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Proc Biol Sci ; 290(2001): 20230912, 2023 06 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37357852


Animal movement behaviours are shaped by diverse factors, including resource availability and human impacts on the landscape. We generated home range estimates and daily movement rate estimates for 149 giraffe (Giraffa spp.) from all four species across Africa to evaluate the effects of environmental productivity and anthropogenic disturbance on space use. Using the continuous time movement modelling framework and a novel application of mixed effects meta-regression, we summarized overall giraffe space use and tested for the effects of resource availability and human impact on 95% autocorrelated kernel density estimate (AKDE) size and daily movement. The mean 95% AKDE was 359.9 km2 and the mean daily movement was 14.2 km, both with marginally significant differences across species. We found significant negative effects of resource availability, and significant positive effects of resource heterogeneity and protected area overlap on 95% AKDE size. There were significant negative effects of overall anthropogenic disturbance and positive effects of the heterogeneity of anthropogenic disturbance on daily movements and 95% AKDE size. Our results provide unique insights into the interactive effects of resource availability and anthropogenic development on the movements of a large-bodied browser and highlight the potential impacts of rapidly changing landscapes on animal space-use patterns.

Ecosystem , Giraffes , Humans , Animals , Anthropogenic Effects , Movement , Africa
J Hered ; 114(5): 529-538, 2023 08 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37246890


We provide novel genomic resources to help understand the genomic traits involved in elephant health and to aid conservation efforts. We sequence 11 elephant genomes (5 African savannah, 6 Asian) from North American zoos, including 9 de novo assemblies. We estimate elephant germline mutation rates and reconstruct demographic histories. Finally, we provide an in-solution capture assay to genotype Asian elephants. This assay is suitable for analyzing degraded museum and noninvasive samples, such as feces and hair. The elephant genomic resources we present here should allow for more detailed and uniform studies in the future to aid elephant conservation efforts and disease research.

Elephants , Animals , Elephants/genetics , Genomics , Genome , Chromosome Mapping , Animals, Zoo , Germ-Line Mutation
Conserv Biol ; 34(4): 1017-1028, 2020 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32362060


Accurately quantifying species' area requirements is a prerequisite for effective area-based conservation. This typically involves collecting tracking data on species of interest and then conducting home-range analyses. Problematically, autocorrelation in tracking data can result in space needs being severely underestimated. Based on the previous work, we hypothesized the magnitude of underestimation varies with body mass, a relationship that could have serious conservation implications. To evaluate this hypothesis for terrestrial mammals, we estimated home-range areas with global positioning system (GPS) locations from 757 individuals across 61 globally distributed mammalian species with body masses ranging from 0.4 to 4000 kg. We then applied block cross-validation to quantify bias in empirical home-range estimates. Area requirements of mammals <10 kg were underestimated by a mean approximately15%, and species weighing approximately100 kg were underestimated by approximately50% on average. Thus, we found area estimation was subject to autocorrelation-induced bias that was worse for large species. Combined with the fact that extinction risk increases as body mass increases, the allometric scaling of bias we observed suggests the most threatened species are also likely to be those with the least accurate home-range estimates. As a correction, we tested whether data thinning or autocorrelation-informed home-range estimation minimized the scaling effect of autocorrelation on area estimates. Data thinning required an approximately93% data loss to achieve statistical independence with 95% confidence and was, therefore, not a viable solution. In contrast, autocorrelation-informed home-range estimation resulted in consistently accurate estimates irrespective of mass. When relating body mass to home range size, we detected that correcting for autocorrelation resulted in a scaling exponent significantly >1, meaning the scaling of the relationship changed substantially at the upper end of the mass spectrum.

