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J Environ Manage ; 370: 122830, 2024 Oct 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39369532


Production of agricultural crops with a low greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint is essential to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. The inclusion of pulse crops in cereal-based rotations can enhance environmental quality by providing biologically fixed N and thereby reducing the amount of synthetic N fertilizer required for the crop rotation. The inclusion of pulse crop has the potential to reduce N2O emissions from the agricultural system in both the legume phase and the subsequent wheat phase of the rotation. However, long-term studies are necessary to thoroughly investigate N2O emissions from rotations with pulse crops, particularly in the semiarid region where pulse crops are frequently grown. In the present study, we evaluated cumulative N2O emissions and emission intensity during the rotation cycle. The assessment was conducted over 4 years, during two complete 2-yr cycles of an established rotation (years 9-12), under the climatological conditions of 2018-2021. Four rotations including wheat-wheat, pea-wheat, lentil-wheat, and chickpea-wheat were selected from a trial in Swift Current, Saskatchewan (semiarid prairies/Brown Chernozem). Our experiment was subjected to below normal precipitation, with interannual variations in climate and the last 2 years (2020-21) were drier than the first two years (2018-2019). Under such climate, PW and LW demonstrated to be environmentally sustainable, always exporting the highest N in grains (133 kg N ha-1 averaged across PW and LW and cycles) and consistently achieving the lowest N2O intensity (2.8 g N2O-N per kg exported N averaged across PW and LW and cycles). Continuous wheat presented inconsistent results, with a significant reduction in exported N from years 9-10 to 11-12 (the driest cycle). Because WW also promoted the highest cumulative N2O emissions, N2O intensity over the 2-yr was always the highest for WW. The CW consistently promoted the lowest N exports and was not resilient to dry soil conditions, with 23% lower exported N in years 11-12 than in years 9-10. Hence including pulse crops with pea or lentil in the rotation reduced N2O emissions and enhanced wheat yield resiliency.

J Environ Manage ; 341: 118015, 2023 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37150173


Agriculture produces food, fiber and biofuels for the world's growing population, however, agriculture can be a major contributor of nitrogen (N) losses including emissions of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrate (NO3-) leaching and runoff. A Canadian Agricultural Nitrogen Budget for Reactive N (CANBNr) model was developed to estimate the soil N balance in 3487 soil landscape of Canada polygons from 1981 to 2016. The CANBNr model integrates NH3 emission from fertilizers, manure from housing, storage and field, as well as direct/indirect N2O emissions from fertilizers, manures, crop residues and soil organic matter. The NO3- leaching is estimated based on the residual soil N (RSN) at harvest and drainage derived with the DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model. From 1981 to 2016, the N input from fertilizer and N fixation increased at a greater rate than N removal in harvested crops in all provinces of Canada, resulting in an increase in the RSN and N losses. In 2016, the Prairie provinces had lower N losses (11.7 kg N ha-1) from N2O, NH3 and NO3- compared with 43.2 kg N ha-1 in central Canada, and 76.5 kg N ha-1 in Atlantic Canada. However, the Prairie provinces had 84.3% of the total Canadian farmland (74.3% of the total Canadian N input), while central Canada had 12.9% of Canadian farmland (21.7% of the total Canadian N input). In the Prairie provinces, the total N2O loss from fertilizer N ranged 4.4-8.6 Gg N whereas NH3 loss ranged from 17.1 to 44.6 Gg N and these values were influenced by both emission intensity and total land area. Total N2O losses from manure were highest in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec resulting in 4.8, 4.4, and 3.4 Gg N and NH3 losses from manure were also highest in these 3 provinces at 61.1, 45.2 and 40.4 Gg N, respectively. Nitrate leaching was impacted by drainage volumes, soil type and N inputs. In the non-growing season, NO3- leaching losses (36-yr average) were 63.3 Gg in Ontario and 57.5 Gg N in Quebec compared with 20.8 Gg N for Ontario and 35.5 Gg N for Quebec in the growing season. In contrast, the Prairie provinces showed higher NO3- leaching in the growing season (23.1-37.4 Gg N) than in the non-growing season (10.4-13.7 Gg N). In summary, total fertilizer N increased the most over the 36 years in the Prairies which resulted in increased RSN and N leaching losses that will require further intervention.

