Introducción: La COVID-19 es una pandemia causada por el Coronavirus 2 del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo (SARS-CoV-2); no existe hasta el momento tratamiento específico completamente eficaz para esta enfermedad, pero el mundo está trabajando incesantemente para buscar una cura. Objetivo: Describir las alternativas terapéuticas de la COVID-19, según los mecanismos fisiopatológicos descritos hasta el momento. Material y Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a partir de un total de 31 referencias bibliográficas. Se revisaron artículos, en idioma inglés y español, en revistas nacionales e internacionales en bases de datos como Pubmed/Medline, y Elsevier. Se analizó la calidad, fiabilidad y validez de los artículos seleccionados para realizar una adecuada revisión. Desarrollo: La aparición de la COVID-19 ha causado revuelo internacional por la necesidad de encontrar tratamientos efectivos. Debido a que es una enfermedad frecuentemente autolimitada, se vuelve difícil probar si una estrategia terapéutica es eficaz o la enfermedad ha seguido su curso. Las fases del ciclo de vida viral del SARS-COV proporcionan los objetivos potenciales para la terapia con medicamentos, como son: los inhibidores de la fusión de membrana de la envoltura viral, inhibidores de la proteasa similar a la 3-quimotripsina, inhibidores de la ARN polimerasa dependiente de ARN viral, inhibidores de la entrada y endocitosis y otros medicamentos con alguna función inmunomuduladora. Conclusiones: La pandemia actual representa un desafío para la comunidad médica internacional. Aunque no hay tratamiento específico recomendado, se utilizan diversos medicamentos con cierta efectividad como la hidroxicloroquina, azitromicina, kaletra y el remdesivir con sus respectivas combinaciones(AU)
Introduction: COVID-19 is a pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), so far there is no fully effective specific treatment for this disease, but worldwide effort is incessant in the search for a cure. Objective: To describe the therapeutic alternatives for COVID-19 according to the pathophysiological mechanisms described up until now. Material and Method: A bibliographic review was made from a total of 31 bibliographic references. Articles, in English and Spanish, from national and international journals were searched over on-line databases such as Pubmed/Medline and Elsevier. The quality, reliability and validity of the selected articles were analyzed to carry out an adequate review. Development: The appearance of COVID-19 has caused an international stir due to the need to find effective treatments. Because it is a frequently self-limited disease, it becomes difficult to prove whether a therapeutic strategy is effective or the disease has run its course. The SARS-CoV viral life cycle phases provide potential targets for drug therapy, such as: viral envelope membrane fusion inhibitors, 3-chymotrypsin-like protease inhibitors, virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, endocytosis and entry inhibitors, and other medications with some immunomodulatory function. Conclusions: The current pandemic represents a challenge for the international medical community. Although there is no specific recommended treatment, various drugs are used with some effectiveness such as hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, kaletra and remdesivir with their respective combinations(AU)
Humans , DNA-Directed RNA Polymerases , Residence Characteristics , Total Quality Management , Azithromycin , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , COVID-19 , Life Cycle StagesABSTRACT
The polyamines of pilose antler (PASPA) consist of putrescine (PU, 70.9%), spermidine (SPD, 26.3%) and spermine (SP, 2.8%). The incorporations of [3H] leucine into protein and [3H] uridine into RNA in mouse liver tissue were increased when PASPA was given orally to mice at the dose of 30 mg/kg for 4 successive days. The incorporations of [3H] leucine into liver protein and [3H] uridine into the cytosolic and nuclear RNA were also increased by treatment with PU (21 mg/kg). In addition, the RNA polymerase activity in the solubilized liver nuclear fraction of PU (21 mg/kg)-treated mice was increased. SPD only promoted the synthesis of protein in mouse liver tissue at the dose of 8 mg/kg. However, SP showed no effect on the synthesis of protein and RNA polymerase activity under the used dose (1 mg/kg). The results suggest that PASPA is the main active substance responsible for the promotion of the synthesis of protein and RNA in mouse liver.