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Homeopathy ; 104(4): 246-9, 2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26678724


BACKGROUND: Since 1926, an influence of a dilution of silver nitrate (24x) on the growth of coleoptiles of wheat seedlings was described. The aim of the study discussed here is the critical proof of the reliability of a test system which has been quoted as a basic model for the research on homoeopathy for decades. METHODS: Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) were observed under the influence of extremely diluted silver nitrate (10(-23)) prepared by stepwise dilution and agitation according to a protocol derived from homeopathy ('24x'). Analogously prepared water and/or inert water was used for control. Thirty experiments including 5000+5000 grains were performed by 5 researchers. RESULTS: Stalk lengths clearly indicate that development is enhanced by the probe silver nitrate 24x as compared to control. When the experiments 1989-1995 were pooled, means and SD for silver nitrate 24x-groups were 42.3±26.9 mm and for water control groups 34.7±22.2 mm. Verum stalk length was 21.9% bigger than control (100%) (p<0.01; d=0.31, i.e. small). For the experiments 1998-2014, means and SD were 73.7±21.7 mm and 60.5±20.9 mm. Verum stalk length was 21.7% bigger than control (100%) (p<0.01; d=0.62, i.e. medium). From the results one may hypothesize that the result is more marked in experiments showing an average mean of stalk length between ca. 50 and 90 mm in contrast to smaller or bigger mean lengths. CONCLUSION: The previous findings were confirmed by the results.

Homeopathy/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Silver Nitrate/administration & dosage , Triticum/growth & development , Humans , Seedlings/growth & development
Homeopathy ; 104(4): 257-62, 2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26678726


BACKGROUND: Following studies (a) on wheat seedlings and ultra high diluted silver nitrate, and (b) on amphibians and an ultra high diluted hormone, (c) a bio-assay on wheat and extremely diluted gibberellic acid was standardized. This assay was intended to combine the easy-to-handle aspect of (a) and biologically interesting aspects of (b). The purpose of the data analysis presented here was to investigate the influence of an extreme dilution of gibberellic acid on wheat stalk length and to determine the influence of external factors on the experimental outcome. METHODS: Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, Capo variety) were observed under the influence of extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10(-30)) prepared by stepwise dilution and agitation according to a protocol derived from homeopathy ('G30x'). Analogously prepared water was used for control ('W30x'). 16 experiments including 8000+8000 grains were performed by 9 researchers. RESULTS: Experiments that were performed between January and April showed inconsistent results, whereas most of the experiments performed between September and December showed shorter stalks in the G30x group. This was confirmed by correlation analysis (p<0.01). Thus winter/spring experiments and autumn experiments were analysed separately. When all 10 autumn experiments were pooled, mean stalk lengths (mm) were 48.3±21.4 for the verum group and 52.1±20.4 for control (mean±SD) at grain level (N=5000 per group) and ±5.3 and ±5.1 respectively at dish level. In other words, verum stalk length (92.67%) was 7.33% smaller than control stalk length (100%). The effect size is small when calculation is done on the basis of grains (d=0.18) but, due to the smaller SD at dish level, medium when done on the basis of dishes (d=0.73). The inhibiting effect was observed by 6 of the 6 researchers who performed the autumn experiments. CONCLUSION: The model may be useful for further research as there exists a theoretical justification due to previous studies with wheat and extremely diluted silver nitrate, as well as to previous studies with amphibians and diluted hormones, and its methods are well standardized. Data confirm the hypothesis that information can be stored in the test liquid, even at a dilution of the original substance beyond Avogadro's value; and that the wheat bio-assay is sensitive to such information.

