana há vários anos, mas seu potencial terapêutico precisa ser explorado. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi descobrir as características antivirais e anticancerígenas in vitro da proteína bruta total de Iberis gibraltarica contra HCV e HCC. A proteína bruta total de Iberis gibraltarica foi isolada e quantificada. O nível de citotoxicidade foi medido contra a linha celular HepG2 e não apresenta citotoxicidade significativa na concentração de 504µg/ml. O efeito anti-HCV foi determinado por quantificação absoluta através do método RT-PCR em tempo real e o título viral foi reduzido em até 66% de forma dose-dependente contra a proteína total de Iberis gibraltarica. O potencial anticancerígeno de Iberis gibraltarica também foi examinado através de estudos de expressão de mRNA dos genes AFP e GPC3 contra a proteína total de células HepG2 tratadas com Iberis gibraltarica. Os resultados mostram até 90% da expressão de regulação negativa de AFP e GPC3. Os resultados obtidos indicam o potencial terapêutico da proteína total de Iberis gibraltarica contra HCV e carcinoma hepatocelular in vitro.

主题 s
Plants, Medicinal , Therapeutics , Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/drug therapy , Liver Cirrhosis/drug therapy
Rev Enferm UFPI ; 12(1): e3383, 2023-12-12. tab e graf
文章 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1523910


Objetivo: Identificar as principais dificuldades durante o tratamento e pós-alta de pacientes com hanseníase atendidos na Atenção Secundária em Teresina-Piauí e seu perfil epidemiológico. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, quantitativo, que identificou necessidades e levantou dados de pacientes em tratamento de hanseníase em um serviço de referência localizado em Teresina-Piauí. Resultados: Na amostra, observou-se predomínio de pacientes do sexo masculino (58,5%), casados ou em união estável (54,7%), com ensino fundamental completo (62,3%), renda de 1 a 2 salários mínimos (66,0%) e residentes em Teresina-Piauí (90,6%). A idade média dos pacientes foi 53 anos. 9,4% abandonaram o tratamento. No pós-alta, 90,6% dos pacientes apresentaram algum tipo de sequela. Notou-se que a ausência de conhecimento sobre a hanseníase retardou o acesso ao sistema de saúde. Verificou-se associação significativa entre a variável presença de sequela e alteração de sensibilidade (p=0,014). Os relatos de preconceito foram mais frequentes durante o tratamento (41,5%), em relação ao pós-alta (15,1%). Conclusão: A hanseníase ainda é uma doença negligenciada, estigmatizada e de difícil diagnóstico, sendo necessário maiores investimentos em políticas públicas para a difusão de conhecimentos sobre a doença. Descritores: Hanseníase; Terapêutica; Perfil de Saúde; Conhecimento; Estigma Social.

Objective: To identify the main difficulties and the epidemiological profile during treatment and post-discharge in patients with leprosy treated at the Secondary Care level in Teresina-Piauí.Methods: This is a cross-sectional and quantitative study that identified needs and surveyed data from patients undergoing leprosy treatment in a reference service located in Teresina-Piauí.Results: In the sample, there was predominance of male patients (58.5%), married or in a stable union (54.7%), with complete Elementary School (62.3%), incomes of 1 to 2 minimum wages (66.0%) and residents of Teresina-Piauí (90.6%). The mean age of the patients was 53years old. 9.4% abandoned the treatment. 90.6% of the patients presented some type of sequelae post-discharge. It was noticed that lack of knowledge about leprosy delayed access to the health system. A significant association was verified between the "presence of sequelae" variable and change in sensitivity (p = 0.014). The reports about prejudice were more frequent during the treatment (41.5%) than in the post-discharge period(15.1%). Conclusion: Leprosy is still a neglected, stigmatized and difficult to diagnose disease, with a need for greater investments in public policies to disseminate knowledge about the disease. Descriptors: Leprosy; Therapy; Health Profile; Knowledge; Social Stigma.

