BACKGROUND: Cat allergy is an abnormal immune response by the body to cat dander or saliva, leading to the development of a complex of symptoms which can negatively influence health. Cat saliva 9cH and Histaminum 9cH are indicated, according to isopathic principles, for the treatment of cat allergy, however no research has been done to date. AIM: To determine the effect of Cat saliva 9cH and Histaminum 9cH (combined) on cat allergic adults. METHOD: 30 Participants with a positive test result for a cat allergy skin prick test (SPT) were recruited to a double-blind, randomised, placebo controlled clinical trial. Participants took two tablets twice daily for 4 weeks, and attended a follow-up consultation at the end of weeks 2 and 4. The measurement tool used was the SPT, conducted at the beginning and at the end of the study. RESULTS: Cat saliva 9cH and Histaminum 9cH produced a highly statistically significant reduction in the wheal diameter of the cat allergen SPT at the end of week 4. The placebo group showed no statistically significant change. CONCLUSION: The homeopathic medicine reduced the sensitivity reaction of cat allergic adults to cat allergen, according to the SPT. Future studies are warranted to further investigate the effect of Cat saliva and Histaminum and their role as a potential therapeutic option for this condition.
Histamina/análogos & derivados , Histamina/imunologia , Homeopatia , Hipersensibilidade/imunologia , Hipersensibilidade/terapia , Saliva/imunologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Alérgenos/imunologia , Animais , Gatos , Dessensibilização Imunológica , Método Duplo-Cego , Feminino , Humanos , Hipersensibilidade/diagnóstico , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Projetos Piloto , Testes Cutâneos , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Hyperthyroidism is a frequent veterinary problem, particularly in elderly cats. Homeopathic treatment and other integrative modalities were provided for four hyperthyroid cats whose owners did not want conventional treatment. Symptomatic homeopathic treatment with Thyroidinum was helpful in one cat. All cats were prescribed an appropriate individualized homeopathic remedy. All four cats showed resolution of clinical signs; three attained normal thyroid hormone levels. Three cats later received acupuncture and/or herbal medicines; two cats later received symptomatic homeopathic remedies. Two cats are thriving after over 3.5 and 4.25 years of treatment; two were euthanized for unrelated problems after 3 and 4 years of treatment. Homeopathic and complementary therapies avoid the potential side effects of methimazole and surgical thyroidectomy, they are less costly than radioactive iodine treatment, and they provide an option for clients who decline conventional therapies.
Antitireóideos/administração & dosagem , Doenças do Gato/tratamento farmacológico , Hipertireoidismo/veterinária , Fitoterapia , Extratos Vegetais/administração & dosagem , Plantas Medicinais , Animais , Antitireóideos/química , Doenças do Gato/patologia , Gatos , Feminino , Homeopatia , Hipertireoidismo/tratamento farmacológico , Masculino , Extratos Vegetais/química , Soluções , Enxofre/administração & dosagem , Enxofre/químicaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: The peer-review literature contains no controlled clinical research of homeopathy in cats and very little in dogs. MAIN OBJECTIVE: To collect clinical outcomes data systematically from individualised homeopathic treatment of cats and dogs that would help to inform controlled research in feline and canine homeopathy. METHODS: Twenty-one homeopathic veterinary surgeons recorded data systematically from consecutive feline and canine patients over a 12-month period. Records included: date; patient and owner identity (anonymised); medical problem treated; whether new or follow-up (FU) appointment; chronic or acute condition; owner-assessed clinical outcome (7-point scale, range -3 to +3) compared with first appointment. RESULTS: Data from 400 cats comprised a total of 372 individual chronic problems, of which 270 had FU assessment. Data from 1504 dogs comprised a total of 1408 individual chronic problems, of which 1070 had FU assessment. In both species, 22% of FUs in chronic cases received conventional medicines concurrently. In cats, 117 different chronic medical conditions in total were treated with homeopathy. Five of those conditions included ≥20 cases, in which owner-reported outcomes (in decreasing rank order of frequency) were: dermatitis (69.6% patients with +2 or +3 outcome, 0% patients with -2 or -3 outcome); renal failure (57.1%, 14.3%); overgrooming (57.1%, 7.2%); arthritis (80.0%, 0%); hyperthyroidism (66.7%, 0%). In dogs, of 301 different chronic medical conditions treated in total, those most commonly recorded (≥20 cases) were: dermatitis (66.2% with +2 or +3 outcome, 5.4% with -2 or -3 outcome); arthritis (80.2%, 0.8%); pyoderma (75.8%, 0%); colitis (85.2%, 0%); fear (31.6%, 0%); epilepsy (63.6%, 4.5%); otitis externa (72.7%, 0%); diarrhoea (68.2%, 0%); urinary incontinence (73.7%, 0%); aggression (57.1%, 0%); spondylosis (81.0%, 0%); lymphoma (40.0%, 6.7%). CONCLUSIONS: A programme of controlled research in veterinary homeopathy for these feline and canine conditions is clearly indicated.