Gibberellins/pharmacology , Plant Growth Regulators/pharmacology , Seedlings/drug effects , Triticum/growth & development , Homeopathy/methods , Humans , Seedlings/growth & development
Homeopathy ; 104(4): 250-6, 2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26678725


BACKGROUND: A model of thyroxine and metamorphosis of highland amphibians is frequently mentioned as an example of experiments on extremely diluted substances in discussions around 'homeopathy'. METHODS: The model was scrutinized by reanalysing the results of the initial researcher A and a second researcher B as well as of 5 external researchers C between 1990 and 2013. Rana temporaria larvae were taken from an alpine highland biotope. The test solution was thyroxine 10(-30) (T30x), tetra-iodo-thyronine sodium pentahydrate diluted with pure water in 26 steps of 1:10, being agitated after each step. Analogously prepared water (W30x) was used for control. Tadpoles were observed from the 2-legged to the 4-legged stage. Experiments were performed in different years, at different times of season, and their duration could vary. Frequencies of 4-legged animals, effect sizes and areas under the curves (AUCs) were calculated and regression analyses were performed to investigate possible correlations between year, season, duration etc. Experiments were in line with animal protection guidelines. RESULTS: The total set of data A + B + C as well as subsets A (initial researcher, N=286+293), B (second centre, 965 + 965) and C (5 external researchers, 690 + 690) showed an effect of extremely diluted agitated thyroxine reverse to that known of molecular thyroxin, i.e. test values were below control by 11.4% for A, 9.5% for B and 7.0% for C (p<0.001 for each of the subsets). The effect size (Cohen's d) was >0.8 (large) for both A and B and 0.74 (medium) for C. CONCLUSION: Although a perfect reproducibility was not obtained, this paradoxical phenomenon was generally consistent in different observations. Correlations were found between details of laboratory handling, as well as environment temperature, and the size of the results.

Amphibians/growth & development , Homeopathy/methods , Metamorphosis, Biological/drug effects , Thyroxine/toxicity , Animals , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Larva/growth & development , Reproducibility of Results , Thyroxine/administration & dosage
ScientificWorldJournal ; 11: 1667-78, 2011.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22125426


The influence of a homeopathic high dilution of gibberellic acid on wheat growth was studied at different seasons of the year. Seedlings were allowed to develop under standardized conditions for 7 days; plants were harvested and stalk lengths were measured. The data obtained confirm previous findings, that ultrahigh diluted potentized gibberellic acid affects stalk growth. Furthermore, the outcome of the study suggests that experiments utilizing the bioassay presented should best be performed in autumn season. In winter and spring, respectively, no reliable effects were found.

Gibberellins/pharmacology , Seasons , Triticum/growth & development
ScientificWorldJournal ; 7: 1697-702, 2007 Oct 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17982565


The influence of a highly diluted agitated, i.e. homeopathically prepared thyroxin solution (10(-30), final concentration in the basin water 10(-35) parts by weight after the first application) on metamorphosis in lowland Rana temporaria from the spawn stage on was studied. The treatment with homeopathically prepared thyroxin solution (10(-30)) starts at the frogspawn stage. It represents a tool to learn more about the previously standardized amphibian model, where the thyroxin solution was applied from the two-legged stage on only. Lowland frogs were pretreated by immersing spawn in an aqueous molecular thyroxin dilution (10(-8) parts by weight). In later stages of development (2 to 4 legged), this has been found to speed up metamorphosis by around 15%. In accordance with the homeopathic idea of detoxication or cure, hyperstimulated animals (spawn or, in subsequence, larvae) were treated either with thyroxin that had been highly diluted and agitated in successive steps, i.e. homeopathically prepared (10(-30)), or analogously prepared blank solution (water). Development was monitored by documenting the number of animals that had entered the four-legged stage. It has been found that animals treated with the test solution metamorphosed more slowly than the control animals, i.e. the effect of the homeopathically prepared thyroxin was opposed to the usual effect of molecular thyroxin. The number of test animals that reached the 4-legged stage at defined points in time was slightly smaller in the group treated with homeopathically prepared thyroxin at some, but not at all points in time, compared to control. The results in this study sustain the previous multi researcher findings that highly diluted homeopathically prepared thyroxin is able to slow down metamorphosis of Rana temporaria.

