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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e263959, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psi (psychology) | ID: biblio-1529204


A luta pela terra e seu uso incide na forma como as subjetividades têm sido produzidas no Brasil. No contexto capitalista, patriarcal e machista, vive-se um processo de exploração da mão de obra de mulheres e de recursos naturais da Terra. Este estudo objetivou conhecer histórias de vida de mulheres agricultoras rurais que participam de movimentos sociais agroecológicos no Rio Grande do Sul. Participaram do estudo três mulheres agricultoras, com idades entre 21 e 53 anos, residentes e trabalhadoras em zonas rurais das cidades de Viamão e Rolante, escolhidas por conveniência. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionário sociodemográfico, entrevista de história de vida e observação participante, os quais foram, posteriormente, submetidos à análise temática. Os resultados demonstram que as histórias de vida das mulheres relatadas são marcadas por lutas e formas de resistência. Para além das situações de conflitos e falta de recursos, avistam-se questões próprias de gênero, como a invisibilidade feminina e a desigualdade no acesso à terra por mulheres. A construção de base e o fortalecimento do papel político das mulheres nos movimentos sociais permite inferir que existem melhorias significativas nas desigualdades e injustiças no meio rural. Contudo, pontua-se a necessidade de se promover o diálogo entre os movimentos sociais, as mulheres e a sociedade política sobre os modelos atuais de políticas públicas existentes, possibilitando, assim, avançar nas discussões a respeito da promoção da equidade de gênero nos espaços rurais, bem como potencializar o avanço das práticas agroecológicas em direção à superação do capitalismo.(AU)

The struggle for land and its use affects the way subjectivities have been produced in Brazil. In the capitalist, patriarchal, and male-chauvinist context, women's labor and the Earth's natural resources are strongly exploited. This study aimed to know the life stories of female farmers who participate in agroecological social movements in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Three female farmers, aged from 21 to 53, residents and workers in rural areas of the municipalities of Viamão and Rolante, chosen by convenience, participated in the study. The instruments used were: sociodemographic questionnaire, a life story interview, and participant observation, which were later subjected to thematic analysis. The results show that the participants' life stories are marked by struggles and means of resistance. In addition to conflicts and lack of resources, there are specific gender issues, such as female invisibility and inequality in women's access to land. The grassroots construction and the strengthening of the political role of women in social movements allow us to infer that there are significant improvements in inequalities and injustices in rural areas. However, it is necessary to promote dialogue between social movements, women, and political society about the current models of existing public policies, thus making it possible to advance in discussions about gender equity in rural spaces, as well as to enhance the advancement of agroecological practices to overcoming capitalism.(AU)

La lucha por la tierra y su uso afecta a la forma en que se han producido las subjetividades en Brasil. En el contexto capitalista, patriarcal y machista, hay un proceso de explotación del trabajo de las mujeres y de los recursos naturales de la tierra. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer las historias de vida de agricultoras rurales que participan en movimientos sociales agroecológicos en Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). Participaron en el estudio tres agricultoras, de entre 21 y 53 años, residentes y trabajadoras en áreas rurales de las ciudades de Viamão y Rolante, elegidas por conveniencia. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: cuestionario sociodemográfico, entrevista de historia de vida y observación participante, cuyos datos posteriormente se sometieron a análisis temático. Los resultados muestran que las historias de vida de las mujeres relatadas están marcadas por luchas y formas de resistencia. A las situaciones de conflicto y falta de recursos se suman cuestiones específicas de género, como la invisibilidad femenina y la desigualdad en el acceso de las mujeres a la tierra. La construcción popular y el fortalecimiento del papel político de las mujeres en los movimientos sociales permiten inferir que hay mejoras significativas en las desigualdades e injusticias en las zonas rurales. Sin embargo, es necesario promover el diálogo entre los movimientos sociales, las mujeres y la sociedad sobre los modelos actuales de las políticas públicas existentes, para posibilitar avances en las discusiones sobre la promoción de la equidad de género en los espacios rurales y potenciar el avance de las prácticas agroecológicas hacia la superación del capitalismo.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Psychology, Social , Women , Rural Areas , Sustainable Agriculture , Gender Studies , Ownership , Personal Satisfaction , Poverty , Psychology , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Social Conditions , Social Justice , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Soil , Women's Rights , Family , Economic Development , Land Use , Forests , Environmental Health , Civil Rights , Negotiating , Agrochemicals , Interview , Ecosystem , Crops, Agricultural , Natural Resources Exploitation , Conservation of Natural Resources , Whole Foods , Feminism , Culture , Personal Autonomy , Food, Genetically Modified , Biodiversity , Agriculture , Diet , Ecology , Efficiency , Environment , Environment and Public Health , Job Market , Sustainable Development Indicators , Agribusiness , Environmental Policy , Personal Narrative , Social Capital , Genetic Background , Survivorship , Androcentrism , Freedom , Sustainable Development , Right to Work , Food Supply , Environmental Justice , Sociodemographic Factors , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Family Structure
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e243813, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psi (psychology) | ID: biblio-1431124


Este estudo propõe analisar as relações e os processos de subjetivação de mulheres quebradeiras de coco babaçu decorrentes das intervenções de políticas desenvolvimentistas em seus territórios de vida e reverberações no Movimento Interestadual de Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu (MIQCB). Sob a perspectiva ético-estético-política da Cartografia, acompanhamos as narrativas das histórias de vida de 24 mulheres, suas atividades cotidianas e eventos do MIQCB, também analisamos os documentos das políticas. Entendemos que, ao passo que tais políticas de desenvolvimento rural contribuem para a melhoria das condições de vida, em termos materiais e simbólicos, elas também produzem ressonâncias relacionadas ao modo de subjetivação do tipo "empresário de si", que agenciam seus modos de viver, de produzir e de se relacionar consigo e com os outros na lógica capitalista neoliberal. A resistência às capturas neoliberais também estão presentes ao ampliarem as mobilizações coletivas do próprio movimento, articulando com outros na produção de um "comum".(AU)

