No decorrer da história, sempre foram infindáveis os casos em que os sujeitos recorriam a centros espíritas ou terreiros de religiões de matrizes africanas em decorrência de problemas como doenças, desempregos ou amores mal resolvidos, com o objetivo de saná-los. Por conta disso, este artigo visa apresentar os resultados da pesquisa relacionados ao objetivo de mapear os processos de cuidado em saúde ofertados em três terreiros de umbanda de uma cidade do litoral piauiense. Para isso, utilizamos o referencial da Análise Institucional "no papel". Os participantes foram três líderes de terreiros e os respectivos praticantes/consulentes dos seus estabelecimentos religiosos. Identificamos perspectivas de cuidado que se contrapunham às racionalidades biomédicas, positivistas e cartesianas, e faziam referência ao uso de plantas medicinais, ao recebimento de rezas e passes e à consulta oracular. A partir desses resultados, podemos perceber ser cada vez mais necessário, portanto, que os povos de terreiros protagonizem a construção, implementação e avaliação das políticas públicas que lhe sejam específicas.(AU)
In history, there have always been endless cases of people turning to spiritual centers or terreiros of religions of African matrices due to problems such as illnesses, unemployment, or unresolved love affairs. Therefore, this article aims to present the research results related to the objective of mapping the health care processes offered in three Umbanda terreiros of a city on the Piauí Coast. For this, we use the Institutional Analysis reference "on Paper." The participants were three leaders of terreiros and the respective practitioners/consultants of their religious establishments. We identified perspectives of care that contrasted with biomedical, positivist, and Cartesian rationalities and referred to the use of medicinal plants, the prescript of prayers and passes, and oracular consultation. From these results, we can see that it is increasingly necessary, therefore, that the peoples of the terreiros lead the construction, implementation, and evaluation of public policies that are specific to them.(AU)
A lo largo de la historia, siempre hubo casos en los cuales las personas buscan en los centros espíritas o terreros de religiones africanas la cura para sus problemas, como enfermedades, desempleo o amoríos mal resueltos. Por este motivo, este artículo pretende presentar los resultados de la investigación con el objetivo de mapear los procesos de cuidado en salud ofrecidos en tres terreros de umbanda de una ciudad del litoral de Piauí (Brasil). Para ello, se utiliza el referencial del Análisis Institucional "en el Papel". Los participantes fueron tres líderes de terreros y los respectivos practicantes / consultivos de los establecimientos religiosos que los mismos conducían. Se identificaron perspectivas de cuidado que se contraponían a las racionalidades biomédicas, positivistas y cartesianas, y hacían referencia al uso de plantas medicinales, al recibimiento de rezos y pases y a la consulta oracular. Los resultados permiten concluir que es cada vez más necesario que los pueblos de terreros sean agentes protagónicos de la construcción, implementación y evaluación de las políticas públicas destinadas específicamente para ellos.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Religion , Medicine, African Traditional , Evidence-Based Practice , Pastoral Care , Permissiveness , Prejudice , Psychology , Rationalization , Religion and Medicine , Self Care , Social Adjustment , Social Class , Social Identification , Social Values , Societies , Socioeconomic Factors , Spiritualism , Stereotyping , Taboo , Therapeutics , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Black or African American , Complementary Therapies , Ethnicity , Ceremonial Behavior , Homeopathic Philosophy , Lachnanthes tinctoria , Health-Disease Process , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Efficacy , Coercion , Comprehensive Health Care , Knowledge , Life , Culture , Africa , Mind-Body Therapies , Spiritual Therapies , Faith Healing , Spirituality , Dancing , Dehumanization , Vulnerable Populations , Biodiversity , Racial Groups , Humanization of Assistance , User Embracement , Population Studies in Public Health , Ethnology , Emotional Intelligence , Horticultural Therapy , Social Stigma , Ageism , Racism , Ethnic Violence , Enslavement , Social Norms , Teas, Herbal , Folklore , Cultural Rights , Ethnocentrism , Freedom , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Empowerment , Social Inclusion , Freedom of Religion , Citizenship , Quilombola Communities , African-American Traditional Medicine , African People , Traditional Medicine Practitioners , History , Human Rights , Individuality , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Magic , Mental Healing , Anthropology , Anthroposophy , Minority Groups , Morale , Music , Mysticism , Mythology , OccultismABSTRACT
