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Homeopathy ; 112(1): 3-11, 2023 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36049774


BACKGROUND: The manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can result in several prognoses and lead patients to look for appropriate complementary or alternative treatment options according to their personal situation and available health care. Patients with mild symptoms or those who have not yet reached the maximum severity of their condition are those who seek outpatient care, where homeopathic treatment might be considered, given the well documented history of this medical system in several epidemics in the past. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the homeopathic treatment used for symptomatic cases of COVID-19 in March and April 2020 with cases treated in March and April 2021. METHOD: This is a retrospective observational study based on the analysis of the medical records of symptomatic COVID-19 patients treated on an outpatient basis with homeopathy at the Hahnemanniano George Galvão Institute in São Paulo, Brazil. We analyzed 54 cases, divided into two samples (27 cases in each year), similar in relation to age, gender and origin of the patients. RESULTS: The development was distinct in the 2 years, with improvement of symptoms after 3 days of the first homeopathic prescription in 2020 whilst in 2021 the improvement occurred from the sixth day onward. The most frequently prescribed homeopathic medicine also differed in the two samples (Antimonium tartaricum in 2020; Arsenicum album in 2021), which indicates the different disease characteristics at these two moments of the epidemic. CONCLUSION: In 2020, the symptomatology of the cases was mainly acute and the main medicine was Antimonium tartaricum. By comparison, in 2021 a greater interference from individuals' previous chronic miasmatic disease may explain the change in the main medicines used that year, with Arsenicum album being the most prescribed in the cases studied.

COVID-19 , Homeopathy , Materia Medica , Humans , COVID-19/therapy , Brazil , Materia Medica/therapeutic use , Phytotherapy
Homeopathy ; 110(1): 67-69, 2021 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33482667


COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) may present variable symptoms among infected individuals, with chronic disease patients appearing as the group most susceptible to present severe pulmonary infection, while having a higher risk of developing complications from the disease. This study demonstrates the relationship between the manifestation of COVID-19 and the presence of chronic miasmatic disease, based on the works of Samuel Hahnemann. The reaction of the individual who previously presented chronic miasmatic disease, when in contact with the stimulus of the epidemic disease, depends on the type of response that the organism was generating in the face of the pre-existing situation: if it is an intense reaction and greater than that which the stimulus of COVID-19 can generate, this individual will not develop the severe form of the epidemic disease; if the reaction is less than that generated by COVID-19, more intense symptoms may appear. Understanding that the presence of a chronic miasmatic disease interferes with the manifestation of COVID-19, which may have repercussions on other organs, can change how one must act on the treatment, as this can alter the individual's health status.

COVID-19/physiopathology , COVID-19/therapy , Chronic Disease/therapy , Comorbidity , Homeopathy/methods , COVID-19/epidemiology , Chronic Disease/epidemiology , Humans , SARS-CoV-2
Homeopathy ; 110(3): 206-211, 2021 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33853177


The current COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) epidemic has proved challenging due to its high impact on physical and mental health. According to Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, in an epidemic the most severe symptoms of the clinical condition presented by the population in question should be the basis for selecting the medication that is as similar as possible to them, and which should be administered to individuals who have been exposed to the disease but have not yet developed it. This medicine is called the genus epidemicus. This study aims to demonstrate the reasoning used to propose the homeopathic medicine Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t) as a genus epidemicus in the COVID-19 epidemic. It was decided to develop the reasoning based on the respiratory symptoms described in the epidemiological bulletins presented by the Health Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, as these symptoms are the most serious of the disease. After repertorization, it was confirmed in the Materia Medica that Ant-t has a high degree of similarity with these respiratory symptoms, including the most serious situations, of COVID-19. Homeopathic Ant-t is thus a possible prophylactic genus epidemicus in the COVID-19 epidemic; further studies are needed to test this conclusion.