This study proposes to analyze the relations and the processes of subjectivation of babassu coconut-breaker women arising from developmental policy interventions in their territories of life and reverberations in the Babassu Coconut-breaker Interstate Movement (MIQCB). From the ethical-aesthetic-political perspective of Cartography, we followed the narratives of the life stories of 24 women, their daily activities and promoted events by MIQCB, we also analyzed the policy documents. We understand that while these policies of rural development contribute to improve the living conditions, in material and symbolic terms, they also produce resonances related to the "self-entrepreneur" mode of subjectivation, which has been handling their ways of living, producing, and relating to themselves and others in the neoliberal capitalist logic. Resistance to neoliberal captures is also present as they expand the collective mobilizations of the movement itself, articulating with others, in the production of a "common."(AU)

Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los procesos de subjetivación de las mujeres que rompen coco babaçu que surgen de las intervenciones de las políticas de desarrollo en sus territorios de vida y las reverberaciones en el Movimiento Interestadual de las Mujeres que Rompen Coco Babaçu (MIQCB). Desde la perspectiva ético-estético-política de la Cartografía, seguimos las narraciones de las historias de vida de 24 mujeres, sus actividades diarias y eventos del MIQCB, y también analizamos los documentos de las políticas. Si bien estas políticas han contribuido a mejorar las condiciones de vida de las mujeres, en términos materiales y simbólicos, también han producido resonancias del modo de subjetivación "autoempresarial", que ha agenciado sus formas de vivir, producir y relacionarse consigo mismas y con los demás en la lógica capitalista neoliberal. La resistencia a las capturas neoliberales también está presente cuando amplían las movilizaciones colectivas del propio movimiento, articulándose con otros en la producción de un "común".(AU)

Humans , Female , Growth and Development , Economics , Government , Politics , Poverty , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Retirement , Rural Population , Social Desirability , Social Justice , Social Problems , Social Sciences , Soil , Women's Rights , Wood , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Socioeconomic Planning , Social Control Policies , Legislation, Environmental , Brazil , Water , Exercise , Ethnicity , Economic Development , Poverty Areas , Land Use , Rural Areas , Forests , Organizations , Environmental Health , Conflict of Interest , Workload , Family Planning Policy , Entrepreneurship , Agrochemicals , Interview , Collective Bargaining , Commerce , Crops, Agricultural , Environmental Management , Natural Resources Exploitation , Natural Resources , Renewable Resources , Natural Reservations , Flora , Conservation of Natural Resources , Cultural Diversity , Nature , Feminism , Extraction and Processing Industry , Natural Resources Management , Rural Economy , Capitalism , State , Public Power , Biodiversity , Agriculture , Efficiency , Environment , Environment and Public Health , Health Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Management , Projects , Job Market , Health Surveillance of Products , Control and Sanitary Supervision of Foods and Beverages , Foods Containing Coconut , Machinery , Sustainable Agriculture , Non-Renewable Resources , Agribusiness , Environmental Communication , Femininity , Environmental Policy , Small Business , Ethnic Violence , Sociological Factors , Food , Work-Life Balance , Political Activism , Stakeholder Participation , Socioeconomic Rights , Occupied Territories , Sustainable Development , Social Programs , Indigenous Peoples , Right to Work , Empowerment , Social Inclusion , Gender Equity , Gender Role , Social Vulnerability , Environmental Responsability , Socio-Environmental Responsibility , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Working Conditions , Wildlife Trade , Health Services Needs and Demand , Housing , Human Activities , Human Rights , Labor Unions , Life Change Events , Anthropology , Mining , Occupational Groups
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38094, Jan.-Dec. 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415846


Intercropped systems with Conilon coffee might provide a better environment for coffee production. The aim of this study was to assess the microclimate and development of Conilon coffee intercropped with papaya trees. Papaya was planted with spacing of 3.20 x 2.40 m. The coffee trees were planted after eight months, with spacing of 3.20 x 1.60 m, in-between papaya trees (in the same row). The measurements were taken 0, 40 and 80 cm away from the coffee plants, both in the north and south direction. Concomitantly, an adjoining full sunlight coffee system (not intercropped) was also assessed. The measurements included atmospheric parameters (temperature, irradiance, and relative humidity) and vegetative parameters for the coffee plants (leaf area, relative chlorophyll index, length of plagiotropic branches, length of orthotopic branches and number of nodes) in three periods of the year. The intercropped system of Conilon coffee and papaya trees led to a decrease in both irradiance and temperature, and higher means of relative humidity during daytime in all the periods assessed, which contributes to a better environment for coffee cultivation. The shadow provided by papaya trees in the coffee plants contributed to a higher leaf area but did not affect neither the growth of both plagiotropic and orthotopic branches, nor the number of nodes and the etiolation. The intercropped system of Conilon coffee and papaya trees may be potentially used as a farming system to mitigate climate change.

Climate Change , Carica , Coffea/growth & development , Sustainable Agriculture
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(10): e20210380, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364725


The study evaluated the efficacy and soybean spectral responses to fifteen foliar fungicide mixtures labeled to control Asian soybean rust. Canopy level reflectance was measured using a multispectral camera onboard a multirotor drone before and two hours after each spray. The third application of fungicides improved control of soybean rust and increased yield. Nevertheless, up to three consecutive foliar fungicides applications did not affect the reflectance of soybean plants at visible and infrared wavelengths. Thus, drones can be a viable strategy for data acquisition regardless of the application of the fungicides.

Esse estudo avaliou a eficácia e as respostas espectrais de plantas de soja a quinze misturas de fungicidas utilizados no controle da ferrugem asiática da soja (FAS). A refletância do nível do dossel foi medida usando uma câmera multiespectral a bordo de um drone multirotor antes e duas horas após cada pulverização. A terceira aplicação de fungicidas melhorou o controle de FAS e aumentou a produtividade. Porém, três aplicações foliares consecutivas de fungicidas não afetaram a refletância de plantas de soja nos comprimentos de onda visível e infravermelho. Assim, drones podem ser uma estratégia viável para aquisição de dados independentemente da aplicação de fungicidas.

