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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(4): 436-444, oct.-dec. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047896


Introdução: O número de pacientes classificados com sobrepeso ou obesos e, com isso, dos pacientes pós-bariátricas vem aumentando, gerando uma demanda por ritidoplastias neste perfil de público. O objetivo é expor a rotina e táticas cirúrgicas em um hospital de ensino, o perfil destes pacientes, além de um comparativo superficial histológico da pele, tecido celular subcutâneo e SMAS, entre os pacientes pós e não pós-bariátrica. Métodos: Foi realizado revisão de dados do centro cirúrgico e de prontuário entre os anos de 2012 e 2016 em um hospital público na cidade de Goiânia-GO, com levantamento de 32 casos. Resultados: A tática de ritidoplastia utilizada nos pacientes pós-bariátrica não apresenta grandes diferenças entre a utilizada nos pacientes não pós-bariátrica. A análise histopatológica das amostras colhidas evidenciou diferenças marcantes entre os pacientes pós e não pós-bariátrica. Conclusão: Percebeu-se que a técnica operatória na ritidoplastia do paciente pós-bariátrica sustentou detalhes específicos, com resultado cirúrgico pós-operatório satisfatório, uma pele de pior qualidade histológica, com complicações perioperatórias dentro do esperado e com necessidade de maiores estudos para avaliar durabilidade do procedimento.

Introduction: The number of patients classified as overweight or obese has resulted in an increased number of post-bariatric patients, generating a demand for rhytidoplasty in this public profile. The objective is to expose the routine and surgical tactics in a teaching hospital, patient profiles, subcutaneous cellular tissue, and the superficial musculoaponeurotic system are compared between post-bariatric and non-post-bariatric patients, as well as histological superficial comparison of the skin. Methods: A review of the data of 32 cases treated in 2012­2016 was conducted in a public hospital in Goiânia-GO. Results: The tactics of rhytidoplasty used in post-bariatric patients do not differ significantly from those used in nonpost- bariatric patients. A histopathological analysis of the collected samples showed marked differences between post-bariatric and non-post-bariatric patients. Conclusion: The surgical technique of rhytidoplasty of post-bariatric patients sustained specific details with satisfactory postoperative surgical results, skin with worse histological quality, perioperative complications within the expected range, and the need for further studies to assess the procedure's durability

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , History, 21st Century , Postoperative Complications , Skin , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Comparative Study , Rhytidoplasty , Homeopathic Therapeutic Approaches , Bariatric Surgery , Face , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Postoperative Complications/therapy , Skin/anatomy & histology , Skin/pathology , Surgical Procedures, Operative/adverse effects , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Rhytidoplasty/adverse effects , Rhytidoplasty/methods , Homeopathic Therapeutic Approaches/standards , Cutis Laxa , Cutis Laxa/therapy , Bariatric Surgery/adverse effects , Bariatric Surgery/methods , Face/anatomy & histology , Face/pathology
Homeopathie ; 2(6): 42-5, nov.-dec. 1985. tabs
Article in French | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3344


On a experimente, chez 200 patients ayant subi une intervention avec ouverture du peritoine ou du thorax, l'activite d'une therapeutique homeopathique sur la reprise du transit des matieres et des gaz. Pour cela, on a randomise une population de 200 malades des 2 sexes, devant subir une intervention chirurgicale de chirurgie "digestive et lourde". Cette population etait repartie en 2 lots: un des lots recevant Opium 9CH, 4 heures plus tard, Raphanus 9CH, 4 heures plus tard Arnica 9CH, tandis que l'autre lot de malades recevait les placebo correspondant. Les parametres suivis etaient la reprise du transit des matieres et des gaz. L'evolution de chacun des parametres s'est trouvee differente dans chacum des deux lots, ceci demaniere statistiquement significative et dans tous les cas en faveur des lots traites par les medicaments veritables

Comparative Study , Intestinal Obstruction , Homeopathic Therapeutics
Homeopathie ; 3(2): 37-40, mars-avr. 1986.
Article in French | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3358


Silicea est tres souvent decrit comme"LE" remede chronique de Pulsatilla. N'est-ce pa une vision restreinte des relations de ces 2 remedes? Dans un premier temps, nopus verrons ce qu'en pensent differents auteurs comme Teste, Vannier, et d'autres, puis nous etudierons dans la Matiere Medicale les symptomes qui rapprochent ou eloignent ces 2 remedes

Comparative Study , Pulsatilla nigricans , Silicea Terra , Materia Medica
Br. homoeopath. j ; 88(1): 20-3, jan. 1999. graf
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-5514


