The effects of water treated with an electromagnetic field (EMF) were investigated on two biological systems, humans and plants. Purified de-ionised water was treated by (1) boiling, (2) exposure to microwave radiation, and (3) low frequency electromagnetic oscillation molecular resonance effect technology (MRET), before being used to prepare media for culturing human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from three healthy females. Our results indicated that PBMC culture in MRET-activated medium showed significantly less oxidative metabolism when compared to media prepared from other types of water. As for the effects on soybean, our results indicated that both MRET- and microwave-treated water greatly enhanced the length of the root. These results suggested that electromagnetic-treated water can have diverse biological effects on both animal and plant cells. Since these effects are related to the 'Memory of Water', hypothesis which has been suggested as an explanation of the action of high homeopathic dilutions, our finding warrant a further investigation on the mechanisms of various types of physically conditioned water on specific cellular activities.
Electromagnetic Fields , Fabaceae/growth & development , Fabaceae/radiation effects , Leukocytes, Mononuclear/physiology , Water/chemistry , Analysis of Variance , Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation , Female , Germination/radiation effects , Homeopathy/methods , Humans , Leukocytes, Mononuclear/radiation effects , Microwaves , Plant Development/radiation effectsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Previous experiments show that amphibian larvae are responsive to homeopathically prepared thyroxine. METHODS: We studied the effect of a highly diluted and agitated thyroxine solution exposed to various electromagnetic fields on metamorphosis in highland Rana temporaria. The devices tested were: microwave oven, mobile phone, airport X-ray, and a red light barcode scanner. Animals were treated either with homeopathically prepared thyroxine (10(-30) parts by weight, 10(-35) in the water in which the animals were kept), or analogously prepared blank solution, or analogously prepared thyroxine exposed to the electromagnetic field of one of the devices tested. Solutions were administered at 48h intervals according to a standardized protocol. RESULTS: Animals treated with the standard test solution thyroxine 10(-30) metamorphosed more slowly than the control animals, ie the effect of the homeopathically prepared thyroxine was opposed to the usual physiological effect of molecular thyroxine. The cumulative number of test animals that had reached the four-legged stage at defined points in time was smaller in the group treated with homeopathically prepared thyroxine at most of the points in time. This was found independently by all three research teams involved. In contrast, this effect did not occur when the thyroxine solution had been exposed to the field of the early model microwave oven, or mobile phone. There was no difference between aqueous or alcoholic solutions were used, and there was, if any, only a small protective effect from aluminum foil. Airport X-ray and red light barcode scanning did not diminish the effect of the homeopathic solution.
Homeopathy/methods , Metamorphosis, Biological/drug effects , Metamorphosis, Biological/radiation effects , Rana temporaria , Thyroxine/pharmacology , Animals , Chi-Square Distribution , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Electromagnetic Fields , Larva/drug effects , Larva/radiation effects , Microwaves , Random Allocation , Telephone , Television , Thyroxine/administration & dosageABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to evaluate the effects of weak-intensity extremely high frequency (EHF) microwaves in a model system-the plant organism pollen grain-lacking the placebo effect, available in large populations, to ensure accurate statistical analysis, and whose sensitivity is closely relevant to animal and human biology. DESIGN: This study was blinded using an in vitro pollen germination technique. SUBJECTS AND STUDY INTERVENTIONS: Pollen of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) was either directly irradiated or grown in a medium prepared with irradiated water, using a CromoStim 2000, (PromoPharma, Republic of San Marino) designed for EHF microwave resonance therapy (MRT). It produces weak intensity EHF radiations (40-78 GHz), either continuous wave (cw) or modulated, at a 10 Hz-frequency, with infrared (IR) carried to 635-950 nm, and with an impedance (IPD) of 10(-21) W/Hz cm(2) and a power supply from 0 to 20 mW. OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Pollen-tube emergence was expressed as a percent of grains producing a tube and tube elongation was measured at 4 hours of incubation by a turbidimetric assay (A(500)) of cultures, expressed as the net absorbance increase over time 0. RESULTS: At days 2 and 4 during aging, both percent of germination and tube growth significantly and consistently improved over controls in kiwifruit pollen grains irradiated for 30 minutes at day 0 at 10 Hz frequency with the CromoStim 2000. Highly significant effects, either stimulant or inhibitory, were also observed on kiwifruit pollen (stressed or not) growing in a medium prepared with water previously irradiated either cw or modulated. Irradiated water affected pollen germination immediately and even after several days following EHF treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Either direct or indirect EHF irradiation performed by the CromoStim 2000 is effective on pollen growth processes. In both cases, water seemed to play a primary role. According to the quantum electrodynamical coherence theory, our work could also have implications for homeopathy, suggesting a key to explain the efficacy of high dilutions and succussion procedures.