Glycine max/physiology , Fungicides, Industrial/administration & dosage , Fungicides, Industrial/analysis , Sustainable Agriculture , Hyperspectral Imaging/methods
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-10, 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468475


Fungi are important in several aspects of human life. In particular, to agriculture, pathogenic fungi are of great importance, as they are responsible for production losses of the most diverse types. Because of this, knowledge about pathogenic fungus is of extreme importance for farmers and professionals working in agricultural areas. Among farmers who use specific agroecological practices, this knowledge is even more valuable, since by not adopting conventional methods of production, they resort to non-invasive alternatives that are less or not harmful at all to the environment in consideration of production management methods. This study aimed to assess farmer perception in the Cerrado biome in the city of Goiás (GO), Brazil, in order to understand their ethnomycological perceptions to verify historical management practices, their knowledge about phytopathogenic fungi, and how these producers perceive fungi. We used the theoretical reference method "From peasant to peasant" formulated by ANPA - National Association of Small Farmers. Some aspects of farmers' ethnomycological knowledge are discussed. These ease identification the representatives of the Fungi Kingdom is associated with organisms that present easily recognizable characteristics, such as wood-ears or disease-causing fungi. In general, farmers are able to identify representatives of the Fungi Kingdom that are found in their daily lives. The perception of farmers about fungi, a group still much unknown by society, is very relevant for future actions of ethnomycology.

Percepção dos fungos por agricultores do Cerrado – Fungos são organismos importantes em vários aspectos da vida humana. Em particular, para a agricultura, fungos patogênicos são de grande importância, pois são responsáveis por perdas de produção dos mais diversos tipos. Por isso, o conhecimento sobre fungos patogênicos é de extrema importância para agricultores e profissionais que trabalham em áreas agrícolas. Entre os agricultores que utilizam práticas agroecológicas, esse conhecimento é ainda mais valioso, pois, ao não adotar métodos convencionais de produção, recorrem a alternativas não invasivas que são menos ou não prejudiciais ao meio ambiente, considerando os métodos de gerenciamento da produção. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a percepção de um grupo de agricultores do bioma Cerrado, na cidade de Goiás (GO), Brasil, a fim de compreender suas percepções etnomicológicas, de modo a verificar práticas históricas de manejo, seu conhecimento sobre fungos fitopatogênicos e como esses produtores percebem os fungos, de modo geral. Utilizamos o método "de camponês para camponês", formulado pela ANPA – Associação Nacional de Pequenos Agricultores. Discutimos alguns aspectos do conhecimento etnomicológico destes agricultores. A facilidade de identificação de representantes fúngicos está associada a organismos que apresentam características facilmente reconhecíveis, como estereótipo orelha-de-pau ou fungos causadores de doenças em cultivares. Em geral, os agricultores do estudo são capazes de identificar representantes do Reino Fungi que são encontrados em suas vidas cotidianas. A percepção dos agricultores sobre os fungos, um grupo ainda muito desconhecido pela sociedade, é muito relevante para ações futuras dentro da etnomicologia.

Sustainable Agriculture/methods , Fungi/classification , Fungi/pathogenicity , Mycological Typing Techniques
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(1): 89-93, Jan-Abr. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362686


Introdução: É notório que a alimentação e a nutrição adequada constituem requisitos indispensáveis para a promoção e a proteção da saúde. Objetivo: Contribuir para a melhoria do acesso a alimentos saudáveis de famílias em um Bairro da periferia urbana do Município de Sobral através de hortas comunitárias, orgânicas e sustentáveis como estratégia de promover Educação Alimentar e Nutricional. Métodos e Materiais: Estudo descritivo com características de intervenção comunitária sob a abordagem qualitativa. A amostra inclui 15 pessoas de famílias beneficiárias do Programa Bolsa Família, acompanhadas pelo Centro de Saúde da Família. Foram realizados quatro encontros educativos sobre alimentação saudável com enfoque na inclusão de frutas, legumes e verduras. Além, do manejo de hortas para o cultivo do próprio alimento. Resultados: Os encontros tiveram duração de 8 horas ao dia, totalizando 24 horas. O momento foi oportuno para treinamento ofertado por um técnico em olericultura orgânica pela entidade parceira, que transmitiu os conhecimentos de maneira prática, em que os participantes aprenderam a preparar a terra, a semear, plantar, regar, colher. No decorrer do treinamento a nutricionista pesquisadora, transmitiu informações nutricionais. Os encontros aconteceram em dias seguidos, nos turnos manhã e tarde. Conclusão: Diante do que foi vivenciado, a pesquisa se mostrou útil para melhoria do grau de conhecimento das participantes, promoveu reflexão crítica sobre a segurança alimentar e nutricional. Ressaltou a importância de se cultivar o próprio alimento para torná-lo acessível.

This study aims at contributing to the improvement of access to healthy food for families in a neighborhood of the urban outskirts of the Municipality of Sobral through community organic and sustainable vegetable gardens as a strategy to promote Food and Nutrition Education. It is a descriptive study with characteristics of community intervention using a qualitative approach. The sample includes 15 people from families benefited from the Family Grant Program (Bolsa Família), accompanied by the Family Health Center. Four educational meetings were held on healthy eating with a focus on the inclusion of fruits and vegetables. In addition, the participants were also taught how to manage vegetable gardens for the cultivation of the food itself. The meetings lasted 8 hours a day, totaling 24 hours. The moment was ideal to provide training offered by an organic olericulture technician provided by the partner entity, who shared the knowledge in a practical way, where the participants could learn how to prepare the earth, to sow, to plant, to water, and to harvest. During the training, the nutritionist researcher also shared nutritional information. The encounters took place on consecutive days, during the morning and afternoon shifts. In view of what was experienced, the research proved to be useful for improving the participants' knowledge on the topic, promoting a critical reflection on food and nutritional security. It also emphasized the importance of cultivating the food itself to make it accessible.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Sustainable Agriculture , Health Promotion , Vegetables/growth & development , Food and Nutrition Education , Crop Production , Health Education , Nutritional Sciences , Nutritionists/education , Diet, Healthy , Mentoring
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 7-7, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396591