Conta-se sobre uma célebre discussão no século XIX presenciada por um famoso escritor, no qual um dos interlocutores reage diante de uma provocação: Meu caro, Beethoven está superado! Amigo, como assim? Nós ainda mal o compreendemos, como pode estar superado? Para a hermenêutica filosófica o novo só pode ser realmente alcançado sob uma releitura atenta da tradição. Isto significa estabelecer um processo de autocompreensão, vale dizer, a compreensão da compreensão, ou seja, "compreender o modo pelo qual se compreende o mundo". O imaginário das pessoas ainda permanece no campo da especulação quando se trata da personalidade de Hahnemann: Era religioso? Quais suas origens? Quão verossímil -- ou ingênua -- é a suposição de que a sucussão surgiu da constatação empírica de que os frascos que sacolejavam em sua carruagem apresentavam vantagens medicinais? Qual seria afinal seu sistema de notação? Como tantas escolas surgiram a partir dos seus escritos canônicos? O mais intrigante, contudo, é o poder de Hahnemann de permanecer surpreendendo. Parece que ele sempre é muito diferente do que supomos ou de quem gostaríamos que fosse. O desafio aqui é superar o culto à personalidade, expor suas contradições, sem, contudo, descartar seu caráter dinâmico e inovador. Quando todas as biografias pareciam dar a obra por compreendida e assimilada ele se renova, quase nos obrigando, a, hermeneuticamente, fazê-lo falar de novo, trazendo um novo
Homeopathic PhilosophyABSTRACT
Este artigo tem como objeto os pensamentos vitalistas de Hahnemann e Nietzsche analisados a partir dos conceitos de vida, saúde, doença e cura. Buscou-se traçar correspondências e explicitar as diferenças dos pensamentos envolvidos, tendo como objetivo avaliar as hipóteses de os vitalismos desses autores serem semelhantes e se poderia ser possível afirmar que a busca da "grande saúde" equivaleria à meta do tratamento homeopático. Conclui-se pela semelhança dos vitalismos e pela ampliação do ideal de cura homeopático através da busca da "grande saúde", pois contempla a liberdade de espírito ao mesmo tempo em que se compromete com a ampliação da normatividade vital do ser humano.
This article having as object the vitalist studies by Hahnemann and Nietzsche. It aimed analyzing the concepts life, health and disease in the thoughts of these authors, drawing connections and explaining the differences of thoughts involved. The study sought to assess the idea that Hahnemann's vitalism resembles Nietzsche's, and whether it is possible to say that the pursuit of "big health" would the goal of homeopathic treatment to address the "freedom of spirit" in achieving the expansion of the vital normativeness.
History, 18th Century , Homeopathic Philosophy , Health-Disease Process , Mind-Body Relations, MetaphysicalABSTRACT
Escolhemos o título acima porque, como praticantes de uma atitude médico-filosófica que vê o ser humano como uma unidade e integrado ao todo, jamais conseguimos nos furtar ao diagnóstico sistêmico. É hábito do homeopata o diagnóstico em sua totalidade, das partes integradas ao todo, buscando o porquê em tudo, até em um simples artigo de um simples jornal de uma simples cidade que integra o nosso pequeno planeta, diga ele respeito ou não à homeopatia. Inicialmente a homeopatia começou incomodando as religiões, pois quando Hahnemann experimentou substâncias em humanos, observou o aparecimento de sintomas físicos e psíquicos, estes últimos eram tidos até então como instâncias da alma e portanto propriedade dos religiosos. Além de destruir o tácito acordo entre medicina e religião, onde médicos cuidavam dos males do corpo e os religiosos dos males da alma, resgatou também a unidade que é o ser. Foi a primeira prova testemunhal na medicina ocidental da comprovação dessa unidade. (AU)
Science/history , Homeopathy , Homeopathic Philosophy , Drug Industry/economicsABSTRACT
Después de las reflexiones expuestas en los artículos anteriores podemos hacer una síntesis que nos permita responder a preguntas concretas que todos queremos conocer para comprender el sufrimiento personal. Recordemos que todo ser viviente, como elemento de una especie que naturalmente está sometida a todos los procesos de selección para dar lo mejor o extinguirse en el tiempo, nace constitucionalmente sano, aunque incompleto y limitado. (AU)
Homeopathic Philosophy , Disease , Acute Disease , Chronic DiseaseABSTRACT