Fertilizantes , Suelo , Suelo/química , Nitratos , Estiércol , Agricultura , Nitrógeno/análisis , Ontario , Productos Agrícolas , Óxido Nitroso/análisis
J Environ Qual ; 47(4): 820-829, 2018 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30025062


Surface runoff and tile drainage are the main pathways for water movement and entry of agricultural nitrate into water resources. The objective of this 5-yr study was to characterize the partitioning of water flow and nitrate loss between these pathways for a humid-temperate Brookston clay loam soil under 54 to 59 yr of consistent cropping and fertilization. Cropping treatments included monoculture corn ( L., MC), continuous bluegrass ( L.) sod (CS), and a corn-oat-alfalfa ( L.)-alfalfa rotation (RC-RO-RA1-RA2). Fertilization treatments included annual fertilizer addition (F) and no fertilizer addition (NF). Tile drainage and surface runoff occurred primarily during the nongrowing season (November-April), and they were highly correlated with the mean saturated hydraulic conductivity of the near-surface soil profile. Tile drainage accounted for 69 to 90% of cumulative water flow and 79 to 96% of cumulative nitrate loss from fertilized rotation and CS, whereas surface runoff accounted for the majority of the nitrate losses in MC (i.e., 75-93% of water flow and 65-96% of nitrate loss). Cumulative nitrate losses were highest in the RC-F (152 kg N ha), RC-NF (101 kg N ha), RA2-F (121 kg N ha), and RA2-NF (75 kg N ha) plots, and these high losses are attributed to N mineralization from the plowed alfalfa and fertilization (if applicable). Fertilization increased cumulative nitrate loss in tile drainage from all treatments, whereas no fertilization increased cumulative nitrate loss in surface runoff from the rotation. Cropping system and fertilization on clay loam soil changed how water flow and nitrate loss were partitioned between tile drainage and surface runoff.

Agricultura , Nitratos/análisis , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Fertilizantes , Suelo , Movimientos del Agua
J Environ Qual ; 44(2): 503-11, 2015 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26023969


Phosphorus (P) loss in tile drainage water may vary with agricultural practices, and the impacts are often hard to detect with short-term studies. We evaluated the effects of long-term (≥43 yr) cropping systems (continuous corn [CC], corn-oats-alfalfa-alfalfa rotation [CR], and continuous grass [CS]) and fertilization (fertilization [F] vs. no-fertilization [NF]) on P loss in tile drainage water from a clay loam soil over a 4-yr period. Compared with NF, long-term fertilization increased concentrations and losses of dissolved reactive P (DRP), dissolved unreactive P (DURP), and total P (TP) in tile drainage water, with the increments following the order: CS > CR > CC. Dissolved P (dissolved reactive P [DRP] and dissolved unreactive P [DURP]) was the dominant P form in drainage outflow, accounting for 72% of TP loss under F-CS, whereas particulate P (PP) was the major form of TP loss under F-CC (72%), F-CR (62%), NF-CS (66%), NF-CC (74%), and NF-CR (72%). Dissolved unreactive P played nearly equal roles as DRP in P losses in tile drainage water. Stepwise regression analysis showed that the concentration of P (DRP, DURP, and PP) in tile drainage flow, rather than event flow volume, was the most important factor contributing to P loss in tile drainage water, although event flow volume was more important in PP loss than in dissolved P loss. Continuous grass significantly increased P loss by increasing P concentration and flow volume of tile drainage water, especially under the fertilization treatment. Long-term grasslands may become a significant P source in tile-drained systems when they receive regular P addition.

J Environ Qual ; 43(2): 617-30, 2014 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25602663


Excessive N loading from subsurface tile drainage has been linked to water quality degradation. Controlled tile drainage (CTD) has the potential to reduce N losses via tile drainage and boost crop yields. While CTD can reduce N loss from tile drainage, it may increase losses through other pathways. A multiple-year field-scale accounting of major N inputs and outputs during the cropping season was conducted on freely drained and controlled tile drained agricultural fields under corn ( L.)-soybean [ (L.) Merr.] production systems in eastern Ontario, Canada. Greater predicted gaseous N emissions for corn and soybean and greater observed lateral seepage N losses were observed for corn and soybean fields under CTD relative to free-draining fields. However, observed N losses from tile were significantly lower for CTD fields, in relation to freely drained fields. Changes in residual soil N were essentially equivalent between drainage treatments, while mass balance residual terms were systematically negative (slightly more so for CTD). Increases in plant N uptake associated with CTD were observed, probably resulting in higher grain yields for corn and soybean. This study illustrates the benefits of CTD in decreasing subsurface tile drainage N losses and boosting crop yields, while demonstrating the potential for CTD to increase N losses via other pathways related to gaseous emissions and groundwater seepage.

