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Opt Express ; 27(20): 28544-28550, 2019 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31684604


Although ultrafast rare-earth-doped fiber lasers mode-locked at near-infrared and ∼3 µm wavelengths have been well developed, it is relatively difficult to achieve ultrafast fiber laser emitting in the 2.1-2.7 µm spectral gap between ∼2 µm (Tm fiber) and ∼2.8 µm (Er or Ho fluoride fiber). In this paper, we report the generation of 2.1-2.7 µm tunable femtosecond Raman solitons from a compact fusion-spliced all-fiber system using a home-made 1.96 µm ultrafast pump source and a MIR-available germania-core fiber. At first, a Tm-doped double-clad fiber amplifier is used to not only boost up the power of 1957 nm femtosecond seed laser, but also to generate the first-order soliton self-frequency shift (SSFS). The first-order Raman solitons can be tuned from 2.036 to 2.152 µm, have a pulse duration of ∼480 fs and can reach a pulse energy of 1.07 nJ. The first-order Raman solitons are further injected into a 94 mol.% germania-core fiber to excite the second-order SSFS. The second-order solitons can be tuned to longer wavelengths, i.e. from 2.157 µm up to 2.690 µm. Our work could provide an effective way to develop compact, all-fiber ultrafast MIR laser sources with the continuous wavelength tuning of 2.1-2.7 µm.

Opt Express ; 27(24): 34552-34558, 2019 Nov 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31878643


We report a compact 2166 nm germania-fiber short-pulsed Raman laser based on the cavity matching scheme. The all-fiber Raman cavity is formed by a pair of 2166 nm fiber Bragg gratings. High-power noise-like pulses from a 1981 nm fiber laser are used to pump a 22 m germania-core fiber for providing Raman gain at ∼2166 nm, and readily realizes the Raman-cavity synchronization with high mismatching tolerance. Stable Raman pulses at 2166 nm are therefore generated with the tunable pulse width of 0.9-4.4 ns and the large pulse energy up to 12.15 nJ. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first demonstration of all-fiber short-pulsed Raman laser in the mid-infrared region.

Opt Lett ; 44(17): 4423-4426, 2019 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31465418


We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first demonstration of a wavelength-tunable and highly efficient Dy3+-doped fiber laser operating in the yellow spectral region. A 2-m-long Dy3+:ZBLAN fiber pumped by a 447-nm GaN laser diode provides a strong down-conversion gain around 575 nm. A fiber end-facet mirror and a visible reflective grating in the Littrow configuration construct the resonant cavity and introduce the wavelength tunability. A stable yellow laser with a <0.05-nm narrow linewidth is achieved and continuously tuned from 568.7 nm to 581.9 nm, covering more than half of the yellow spectral range. The slope efficiency is as high as 34.9%, and the maximum output power is 142 mW at 576.44 nm, which is 13 times higher than previously reported. It is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest power and conversion efficiency of a yellow-light Dy3+-doped fiber laser with wavelength tunability.

Opt Express ; 26(26): 34497-34502, 2018 Dec 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30650872


A compact self-Q-switched wavelength-tunable Ho3+:ZBLAN fiber laser around 3 µm is experimentally demonstrated for the first time. The mid-IR all-fiber cavity is formed by a pair of fiber end-facet mirrors. A 2 m-long heavily-doped Ho3+:ZBLAN fiber pumped by a homemade 1.15 µm fiber laser not only provides mid-IR optical gain, but also functions as an equivalent saturable absorber. Stable self-Q-switched pulses around 2.9 µm are generated at a low threshold of 36.6 mW, and the maximum average power obtained is 3.17 mW, corresponding to a pulse width of 1.54 µs and repetition rate of 67.8 kHz, respectively. By simply increasing the incident pump power, the mid-IR laser wavelength can be continuously tunable from 2927 nm to 2960 nm. Furthermore, when the pump power is fixed at 207.7 mW, a 42 nm wavelength tuning (2923 ∼ 2965 nm) from the self-Q-switched all-fiber laser is also achieved by applying the novel loss-adjusting technique.