Doenças do Gato/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Cão/tratamento farmacológico , Prescrições de Medicamentos/veterinária , Homeopatia/estatística & dados numéricos , Medicina Veterinária/estatística & dados numéricos , Animais , Gatos , Doença Crônica/epidemiologia , Cães , Prescrições de Medicamentos/estatística & dados numéricos , Feminino , Homeopatia/métodos , Masculino , Avaliação de Resultados em Cuidados de Saúde , Padrões de Prática Médica/estatística & dados numéricos , Projetos de Pesquisa , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Reino Unido/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Foi avaliado o tratamento homeopático de um felino com doença renal policística, moléstia hereditária muito comum na espécie felina. Por ser progressiva, o prognóstico depende do estágio de evolução da doença renal crônica, da resposta do felino ao tratamento inicial e do desejo do tutor em dar continuidade ao tratamento. A observação teve duração de 9 (nove) meses e a avaliação dos resultados foi realizada com o emprego de exame clínico e de exames complementares como imagens ultrassonográficas e exames laboratoriais. A terapia foi composta por medicamento homeopático constitucional Phosphorus 30CH e episódico Kresolum 6CH associado à introdução de dieta renal (ração seca adjuvante). O medicamento homeopático não provocou eventos adversos no animal. Os resultados sugerem que um animal com doença policística felina pode ser tratado pela homeopatia.(AU)
The homeopathic treatment of a feline with polycystic kidney disease was evaluated, a common hereditary disease in the feline species. Because it is progressive, the prognosis depends on the stage of evolution of the chronic kidney disease, the feline response to the initial treatment and the guardian's desire to continue the treatment. The observation lasted 9 (nine) months and the evaluation of the results was performed through clinical examination and complementary tests such as ultrasound images and laboratory tests. The therapy was composed of constitutional Phosphorus 30CH and episodic Kresolum 6CH homeopathic medication associated with the introduction of diet kidney diet (adjunct dry feed). The homeopathic medicine did not cause adverse events in the animal. The results suggest that an animal with feline polycystic disease can be treated by homeopathy.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Homeopatia/veterinária , Doenças Renais Policísticas/veterináriaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of kidney-jing deficiency on the fertility of male mice and their male offspring. METHODS: Thirty 6-week-old Kunming male mice and 300 female ones were randomly allocated to a blank control group, a model group and a kidney-tonifying group. The model and the kidney-tonifying groups were stressed by fear plus excessive sex to establish a kidney-jing deficiency model, and meanwhile the latter were given concentrated solution of Kidney-tonifying Recipe intragastrically at the dose of 0.16 ml/10 g. The control and the model groups were treated with physiological saline at the same dose for 21 days. Then all the male mice were mated with the healthy estrous females for 5 days. The sperm density and motility of each group of the male mice were examined, and their fertility was assessed by comparison of the pregnancy rate and the number of baby mice at each birth among their female mates. And the sperm density and motility of the male offspring were detected at 6 weeks. RESULTS: The average number of baby mice at each birth in the model group was (7.00 +/- 1.73), significantly smaller than those in the control (9.43 +/- 1.27) and the kidney-tonifying group (8.80 +/- 1.10) (P < 0.05). The sperm density and motility of the model mice were (9.70 +/- 1.15) x 10(6) / ml and (66.72 +/- 10. 12) %, lower than those of the control ([14.08 +/- 1.15 x 10(6)/ ml and [81.75 +/- 3.56] %), and the kidney-tonifying group ([12.20 +/- 1.55] x 10(6)/ ml and [78.55 +/- 4.38] %) (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between the latter two groups (P > 0.05). The sperm density and motility of the offspring of the model mice were (10.10 +/- 1.79) x 10(6)/ ml and (71.86 +/- 7.48) %, lower than those of the control ([15.30 +/- 1.83] x 10(6)/ ml and [79.86 +/- 5.68] %), and the kidney-tonifying group ([14.20 +/- 2.21] x 10(6)/ ml and [81.92 +/- 2.51] %) (P < 0.05), with no significant difference between the latter two groups (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Fear plus excessive sex could reduce the fertility of male mice and even that of their male offspring. And kidney-tonifying therapy could counteract this effect.
