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J Environ Qual ; 46(5): 950-960, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28991966


Large areas of mine tailings are reclaimed by applying organic amendments such as paper mill sludge (PMS). Although mining industries can use PMS freshly generated by paper mills, operational constraints on paper industries make temporary landfilling of this material an unavoidable alternative for the paper industries, creating the most prominent PMS source for mining industries. This study aimed to quantify soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (NO, CO, and CH) after application of landfilled PMS (LPMS; i.e., excavated from a landfill site at a paper mill) and LPMS combined with a seeding treatment of white clover ( L.) on nonacidic mine tailings site prior to reforestation. Soil NO, CO, and CH fluxes were measured after applications of 50 and 100 Mg dry LPMS ha during two consecutive snow-free seasons on two adjacent sites; LPMS was applied once in the first season. The LPMS application increased NO emissions (7.6 to 34.7 kg NO-N ha, comprising 1.04 to 2.43% of applied N) compared with the unamended control during the first season; these emissions were negligible during the second season. The LPMS application increased CO emissions (∼5800 to 11,400 kg CO-C ha, comprising 7 to 27% of applied C) compared with the unamended control on both sites and in both seasons. Fluxes of CH were negligible. White clover combined with LPMS treatments did not affect soil GHG emissions. These new GHG emission factors should be integrated into life-cycle analyses to evaluate the C footprint of potential symbioses between the mining and paper industries. Future research should focus on the effect of PMS applications on soil GHG emissions from a variety of mine tailings under various management practices and climatic conditions to plan responsible and sustainable land reclamation.

Gases de Efecto Invernadero , Minería , Instalaciones de Eliminación de Residuos , Dióxido de Carbono , Efecto Invernadero , Residuos Industriales , Papel , Suelo
J Environ Qual ; 43(6): 1864-72, 2014 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25602203


Ammonia (NH) losses after field application of animal manure are affected by manure characteristics. The objectives of this study were to quantify NH losses from poultry manures obtained from varied handling and storage systems commonly found in eastern Canada and to relate NH emissions to manure characteristics. We measured NH volatilization using wind tunnels for 22 d after soil-surface application of seven solid poultry manures originating from farms varying in production type (laying hens and broiler chickens) and in storage duration and conditions. Cumulative emissions (2.7-7.0 g NH-N m) accounted for 13.6 to 35.0% of the total N applied and 51 to 84% (mean, 70%) of the sum of ammoniacal N, urea N, and uric acid N applied (TAUA). On average, 20% of these losses occurred during the first 4.5 h after application for manures that were not dried in the barn shortly after excretion. Production type and storage durations could not explain differences in NH volatilization between manures. Volatilization losses were linearly related to manure dry matter and to manure-derived NH-N, but sources of N changed with time after application. During the first 7 d, variations in total ammoniacal N applied (TANA) among manures explained most of the variations in cumulative NH losses ( = 0.85 after 26 h and 0.92 after 7 d). After a simulated rainfall (5 mm) on Day 7 that stimulated the decomposition of uric acid in manures, TAUA rather than TANA was related to cumulative emissions ( = 0.77 after 14 and 22 d). Our results indicate that reliable estimates of NH volatilization after land spreading of poultry manures should be based not only on TANA but also on NH-N derived from the decomposition of uric acid, that volatilization losses reported in the literature (including the present study) averaged 50% of TAUA, and that estimates for a given situation also need to account for local environmental conditions.

J Environ Qual ; 43(3): 829-41, 2014 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25602812


Urine and dung deposited by grazing dairy cows are a major source of nitrous oxide (NO), a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to stratospheric ozone depletion. In this study, we quantified the emissions of NO after deposition of dairy cow excreta onto two grassland sites with contrasting soil types in eastern Canada. Our objectives were to determine the impact of excreta type, urine-N rate, time of the year, and soil type on annual NO emissions. Emissions were monitored on sandy loam and clay soils after spring, summer, and fall urine (5 and 10 g N patch) and dung (1.75 kg fresh weight dung) applications to perennial grasses in two successive years. The mean NO emission factor (EF) for urine was 1.09% of applied N in the clay soil and 0.31% in the sandy loam soil, estimates much smaller than the default Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default value for total excreta N (2%). Despite variations in urine composition and in climatic conditions, these soil-specific EFs were similar for the two urine-N application rates. The time of the year when urine was applied had no impact on emissions from the sandy loam soil, but greater EFs were observed after summer (1.59%) than spring (1.14%) and fall (0.55%) applications in the clay soil. Dung deposition impact on NO emission was smaller than that of urine, with a mean EF of 0.15% in the sandy loam soil and 0.08% in the clay soil. Our results suggest (i) that the IPCC default EF overestimates NO emissions from grazing cattle excreta in eastern Canada by a factor of 4.3 and (ii) that a region-specific inventory methodology should account for soil type and should use specific EFs for urine and dung.