Desde los orígenes de la Homeopatía y hasta la actualidad, diversos autores han pretendido modificar la enseñanza contenida en el Organon, obra cumbre de Samuel Hahnemann, lo que ha dado lugar a una gran diversidad de formas de practicarla, generando una comunidad anárquica y carente de unidad que no ha sido capaz de consolidarse en el sistema de salud de prácticamente ninguna región en el mundo. Por otro lado, es tema de preocupación el hecho de que cada paciente examinado por diferentes médicos recibiría una prescripción distinta, lo que revela falta de congruencia y unidad en la enseñanza. Una de las principales razones para que se hayan configurado las dos situaciones expresadas es la falta del estudio reflexivo y crítico del Organon, un legado irremplazable que contiene los pilares que sostienen al método para lograr la misión, la visión y los valores del arte de curar. El análisis de esta obra es esencial para lograr una comunidad más profesional, más segura y menos dividida ideológicamente, que pueda resolver con certidumbre la gran mayoría de las dudas que se presentan en la clínica diaria. Hahnemann fue un genio, un visionario cuyas ideas están siendo confirmadas en el último siglo por biólogos, químicos, médicos, físicos y físicos cuánticos de reconocido prestigio, entre las cuales se encuentran los conceptos vertidos en las obras Paradigma holográfico y El orden implícito de David Bohm, que son especialmente relevantes para explicar la teoría homeopática. Su comprensión hace que se eleve el entusiasmo y que se fortalezcan la identidad y el orgullo de ser médico homeópata. (AU)
Since the beginning of Homeopathy until today, several authors have attempted to modify the contents of Samuels Hahnemann´s Organon, this has given place to a great diversity in practice, to an anarchic homeopathic community, a lack of unity that has failed to be incorporated in the health system in any country of the world. Besides, it is worrying that every patient examinated by every doctor receives a different prescription which ultimately shows a lack of concurrence and unity in teaching. One of the main reasons for this problem is the lack of a reflective and critical reading of the Organon, which has an irreplaceable legacy with the principles that support the method, and contains the Mission, Vision and Values of the art to cure. The analysis, of this masterpiece is essential to achieve a more profesional, unified and confident homeopathic community. That means, the capacity of solving most daily clinical cases with conviction. Hahnemann was a genius, a visionary whose ideas are being confirmed by biologists, chemists, physicians, physicists, and famous quantum physicists, since this last century. David Bohm´s holografic paradigm and its theory of "The Implicated Order" are specially outstanding to explain Homoeopathy, its comprehension will ignite enthusiasm and both reinforce the identity and pride of being an Homeopathic physician
Homeopathic Philosophy , OrganonABSTRACT
La pregunta se pone en términos de la lógica popular: ¿por qué unos se contagian y otros no? ¿Son sólo desafortunados? O, acaso, ¿castigados por los dioses por sus pecados? La respuesta contundente a dicha pregunta la ofreció el gran microbiólogo Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), quien después de 48 años de apasionante vida de investigación e innovaciones científicas extraordinarias, concluyó: "El terreno es todo. El microbio es nada".
Homeopathic Philosophy , Pandemics/history , COVID-19ABSTRACT
Este trabalho teve como objetivo clarear um pouco a visão sobre os miasmas e, mostrar que eles não são só uma classificação de doenças usadas para um prognóstico do paciente, mas sim ferramenta ativa e muito importante na ajuda da escolha do melhor medicamento. Os miasmas representam um modo ativo do indivíduo se defender das noxas, com o intuito de manter a sobrevivência (mesmo que as vezes os prejuízos causados pareçam severo demais). O miasma do paciente também deve combinar com o miasma preponderante do medicamento para que haja o maior grau de semelhança. Foram estudados os seguintes autores: Hahnemannn, Ghatak, Kent, Elizalde, Tétau, Prafull, Egito e Sankaran. Foram apresentados as teorias, sintomas e os medicamentos referentes aos miasmas considerados por estes autores.
The objective of this work was to clarify a little the vision about miasms and to show that they are not just a classification of diseases used for a patient's prognosis, but an active and very important tool in helping to choose the best medicine. Miasmas represent an active way for the individual to defend himself against noxas, with the aim of maintaining survival (even if sometimes the damage caused seems too severe). The patient's miasm should also match the prevailing drug miasm for the greatest degree of similarity. The following authors were studied: Hahnemannn, Ghatak, Kent, Elizalde, Tétau, Prafull, Egypt and Sankaran. Theories, symptoms and medications related to the miasms considered by these authors were presented.