Modelos Animais de Doenças , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Gatos , Medo/psicologia , Feminino , Fertilidade/efeitos dos fármacos , Tamanho da Ninhada de Vivíparos/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Materia Medica/farmacologia , Camundongos , Comportamento Predatório/fisiologia , Distribuição Aleatória , Comportamento Sexual Animal/efeitos dos fármacos , Contagem de Espermatozoides , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides/efeitos dos fármacos , Estresse Psicológico/fisiopatologiaRESUMO
Feline hyperthyroidism is a common endocrine disorder in older cats for which homeopathic treatment has been advocated. A double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomised trial was performed to look for evidence of efficacy for the use of individualised homeopathy in the treatment of this disease. Using a case definition of a concentration of the thyroid hormone T4 >66â nmol/l, cats were randomised into two treatment arms. Either a placebo or a homeopathic treatment was given to each cat blindly. After 21â days, the T4 levels, weight (Wt) and heart rate (HR) were compared with pretreatment values. There were no statistically significant differences in the changes seen between the two treatment arms following placebo or homeopathic treatment (T4 P=0.96, Wt P=0.16, HR P=0.36) or between the means of each parameter for either treatment arm before and after placebo or homeopathic treatment (all P values >0.13). In a second phase of the study, patients in both treatment arms were given methimazole treatment for 21â days and T4, Wt and HR determined again. Again there were no statistically significant differences between the groups, but there were statistically significant reductions in T4 (P<0.0001) and HR (P=0.02), and a statistically significant increase in Wt (P=0.004) in both groups compared with their pre-methimazole treatment levels. The results of this study failed to provide any evidence of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment of feline hyperthyroidism.
Doenças do Gato/terapia , Homeopatia/veterinária , Hipertireoidismo/veterinária , Animais , Antitireóideos/uso terapêutico , Doenças do Gato/sangue , Gatos , Método Duplo-Cego , Homeopatia/métodos , Hipertireoidismo/sangue , Hipertireoidismo/terapia , Metimazol/uso terapêutico , Tiroxina/sangue , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
Feline injection-site sarcomas (FISS) were described for the first time in 1991. They are neoplasms of mesenchymal origin that appear in body regions routinely used for the application of vaccines or other injections [1]. Those are very aggressive tumours that relapse and have a high rate of mortality. The tumour can appear between 3 months and 3 years after the injection, but in some cases, it can happen after 15 years of the vaccineor otherinjections. Isopathy is one approach of homeopathy, in which the biological agent thatcausesa disease are prepared in high dilution to treat the same disease. This case report is about a 13-year-old mix breed spay cat. In September 2019 it received the vaccine Rabsin® (Boehringer Ingelheim) and 4 months later the owner noticed a lump at the injection area. One year later (September 2020) the lump start growing rapidly and on January 12th, 2021,started the appointments.The other veterinarians recommend euthanasia since the tumour was very bigand the catwasnot mild, was losing weightand appetite. The owner wanted to try another treatment before euthanasia since the cat was still active, interacting with the other cat and the people at the house.The lump was located on her back, in the end of the right ribcage, and it was around 7cm of diameter. It wasfirmandattachedto the muscles. AnIsopathy medicine with the same vaccinewas prepared, being the isotherapic 12CH administered 5 drops BID.Beside the isopathyvitaminsof Bcomplex and Omega 3were prescribed.The cat was seen every15 days andcontact telephonically was kept as well. The treatment started on January 19th, 2021. On January 21st, 2021,all the tumour was ulcerated and looser. On February 2nd,2021 the potencywas changedto 14CH, 5 drops, BID. On February 4ththe tumour felt away and was sent for histopathological study. On February 20th, 2021,the result described it as a Fibrosarcoma grade II. The ulcer that appeared after the tumour felt away became a big wound and the ownerstarted cleaning itwith propolis and lavender oleateeveryday anditwas controlledonce a week. OnMarch31st, 2021,the catwas eating well,strong, not mild,didnot allowedit to be cleaned. The woundseems to be more superficial,largerand it appears thata small lump was growing again.Isotherapic 15CH, 5 drops once a weekwas indicated.On April4th, 2021,the cat waseating well, good general conditionand the small lump that was growing wasshrinkingand the wound becoming more superficial. OnApril 9th,2021the cat seems painful, not eating well, constipated. Isopathy was suspended and started with Meloxican0,1mg/kg SID for 3 days.Was indicatedNatrum muriaticum30CH, 5 drops every hour, total 3 treatments and then once a day. On April 13th, 2021,the cat was better, defecate. But since April 9ththe cat could never be stable again. It has ups and downs and was treated withdifferent homeopathic remedies (Natrum muriaticum30Ch, Silicea200CHand Silicea1000CH, Staphisagria 200CH)until June 8th, 2021,when it was euthanised.No necropsy was done. The question was,what happenedwith the catsince itwas getting better?The following aphorisms could explain it:§156 "...The restoration, however, leads to the goal of the cure, if it is not preventedby strange medicinal influence, by errors in the lifestyle or by passions." And§10"With no vital powerthe material organism is not capable of any sensation, function or self-preservation..."[2].The informed consent formwas obtained from the owner of the cat.