Ranidae/growth & development , Thyroxine/pharmacology , Animals , Time Factors
Complement Ther Med ; 19(3): 164-9, 2011 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21641523


OBJECTIVE: Use of a wheat growth bio assay after 7 days in research on homeopathic dilutions of gibberellic acid. METHODS: Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, Capo variety) were observed under the influence of extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10(-30)) prepared by stepwise dilution and agitation according to a protocol derived from homeopathy (30×). Analogously prepared water was used for control. In a two centre study, 3 experiments with a total of 4880 grains were performed. RESULTS: Data were found to be rather homogeneous within the control group as well as within the verum group in general. Germination rates were around 95%, with no significant difference between verum and control group (p>0.05). Mean stalk lengths (mm) were 40.63±20.96 for the verum and 44.33±21.11 for the control group (mean±S.D.) at grain level (N=2440 per group) and ±5.33 and ±5.89, respectively at dish level (122 cohorts of 20 grains per treatment group). In other words, verum stalk length (91.65%) was 8.35% smaller than control stalk length (100%). This difference is statistically highly significant (p<0.001) and was found by both researchers involved independently. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that there was an influence of gibberellic acid 30× on wheat seedling development, i.e. the wheat growth bio assay can be a useful tool for further experiments on homeopathic dilutions of gibberellic acid.

Edible Grain/drug effects , Germination/drug effects , Gibberellins/pharmacology , Homeopathy/methods , Plant Growth Regulators/pharmacology , Seedlings/drug effects , Triticum/drug effects , Edible Grain/physiology , Pilot Projects , Plant Stems/drug effects , Plant Stems/growth & development , Seedlings/growth & development , Triticum/physiology
Int. j. high dilution res ; 12(42)jan.-mar. 2013.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-10898


In previous multicentre studies, the influence of a homeopathic ultra-high dilution of gibberellic acid on wheat growth was scrutinized. Data showed that this test dilution slowed down stalk growth when experiments were performed in the autumn season. The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that pretreatment of grains with high concentrations of gibberellic acid would enhance the growth-inhibiting effect of the ultra-high dilution of the plant hormone. Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, 500 or 1000 per group) were pretreated with (non-agitated) gibberellic acid 10-5, 10-4 and 10-3 parts by weight (Ge-5, Ge-4, Ge-3) or with water (?W0?) for control prior to further treatment. Grains were then observed under the influence of extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10-30 parts by weigth) prepared by stepwise dilution and agitation according to a protocol derived from homeopathy (?G30x?). Analogously prepared water was used for control (?W30x?). Seedlings were allowed to develop under standardized conditions for 7 days; plants were harvested and stalk lengths were measured. Of the four pretreatment variants under study, Ge-3 yielded most growth, followed by Ge-4 , Ge-5 and finally W. This outcome was modulated by the application of G30x in that the inhibition obtained with G30x as compared to W30x was the greater the lower the pretreatment concentration of G had been. The hypothesis that pretreatment of grains with high concentrations of gibberellic acid would enhance the growth inhibiting effect of G30x had to be rejected. Rather, G30x slowed down stalk growth most in the W0 group with p < 0.001, only moderately in the Ge-5 and Ge-4 group and not at all in the Ge-3 group.(AU)

Gibberellins , Plant Growth Regulators , Triticum , Agriculture
Int. j. high dilution res ; 12(42)jan.-mar. 2013.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-670695