主题 s
Therapeutics , Health Profile , Knowledge , Social Stigma , Leprosy
Vive (El Alto) ; 6(18): 768-779, dic. 2023. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530590


La terapia visual como tratamiento de estimulación neurofisiológica, permite el desarrollo y mejoría de las habilidades visuales; mismas que inciden de manera directa en el aprendizaje y la lectura. Objetivo. Evaluar el impacto de las terapias de estimulación visual en el rendimiento académico en niños de primer año de básica de una unidad educativa privada en Quito-Ecuador. Materiales y métodos. La investigación fue descriptiva, modalidad de intervención educativa, con alcance explicativo causal y longitudinal. Se trabajó con una muestra intencional conformada por 32 estudiantes de 5 años cumplidos, ambos sexos biológicos, que asistían a clases presenciales, no recibían terapias visuales y, contaban con el consentimiento de los padres. Un profesional especialista en salud visual ejecutó la investigación en tres fases: 1) diagnóstica: medición de las variables como pre-test; 2) aplicación de estrategias: con el despliegue del programa por seis meses para trabajar la estimulación de habilidades visuo-perceptuales y; 3) evaluación del programa tras la intervención de las variables como post - test. Resultados. Tras las terapias, el 97% de la población tuvo un impacto positivo de +60, el porcentaje de agudeza visual inferior se redujo al 0%, incrementó la agudeza visual óptima en OD (43%) y OI (47%), la estereopsis mejoró en un 84% de sujetos, las habilidades visuo-perceptuales fueron aceptables y se mejoró el rendimiento escolar. Conclusiones. Se pudo evidenciar que la estimulación de habilidades visuales a través de terapias específicas, en edades tempranas, es importante y necesaria para evitar problemas futuros en el aprendizaje.

Visual therapy as a treatment of neurophysiological stimulation, allows the development and improvement of visual skills, which have a direct impact on learning and reading. Objective. To evaluate the impact of visual stimulation therapies on the academic performance of children in the first year of elementary school in a private educational unit in Quito-Ecuador. Materials and methods. The research was descriptive, educational intervention modality, with causal and longitudinal explanatory scope. We worked with an intentional sample of 32 students of 5 years of age, both biological sexes, who attended presential classes, did not receive visual therapies and had parental consent. A professional specialist in visual health carried out the research in three phases: 1) diagnostic: measurement of the variables as a pre-test; 2) application of strategies: with the deployment of the program for six months to work on the stimulation of visual-perceptual skills and; 3) evaluation of the program after the intervention of the variables as a post-test. Results. After the therapies, 97% of the population had a positive impact of +60, the percentage of inferior visual acuity was reduced to 0%, optimal visual acuity increased in OD (43%) and OI (47%), stereopsis improved in 84% of subjects, visuo-perceptual skills were acceptable and school performance was improved. Conclusions. It could be evidenced that the stimulation of visual skills through specific therapies, at early ages, is important and necessary to avoid future learning problems.

A terapia visual como um tratamento de estimulação neurofisiológica permite o desenvolvimento e a melhoria das habilidades visuais, que têm um impacto direto no aprendizado e na leitura. Objetivo. Avaliar o impacto das terapias de estimulação visual no desempenho acadêmico de crianças no primeiro ano do ensino fundamental em uma unidade educacional privada em Quito-Equador. Materiais e métodos. A pesquisa foi descritiva, na modalidade de intervenção educacional, com um escopo explicativo causal e longitudinal. Trabalhamos com uma amostra intencional de 32 alunos de 5 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos biológicos, que frequentavam as aulas presenciais, não recebiam terapia visual e tinham o consentimento dos pais. Um profissional especialista em saúde visual realizou a pesquisa em três fases: 1) diagnóstico: mensuração das variáveis como pré-teste; 2) aplicação de estratégias: com a implantação do programa durante seis meses para trabalhar a estimulação das habilidades perceptivo-visuais e; 3) avaliação do programa após a intervenção das variáveis como pós-teste. Resultados. Após as terapias, 97% da população teve um impacto positivo de +60, a porcentagem de acuidade visual inferior foi reduzida para 0%, a acuidade visual ótima aumentou em OD (43%) e OI (47%), a estereopsia melhorou em 84% dos indivíduos, as habilidades visuo-perceptuais foram aceitáveis e o desempenho escolar melhorou. Conclusões. Foi possível demonstrar que a estimulação das habilidades visuais por meio de terapias específicas em uma idade precoce é importante e necessária para evitar futuros problemas de aprendizagem.