Efectos del Tamaño Corporal sobre la Estimación de los Requerimientos de Área de Mamíferos Resumen La cuantificación precisa de los requerimientos de área de una especie es un prerrequisito para que la conservación basada en áreas sea efectiva. Esto comúnmente implica la recolección de datos de rastreo de la especie de interés para después realizar análisis de la distribución local. De manera problemática, la autocorrelación en los datos de rastreo puede resultar en una subestimación grave de las necesidades de espacio. Con base en trabajos previos, formulamos una hipótesis en la que supusimos que la magnitud de la subestimación varía con la masa corporal, una relación que podría tener implicaciones serias para la conservación. Para probar esta hipótesis en mamíferos terrestres, estimamos las áreas de distribución local con las ubicaciones en GPS de 757 individuos de 61 especies de mamíferos distribuidas mundialmente con una masa corporal entre 0.4 y 4,000 kg. Después aplicamos una validación cruzada en bloque para cuantificar el sesgo en estimaciones empíricas de la distribución local. Los requerimientos de área de los mamíferos <10 kg fueron subestimados por una media ∼15% y las especies con una masa ∼100 kg fueron subestimadas en ∼50% en promedio. Por lo tanto, encontramos que la estimación del área estaba sujeta al sesgo inducido por la autocorrelación, el cual era peor para las especies de talla grande. En combinación con el hecho de que el riesgo de extinción incrementa conforme aumenta la masa corporal, el escalamiento alométrico del sesgo que observamos sugiere que la mayoría de las especies amenazadas también tienen la probabilidad de ser aquellas especies con las estimaciones de distribución local menos acertadas. Como corrección, probamos si la reducción de datos o la estimación de la distribución local informada por la autocorrelación minimizan el efecto de escalamiento que tiene la autocorrelación sobre las estimaciones de área. La reducción de datos requirió una pérdida de datos del ∼93% para lograr la independencia estadística con un 95% de confianza y por lo tanto no fue una solución viable. Al contrario, la estimación de la distribución local informada por la autocorrelación resultó en estimaciones constantemente precisas sin importar la masa corporal. Cuando relacionamos la masa corporal con el tamaño de la distribución local, detectamos que la corrección de la autocorrelación resultó en un exponente de escalamiento significativamente >1, lo que significa que el escalamiento de la relación cambió sustancialmente en el extremo superior del espectro de la masa corporal.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Mammals , Animals , Body Size , Endangered Species , Homing Behavior , Humans
Ecol Lett ; 18(6): 545-52, 2015 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25865946


Animal migration is a global phenomenon, but few studies have examined the substantial within- and between-species variation in migration distances. We built a global database of 94 land migrations of large mammalian herbivore populations ranging from 10 to 1638 km. We examined how resource availability, spatial scale of resource variability and body size affect migration distance among populations. Resource availability measured as normalised difference vegetation index had a strong negative effect, predicting a tenfold difference in migration distances between low- and high-resource areas and explaining 23% of the variation in migration distances. We found a weak, positive effect of the spatial scale of resource variability but no effect of body size. Resource-poor environments are known to increase the size of mammalian home ranges and territories. Here, we demonstrate that for migratory populations as well, animals living in resource-poor environments travel farther to fulfil their resource needs.

Animal Migration , Ecosystem , Mammals , Animals , Body Size , Herbivory , Homing Behavior , Linear Models , Plants , Spatial Analysis
Conserv Biol ; 29(2): 350-9, 2015 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25319024


In an effort to increase conservation effectiveness through the use of Earth observation technologies, a group of remote sensing scientists affiliated with government and academic institutions and conservation organizations identified 10 questions in conservation for which the potential to be answered would be greatly increased by use of remotely sensed data and analyses of those data. Our goals were to increase conservation practitioners' use of remote sensing to support their work, increase collaboration between the conservation science and remote sensing communities, identify and develop new and innovative uses of remote sensing for advancing conservation science, provide guidance to space agencies on how future satellite missions can support conservation science, and generate support from the public and private sector in the use of remote sensing data to address the 10 conservation questions. We identified a broad initial list of questions on the basis of an email chain-referral survey. We then used a workshop-based iterative and collaborative approach to whittle the list down to these final questions (which represent 10 major themes in conservation): How can global Earth observation data be used to model species distributions and abundances? How can remote sensing improve the understanding of animal movements? How can remotely sensed ecosystem variables be used to understand, monitor, and predict ecosystem response and resilience to multiple stressors? How can remote sensing be used to monitor the effects of climate on ecosystems? How can near real-time ecosystem monitoring catalyze threat reduction, governance and regulation compliance, and resource management decisions? How can remote sensing inform configuration of protected area networks at spatial extents relevant to populations of target species and ecosystem services? How can remote sensing-derived products be used to value and monitor changes in ecosystem services? How can remote sensing be used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation efforts? How does the expansion and intensification of agriculture and aquaculture alter ecosystems and the services they provide? How can remote sensing be used to determine the degree to which ecosystems are being disturbed or degraded and the effects of these changes on species and ecosystem functions?

