Na clínica veterinária as patologias chamadas afecções dermatológicas representam uma porcentagem significativa dos atendimentos, podendo ser de cunho multifatorial ou unifatorial como infecciosa, alérgena ou psicogênica e acometem felinos e caninos de todas as idades. Comumente os medicamentos homeopáticos são usados como último recurso após insucessos consecutivos com a utilização da terapia alopática. Desta forma, esse artigo visa trazer uma revisão bibliográfica de trabalhos científicos que confirmam a eficácia de terapêuticas que utilizam intervenções homeopáticas para o tratamento de dermatites em animais de companhia. Tem-se, portanto, o intuito de propiciar uma maior divulgação das possibilidades de ação/utilização da homeopatia pela comunidade médica veterinária, evitando-se com isso possíveis efeitos adversos devido à utilização de medicações alopáticas.
In the veterinary clinic, the pathologies called dermatological illnesses represent a significant percentage of the consultations, being of a multifactorial or unifactorial nature such as infectious, allergenic or psychogenic and affect felines and canines of all ages. Homeopathic medicines are commonly used as a last resort after consecutive failures with the use of alopathic therapy. Thus this article aims to bring a bibliographic review of scientific papers that confirm the efficacy of therapies that use homeopathic interventions for the treatment of dermatitis in company animals. Therefore it is intended to provide a greater dissemination of the possibilities of action/use of homeopathy by the veterinary medical community thereby avoiding possible adverse effects due to the use of alopathic medications.
Animals , Cats , Dogs , Dermatitis/prevention & control , Homeopathy , Animals, DomesticABSTRACT
O câncer é um dos maiores problemas de saúde nos animais e uma das principais causas de morte em cães e gatos, tornando-se cada vez mais frequente na clínica médica, principalmente em pacientes geriátricos. Tratamentos com menos efeitos adversos, objetivando melhor qualidade de vida e bem-estar físico e emocional, fazem com que o atendimento integrativo e complementar ao câncer cresça a cada dia, incluindo a homeopatia. Na oncologia, a homeopatia é usada de forma única ou complementar aos tratamentos convencionais, com inúmeros benefícios aos animais, contribuindo para redução dos efeitos colaterais dos antineoplásicos e dos sinais clínicos da doença. Além disso é um método de tratamento com pouco ou nenhum efeito colateral, seguro e eficaz, não é invasivo, a forma de administração é simples, altamente palatável, aumentando sua aceitação. Tem boa relação custo-benefício e a falta de um diagnóstico preciso, não representa um impedimento para iniciar o tratamento com os medicamentos homeopáticos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é explorar as evidências através de análise bibliográfica, dos benefícios da homeopatia na oncologia veterinária.
Cancer is one of the biggest health problems in animals and one of the main causes of death in dogs and cats, becoming increasingly common in clinical medicine, especially in geriatric patients. Treatments with fewer adverse effects, aiming at better quality of life and physical and emotional well-being, make integrative and complementary care for cancer grow every day, including homeopathy. In oncology, homeopathy is used alone or as a complement to traditional treatments, with many benefits to animals, hoping to reduce the side effects of antineoplastic drugs and the clinical signs of the disease. In addition, it is a treatment method with little or no side effects, safe and effective, it is not invasive, the form of administration is simple, highly palatable, increasing its acceptance. It has a good cost-benefit ratio and the lack of an accurate diagnosis does not represent an impediment to starting treatment with homeopathic medicines. Thus, the objective of this work is to explore, as proven through bibliographical analysis, the benefits of homeopathy in veterinary oncology.
