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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(12): e2212035120, 2023 03 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36913571


Recent studies have suggested that protected areas often fail to conserve target species. However, the efficacy of terrestrial protected areas is difficult to measure, especially for highly vagile species like migratory birds that may move between protected and unprotected areas throughout their lives. Here, we use a 30-y dataset of detailed demographic data from a migratory waterbird, the Whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus), to assess the value of nature reserves (NRs). We assess how demographic rates vary at sites with varying levels of protection and how they are influenced by movements between sites. Swans had a lower breeding probability when wintering inside NRs than outside but better survival for all age classes, generating a 30-fold higher annual growth rate within NRs. There was also a net movement of individuals from NRs to non-NRs. By combining these demographic rates and estimates of movement (into and out of NRs) into population projection models, we show that the NRs should help to double the population of swans wintering in the United Kingdom by 2030. These results highlight the major effect that spatial management can have on species conservation, even when the areas protected are relatively small and only used during short periods of the life cycle.

Animal Migration , Anseriformes , Humans , Animals , Birds , Ducks , Seasons , Demography
Conserv Biol ; 34(4): 925-933, 2020 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31953971


Social science is becoming increasingly important in conservation, with more studies involving methodologies that collect data from and about people. Conservation science is a normative and applied discipline designed to support and inform management and practice. Poor research practice risks harming participants and, researchers, and can leave negative legacies. Often, those at the forefront of field-based research are early-career researchers, many of whom enter their first research experience ill-prepared for the ethical conundrums they may face. We draw on our own experiences as early-career researchers to illuminate how ethical challenges arise during conservation research that involves human participants. Specifically, we considered ethical review procedures, conflicts of values, and power relations, and devised broad recommendations on how to navigate ethical challenges when they arise during research. In particular, we recommend researchers apply reflexivity (i.e., thinking that allows researchers to recognize the effect researchers have on the research) to help navigate ethical challenges and encourage greater engagement with ethical review processes and the development of ethical guidelines for conservation research that involves human participants. Such guidelines must be accompanied by the integration of rigorous ethical training into conservation education. We believe our experiences are not uncommon and can be avoided and hope to spark discussion to contribute to a more socially just conservation.

Consideraciones Éticas cuando la Investigación para la Conservación Involucra a la Gente Resumen Las ciencias sociales cada vez son más importantes para la conservación pues más estudios involucran metodologías que recolectan datos de y sobre la gente. La ciencia de la conservación es una disciplina normativa y aplicada diseñada para apoyar e informar al manejo y a la práctica. La investigación deficiente corre el riesgo de dañar a los participantes y a los investigadores, además de que puede dejar un legado negativo. Es común que investigadores que recién inician sus carreras estén al frente de investigación basada en el campo, muchos de los cuales comenzaron su experiencia mal preparados para los dilemas éticos que podrían enfrentar. Partimos de nuestras propias experiencias como investigadores de carrera temprana para ilustrar cómo emergen los retos éticos durante la investigación para la conservación que incluye a participantes humanos. Específicamente, consideramos los procedimientos de revisión ética, los conflictos de valores y las relaciones de poder y con ellas diseñamos recomendaciones de comité sobre cómo navegar los retos éticos cuando surjan durante la investigación. Particularmente, recomendamos a los investigadores que apliquen la reflexividad (es decir, el pensamiento que permite a los investigadores reconocer el efecto que ellos tienen sobre la investigación) para ayudar a navegar los retos éticos y para alentar un mayor compromiso con los procesos de revisión ética y con el desarrollo de las directrices éticas para la investigación de la conservación que involucra a participantes humanos. Dichas directrices deben estar acompañadas por la integración de un entrenamiento ético riguroso dentro de la educación para la conservación. Creemos que nuestras experiencias no son poco comunes y pueden evitarse y esperamos iniciar una discusión para contribuir a una conservación más justa socialmente.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Morals , Humans , Research Personnel
Environ Pollut ; : 124756, 2024 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39153538


