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Variação sazonal do efeito do ácido giberélico altamente diluído (10-30) sobre o crescimento do trigo - um estudo com vários pesquisadores / Seasonal variation of the effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10-30) on wheat stalk growth - a multi researcher study
Endler, Peter Christian; Reich, Christian; Matzer, Wolfgang; Reischl, Thomas; Hartmann, Anna Maria; Thieves, Karin; Pfleger, Andrea; Hofacker, Jurgen; Lothaller, Harald; Scherer-Pongratz, Waltraud.
  • Endler, Peter Christian; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Reich, Christian; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Matzer, Wolfgang; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Reischl, Thomas; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Hartmann, Anna Maria; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Thieves, Karin; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Pfleger, Andrea; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Hofacker, Jurgen; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Lothaller, Harald; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
  • Scherer-Pongratz, Waltraud; Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz. Castle of Seggau. Austria
Int. j. high dilution res ; 10(36): 263-264, september 30, 2011.
Article in Pt, En | LILACS-Express | HomeoIndex | ID: hom-10679
Responsible library: BR926.1
Control experiments were performed at different seasons of the year as a follow-up to pilot experiments [1] where a homeopathic high dilution of gibberellic acid had influenced growth in a wheat bio assay (7 days). Grains of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, Capo variety) were observed under the influence of extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10-30) prepared by stepwise dilution and agitation according to a protocol derived from homeopathy (“G30x”). Analogously prepared water was used for control (“W30x”). Following up on 5 pilot experiments (4 in autumn 2007, 1 in spring 2008), 10 experiments were performed (5 in autumn 2008 or 2009 and 5 in winter 2009 or 2010) with a total of 9 experiments in autumn season (5 researchers, about 9,000 grains), and 6 in winter/spring (4 researchers, about 6,000 grains).(AU)
Experimentos controlados foram realizados em diferentes estações do ano, em continuação a um experimento-piloto [1] onde o ácido giberélico altamente diluído e agitado influenciaram o crescimento de trigo, em um ensaio biológico (7 dias). Grão de trigo de inverno (Triticum aestivum, variedade Capo) foram observados sob a influência do ácido giberélico altamente diluído (10-30) preparado por um processo serial de diluição e agitação, de acordo com um protocolo derivado da homeopatia (“G30x”). Analogamente, o mesmo protocol foi usado para preparar a amostra controle, apenas com água (“W30x”). Em continuidade a realização de 5 experimentos-piloto (4 no outono de 2007, 1 na primavera de 2008), 10 experimentos foram realizados (5 no outono de 2008 ou 2009 e 5 no inverno de 2009 ou 2010) com um total de 9 experimentos na estação do outono (5 pesquisadores, aproximadamente 9.000 grãos) e 6 no inverno/primavera (4 pesquisadores, aproximadamente 6.000 grãos).(AU)
Full text: 1 Database: HomeoIndex Main subject: Triticum / Germination / Gibberellins Language: En / Pt Journal: Int j high dilution res Year: 2011 Type: Article
Full text: 1 Database: HomeoIndex Main subject: Triticum / Germination / Gibberellins Language: En / Pt Journal: Int j high dilution res Year: 2011 Type: Article