Homeopathic Philosophy , Syphilitic Miasm , Chronic DiseaseABSTRACT
Collective construction of scientific knowledge is doubtless a major accomplishment of humankind. Sharing of information is a manner of inviting the interested community to participate at each step of such construction. Thus, publication of scientific articles must be regarded as an essential activity or means, because it communicates the results of the work of one or more researchers, in turn based on previous shared knowledge. In this regard, scientific journals play an important role as one of the means of communication. However, they are not merely passive vehicles, but one of the steps of the construction of knowledge itself.When authors finish their work by submitting an article to a scientific journal, a new stage in the construction of shared scientific knowledge is triggered around two main axes: format and content. The format of scientific articles is much more than mere layout and normalization, but it serves the very specific goal of organizing information to make it easily accessible to the readership. In this regard, publication in the so-called ?hard sciences? developed a standard pattern that serves very well this purpose, namely the classic division into ?Introduction?, ?Materials and methods?, ?Results?, ?Discussion? and ?Conclusions?. Due to their nature, the humanities do not adjust well to such model, but nonetheless the corresponding articles must comply with some formal standards including definition of the problem, the approaches to solve it, consistent analysis of the results, and careful citation of references. It is worth to observe that many submissions are rejected by editors for the simple reason that they lack the minimum of organization expected from scientific articles.Whereas adjustment of format deals with the formal side of articles, analysis of content is a much more ?invasive? step, because it is intended to judge on the quality of the information they convey before it is communicated to the scientific community at large. Most journals appeal to the process of peer-review despite it is widely criticized as biased and unfair. However, peer-review was originally intended not only to improve the quality of scientific communication, but also to play an educational role. The feedback it provides to authors might contribute to a thorough review of their basic assumptions, methods and patterns of analysis that might influence the performance of scientific work itself. And naturally, peer-review also protects the scientific community from an overload of unneeded, inconsequent or inconsistent information. Shortly, from the editorial perspective articles are appropriate for publication when their structure is consistent, the background of the studies is properly explained and soundly grounded on reliable sources, the methods are clearly described and validated, analysis is coherent, the conclusions are systematically inferred from the data. And they have a pinch of originality!The reason behind this painstaking process is the constant concern of editors with the possibility of publishing an inappropriate article and rejecting an appropriate one. However, the scientific community has some devices to check the damage. In the former case, a ?false positive?, the scientific community might simply ignore the offending piece or criticize it publicly in the same or other journals. This will certainly upset authors or funding agencies, however, science will escape unharmed. This mechanism is so consistent, that even biased criticism grounded on motives other that the interest of science might in turn become the target of public rebuttal. Shortly, the current mechanism of scientific publication allows for damage control and along that process, all the involved parties and the scientific community at large become more experienced and mindful of possible flaws. In the case of ?false negatives?, however, the problem is quite different. When an article is not published, the scientific community is shunned from certain subjects, ideas, results, methods or hypotheses. Sometimes the authors stubbornly insist, improve the article, and look for other journals until the article is finally published. In that case, the damage is checked and science emerges once again unharmed. However, the opposite is also true: articles might be as innovative and diverging from the mainstream as for the earnest of peers not to be able to understand it or to judge it on its pure merits. Rejection of appropriate articles grounded on a fear of the unknown and unfamiliar leads to an irreparable loss of opportunity to bring something new into and to open paths for science. It might been adduced that science is under a permanent process of transformation and thus, sooner or later an unconventional topic will come back to the fore, perhaps within a different context, or because better adjusted criteria will have developed meanwhile to judge it more appropriately. However, the crux of the matter is the fact that when editors do not dare to publish articles describing novel notions, methods or results provided they comply with the formal requirements described above, rather than contributing to the advancement, we are involuntarily blocking the advancement of science by clinging to the present state of the art under the disguise of safety and responsibility. Nevertheless, one must keep in mind that publication is not the primary goal of research, and that sharing knowledge only makes sense when the scientific community is receptive. Unconventional knowledge must be strictly subjected to the criteria of reproducibility and coherence, because it becomes no longer unconventional when several researchers reproduce it, and when it succeeds to interpret reality, otherwise, it is not only unconventional, but also noxious. Since science has its own mechanisms to judge and rate its production, the task of editors is somewhat lighter. Editors are not responsible for validating or reproducing studies, but first to present them with a readable and complete format to representatives of the scientific community, who will review them in a decentralized, open, multidisciplinary and unbiased manner. Were some referees not stand to their appointed task, editors will see to ensure the fairness of the reviewing process. Thus, journals and researchers play complementary roles in the advancement of science. Inconsequent, irresponsible and unstructured freedom of expression and rigid censorship refractory to anything new are both noxious to any community. Although reaching a balance between extremes is a universal goal, we discover how much we missed the point only when we act and assess the consequences of our actions. In this regard, science is no different from any other of human action.
