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Soft Matter ; 14(34): 7016-7025, 2018 Aug 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30112557


The rheological properties of a medium can be inferred from the Brownian motion of colloidal tracer particles using the microrheology procedure. The tracer motion can be characterized by the mean-squared displacement (MSD). It can be calculated from the intermediate scattering function determined by Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM). Here we show that DDM together with the empirical Cox-Merz rule is particularly suited to measure the steady-shear viscosity, i.e. the viscosity towards zero frequency, due to its ability to provide reliable information on long time and length scales and hence small frequencies. This method, η-DDM, is tested and illustrated using three different systems: Newtonian fluids (glycerol-water mixtures), colloidal suspensions (protein samples) and a viscoelastic polymer solution (aqueous poly(ethylene oxide) solution). These tests show that common lab equipment, namely a bright-field optical microscope, can be used as a convenient and reliable microliter viscometer. Because η-DDM requires much smaller sample volumes than classical rheometry, only a few microliters, it is particularly useful for biological and soft matter systems.

J Chem Phys ; 131(19): 194902, 2009 Nov 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19929071


The effect of particle shape in the small amplitude oscillatory shear behavior of magnetorheological (MR) fluids is investigated from zero magnetic field strengths up to 800 kA/m. Two types of MR fluids are studied: the first system is prepared with spherical particles and a second system is prepared with rodlike particles. Both types of particles are fabricated following practically the same precipitation technique and have the same intrinsic magnetic and crystallographic properties. Furthermore, the distribution of sphere diameters is very similar to that of rod thicknesses. Rod-based MR fluids show an enhanced MR performance under oscillatory shear in the viscoelastic linear regime. A lower magnetic field strength is needed for the structuration of the colloid and, once saturation is fully achieved, a larger storage modulus is observed. Existing sphere- and rod-based models usually underestimate experimental results regarding the magnetic field strength and particle volume fraction dependences of both storage modulus and yield stress. A simple model is proposed here to explain the behavior of microrod-based MR fluids at low, medium and saturating magnetic fields in the viscoelastic linear regime in terms of magnetic interaction forces between particles. These results are further completed with rheomicroscopic and dynamic yield stress observations.

Phys Rev E ; 95(5-1): 052601, 2017 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28618613


The equilibrium structure and dynamics of magnetorheological (MR) fluids are studied in this work by simulations, where particles are modeled as dipoles with a quasihard spherical core. Upon increasing the interaction strength, controlled experimentally by the magnetic field, elongated clusters grow and, for intense fields, thick columns form, aligned with the field. The dynamics of the system is monitored by the mean-squared displacement and density correlation functions, which show an increasing slowing down with the attraction strength. The correlation function shows a two-step decay, with a separation between microscopic and long time dynamics, a typical hallmark of undercooled fluids. We have therefore analyzed the dynamics of this MR fluid using the typical concepts for undercooled fluids. Thus, the second decay of the density correlation function is fitted with a stretched exponential, and the wave-vector dependence of the fitting parameters studied. Both the amplitude and the time scale oscillate in phase with the structure factor. Our results support the idea that the magnetorheological effect is in fact the manifestation of a colloidal system approaching an attractive glass transition (or gel transition).