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Homeopathy ; 113(3): 176-185, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38286416


By means of a historical, classical philological and philosophical approach, this paper attempts to demonstrate that homeopathy is based on three powerful traditions of thinking, which can be traced back to Ancient Greece's pre-Socratic era. Actually, it seems to be constituted by what may be termed lógos-, hómoion- and iásthai-thinking: that is, thinking in terms of rationality, similarity and healing. By contrast, modern medicine tends to be aligned with just one of these traditions, at the expense of the others, this being not without risk and adverse effects. It is mainly determined by the first type of rationality that genealogically derives from, and is therefore compatible with, the logic of economics whose predominance in the health care systems of modern societies is progressively rising. Homeopathy, however, may not be sufficiently and fairly understood without taking into account the complementary forms of thinking on which it also rests, such as the principle of similarity in an all-encompassing sense, and ancient healing knowledge in the tradition of catharsis. As a corollary of being essentially constituted by the three, homeopathy may persistently be in need of a dynamic equilibrium of its three constituent bases. Attempts to approach homeopathy from only one of the indicated modes of thinking fail to grasp its essence and result in figments or caricatures of what homeopathy was originally meant to be.

Homeopathy , Homeopathy/methods , Homeopathy/history , Humans , History, Ancient , Thinking
BMC Med Educ ; 21(1): 237, 2021 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33892711


BACKGROUND: Students are often inadequately prepared for higher education, particularly concerning independent learning and critical thinking. These attributes are essential, especially in health science students as health care needs are complex. Innovative methods of teaching that promote these attributes are thus required. One such method, which has been included previously in other disciplines is photovoice, a participatory method, in which students become co-creators of knowledge. The aim of the study was to determine whether photovoice would promote critical thinking in students enrolled for a module in Public Health. The study also aimed to analyze the experiences of students using this methodology, as part of their learning. METHODS: Photovoice was introduced to a class of 56 chiropractic and homeopathy students registered for a module on Epidemiology: Public Health in 2019. Students working in self-selected groups were required to take photographs of environmental factors, involved in causing disease. After engaging in a group dialogue, one photograph was selected for presentation in class, with a discussion of how environmental factors visible in the photograph affect the health of individuals. Presentations were assessed based on the picture, presentation quality and ability to answer questions. Focus group discussions were subsequently held to understand the experience of students with this new teaching method. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Students established that it was a positive experience. They recognized the lived realities, within the community, that cause disease. The assignment demonstrated how learning can occur beyond the lecture room and extend into communities. Students offered realistic solutions to health problems that were confronted by communities. In addition, students participated in unintended community engagement. CONCLUSIONS: The incorporation of photovoice into undergraduate teaching in the health science module promoted higher order learning such as problem solving and critical-thinking. Students transformed from rote learners to critical thinkers who reflected upon what they were taught and how this related to the lived realities of the community. Student communication improved as they disseminated knowledge to others. Teaching using this alternative pedagogy has the potential to produce graduates who are responsive to the local needs of the community.

Learning , Students , Creativity , Humans , Problem Solving , Thinking
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e264922, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psi (psychology) | ID: biblio-1529231


Este artigo propõe o estudo sobre o conceito de outro como semelhante e como objeto. Partindo de textos que interpelam a alteridade na psicanálise e remetendo aos temas do complexo semelhante, da satisfação, da perda, do luto, da negativa, da repetição; avalia o conceito de outro articulando textos de diversos autores. A partir da psicanálise freudiana, estuda o das Ding e a negação, discriminando com estes termos um objeto estruturante na origem do psiquismo. Aborda textos técnicos da psicanálise para delimitar o tema da repetição. Também a recordação e a repetição são vinculadas ao objeto e estudadas na perspectiva da filosofia moderna. São retomados temas do diálogo platônicos para definir o lugar do erótico e da amizade. No fim do presente artigo, propomos o termo clássico grego Oikos com valor equivalente ao da Coisa freudiana e como esta aparece em escritos psicanalíticos.(AU)