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Ecosystem , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Environmental Monitoring/instrumentation , Remote Sensing Technology/instrumentation
Am Nat ; 183(5): E154-67, 2014 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24739204


Understanding animal movement is a key challenge in ecology and conservation biology. Relocation data often represent a complex mixture of different movement behaviors, and reliably decomposing this mix into its component parts is an unresolved problem in movement ecology. Traditional approaches, such as composite random walk models, require that the timescales characterizing the movement are all similar to the usually arbitrary data-sampling rate. Movement behaviors such as long-distance searching and fine-scale foraging, however, are often intermixed but operate on vastly different spatial and temporal scales. An approach that integrates the full sweep of movement behaviors across scales is currently lacking. Here we show how the semivariance function (SVF) of a stochastic movement process can both identify multiple movement modes and solve the sampling rate problem. We express a broad range of continuous-space, continuous-time stochastic movement models in terms of their SVFs, connect them to relocation data via variogram regression, and compare them using standard model selection techniques. We illustrate our approach using Mongolian gazelle relocation data and show that gazelle movement is characterized by ballistic foraging movements on a 6-h timescale, fast diffusive searching with a 10-week timescale, and asymptotic diffusion over longer timescales.

Antelopes/psychology , Appetitive Behavior , Homing Behavior , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Animals , Antelopes/physiology , Locomotion , Models, Theoretical , Mongolia , Stochastic Processes
Ecol Evol ; 13(10): e10560, 2023 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37780084


Elephants were once widely distributed across the Indonesian island of Sumatra but now exist in small, isolated populations. Using the best data available on elephant occurrence, we aimed to (a) predict potential habitat suitability for elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) across the island of Sumatra and (b) model landscape connectivity among the extant elephant populations. We used direct sightings and indirect observations of elephant signs, as well as six remotely sensed proxies of surface ruggedness, vegetation productivity and structure, and human land use and disturbance, to model habitat suitability in a Google Earth Engine (GEE) environment. We validated the habitat suitability prediction using 10-fold spatial block cross validation and by calculating the area under the precision-recall curve (AUC-PR), sensitivity, and specificity for each model iteration. We also used a geolocation dataset collected from global positioning system (GPS) collars fitted on elephants as an independent validation dataset. Models showed good predictive performance with a mean AUC-PR of 0.73, sensitivity of 0.76, and specificity of 0.68. Greater than 83% of the independent GPS collar geolocations were located in predicted suitable habitat. We found human modification, surface ruggedness, and normalized difference vegetation index to be the most important variables for predicting suitable elephant habitat. Thirty-two percent, or 135,646 km2, of Sumatra's land area was predicted to be suitable habitat, with 43 patches of suitable habitat located across Sumatra. Areas with high connectivity were concentrated in the Riau and North Sumatra provinces. Though our analysis highlights the need to improve the quality of data collected on Sumatran elephants, more suitable habitat remains on Sumatra than is used by known populations. Targeted habitat conservation, especially of the suitable habitat in and around the Lamno, Balai Raja, Tesso Tenggara, Tesso Utara, Bukit Tigapuluh, Seblat, Padang Sugihan, and Bukit Barisan Selatan ranges, may improve the long-term viability of this critically endangered species.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 5996, 2023 04 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37105960