The use of pesticides is damaging to the health of farmers and consumers as their use is associated with numerous diseases. Homeopathy is one of the techniques for organic agriculture currentlyauthorized by the MAPA. Aims: To assess the effect of homeopathic compounds on corncob quality in pesticide-free cultures. Methodology:The experiment was performed in, MS-Brazil. Two culture fields were used, each 30m2in size. The homeopathic group treatment consisted of 1ml of30% hydroalcoholic solution with homeopathic ingredients. This solutionwas diluted into 30ml of water and then sprayed onto 100 seeds. The control group was submitted to the same protocol excluding the homeopathic ingredients. The homeopathic ingredients used were Sulph9C, Mag-c12C, and Calc-p9C, prescribed according to Materia Medica instructions. The evaluationwas performed at harvest by comparing theaverage weight of 1000 kernels pergroup, obtained from a weighingof 3000 kernels per group. In addition, a number of corncobs from both groups werequalitatively evaluated as "good" or "bad." Statistics analysis used the T-test to compare the kernel weight averages and Fisher's exact test to analyze the corncob quality frequency. Both groups were naturally infected by a virus from a neighboring sugarcane field, causing qualitative and quantitative losses on both groups. Results and discussion: The average weight of 1000 kernels from the treated group (329 g) was not significantly greater (p=0.06) than the average weight of 1000 kernels from the non-treated group (308 g). It was observed that 71out of 158 (44.9%) corncobs from the homeopathic treatment group were classified as "good" while zero outof 50 (0%) corncobs from the non-treated group were classified as "good", resulting in a significant difference (p<0.01). Conclusion: Homeopathic compounds can be used as a feasible treatment for health and productivity in the corn crop.

Zea mays , Sustainable Agriculture
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 7-7, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396590


Homeopathy is a technique approved by the MAPA for organic production systems. Experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of homeopathy in agriculture are essential. Aims: To evaluate the effects of homeopathic treatment on soybean seed germination. Methodology: The experiment was performed in MS-Brazil. An area of 70 m² was used, divided into two comparison plots of 30 m² each. The soil of plot 1 (treated group) was treated with 5.25 kg of powdered Lithothamniummixed with 250 ml of 30% hydroalcoholic solution (HS) containing homeopathic ingredients. The soil of plot 2 (control group) was treated with thesame preparationbutwithout homeopathic ingredients. Additionally, the 400 seeds assigned toplot 1 were treated with 0,3 ml of a solution made up of 10 ml of 30% HS with homeopathic ingredients dilutedin 300 ml of water. The 400 seeds assigned toplot 2 were treated with 0.3 ml of a solutionmade up of 10 ml of HS without homeopathic ingredients diluted in 300 ml of water. The homeopathic ingredients Sulph 9C, Mag-c12C, and Calc-p 9C were used on soil and seed treatment. The selection and prescription of those ingredients followed Materia Medica instructions. The experiment was conducted using randomized design and 400 seeds per group were sown. Results and discussion: In plot 1, anaverage of 11 seeds per m² germinated, adding up to 330 germinated seeds at a percentage of 82.5%. In plot 2, an average of 7 seeds per m² germinated, adding up to 210 germinated seeds at a percentage of 52.5%. The frequency of seed germinationin both groups was assessed by the Chi-square test to check for significant differences(p<0.05). There was a statistical difference (p<0.05) in the seed germination in the treated group (n=330) compared to the control group (n=210). Conclusion:Homeopathic compounds can be used as a viable treatment for soybean germination.

Quantum Theory , Glycine max , Germination , Sustainable Agriculture , Homeopathy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 9-9, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396746


The Strawberry (Fragaria× ananassaDuch.) is the world's most important berry. Around 9.2 million tonnes of strawberries were produced worldwide in 2021 over approximately 395,844 hectares distributed across almost all continents. However, industrial farming approaches, which include the application of high volumes of pesticides, have placed the fruit on the list of foods most contaminated by pesticide residues. Such management negatively affects food security and environmental sustainability. Agroecology is proposed as a holistic alternative tosolve this problem, and within this, some practices associated with homeopathy and biodynamic farming involve the application of high-dynamized dilutions as alternatives to chemical pesticides. Research indicates that the use of high-dynamized dilutions holds the potential to promote crop vitality through building natural equilibrium and resilience of agricultural systems. The objective of this research was to explore the extent to which high-dynamized dilutions can increase the sustainability of commercial strawberry production as well as understand the challenges and benefits of using high-dynamized dilutions in agriculture. To do this, natural and social science methods are combined in a multidisciplinary approach that was developed simultaneously in Brazil and the UK. Results of controlled trials demonstrated that the use of high-dynamized dilutions of Phosphorus12CH, Sulphur12 CH, and Kali Carbonicum12CH positively influenced crop production, pest disease levels, and plant vigor in strawberry plants.In addition, data collected from a web surveyand interviews with farmers, researchers,and advisors who work with homeopathy, evidenced the role of homeopathy and biodynamic farming as transformative tools regarding ecological awareness and ecological education, helping to advance the concept of the agriculture organism and subtle aspects of life into agricultural research and society.

High Potencies , Fragaria , Sustainable Agriculture
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37016, Jan.-Dec. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358713


Plans for an agro-ecological system for agricultural production must consider vegetal diversification in agricultural properties because, among other advantages, it can help the biological control of pests when it focuses on such an end. Predator ladybeetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) can be found in different environments; they play an important role in biological control. The aims of the present study were to feature ladybeetle populations through faunistic analysis and determine their fluctuations in an agro-ecological system comprising seven sub-systems subjected to different cultivation systems in Seropédica County, RJ. The experiment was conducted from December/2018 to December/2019 at Módulo de Cultivo Orgânico Intensivo de Hortaliças (MCOIH), which is located at Sistema Integrado de Produção Agroecológica (SIPA). In total, 1,231 adult ladybeetles were captured, distributed into 13 species, 3 genera and 2 tribes of Coccinellidae, which resulted in S (taxon richness) = 19, Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') = 0.65 (at 0 to 1 scale) and Margalef diversity index (α) = 2.53 (values lower than 2.0 represent low diversity sites). Equitability was low (E = 0.22), since one of the ladybeetle species has prevailed: Cycloneda sanguinea (most frequent, dominating and constant) in MCOIH, as well as in each of the sub-systems. However, the simplest sub-systems installed for vegetable production (monoculture gardens) were not favorable for ladybeetle diversity, whereas sub-systems installed for polyculture of leafy vegetables recorded the greatest taxa diversity of ladybeetles, including species that predate in aphids that attack vegetables [Coleomegilla maculata, Coleomegilla quadrifasciata, Cycloneda sanguinea, Eriopis connexa, Harmonia axyridis, Hippodamia convergens and Hyperaspis (Hyperaspis) festiva]. The sub-system comprising gliricidia was used to produce fertilization biomass and favored the predominance of C. sanguinea in comparison to the other ladybeetle species in MCOIH. Spring was the season mostly favoring the occurrence of C. sanguinea and H. convergens adults; which were dominant species in ladybeetle assemblage in MCOIH; however, C. sanguinea was constant and H. convergens was accessory.