J Environ Qual ; 43(2): 587-98, 2014 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25602660


Nitrate lost from agricultural soils is an economic cost to producers, an environmental concern when it enters rivers and lakes, and a health risk when it enters wells and aquifers used for drinking water. Planting a winter wheat cover crop (CC) and/or use of controlled tile drainage-subirrigation (CDS) may reduce losses of nitrate (NO) relative to no cover crop (NCC) and/or traditional unrestricted tile drainage (UTD). A 6-yr (1999-2005) corn-soybean study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of CC+CDS, CC+UTD, NCC+CDS, and NCC+UTD treatments for reducing NO loss. Flow volume and NO concentration in surface runoff and tile drainage were measured continuously, and CC reduced the 5-yr flow-weighted mean (FWM) NO concentration in tile drainage water by 21 to 38% and cumulative NO loss by 14 to 16% relative to NCC. Controlled tile drainage-subirrigation reduced FWM NO concentration by 15 to 33% and cumulative NO loss by 38 to 39% relative to UTD. When CC and CDS were combined, 5-yr cumulative FWM NO concentrations and loss in tile drainage were decreased by 47% (from 9.45 to 4.99 mg N L and from 102 to 53.6 kg N ha) relative to NCC+UTD. The reductions in runoff and concomitant increases in tile drainage under CC occurred primarily because of increases in near-surface soil hydraulic conductivity. Cover crops increased corn grain yields by 4 to 7% in 2004 increased 3-yr average soybean yields by 8 to 15%, whereas CDS did not affect corn or soybean yields over the 6 yr. The combined use of a cover crop and water-table management system was highly effective for reducing NO loss from cool, humid agricultural soils.

J Environ Qual ; 42(6): 1881-8, 2013 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25602428


The environmental impact of using wood chips instead of straw bedding with feedlot manure on transport and leaching potential from feedlot manure is unknown. Our main objective was to determine if transport of total N, total organic N, NO-N, and nonpurgeable organic C (NPOC) to subsurface soil was lower for soils amended with feedlot manure if combined with wood chips compared with straw. A secondary objective was to compare transport of N and NPOC with organic amendments versus inorganic fertilizer. Stockpiled feedlot manure (SM) with wood chip (SM-WD) or barley straw (SM-ST) bedding at 39 Mg (dry wt.) ha, and inorganic fertilizer (IN) at 100 kg N ha, was applied annually for 13 yr to a clay loam soil in a replicated field experiment in southern Alberta, Canada. Intact soil cores were taken in fall 2011 (0-30 cm depth) from the three treatments, and the residual N and NPOC were eluted from the soil cores. Total N, total organic N, and NPOC were determined on filtered (1.0 µm) effluent samples that are primarily dissolved fraction but may contain some small particulate N and C. Peak concentrations, flow-weighted mean concentrations, and mass loss of total N, total organic N, NO-N, and NPOC were significantly ( ≤ 0.05) lower by 35 to 86% for SM-WD compared with SM-ST. Mean recoveries were also significantly lower for SM-WD than SM-ST by 0.07 to 8% (absolute difference). The transport behavior was similar for SM-WD and IN treatment, but solute transport was greater for SM-ST than for IN. Application of stockpiled feedlot manure with wood chips instead of straw bedding may be a beneficial management practice to reduce transport and leaching potential of N fractions and NPOC.