Veterinary Medicine , Homeopathy , Animals, DomesticSubject(s)
Animals, Domestic , Animals , Depression/etiology , Female , Homeopathy , Humans , Liver Diseases/etiology , Migraine Disorders/etiology , Vaginitis/therapyABSTRACT
Supported by the Karl- and Veronica-Carstens-Stiftung and Deutsche Homöopathische Union (DHU) in summer '87 a project dealing with homoeopathic treatment of domestic animals was initialized at the field station of the Freie Universität Berlin in Schwarzenbek. After a period of five years the studies have been completed in summer '92 and the following results were achieved: 1) Homoeopathic drugs (considering the similarity) are suitable to reduce the morbidity rate of newly housed fattening pigs effectively by metaphylactic treatments. 2) The efficiency of the combination Lachesis, Pyrogenium, Echinacea and Chlorophyll (Laseptal) for curing respiratory infections is comparable to the one of Oxytetrazycline and the combination of Sulfadimidin and Trimethoprim. 3) A significant therapeutical effect was achieved by homoeopathic treatment in dairy herds so that the use of allopathic drugs can be reduced considerably. 4) Homoeopathic drugs, including nosodes, show hardly or do not at all show a positive influence on chronic mastitis in cows, especially increased cell counts combined with latent infections of pathogenic micro-organisms. 5) Drying off cows with Phytolacca D1 only does not reduce the milk quantity or prevent the occurrence of mastitis during the non-lactating period. 6) The combination Sabina, Pulsatilla, Lachesis and Pyrogenium (proposed to improve the puerperal period after placental retention) compared with standard allopathic treatment is not suitable to improve the puerperal period or fertility after retention of placenta.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Animals, Domestic , Homeopathy , Research , Veterinary Medicine/methods , Animals , Berlin , Double-Blind MethodABSTRACT
En este trabajo, tema del Ateneo dictado por la catedra de medicina veterinaria en la AMHA en el ano 2002, los autores pretendemos demostrar el rol fundamental que desempena el nucleo familiar humano en la salud del...(AU)
Animals , Behavior, Animal , Animals, DomesticABSTRACT
Il y a une trentaine d'annees, les veterinaires qui se specialisaint dans les soins aux animaux dits de compagnie etaient consideres comme des originaux par leurs confreres et ceux, rares parmi... (AU)
Animals , Homeopathic Anamnesis , Animals, DomesticABSTRACT
Se lleva a cabo el experimento en una unidad porcina de la provincia de Matanzas donde se seleccionaron 60 cerdos con seis meses de edad y pesos que oscilaban los 5 kg promedio. (AU)
Animals , Growth , Swine , Animal Husbandry , Animals, Domestic , Pulsatilla nigricans , Calcarea CarbonicaABSTRACT
La resolucion 1286/93, de la Argentina, establece el uso de la homeopatia en el tratamiento de animales en produccion organica. Traemos ejemplos del uso de medicacion homeopatica en el tratamiento de enfermedades y mejoras del nivel productivo. (AU)
Case Reports , Animals , Cattle , Animals, Domestic , Ecology , Homeopathic TherapeuticsABSTRACT
Se presenta el desarrollo de una patogenesia experimental de Oenanthe crocata en un grupo de animales domésticos (perros y gatos) sanos. Se detallan los signos hallados y sus posibles usos terapéuticos
Animals , Cats , Dogs , Oenanthe crocata/therapeutic use , Homeopathic Pathogenesy , Animals, Domestic , Experiment of Substances , Pathogenetic Symptoms , Oenanthe crocata/administration & dosage , Oenanthe crocata/pharmacology , SymptomatologyABSTRACT
L'etat depressif chez les animaux destines a la consommation humaine n'est prisen compte par personne. Seuls nousinteressent nos animaux de compagnie et surtout les chiens.L'appreciation des troubles se fait sur le mode anthropomorphique malheureusement.La genese de ces pathologies comportementales est le fait de l'homme. La separation precoce des parents et des freres et soeurs nuit a la socialisation dans l'espece et interspecifique. La mouvaise appreciation de la fonction de l'animal, nos comportements induisant une infantilisation de notre compagnon sont les facteurs declenchants de divers types de depressions. La prevention et la reponse therapeutique sont une meilleure appreciation des besoins de nos animaux