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Therapeutics , Learning
Rev Enferm UFPI ; 12(1): e3868, 2023-12-12. tab
文章 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1525448


Objetivo: Identificar na literatura coberturas e agentes tópicos utilizados no tratamento de lesões venosas e descrever os efeitos encontrados. Métodos: Revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada em bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, com uso dos seguintes descritores: úlcera varicosa; úlcera da perna; curativos oclusivos; terapêutica e suas respectivas traduções em inglês. Incluíram-se artigos publicados no período entre 2014 e 2022, sem limitação de idioma. Resultados: Identificaram-se 22 agentes tópicos/coberturas nos 24 artigos selecionados, com predomínio da carboximetilcelulose (n=4), gel de papaína (n=3) e polihexametileno biguanida (n=2), gel de plaquetas (n=2) e tecnologia como lipido-coloide-nano oligossacarídeo (n=2). Conclusão: Os 22 agentes tópicos/coberturas encontrados foram capazes de acelerar a cicatrização, diminuir o exsudato e tecidos desvitalizados, controlar a carga bacteriana, modular a inflamação e reduzir a dor e o odor. A partir da pesquisa também se identificaram as indicações, os resultados e as recomendações dos agentes/coberturas. Entretanto, ressalta-se a importância da realização de pesquisas clínicas de qualidade que contribuam para o planejamento e a tomada de decisões na assistência de enfermagem às pessoas com lesões venosas. Descritores: Enfermagem; Úlcera Varicosa; Úlcera da Perna; Terapêutica; Curativos Oclusivos

Objective: To identify in the literature the coverings and topical agents used in the treatment of venous lesions and describe the effects found. Methods: Integrative literature review carried out in national and international databases using thefollowing descriptors in Portuguese and English: varicose ulcer, leg ulcer, occlusive dressings, therapy. Articles published between 2014 and 2022 were included, without language limitation. Results: Twenty-two topical agents/coverings were identified in the 24 selected articles, with a predominance of carboxymethylcellulose (n=4), papain gel (n=3) and polyhexamethylene biguanide (n=2), platelet gel (n=2) and technology such as lipid-colloid nano-oligosaccharide (n=2). Conclusion: The 22 topical agents/coverings found were able to accelerate healing, decrease exudate and devitalized tissues, control bacterial load, modulate inflammation, and reduce pain and odor. From the research it was also possible to identify the indications, results and recommendations of the agents/coverings. However, we emphasize the importance of conducting quality clinical research that contributes to planning and decision-making in nursing care for people with venous lesions.Descriptors:Nursing;Varicose Ulcer;Leg Ulcer;Therapy;Occlusive Dressings.

主题 s
Therapeutics , Varicose Ulcer , Nursing , Leg Ulcer , Occlusive Dressings
Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 15(4): 235-252, Diciembre 2023.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1518682


Introducción: El asma es una patología respiratoria caracterizada por inflamación cró-nica y reversible de las vías aéreas. Esta se asocia con factores de riesgo modificables y no modificables que influyen sobre su control y exacerbaciones. En países como Puer-to Rico y Cuba, la prevalencia del asma es significativamente mayor a la global (22,8%, 23% y 6,6%, respectivamente).

Introduction: Asthma is a respiratory pathology characterized by chronic and reversible airway inflammation. It is associated with modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors that influence its control and exacerbations. In countries such as Puerto Rico (22.8 %) and Cuba (23 %), the prevalence of asthma is significantly higher than the global prevalence (6.6 %).

主题 s
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Asthma/prevention & control , Therapeutics , Comorbidity , Risk Factors , Dominican Republic , Absenteeism , Symptom Flare Up