J Environ Manage ; 129: 652-64, 2013 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23910796


Controlled tile drainage can boost crop yields and improve water quality, but it also has the potential to increase GHG emissions. This study compared in-situ chamber-based measures of soil CH4, N2O, and CO2 fluxes for silt loam soil under corn and soybean cropping with conventional tile drainage (UTD) and controlled tile drainage (CTD). A semi-empirical model (NEMIS-NOE) was also used to predict soil N2O fluxes from soils using observed soil data. Observed N2O and CH4 fluxes between UTD and CTD fields during the farming season were not significantly different at 0.05 level. Soils were primarily a sink for CH4 but in some cases a source (sources were associated exclusively with CTD). The average N2O fluxes measured ranged between 0.003 and 0.028 kg N ha(-1) day(-1). There were some significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) CO2 fluxes associated with CTD relative to UTD during some years of study. Correlation analyses indicated that the shallower the water table, the greater the CO2 fluxes. Higher corn plant C for CTD tended to offset estimated higher CTD CO2 C losses via soil respiration by ∼100-300 kg C ha(-1). There were good fits between observed and predicted (NEMIS-NOE) N2O fluxes for corn (R(2) = 0.70) and soybean (R(2) = 0.53). Predicted N2O fluxes were higher for CTD for approximately 70% of the paired-field study periods suggesting that soil physical factors, such as water-filled pore space, imposed by CTD have potentially strong impacts on net N fluxes. Model predictions of daily cumulative N2O fluxes for the agronomically-active study period for corn-CTD and corn-UTD, as a percentage of total N fertilizer applied, were 3.1% and 2.6%, respectively. For predicted N2O fluxes on basis of yield units, indices were 0.0005 and 0.0004 (kg N kg(-1) crop grain yield) for CTD and UTD corn fields, respectively, and 0.0011 and 0.0005 for CTD and UTD soybean fields, respectively.

Agricultura/métodos , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/metabolismo , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Glycine max/metabolismo , Suelo/química , Zea mays/metabolismo , Dióxido de Carbono/metabolismo , Metano/metabolismo , Modelos Teóricos , Óxido Nítrico/metabolismo , Ciclo del Nitrógeno , Estaciones del Año
Sci Total Environ ; 759: 143433, 2021 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33198998


Process-based models are effective tools for assessing the sustainability of agricultural productivity and environmental health under various management practices and rotation systems. The objectives of this study were to (1) calibrate and evaluate the DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model using measurements of yields, nitrogen (N) uptake, soil inorganic N, soil temperature, soil moisture and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions under long-term fertilized continuous corn (CC) and corn-oats-alfalfa-alfalfa (COAA) rotation systems in southwest Ontario from 1959 to 2015, Canada, and (2) explore the impacts of four diverse rotation systems (CC, COAA, corn-soybean-corn-soybean (CSCS) and corn-soybean-winter wheat (CSW)) on corn yields and annual N2O emissions under long-term climate variability. DNDC demonstrated "good" performance in simulating corn, oats and alfalfa yield (normalized root mean square error (nRMSE) < 20%, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) > 0.5 and index of agreement (d) > 0.8). The model provided "fair" to "good" simulations for corn N uptake and soil inorganic N (NSE > 0.2 and d > 0.8), and also daily soil temperature and soil moisture (nRMSE <30% and d > 0.7) for both calibration and validation periods. The model demonstrated "good" performance in estimating daily and cumulative N2O emissions from both the continuous and rotational corn, whereas it produced "poor" to "good" predictions for N2O emissions from the rotational oats and alfalfa crops, however, the emissions from these crops were very low and the relative magnitude of these emissions between all crops investigated were well predicted. The lowest N2O emissions were from COAA followed by CSCS, CSW then CC. The highest corn yields were from COAA, followed by CSW, CSCS, then CC. This study highlights how modelling approaches can help improve the understanding of the impacts of diversified rotations on crop production and greenhouse gas emissions and contribute towards developing policies aimed at improving the sustainability and resiliency of cropping systems.