Understanding historic patterns of land use and land cover change across large temporal and spatial scales is critical for developing effective biodiversity conservation management and policy. We quantify the extent and fragmentation of suitable habitat across the continental range of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) based on present-day occurrence data and land-use variables between 850 and 2015 A.D. We found that following centuries of relative stability, over 64% (3.36 million km2) of suitable elephant habitat across Asia was lost since the year 1700, coincident with colonial-era land-use practices in South Asia and subsequent agricultural intensification in Southeast Asia. Average patch size dropped 83% from approximately 99,000-16,000 km2 and the area occupied by the largest patch decreased 83% from ~ 4 million km2 (45% of area) to 54,000 km2 (~ 7.5% of area). Whereas 100% of the area within 100 km of the current elephant range could have been considered suitable habitat in the year 1700, over half was unsuitable by 2015, driving potential conflict with people. These losses reflect long-term decline of non-forested ecosystems, exceeding estimates of deforestation within this century. Societies must consider ecological histories in addition to proximate threats to develop more just and sustainable land-use and conservation strategies.

Ecosystem , Elephants , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Asia , Biodiversity
Front Physiol ; 14: 1079008, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36909234


Heart rate biologging has been successfully used to study wildlife responses to natural and human-caused stressors (e.g., hunting, landscape of fear). Although rarely deployed to inform conservation, heart rate biologging may be particularly valuable for assessing success in wildlife reintroductions. We conducted a case study for testing and validating the use of subcutaneous heart rate monitors in eight captive scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah), a once-extinct species that is currently being restored to the wild. We evaluated biologger safety and accuracy while collecting long-term baseline data and assessing factors explaining variation in heart rate. None of the biologgers were rejected after implantation, with successful data capture for 16-21 months. Heart rate detection accuracy was high (83%-99%) for six of the individuals with left lateral placement of the biologgers. We excluded data from two individuals with a right lateral placement because accuracies were below 60%. Average heart rate for the six scimitar-horned oryx was 60.3 ± 12.7 bpm, and varied by about 12 bpm between individuals, with a minimum of 31 bpm and a maximum of 188 bpm across individuals. Scimitar-horned oryx displayed distinct circadian rhythms in heart rate and activity. Heart rate and activity were low early in the morning and peaked near dusk. Circadian rhythm in heart rate and activity were relatively unchanged across season, but hourly averages for heart rate and activity were higher in spring and summer, respectively. Variation in hourly heart rate averages was best explained by a combination of activity, hour, astronomical season, ambient temperature, and an interaction term for hour and season. Increases in activity appeared to result in the largest changes in heart rate. We concluded that biologgers are safe and accurate and can be deployed in free-ranging and reintroduced scimitar-horned oryx. In addition to current monitoring practices of reintroduced scimitar-horned oryx, the resulting biologging data could significantly aid in 1) evaluating care and management action prior to release, 2) characterizing different animal personalities and how these might affect reintroduction outcomes for individual animals, and 3) identifying stressors after release to determine their timing, duration, and impact on released animals. Heart rate monitoring in released scimitar-horned oryx may also aid in advancing our knowledge about how desert ungulates adapt to extreme environmental variation in their habitats (e.g., heat, drought).

Ecol Evol ; 12(9): e9288, 2022 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36177134


Climatic variability, resource availability, and anthropogenic impacts heavily influence an animal's home range. This makes home range size an effective metric for understanding how variation in environmental factors alter the behavior and spatial distribution of animals. In this study, we estimated home range size of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) across four sites in Namibia, along a gradient of precipitation and human impact, and investigated how these gradients influence the home range size on regional and site scales. Additionally, we estimated the time individuals spent within protected area boundaries. The mean 50% autocorrelated kernel density estimate for home range was 2200 km2 [95% CI:1500-3100 km2]. Regionally, precipitation and vegetation were the strongest predictors of home range size, accounting for a combined 53% of observed variation. However, different environmental covariates explained home range variation at each site. Precipitation predicted most variation (up to 74%) in home range sizes (n = 66) in the drier western sites, while human impacts explained 71% of the variation in home range sizes (n = 10) in Namibia's portion of the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area. Elephants in all study areas maintained high fidelity to protected areas, spending an average of 85% of time tracked on protected lands. These results suggest that while most elephant space use in Namibia is driven by natural dynamics, some elephants are experiencing changes in space use due to human modification.

