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Uma reflexão epistemológica sobre a consulta homeopática / An epistemological reflection on homeopathic consultation

Nechar, Rosana Ceribelli.
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 32-35, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1519110
Medical consultation has a special place in homeopathic treatment. Unlike what was learned during hegemonic formation, in which semiological techniques focus on searching for symptoms to make a clinical diagnosis, and then establishing a treatment for pre-classified pathologies with pre-existing protocols, in Homeopathy it is necessary to reconfigure some concepts, which begin at the time of consultation. In the homeopathic approach, where the mechanistic vision must be coupled with the vitalist paradigm, patterns and causes related to symptoms are sought, adding individuality to the clinical diagnosis, among other diagnoses, for integrated treatment, in search of the ideal cure. The objective of this text is to analyze homeopathic consultation according to the peculiarities of homeopathic rationality, constructed by Samuel Hahnemann, in line with the epistemology of complexity, which underpins many other areas of knowledge in contemporary times, studied by Edgar Morin.
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Selo DaSilva