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ScientificWorldJournal ; 7: 1697-702, 2007 Oct 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17982565


The influence of a highly diluted agitated, i.e. homeopathically prepared thyroxin solution (10(-30), final concentration in the basin water 10(-35) parts by weight after the first application) on metamorphosis in lowland Rana temporaria from the spawn stage on was studied. The treatment with homeopathically prepared thyroxin solution (10(-30)) starts at the frogspawn stage. It represents a tool to learn more about the previously standardized amphibian model, where the thyroxin solution was applied from the two-legged stage on only. Lowland frogs were pretreated by immersing spawn in an aqueous molecular thyroxin dilution (10(-8) parts by weight). In later stages of development (2 to 4 legged), this has been found to speed up metamorphosis by around 15%. In accordance with the homeopathic idea of detoxication or cure, hyperstimulated animals (spawn or, in subsequence, larvae) were treated either with thyroxin that had been highly diluted and agitated in successive steps, i.e. homeopathically prepared (10(-30)), or analogously prepared blank solution (water). Development was monitored by documenting the number of animals that had entered the four-legged stage. It has been found that animals treated with the test solution metamorphosed more slowly than the control animals, i.e. the effect of the homeopathically prepared thyroxin was opposed to the usual effect of molecular thyroxin. The number of test animals that reached the 4-legged stage at defined points in time was slightly smaller in the group treated with homeopathically prepared thyroxin at some, but not at all points in time, compared to control. The results in this study sustain the previous multi researcher findings that highly diluted homeopathically prepared thyroxin is able to slow down metamorphosis of Rana temporaria.

Ranidae/growth & development , Thyroxine/pharmacology , Animals , Time Factors
Forsch Komplementmed ; 14(6): 353-7, 2007 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18219210


BACKGROUND: Studies performed in 5 laboratories have shown that homeopathically prepared highly diluted thyroxin (10(-30)=30x) slowed down metamorphosis of highland amphibians. Metamorphosis of lowland amphibians, however, could be slowed down by a low dilution of thyroxin (10(-8)=8x) if animals had been artificially pretreated with thyroxin. OBJECTIVE: To combine the advantages of using animals from highland biotopes and hyperstimulation prior to treatment. ANIMALS AND METHODS: Rana temporaria from an alpine biotope were pretreated in an aqueous molecular thyroxin dilution (10(-8) parts by weight, hyperstimulation). This is supposed to accelerate metamorphosis. In accordance with the homeopathic idea of detoxification or cure, one group of these hyperstimulated animals was then treated with thyroxin 30x, and another group with water 30x. Experiments were performed by 4 independent researchers. RESULTS: As a trend, the thyroxin-30x animals metamorphosed more slowly than the water-30x animals. The number of thyroxin-30x animals that reached the 4-legged stage at defined points in time was slightly smaller at some but not all points in time, compared to control. This is in line with previous findings and can be discussed as an interesting result. Contrary to our working hypothesis, however, differences were not bigger than in the previous experiments in which animals had not been pretreated with thyroxin 10(-8). CONCLUSION: This study supports previous findings but does not prove the assumption that pretreatment of highland animals with molecular thyroxine improves the original protocol.

Materia Medica/pharmacology , Metamorphosis, Biological/drug effects , Rana temporaria/growth & development , Thyroxine/pharmacology , Animals , Larva/drug effects , Materia Medica/administration & dosage , Random Allocation , Thyroxine/administration & dosage , Time Factors , Water/administration & dosage , Water/pharmacology