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Cureus ; 16(3): e55742, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38586812


May-Thurner syndrome (MTS) is caused by compression of the left common iliac vein by the right common iliac artery against the spinal column. It can range from asymptomatic or present with subtle and unspecific signs and symptoms and rarely exhibit severe complications such as pulmonary embolism (PE). The diagnosis is confirmed by typical imaging findings. Treatment may include conservative measures, anticoagulation, endovascular or even surgical options. We report the case of a 20-year-old female who presented with cardiac arrest caused by an acute massive PE. Further study showed partial thrombosis of the internal iliac veins resulting from MTS. She continued anticoagulation therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin and then switched to edoxaban with a good clinical outcome. She was also referred to Vascular Surgery to discuss the possibility of iliac vein stenting. Abdominopelvic vascular compression syndromes include a large spectrum of conditions, and they are rarely considered as an etiology for venous thromboembolism. The clinical presentation of PE varies with several triggering factors and atypical presentation is more common in nonmalignant causes. The combination of noninvasive and invasive imaging modalities might be beneficial to establish a definitive diagnosis. Nevertheless, invasive procedures are often restricted to doubtful cases or to guide endovascular procedures which is the current treatment of choice. There is little evidence using nonvitamin K oral anticoagulants, but there are some case reports detailing their successful use. This case aims to point out the need for a profound understanding of different causes of deep vein and pulmonary thromboembolism; common entities in our practice but with a variety of clinical presentations and potentially caused by rare underlying conditions. MTS can be the origin of serious and deadly complications, hence the importance of early recognition and treatment.

Cureus ; 16(1): e53302, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38435902


The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a DNA virus that has been infecting humans since ancient times, capable of causing a wide range of pathologies and affecting approximately 90% of the population. A 61-year-old male with no significant medical history presented with a 5-day history of imbalance and difficulty walking. Neurological examination revealed specific findings, including absent reflexes, bilateral asynergy, and gait abnormalities. Contrasting with Guillain-Barré Syndrome, lumbar puncture suggested a central nervous system infection. Serological testing confirmed Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positivity, and intravenous immunoglobulin led to significant improvement. Electromyogram results suggested inflammatory/ipnfectious polyradiculopathy. Repeat EBV serology, showing strongly positive IgG and negative IgM, confirmed the diagnosis of Polyradiculoneuropathy secondary to EBV. This case underscores the rare neurological complications of EBV and the importance of considering viral infections in such presentations.

Cureus ; 15(7): e42036, 2023 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37593260


INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a chronic and multifactorial disease, and the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown have led to changes in the lifestyle habits of those patients. This study aimed to compare compliance with dietary and lifestyle measures, physical activity, mental health status, and motivation to lose weight during the pandemic in these patients. METHODS: An observational study was conducted, which included 63 patients over 18 years old who were followed in the outpatient setting through obesity medical appointments and who agreed to answer a questionnaire. RESULTS: We found that the majority of patients lost weight during the pandemic (61.7%), associating it with a 68% change in dietary habits. Regarding physical activity, there was a 34.9% reduction in its practice among those who used to exercise before the pandemic. Moreover, 52.4% felt more anxious and 44.4% felt sadder during the lockdown. DISCUSSION: The weight loss reported in our study seems to be related to a decrease in the consumption of carbohydrates and snacks and a lower percentage of those who relied on takeaways. Additionally, we hypothesize a greater number of home-cooked meals. Regarding exercise, the closure of gyms and the limitations imposed on daily life appear to have contributed unfavorably to this matter. Home confinement, loneliness, and a lack of social activities had harmful effects on the mental health of our sample. CONCLUSION: Overall, the hostile influence of the pandemic on mental well-being and exercise habits was evident. Nevertheless, contrary to our expectations, we observed weight loss during the lockdown.

Acta Med Port ; 31(9): 489-495, 2018 Sep 28.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30332373


INTRODUCTION: Pulmonary thromboembolism and deep venous thrombosis occur in pediatric age, with unknown incidence, morbidity and mortality. Our aim is to review the epidemiology, clinical presentation, complementary diagnostic tests and prognosis of patients with pulmonary thromboembolism and deep venous thrombosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective, descriptive and analytical study of pediatric patients admitted to a Level II hospital for pulmonary thromboembolism and deep venous thrombosis, between 2000 and 2014. Demographic characteristics, clinical history, comorbidities and risk factors were studied. RESULTS: Eleven patients (n = 7 pulmonary thromboembolism, n = 5 deep venous thrombosis, n = 1 both), 64% females and with 16 years old average, were admitted. All patients with pulmonary thromboembolism presented symptoms of chest pain and/or dyspnea, 25% syncope/palpitations and 25% fever. All patients with deep venous thrombosis reported localized pain at the site of obstruction, 83% edema/cyanosis of the affected limb and 17% fever. The study of positive thrombophilia was the most frequent risk factor in both entities. The mean value of D-dimers was 3252 ug/dL and 2660 ug/dL in pulmonary thromboembolism and deep venous thrombosis, respectively. All patients started anticoagulation, three required intensive care, two had sequelae and one died. DISCUSSION: All patients had at least one risk factor, and hereditary hypercoagulability was most commonly established. CONCLUSIONS: The increased incidence in the pediatric population described in some studies can be attributed to an increased awareness of this pathology, medical advances and increasing survival of chronic diseases. There is a lack of evidence-based recommendations identifying patients at risk of thrombosis so that decisions can be made carefully, balancing the risk and benefit in each case.