Animais , Gatos , Isoterapia , Fibrossarcoma/terapiaRESUMO
Na clínica veterinária as patologias chamadas afecções dermatológicas representam uma porcentagem significativa dos atendimentos, podendo ser de cunho multifatorial ou unifatorial como infecciosa, alérgena ou psicogênica e acometem felinos e caninos de todas as idades. Comumente os medicamentos homeopáticos são usados como último recurso após insucessos consecutivos com a utilização da terapia alopática. Desta forma, esse artigo visa trazer uma revisão bibliográfica de trabalhos científicos que confirmam a eficácia de terapêuticas que utilizam intervenções homeopáticas para o tratamento de dermatites em animais de companhia. Tem-se, portanto, o intuito de propiciar uma maior divulgação das possibilidades de ação/utilização da homeopatia pela comunidade médica veterinária, evitando-se com isso possíveis efeitos adversos devido à utilização de medicações alopáticas.
In the veterinary clinic, the pathologies called dermatological illnesses represent a significant percentage of the consultations, being of a multifactorial or unifactorial nature such as infectious, allergenic or psychogenic and affect felines and canines of all ages. Homeopathic medicines are commonly used as a last resort after consecutive failures with the use of alopathic therapy. Thus this article aims to bring a bibliographic review of scientific papers that confirm the efficacy of therapies that use homeopathic interventions for the treatment of dermatitis in company animals. Therefore it is intended to provide a greater dissemination of the possibilities of action/use of homeopathy by the veterinary medical community thereby avoiding possible adverse effects due to the use of alopathic medications.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Dermatite/prevenção & controle , Homeopatia , Animais DomésticosRESUMO
Cyclodextrins are molecules with a hollow, truncated cone shape that possess unique lipophilic and hydrophilic properties. These unique properties enable cyclodextrins to engulf and bind lipophilic molecules while maintaining aqueous solubility. Encapsulation of molecules is the principal action of a new drug class, selective relaxant binding agents, which binds and inactivate aminosteroid nondepolarizing muscle relaxants. Sugammadex is the name of a modified cyclodextrin currently in phase 3 studies by Organon International (Oss, The Netherlands), and it may hold promise for a new concept in muscle relaxant reversal. Encapsulation rather than competitive antagonism of neuromuscular blockade may be a future modality of anesthetic practice.