J Environ Qual ; 43(3): 789-800, 2014 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25602808


There is a lack of information on how placement in soil and nitrification inhibitors affects nitrous oxide (NO) and ammonia (NH) emissions from pig slurry (PS) applied under no-till (NT) conditions. Our objective was to determine the impact of injecting PS and treating it with the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) on NH and NO emissions from soils under NT in subtropical southern Brazil. The emissions of these gases were compared for shallow (∼ 10 cm) injection and surface broadcasting of PS with and without DCD (8.1-10.0 kg ha; 6.5-8.4% of applied NH-N). Measurements were made at two sites during two summer growing seasons under NT corn crops. Injection reduced NH volatilization by 70% but increased NO emissions 2.4-fold (from 2628 to 6198 g NO N ha) compared with surface broadcast application. Adding DCD to PS inhibited nitrification and reduced NO emissions by an average of 28% (730 g NO-N ha) for surface broadcast and 66% (4105 g NO-N ha) for injection but did not increase NH volatilization. Consequently, NO emission factors were much higher for injection (3.6%) than for surface broadcast (1.3%) application and were reduced (0.9%) when DCD was added to injected PS. In conclusion, the injection of DCD-treated slurry is a recommendable practice for reducing NH and NO emissions when applying PS on NT corn in southern Brazil.

J Environ Qual ; 42(1): 30-9, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23673736


Wastes from animal production and from the paper industry are often used as amendments to agricultural soils. Although data exist on the impacts of raw animal wastes on NO production, little is known regarding the effects of paper wastes and biosolids from treated animal waste. We measured NO emissions for two consecutive snow-free seasons (mid-May through the end of October) from poorly drained clayey soils under corn ( L.). Soils were amended with raw pig slurry (PS) or biosolids (four PS-derived and two paper sludges) and compared with soils with mineral N fertilizer (CaNHNO) or without N addition (Control). Area-based NO emissions from the mineral N fertilizer (average, 8.2 kg NO-N ha; 4.2% of applied N) were higher ( < 0.001) than emissions from the organic amendments, which ranged from 1.5 to 6.1 kg NO-N ha (-0.4 to 2.5% of applied N). The NO emissions were positively correlated with mean soil NO availability (calculated as "NO exposure"), which was highest with mineral N fertilizer. In plots treated with organic amendments (i.e., biosolids and raw PS), NO exposure was negatively correlated to the C:N ratio of the amendment. This resulted in lower NO emissions from the higher C:N ratio biosolids, especially compared with the low C:N ratio PS. Application of paper sludge or PS-derived biosolids to these fine-textured soils, therefore, reduced NO emissions compared with raw PS and/or mineral N fertilizers ( < 0.01).

Óxido Nitroso , Suelo , Agricultura , Animales , Fertilizantes , Aguas del Alcantarillado , Porcinos
J Environ Qual ; 42(6): 1635-42, 2013 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25602404


Incorporation of urea decreases ammonia (NH) volatilization, but field measurements are needed to better quantify the impact of placement depth. In this study, we measured the volatilization losses after banding of urea at depths of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 cm in a slightly acidic (pH 6) silt loam soil using wind tunnels. Mineral nitrogen (N) concentration and pH were measured in the top 2 cm of soil to determine the extent of urea N migration and the influence of placement depth on the availability of ammoniacal N for volatilization near the soil surface. Ammonia volatilization losses were 50% of applied N when urea was banded at the surface, and incorporation of the band decreased emissions by an average of 7% cm (14% cm when expressed as a percentage of losses after surface banding). Incorporating urea at depths >7.5 cm therefore resulted in negligible NH emissions and maximum N retention. Cumulative losses increased exponentially with increasing maximum NH-N and pH values measured in the surface soil during the experiment. However, temporal variations in these soil properties were poorly related to the temporal variations in NH emission rates, likely as a result of interactions with other factors (e.g., water content and NH-N adsorption) on, and fixation by, soil particles. Laboratory and field volatilization data from the literature were summarized and used to determine a relationship between NH losses and depth of urea incorporation. When emissions were expressed as a percentage of losses for a surface application, the mean reduction after urea incorporation was approximately 12.5% cm. Although we agree that the efficiency of urea incorporation to reduce NH losses varies depending on several soil properties, management practices, and climatic conditions, we propose that this value represents an estimate of the mean impact of incorporation depth that could be used when site-specific information is unavailable.

