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J Hist Med Allied Sci ; 70(4): 516-48, 2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25324429


The use of mercury as an injection mass in anatomical experiments and preparations was common throughout Europe in the long eighteenth century, and refined mercury-injected preparations as well as plates of anatomical mercury remain today. The use and meaning of mercury in related disciplines such as medicine and chemistry in the same period have been studied, but our knowledge of anatomical mercury is sparse and tends to focus on technicalities. This article argues that mercury had a distinct meaning in anatomy, which was initially influenced by alchemical and classical understandings of mercury. Moreover, it demonstrates that the choice of mercury as an anatomical injection mass was deliberate and informed by an intricate cultural understanding of its materiality, and that its use in anatomical preparations and its perception as an anatomical material evolved with the understanding of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. By using the material culture of anatomical mercury as a starting point, I seek to provide a new, object-driven interpretation of complex and strongly interrelated historiographical categories such as mechanism, vitalism, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology, which are difficult to understand through a historiography that focuses exclusively on ideas.

Anatomy/methods , Blood Vessels/anatomy & histology , Lymphatic System/anatomy & histology , Mercury/history , Preservation, Biological/methods , Alchemy , Anatomy/history , Europe , Historiography , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , Humans , Injections/methods , Vitalism
Rev. medica electron ; 42(4): 2032-2038,
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1139293


RESUMEN Se actualizó la clasificación anatómica del tumor de recto, con la revisión de varios tratados sobre anatomía. El estudio de la morfología interna del recto reconoce la formación de anchos pliegues. La formación de anchos pliegues de mucosas transversales, denominadas válvulas: una válvula inferior a 7 cm del ano, otra a 2 cm. Más arriba con una forma de media luna y la tercera a 11 cm del ano. Como estas válvulas son pliegues mucosos sin localización precisa no pueden ser consideradas como puntos anatómicos para segmentación del recto. De esta manera, la segmentación rectal como el límite entre recto superior e inferior se sitúa en la reflexión peritoneal; en el diagnóstico de tumores rectales la definición de su situación anatómica es importante para la conducta terapéutica, ya que el recto inferior tiene su origen embriológico en el proctodeo (ectoblástica) y puede ser más sensible a las radiaciones y los tumores del recto superior son tumores que se originan de tejido de formación entoblástica, las radiaciones producen lesiones del peritoneo y de otros órganos de la cavidad pelviana. La segmentación rectal es importante para el estadio locorregional del tumor y para la definición de un esquema de tratamiento adecuado. En primer lugar, establece el concepto anatómico de localización de un tumor de recto inferior, se diagnóstica con un tacto rectal, si es tocable es del recto inferior. En segundo lugar, define cuáles son los estudios complementarios para saber el estadio de la enfermedad y establece los parámetros anatómicos necesarios para la indicación del tratamiento neoadyuvante (AU).

SUMMARY To present a recent an anatomic classification of rectal tumor localization. Review of many anatomy treaties. The rectal internal morphology studies recognize the formation of thick folds of transversal mucosa thick folds named valves: a low valve to 7 cm from anus. Another is to 2 cm upper with a half moon form, a third one to 11 cm from anus. As this valves are mucosal folds without a clear localization they can't be consider as anatomical points to the rectum segment. Therefore, the rectal segmentation as the limit between up and low rectum, is located in the peritoneal reflection. In the rectal tumors diagnosis definition of it's anatomic situation is important for the therapeutic behavior, because the low rectum has its embryologic origin in the Proctodeum (ectoblastic). It can be more sensitive to the radiation the up rectum tumors are originated from the formation entoblast tissue (endoblast) the radiations cause peritoneal injuries and other pelvic cavity organs. The rectal segmentation is important for the locate-regional tumor stadium and for the appropriate treatment definition. In first place, establish the anatomic concept of the low rectal tumor localization. In second place defines which are the complementary for the new adjuvant indication (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Rectal Neoplasms/epidemiology , Rectum/anatomy & histology , Patients , Homeopathic Therapeutic Approaches , Clinical Diagnosis , Embryology/methods , Disease , Anatomy/methods