gama-Ciclodextrinas/química , gama-Ciclodextrinas/uso terapêutico , Androstanóis/antagonistas & inibidores , Anestesia/métodos , Anestesia/tendências , Animais , Ligação Competitiva , Gatos , Química Farmacêutica , Ensaios Clínicos como Assunto , Portadores de Fármacos , Avaliação de Medicamentos , Previsões , Cobaias , Haplorrinos , Humanos , Taxa de Depuração Metabólica , Camundongos , Fármacos Neuromusculares não Despolarizantes/antagonistas & inibidores , Rocurônio , Solubilidade , Sugammadex , gama-Ciclodextrinas/farmacologiaRESUMO
Rectal prolapse be either partial or incomplete in nature and is defined as double layer evagination of the rectum through the anal canal. The common associated causations which can be seen in kittens are severe endoparasitism, enteritis, and associated tenesmus (Fossum, 2002). Rectal prolapse is the one of the most encountered surgical conditions involving the rectum in all domestic animal species (Tyagi and Singh, 1993). Surgical intervention is the most common treatment methodology adopted but however, in cases where surgery is not indicated, required, not opted by the owner, becomes a challenge to treat. Therefore, finding alternative therapies for clinical management is the need of hour. The objective of this study is to report successful management of rectal prolapse in a 5-month-old kitten having 4 episodes of prolapse in five days. The homeopathic medicines used in this case were Sepia 200C and Ruta g. 200C. The patient revealed a favourable response by 2nd day of the treatment and complete healing was observed on 7th day. This therapeutic protocol used was conclusive and it re-established the normal intake of food and energy level. Hence, homeopathic treatment can be considered as an alternative therapy for clinical management of rectal prolapse in a Felines and Canines.
Animais , Gatos , Medicamento Homeopático , Prolapso Retal/veterináriaRESUMO
PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: Reversible contraceptives are highly desired by purebred cat breeders for managing estrous cycles and by scientists managing assisted reproduction programs. A variety of alternative medicine approaches have been explored as methods to control feline fertility. SCOPE: In the field of veterinary homeopathy, wild carrot seed and papaya have been used for centuries. Both appear to be safe, but their efficacy as feline contraceptives remains anecdotal. In contrast, the use of melatonin in cats has been investigated in a number of studies, findings from which are reviewed in this article. RATIONALE: Cats are seasonally polyestrous (they cycle several times during their breeding season) and are described as long-day breeders because endogenous melatonin negatively regulates estrous cyclicity. Exogenous melatonin administered parenterally also suppresses ovarian activity in cats, and long-term oral or subcutaneous melatonin administration is safe. CHALLENGES: The therapeutic use of melatonin is limited by its short biological half-life (15-20 mins), its poor oral bioavailability and its central effects in reducing wakefulness. Research is required to determine whether higher doses, longer-release formulations, repeated administration or combination implants might overcome these limitations.
Anticoncepção/veterinária , Melatonina/administração & dosagem , Reprodução/efeitos dos fármacos , Animais , Gatos , Anticoncepção/métodos , Feminino , MasculinoRESUMO
1. Trains of end-plate potentials (e.p.p.s) have been recorded from the isolated tenuissimus of the cat. The muscle was paralyzed either by transversely cutting the muscle fibres or by non-depolarizing blocking drugs.2. The following parameters of transmitter synthesis, storage and release have been calculated: the quantal content of the first e.p.p. in the train, the size of the available store, fractional release, quantum size, and the rate of refilling of the available store.3. Tubocurarine and benzoquinonium depressed the rate of refilling of the available store causing its depletion at high rates of stimulation. This was offset by an increase in fractional release, which in the case of tubocurarine was sufficient for the quantal content of the first e.p.p. to be unchanged.4. Dimethyltubocurarine and pancuronium had a similar effect to tubocurarine on the rate of refilling of the store and depletion of the store at high rates of stimulation but did not increase fractional release. There was, therefore, a decrease in the quantal content of the first e.p.p.5. Lignocaine depressed the rate of refilling of the store and depleted the store at high rates of stimulation. Fractional release was also depressed.6. It is suggested that the non-depolarizing drugs have a weak local anaesthetic action retarding the influx of sodium into the nerve terminal which slows the rate of refilling of the store. This effect is due to the quaternary ammonium head. The presence of a phenolic group increases fractional release due either to an increased influx of calcium into the nerve terminal or to a potentiation of the actions of calcium.
Junção Neuromuscular/efeitos dos fármacos , Fármacos Neuromusculares não Despolarizantes/farmacologia , Potenciais de Ação/efeitos dos fármacos , Animais , Gatos , Estimulação Elétrica , Técnicas In Vitro , Lidocaína/farmacologia , Potenciais da Membrana/efeitos dos fármacos , Relaxantes Musculares Centrais/farmacologia , Junção Neuromuscular/fisiologia , Pancurônio/farmacologia , Paralisia/induzido quimicamente , Compostos de Amônio Quaternário/farmacologia , Quinonas/farmacologia , Relação Estrutura-Atividade , Transmissão Sináptica/efeitos dos fármacos , Tubocurarina/farmacologiaRESUMO
Cortical activity can be substantially changed by the type of anaesthetic used, and by its dose level. For easy monitoring of depth of anaesthesia we describe the changes in electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram accompanying changes in depth of anaesthesia in the cat. Anaesthesia was induced by the volatile anaesthetic isoflurane. The high-frequency components (around 30 Hz) in the electroencephalogram disappear in deep anaesthesia. The electrocardiogram also shows substantial changes in contamination due to muscle fasciculations with anaesthesia level. Fasciculations appear as noise in the electrocardiogram. The amplitude of the electrical muscle activity contaminating the ECG can be easily used for the maintainance of a constant level of anaesthesia during a neurophysiological experiment.
