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Geophys Res Lett ; 48(4): 2020GL090700, 2021 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34511659


The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor measures Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (TGFs) simultaneously with optical emissions from associated lightning activity. We analyzed optical measurements at 180-230, 337, and 777.4 nm related to 69 TGFs observed between June 2018 and October 2019. All TGFs are associated with optical emissions and 90% of them are at the onset of a large optical pulse, suggesting that they are connected with the initiation of current surges. A model of photon delay induced by cloud scattering suggests that the sources of the optical pulses are from 0.7 ms before to 4.4 ms after the TGFs, with a median of -10 ± 80 µs, and 1-5 km below the cloud top. The pulses have rise times comparable to lightning but longer durations. Pulse amplitudes at 337 nm are ∼3 times larger than at 777.4 nm. The results support the leader-streamer mechanism for TGF generation.

Weather Forecast ; 32(1): 275-288, 2017 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29158622


Thirty-nine thunderstorms are examined using multiple-Doppler, polarimetric and total lightning observations to understand the role of mixed phase kinematics and microphysics in the development of lightning jumps. This sample size is larger than those of previous studies on this topic. The principal result of this study is that lightning jumps are a result of mixed phase updraft intensification. Larger increases in intense updraft volume (≥ 10 m s-1) and larger changes in peak updraft speed are observed prior to lightning jump occurrence when compared to other non-jump increases in total flash rate. Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank Sum testing yields p-values ≤0.05, indicating statistical independence between lightning jump and non-jump distributions for these two parameters. Similar changes in mixed phase graupel mass magnitude are observed prior to lightning jumps and non-jump increases in total flash rate. The p-value for graupel mass change is p=0.096, so jump and non-jump distributions for graupel mass change are not found statistically independent using the p=0.05 significance level. Timing of updraft volume, speed and graupel mass increases are found to be 4 to 13 minutes in advance of lightning jump occurrence. Also, severe storms without lightning jumps lack robust mixed phase updrafts, demonstrating that mixed phase updrafts are not always a requirement for severe weather occurrence. Therefore, the results of this study show that lightning jump occurrences are coincident with larger increases in intense mixed phase updraft volume and peak updraft speed than smaller non-jump increases in total flash rate.