Curr Biol ; 31(11): R714-R716, 2021 06 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34102117


Human presence and activities shape African elephant movements more than water and food availability, restricting the area available for their survival.

Elephants , Animals
PLoS One ; 16(7): e0253784, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34252109


Human-wildlife conflict has direct and indirect consequences for human communities. Understanding how both types of conflict affect communities is crucial to developing comprehensive and sustainable mitigation strategies. We conducted an interview survey of 381 participants in two rural areas in Myanmar where communities were exposed to human-elephant conflict (HEC). In addition to documenting and quantifying the types of direct and indirect impacts experienced by participants, we evaluated how HEC influences people's attitudes towards elephant conservation. We found that 99% of participants suffered from some type of indirect impact from HEC, including fear for personal and family safety from elephants and fear that elephants will destroy their home. Despite experiencing moderate levels of indirect impacts from HEC at the community level, participants expressed attitudes consistent with supporting future elephant conservation programs.

Animals, Wild/psychology , Conservation of Natural Resources , Elephants/psychology , Human-Animal Interaction , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Animals , Fear , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Myanmar , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Young Adult
Conserv Physiol ; 9(1): coab044, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34188936


Anthropogenic change is a major threat to individual species and biodiversity. Yet the behavioral and physiological responses of animals to these changes remain understudied. This is due to the technological challenges in assessing these effects in situ. Using captive maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus, n = 6) as a model, we deployed implantable biologgers and collected physiological data on heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) over a 1-year period. To test for links between HR and changes in the environment we analysed HR daily rhythms and responses to potential stressors (e.g. physical restraint, change in housing conditions, short-distance transportation and unfamiliar human presence). The 2-min HR averages ranged from 33 to 250 bpm, with an overall rest average of 73 bpm and a maximum of 296 bpm. On average, HRV was higher in females (227 ± 51 ms) than in males (151 ± 51 ms). As expected, HR increased at dusk and night when animals were more active and in response to stressors. Sudden decreases in HR were observed during transportation in three wolves, suggestive of fear bradycardia. We provide the first non-anesthetic HR values for the species and confirm that behaviour does not always reflect the shifts in autonomic tone in response to perceived threats. Because strong HR responses often were not revealed by observable changes in behaviour, our findings suggest that the number and variety of stressors in ex situ or in situ environments for maned wolves and most wildlife species may be underestimated. Our study also shows that integrating biologging with behavioral observations can provide vital information to guide captive management. Similar technology can be used to advance in situ research for developing more effective welfare, management and conservation plans for the species.

PLoS One ; 15(2): e0221843, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32045413


GPS collars have revolutionized the field of animal ecology, providing detailed information on animal movement and the habitats necessary for species survival. GPS collars also have the potential to cause adverse effects ranging from mild irritation to severe tissue damage, reduced fitness, and death. The impact of GPS collars on the behavior, stress, or activity, however, have rarely been tested on study species prior to release. The objective of our study was to provide a comprehensive assessment of the short-term effects of GPS collars fitted on scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah), an extinct-in-the-wild antelope once widely distributed across Sahelian grasslands in North Africa. We conducted behavioral observations, assessed fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM), and evaluated high-resolution data from tri-axial accelerometers. Using a series of datasets and methodologies, we illustrate clear but short-term effects to animals fitted with GPS collars from two separate manufacturers (Advanced Telemetry Systems-G2110E; Vectronic Aerospace-Vertex Plus). Behavioral observations highlighted a significant increase in the amount of headshaking from pre-treatment levels, returning below baseline levels during the post-treatment period (>3 days post-collaring). Similarly, FGM concentrations increased after GPS collars were fitted on animals but returned to pre-collaring levels within 5 days of collaring. Lastly, tri-axial accelerometers, collecting data at eight positions per second, indicated a > 480 percent increase in the amount of hourly headshaking immediately after collaring. This post-collaring increase in headshaking was estimated to decline in magnitude within 4 hours after GPS collar fitting. These effects constitute a handling and/or habituation response (model dependent), with animals showing short-term responses in activity, behavior, and stress that dissipated within several hours to several days of being fitted with GPS collars. Importantly, none of our analyses indicated any long-term effects that would have more pressing animal welfare concerns.