Anestesia , Eletrocardiografia/efeitos dos fármacos , Eletroencefalografia/efeitos dos fármacos , Neurofisiologia/métodos , Animais , Gatos , Eletrofisiologia , Relaxamento Muscular/efeitos dos fármacos , Músculo Esquelético/efeitos dos fármacos , Músculo Esquelético/fisiologia , Fármacos Neuromusculares não Despolarizantes/farmacologia , Pancurônio/farmacologia , Nervo Vestibulococlear/efeitos dos fármacos , Nervo Vestibulococlear/fisiologiaRESUMO
The subretrofacial nucleus (SRF) is a region of the rostral ventrolateral medulla known to play a crucial role in sympathoexcitation. SRF neurons send direct projections to the intermediolateral cell columns of the spinal cord where they form synaptic contact with preganglionic sympathetic motor neurons. Activation of this neural pathway increases sympathetic outflow to the heart and blood vessels affecting cardiac function and vasomotor tone. Previous studies utilizing electrophysiological recording techniques and c-Fos expression have established that the activity of SRF neurons is increased during skeletal muscle contraction. However, the excitatory neurotransmitter mediating this increased activity remains in question. In the present study, static contraction of the triceps surae was induced by electrical stimulation of L7 and S1 ventral roots in anesthetized cats (n=12). Endogenous release of glutamate (Glu) from the SRF was recovered by microdialysis and measured by HPLC. Static muscle contraction for 4 min increased mean arterial pressure (MAP) 38+/-4 mmHg from a control level of 102+/-12 mmHg (P< 0.05). During muscle contraction the extracellular concentration of Glu recovered from the SRF increased from 623+/-117 to 1078+/-187 nM (P<0.05). To determine the effect of muscle contraction on Glu release in the absence of synaptic input from other reflexogenic areas, contraction was repeated following acute sinoaortic denervation and vagotomy. Following this denervation, muscle contraction increased MAP 41+/- 4 mmHg (P < 0.05) and Glu concentration from 635+/-246 to 1106+/-389 nM (P < 0.05). Muscle paralysis prevented the increases in MAP and Glu concentration during ventral root stimulation. These results suggest that: (i) Glu is released in the SRF during activation of contraction-sensitive skeletal muscle afferent fibers in the cat; and (ii) synaptic input from other reflexogenic areas appears to be ineffective in modulating the release of Glu in the SRF during static muscle contraction.
Ácido Glutâmico/metabolismo , Bulbo/metabolismo , Músculo Esquelético/inervação , Músculo Esquelético/fisiologia , Neurônios Aferentes/fisiologia , Animais , Pressão Sanguínea/fisiologia , Gatos , Denervação , Estimulação Elétrica , Feminino , Masculino , Microdiálise , Contração Muscular/efeitos dos fármacos , Contração Muscular/fisiologia , Fármacos Neuromusculares não Despolarizantes/farmacologia , Pancurônio/farmacologia , Pressorreceptores/fisiologia , Pressorreceptores/fisiopatologia , Pressorreceptores/cirurgia , Raízes Nervosas Espinhais/fisiologiaRESUMO
The activity of pancuronium as a muscarinic antagonist was compared in atria from several species and in guinea-pig ileal longitudinal muscle. Pancuronium had a 20-fold greater affinity for muscarinic receptors mediating the negative inotropic response to carbachol (CCh) in the guinea-pig left atrium (pKB = 6.96) than for muscarinic receptors in guinea-pig ileal longitudinal muscle (pKB = 5.65). The greater affinity of pancuronium in the atria was not due to an interaction with noradrenergic neurones as pretreatment of atria with propranolol (3 microM) or of guinea-pigs with 6-hydroxydopamine (400 mg/kg total dose) failed to modify the degree of inhibition exhibited in atria. The affinities of pancuronium for muscarinic receptors mediating negative inotropic responses in the kitten left atrium or negative chronotropic responses in guinea-pig or rabbit right atria were not significantly different from that in the guinea-pig left atrium (P greater than 0.05) but the affinity of pancuronium for muscarinic receptors in ileal longitudinal muscle was significantly different (P less than 0.05) from all values obtained in the cardiac preparations suggesting differences in the binding of the antagonist in smooth and cardiac muscle. The A-S plot for pancuronium (0.27 microM-0.20 mM) as an antagonist of negative inotropic responses to CCH was non-linear, showing a flattening at the higher concentrations of pancuronium. This was not apparent in the A-S plot for the inhibition of tonic responses to CCh in ileal longitudinal muscle.