This article studies the concept of other as similar and object. It is based on texts that question the alterity in psychoanalysis and refers to the themes of otherness complex, loss, grief, negative, repetition, and evaluates the concept of other, using articles of diverse authors. Based on Freudian psychoanalysis, it studies the Thing and the denial and discriminates a structuring object in the origin of psychism. It approaches technical texts of psychoanalysis to delimitate the theme of repetition. The recordation and repetition are also linked to the object and studied from the perspective of modern philosophy. Themes of the platonic dialogues are resumed to define the place of the erotic and the friendship. In the end of the article, we propose the greek classic term Oikos, with equal value to the Freudian Thing, as this one appears in psychoanalytic writings.(AU)

Este artículo estudia el concepto Otro como semejante y como objeto. A partir de textos que interpelan la alteridad en psicoanálisis y que se refieren a temas del complejo semejante, de la satisfacción, de la pérdida, del duelo, de la negación, de la repetición, se evalúa el concepto de Otro articulando textos de diferentes autores. Basado en el psicoanálisis freudiano, se aborda Ding y la negación, discriminando con estos términos un objeto estructurante en el origen de lo psíquico. Se abordan textos técnicos del psicoanálisis para delimitar el tema de la repetición; el recuerdo y la repetición son vinculadas al objeto y estudiadas desde la perspectiva de la filosofía moderna; y se retoman temas de los diálogos platónicos para definir el lugar de lo erótico y la amistad. Al culminar este artículo se propone leer el término griego clásico Oikos con un valor equivalente al de la Cosa freudiana como aparece en los escritos psicoanalíticos.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Philosophy , Psychoanalysis , Psychology , Humans , Object Attachment , Perception , Pleasure-Pain Principle , Projection , Psychopathology , Psychosexual Development , Rationalization , Rejection, Psychology , Repression, Psychology , Repression-Sensitization , Safety , Social Behavior , Social Responsibility , Sublimation, Psychological , Superego , Thinking , Truth Disclosure , Unconscious, Psychology , Beauty , Volition , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Technical Cooperation , Symbolism , Attitude , Singularities , Homeopathic Cure , Mortality , Adolescent , Staff Development , Communication , Conflict, Psychological , Conscience , Consciousness , Privacy , Knowledge , Metaphor , Life , Empiricism , Address , Affect , Neurolinguistic Programming , Textbook , Virtues , Personal Autonomy , Moral Development , Research Subjects , Depressive Disorder , History, Ancient , Dreams , Drive , Education , Ego , Erotica , Academies and Institutes , Scientific Domains , User Embracement , Ethics , Extraversion, Psychological , Fantasy , Theory of Mind , Hope , Self-Control , Moral Status , Symbolic Interactionism , Freudian Theory , Psychological Distress , Food Social Space , Greece , Hate , Id , Identification, Psychological , Imagination , Individuality , Inhibition, Psychological , Interpersonal Relations , Judgment , Jungian Theory , Language , Libido , Love , Memory , Mythology
Br J Psychol ; 98(Pt 1): 33-44, 2007 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17319049


Developmental studies have shown that children assign purpose to objects more liberally than adults, and that they explain biological processes in terms of vitalistic causality. This study tested the hypothesis that similar misconceptions can be found among superstitious adults. The results from 116 superstitious and 123 sceptical individuals showed that more than sceptics, superstitious individuals attributed purpose to objects, and explained biological processes in terms of organ intentionality and energy transmission. In addition, they thought of energy as a vital force, attributing life and mental properties to it. These conceptual confusions were positively associated to all types of superstitions as well as belief in alternative medicine. The results support the argument that category mistakes and ontological confusions underlie superstitious and vitalistic thinking.

