BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Penguins are seabirds that manifest physiological and immunological alterations during the reproductive season. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the laboratory parameters of male and female Magellanic penguins and to determine the penguins' hematological response to homeopathic medicines during that reproductive period. METHODS: Penguins (N = 18), kept under human care in a zoological park setting, were evaluated during the reproductive period and were divided randomly into two groups: a group subjected to treatment with Echinacea angustifolia 6cH and Avena sativa 6cH (N = 8; four breeding couples), and a placebo control group (N = 10; five breeding couples). The investigators were blinded to treatment allocation. Two-way ANOVA was performed to determine whether the experimental group (control or verum) and the sex of the animal had any significant effect on the variation of each hematological parameter between the samples. One-way ANOVA was performed on hematological parameters for which the sex did not present a significant effect. The significance level was p ≤0.05. RESULTS: Significant effects were seen regarding the following: mean corpuscular volume (MCV), in which the verum group showed an increase (29.78 ± 52.95 fL) while the control group showed stability/reduction (-3.08 ± 46.36 fL) (p = 0.049); proportion of heterophils, in which the verum group showed a less marked increase (8.38 ± 12.53%) than that of the control group (18.00 ± 9.37%) (p = 0.010); lymphocyte concentration, in which the verum group showed less marked reduction (-4.39 ± 2.21 × 109 cells/L) than that of the control group (-1.56 ± 2.76 × 109 cells/L) (p = 0.001); and proportion of lymphocytes, in which the verum group showed a less marked reduction (-6.75 ± 10.35%) than that of the control group (-17.3 ± 8.73%) (p = 0.002). CONCLUSION: Comparison of samples collected before and during the reproductive period showed that, regardless of group allocation, there were differences in the effects on MCV, heterophils and lymphocytes. Treatment with Echinacea angustifolia and Avena sativa resulted in maintenance of lymphocyte levels in Magellanic penguins during the breeding period, thus aiding these birds' immunity.
Echinacea , Homeopatia , Spheniscidae , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Avena , Reprodução , Spheniscidae/fisiologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Problems with the feet are common in penguins, with a particular predisposition to pododermatitis. This condition usually occurs due to the changes in normal activity that result from being held captive, but its precise pathogenesis is still undetermined. METHODS/PATIENTS: This veterinary case study reports the use of oral homeopathic treatment on acute and chronic pododermatitis in five Magellanic penguins in a zoological park setting. During treatment, the patients remained in the penguins' living area, and the effect of the treatment on the progression of their lesions was assessed visually once weekly. The treatment consisted of a combination of Arnica montana and Calcarea carbonica. RESULTS: After treatment, the appearance of the lesions had noticeably improved: in the majority of penguins there was no longer evidence of infection or edema in the feet. The rate of recovery depended on the initial severity of the lesion. Those penguins that still showed signs of infection nevertheless exhibited a clear diminution of the size and thickness of the lesions. Homeopathic treatment did not cause any side effects. CONCLUSION: Homeopathy offers a useful treatment option for pododermatitis in captive penguins, with easy administration and without side effects.
Dermatite/tratamento farmacológico , Materia Medica/normas , Spheniscidae , Animais , Materia Medica/uso terapêutico , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
Uric acid is the main form of excretion of nitrogenous components in birds. The assessment verification samples, control, check of uric acid concentrations is widely used to detect kidney disease. High concentrations (up to five times) of uric acid in plasma can lead to the precipitation of this acid in the form of crystals, which accumulate in the tissues, mainly in the synovial joints and the viscera surface. Aims: report the evolution of homeopathic treatment in increased uric acid in Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Santo André Municipal Zoo. Methodology: 12 animals showed an increase in uric acid (reference values 0,3-16,1mg/dL) and received homeopathic treatment with Lycopodium clavatum 6cH. The protocol established was the administration of two globules of Lycopodium clavatum 6cH, once a day, inside fishes offered in the animal's beak. Treatment started on 25/09/2019. On 30/10/2019 was collected a new blood sample, those who were not discharged were kept on treatment and new collections were made on 27/11/2019 and 17/12/2019. Results: 8 animals had an average uric acid of 20.45mg /dl and responded to the 35-days treatment, normalizing the biochemical values with an average of 12.24mg /dl. Two animals with 18.27 mg /dl were discharged in 62 days with 11.70 mg /dl and another two penguins with 19.85 mg /dl were discharged in 82 days later with 9.57 mg /dl of uric acid. Conclusion: Homeopathy proved to be successful in the treatment of increased uric acid in Magellanic penguins, easy to administer, affordable and without side effects.