Coleoptera , Biodiversity , Sustainable Agriculture , Pest Control, Biological
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(3)sept. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387676


Resumen Introducción: Los servicios ecosistémicos (SE) de provisión suministrados por los agroecosistemas de huertos familiares (AEHF) se refieren a los beneficios tangibles que las personas obtienen del ecosistema. Aunque los AEHF, han sido ampliamente estudiados, pocos son los trabajos que evidencian su abordaje desde una perspectiva integral, la cual incorpore características biofísicas y económicas al mismo tiempo. Objetivo: Realizar un análisis integral los servicios ecosistémicos de provisión suministrados por agroecosistemas de huertos familiares del Estado de México. Métodos: Se recopilo información sobre los SE de provisión (identificación, usos, destinos y generación de ingresos) mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, cuestionarios, inventarios de especies, observaciónes directas, y recorridos en campo entre Marzo a Diciembre de 2019 en tres comunidades rurales, con la participación de 42 familias propietarias de los huertos familiares. Resultados: Se identificaron un total de seis SE de provisión asociados a 212 especies, las cuales fueron distribuidas en 172 géneros y 82 familias. Los Principales usos que los propietarios de los huertos dieron a los SE de provisión fueron ornamentales (51 %), seguidos de los alimenticios (39 %) y medicinales (32 %), donde especies como Cymbopogon citratus, Persea americana, Punica granatum, Zea mays e Inga jinicuil, tuvieron los mayores valores de uso (V. U. = 4). El destino de la producción fue autoconsumo, venta e intercambio; siendo el primero, la principal estrategia de sobrevivencia utilizada por los hogares. La venta de productos comestibles en fresco, así como de sus derivados represento ingresos brutos promedio de 1 333.47 USD/año para los propietarios de los huertos familiares. Conclusiones: Los servicios ecosistémicos de provisión proporcionados por los huertos familiares son vistos como una fuente importante de recursos, los cuales permiten satisfacer necesidades múltiples de los hogares rurales, catalogados en pobreza extrema.

Abstract Introduction: Provisioning ecosystem services (ES) provided by agroecosystems of family orchards (AEFO) refer to the tangible benefits that people obtain from the ecosystem. Although AEFO have been widely studied, few studies show their approach from an integral perspective, which incorporates biophysical and economic characteristics at the same time. Objective: To carry out an integral analysis of provisioning ecosystem services provided by agroecosystems of family orchards from State of Mexico. Methods: Information about provisioning ecosystem services (identification, uses, destination and income generation) were collected between March to December 2019 from three rural communities by involving 42 families with a family orchard using semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, species inventories, direct observation and field trips. Results: A sum of six provisioning ecosystem services were identified, which were associated to 212 species, distributed in 172 genera and 82 families. The main uses that the owners of the orchards gave to provisioning ES were ornamental (51 %), followed by food (39 %) and medicinal (32 %), where species such as Cymbopogon citratus, Persea americana, Punica granatum, Zea mays e Inga jinicuil, had the highest use values (U. V. = 4). The destination of the production was self-consumption, sale and exchange, being the first the main survival strategy used by households. Sale of edible products in fresh, as well as their derivatives, represented an average gross income of 1 333.47 USD/year for the owners of the family orchards. Conclusions: Provisioning ecosystem services provided by family orchards seen as an important source of resources, which allow the households of rural communities classified in extreme poverty to cover multiple needs.

Ecosystem , Sustainable Agriculture , Mexico
Rev. chil. salud pública ; 25(1): 86-95, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369016


INTRODUCCIÓN. Este artículo presenta una sistematización del Proyecto Redes, Salud y Alimentos llevado adelante por un equipo interdisciplinario de docentes de la Universidad de la República (Udelar) en 2018 en la localidad de San Antonio, Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay. El proyecto tuvo como objetivo promover la creación de un espacio para la promoción integral de la salud y la agroecología desde el enfoque de la Ecosalud. A nivel académico el proyecto se propuso promover la producción de conocimiento interdisciplinario en torno a los ejes de salud humana, construcción social de la salud y producción agroecológica de alimentos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. En el territorio, desde un enfoque de Ecosalud, se generaron acciones de prevención y promoción de la salud a partir de una concepción holística y sistémica de las relaciones ambientales y humanas. Se incorporó la perspectiva agroecológica, considerando a los alimentos y su sistema de producción como determinantes de la sustentabilidad ambiental y de la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria. RESULTADOS. Como resultados destacamos el logro de los objetivos de promover la participación e integración del saber comunitario y haber creado un espacio de promoción de la salud integral, en sintonía con los pilares de la Carta de Shangai, "Promoción de la salud en la Agenda 2030 para el desarrollo sostenible". DISCUSIÓN. Esta experiencia es una respuesta a los desafíos que enfrenta la academia, en su afán de aportar al desarrollo de la sociedad. Sus desarrollos pueden verse también son pilares teóricos y ejes de acción de una nueva Salud Pública. (AU)

INTRODUCTION. This article presents a systematization of the Networks, Health and Food Project carried out by an interdisciplinary team of teachers from the University of the Republic (Ude-lar) in 2018 in the town of San Antonio, Department of Canelones, Uruguay. The main goal was to create a program of health promotion and agroecology from the Eco-health perspective. At an academic level, the project set out to promote the production of interdisciplinary knowledge around the axes of human health, social construction of health and agroecological food production. MATHERIALS AND METHODS. From an Ecohealth approach, health prevention and promotion actions on location were generated from a holistic and systemic conception of the relationship between humans and the environment. The agroecological perspective was incorporated, con-sidering food and its production system as determinants of environmental sustainability and food security and sovereignty. RESULTS. As results we highlight the importance of participation and integration of community knowledge and having created a space for the promotion of comprehensive health, in tune with the pillars of the Shanghai Charter, "Health promotion in the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development". DISCUSSION. This experience is a response to the challenges facing the academy, in its desire to contribute to the development of society. Its developments can also be seen as theoretical support and lines of action of a new Public Health.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Community Participation , Sustainable Agriculture , Health Promotion/methods , Preventive Health Services , Uruguay
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 29(1): 76-86, enero-mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251063