Homeopathic PhilosophyABSTRACT
Se estudiaron algunos de los parágrafos del Organon del Arte de Curar 5ª edición, escrito por Samuel Hahnemann, que son comentados y explicados por James Tyler Kent en su libro Filosofía Homeopática. Claramente, Kent agrega a los postulados de Hahnemann conceptos e interpretaciones propias. La finalidad es identificar y separar las ideas provenientes de Kent, de aquellas originales del descubridor de la homeopatía. Se evidencia que la orientación e interpretación dada por Kent a muchos de sus conceptos sobre homeopatía, provienen de sus conocimientos basados en las enseñanzas de Emmanuel Swedenborg, filósofo sueco. Se concluye que, aunque el aporte de Kent a la homeopatía es indudablemente valioso, y sus obras deben ser estudiadas con mucha atención, es muy importante, en nuestra misión como escuela, fijar con toda claridad los límites entre lo que nos dejó Hahnemann y lo que le agrega Kent a la homeopatía, para evitar comprensiones erróneas del legado del sabio de Meissen.
Humans , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Homeopathic Philosophy/history , Kentism , Colombia , Complementary TherapiesABSTRACT
Esta pesquisa tematiza o conceito saúde na perspectiva dos modelos médicos vitalistas, situando-se no eixo da dimensão doutrina médica das racionalidades médicas, e temcomo objeto de estudo os vitalismos de Hahnemann e Nietzsche. A partir dolevantamento e análise bibliográfica de textos e da abordagem disciplinar histórica e filosófica, teve como objetivos analisar os conceitos de vida, saúde, doença e cura presentes nos pensamentos desses autores, traçar correspondências e explicitar asdiferenças dos pensamentos envolvidos. Como apoios teóricos, utilizaram-se ostrabalhos de Canguilhem, Luz e Foucault.
Vitalism , Homeopathic PhilosophyABSTRACT
Esta pesquisa tematiza o conceito saúde na perspectiva dos modelos médicos vitalistas, situando-se no eixo da dimensão doutrina médica das racionalidades médicas, e temcomo objeto de estudo os vitalismos de Hahnemann e Nietzsche. A partir dolevantamento e análise bibliográfica de textos e da abordagem disciplinar histórica e filosófica, teve como objetivos analisar os conceitos de vida, saúde, doença e cura presentes nos pensamentos desses autores, traçar correspondências e explicitar asdiferenças dos pensamentos envolvidos. Como apoios teóricos, utilizaram-se ostrabalhos de Canguilhem, Luz e Foucault.
Homeopathic Philosophy , VitalismABSTRACT
Semiotic processes ( or semiosis) refer to those process which are carriers of meaning and are performed through signs. A sign is something that stands for something else, and is the main mediating factor between an object and an interpreter, able to connect them and give rise to significations. The semiotic perspective, according to Charles Sanders Peirce, is basically triadic: all aspects of reality are triadic, comprising the categories of Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness in a continue and virtually infinite process of semiosis, i.e of various forms of giving rise to meanings that accordingly will generate reactions, actions and transformations. The aim of the present paper is to examine the possible levels of semiosis implied in the high dilution phenomenon, beginning with the process of so called ?potency? of substrata (where every potency may be considered a sign for the next one) and arriving to the complex responses of the living bodies to infinitesimal signs
Preparation Scales , Homeopathic PhilosophyABSTRACT
Desde la creación de la doctrina homeopática los conceptos de curación, paliación y supresión han causado inquietud, ya que en muchos círculos médico homeopáticos se tiene la percepción de que la supresión y la paliación son dos acciones que no se deben realizar, o peor aún, se tiene la idea equivocada de que la supresión homeopática no existe. Por eso, muchos médicos pasan buena parte de su vida profesional tratando de conseguir la curación de sus pacientes, por imposible o riesgosa que parezca. Pero, ¿por qué se le teme tanto a la supresión? ¿Por qué se piensa que la paliación es jugar con los pacientes? Quizás a lo largo de los años del desarrollo doctrinario se han malinterpretado las definiciones que Samuel Hahnemann otorgó a estos conceptos. Así, en el presente artículo se describen estos términos de manera general y se profundiza en la forma en que se aplican en el ámbito homeopático, con la finalidad de generar un contexto más amplio al respecto. (AU)
