In 2015, U.S. government agencies began considering greater regulation of both homeopathic drugs and the advertising of such products. These actions came after more than a century of missed opportunities to regulate homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathy/history , Legislation, Drug/history , Materia Medica/history , Government Regulation/history , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Materia Medica/standards , United States , United States Food and Drug Administration/historyABSTRACT
Homeopathy arrived from the United States to Peruvian soil in the last decades of the nineteenth century, broadening the repertoire of existing medical knowledge, which included an emerging medical profession, Chinese herbalists, and indigenous practitioners. This article examines the circulation and use of homeopathic therapies and medicines in Lima from the time when the American homeopath George Deacon initiated his practice, in the 1880s, until his death, in 1915. Although homeopathy was not the most widely used medical therapy in the country, it nevertheless posed a threat to professional medicine and the School of Medicine's desired monopoly of the field of medicine.
Homeopathy/history , Federal Government/history , Government Regulation/history , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Homeopathy/legislation & jurisprudence , Humans , Licensure, Medical/history , Peru , Schools, Medical/history , United StatesABSTRACT
As doctors sought state support to regulate professional training and practice after Independence, Mexicans also developed different attitudes toward foreign ideas, influences, and professionals. Leveraging the allure of the foreign among Mexicans, homeopaths strategically used work, products, and organizations from abroad to establish their practices and fight changing professional policies in the country that threatened homeopathic institutions. Homeopaths inhabited the blurry and shifting boundary between professional and lay medical practice during the early Republican period, the Porfiriato, and the post-revolutionary era, and used the ambivalent feelings about medical licensing, and foreign influence in Mexican society to consolidate their position.
Government Regulation/history , Homeopathy/history , Licensure, Medical/history , Professionalism/history , Attitude of Health Personnel , Attitude to Health , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Homeopathy/legislation & jurisprudence , Humans , Internationality/history , Licensure, Medical/legislation & jurisprudence , Mexico , Physicians/historyABSTRACT
Abstract Homeopathy arrived from the United States to Peruvian soil in the last decades of the nineteenth century, broadening the repertoire of existing medical knowledge, which included an emerging medical profession, Chinese herbalists, and indigenous practitioners. This article examines the circulation and use of homeopathic therapies and medicines in Lima from the time when the American homeopath George Deacon initiated his practice, in the 1880s, until his death, in 1915. Although homeopathy was not the most widely used medical therapy in the country, it nevertheless posed a threat to professional medicine and the School of Medicine's desired monopoly of the field of medicine.
Resumo A homeopatia originária dos EUA adentrou solo peruano nas últimas décadas do século XIX, ampliando o repertório de conhecimento médico existente até então, o qual incluía uma profissão médica em ascensão, herbolários chineses e médicos locais. Este artigo analisa a circulação e o uso de tratamentos e medicamentos homeopáticos em Lima desde o período em que o homeopata norte-americano George Deacon iniciou sua prática, nos anos 1880, até sua morte, em 1915. Embora a homeopatia não fosse o tratamento médico mais disseminada no país, ela representou uma ameaça à medicina profissional e ao monopólio do campo da medicina almejado pela escola tradicional.
Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Homeopathy/history , Peru , Schools, Medical/history , United States , Federal Government/history , Government Regulation/history , Homeopathy/legislation & jurisprudence , Licensure, Medical/historyABSTRACT
Abstract As doctors sought state support to regulate professional training and practice after Independence, Mexicans also developed different attitudes toward foreign ideas, influences, and professionals. Leveraging the allure of the foreign among Mexicans, homeopaths strategically used work, products, and organizations from abroad to establish their practices and fight changing professional policies in the country that threatened homeopathic institutions. Homeopaths inhabited the blurry and shifting boundary between professional and lay medical practice during the early Republican period, the Porfiriato, and the post-revolutionary era, and used the ambivalent feelings about medical licensing, and foreign influence in Mexican society to consolidate their position.
Resumo Após a independência do país, enquanto os médicos buscavam apoio do Estado para regulamentar o treinamento e a prática profissionais, os mexicanos desenvolveram atitudes diferentes em relação a ideias, influências e profissionais estrangeiros. Aproveitando o encanto dos mexicanos com o estrangeiro, os homeopatas usaram estrategicamente o trabalho, os produtos e as organizações de fora do país para implantar suas práticas e combater as políticas que ameaçavam as instituições ligadas à homeopatia. Os homeopatas ocuparam a barreira nebulosa entre as práticas médicas profissional e leiga no início do período republicano, no Porfiriato e na era pós-revolucionária, usando sentimentos ambivalentes sobre licenciamento médico e influência estrangeira para consolidar sua posição.