J Environ Qual ; 41(2): 427-35, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22370405


The use of various animal manures for nitrogen (N) fertilization is often viewed as a viable replacement for mineral N fertilizers. However, the impacts of amendment type on NO production may vary. In this study, NO emissions were measured for 2 yr on two soil types with contrasting texture and carbon (C) content under a cool, humid climate. Treatments consisted of a no-N control, calcium ammonium nitrate, poultry manure, liquid cattle manure, or liquid swine manure. The N sources were surface applied and immediately incorporated at 90 kg N ha before seeding of spring wheat ( L.). Cumulative NO-N emissions from the silty clay ranged from 2.2 to 8.3 kg ha yr and were slightly lower in the control than in the fertilized plots ( = 0.067). The 2-yr mean NO emission factors ranged from 2.0 to 4.4% of added N, with no difference among N sources. Emissions of NO from the sandy loam soil ranged from 0.3 to 2.2 kg NO-N ha yr, with higher emissions with organic than mineral N sources ( = 0.015) and the greatest emissions with poultry manure ( < 0.001). The NO emission factor from plots amended with poultry manure was 1.8%, more than double that of the other treatments (0.3-0.9%), likely because of its high C content. On the silty clay, the yield-based NO emissions (g NO-N kg grain yield N) were similar between treatments, whereas on the sandy loam, they were greatest when amended with poultry manure. Our findings suggest that, compared with mineral N sources, manure application only increases soil NO flux in soils with low C content.

Minerales/química , Óxido Nitroso/química , Suelo/química , Silicatos de Aluminio/química , Animales , Arcilla , Fertilizantes , Estiércol , Óxido Nitroso/metabolismo , Estaciones del Año , Dióxido de Silicio/química , Triticum/efectos de los fármacos , Triticum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Triticum/metabolismo
J Environ Qual ; 39(5): 1545-53, 2010.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21043260


Treatment of liquid swine manure (LSM) offers opportunities to improve manure nutrient management. However, N2O fluxes and cumulative emissions resulting from application of treated LSM are not well documented. Nitrous oxide emissions were monitored following band-incorporation of 100 kg N ha(-1) of either mineral fertilizer, raw LSM, or four pretreated LSMs (anaerobic digestion; anaerobic digestion + flocculation: filtration; decantation) at the four-leaf stage of corn (Zea mays L.). In a clay soil, a larger proportion of applied N was lost as N2O with the mineral fertilizer (average of 6.6%) than with LSMs (3.1-5.0%), whereas in a loam soil, the proportion of applied N lost as N2O was lower with the mineral fertilizer (average of 0.4%) than with LSMs (1.2-2.4%). Emissions were related to soil NO3 intensity in the clay soil, whereas they were related to water-extractable organic C in the loam soil. This suggests that N2O production was N limited in the clay soil and C limited in the loam soil, and would explain the interaction found between N sources and soil type. The large N2O emission coefficients measured in many treatments, and the contradicting responses among N sources depending on soil type, indicate that (i) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default value (1%) may seriously underestimate N2O emissions from fine-textured soils where fertilizer N and manure are band-incorporated, and (ii) site-specific factors, such as drainage conditions and soil properties (e.g., texture, organic matter content), have a differential influence on emissions depending on N source.

Fertilizantes , Estiércol , Nitrógeno , Óxido Nitroso/análisis , Suelo/análisis , Porcinos , Animales
J Environ Qual ; 49(5): 1081-1091, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33016440


Terrestrial ecosystems, both natural ecosystems and agroecosystems, generate greenhouse gases (GHGs). The chamber method is the most common method to quantify GHG fluxes from soil-plant systems and to better understand factors affecting their generation and mitigation. The objective of this study was to review and synthesize literature on chamber designs (non-flow-through, non-steady-state chamber) and associated factors that affect GHG nitrous oxide (N2 O) flux measurement when using chamber methods. Chamber design requires consideration of many facets that include materials, insulation, sealing, venting, depth of placement, and the need to maintain plant growth and activity. Final designs should be tailored, and bench tested, in order to meet the nuances of the experimental objectives and the ecosystem under study while reducing potential artifacts. Good insulation, to prevent temperature fluctuations and pressure changes, and a high-quality seal between base and chamber are essential. Elimination of pressure differentials between headspace and atmosphere through venting should be performed, and designs now exist to eliminate Venturi effects of earlier tube-type vent designs. The use of fans within the chamber headspace increases measurement precision but may alter the flux. To establish best practice recommendations when using fans, further data are required, particularly in systems containing tall plants, to systematically evaluate the effects that fan speed, position, and mixing rate have on soil gas flux.