The use of lead shotgun ammunition for shooting wildfowl has been restricted in England since 1999, but surveys finding lead shot in harvested birds show compliance with regulations has been low. Following the announcement in 2020 of a voluntary transition from lead to non-lead shot by UK shooting organizations, we investigated spatiotemporal variation in the composition of ammunition used for shooting mallards Anas platyrhynchos. We collected 176 harvested mallards during the 2021/22 shooting season and analyzed recent shot extracted from carcasses to determine shot composition. Using a separate collection of ducks of known provenance, we used stable isotope analysis as a means of differentiating captive-reared from wild mallards. This allowed us to understand how compliance might vary between driven game shooters, characterized by shooting birds that are flushed over a stationary line of shooters, and who primarily harvest captive-reared and released ducks, and wild duck shooters. Of 133 mallards containing recent shot, 92 (69%) had been illegally shot with lead. Analysis of this and five comparable surveys between 2001 and 2019 indicates regional and temporal variation in lead shot presence in England. In the North West and West Midlands, the likelihood of mallards containing lead shot decreased significantly over time, but no other regions showed significant changes. The use of non-lead shot types varied over time, with increases in steel shot use approximately matched by declines in bismuth shot. Mallards likely to be reared were more likely to have been shot with lead (75%) than those likely to be wild (48%). This suggests the use of lead shot is more frequent among driven game shooters than wild duck shooters. In England in 2021/22, most mallards continued to be shot with lead, suggesting that neither legislation nor voluntary approaches have been effective in substantially reducing illegal use of lead shot.

Ambio ; 48(9): 1079-1096, 2019 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31257560


If the multiple negative health impacts associated with lead ammunition are to be mitigated, a transition to the non-toxic alternatives is needed. This paper aims to map out the pathways to such a transition via a modification of Kotter's eight step theory of change, identifying key stakeholders, exploring options for those of us advocating change and the relationships between policy and persuasion. The focus is primarily on the UK, but it is of direct relevance to the rest of Europe and beyond. The theory of change model involves (1) creating urgency, (2) building coalitions, (3) creating a vision for change, (4) communicating that vision, (5) removing barriers to enable action, (6) creating short-term or geospatial wins, (7) building on the change and (8) embedding change in culture and regulation. The paper reflects on good progress to date in initial steps, but throughout subsequent steps creative engagement and other disciplines which appreciate the human dimensions such as mediation and psychology of behaviour change have been lacking. Although significant barriers remain for Step 5, the paper identifies the central vision of sustainability of hunting as a shared value around which most stakeholders can engage. The paper concludes that, given the growing momentum surrounding this issue in recent years, the phasing out of lead ammunition is at a tipping point.

Environmental Policy , Environmental Pollutants , Lead , Europe , Firearms , Humans
PLoS One ; 5(4): e10315, 2010 Apr 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20436670


BACKGROUND: Lead is highly toxic to animals. Humans eating game killed using lead ammunition generally avoid swallowing shot or bullets and dietary lead exposure from this source has been considered low. Recent evidence illustrates that lead bullets fragment on impact, leaving small lead particles widely distributed in game tissues. Our paper asks whether lead gunshot pellets also fragment upon impact, and whether lead derived from spent gunshot and bullets in the tissues of game animals could pose a threat to human health. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Wild-shot gamebirds (6 species) obtained in the UK were X-rayed to determine the number of shot and shot fragments present, and cooked using typical methods. Shot were then removed to simulate realistic practice before consumption, and lead concentrations determined. Data from the Veterinary Medicines Directorate Statutory Surveillance Programme documenting lead levels in raw tissues of wild gamebirds and deer, without shot being removed, are also presented. Gamebirds containing > or =5 shot had high tissue lead concentrations, but some with fewer or no shot also had high lead concentrations, confirming X-ray results indicating that small lead fragments remain in the flesh of birds even when the shot exits the body. A high proportion of samples from both surveys had lead concentrations exceeding the European Union Maximum Level of 100 ppb w.w. (0.1 mg kg(-1) w.w.) for meat from bovine animals, sheep, pigs and poultry (no level is set for game meat), some by several orders of magnitude. High, but feasible, levels of consumption of some species could result in the current FAO/WHO Provisional Weekly Tolerable Intake of lead being exceeded. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The potential health hazard from lead ingested in the meat of game animals may be larger than previous risk assessments indicated, especially for vulnerable groups, such as children, and those consuming large amounts of game.

Birds , Food Contamination/analysis , Hazardous Substances/analysis , Lead/analysis , Meat/analysis , Animals , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Firearms , Humans , Lead Poisoning/etiology