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Homeopatia Méx ; 83(688): 25-28, ene.-feb. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-731453


Este artículo relata un caso clínico urgente de oligohidramnios (OH) severo, en una paciente primigesta que se encontraba en la semana 21 de gestación, y con un pronóstico de terminación de la misma en las siguientes 48 a 72 horas. La intervención con una prescripción compleja permitió la reversión pronta y total del OH hasta permitir la conclusión a término de un producto sano. Dada la carencia de bibliografía en esta patología, se describe la justificación de la conducta terapéutica.

This paper talks about a mild-severe, urgent case of oligohydramios (OH) in a 21 years woman on her first pregnancy, with a fatal prognosis during the next 48- 72 hours. Homeopathic intervention with a complex prescription produced a rapid and total reversion of OH, leading a term birth of a healthy boy. Due to lacking of homeopathic bibliography on this condition, it is presented rational of therapeutic conduct.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Bryonia/therapeutic use , Homeopathy , Naja tripudians/therapeutic use , Oligohydramnios/therapy , Pregnancy Complications , Tarentula hispanica/therapeutic use
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(688): 25-28, ene.-feb. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-10984


Este artículo relata un caso clínico urgente de oligohidramnios (OH) severo, en una paciente primigesta que se encontraba en la semana 21 de gestación, y con un pronóstico de terminación de la misma en las siguientes 48 a 72 horas. La intervención con una prescripción compleja permitió la reversión pronta y total del OH hasta permitir la conclusión a término de un producto sano. Dada la carencia de bibliografía en esta patología, se describe la justificación de la conducta terapéutica. (AU)

This paper talks about a mild-severe, urgent case of oligohydramios (OH) in a 21 years woman on her first pregnancy, with a fatal prognosis during the next 48- 72 hours. Homeopathic intervention with a complex prescription produced a rapid and total reversion of OH, leading a term birth of a healthy boy. Due to lacking of homeopathic bibliography on this condition, it is presented rational of therapeutic conduct. (AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Homeopathy , Pregnancy Complications , Oligohydramnios/therapy , Tarentula hispanica/therapeutic use , Bryonia/therapeutic use , Naja tripudians/therapeutic use
Homeopatia (Buenos Aires) ; 58(2): 101-4, 1993.1993.
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3437


La idea de este trabajo es establecer un diagnostico diferencial de Naja con otros medicamentos pero poniendo el acento en su cuadro cardiaco donde la rapidez diagnostica es imprescindible

Naja tripudians , Lachesis muta , Crotalus horridus , Spigelia anthelmia , Materia Medica, Comparative
Rev. homeopatia (Sao Paulo) ; 61(1/2): 29-55, 1996.
Article in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3994


Com o objetivo de constantemente rever a materia medica pura, examinou-se Naja tripudians a partir do relato dos experimentadores en HUGHES-DAKE, cotejando-os com Allen en sua Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica. Alem de recomendar-se a mudanca de nome para Naja naja e a correcao de afirmacoes sobre o local de acao do veneno, propoe-se tambem a exclusao de sintomas registrados provenientes de experimentadores nao higidos. Apos comparacao da Materia Medica Pura com os repertorios Kent/Eizayaga e Kent/Barthel, recomenda-se a reducao para valor 1 de todos os sintomas mentais com valor 2, a excecao de tristeza. Questiona-se tambem porque Barthel incluiu sintomas que Kent havia deixado de fora do Repertorio. A revisao das diferentes transcricoes de materia medica define qual o nucleo confiavel de trabalho com Naja tr., colocando sob critica qualquer tentativa de esboco de nucleo psiquico para o medicamento

Naja tripudians , Pathogenetic Symptoms , Materia Medica, Pure , Snake Venoms , Repertory, Kent-Eizayaga , Repertory, Barthel
Cahiers bioth ; (168): 29-32, 34-6, fev.-mars 2001.
Article in French | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-5970


L'auteur nous propose ici une Matiere Medicale condensee des principaux venins rencontres en homeopathie. (AU)

Materia Medica , Bothrops lanceolatus , Cenchris contortrix , Crotalus cascavella , Crotalus horridus , Elaps corallinus , Lachesis muta , Naja tripudians , Vipera berus , Snake Venoms
Cahiers bioth ; (179): 43-44, dec. 2002-jan. 2003.
Article in French | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-7270


Il n'est pas dans mon intention de reprendre la totalite de la matiere medicale de Naja, mais d'insister sur certains signes pathogenetiques importants et specifiques afin que nous... (AU)

Case Reports , Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Naja tripudians , Materia Medica
Homeopathie ; 3(1): 28-31, jan.-fev. 1986.
Article in French | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3350


Approfondissement de la Matiere Medicale de Crotalus Horridus specialement en ce qui concerne les facteurs de coagulation du venin sur le plan pathogenetique. Comparaison avec d'autres venins

Crotalus horridus/therapeutic use , Snake Venoms , /therapy , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/therapy , Cenchris contortrix/therapeutic use , Vipera redi/therapeutic use , Bothrops lanceolatus/therapeutic use , Naja tripudians/therapeutic use
Br. homoeopath. j ; 83(4): 223-9, oct. 1994.
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3521


A review of the main homoeopathic medicines whose centre of action includes the heart with a summary of their main characteristics. Special attention has been paid to Digitalis, Lilium tigrinum, Naja, Cactus, Spigelia, Kalmia latifolia and several others, including medicines commonly used mother tincture form for heart failure and hypertension

Heart Diseases/therapy , Hypertension/therapy , Heart , Digitalis/therapeutic use , Lilium tigrinum/therapeutic use , Naja tripudians/therapeutic use , Cactus grandiflorus/therapeutic use , Spigelia anthelmia/therapeutic use , Kalmia latifolia/therapeutic use , Infarction/therapy , Angina Pectoris/therapy
Health & homeopathy ; (summer): 24-27, summer 2003. ilus
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-7051
An. homeopath. fr ; 25(3): 65-9, mai-juin 1983.
Article in French | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3456
Cadernos mat. med ; 4(2): 56-70, jul.-dez. 1996.
Article in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-4503