J Environ Qual ; 39(5): 1771-81, 2010.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21043282


Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural land in surface runoff can contribute to eutrophication of surface water. This study was conducted to evaluate a range of environmental and agronomic soil P tests as indicators of potential soil surface runoff dissolved reactive P (DRP) losses from Ontario soils. The soil samples (0- to 20-cm depth) were collected from six soil series in Ontario, with 10 sites each to provide a wide range of soil test P (STP) values. Rainfall simulation studies were conducted following the USEPA National P Research Project protocol. The average DRP concentration (DRP30) in runoff water collected over 30 min after the start of runoff increased (p < 0.001) in either a linear or curvilinear manner with increases in levels of various STPs and estimates of degree of soil P saturation (DPS). Among the 16 measurements of STPs and DPSs assessed, DPS(M3) 2 (Mehlich-3 P/[Mehlich-3 Al + Fe]) (r2 = 0.90), DPS(M3)-3 (Mehlich-3 P/Mehlich-3 Al) (r2 = 0.89), and water-extractable P (WEP) (r2 = 0.89) had the strongest overall relationship with runoff DRP30 across all six soil series. The DPS(M3)-2 and DPS(M3)-3 were equally accurate in predicting runoff DRP30 loss. However, DPS(M3)-3 was preferred as its prediction of DRP30 was soil pH insensitive and simpler in analytical procedure, ifa DPS approach is adopted.

Fósforo/análisis , Suelo/análisis , Contaminantes del Agua/análisis , Ontario , Solubilidad
J Environ Qual ; 49(6): 1730-1737, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33089514


Little research exists on short-term legacy effects of feedlot manure application on soil mesofauna. This long-term (since 1998) study was on an irrigated clay loam soil in southern Alberta cropped to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). We sampled the soil 3-4 yr (2017-2018) into the legacy period following 17 annual manure applications (1998-2014). The selected treatments sampled were stockpiled feedlot manure containing straw bedding applied at 0, 13, 39, and 77 Mg ha-1 (dry wt.). Intact soil cores were taken at three depth intervals (0-3, 3-6, and 6-9 cm) in the fall over 2 yr to determine the densities of Acari (mites) suborders and Collembola (springtails) families. Significant (P ≤ .05) application rate effects occurred on Oribatida and Astigmata after 3 yr (but not after 4 yr) into the legacy phase, whereas Prostigmata were unaffected. Densities of Astigmata after 3 yr were 3.2- to 4.1-fold greater at the 77 Mg ha-1 rate compared with three lower rates. Significant application rate effects occurred on Entomobryidae, Isotomidae, and Onychiuridae after 4 yr (but not after 3 yr), with no treatment effects on Neelidae. Densities of mesofauna were generally greater at higher than at lower rates, except for Entomobryidae in 2018, where the reverse trend occurred. Significant application rate effects were attributed to lower soil bulk density and greater volumetric soil water content and soil organic carbon. Therefore, legacy effects of feedlot manure application generally persisted on soil mesofauna 3-4 yr into the legacy phase but depended on mesofauna type, year, and depth.

Estiércol , Suelo , Agricultura , Alberta , Carbono , Humanos
J Environ Qual ; 38(3): 1193-204, 2009.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19398517


Improving field-crop use of fertilizer nitrogen is essential for protecting water quality and increasing crop yields. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of controlled tile drainage (CD) and controlled tile drainage with subsurface irrigation (CDS) for mitigating off-field nitrate losses and enhancing crop yields. The CD and CDS systems were compared on a clay loam soil to traditional unrestricted tile drainage (UTD) under a corn (Zea Mays L.)-soybean (Glycine Max. (L.) Merr.) rotation at two nitrogen (N) fertilization rates (N1: 150 kg N ha(-1) applied to corn, no N applied to soybean; N2: 200 kg N ha(-1) applied to corn, 50 kg N ha(-1) applied to soybean). The N concentrations in tile flow events with the UTD treatment exceeded the provisional long-term aquatic life limit (LT-ALL) for freshwater (4.7 mg N L(-1)) 72% of the time at the N1 rate and 78% at the N2 rate, whereas only 24% of tile flow events at N1 and 40% at N2 exceeded the LT-ALL for the CDS treatment. Exceedances in N concentration for surface runoff and tile drainage were greater during the growing season than the non-growing season. At the N1 rate, CD and CDS reduced average annual N losses via tile drainage by 44 and 66%, respectively, relative to UTD. At the N2 rate, the average annual decreases in N loss were 31 and 68%, respectively. Crop yields from CDS were increased by an average of 2.8% relative to UTD at the N2 rate but were reduced by an average of 6.5% at the N1 rate. Hence, CD and CDS were effective for reducing average nitrate losses in tile drainage, but CDS increased average crop yields only when additional N fertilizer was applied.