Introdução: O tromboembolismo pulmonar e trombose venosa profunda ocorrem em idade pediátrica com incidência, morbilidade e mortalidade desconhecidas. O objetivo foi rever epidemiologia, apresentação clínica, exames complementares de diagnóstico e prognóstico de doentes com tromboembolismo pulmonar e trombose venosa profunda.Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo, descritivo e analítico de doentes pediátricos internados num hospital de nível II por tromboembolismo pulmonar e trombose venosa profunda, entre 2000 e 2014. Estudaram-se características demográficas, história clínica, comorbilidades e fatores de risco.Resultados: Foram internados 11 doentes (sete com tromboembolismo pulmonar, cinco com trombose venosa profunda e um com ambos), 64% do género feminino e idade média de 16 anos. Todos os doentes com tromboembolismo pulmonar referiam toracalgia/dispneia, 25% síncope/palpitações e 25% febre. Todos os doentes com trombose venosa profunda referiam dor no local da obstrução, 83% edema/cianose do membro afetado e 17% febre. O estudo da trombofilia positivo foi o fator de risco mais frequente nas duas entidades. O valor médio dos D-dímeros foi 3252 ug/L e 2660 ug/L no tromboembolismo pulmonar e trombose venosa profunda, respetivamente. Todos os doentes iniciaram anticoagulação, três necessitaram de cuidados intensivos, três apresentaram sequelas e houve um óbito.Discussão: Todos os doentes tinham pelo menos um fator de risco associado e as condições de hipercoagulabilidade herdadas foram o fator de risco mais frequentemente encontrado nos nossos adolescentes.Conclusão: O aumento da incidência na população pediátrica descrito na literatura pode ser atribuído à crescente sensibilização para esta patologia, aos avanços médicos e aumento da sobrevida de doenças crónicas. Escasseiam recomendações baseadas na evidência que identifiquem os doentes com risco de trombose, para que as decisões possam ser tomadas de forma cuidadosa, equilibrando o risco e benefício em cada caso.

Pulmonary Embolism , Venous Thromboembolism , Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Pulmonary Embolism/diagnosis , Pulmonary Embolism/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Time Factors , Venous Thromboembolism/diagnosis , Venous Thromboembolism/drug therapy , Venous Thromboembolism/epidemiology
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370082


Introdução e objetivo: a espondilodiscite é a infeção que atinge o disco intervertebral e as vértebras contíguas e representa dois a quatro % do total das infeções osteoarticulares em idade pediátrica. O agente patogénico é identificado em cerca de metade dos casos, sendo o Staphylococcus aureus o mais frequentemente isolado. Estudos recentes demonstram que entre os seis meses e os quatro anos a Kingella kingae tem um papel etiológico importante. O objetivo da exposição deste caso clínico foi chamar atenção para esta patologia rara cujo diagnóstico é difícil e exige um elevado nível de suspeição. Descrição do caso: criança de 16 meses, sexo masculino, com antecedentes de obstipação, é trazida múltiplas vezes à Urgência Pediátrica por quadro com mais de um mês de evolução de irritabilidade persistente, dor abdominal e recusa da marcha de agravamento progressivo. Na segunda vinda à Urgência Pediátrica apresentava dorsolombalgia à palpação da coluna dorsolombar e diminuição da lordose lombar, o que motivou a realização de avaliação analítica, sumária de urina, ecografia renal e vesical e radiografia dorsolombar sem alterações. Na terceira vinda à Urgência Pediátrica foi decidido internamento e solicitada ressonância magnética nuclear dorsolombar e cintigrafia óssea que revelaram espondilodiscite em D7-D8. Parâmetros analíticos sem alterações valorizáveis, exceto discreta elevação da velocidade de sedimentação. Hemoculturas e restante estudo etiológico negativo. Iniciou terapêutica endovenosa com cefu-roxime e flucloxacilina, com melhoria progressiva das queixas álgicas. Aquando da alta, assintomático, mantendo flucloxacilina oral até completar seis semanas de tratamento. Reavaliado posteriormente, encontrando-se assintomático, com um exame físico, reavaliação analítica e radiografia dorsolombar sem alterações. Conclusões: a espondilodiscite é uma identidade de difícil diagnóstico, especialmente na criança, devido à sua raridade, clínica inespecífica, impossibilidade de as crianças verbalizarem os seus sintomas e aos sinais radiológicos tardios, requerendo um alto índice de suspeição. O intervalo médio de tempo entre o início dos sintomas e o diagnóstico é de três semanas a três meses. A ressonância magnética é o exame de escolha. As hemoculturas são, muitas vezes, negativas. O pilar do tratamento é a antibioterapia por várias semanas, mas a sua escolha e duração são controversas. O tratamento inadequado pode originar dor crônica, sequelas ortopédicas graves e complicações neurológicas devastadoras. Quando atempada e adequadamente tratada, a maioria dos casos apresenta uma evolução clínica benigna e autolimitada.