Actinidia/radiation effects , Flowers/radiation effects , Microwaves , Pollen/radiation effects , Water , Actinidia/growth & development , Flowers/growth & development , Germination , Homeopathy/methods , Humans , In Vitro Techniques , Pollen/growth & developmentABSTRACT
May 1, 2014 the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) will implement two new chapters stating limit concentrations of elemental impurities in pharmaceuticals applying inductively coupled plasma methods. In the present work an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) method for quantitation of As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Hg, Ir, Mn, Mo, Ni, Os, Pb, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, V and Zn in tablets according to the new USP chapters was developed. Sample preparation was performed by microwave-assisted acid digestion using a mixture of 65% HNO3 and 37% HCl (3:1, v/v). Limits of detection and quantitation were at least a factor of ten below the USP limit concentrations showing that the ICP-OES technique is well suited for quantitation of elemental impurities. Excluding Os, spike recoveries in the range of 85.3-103.8% were obtained with relative standard deviations (%RSD) ranging from 1.3 to 3.2%. Due to memory effects the spike recovery and %RSD of Os were 161.5% and 13.7%, respectively, thus the method will need further development with respect to elimination of the memory effect of Os. The method was proven to be specific but with potential spectral interference for Ir, Os, Pb, Pt and Rh necessitating visual examination of the spectra. Hg memory effect was handled by using lower spike levels combined with rinsing with 0.1M HCl. The tablets had a content of Fe and Pt of 182.8 ± 18.1 and 2.8 ± 0.2 µg/g, respectively and did therefore not exceed the limit concentration defined by USP. It is suggested that the developed method is applicable to pharmaceutical products with a composition and maximal amount of daily intake (g drug product/day) similar to the tablets used in this work.
Drug Contamination , Photoelectron Spectroscopy/methods , Tablets/chemistry , Trace Elements/chemistry , Limit of Detection , Microwaves , Pharmacopoeias, Homeopathic as Topic , Photoelectron Spectroscopy/standards , Reproducibility of Results , United StatesABSTRACT
Las microondas constituyen una subfamilia de la gran gama de ondas electromagnéticas que existen en el universo. Utilizamos dichas microondas en una frecuenciade 2,450 MHz como sustancia imponderable, obtenida de un magnetrón de un horno de microondas convencional, para la preparación de un medicamentohomeopático en las escalas cincuentamilesimal y centesimal por medio del método clásico. Llevamos a cabo una patogenesia y luego su aplicación clínica paralograr una aproximación al conocimiento de los síntomas y signos involucrados en esta investigación. Participaron 20 sujetos, 16 en experimentación pura y 4 enexperimentación clínica, bajo el esquema propuesto por Samuel Hahnemann en el Organon de la medicina en su sexta edición, fungiendo como grupo de controlel 10% del total de los participantes con placebo. Como resultado se obtuvo una patogenesia en la cual los rubros de mente y extremidades se expresaron comolos más activos con 13% del total de los síntomas cada uno; fueron seguidos por el rubro estómago, con el 11% del total, posteriormente el rubro cabeza, con 8%, ydescendentemente el resto de rubros con menos del 7% del total de los síntomas de la investigación cada uno.
Microwaves are a subfamily of a long range of electromagnetic waves that exist in the universe. We used these microwaves on a 2,450 MHz frequency as an imponderable substance, obtained from a magnetron through a conventional microwave oven to prepare an Homeopathic medicine in the cincuentamilesimal and centesimal classic scale. We wanted to do this pure experimentation and then the clinical application to know on a better way the expressed signs and symptoms. There were 20 subjects, 16 as pure experimentation subjects and 4 as clinical research subjects using the classical method of pure experimentation developed by Samuel Hahnemann in the Organon of medicine, sixth edition. Our control placebo group was formed by the 10% of total research subjects. As a result we obtained a pathogenesia in which the more active items were mind and extremities with 13% of total symptoms each, then head item with 8% and the rest of the items by descending order with less of 7% of the total symptoms each.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Centesimal Scale , Electromagnetic Radiation , Fifty Millesimal , Homeopathic Remedy , Homeopathy , Microwaves , Psychic Symptoms/adverse effects , Symptoms Hierarchy , General Symptoms/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Las microondas constituyen una subfamilia de la gran gama de ondas electromagnéticas que existen en el universo. Utilizamos dichas microondas en una frecuenciade 2,450 MHz como sustancia imponderable, obtenida de un magnetrón de un horno de microondas convencional, para la preparación de un medicamentohomeopático en las escalas cincuentamilesimal y centesimal por medio del método clásico. Llevamos a cabo una patogenesia y luego su aplicación clínica paralograr una aproximación al conocimiento de los síntomas y signos involucrados en esta investigación. Participaron 20 sujetos, 16 en experimentación pura y 4 enexperimentación clínica, bajo el esquema propuesto por Samuel Hahnemann en el Organon de la medicina en su sexta edición, fungiendo como grupo de controlel 10% del total de los participantes con placebo. Como resultado se obtuvo una patogenesia en la cual los rubros de mente y extremidades se expresaron comolos más activos con 13% del total de los síntomas cada uno; fueron seguidos por el rubro estómago, con el 11% del total, posteriormente el rubro cabeza, con 8%, ydescendentemente el resto de rubros con menos del 7% del total de los síntomas de la investigación cada uno. (AU)
Microwaves are a subfamily of a long range of electromagnetic waves that exist in the universe. We used these microwaves on a 2,450 MHz frequency as an imponderable substance, obtained from a magnetron through a conventional microwave oven to prepare an Homeopathic medicine in the cincuentamilesimal and centesimal classic scale. We wanted to do this pure experimentation and then the clinical application to know on a better way the expressed signs and symptoms. There were 20 subjects, 16 as pure experimentation subjects and 4 as clinical research subjects using the classical method of pure experimentation developed by Samuel Hahnemann in the Organon of medicine, sixth edition. Our control placebo group was formed by the 10% of total research subjects. As a result we obtained a pathogenesia in which the more active items were mind and extremities with 13% of total symptoms each, then head item with 8% and the rest of the items by descending order with less of 7% of the total symptoms each. (AU)