Coração/efeitos dos fármacos , Íleo/efeitos dos fármacos , Pancurônio/farmacologia , Receptores Colinérgicos/efeitos dos fármacos , Receptores Muscarínicos/efeitos dos fármacos , Animais , Carbacol/farmacologia , Gatos , Relação Dose-Resposta a Droga , Cobaias , Frequência Cardíaca/efeitos dos fármacos , Hidroxidopaminas/farmacologia , Técnicas In Vitro , Contração Miocárdica/efeitos dos fármacos , Propranolol/farmacologia , CoelhosRESUMO
Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) produced by a 2 kHz tone burst could be detected in 30 out of 37 ears (81% detectability) in 21 cats. The amplitude of tone burst-evoked TEOAE was saturated at a stimulus level between 45 and 50 dB SPL and the latency time of peak amplitude was 6.23 ms on average (5.53-7.28 ms). The effects of pure tone overstimulation and short-term anoxia on the tone burst-evoked TEOAE in cats were evaluated. A permanent detection threshold shift of the TEOAE was confirmed at 24 h and 1 week after the overstimulation at 125 dB SPL. In these cases, damaged first row outer hair cells and inner hair cells were observed over an average length of 3.3 mm (16% of the entire cochlear length) by scanning electron microscopy. These findings suggested that the TEOAE can detect localized cochlear hair cell damage. A temporary detection threshold shift of the TEOAE was observed after the overstimulation at 105 dB SPL, and the threshold shift recovered in 107.5 min on average. In the short-term anoxia trial, the TEOAE amplitude started to decrease 45-90 s after the anoxia and recovered completely when the duration of anoxia was under 1 min. However, the TEOAE amplitude did not recover pre-anoxia values (it remained below 80% of its initial value) after 5 min when the anoxia was over 2 min. These findings demonstrated that the detection threshold and amplitude of the TEOAE were also affected by metabolic changes of the cochlear hair cells. Tone burst-evoked TEOAE are useful for the evaluation of localized histological and functional damage of the cochlear hair cells.
Estimulação Acústica , Hipóxia/fisiopatologia , Órgão Espiral/patologia , Emissões Otoacústicas Espontâneas/fisiologia , Animais , Limiar Auditivo/efeitos dos fármacos , Limiar Auditivo/fisiologia , Gatos , Células Ciliadas Auditivas Internas/efeitos dos fármacos , Células Ciliadas Auditivas Internas/patologia , Células Ciliadas Auditivas Internas/ultraestrutura , Células Ciliadas Auditivas Externas/efeitos dos fármacos , Células Ciliadas Auditivas Externas/patologia , Células Ciliadas Auditivas Externas/ultraestrutura , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Fármacos Neuromusculares não Despolarizantes/toxicidade , Órgão Espiral/efeitos dos fármacos , Órgão Espiral/ultraestrutura , Emissões Otoacústicas Espontâneas/efeitos dos fármacos , Pancurônio/toxicidadeRESUMO
The antagonism of pipecuronium- and vecuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade by 4-aminopyridine (4AP), 3,4-diaminopyridine (3,4AP) and 3-[(dimethylamino)-carbonyl] amino-4-aminopyridine (LF14) were studied in anaesthetized cats during constant infusion of the relaxants. Aminopyridines were administered cumulatively at steady state 90% block level. The ED50 values of 4AP, 3,4AP and LF14 were 243, 106 and 254 micrograms kg-1 in pipecuronium, and 232, 195 and 235 micrograms kg-1 in vecuronium blockade. It has been assumed that in cats the anticurare effect of aminopyridines is mainly a result of K+ channel blockade on motor nerve terminals which enhances the evoked release of acetylcholine.