Culture , Superstitions , Vitalism , Adolescent , Adult , Concept Formation , Energy Transfer , Female , Humans , Intention , Intuition , Male , Middle Aged , Qi , Thinking
Dev Psychol ; 36(5): 582-595, 2000 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10976599


Vitalism is the belief that internal bodily organs have agency and that they transmit or exchange a vital force or energy. Three experiments investigated the use of vitalistic explanations for biological phenomena by 5- and 10-year-old English-speaking children and adults, focusing on 2 components: the notion that bodily organs have intentions and the notion that some life force or energy is transmitted. The original Japanese finding of vitalistic thinking was replicated in Experiment 1 with English-speaking 5-year-olds. Experiment 2 indicated that the more active component of vitalism for these children is a belief in the transfer of energy during biological processes, and Experiment 3 suggested an additional, albeit lesser, role for organ intentionality. A belief in vital energy may serve a causal placeholder function within a naive theory of biology until a more precisely formulated mechanism is known.

Physiology , Thinking , Vitalism , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Concept Formation , Energy Transfer , Female , Humans , Male
Br J Psychol ; 104(4): 512-24, 2013 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24094281


Vitalistic thinking has traditionally been associated with reasoning about biological phenomena. The current research aimed to investigate a broader range of vitalistic thinking than previously studied. Esoteric notions of 'energy' are frequently used by individuals when making causal attributions for strange occurrences, and previous literature has linked such thinking with paranormal, magical, and superstitious beliefs. Two experiments are described that aim to investigate whether adults are vitalistic when asked to make causal judgments, and whether this can be predicted by thinking styles and prior paranormal belief. Experiment 1 asked participants to rate three causal options (one of which was vitalistic) for six vignettes. Scores on one dimension of paranormal belief (New Age Philosophy) and analytical thinking significantly predicted vitalism, but scores on intuitive thinking and Traditional Paranormal Beliefs did not. Experiment 2 extended the findings by asking participants to generate their own causal responses. Again, paranormal belief was found to be the best predictor of vitalism, but this time Traditional Paranormal Beliefs were associated with vitalistic responses whilst both intuitive and analytical thinking were unable to significantly predict classification. Results challenge previous findings, suggesting that vitalistic thinking may operate differently when applied to everyday causal reasoning.

Adult/psychology , Parapsychology , Thinking , Vitalism/psychology , Causality , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Intuition , Judgment , Male , Observer Variation , Psychology, Child , Qi , Regression Analysis
J Altern Complement Med ; 16(12): 1321-7, 2010 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21114418


BACKGROUND: Homeopathy is a major modality in complementary and alternative medicine. Significant tensions exist between homeopathic practice and education, evident in the diversity of practice styles and pedagogic models. Utilizing clinical reasoning knowledge in conventional medicine and allied health sciences, this article seeks to identify and critique existing research in this important area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search utilizing MEDLINE,(®) Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED), and CINAHL(®) (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) was conducted. Key terms including clinical thinking, clinical reasoning, decision-making, homeopathy, and complementary medicine were utilized. A critical appraisal of the evidence was undertaken. RESULTS: Four (4) studies have examined homeopathic clinical reasoning. Two (2) studies sought to measure and quantify homeopathic reasoning. One (1) study proposed a reasoning model, based on pattern recognition, hypothetico-deductive reasoning, intuition, and remedy-matching (PHIR-M), resembling much that has been previously mapped in conventional medical reasoning research. The fourth closely investigated the meaning and use of intuition in homeopathic decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these four studies provide valuable insight into what is currently known about homeopathic clinical reasoning. However, despite the history and breadth of practice, little is known about homeopathic clinical reasoning and decision-making. Building on the research would require viewing clinical reasoning not only as a cognitive phenomenon but also as a situated and interactive one. Further research into homeopathic clinical reasoning is indicated.

Decision Making , Homeopathy/methods , Professional Practice , Homeopathy/education , Intuition , Materia Medica/therapeutic use , Thinking
Organon ; (44): 27-42, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25046910
Homeopatia (Buenos Aires) ; 26(4): 135-42, out.-dez. 1959.
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-2789

Phylogeny , Thinking
In. Sociedad Médica Homeopática Ecuatoriana. Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Medicina Homeopática. Quito, Sociedad Médica Homeopática Ecuatoriana, 1990. p.211-27.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-126514
In. Sociedad Médica Homeopática Ecuatoriana. Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Medicina Homeopática. Quito, Sociedad Médica Homeopática Ecuatoriana, 1990. p.63-87.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-126505