Antimony Potassium Tartrate/therapeutic use , COVID-19 Drug Treatment , COVID-19/epidemiology , Epidemics/prevention & control , Homeopathy/methods , Materia Medica/therapeutic use , Symptom Assessment , Brazil/epidemiology , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Homeopathy/history , Humans , Materia Medica/history , SARS-CoV-2
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim ; 47(3): 205-9, 2011 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21359821


It has been speculated that the homeopathic treatment of sperm cells in order to improve semen quality could be promising. However, few data is available and its use in spermatozoa requires investigation. It is well established that mitochondrial membrane potential is an important viability parameter of spermatozoa and it is intimately related to reproductive efficiency. In this manner, new technologies in order to improve the activity of sperm cells and, finally, the fecundity of swine herds are of extremely importance. Due to the lack of knowledge of homeopathic treatment effect on spermatozoa, the aim of the present study was to verify the effect of three different homeopathic treatments on viability of boar sperm cells. Three homeopathic treatments composed by Pulsatila CH6, Pulsatila and Avena CH6, Avena CH6 and one control treatment (sucrose) were added to diluted boar semen, which were cooled for 24 or 48 h. Interestingly, no positive effect of homeopathic treatments was observed over semen viability. However, it was demonstrated that the 24 h of cooling storage provided more viable sperm cells when compared to the 48-h period. This effect of storage period on sperm viability was assessed by intact plasmatic membrane, intact acrosome and mitochondrial membrane potential evaluation.

Homeopathy , Semen Preservation/methods , Acrosome/metabolism , Animals , Cell Membrane/metabolism , Cell Survival , Male , Membrane Potential, Mitochondrial , Mitochondria/metabolism , Swine
Int. j. high dilution res ; 13(49): 197-206, 2014. tab
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-11053


Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of prophylactic homeopathic treatment of swine diarrhea to achievea satisfactory balance between weight gain and cost. Methods: Escherichia coli (E. coli) wasisolated from 4 piglets with diarrhea, their clinical signs were used to select the adequate homeopathic medicine China officinalis (Chin). Newborn piglets were divided in 4 groups (n=11or 12): control group treated with the routinely used antimicrobial agent (ceftiofur 4 mg 1ml/piglet for 3 days); one group with homeopathic medicine Chin 30 cH; one group treated with biotherapy prepared from locally isolated E. coli; and one group was treated with association ofChin and biotherapy. All isolated samples of E. coli were subjected to polymerase chain reaction(PCR) to identify virulence factors in each group. Results: There was no difference in the numberof animals with diarrhea between groups treated with homeopathic medicine and control; weightgain was greater in groups treated with homeopathic medicine alone and associated withbiotherapy compared to control (p<0.05). Cost of homeopathic treatment was lower compared toceftiofur. Only one E. coli sample used to prepare biotherapy medicine tested positive forvirulence factors (F41); 3 samples from the Chin treated group tested positive for Stbenterotoxins; 1 sample from the homeopathic medicine plus biotherapy treated group and 1 sample from the biotherapy treated group tested positive for F41; 2 samples from the controlgroup tested positive for F41. Conclusion: Strain variability was too large in PCR to allow forany conclusion; despite feces tested positive for E. coli, weight gain of piglets was greater ingroups with homeopathic treatment that thus can be rated more effective in newborn piglets diarrhea.(AU)

Animals , Homeopathic Therapeutics/veterinary , China officinalis/therapeutic use , Biotherapics/therapeutic use , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Escherichia coli , Swine , Diarrhea/veterinary
Int. j. high dilution res ; 9(30): 51-57, 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-10395