Introduction and objective: spondylodiscitis is an infection that affects the intervertebral disc and the contiguous vertebrae. It represents two to four % of all osteoarticular infections in pediatric age. The pathogen is identified in about half of the cases, with Staphylococcus aureus being the most frequently isolated. Recent studies show that between six months and four years, Kingella kingaehas an important etiological role. The purpose of the presentation of this clinical case was to draw attention to this rare pathology whose diagnosis is difficult and requires a high level of suspicion. Clinical case description: a sixteen-month-old male, with a history of constipation, is brought multiple times to the Pediatric Emergency Department for a clinical picture with more than a month of evolution of persistent irritability, abdominal pain and refusal to walk, with progressive worsening. On the second visit to the Pediatric Emergency Department, he presented dorsolombalgia on palpation of the dorsolumbar spine and decreased lumbar lordosis, which led to the performance of analytical evaluation, urinalysis, renal and bladder ultrasound and dorsolumbar radiography, all without changes. On the third visit to the Pediatric Emergency Department, hospitalization was decided and dorsolumbar nuclear magnetic resonance and bone scintigraphy were requested, revealing spondylodiscitis in D7-D8. Analytical parameters had no changes, except for a slight increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Blood cultures and remaining etiological study negatives. Intravenous therapy with cefuroxime and flucloxacillin was started with progressive improvement of pain. Upon discharge he was asymptomatic and maintained oral flucloxacillin until a total of six weeks of treatment. He was subsequently reassessed and remained asymptomatic, with a physical examination, analytical evaluation and dorsolumbar radiography without changes. Conclusions: spondylodiscitis is an identity that is difficult to diagnose, especially in children, due to its rarity, unspecific clinic, inability for children to verbalize their symptoms and late radiologic signs, requiring a high index of suspicion. The average time between the onset of symptoms and the diagnosis is three weeks to three months. Magnetic resonance imaging is the exam of choice. Blood cultures are often negative. The mainstay of treatment is antibiotic therapy for several weeks, but its choice and duration are controversial. Inappropriate treatment can lead to chronic pain, severe orthopaedic sequelae and devastating neurological complications. When timely and properly treated, most cases have a benign and self-limited clinical course.

Humans , Male , Infant , Pediatrics , Spine , Discitis/pathology , Rare Diseases , Staphylococcus aureus
Br J Radiol ; 89(1063): 20160193, 2016 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27188847


OBJECTIVE: To characterize in vivo dose distributions during pelvic intraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT) for rectal cancer and to assess the alterations introduced by irregular irradiation surfaces in the presence of bevelled applicators. METHODS: In vivo measurements were performed with Gafchromic films during 32 IOERT procedures. 1 film per procedure was used for the first 20 procedures. The methodology was then optimized for the remaining 12 procedures by using a set of 3 films. Both the average dose and two-dimensional dose distributions for each film were determined. Phantom measurements were performed for comparison. RESULTS: For flat and concave surfaces, the doses measured in vivo agree with expected values. For concave surfaces with step-like irregularities, measured doses tend to be higher than expected doses. Results obtained with three films per procedure show a large variability along the irradiated surface, with important differences from expected profiles. These results are consistent with the presence of surface hotspots, such as those observed in phantoms in the presence of step-like irregularities, as well as fluid build-up. CONCLUSION: Clinical dose distributions in the IOERT of rectal cancer are often different from the references used for prescription. Further studies are necessary to assess the impact of these differences on treatment outcomes. In vivo measurements are important, but need to be accompanied by accurate imaging of positioning and irradiated surfaces. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE: These results confirm that surface irregularities occur frequently in rectal cancer IOERT and have a measurable effect on the dose distribution.

Brachytherapy/methods , Film Dosimetry/methods , In Vivo Dosimetry/methods , Rectal Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Electrons , Humans , Intraoperative Period , Pelvis , Phantoms, Imaging , Radiotherapy Dosage