Animais , Ácido Úrico/provisão & distribuição , Lycopodium clavatum , Terapêutica Homeopática , SpheniscidaeRESUMO
Hyperadrenocorticism is a common endocrinopathy in dogs, associated to an excessive production or administration of cortisol.Aims:Report the evolution of homeopathic treatment in spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism analyzing with basal and post-acth stimulation cortisol values of a yorkshire male dog with 10 years old, diagnosed from the suppression test with low dose of dexamethasone and stimulation with ACTH, as well as complementary tests.Methodology: Homeopathic treatment was chosen, based on the principle of similitude usingIgnatia amarabecause the patient presents repertorized mental symptoms such as separation anxiety syndrome, docility, annoyances and jealousy and also because it is efficient and less harmful. It was associated to cortisol biotherapy to inhibit cortisol production and adrenal biotherapy to control the response of excess of the cortisol producted by the gland. The exposed information is consented by the tutor.Results:The dog was in convencional treatment with trilostane but didn't response to the therapy, showing 5,41 µg/dL of basal result and 11,8 µg/dL of post-acth result and the symptoms were worst on 12/12/2021, presenting lethargic, panting, more evident alopecia and severe muscle weakness which the patient unable to stand. Therefore, the protocol was recommended for 3 months, included 3 globules ofIgnatia amara30cH orally, every 12 hours, 3 globules of cortisol biotherapy 30 cH and also of adrenal biotherapy 6 cH every 24 hours. On 03/28/2022 the basal and post-acth stimulation results was 3,71 µg/dL e 5,79 µg/dL respectively and the patient was more active, the skin was better and even with difficulty it was movingand having more independence.Conclusion: Homeopathic treatment with high dilution was effective, keeping the indices with the recommended range of post acth between 2.0 and 5.0, confirming an adequate therapeutic monitoring and symptomatic improvement.
Cães , Terapia Biológica , Hidrocortisona/análise , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/terapia , HomeopatiaRESUMO
Leukopenia is associated with the consumption of peripheral leukocytes, decreasedproduction due to endotoxemia and septicemia, medullary hypoplasia, nutritional diseases orautoimmune reactions. In a case report by Narita et al, Echinacea angustifolia demonstrated theeffectiveness of treatment of leukopenia in penguins. Aims:Report the evolution of homeopathictreatment in 5 dogs' patients between 3 and 5 years old, presenting leukopenia. Methodology:The homeopathic treatment was chosen, using Echinaceaangustifolia due to its immunostimulant andimmunomodulatory actions, which evolution was analyzed by blood tests. The exposedinformation is consented by the tutors. Results:The same protocol was made for all of the patients, including 4 globules of Echinacea angustifolia 6 cH orally, every 12 hours for 30 days. The first dog attended on 07/21/2021, presented 4.000 leukocytes, which increased to 6.800 on 08/17/2021. Thesecond patient attend on 12/07/2021 presented 4.700 leukocytes, increasing to 6.800 on 01/25/2022. The third patient attended on 08/24/2021 presented 5.400 leukocytes, which increased to 6.800 on 10/15/2021. The fourth patient presented 4.300 leukocytes on 01/13/2022, increasing to 5.500 on 02/11/2022. The fifth patient presented on12/12/2021 4.600 leukocytes, increasing to 8.400 on 02/03/2022. Therefore, the average of the first collection was 3.681 leukocytes and in the second there was an increase to 6.860 leukocytes (T-test, p= 0,0167). Conclusion:The use of the homeopathic medicine Echinacea angustifolia shows great results, being a viableoption for the treatment of leukopenia, without the side effects.