The aim of the study was to examine the activity of a new service providing a homeopathy clinic at a community hospital. This was initiated in a limited way and was served by a relatively inexperienced practitioner. A range of presenting complaints, treatments and outcomes are described. Funding has been maintened by the Health Authority and referrals have continued to be made by the local eligible General Practitioners. The outcomes have been quite good but the default rate has been disappointingly high.(AU)

Comparative Study , Humans , Homeopathy , Homeopathic Clinics , Community Medicine , England
Hom. brasileira ; 3(2): 387-91, 1997. graf
Article in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-5247


A study of 497 symptoms of Phosphorus was maked on biochemical and morfological bases. The relations between funtional and toxical effects of the element with the homeopathic medicine was searched for.(AU)

Phosphorus/toxicity , Comparative Study
Br. homoeopath. j ; 90(4): 198-203, oct. 2001. graf, tab
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-5915


We evaluated the interaction of dexamethasone 10-17 and 10-33M (equivalent to 7cH and 15cH) with dexamethasone in pharmacological concentrations, using as experimental models: acute inflammation induced by carrageenan, Ehrlich ascitic tumour, and migration of tumour infiltrating leukocites (TIL). Male adult... (AU)

Comparative Study , Mice , Basic Homeopathic Research , Dexamethasone
Homeopathy (Londres.2002) ; 93(1): 12-16, 2004. graf
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-7480


The anti-inflammatory effect of Causticum was evaluated using acute and chronic inflammatory models in vivo. The administration of concentrated Causticum solution into the hind paw of rats produced an inflammatory reaction with oedema formation within the first hour, showing..(AU)

Comparative Study , Animals , Rats , Basic Homeopathic Research , Inflammation , Causticum
Homeopathy (Londres.2002) ; 93(1): 17-20, 2004. tab
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-7481


We report an uncontrolled observational study of the treatment of udder diseases of buffalo, using a homeopathic complex medicine. Mastitis is an economically important disease of buffaloes. In India economic losses due to mastitis...AU

Comparative Study , Animals , Basic Homeopathic Research , Buffaloes , Mastitis, Bovine
Homeopath. fr ; 78(1): 45-52, jan.-fev. 1990. ilus
Article in French | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-1823


Dans cet article Veratrum album est presente comme exemple d'une lecture energetique des pathogenesies homeopathiques. Ses grandes caracteristiques sont rappelees ainsi que ses indications principales. Puis la semiologie comparee permet de definir en termes de Medecine Traditionnelle Chinoise le cadre general des manifestations morbides ou son action therapeutique peut s'exercer. Il est alors possible de lui opposer la decoction polymedicamenteuse dite des Quatre Froideurs ainsi que diverses modalites de traitement acupunctural. Une hypothese est emise quant a son mode d'action: Veratrum album se comporte comme un medicament reanimateur du YANG, possedant une energie chaude et une affinite pour les Meridiens du Coeur, des Reins et de la Rate

Comparative Study , Veratrum album , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Homeopathy
Rev. homeopatia (Sao Paulo) ; 59(1): 37-9, jan.-mar. 1994. ilus
Article in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3116


Quando Hahnemann publicou a experimentacao de Bryonia alba na primeira edicao da Materia Medica Pura, sabia exatamente qual especie de Bryonia estava usando. Apos sua morte, a planta gradualmente foi substituida por outra especia do mesmo genero, sem qualquer distincao e com a segunda especie praticamente nao experimentada. Hoje, Bryonia dioica, uma especi praticamente nao experimentada, e largamente comercializada como "Bryonia", e os clientes nao sao informado sobre esta mudanca inadmissivel. Hahnemann deixou bem claro que cada especie vegetal e unica e nao pode ser substituida por qualquer outra. Ao mesmo tempo, seus aperfeicoamentos no preparo, baseados na experiencia, nao tem sido adotados pelas empresas farmaceuticas, nem pela Farmacopeia Homeopatica Alema (GHP0. Em vez disso, elas vem adotando metodos menos trabalhosos, ainda que estes nao tenham sido propriamente validados

Comparative Study , Bryonia , Materia Medica, Pure , Classical Author Books on Homeopathy , Quality of Homeopathic Remedies
Br. homoeopath. j ; 83(2): 78-83, apr. 1994.
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3387


A comparison is made between psychiatry and homoeopathy, with reference to five homoeopathic principles. These are the law of similars, the self-healing principles, the microdose effect, Hering's Law and diagnosis throught pattern recognition. There is evidence that all of these have been incorporated into contemporary psychiatry, and that recent neurobiological research provides a measure of validation to these age-old teachings. Some testable research questions are also proposed