Antelopes , Geographic Information Systems , Wearable Electronic Devices/adverse effects , Africa, Northern , Animals , Animals, Wild , Behavior, Animal , Endangered Species , Head , Movement , Stress, Psychological , Time Factors
PLoS One ; 15(8): e0229277, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32817698


Human activities are changing landscape structure and function globally, affecting wildlife space use, and ultimately increasing human-wildlife conflicts and zoonotic disease spread. Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are linked to conflicts in human-modified landscapes (e.g. crop damage, vehicle collision), as well as the spread and amplification of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF), the most human-lethal tick-borne disease in the world. Even though it is essential to understand the link between capybaras, ticks and BSF, many knowledge gaps still exist regarding the effects of human disturbance in capybara space use. Here, we analyzed diurnal and nocturnal habitat selection strategies of capybaras across natural and human-modified landscapes using resource selection functions (RSF). Selection for forested habitats was higher across human-modified landscapes, mainly during day- periods, when compared to natural landscapes. Across natural landscapes, capybaras avoided forests during both day- and night periods. Water was consistently selected across both landscapes, during day- and nighttime. Distance to water was also the most important variable in predicting capybara habitat selection across natural landscapes. Capybaras showed slightly higher preferences for areas near grasses/shrubs across natural landscapes, and distance to grasses/shrubs was the most important variable in predicting capybara habitat selection across human-modified landscapes. Our results demonstrate human-driven variation in habitat selection strategies by capybaras. This behavioral adjustment across human-modified landscapes may be related to increases in A. sculptum density, ultimately affecting BSF.

Ecosystem , Rodentia/psychology , Animals , Animals, Wild , Brazil , Environment , Grassland , Host-Parasite Interactions/physiology , Humans , Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever/epidemiology , Ticks , Water , Zoonoses
PLoS One ; 14(2): e0211798, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30716135


Wildlife crossings are designed to mitigate barrier effects of transportation infrastructure on wildlife movement. Most efforts in evaluating crossing efficiency focus on counting animal use. However, crossings placed at suboptimal locations may alter animals' natural movement pattern and decrease population fitness, which cannot be reflected solely by counts of animal use. The long-distance migration of Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii) is directly affected by the Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR). Using the Wubei wildlife underpass along the QTR, we evaluated how underpass placement affects migration routes and decreases movement efficiency. We calculated the net-squared displacement of each animal to identify migration segments (wintering, calving, and migrating) based on Argos tracking data. We used two corridor modeling methods to identify optimal routes that theoretically require less energy to travel between seasonal habitats. We calculated the distance from actual migration routes recorded by Argos to the modelled optimal routes. We found that antelopes stray farther away from the optimal routes as they approach Wubei, indicating that animals have to deviate from their optimal migration pathway to access the railway underpass. On average, antelopes prolong their migration distance by 86.19 km (SEM = 17.29 km) in order to access the underpass. Our study suggests crossing location can affect animal migrations even if structures facilitate animal crossing. To better conserve long-distance migrations, long-term studies using tracking data which evaluate optimal migration routes are needed. We suggest considering the location and structural characteristics in designing and improving wildlife crossings, which do not only facilitate utilization, but also optimize animal movement processes such as migration.