In previous multicentre studies, the influence of a homeopathic ultra-high dilution of gibberellic acid on wheat growth was scrutinized. Data showed that this test dilution slowed down stalk growth when experiments were performed in the autumn season. The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that pretreatment of grains with high concentrations of gibberellic acid would enhance the growth-inhibiting effect of the ultra-high dilution of the plant hormone. Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, 500 or 1000 per group) were pretreated with (non-agitated) gibberellic acid 10-5, 10-4 and 10-3 parts by weight (Ge-5, Ge-4, Ge-3) or with water (?W0?) for control prior to further treatment. Grains were then observed under the influence of extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10-30 parts by weigth) prepared by stepwise dilution and agitation according to a protocol derived from homeopathy (?G30x?). Analogously prepared water was used for control (?W30x?). Seedlings were allowed to develop under standardized conditions for 7 days; plants were harvested and stalk lengths were measured. Of the four pretreatment variants under study, Ge-3 yielded most growth, followed by Ge-4 , Ge-5 and finally W. This outcome was modulated by the application of G30x in that the inhibition obtained with G30x as compared to W30x was the greater the lower the pretreatment concentration of G had been. The hypothesis that pretreatment of grains with high concentrations of gibberellic acid would enhance the growth inhibiting effect of G30x had to be rejected. Rather, G30x slowed down stalk growth most in the W0 group with p < 0.001, only moderately in the Ge-5 and Ge-4 group and not at all in the Ge-3 group.

Agriculture , Gibberellins , Plant Growth Regulators , Triticum
Forsch Komplementmed ; 14(6): 353-7, 2007 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18219210


BACKGROUND: Studies performed in 5 laboratories have shown that homeopathically prepared highly diluted thyroxin (10(-30)=30x) slowed down metamorphosis of highland amphibians. Metamorphosis of lowland amphibians, however, could be slowed down by a low dilution of thyroxin (10(-8)=8x) if animals had been artificially pretreated with thyroxin. OBJECTIVE: To combine the advantages of using animals from highland biotopes and hyperstimulation prior to treatment. ANIMALS AND METHODS: Rana temporaria from an alpine biotope were pretreated in an aqueous molecular thyroxin dilution (10(-8) parts by weight, hyperstimulation). This is supposed to accelerate metamorphosis. In accordance with the homeopathic idea of detoxification or cure, one group of these hyperstimulated animals was then treated with thyroxin 30x, and another group with water 30x. Experiments were performed by 4 independent researchers. RESULTS: As a trend, the thyroxin-30x animals metamorphosed more slowly than the water-30x animals. The number of thyroxin-30x animals that reached the 4-legged stage at defined points in time was slightly smaller at some but not all points in time, compared to control. This is in line with previous findings and can be discussed as an interesting result. Contrary to our working hypothesis, however, differences were not bigger than in the previous experiments in which animals had not been pretreated with thyroxin 10(-8). CONCLUSION: This study supports previous findings but does not prove the assumption that pretreatment of highland animals with molecular thyroxine improves the original protocol.

Materia Medica/pharmacology , Metamorphosis, Biological/drug effects , Rana temporaria/growth & development , Thyroxine/pharmacology , Animals , Larva/drug effects , Materia Medica/administration & dosage , Random Allocation , Thyroxine/administration & dosage , Time Factors , Water/administration & dosage , Water/pharmacology
Int. j. high dilution res ; 10(35): 79-79, june 30, 2011.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-10659


Objective: Performing a study on a wheat growth bio assay with a homeopathic dilution of gibberellic acid at different seasons of the year.Methods: Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, Capo variety) were observed under the influence of extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10-30, 30x). Analogously prepared water was used for control. 15 experiments were performed, 9 in autumn season (5 researchers, 4,440 grains per group), and 6 in winter / spring (4 researchers, with 3,140 grains per group).Results: All 9 autumn experiments showed less stalk growth in the verum group (p > 0.01 in 4 cases, p > 0.05 in 3, trend in 2 cases). Mean stalk lengths (mm) were 46.97 + 20.50 for verum and 50.66 + 19.77 for control at grain level (N = 4,440 per group) and + 3.87 and + 3.38 respectively at dish level (217 cohorts of 20 or 25 grains per treatment group). Verum stalk length (92.72%) was 7.28% smaller than control stalk length (100%). In contrast, no reliable effect was found in experiments performed in winter / spring (less stalk growth in 1 case, no difference in 1, more growth in 3 cases). Overall verum stalk length (103.64%) was 3.64% slightly greater than control stalk length (100%). Data were found to be homogeneous within the control groups as well as within the verum groups.Conclusion: Results suggest that especially in the experiments performed in autumn, there was an influence of gibberellic acid 30x on wheat seedling development. The effect size is small when calculation is done on the basis of grains (d = 0.18) but high when done on the basis of dishes (d = 1.02). In contrast, no reliable effect was found in experiments performed in winter / spring. Further experiments should thus be performed in the autumn season.(AU)