Aims: this study sought to assess the reproductive performance of sows inseminated with sperm treated with homeopathic medicines. Materials and methods: the semen of 2 sexually mature boars age 18 months Pietrain and Duroc cross-bred with similar genetic and reproductive performance were chosen, as well as 125 sows. Sixteen samples of semen were collected and standardized through semen evaluation. Three homeopathic preparations and a placebo (control) were tested on the sperm (n=31/32 per group): Avena sativa 6cH, Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH and Avena sativa 6cH + Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH. Sows were inseminated 3 times with the same estrous diagnostic procedures. Results: there was significant difference (p<0.05) between Avena sativa 6cH and the other 3 groups regarding the return to estrus and parturition rate. There was no significant difference among the groups regarding the number of newborn piglets. Conclusion: these data suggest that homeopathic preparation Avena sativa may be used directly on sperm cells to improve the parturition rate in technified swine farms.(AU)

Objetivos: este estudo buscou avaliar o rendimento reprodutivo de suínos inseminados com esperma tratado com medicamentos homeopáticos. Materiais e métodos: o esperma de dois suínos sexualmente maduros de 18 meses de idade híbridos Pietrain e Duroc, com rendimento genético e reprodutivo similares foi selecionado, assim como 125 fêmeas. Dezesseis amostras de esperma foram coletadas e estandarizadas através de avaliação do esperma. Três preparações homeopáticas e um controle (placebo) foram testados no esperma (n=31/32 por grupo): Avena sativa 6cH, Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH and Avena sativa 6cH + Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH. As fêmeas foram inseminadas 3 vezes com os mesmos procedimentos de diagnóstico do estro. Resultados: houve diferença significativa (p< 0,05) entre Avena sativa 6cH e os outros 3 grupos no retorno ao estro e taxa de partos. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no número de recém-nascidos. Conclusão: os dados sugerem que a preparação homeopática Avena sativa pode ser utilizada diretamente nas células espermáticas para melhorar a taxa de partos em fazendas tecnificadas de criação de suínos.(AU)

Objetivos; este estudio busco evaluar el rendimiento reproductivo de porcinos inseminados com esperma tratado com medicamentos homeopáticos. Materiales y métodos: el esperma de 2 porcinos sexualmente maduros de 18 meses de edad híbridos Pietrain y Duroc, com rendimiento genético y reproductivo similares fue seleccionado, así como 125 hembras. Dieciséis muestras de esperma fueron recogidas y estandarizadas mediante evaluación del esperma. Tres preparados homeopáticos y un control (placebo) fueron testeados en el esperma (n=31/32 por grupo): Avena sativa 6cH, Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH and Avena sativa 6cH + Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH. Las hembras fueron inseminadas 3 veces con los mismos procedimientos de diagnóstico del estro. Resultados: hubo diferencia significativa (p< 0,05) para Avena sativa 6cH en comparación con los demás grupos en el retorno al estro y tasa de partos. No hubo diferencia significativa entre ninguno de los grupos en el número de recién nacidos. Conclusión: estos datos sugieren que el preparado homeopático Avena sativa puede ser directamente utilizado en las células espermáticas para mejorar la tasa de partos en granjas tecnificadas de porcinos.Palabras llave: porcinos; rendimiento reproductivo; esperma; homeopatía; estudio ciego controlado.(AU)

Animals , Swine , Reproduction , Homeopathy , Semen , Single-Blind Method
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-542662


Aims: this study sought to assess the reproductive performance of sows inseminated with sperm treated with homeopathic medicines. Materials and methods: the semen of 2 sexually mature boars age 18 months Pietrain and Duroc cross-bred with similar genetic and reproductive performance were chosen, as well as 125 sows. Sixteen samples of semen were collected and standardized through semen evaluation. Three homeopathic preparations and a placebo (control) were tested on the sperm (n=31/32 per group): Avena sativa 6cH, Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH and Avena sativa 6cH + Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH. Sows were inseminated 3 times with the same estrous diagnostic procedures. Results: there was significant difference (p<0.05) between Avena sativa 6cH and the other 3 groups regarding the return to estrus and parturition rate. There was no significant difference among the groups regarding the number of newborn piglets. Conclusion: these data suggest that homeopathic preparation Avena sativa may be used directly on sperm cells to improve the parturition rate in technified swine farms.

