Urolithiasis is a disease thatcan occur alone or together, obstruct the urinary flow, and even progress to the animal's death. Objective:The present study is to report the dissolution of calculus in the ureter in a kitten. Methodology: a feline, SRD, male, started at 3 months old with the signs of vomiting, constipation,and hematuria, presenting leukocytosis and increased serum urea. Two abdominal ultrasounds were performed 30 days apart and the third at 3 months. Results:Inthe first ultrasound there was hydronephrosis in the right kidney and dilation of the ureter and microlithiasis in the urinary bladder. The animalhad already been treated with antibiotic therapy and did not improve. Given these characteristics, Cantharis Vesicatoria30cH was administered, there was no more hematuria and when the drug was discontinued, the symptom returned. After 30 days of startinghomeopathic treatment, we repeated the ultrasound which showed 2 kidney stones, and a urinary bladder with cystitis associated with sandy lithiasis. BerberisVulgaris30cH was then administered for 15 days, after which both drugs were discontinued and theanimal remained asymptomatic. After 3 months the ultrasound was repeated which showed 2 kidney stones, Causticum6cH was inserted for 14 days to dissolvekidney stones, thus preventing the return of the initial symptoms. Conclusion:the treatment was beneficial for the patient, who was asymptomatic after the use of Causticum.Considering the natural history of the disease in cats and the high chance of recurrence of the disease, the recommendation was to monitor the organs through an annual ultrasound examination, in addition to encouraging water intake.
Cães , Urolitíase/terapia , Berberis vulgaris/uso terapêutico , Cantharis vesicatoria/uso terapêutico , Causticum/uso terapêuticoRESUMO
Este artigo apresenta o relato do caso de uma paciente crônica com queixas múltiplas e prolongadas, incluindo artrose e hematuria, que apresentou importante melhora mental, geral e local com o tratamento homeopático realizado com Berberis vulgaris. Esse medicamento é classificado entre os assim chamados pequenos e, principalmente, prescrito em função de indicações clínicas pontuais. No entanto, os assim chamados pequenos associam-se a um pequeno número de sintomas apenas por não terem sido extensamente pesquisados através de experimentações patogenéticas. Devido à baixa freqüência relativa de sintomas mentais desses medicamentos, sua prescrição como medicamentos de fundo pode ser orientada pela análise dos sintomas locais e suas modalidades.(AU)
It is presented the case report of a chronic patient suffering from multiple and long-lasting complaints including arthrosis and hematuria and who exhibit spectacular improvement mental, general and local after homeopathic treatment with Berberis vulgaris. The latter is classified among so-called small remedies, chiefly prescribed according to well-defined clinical indications. However, such remedies are only small because they have not been subjected to exhaustive homeopathic pathogenetic trials. As they lack a significant number of mental symptoms, prescription of so-called small remedies as constitutional or typological remedies might be indicated by a thorough analysis of local symptoms and their modalities.(AU)
Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Homeopatia , Berberis vulgaris/uso terapêutico , Medicamento HomeopáticoRESUMO
Este artigo apresenta o relato do caso de uma paciente crônica com queixas múltiplas e prolongadas, incluindo artrose e hematuria, que apresentou importante melhora mental, geral e local com o tratamento homeopático realizado com Berberis vulgaris. Esse medicamento é classificado entre os assim chamados pequenos e, principalmente, prescrito em função de indicações clínicas pontuais. No entanto, os assim chamados pequenos associam-se a um pequeno número de sintomas apenas por não terem sido extensamente pesquisados através de experimentações patogenéticas. Devido à baixa freqüência relativa de sintomas mentais desses medicamentos, sua prescrição como medicamentos de fundo pode ser orientada pela análise dos sintomas locais e suas modalidades.
It is presented the case report of a chronic patient suffering from multiple and long-lasting complaints including arthrosis and hematuria and who exhibit spectacular improvement mental, general and local after homeopathic treatment with Berberis vulgaris. The latter is classified among so-called small remedies, chiefly prescribed according to well-defined clinical indications. However, such remedies are only small because they have not been subjected to exhaustive homeopathic pathogenetic trials. As they lack a significant number of mental symptoms, prescription of so-called small remedies as constitutional or typological remedies might be indicated by a thorough analysis of local symptoms and their modalities.
Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Berberis vulgaris/uso terapêutico , Homeopatia , Medicamento HomeopáticoRESUMO
El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad ocuparnos de la fisiologia, patologia, sintomas repertoriales y Materia Medica de la sexualidade femenina. Como hemos insistido en oportunidades anteriores, sus sintomas que los entresacamos de los del Aparato Genital Femenino, adquieren la categoria de sintomas mentales, exceptuando el pequeno porcentaje en que aparecen a consecuencia de lesiones organicas