Since the creation of homeopathic doctrine, the healing concepts palliation and suppression have caused concern because in many homeopathic medical circles there is a perception that the suppression and palliation are two actions that cannot be performed, or even worse, it has the misconception that homeopathic suppression doesn´t exist. Therefore, many doctors spend much time in their professional lives trying to get the cure for their patients, as risky and impossible as it may be. But, why worry about suppression? Why think that palliation is playing with patients? Perhaps over the years of doctrinal development, the definitions that Samuel Hahnemann gave about these concepts have been misinterpreted. So, in this article these terms are described in general and explore in a deep way on how they are applied in the homeopathic field in order to generate a broader context about it. (AU)
Suppression , Homeopathic Philosophy , Homeopathic ClinicsABSTRACT
El positivismo es una corriente de pensamiento que influyó fuertemente a las sociedades occidentales durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y las primeras décadas del siglo XX; de acuerdo con ella, la ciencia debe dedicarse a encontrar las leyes invariables que rigen a los fenómenos naturales y sociales, ya que esto servirá como base teórica para que el ser humano domine y actúe sobre las cosas y los hechos medibles, repetibles y comprobables.Algunas ideas del positivismo, como la supuetsa inflexibilidad de la ciencia o la pretensión de reducir al conocimiento a ser una mera técnica o instrumento del progreso, siguen vigentes en nuestros días, sobre todo en ámbitos universitarios, en la cultura general y en los medios de comunicación. En este artpiculo se aborda la forma en que los postulados de la citada escuela filosófica han distorsinado la percepción que se tiene de la homeopatía, tanto en la sociedad como en los círculos científicos,s in tomar en cuenta que el método médico clínico terapéutico que configuró Samuel Hahnemann cumple con los requisitos que la verdadera ciencia exige, además de que posee un sustento doctrinario que guía sus pasos en la investigación y en la clínica.(AU)
Positivism is a school of tought that strongly influenced western societies during the scond half of the niniteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century: according to it, science should be devoted to finding the invariable laws governing natural and social phenomena, as this will serve as a theoretical basis so that man can dominate and act on things and facts that can be measurable, repeatable and verifiable.Some ideas of positivism, as the alleged inflexibility of science or the pretension to reduce scientific knowledge to be a mere technique or instrument of progress, are still valid today, especially in university environments, in the general culture and in media communication. This article adresses the way that the postulates of the cited philosophical school have distorted the perception people have of homeopathy, both in society and in scientific circles, regardlessof the therapeutic clinical medical method that Samuel Hahnemann established meeting the requirements that true science requieres, besides having a doctrinaire support that guides their steps in research in the clinic.(AU)
Homeopathy , Homeopathic PhilosophyABSTRACT
Estando a homeopatia fundamentada no modelo médico vitalista, conceitos como força vital, mente, alma, espírito, etc., referentes à natureza imaterial humana, são frequentemente citados, tornando-se indispensável sua compreensão. Fundamentado nas obras de Samuel Hahnemann, fundador da homeopatia, incluindo seus escritos menores e cartas, essa obra busca esclarecer essas concepções, no intuito de dissolver confusões doutrinárias. No referido estudo, fica claro o conceito de 'força vital instintiva e irracional', análoga à 'vis medicatrix naturae' hipocrática, formando um composto substancial com o corpo físico e de natureza distinta do espírito inteligente. Como outra entidade distinta das anteriores, Hahnemann também cita a mente, sede da alma, como 'órgãos físicos quase não-materiais, de mais alta hierarquia', atribuindo ao psiquismo humano a maior influência no binômio saúde-doença, referindo-se à moral e à ética como fatores preventivos e curativos das enfermidades que afetam a humanidade. Critica a escolástica e o excesso de especulações metafísicas, afastando-se de qualquer corrente filosófica ou religiosa, brindando-nos com conceitos espiritualistas universalistas dentro dos princípios morais e éticos, engrandecendo ainda mais sua obra e demonstrando ser um observador livre de preconceitos. Para Hahnemann, o corpo físico forma uma unidade substancial com o princípio vital, e não com a alma, sendo comandado pelo espírito inteligente que nele habita. A mente, como órgão psíquico, assume importante papel na relação entre essas entidades que compõe o ser humano. (AU)