Ecosistema , Metano/análisis , Dióxido de Carbono/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Óxido Nitroso/análisis
J Environ Qual ; 49(5): 1092-1109, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33016455


Adequately estimating soil nitrous oxide (N2 O) emissions using static chambers is challenging due to the high spatial variability and episodic nature of these fluxes. We discuss how to design experiments using static chambers to better account for this variability and reduce the uncertainty of N2 O emission estimates. This paper is part of a series, each discussing different facets of N2 O chamber methodology. Aspects of experimental design and sampling affected by spatial variability include site selection and chamber layout, size, and areal coverage. Where used, treatment application adds a further level of spatial variability. Time of day, frequency, and duration of sampling (both individual chamber closure and overall experiment duration) affect the temporal variability captured. We also present best practice recommendations for chamber installation and sampling protocols to reduce further uncertainty. To obtain the best N2 O emission estimates, resources should be allocated to minimize the overall uncertainty in line with experiment objectives. Sometimes this will mean prioritizing individual flux measurements and increasing their accuracy and precision by, for example, collecting four or more headspace samples during each chamber closure. However, where N2 O fluxes are exceptionally spatially variable (e.g., in heterogeneous agricultural landscapes, such as uneven and woody grazed pastures), using available resources to deploy more chambers with fewer headspace samples per chamber may be beneficial. Similarly, for particularly episodic N2 O fluxes, generated for example by irrigation or freeze-thaw cycles, increasing chamber sampling frequency will improve the accuracy and reduce the uncertainty of temporally interpolated N2 O fluxes.

Monitoreo del Ambiente , Proyectos de Investigación , Agricultura , Óxido Nitroso/análisis , Suelo
J Environ Qual ; 38(4): 1383-90, 2009.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19465713


Volatilization of ammonia following application of urea contributes to smog formation and degradation of natural ecosystems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of (i) incorporation and banding of urea and (ii) surface broadcast of slow-release urea types on NH(3) volatilization in a dry acidic soil. Volatilization was measured using wind tunnels for 25 d after standard urea (140 kg N ha(-1)) was broadcast, broadcast and incorporated (0-5 cm), or incorporated in shallow bands (3-5 cm) to a conventionally tilled silty loam soil. Urea supplemented with a urease inhibitor or coated with a polymer was also broadcast at the soil surface. Little N diffused out of the polymer-coated granules and ammonia losses were low (4% of applied N). Use of a urease inhibitor also resulted in a low NH(3) loss (5% of applied N) while maintaining soil mineral N at levels similar to plots where untreated urea was broadcast. The rate of hydrolysis of urea broadcast at the soil surface was slowed by the lack of moisture and NH(3) loss (9% applied N) was the lowest of all treatments with standard urea. Incorporation of broadcast urea increased emissions (16% applied N) by increasing urea hydrolysis relative to surface application. Furthermore, incorporation in band also increased emissions (27% applied N) due to a localized increase in soil pH from 6.0 to 8.7. We conclude that incorporating urea in bands in a dry acidic soil can increase NH(3) volatilization compared to broadcast application followed by incorporation.

Ácidos/química , Amoníaco/química , Suelo/análisis , Urea/química , Volatilización
J Environ Qual ; 48(5): 1414-1426, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31589701


Controlling nitrogen (N) losses from pig slurry (PS) is a challenge under no-till because amendments are left on the soil surface. We investigated the potential of shallow injection of PS, with and without addition of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD), to abate gaseous ammonia (NH) and nitrous oxide (NO) emissions in winter crops in subtropical soils. Injection was compared with surface broadcasting of PS, with and without DCD. The significance of winter season on annual NO emissions was assessed. Injecting PS reduced NH volatilization compared with surface application. However, this reduction was partly offset because NO emissions increased by 77% (+1.53 kg NO-N ha) when PS was injected. Adding DCD to injected PS reduced NO emission below levels of surface-broadcast PS without the inhibitor, indicating that DCD may be a management option when injecting PS. Compared with a reference urea treatment, PS without DCD increased cumulative NO emissions 5.7-fold (from 613 to 3515 g NO-N ha) when injected, and 3.2-fold (from 613 to 1980 g NO-N ha) when surface applied. Adding DCD significantly reduced emissions with injected PS, whereas reduction was not always significant with surface-applied PS. Nitrous oxide emissions during the winter cropping season contributed 30 to 44% of annual emissions, indicating that controlling gaseous N losses in that season is required to reduce the environmental footprint of the whole cropping system. Overall, combining PS injection with DCD was an efficient practice for reducing winter-season gaseous N losses from no-till soils under subtropical climate.