Opt Lett ; 42(3): 462-465, 2017 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28146501


Mode-locked pulses in the dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) regime enable extremely high pulse energy, but typically have the limited peak power of <100 W and a nanosecond-long pulse duration. In this Letter, we demonstrate high-peak-power, ultrashort DSR pulses in a compact Er:Yb co-doped double-clad fiber laser. The linear cavity is simply formed by two fiber loop mirrors (FLMs) using a 50/50 optical coupler (OC) and a 5/95 OC. The 5/95 FLM with a short loop length of 3 m is not only used as the output mirror, but also acts as a nonlinear optical loop mirror for initiating high-peak-power DSR. In particular, the mode-locked laser can deliver ∼100 ps DSR pulses with a maximum average power of 1.2 W and a peak power as high as ∼700 W. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest peak power of DSR pulses obtained in mode-locked fiber lasers.

Opt Lett ; 42(4): 671-674, 2017 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28198836


We experimentally demonstrated a compact single-wall carbon-nanotube (SWNT)-based deep-red passively Q-switched Pr3+-doped ZBLAN all-fiber laser operating at 716 nm. A free-standing SWNT/polyvinyl alcohol composite film embedded between a pair of fiber connectors was employed as a saturable absorber (SA). The deep-red Q-switched operation is attributed to the combination of implementing a pair of fiber end-facet mirrors to achieve the linear laser resonator and incorporating a SWNT-SA into the cavity as a Q-switcher. Stable short-pulse generation with a duration of 2.3 µs was realized. When gradually increasing the incident pump power, the pulse repetition rate can be linearly tuned from 32.6 to 86.5 kHz, corresponding to a maximum average output power of 1.5 mW and the highest single-pulse energy of 18.3 nJ. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of SWNT-based SA for a Q-switched laser at a deep-red wavelength ∼716 nm.

Appl Opt ; 56(22): 6103-6107, 2017 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29047802


In this paper, we report the intermode beating mode-locking of a 2 µm Tm3+-doped fiber laser (TDFL) pumped by a 1565 nm continuous-wave multi-longitudinal-mode laser. Because strong intermode beating of the 1565 nm pump source induces the periodic modulation of 2 µm intracavity power, stable mode-locking of the TDFL is successfully established by precisely matching the 2 µm cavity frequency with the intermode-beating frequency of the 1565 nm pump source. The mode-locked laser, without requiring any specific mode-locking element, can stably emit the rectangular nanosecond pulses. The mode-locking operation at the center wavelength of 1980.35 nm has a >61 dB signal-to-noise ratio and a 34.496 MHz repetition rate. Although the preliminary results are not better than those of conventional mode-locking, intermode beating mode-locking in combination with rare-earth-doped fiber lasers could provide a promising and alternative solution for compact, low-cost, and high-performance pulsed laser sources.

Light Sci Appl ; 9: 61, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32337025


Mode-locked fibre lasers (MLFLs) are fundamental building blocks of many photonic systems used in industrial, scientific and biomedical applications. To date, 1-2 µm MLFLs have been well developed; however, passively mode-locked fibre lasers in the visible region (380-760 nm) have never been reported. Here, we address this challenge by demonstrating an all-fibre visible-wavelength passively mode-locked picosecond laser at 635 nm. The 635 nm mode-locked laser with an all-fibre figure-eight cavity uses a Pr/Yb codoped ZBLAN fibre as the visible gain medium and a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror as the mode-locking element. First, we theoretically predict and analyse the formation and evolution of 635 nm mode-locked pulses in the dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) regime by solving the Ginzburg-Landau equation. Then, we experimentally demonstrate the stable generation of 635 nm DSR mode-locked pulses with a pulse duration as short as ~96 ps, a radio-frequency signal-to-noise ratio of 67 dB and a narrow spectral bandwidth of <0.1 nm. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with our numerical simulations. In addition, we also observe 635 nm noise-like pulse operation with a wide (>1 nm) and modulated optical spectrum. This work represents an important step towards miniaturized ultrafast fibre lasers in the visible spectral region.