Since homeopathy is based on the vitalist medical model, concepts such as vital force, mind, soul, spirit, etc., referring to the immaterial human nature, are frequently cited, making their understanding indispensable. Based on the works of Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy, including his minor writings and letters, this work seeks to clarify these conceptions, in order to dissolve doctrinal confusions. In this study, the concept of 'instinctive and irrational vital force', analogous to the Hippocratic 'vis medicatrix naturae', becomes clear, forming a substantial compound with the physical body and a nature distinct from the intelligent spirit. As another entity distinct from the previous ones, Hahnemann also mentions the mind, seat of the soul, as 'physical organs almost non-material, of higher hierarchy', attributing to the human psyche the greatest influence in the binomial health-disease, referring to the moral and ethics as preventive and curative factors for diseases that affect humanity. He criticizes scholasticism and the excess of metaphysical speculations, moving away from any philosophical or religious current, offering us universalistic spiritualist concepts within moral and ethical principles, further enhancing his work and demonstrating that he is a prejudice-free observer. For Hahnemann, the physical body forms a substantial unity with the vital principle, and not with the soul, being commanded by the intelligent spirit that in him dwells. The mind, as a psychic organ, assumes an important role in the relationship between these entities that make up the human being. (AU)
Vitalism , Homeopathic Philosophy , Health-Disease Process , HomeopathyABSTRACT
Desde la creación de la doctrina homeopática los conceptos de curación, paliación y supresión han causado inquietud, ya que en muchos círculos médico homeopáticos se tiene la percepción de que la supresión y la paliación son dos acciones que no se deben realizar, o peor aún, se tiene la idea equivocada de que la supresión homeopática no existe. Por eso, muchos médicos pasan buena parte de su vida profesional tratando de conseguir la curación de sus pacientes, por imposible o riesgosa que parezca. Pero, ¿por qué se le teme tanto a la supresión? ¿Por qué se piensa que la paliación es jugar con los pacientes? Quizás a lo largo de los años del desarrollo doctrinario se han malinterpretado las definiciones que Samuel Hahnemann otorgó a estos conceptos. Así, en el presente artículo se describen estos términos de manera general y se profundiza en la forma en que se aplican en el ámbito homeopático, con la finalidad de generar un contexto más amplio al respecto...
Since the creation of homeopathic doctrine, the healing concepts palliation and suppression have caused concern because in many homeopathic medical circles there is a perception that the suppression and palliation are two actions that cannot be performed, or even worse, it has the misconception that homeopathic suppression doesn´t exist. Therefore, many doctors spend much time in their professional lives trying to get the cure for their patients, as risky and impossible as it may be. But, why worry about suppression? Why think that palliation is playing with patients? Perhaps over the years of doctrinal development, the definitions that Samuel Hahnemann gave about these concepts have been misinterpreted. So, in this article these terms are described in general and explore in a deep way on how they are applied in the homeopathic field in order to generate a broader context about it...
Humans , Homeopathic Clinics , Homeopathic Philosophy , SuppressionABSTRACT
Se hizo una revisión de la literatura en la búsqueda de el origen y la evolución del paradigma medico vitalista, encontrando que este paradigma sobrevivió y además evoluciono en concomitancia con los diferentes paradigmas conocidos en la historia de la evolución de la medicina; hallando sus inicios en el periodo de la antigüedad con Hipócrates, pasando por, Sthal con el animismo y Berthez con el vitalismo de la escuela de Montpellier como las teorías vitalistas que más influyeron en la construcción del paradigma medico vitalista.