Agricultura/métodos , Biomasa , Fertilizantes/estadística & datos numéricos , Nitratos/análisis , Suelo/análisis , Glycine max/crecimiento & desarrollo , Zea mays/crecimiento & desarrollo
J Environ Manage ; 90(10): 3169-81, 2009 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19592153


With increasing amounts of nitrogen (N) being added to farmland in the form of fertilizer and manure to optimize crop yields, and more broadly, to meet the growing demands for food, feed and energy, there are public concerns regarding its possible negative impact on the environment. An optimal balance between N requirements for production versus efficient N use is required, so as to minimize N losses from the agricultural system. An agri-environmental indicator i.e., the Indicator of the Risk of Water Contamination by Nitrogen (IROWC-N) was developed to assess the risk of N moving from agricultural areas into groundwater and/or nearby surface water bodies. The indicator linked the quantity of mineral nitrogen remaining in the soil at harvest, i.e., the Residual Soil Nitrogen (RSN) indicator, and the subsequent climatic conditions during the winter period. The results were assessed in terms of nitrate lost through leaching and nitrate concentration in the drainage water, expressed in five IROWC-N risk classes. Unlike previous versions of the indicator, the current model provided a more complete description of the soil-water balance, including the calculation of rainfall interception by crops, surface runoff, actual evapotranspiration and soil-water contents. Consequently, the current IROWC-N estimates differed markedly from those obtained previously. Between 1981 and 2006, the risk of water contamination by N in Canada was small, and reflected what was happening in the three Prairie provinces where 85% of Canada's farmland is located. However, the aggregated IROWC-N index, which is a combination of all five risk classes, increased steadily by 2.3% per year, from 6.7 in 1981 to 10.6 in 2006. The proportion of farmland in the very low IROWC-N risk class decreased from 88 to 78%; correspondingly, the proportion in the low risk class increased from 2 to 12%. The proportion of farmland in the moderate-, high- and very high-risk classes changed by less than 3% over time. The trends in IROWC-N in the Atlantic provinces were significantly worse than the national trend; for example, in Atlantic Canada, the aggregated IROWC-N index tripled from 27.8 in 1981 to 87.5 in 2006. Increases in fertilizer use (except in British Columbia), increases in livestock numbers in Manitoba and the Atlantic provinces, and an increase in legume crop acreage were the main factors that contributed to the increase in IROWC-N estimates. Climatic factors were also involved, as droughts reduced yields, N uptake and N leaching in many regions of Canada in 2001.

Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Modelos Teóricos , Nitrógeno/análisis , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Canadá , Medición de Riesgo , Contaminantes del Suelo/análisis
PLoS One ; 13(11): e0207370, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30444929


The impact of climate change on agricultural systems is a major concern as it can have a significant effect on the world food supply. The objective of this study was to evaluate climate change impacts on crop production and nitrate leaching in two distinct climatic zones in Canada. Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was selected for the semiarid regions of Western Canada (Swift Current, SK) and maize (Zea mays L.) was chosen for the more humid regions of central Canada (Woodslee, ON). Climate scenarios were based upon simulations from a Canadian Regional Climate Model (CanRCM4) under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) and crop simulations were conducted using the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) model. Compared to the baseline climate scenario, wheat yields increased by 8, 8, 11, 15%, whereas maize yields decreased by 15, 25, 22, 41% under RCP4.5 2050s (2041-2070), RCP4.5 2080s (2071-2100), RCP8.5 2050s and RCP8.5 2080s scenarios, respectively. Annual nitrate leaching increased by 19, 57, 73, 129% at Swift Current and by 84, 117, 208, 317% at Woodslee under the four scenarios, respectively. Adaptation measures suggested that fertilizer N rate for spring wheat should be increased to 80-100 kg N ha-1 to obtain optimal yields although this will result in an additional risk of 5-8 kg N ha-1 nitrate leaching at Swift Current. The fertilizer N rate of 150 kg N ha-1 was found to be suitable for high maize yields at Woodslee. New wheat and maize cultivars with long growing seasons would enable crop growth to match the phenological stage and hence maintain high crop yields to adapt to increased temperatures in the future.