Aminopiridinas/farmacologia , Fármacos Neuromusculares não Despolarizantes/antagonistas & inibidores , 4-Aminopiridina , Amifampridina , Androstano-3,17-diol/análogos & derivados , Androstano-3,17-diol/antagonistas & inibidores , Animais , Gatos , Masculino , Pancurônio/análogos & derivados , Pancurônio/antagonistas & inibidores , Pipecurônio , Piperazinas/antagonistas & inibidores , Nervo Isquiático , Brometo de VecurônioRESUMO
Twenty-six mono- or bis-quaternary salts of 3,17-dioxy-2 beta, 16 beta-dipiperidino-5 alpha-androstanes (including pancuronium) and one 17-desoxy congener were tested for neuromuscular blocking and autonomic blocking activities in the chloralose-anaesthetized cat. The 17 beta-acetoxy series, all the members of which contain an acetylcholine-like fragment in the steroidal D-ring, was most selective for effecting neuromuscular blockade. The salient member of this series is 3 alpha, 17 beta-diacetoxy-2 beta, 16 beta-dipiperidino-5 alpha-androstane 16 beta-N-monomethobromide (Org NC 45) which is highly selective in blocking neuromuscular transmission in that a dose approximately sixty times greater than the neuromuscular blocking dose was required to block responses to vagal stimulation. In contrast, in doses sufficient to produce neuromuscular block, pancuronium simultaneously blocked responses to vagal stimulation. Moreover, pancuronium and Org NC 45 exhibited the same order of neuromuscular blocking activity and therefore the latter potentially represents a useful addition to the armamentarium of neuromuscular blocking agents currently in clinical use.
Androstanos/farmacologia , Sistema Nervoso Autônomo/efeitos dos fármacos , Bloqueadores Neuromusculares , Pancurônio/análogos & derivados , Pancurônio/farmacologia , Animais , Pressão Sanguínea/efeitos dos fármacos , Gatos , Galinhas , Eletrocardiografia , Feminino , Frequência Cardíaca/efeitos dos fármacos , Técnicas In Vitro , Masculino , Contração Muscular/efeitos dos fármacos , Membrana Nictitante/efeitos dos fármacos , Piperidinas/farmacologiaRESUMO
Org 6368 is a homologue of pancuronium bromide. Its interactions with other agents in the cat sciatic nerve-gastrocnemius muscle preparation revealed that paralysis was of the non-depolarizing type. This was confirmed in experiments using avian muscle. Org 6368 is a potent muscle relaxant being 2-4 times as potent as (+)-tubocurarine in the cat. Paralysis in the cat is rapid in onset and of appreciably shorter duration than that of pancuronium and (+)-tubocurarine. Repeated injections of the same dose of Org 6368 show no cumulative effect. Muscle relaxant doses generally cause a slight increase in both blood pressure and heart rate. Although its histamine-releasing capacity is greater than that of pancuronium it is less than that of (+)-tubocurarine. Org 6368 shares with pancuronium a very weak effect on both the muscarinic receptor and ganglionic transmission. Differences in the muscle relaxant profiles of Org 6368 and pancuronium are discussed.
Bloqueadores Neuromusculares/farmacologia , Pancurônio/análogos & derivados , Animais , Fibras Autônomas Pré-Ganglionares/fisiologia , Gatos , Galinhas , Estimulação Elétrica , Feminino , Trietiodeto de Galamina/farmacologia , Gânglios Espinais/efeitos dos fármacos , Cobaias , Compostos de Hexametônio/farmacologia , Liberação de Histamina/efeitos dos fármacos , Técnicas In Vitro , Masculino , Músculos/efeitos dos fármacos , Junção Neuromuscular/efeitos dos fármacos , Pancurônio/farmacologia , Parassimpatolíticos/farmacologia , Nervo Frênico/fisiologia , Nervo Isquiático/fisiologia , Transmissão Sináptica/efeitos dos fármacos , Tubocurarina/farmacologiaRESUMO
Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics based on a philosophy of treating various disease symptoms with minute quantities of natural drugs capable of producing comparable symptoms if given in large doses to healthy patients. Suitable studies have not been performed to substantiate the claim that they have any beneficial effect in cats with lower urinary tract disease.