Resumen Los compuestos agroquímicos se han utilizado en la agricultura en las últimas décadas para evitar pérdidas por plagas, nutrir la tierra, aumentar el rendimiento y la calidad de los cultivos. Sin embargo, el uso de estas sustancias en muchas ocasiones representa una fuente de contaminación ambiental y riesgos a la salud. Por ello, han surgido nuevas alternativas en la producción alimentaria, como el uso de elicitores, para consolidar una agricultura más sostenible y sin efectos adversos a la salud del consumidor. Los elicitores pueden estimular el metabolismo propio de las plantas para producir compuestos que resultarán en rasgos agronómicos deseados, como metabolitos secundarios de uso nutracéutico. En el presente artículo se muestra la perspectiva científica y ética de proyectos de investigación en los cuales se emplean diferentes elicitores para sustituir el uso de agroquímicos.

Abstract In recent decades, agrochemicals have been used in agriculture to increase crop yields and quality and avoid losses due to pests. However, the use of these substances often imply environmental contamination and potential health risks. To move towards a more sustainable agriculture with less undesirable effects to human health, a novel line of research has recently emerged, proposing alternatives for the use of agrochemicals, such as elicitors. Elicitors, either biotic or abiotic, can stimulate plants biochemical mechanism to produce compounds that will result in desired agronomic traits, such as secondary metabolites to be used as nutraceuticals. This article shows the scientific and the ethic perspective of research projects evaluating the role of different elicitors in replacing the use of agrochemicals.

Resumo Nas últimas décadas, compostos agroquímicos têm sido utilizados na agricultura para evitar pragas, nutrir o solo e aumentar a produtividade e a qualidade das plantas. No entanto, o uso dessas substâncias muitas vezes contamina o meio ambiente e traz riscos à saúde. Por isso, novas alternativas, como os elicitores, surgiram na produção alimentar a fim de consolidar uma agricultura mais sustentável, sem efeitos adversos para a saúde do consumidor. Os elicitores podem estimular o próprio metabolismo das plantas para produzir compostos que resultarão em características agronômicas desejadas, como metabólitos secundários para uso nutracêutico. Este artigo mostra a perspectiva científica e ética de projetos de pesquisa em que diferentes elicitores substituem agroquímicos.

Biotechnology , Health , Agrochemicals , Sustainable Agriculture
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;51(3): 191-198, set 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353489


O uso da silagem de raiz de mandioca na alimentação animal representa uma opção viável tanto para os produtores que cultivam mandioca (visando ter um produto para comercialização alternativa), quanto para os pecuaristas que compram milho a preços elevados. Assim, objetivou-se determinar o efeito de variedades e da correção da acidez do solo sobre as populações microbianas, características fermentativas, composição química, estabilidade aeróbia e perdas de silagens de raízes de mandioca. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento em blocos casualizados, em arranjo fatorial 2×3 com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados dois genótipos de mandioca (Caeté e Manteiguinha) e três tipos de correção de acidez do solo (calagem, gessagem e calagem+gessagem). Após 11 meses, as raízes foram colhidas, trituradas e ensiladas em silos do tipo PVC, onde permaneceram por 45 dias. Não observamos efeito de interação entre genótipos e correção do solo para os parâmetros testados. As silagens do genótipo Caeté apresentaram as maiores concentrações de matéria seca (421 g kg-1 matéria fresca) e carboidratos não fibrosos (893 g kg-1 matéria seca), e menores de fibra em detergente neutro (37.1 g kg-1 matéria seca). Não houve diferenças significativas entre tratamentos para bactérias ácido láticas, leveduras e mofos nas silagens. Ambos os genótipos resultaram em silagens com perfil de fermentação adequado e estabilidade aeróbia consideravelmente elevada, mas com elevadas perdas de efluentes. O genótipo Caeté apresentou condições potencialmente melhores para produção de silagem devido a sua maior recuperação de matéria seca. Devido à alta perda de efluente, recomendamos testar o efeito da adição de um aditivo absorvente de umidade durante o processo de ensilagem dessas raízes de mandioca. (AU)

Manihot , Sustainable Agriculture , Fermentation , Food Preservation
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 32: e190747, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psi (psychology), LILACS | ID: biblio-1135951


Resumo O artigo tem como objetivo discutir sobre o fatalismo presente no trabalho camponês e suas possibilidades de ruptura. Apoia-se nas contribuições teóricas de Ignacio Martín-Baró e toma como referente empírico os relatos de camponeses da região Centro-Sul do Estado do Paraná. Os relatos foram obtidos através de uma roda de conversa com agricultores agroecologistas e da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco famílias produtoras de tabaco. Tomando como exemplo a fumicultura e a diversificação desta produção para a agricultura agroecológica, busca evidenciar as relações de trabalho como fonte do fatalismo no contexto do campesinato, e a recuperação da memória histórica, a organização social e a prática de classe como dimensões presentes em seu processo de ruptura.

Resumen El artículo tiene como objetivo discutir el fatalismo presente en el trabajo campesino y sus posibilidades de ruptura. Se apoya en las contribuciones teóricas de Ignacio Martín-Baró y toma como referente empírico los relatos de campesinos de la región Centro-Sur del Estado del Paraná, Brasil. Los informes fueron obtenidos a través de una rueda de conversación con agricultores agroecologistas y de la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas con cinco familias productoras de tabaco. Tomando como ejemplo el cultivo de tabaco y la diversificación de esta producción para la agricultura agroecológica, la investigación busca evidenciar las relaciones de trabajo como fuente del fatalismo en el contexto del campesinado, y la recuperación de la memoria histórica, la organización social y la práctica de clase como dimensiones presentes en su proceso de ruptura.

