Correlations among the elements indispensable to the choice of an average dose of pachycurare are established for surgical needs. Weight and duration of the surgery jointly allow to foresee with approximately 80 p. 100 accuracy the effective dose required for a surgical curarization controlled according to clinical and electromyographical criteria. After calculation of the average consumption of pachycurare per unit of time, a group of curves is established by successive integrations of additional doses representing a family of parabolae corresponding to a second-degree equation: P = alpha + beta t + gamma t2 where P: the cumulative dose for a determined period of time, per kg of body weight and thus total dose if t: the duration of the surgery, t: the time variable, alpha, beta and gamma: significant calculated coefficients. This analytical function established for the use of Pancuronium - bromide in surgery, is also being tried for the curarizing substance: AH.8165.