Humans , Hahnemannian Method , History of Homeopathy , Homeopathic Philosophy , Review Literature as TopicABSTRACT
La primera parte de este artículo se dedicó a presentar las líneas de investigación biológica experimental que se realizan en la Homeopatía; ahora, esta segunda entrega se enfoca, de inicio, en la presentación y el análisis de 25 estudios de notable calidad metodológica que permiten evaluar científicamente la eficacia clínica de la medicina hahnemanniana. Cabe decir que a pesar de que la realización de estos trabajos es complicada y de que sus resultados varían, en conjunto nos ayudan a concluir que no es tan fácil afirmar, como una simple visión general, que la Homeopatía es un placebo. A continuación, el doctor Bernard Poitevin enlista las hipótesis que distintos grupos de científicos han tratado de corroborar o desmentir para dar respuesta a una de las interrogantes más frecuentes que se le plantean a la Homeopatía: cuál es el mecanismo de acción del medicamento homeopático (y, en consecuencia, qué tipo de información tiene y de qué manera interactúa con el organismo del paciente). Los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora no son concluyentes, ya que este tipo de investigaciones son todavía muy recientes. Finalmente, el autor nos recuerda que la Homeopatía es una disciplina evolutiva y, como tal, debe eludir los dogmatismos e incluso cuestionar sus principios fundamentales cuando sea necesario. Sólo a través de la investigación a fondo de aquellos problemas científicos que plantea la Homeopatía será posible acallar las críticas y, sobre todo, se tendrá un mejor conocimiento de esta disciplina médica, lo que en consecuencia mejorará su aplicación y efectividad. (AU)
The first part of this paper was dedicated to show the lines of experimental biological research being conducted in homeopathy; now, this second part focuses, at first, to the presentation and analysis of 25 studies of high methodological quality that allows to evaluate scientifically the clinical efficacy of Hahnemanns medicine. We can say that although the realization of these studies is complicated and that their results may vary, together they help us to conclude that it is not so easy to say, as a simple overview that homeopathy is a placebo. Then Dr. Bernard Poitevin lists the hypothesis that different groups of scientists have tried to corroborate or deny to answer one of the most frequent questions posed to homeopathy: what is the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicine (and therefore what type of information does it has and how it interacts with the patients body). The results so far are inconclusive, since this type of research is still very recent. Finally, the author reminds us that homeopathy is an evolving discipline and, as such, must avoid dogmatism and even to question its fundamental principles when necessary. Only through a profound research of those scientific problems that Homeopathy propose It will be possible to silence criticism and, above all, we will have a better knowledge of this medical discipline, which consequently will improve its implementation and effectiveness. (AU)
Principle of Similarity , Pharmacodynamics of Homeopathic Remedy , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Fundamentals of Homeopathy , Homeopathic Philosophy , Homeopathic Remedy , Small Doses , High Potencies , Simillimum PotencyABSTRACT
La primera parte de este artículo se dedicó a presentar las líneas de investigación biológica experimental que se realizan en la Homeopatía; ahora, esta segunda entrega se enfoca, de inicio, en la presentación y el análisis de 25 estudios de notable calidad metodológica que permiten evaluar científicamente la eficacia clínica de la medicina hahnemanniana. Cabe decir que a pesar de que la realización de estos trabajos es complicada y de que sus resultados varían, en conjunto nos ayudan a concluir que no es tan fácil afirmar, como una simple visión general, que la Homeopatía es un placebo. A continuación, el doctor Bernard Poitevin enlista las hipótesis que distintos grupos de científicos han tratado de corroborar o desmentir para dar respuesta a una de las interrogantes más frecuentes que se le plantean a la Homeopatía: cuál es el mecanismo de acción del medicamento homeopático (y, en consecuencia, qué tipo de información tiene y de qué manera interactúa con el organismo del paciente). Los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora no son concluyentes, ya que este tipo de investigaciones son todavía muy recientes. Finalmente, el autor nos recuerda que la Homeopatía es una disciplina evolutiva y, como tal, debe eludir los dogmatismos e incluso cuestionar sus principios fundamentales cuando sea necesario. Sólo a través de la investigación a fondo de aquellos problemas científicos que plantea la Homeopatía será posible acallar las críticas y, sobre todo, se tendrá un mejor conocimiento de esta disciplina médica, lo que en consecuencia mejorará su aplicación y efectividad...
The first part of this paper was dedicated to show the lines of experimental biological research being conducted in homeopathy; now, this second part focuses, at first, to the presentation and analysis of 25 studies of high methodological quality that allows to evaluate scientifically the clinical efficacy of Hahnemanns medicine. We can say that although the realization of these studies is complicated and that their results may vary, together they help us to conclude that it is not so easy to say, as a simple overview that homeopathy is a placebo. Then Dr. Bernard Poitevin lists the hypothesis that different groups of scientists have tried to corroborate or deny to answer one of the most frequent questions posed to homeopathy: what is the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicine (and therefore what type of information does it has and how it interacts with the patients body). The results so far are inconclusive, since this type of research is still very recent. Finally, the author reminds us that homeopathy is an evolving discipline and, as such, must avoid dogmatism and even to question its fundamental principles when necessary. Only through a profound research of those scientific problems that Homeopathy propose It will be possible to silence criticism and, above all, we will have a better knowledge of this medical discipline, which consequently will improve its implementation and effectiveness...