Abstract This article focuses on discussing fatalism in peasant labor and its possibilities of rupture. It is based on the theoretical contributions of Ignacio Martín-Baró and takes as an empirical reference the reports of peasants from the Center-South region of the State of Paraná, Brazil. The reports were obtained through a conversation circle with agroecologist farmers and semi-structured interviews with five tobacco-producing families. Taking tobacco production and the diversification of this production for agroecological agriculture as an example, this work seeks to highlight labor relations as a source of fatalism in the context of the peasantry, and the recovery of historical memory, social organization and class practice as dimensions present in its process of rupture.

Rupture , Rural Workers , Rural Economy , Sustainable Agriculture , Social Problems
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(Supplement1): 14-21, Dec. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354516


This work aimed at evaluating and comparing agronomic characteristics of 15 quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) genotypes cultivated in two altitudes and sowing densities. The experiment initiated by individual plant selection in Brasília, DF, followed by progeny evaluation in Colombia, at 1,100 m and 1,850 m altitude and population densities of 30 and 12 plants m-1, with row spacing of 0,50 m. Eleven progenies and four commercial cultivars were tested. The progenies were obtained by selecting individuals in BRS Syetetuba based on plant height, grain and dry matter yield, harvest index and 1,000 grain weight. The genotypes with the highest grain yield were BRQ 8 (2,283 kg ha-1), Aurora (2,121 kg ha-1) and BRQ 4 (2,043 kg ha-1). In general, the genotypes had early plant cycle, from emergence to physiological maturity of 100-110 days at high plant density for the two altitudes. It is concluded that exploring variability in progenies originated from natural crosses is effective in the adaptation of quinoa to tropical environments. Moreover, genotypes tested in the Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) maintain the same response relation when evaluated in Colombia. (AU)

Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar e comparar características agronômicas e biométricas de 15 genótipos de quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), cultivados em duas altitudes e densidades de semeadura. O experimento iniciou por seleção individual em Brasília, DF, seguido por avaliação agronômica em duas altitudes (1,100 m e 1,850 m), e duas densidades de semeadura (30 plantas m-1 e 12 plantas m-1) na Colômbia. O experimento foi constituído por 11 progênies e quatro cultivares comerciais em uso na Colômbia. Na seleção, consideraram-se altura de plantas, produção de grãos e massa seca, índice de colheita e peso de 1000 grãos. Os genótipos que se destacaram para rendimento foram BRQ 8 (2,283 kg ha-1), Aurora (2,121 kg ha-1) e BRQ 4 (2,043 kg ha-1). Em geral, os genótipos apresentaram precocidade, com ciclo (emergência-maturação) entre 100 e 110 dias, com densidade ótima de 30 plantas m-1 nas duas altitudes. Conclui-se que a exploração de variabilidade em progênies oriundas de cruzamentos naturais, mostra-se efetiva na adaptação de quinoa a ambientes tropicais. Ademais, genótipos selecionados no Cerrado mantêm as mesmas relações de resposta quando avaliados na Colômbia. (AU)

Crop Production , Chenopodium quinoa , Sustainable Agriculture
Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 15(4): 1-13, set.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psi (psychology) | ID: biblio-1250476


Este trabalho apresenta algumas das disputas que vêm sendo travadas a partir da emergência das mulheres como sujeitas políticas na construção da Agroecologia no Brasil. Trata-se de etnografia feminista com a realização de observação participante. Partiu-se da descrição e análise de três cenas ocorridas em distintos encontros de Agroecologia, as quais foram tomadas como disparadores para pensar como se constroem os discursos feministas em relação às narrativas "hegemônicas" no movimento. Os resultados foram analisados à luz das teorias feministas decoloniais e apontam que, apesar de se tratar de um campo que busca desconstruir o paradigma moderno de hierarquização de saberes e práticas, percebe-se que não há um consenso acerca do reconhecimento do protagonismo e dos saberes aportados pelas mulheres. Devido a isso, elas constroem estratégias em diálogo com feminismos plurais e populares, no sentido de visibilizar e politizar suas práticas cotidianas.

This paper presents some of the disputes that have been fought since the emergence of women as subject in the construction of Agroecology in Brazil. This is feminist Ethnography with participant observation. It starts with the description and analysis of three scenes that occurred in different meetings of Agroecology and that were taken as triggers for thinking how feminist discourses are built in relation to the "hegemonic" narratives within the movement. The results were analysed in the light of the postcolonial and feminist theories, and point out that, although it is a field that seeks to deconstruct the modern paradigm of hierarchy of knowledge and practices, there is no consensus on the recognition of the role and knowledge contributed by women. Front of it, women build strategies in dialogue with plural and popular feminisms, in order to visualize and politicize their daily practices.

Este trabajo presenta algunas de las disputas que se han combatido desde el surgimiento de la mujer como sujetas a políticas en la construcción de la agroecología en Brasil. Es etnografía feminista con la realización de la observación participante. Se basó en la descripción y el análisis de tres escenas que ocurrieron en diferentes reuniones de agroecología y fueron tomadas como detonantes para pensar cómo se construyeron los discursos feministas en relación con las narrativas "hegemónicas" dentro del movimiento. Los resultados fueron analizados a la luz de las teorías feministas poscoloniales y señalan que, a pesar de ser un campo que busca deconstruir con el paradigma moderno de jerarquía de conocimiento según el conocimiento y las prácticas, se percibe que no hay consenso sobre el reconocimiento del protagonismo y el conocimiento aportados por las mujeres. En vista de esto, construyen estrategias en diálogo con feminismos plurales y populares, con el fin de visibilizar y politizar sus prácticas diarias.