Animal Migration/physiology , Antelopes/physiology , Conservation of Natural Resources , Models, Biological , Railroads , Animals , Humans , Tibet
Ecology ; 89(10): 2684-91, 2008 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18959306


Digestive physiology and movement patterns of animal dispersers determine deposition patterns for endozoochorously dispersed seeds. We combined data from feeding trials, germination tests, and GPS telemetry of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to (1) describe the spatial scale at which Asian elephants disperse seeds; (2) assess whether seasonal differences in diet composition and ranging behavior translate into differences in seed shadows; and (3) evaluate whether scale and seasonal patterns vary between two ecologically distinct areas: Sri Lanka's dry monsoon forests and Myanmar's (Burma) mixed-deciduous forests. The combination of seed retention times (mean 39.5 h, maximum 114 h) and elephant displacement rates (average 1988 m in 116 hours) resulted in 50% of seeds dispersed over 1.2 km (mean 1222-2105 m, maximum 5772 m). Shifts in diet composition did not affect gut retention time and germination of ingested seeds. Elephant displacements were slightly longer, with stronger seasonal variation in Myanmar. As a consequence, seed dispersal curves varied seasonally with longer distances during the dry season in Myanmar but not in Sri Lanka. Seasonal and geographic variation in seed dispersal curves was the result of variation in elephant movement patterns, rather than the effect of diet changes on the fate of ingested seeds.

Behavior, Animal/physiology , Elephants/metabolism , Feces/chemistry , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Germination/physiology , Seeds/growth & development , Animal Feed , Animals , Gastrointestinal Transit , Geographic Information Systems , Motor Activity , Myanmar , Seasons , Sri Lanka , Trees
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29581392


While many animal species exhibit strong conspecific interactions, movement analyses of wildlife tracking datasets still largely focus on single individuals. Multi-individual wildlife tracking studies provide new opportunities to explore how individuals move relative to one another, but such datasets are frequently too sparse for the detailed, acceleration-based analytical methods typically employed in collective motion studies. Here, we address the methodological gap between wildlife tracking data and collective motion by developing a general method for quantifying movement correlation from sparsely sampled data. Unlike most existing techniques for studying the non-independence of individual movements with wildlife tracking data, our approach is derived from an analytically tractable stochastic model of correlated movement. Our approach partitions correlation into a deterministic tendency to move in the same direction termed 'drift correlation' and a stochastic component called 'diffusive correlation'. These components suggest the mechanisms that coordinate movements, with drift correlation indicating external influences, and diffusive correlation pointing to social interactions. We use two case studies to highlight the ability of our approach both to quantify correlated movements in tracking data and to suggest the mechanisms that generate the correlation. First, we use an abrupt change in movement correlation to pinpoint the onset of spring migration in barren-ground caribou. Second, we show how spatial proximity mediates intermittently correlated movements among khulans in the Gobi desert. We conclude by discussing the linkages of our approach to the theory of collective motion.This article is part of the theme issue 'Collective movement ecology'.

Ethology/methods , Movement , Social Behavior , Animals , Behavior, Animal , Ecology/methods , Environment , Models, Biological
PLoS One ; 13(3): e0194113, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29534096


In the southern Bago Yoma mountain range in Myanmar, Asian elephants are being killed at a disturbing rate. This emerging crisis was identified initially through a telemetry study when 7 of 19 of collared elephants were poached within a year of being fitted with a satellite-GPS collar. Subsequent follow up of ground teams confirmed the human caused death or disappearance of at least 19 elephants, including the seven collared individuals, within a 35 km2 area in less than two years. The carcasses of 40 additional elephants were found in areas located across south-central Myanmar once systematic surveys began by our team and collaborators. In addition to the extreme rate of loss, this study documents the targeting of elephants for their skin instead of the more common ivory, an increasing trend in Myanmar. Intensive research programs focused on other conservation problems identified this issue and are now encouraging local authorities to prioritize anti-poaching efforts and improve conservation policies within the country. Myanmar represents one of the last remaining countries in Asia with substantial wildlands suitable for elephants. Increasing rates of human-elephant conflict and poaching events in this country pose a dire threat to the global population.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Elephants , Endangered Species , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources/legislation & jurisprudence , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Conservation of Natural Resources/statistics & numerical data , Elephants/physiology , Endangered Species/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Male , Myanmar