Triticum , Agriculture , Germination
Article in English | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: lil-621617


Objective: Performing a study on a wheat growth bio assay with a homeopathic dilution of gibberellic acid at different seasons of the year.Methods: Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, Capo variety) were observed under the influence of extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10-30, 30x). Analogously prepared water was used for control. 15 experiments were performed, 9 in autumn season (5 researchers, 4,440 grains per group), and 6 in winter / spring (4 researchers, with 3,140 grains per group).Results: All 9 autumn experiments showed less stalk growth in the verum group (p > 0.01 in 4 cases, p > 0.05 in 3, trend in 2 cases). Mean stalk lengths (mm) were 46.97 + 20.50 for verum and 50.66 + 19.77 for control at grain level (N = 4,440 per group) and + 3.87 and + 3.38 respectively at dish level (217 cohorts of 20 or 25 grains per treatment group). Verum stalk length (92.72%) was 7.28% smaller than control stalk length (100%). In contrast, no reliable effect was found in experiments performed in winter / spring (less stalk growth in 1 case, no difference in 1, more growth in 3 cases). Overall verum stalk length (103.64%) was 3.64% slightly greater than control stalk length (100%). Data were found to be homogeneous within the control groups as well as within the verum groups.Conclusion: Results suggest that especially in the experiments performed in autumn, there was an influence of gibberellic acid 30x on wheat seedling development. The effect size is small when calculation is done on the basis of grains (d = 0.18) but high when done on the basis of dishes (d = 1.02). In contrast, no reliable effect was found in experiments performed in winter / spring. Further experiments should thus be performed in the autumn season.

Fifty Millesimal , Gibberellins/therapeutic use
Int. j. high dilution res ; 10(36): 263-264, september 30, 2011.
Article in Portuguese, English | LILACS-Express | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-10679


Control experiments were performed at different seasons of the year as a follow-up to pilot experiments [1] where a homeopathic high dilution of gibberellic acid had influenced growth in a wheat bio assay (7 days). Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, Capo variety) were observed under the influence of extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10-30) prepared by stepwise dilution and agitation according to a protocol derived from homeopathy (“G30x”). Analogously prepared water was used for control (“W30x”). Following up on 5 pilot experiments (4 in autumn 2007, 1 in spring 2008), 10 experiments were performed (5 in autumn 2008 or 2009 and 5 in winter 2009 or 2010) with a total of 9 experiments in autumn season (5 researchers, about 9,000 grains), and 6 in winter/spring (4 researchers, about 6,000 grains).(AU)

Experimentos controlados foram realizados em diferentes estações do ano, em continuação a um experimento-piloto [1] onde o ácido giberélico altamente diluído e agitado influenciaram o crescimento de trigo, em um ensaio biológico (7 dias). Grão de trigo de inverno (Triticum aestivum, variedade Capo) foram observados sob a influência do ácido giberélico altamente diluído (10-30) preparado por um processo serial de diluição e agitação, de acordo com um protocolo derivado da homeopatia (“G30x”). Analogamente, o mesmo protocol foi usado para preparar a amostra controle, apenas com água (“W30x”). Em continuidade a realização de 5 experimentos-piloto (4 no outono de 2007, 1 na primavera de 2008), 10 experimentos foram realizados (5 no outono de 2008 ou 2009 e 5 no inverno de 2009 ou 2010) com um total de 9 experimentos na estação do outono (5 pesquisadores, aproximadamente 9.000 grãos) e 6 no inverno/primavera (4 pesquisadores, aproximadamente 6.000 grãos).(AU)

Triticum , Germination , Gibberellins