Cambio Climático , Producción de Cultivos , Productos Agrícolas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Modelos Biológicos , Suelo , Agua , Canadá
Sci Rep ; 6: 27173, 2016 06 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27251365


We test the common assumption that organic carbon (OC) storage occurs on sand-sized soil particles only after the OC storage capacity on silt- and clay-sized particles is saturated. Soil samples from a Brookston clay loam in Southwestern Ontario were analysed for the OC concentrations in bulk soil, and on the clay (<2 µm), silt (2-53 µm) and sand (53-2000 µm) particle size fractions. The OC concentrations in bulk soil ranged from 4.7 to 70.8 g C kg(-1) soil. The OC concentrations on all three particle size fractions were significantly related to the OC concentration of bulk soil. However, OC concentration increased slowly toward an apparent maximum on silt and clay, but this maximum was far greater than the maximum predicted by established C sequestration models. In addition, significant increases in OC associated with sand occurred when the bulk soil OC concentration exceeded 30 g C kg(-1), but this increase occurred when the OC concentration on silt + clay was still far below the predicted storage capacity for silt and clay fractions. Since the OC concentrations in all fractions of Brookston clay loam soil continued to increase with increasing C (bulk soil OC content) input, we concluded that the concept of OC storage capacity requires further investigation.

J Environ Qual ; 30(2): 561-72, 2001.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11285918


Atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine) and metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)acetamide] have been found with increasing occurrence in rivers and streams. Their continued use will require changes in agricultural practices. We compared water quality from four crop-tillage treatments: (i) conventional moldboard plow (MB), (ii) MB with ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) intercrop (IC), (iii) soil saver (SS), and (iv) SS + IC; and two drainage control treatments, drained (D) and controlled drainage-subirrigation (CDS). Atrazine (1.1 kg a.i. ha-1), metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazine-5(4H)-one] (0.5 kg a.i. ha-1), and metolachlor (1.68 kg a.i. ha-1) were applied preemergence in a band over seeded corn (Zea mays L.) rows. Herbicide concentration and losses were monitored from 1992 to spring 1995. Annual herbicide losses ranged from < 0.3 to 2.7% of application. Crop-tillage treatment influenced herbicide loss in 1992 but not in 1993 or 1994, whereas CDS affected partitioning of losses in most years. In 1992, SS + IC reduced herbicide loss in tile drains and surface runoff by 46 to 49% compared with MB. The intercrop reduced surface runoff, which reduced herbicide transport. Controlled drainage-subirrigation increased herbicide loss in surface runoff but decreased loss through tile drainage so that total herbicide loss did not differ between drainage treatments. Desethyl atrazine [6-chloro-N-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine] comprised 7 to 39% of the total triazine loss.

Acetamidas/análisis , Agricultura , Atrazina/análisis , Herbicidas/análisis , Contaminantes del Suelo/análisis , Triazinas/análisis , Contaminantes del Agua/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Movimientos del Agua
J Environ Qual ; 31(1): 300-8, 2002.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11841063


Rainfall can transport herbicides from agricultural land to surface waters, where they become an environmental concern. Tile drainage can benefit crop production by removing excess soil water but tile drainage may also aggravate herbicide and nutrient movement into surface waters. Water management of tile drains after planting may reduce tile drainage and thereby reduce herbicide losses to surface water. To test this hypothesis we calculated the loss of three herbicides from a field with three water management systems: free drainage (D), controlled drainage (CD), and controlled drainage with subsurface irrigation (CDS). The effect of water management systems on the dissipation of atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazine-5(4H)-one), and metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)acetamide] in soil was also monitored. Less herbicide was lost by surface runoff from the D and CD treatments than from CDS. The CDS treatment increased surface runoff, which transported more herbicide than that from D or CD treatments. In one year, the time for metribuzin residue to dissipate to half its initial value was shorter for CDS (33 d) than for D (43 d) and CD (46 d). The half-life of atrazine and metolachlor were not affected by water management. Controlled drainage with subsurface irrigation may increase herbicide loss through increased surface runoff when excessive rain is received soon after herbicide application. However, increasing soil water content in CDS may decrease herbicide persistence, resulting in less residual herbicide available for aqueous transport.