Feminism , Sustainable Agriculture , Psychology, Social , Women , Anthropology, Cultural
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(Supplement1): 1-13, Dec. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354511


This work aimed to evaluate the technical feasibility of lettuce, Indian spinach and taro intercropping under organic fertilizer. The experiment was performed at Água Limpa Farm, belonging to the University of Brasília, located in Brasília - DF, from October 2014 to June 2015. A completely randomized block design with seven treatments and four replications was used. Each experimental plot had 18 m2 (4.5 m x 4.0 m), totaling 28 plots. The following treatments were assessed: lettuce monoculture, Indian spinach monoculture, taro monoculture, lettuce/Indian spinach intercropping, lettuce/taro intercropping, Indian spinach/taro intercropping, and lettuce/Indian spinach/taro intercropping. In all treatments, the following spacings were used: 0.25 x 0.25 m (lettuce), 1.0 x 0.6 m (Indian spinach), and 1.0 x 0.3 m (taro). Crop production was evaluated from sample plants taken from the central part of each plot. Two harvests of lettuce, two of Indian spinach and one of taro were carried out during intercropping. In the first cycle, lettuce highest mean yield values were observed in the lettuce monoculture (3.5 kg m-2) and lettuce/Indian spinach intercropping (3.4 kg m-2). The crop reached the commercial size in both production cycles, except when intercropped with Indian spinach in the second cycle. The highest Indian spinach mean fresh mass was recorded in the lettuce/Indian spinach intercropping (974.7 g plant-1; first harvest) and monoculture (327.5 g plant-1; second harvest). The yield of taro rhizomes was significantly higher when intercropped with lettuce, showing a mean value of 16.8 kg m-2. The intercropping arrangements with lettuce increased yield of nonconventional vegetables. The conventional and nonconventional vegetables' intercropping technique increased species diversity in the area without interfering in the agronomic performance and quality of the crops.

Vegetables , Spinacia oleracea , Lactuca , Colocasia , Manure , Biodiversity , Sustainable Agriculture
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(3)sept. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507705


Introduction: Recognition of the variety of ecosystem services that biodiversity performs in agroecosystems is one of the basic principles of agroecology. Because indices of functional diversity may be directly related with ecosystem services, an assessment of functional diversity can be useful for evaluating ecosystem services provided under agroecological management. Objective: We compared functional diversity of birds found in rice fields under conventional and agroecological management in the rice zone of Santa Fe Province, Argentina. Our objective was to determine whether agroecological management of rice is associated with a higher functional diversity and a different functional composition of birds than conventional management. Methods: We surveyed birds eight times, roughly every 15 days between November 2017 and March 2018, from beginning of sowing to before harvest, in both types of rice fields. Birds were sampled by a combined technique of line transects and point counts at four sites in each type of management. We calculated indices of functional diversity and composition based on morphologic and trophic attributes of birds detected in each type of field. Results: Functional richness, divergence and dispersion were higher under agroecological management. Only differences in functional richness between managements reflected differences in species richness. Community-level weighted means of trait values by sample varied between management types. An insectivorous diet, pursuit as a foraging method, and air and shrubs as foraging substrates were traits best represented under agroecological management. Conclusions: Our results suggest that agroecological management of rice crops is related with a higher functional diversity of birds than conventional practices, suggesting that agroecological management may enhance the provision of ecosystem services by birds in rice agroecosystems.

Introducción: El reconocimiento de la variedad de servicios ecosistémicos de la biodiversidad en los agroecosistemas es uno de los principios básicos de la agroecología. Debido a que los índices de diversidad funcional pueden estar directamente relacionados con los servicios ecosistémicos, la evaluación de la diversidad funcional representa una estrategia adecuada para evaluar estos servicios en agroecosistemas bajo manejo agroecológico. Objetivo: Se comparó la diversidad funcional de aves entre arroceras bajo manejo convencional y agroecológico en la zona arrocera de la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. El objetivo fue determinar si el manejo agroecológico del arroz se asocia con una mayor diversidad funcional y con una diferente composición funcional de aves en relación con el manejo convencional. Métodos: Se muestrearon las aves mediante 8 conteos repetidos aproximadamente cada 15 días entre noviembre 2017 y marzo 2018, desde el comienzo de la siembra hasta antes de la cosecha, en ambos tipos de arroceras. Los muestreos fueron realizados mediante una técnica mixta combinando transectas de línea y puntos de conteo en cuatro sitios por tipo de manejo. Se calcularon índices de diversidad y composición funcional con base en atributos morfológicos y tróficos de las aves registradas. Resultados: La riqueza, la divergencia y la dispersión funcional fueron más altos bajo manejo agroecológico. Solamente en el caso de la riqueza funcional las diferencias reflejaron únicamente la variación de la riqueza de especies. La media ponderada a nivel de ensamble de los valores de los rasgos por muestra varió entre los tipos de manejo, estando la dieta insectívora, la persecución como método de forrajeo, y el aire y los arbustos como sustrato de forrajeo mejor representados bajo manejo agroecológico. Conclusión: Los resultados sugirieron que el manejo agroecológico del arroz se relaciona con una mayor diversidad funcional de aves que las prácticas de manejo convencional, sugiriendo que el manejo agroecológico puede mejorar la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos por aves en cultivos de arroz.

Oryza/growth & development , Ecosystem , Argentina , Birds , Sustainable Agriculture
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 87: e0902018, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1100113


Organic agriculture is distinguished by practices that benefit the environment and support sustainable agriculture. In the present study, leafy kale, Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC., was submitted to chemical and organic (castor bean cake and bovine manure) fertilization treatments aiming to verify the influence of these fertilizers on the occurrence of insect pests and natural enemies. The insects were sampled by visual examination of plants and pitfall traps. Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were the phytophagous insects that occurred more significantly in kale, under chemical rather than organic fertilization, whereas Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), Hippodamia convergens (Guérin-Méneville) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) were abundant in kale under organic fertilizer. The study showed that castor bean cake and bovine manure as leafy kale fertilizers can reduce the use of insecticides and provide quality food.(AU)

A agricultura orgânica destaca-se pelo emprego de práticas que beneficiam o meio ambiente e aumentam a sustentabilidade na agricultura. No presente estudo, a couve-de-folha, Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC., foi submetida a tratamentos de adubação química e orgânica à base de torta de mamona e esterco bovino para se verificar a influência dos fertilizantes na ocorrência de insetos pragas e inimigos naturais. Os insetos foram amostrados por meio de exame visual de plantas e armadilhas tipo alçapão. Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) e Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) foram os insetos fitófagos que ocorreram significativamente em maior número em couve sob adubação química que orgânica, enquanto Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), Hippodamia convergens (Guérin-Méneville) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) e aranhas (Arachnida: Araneae) foram abundantes em couve sob adubo orgânico. O estudo evidenciou que o uso de torta de mamona e esterco bovino como adubo de couve-de-folha pode reduzir o uso de inseticidas e fornecer alimentos de qualidade.(AU)

Brassica , Pest Control/methods , Pest Control, Biological , Fertilizers , Sustainable Agriculture , Organic Agriculture , Insecta