Comparative Study , Psychiatry , Homeopathy , Principle of Similarity , Healing Parameters , Homeopathic Cure , Small Doses
Br. homoeopath. j ; 88(2): 58-61, apr. 1999. graf
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-5536


Male adult albino mice were administered potentized Nux vomica 30c (Nux v). The drug was mixed with sterile distilled water at 0.05ml/2ml water and given at 0.05ml/individual. Control consisted of blank ethanol solution. Ethanolic extract from the seeds of Strychnos nuxvomica L was mixed with 90 percent ethanol 1:100 and sonicated for 30s at 20KHz. This was further diluted and sonicated in 30 steps to produce Nux v 30c. Six hours after treatment, mice were gives 25 percent ethanol i.p. at 4g/kg body wt. The duration... (AU)

Comparative Study , Animals , Mice , Basic Homeopathic Research , Sleep , Alcoholic Intoxication , India
Homeopatia Méx ; 61(565): 13-20, jul-ago. 1993. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-6230


Un estudio profiláctico y terapéutico fue desarrollado en un establo lechero. Dos grupos homogéneos con 17 animales cada uno fueron formados, asignando tanto los animales de los grupos, como los tratamientos por medio del método sistemático al azar. (AU)

Comparative Study , Animals , Cattle , Mastitis, Bovine/therapy , Homeopathic Therapeutics
Homeopathy (Londres. 2002) ; 92(1): 19-29, jan. 2003. tab, graf
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-6866


The biological effect of Coffea cruda 30c was investigated in rats pre and post treated with caffeine. The experimental subjects were male Wistar rats. Caffeine was administred intraperitoneally at the... (AU)

Comparative Study , Animals , Male , Rats , Coffea Cruda , Electroencephalography , Delta Rhythm , Sleep Stages
Homeopathy (Londres. 2002) ; 92(2): 71-76, april 2003. tab
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-7052


There is little research on cost-effectiveness of homeopathy in General Practice. This study aimed to compare the costs of homeopathic prescribing with conventional drugs prescribing. Data were... (AU)

Comparative Study , Health Care Costs , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Allopathic Practices , Homeopathy , England
Homeopathy (Londres.2002) ; 92(4): 177-181, 2004. tab, graf
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-7486


Pruritus is a frequent and difficult to treat problem in haemodialysis. This double-blid placebo-controlled randomised clinical trial assessed the role of homeopathic treatment in this situation. The code was held by the pharmacist... (AU)

Comparative Study , Humans , Pruritus/therapy , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Efficacy
Br. homoeopath. j ; 74(2): 76-90, abr. 1985. ilus
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-2040


In the autumn of 1982 Dr williams spent three months studying traditional Chinese acupuncture at the Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the lecture given at the Annual General Meeting of the Faculty of Homoeopathy in 1983, Dr Williams draws some comparisons and some contrasts between the practice of homoeopathy and traditional Chinese medicine

Comparative Study , Homeopathy , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Acupuncture , Suppression , Miasm , Chronobiology Discipline , Arndt-Schultz Law , Sepia succus
Homeopatia (Buenos Aires) ; 57(1): 15-25, 1992. graf. tabs
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3585


A trail was conductes to study the effects of two substances, one homeopatic and another allopatic, on average daily gain (G.D.P.) of beef steers, on a commercial operation with both, primary and secundary cupper defficiencies. Main conclusions were that: 1-G.D.P. was greater on allopatic rather than homeopatic animals during the first period of the trial, and oposite was true during the final period. 2-Both, homeopatic and allopatic grups performed better than untreated controls in terms of G.D.P

Comparative Study , Animals , Cattle , Cuprum , Copper , Weight Gain
Br. homoeopath. j ; 87(3): 131-4, july 1998. tab
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-5870


The aim of this research was to compare the effectiveness of Baptisia tinctoria 30c and Ciprofloxacin against salmonellosis in fowl. Eight hundred (400 first quality and 400 second quality) poultry birds were used. All were the same commercial brand. There were... (AU)

Comparative Study , Animals , Salmonella Infections/therapy , Baptisia tinctoria/therapeutic use , Ciprofloxacin/therapeutic use , Chickens
Br. homoeopath. j ; 88(2): 49-57, apr. 1999. tab
Article in English | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-5535


This study was aimed to evaluate the immuno-modulator role of homeopathic remedies in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. A randomised double blind clinical trial was conducted to compare the effect of homeopathic remedies with placebo, on CD4+ve T-lymphocytes in HIV infected individuals, conforming to Centres for Disease Control (CDC) stage II & III. 100 HIV+ve individual beteen 18-50y (71 percent males) were included in the study. 50 cases conformed... (AU)

Comparative Study , Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/therapy , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes , India