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Análisis miasmáticos de pacientes con estomatitis crónica recurrente tratados con homeopatía / Miasmatic analysis of patient with Recurrent Chronic Stomatitis treated with Homeopathy

Quintero Díaz, Myrna.
Article in Spanish | MTYCI | ID: biblio-1255316


Aphthous stomatitis is the most common disease of oral mucosa in humans with a high prevalence and recurrence. Homeopathy is a medical and scientific doctrine very effective in acute and chronic diseases.


To determine the recurrence of patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis with homeopathic treatment in a year.


A homeopathic detailed history was made to 21 patients with Aphthous Recurrent Stomatitis. The chosen remedies were given in 200 hahnemannian centesimal potency. A monthly follow-up of 6 or 12 months was made.


50 % of the patients suffered aphthae during two third parts of their lives. It was decided to focus this work in the study of the miasm (ground) that prevailed in their histories. Both, in the disease past records of their relatives and in the miasmatic sequence of the remedies chosen, the syphilitic miasm prevailed. As soon as the treatment started, aphthae began to improve with regard to duration, size and frequency. 38% of patients were symptoms free, permanently, one month after treatment and 100 % at 10 months even though at 9 months was over 90 %. In five patients an intercurrentnosodewas also given, which rectified a clumsy evolution of them.


The predominance of syphilitic miasm gives a vision that this miasmis the most important to be treated. In patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis homeopathictreatment, individual, taking into account the miasmatic theory is very effective.
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Selo DaSilva