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The Correlation Between Pulse, Tongue and Abdominal Palpation Signs as Measured by Kampo Medicine Diagnostic Techniques / 日本東洋医学雑誌
Kampo Medicine ; : 35-50, 1998.
Article in Ja | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368253
Responsible library: WPRO
To clarify the correlation between pulse, appearance of the tongue and abdominal palpation signs as measured by Kampo medicine diagnostic techniques, we investigated 488 cases who received health screening. In addition we investigated the effects of smoking and drinking alcohol on pulse, tongue and abdominal palpation signs, and also the correlation between the findings of blood biochemical tests, and the pulse and appearance of the tongue, and obtained the following results.<br>1) In normal pulse the abdominal power and the tension of lower abdominal wall elevate, and the subjective palpitations of the upper umbilicus and the fluid sound in the stomach upon palpation were faint.<br>2) In elevated pulse abdominal power increased and the subjective palpitations of the lower umbilicus were faint.<br>3) As the oppressive pain on bilateral area near the umbilicus increased, the petechia often occurred.<br>4) The epigastric throbbing pulsation over epigastric region showed the positive correlation with transverse dehiscence.<br>5) Positive correlation was shown between the oppressive pain on the left area near the umbilicus and the purple tongue coating.<br>6) Smokers are apt to have red or purple tongue and tend to show yellow, thick, or ? residue-like (_??__??_) tongue coating. During abdominal palpation the positive correlation was shown between the frequency of smoking and the tonus of the left rectus abdominis muscle.<br>7) The amount of drinking alcohol and the abdominal power show positive correlation, and negative correlation with the subjective palpitations of the upper umbilicus.<br>8) The value of hemoglobin and hematocrit were often increased when a red tongue coating, purple tongue coating, petechia or a thick tongue coating were shown, and were decreased in ? emaciation (_??__??_).<br>9) The value of amylase showed a negative correlation with the red, thick, ??_??__??_, ? residue-like (_??__??_) tongue coating.
Key words
Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Type of study: Diagnostic_studies Language: Ja Journal: Kampo Medicine Year: 1998 Type: Article
Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Type of study: Diagnostic_studies Language: Ja Journal: Kampo Medicine Year: 1998 Type: Article