Acetamidas/análisis , Atrazina/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Herbicidas/análisis , Triazinas/análisis , Agricultura , Arquitectura y Construcción de Instituciones de Salud , Semivida , Lluvia , Suelo , Agua , Movimientos del Agua
ScientificWorldJournal ; 1 Suppl 2: 163-9, 2001 Oct 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12805868


Water table management systems can be designed to alleviate soil water excesses and deficits, as well as reduce nitrate leaching losses in tile discharge. With this in mind, a standard tile drainage (DR) system was compared over 8 years (1991 to 1999) to a controlled tile drainage/subirrigation (CDS) system on a low-slope (0.05 to 0.1%) Brookston clay loam soil (Typic Argiaquoll) in southwestern Ontario, Canada. In the CDS system, tile discharge was controlled to prevent excessive drainage, and water was pumped back up the tile lines (subirrigation) to replenish the crop root zone during water deficit periods. In the first phase of the study (1991 to 1994), continuous corn (Zea mays, L.) was grown with annual nitrogen (N) fertilizer inputs as per local soil test recommendations. In the second phase (1995 to 1999), a soybean (Glycine max L., Merr.)-corn rotation was used with N fertilizer added only during the two corn years. In Phase 1 when continuous corn was grown, CDS reduced total tile discharge by 26% and total nitrate loss in tile discharge by 55%, compared to DR. In addition, the 4-year flow weighted mean (FWM) nitrate concentration in tile discharge exceeded the Canadian drinking water guideline (10 mg N l(-1)) under DR (11.4 mg N l(-1)), but not under CDS (7.0 mg N l(-1)). In Phase 2 during the soybean-corn rotation, CDS reduced total tile discharge by 38% and total nitrate loss in tile discharge by 66%, relative to DR. The 4-year FWM nitrate concentration during Phase 2 in tile discharge was below the drinking water guideline for both DR (7.3 mg N l(-1)) and CDS (4.0 mg N l(-1)). During both phases of the experiment, the CDS treatment caused only minor increases in nitrate loss in surface runoff relative to DR. Hence CDS decreased FWM nitrate concentrations, total drainage water loss, and total nitrate loss in tile discharge relative to DR. In addition, soybean-corn rotation reduced FWM nitrate concentrations and total nitrate loss in tile discharge relative to continuous corn. CDS and crop rotations with reduced N fertilizer inputs can thus improve the quality of tile discharge water substantially.

Agricultura/métodos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Glycine max/crecimiento & desarrollo , Nitratos/metabolismo , Abastecimiento de Agua/análisis , Zea mays/crecimiento & desarrollo , Agricultura/estadística & datos numéricos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/estadística & datos numéricos , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Monitoreo del Ambiente/estadística & datos numéricos , Proyectos de Investigación , Suelo/análisis , Tiempo , Movimientos del Agua
Water Sci Technol ; 46(6-7): 183-90, 2002.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12380990


No-tillage (NT) is becoming increasingly attractive to farmers because it clearly reduces soil erosion and production costs relative to conventional tillage (CT). However, the impacts of no-tillage on the quantity and quality of tile drainage water are less well known. Accordingly, two adjacent field scale on-farm CT and NT sites were established to compare the impacts of the two tillage systems on tile drainage and NO3-N loss in tile drainage water. The effect of the two tillage systems on soil structure, hydraulic conductivity, and earthworm population were also investigated. The total NO3-N loss in tile drainage water over the 5-yr period (1995-1999) was 82.3 kg N ha(-1) for the long-term NT site and 63.7 kg N ha(-1) for the long-term CT site. The long-term NT site had 48% more tile drainage (6,975 kL ha(-1)) than the long-term CT site (4,716 kL ha(-1)). The average flow weighted mean (FWM) NO3-N concentration in tile drainage water over the 5-yr period was 11.8 mg N L(-1) for the NT site and 13.5 mg N L(-1) for the CT site. For both tillage systems, approximately 80% of tile drainage and NO3-N loss in tile drainage water occurred during the November to April non-growing season. Long-term NT improved wet aggregate stability, increased near-surface hydraulic conductivity and increased both the number and mass of earthworms relative to long-term CT. The greater tile drainage and NO3-N loss under NT were attributed to an increase in continuous soil macropores, as implied by greater hydraulic conductivity and greater numbers of earthworms.

Agricultura , Contaminantes del Agua/análisis , Animales , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Nitratos/análisis , Oligoquetos , Dinámica Poblacional , Suelo , Contaminación del Agua/prevención & control