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Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi ; 52(5): 309-312, 2022 Sep 28.
Article in Zh | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36268667


Ben Cao Quan is an ancient classic book on materia medica compiled by Goku Yoshida, a Japanese scholar in the Edo period (1603-1867). A total of 568 materia medica in 53 categories in Ben Cao Quan came from Ben Cao Gang Mu compiled by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty. These materia medica were introduced with some of his own interpretations of Goku Yoshida. The main characteristics of Ben Cao Quan reflected as follows. It attached importance to the comparison of translation from Chinese into Japanese and selected those materia medica commonly used in Japan, in particular, from 'spicific explanation' (Ji Jie) and 'smell' (Qi Wei) in Ben Cao Gang Mu.It focused on application and integrated local practice, and interpreted the personal insights of Goku Yoshida.Goku Yoshida's personal understanding and perception of these material medica were shown in terms of their origin and quality, analysis of their properties and collection, interpretation of their identification and selection, their local names, their Japanese names, and review of the changes when these materia medica were introduced into Japan.The purpose of Ban Cao Quan was to attempt to help Japanese identify materia medica and distinguish quality and interpret materia medica with Japanese characteristics. The book is valuable literature for the research of the impact of Ben Cao Gang Mu on the development of materia medica in Japan.

Materia Medica , Japan , Books , Translations , China
Rev Hist Pharm (Paris) ; 59(370): 221-34, 2011 Jul.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21998972


The treatise of the Virtue of medicines - Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738) was a well known physician from Leiden, who was essentially known in France for the syndrome that received his name and for three of his books, which had been translated in French, and had much success during the 18th century, Elements of Chemistry, Aphorisms and Materia Medica. There was also a fourth book, The Treatise of the Virtue of Medicines, redacted by his students from notes taken during his lessons, which was translated in French in 1729. This volume, in in-8e format, of 471 pages, did not have the same success as his other books. It is anyway very interesting, because it shows that Boerhaave, even if he were Professor of Chemistry was not at all an iatrochemist but behaved as an iatromechanic.

History of Pharmacy , Pharmaceutical Preparations/history , Books , France , History, 18th Century , Materia Medica/history , Netherlands , Translations
Dynamis ; 18: 479-87, 1998.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11620579


This article offers the Spanish translation of the theoretical introduction that Abu-l-Salt of Denia (1068-1134) placed at the beginning of his treatise on simple drugs. In his introduction he explained the reasons for preparing compound drugs, and how to prepare them. Although the rest of the book was translated from Arabic into Latin by Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1283) this introduction is not found in any of the extant Latin manuscripts and therefore does not appear in the critical edition of the works of Arnau.

Dispensatories as Topic/history , Manuscripts, Medical as Topic/history , Materia Medica/history , Translations , Arab World , History, Medieval , Humans , Spain
Homeopatia Méx ; 66(591): 164-70, nov.-dic. 1997.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-234405


Sobre una base teorica, se discute la posible relacion entre la teoria de la "resonancia morfica" del Dr.Rupert Sheldrake y su posible contribucion al establecimiento de la homeopatia en un marco cientifico. Las hipotesis de Sheldrake acerca de la "causa formativa"y la resonancia morfica influyeron inicialmente en los enfoques biologicos sobre el proceso de la evolucion y han sido verificados por experimentos psicologicos. Sin embargo, la base teorica de las hipotesis de Sheldrake podria tambien ser relevante a las hipotesis en formacion acerca de un principio fisico aun desconocido, las cuales daran explicacion al funcionamiento de las potencias homeopaticas.

Mechanisms of Action of Homeopathic Remedies , Translations
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 62(1/2): 17-25, jan.-jun. 1997.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-210613


O autor tece comentários e críticas sobre diversas rubricas mentais do repertório, baseado em outro trabalho de sua autoria chamado Taxionomia Homeopatica. Todas as observaçöes säo feitas a partir da verificaçäo nas materias medicas e repertorios originais. Conclui que e necessário o estabelecimento de uma taxionomia homeopatica e a verificaçäo completa das fontes de informaçäo, näo se podendo confiar apenas no que dizem os dicionários para o entendimento das rubricas. Mostra também que o repertorio e indispensável para a prática da homeopatia e que seu erros devem ser corrigidos

Homeopathic Repertory , Psychic Symptoms , Translations
Homeopatia Mex ; 64(578): 18-23, sep.-oct. 1995.
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-3901


El doctor Neiswander resena parte de la fascinante historia de la homeopatia en los Estados Unidos y en otros paises, concentrandose sobre todo en los cruciales sucesos politicos que tanto han influido en nuestra capacidad para practicar la homeopatia en la actualidad, y en los leales medicos homeopaticos que ofrendaron desinteresadamente su tiempo y su energia para asegurar la supervivencia y el crescimiento de la misma en este pais

History of Homeopathy , Translations , United States
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 62(1/2): 17-25, jan.-jun. 1997.
Article in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-4462


O autor tece comentarios e criticas sobre diversas rubricas mentais do repertorio, baseado em outro trabalho de sua autoria chamado Taxionomia Homeopatica. Todas as observacoes sao feitas a partir da verificacao nas materias medicas e repertorios originais. Conclui que e necessario o estabelecimento de uma taxionomia homeopatica e a verificacao completa das fontes de informacao, nao se podendo confiar apenas no que dizem os dicionarios para o entendimento das rubricas. Mostra tambem que o repertorio e indispensavel para a pratica da homeopatia e que seu erros devem ser corrigidos

Homeopathic Repertory , Translations , Psychic Symptoms
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 62(3/4): 47-57, 1997.
Article in Portuguese | HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: hom-4466


A autora, com base nos trabalhos de Masi Elizalde, desenvolve uma metodologia de estudo do medicamento Moschus moschiferus. Atraves do estudo das materias medicas puras e semi-puras, a autora faz o levantamento de temas relacionados aos sintomas mais marcantes e conclui com a elaboracao de um texto poetico onde a totalidade do medicamento se expressa de uma maneira dinamica

Moschus , Miasm Dynamics , Materia Medica, Pure , Translations