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Hum Exp Toxicol ; 19(1): 32-40, 2000 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10745293


Despite the substantial development and publication of highly reproducible toxicological data, the concept of hormetic dose-response relationships was never integrated into the mainstream of toxicological thought. Review of the historical foundations of the interpretation of the bioassay and assessment of competitive theories of dose-response relationships lead to the conclusion that multiple factors contributed to the marginalization of hormesis during the middle and subsequent decades of the 20th century. These factors include: (a) the close-association of hormesis with homeopathy lead to the hostility of modern medicine toward homeopathy thereby creating a guilt by association framework, and the carry-over influence of that hostility in the judgements of medically-based pharmacologists/ toxicologists toward hormesis; (b) the emphasis of high dose effects linked with a lack of appreciation of the significance of the implications of low dose stimulatory effects; (c) the lack of an evolutionary-based mechanism(s) to account for hormetic effects; and (d) the lack of appropriate scientific advocates to counter aggressive and intellectually powerful critics of the hormetic perspective.

Environmental Pollutants/pharmacology , Homeopathy , Toxicology/trends , Animals , Biological Evolution , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Humans , Reproducibility of Results
Environ Toxicol Chem ; 30(12): 2658-73, 2011 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21932295


This paper assesses how medicine adopted the threshold dose-response to evaluate health effects of drugs and chemicals throughout the 20th century to the present. Homeopathy first adopted the biphasic dose-response, making it an explanatory principle. Medicine used its influence to discredit the biphasic dose-response model to harm homeopathy and to promote its alternative, the threshold dose-response. However, it failed to validate the capacity of its model to make accurate predictions in the low-dose zone. Recent attempts to validate the threshold dose-response indicate that it poorly predicts responses below the threshold. The long marginalized biphasic/hormetic dose-response model made accurate predictions in these validation studies. The failure to accept the possibility of the hormetic-biphasic dose-response during toxicology's dose-response concept formative period, while adopting the threshold model, and later the linear no-threshold model for carcinogens, led toxicology to adopt a hazard assessment process that involved testing only a few very high doses. This created the framework that toxicology was a discipline that only studied harmful responses, ignoring the possibility of benefit at low doses by the induction of adaptive mechanisms. Toxicology needs to assess the entire dose-response continuum, incorporating both harmful and beneficial effects into the risk assessment process.

Ecotoxicology/methods , Environmental Pollutants/toxicity , Carcinogens/pharmacology , Carcinogens/toxicity , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Ecotoxicology/history , Environmental Pollutants/pharmacology , Environmental Pollutants/therapeutic use , Forecasting , History, 20th Century , Homeopathy/history , Homeopathy/methods , Hormesis , Humans , Research Design , Risk , Risk Assessment/methods