Objetivos: este estudo buscou avaliar o rendimento reprodutivo de suínos inseminados com esperma tratado com medicamentos homeopáticos. Materiais e métodos: o esperma de dois suínos sexualmente maduros de 18 meses de idade híbridos Pietrain e Duroc, com rendimento genético e reprodutivo similares foi selecionado, assim como 125 fêmeas. Dezesseis amostras de esperma foram coletadas e estandarizadas através de avaliação do esperma. Três preparações homeopáticas e um controle (placebo) foram testados no esperma (n=31/32 por grupo): Avena sativa 6cH, Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH and Avena sativa 6cH + Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH. As fêmeas foram inseminadas 3 vezes com os mesmos procedimentos de diagnóstico do estro. Resultados: houve diferença significativa (p< 0,05) entre Avena sativa 6cH e os outros 3 grupos no retorno ao estro e taxa de partos. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no número de recém-nascidos. Conclusão: os dados sugerem que a preparação homeopática Avena sativa pode ser utilizada diretamente nas células espermáticas para melhorar a taxa de partos em fazendas tecnificadas de criação de suínos.

Objetivos; este estudio busco evaluar el rendimiento reproductivo de porcinos inseminados com esperma tratado com medicamentos homeopáticos. Materiales y métodos: el esperma de 2 porcinos sexualmente maduros de 18 meses de edad híbridos Pietrain y Duroc, com rendimiento genético y reproductivo similares fue seleccionado, así como 125 hembras. Dieciséis muestras de esperma fueron recogidas y estandarizadas mediante evaluación del esperma. Tres preparados homeopáticos y un control (placebo) fueron testeados en el esperma (n=31/32 por grupo): Avena sativa 6cH, Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH and Avena sativa 6cH + Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH. Las hembras fueron inseminadas 3 veces con los mismos procedimientos de diagnóstico del estro. Resultados: hubo diferencia significativa (p< 0,05) para Avena sativa 6cH en comparación con los demás grupos en el retorno al estro y tasa de partos. No hubo diferencia significativa entre ninguno de los grupos en el número de recién nacidos. Conclusión: estos datos sugieren que el preparado homeopático Avena sativa puede ser directamente utilizado en las células espermáticas para mejorar la tasa de partos en granjas tecnificadas de porcinos.Palabras llave: porcinos; rendimiento reproductivo; esperma; homeopatía; estudio ciego controlado.

Animals , Homeopathy , Single-Blind Method , Reproduction , Semen , Swine
Int. j. high dilution res ; 8(29): 183-190, 2009.
Article in English, Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-9819


Escherichia coli is the most important etiologic agent implied in neonatal diarrhea in swine; colibacillosis is the disease with highest impact in production of swine. The demands of consumers for meat without chemical residues and the ban on the use of antibiotics and chemotherapics in production of swine compelled to find alternative therapeutic and preventive treatments. Aims: to assess homeopathic treatment as preventive against colibacillosis in swine. Methods: the study was conducted in a farm in Mato Grosso, Brazil; stools of 4 piglets with diarrhea were collected to establish the presence of E. coli; concomitantly it was performed a clinical exam to identify the symptoms leading to the choice of a homeopathy remedy. Newborn piglets were divided into 4 groups (n= 11 or 12): 1) control, subjected to antibiotic treatment against diarrhea; 2) homeopathic treatment, performed with Phosphorus 30cH according to the symptoms collected; 3) biotherapic treatment, performed with Escherichia coli 30cH prepared from the locally obtained bacteria; 4) homeopathic + biotherapics treatment. Results: all 3 groups treated with homeopathy/isotherapy presented a significant reduction of diarrhea compared to the control group (p=0.02); the group treated with Phosphorus 30cH + Escherichia coli 30cH presented the highest weight gain which was significant by comparison to all other groups (p=0.001). Conclusion: homeopathic and biotherapics treatment were more effective than antibiotics in the control of diarrhea in newborn piglets; combination of homeopathic and isopathic treatment resulted in the highest weight gain. These results suggest that homeopathy and isopathy are effective alternatives for the treatment of diarrhea by E. coli in newborn swine.(AU)

