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Homeopathy ; 112(3): 144-151, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36623825


BACKGROUND: The healing effects of homeopathic ultra-high potencies (UHPs) have always been a puzzle for material science, though recent research papers have now characterised the nanomaterial nature of several such UHPs. This study aimed to analyse the material content of clinically used potencies of the homeopathic medicine Platina (platinum) compared with alcohol control samples. METHODS: Potencies of Platina were analysed under dynamic light scattering (DLS), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) to identify the nanomaterial content. As control samples, both unsuccussed and potencies of alcohol were analysed by using DLS and HRTEM. RESULTS: Platina 30c to CM: Nanoparticles were identified under DLS (mean particle size varying from 1.3 nm in 30c to 6.5 nm in CM) and HRTEM (particle size varying from 3.31 to 12.7 nm in 30c to 1.94 to 8.54 nm in CM). EDS confirmed the presence of platinum in all the samples of Platina. SAED analysis of Platina 30c, 200c, 1M and 10M confirmed also the presence of platinum dioxide (PtO2). For control samples, DLS and the HRTEM analyses of pharmaceutical grade unsuccussed alcohol and potentized Alcohol (6c, 12c and 30c) did not show any particles. CONCLUSION: Homeopathic potentization generated NPs of platinum in ultra-dilutions. NPs in potencies of Platina showed platinum in EDS and PtO2 in SAED. Importantly, control samples of alcohol did not show the presence of particles under DLS or HRTEM.

Homeopatia , Materia Medica , Nanopartículas , Homeopatia/métodos , Platina , Materia Medica/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Nanopartículas/química , Etanol
Homeopatia (Buenos Aires) ; 60(2): 97-100, 1995.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-3575


Se describe el agregado de seis medicamentos a la subrubrica original y se enumeran los principales sintomas caracteristicos de este estado de la vida, los cuales nos orientaran a la prescripcion

Assistência Terminal , Tarentula cubensis , Viúva Negra , Aconitum , Gelsemium sempervirens , Platina , Antimonium Tartaricum , Óxido de Alumínio , Arsenicum Album , Cocculus indicus , Cuprum , Hippozaeninum , Toxicodendron , Veratrum album
Acta homoeopath. argent ; 15(48): 67-72, jul.-set. 1994.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-4080
Riberão Preto; IHFL; 1986. 24 p. ilus.
Monografia em Português | HomeoIndex (homeopatia) | ID: hom-10094


Estão sendo representados os tipos de pessoas estudadas na homeopatia

Homeopatia , Sintomas Caracterológicos , Princípio da Similitude , Aurum Metallicum , Graphites Naturalis , Ignatia amara , Viperidae , Platina , Pulsatilla , Sulphur