Escherichia coli é o agente etiológico mais importante implicado na diarréia neonatal em suínos; a colibacilose é a enfermidade com o maior impacto na produção suína. As demandas dos consumidores por carne sem resíduos químicos e a proibição do uso de antibióticos e quimioterápicos na produção de suínos têm forçado os produtores a procurar por tratamentos curativos e preventivos alternativos. Objetivos: avaliar o tratamento homeopático como profilático na colibacilose em suínos. Métodos: o estudo foi realizado numa granja em Mato Grosso, Brasil; foram colhidas fezes de 4 leitões para pesquisar a presença de E. coli; concomitantemente foi realizado exame clínico para identificar os sintomas necessários para a escolha do medicamento homeopático. Leitões recém-nascidos foram divididos em 4 grupos (n=11-12): 1) controle: tratado com antibiótico contra a diarréia; 2) tratamento homeopático, realizado com Phosphorus 30cH segundo os sintomas colhidos; 3) bioterápico, realizado com Escherichia coli 30cH preparado da cultura da bactéria localmente isolada; 4) tratamento homeopático + bioterápico. Resultados: os 3 grupos com tratamento homeopático/isoterápico apresentaram uma redução significativa da diarréia por comparação ao grupo controle (p=0,02); o grupo tratado com Phosphorus 30cH + Escherichia coli 30cH apresentou o maior ganho de peso em relação aos outros 3 grupos (p=0,001). Conclusão: os tratamentos homeopático e bioterápico foram mais efetivos que o antibiótico no controle da diarréia em leitões recém-nascidos; a combinação do tratamento homeopático e isopático resultou no maior ganho de peso. Esses resultados sugerem que homeopatia e isopatia são alternativas efetivas no tratamento da diarréia por E. coli em suínos recém-nascidos.(AU)

Animals , Escherichia coli , Diarrhea , Swine , Isotherapy , Homeopathy , Effectiveness
Int. j. high dilution res ; 8(29)2009. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-540179


Escherichia coli is the most important etiologic agent implied in neonatal diarrhea in swine; colibacillosis is the disease with highest impact in production of swine. The demands of consumers for meat without chemical residues and the ban on the use of antibiotics and chemotherapics in production of swine compelled to find alternative therapeutic and preventive treatments. Aims: to assess homeopathic treatment as preventive against colibacillosis in swine. Methods: the study was conducted in a farm in Mato Grosso, Brazil; stools of 4 piglets with diarrhea were collected to establish the presence of E. coli; concomitantly it was performed a clinical exam to identify the symptoms leading to the choice of a homeopathy remedy. Newborn piglets were divided into 4 groups (n= 11 or 12): 1) control, subjected to antibiotic treatment against diarrhea; 2) homeopathic treatment, performed with Phosphorus 30cH according to the symptoms collected; 3) biotherapic treatment, performed with Escherichia coli 30cH prepared from the locally obtained bacteria; 4) homeopathic + biotherapics treatment. Results: all 3 groups treated with homeopathy/isotherapy presented a significant reduction of diarrhea compared to the control group (p=0.02); the group treated with Phosphorus 30cH + Escherichia coli 30cH presented the highest weight gain which was significant by comparison to all other groups (p=0.001). Conclusion: homeopathic and biotherapics treatment were more effective than antibiotics in the control of diarrhea in newborn piglets; combination of homeopathic and isopathic treatment resulted in the highest weight gain. These results suggest that homeopathy and isopathy are effective alternatives for the treatment of diarrhea by E. coli in newborn swine.

Animals , Diarrhea , Effectiveness , Escherichia coli , Homeopathy , Isotherapy , Swine