Nitrificación , Nitrógeno , Animales , Fertilizantes , Gases , Óxido Nitroso , Estaciones del Año , Suelo , Porcinos
J Environ Qual ; 36(6): 1864-72, 2007.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17965389


Treatments to reduce solids content in liquid manure have been developed, but little information is available on gaseous N emissions and plant N uptake after application of treated liquid swine manure (LSM). We measured crop yield, N uptake, and NH3 and N2O losses after the application of mineral fertilizer (NH4 NO3), raw LSM, and LSM that was decanted, filtered, anaerobically digested, or chemically flocculated. The experiment was conducted from 2001 to 2003 on a loam and a sandy loam cropped to timothy (Phleum pratense L.) with annual applications equivalent to 80 kg N ha(-1) in spring and 60 kg N ha(-1) after the first harvest. Raw LSM resulted in NH3 emissions three to six times larger (P < 0.05) than mineral fertilizer. The LSM treatments reduced NH3 emissions by an average of 25% compared with raw LSM (P < 0.05). The N2O emissions tended to be higher with raw LSM than with mineral fertilizer. The LSM treatments had little effect on N2O emissions, except for anaerobic digestion, which reduced emissions by >50% compared with raw LSM (P < 0.05). Forage yield with raw LSM was >90% of that with mineral fertilizer. The LSM treatments tended to increase forage yield and N uptake relative to raw LSM. We conclude that treated or untreated LSM offers an alternative to mineral fertilizers for forage grass production but care must be taken to minimize NH3 volatilization. Removing solids from LSM by mechanical, chemical, and biological means reduced NH3 losses from LSM applied to perennial grass.

Fertilizantes , Gases , Estiércol , Nitrógeno/metabolismo , Microbiología del Suelo , Amoníaco/química , Amoníaco/metabolismo , Alimentación Animal , Animales , Estiércol/microbiología , Minerales/química , Minerales/metabolismo , Óxido Nitroso/metabolismo , Estaciones del Año , Porcinos , Volatilización , Agua
Environ Pollut ; 159(11): 3149-55, 2011 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21531057


We assessed nitrous oxide (N(2)O) emissions at shoulder and foot-slope positions along three sloping sites (1.6-2.1%) to identify the factors controlling the spatial variations in emissions. The three sites received same amounts of total nitrogen (N) input at 170kgNha(-1). Results showed that landscape positions had a significant, but not consistent effect on N(2)O fluxes with larger emission in the foot-slope at only one of the three sites. The effect of soil inorganic N (NH(4)(+)+NO(3)(-)) contents on N(2)O fluxes (r(2)=0.55, p<0.001) was influenced by water-filled pore space (WFPS). Soil N(2)O fluxes were related to inorganic N at WFPS>60% (r(2)=0.81, p<0.001), and NH(4)(+) contents at WFPS<60% (r(2)=0.40, p<0.01), respectively. Differences in WFPS between shoulder and foot-slope correlated linearly with differences in N(2)O fluxes (r(2)=0.45, p<0.001). We conclude that spatial variations in N(2)O emission were regulated by the influence of hydrological processes on soil aeration intensity.

Óxido Nitroso/química , Suelo/química , Triticum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Francia , Estaciones del Año , Triticum/metabolismo , Volatilización
J Exp Bot ; 54(388): 1721-30, 2003 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12754268


Anaerobic conditions developing under an ice cover affect winter survival and spring regrowth of economically important perennial crops. The objective was to compare, during a prolonged period of low (<2%) O2 at low temperature, the concentration of carbohydrates of four plant species contrasting in their resistance to oxygen deficiency. Four perennial forage species, lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), timothy (Phleum pratense L.), and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) were subjected to a progressively developing oxygen deficiency stress by enclosing potted plants in gas-tight bags in late autumn for overwintering in an unheated greenhouse. Timothy was previously reported to be more resistant to oxygen deficiency than the three other species. Non-structural carbohydrates increased and remained at a higher concentration in timothy than in the other three species under low O2 concentration. Concentrations of sucrose, fructose, glucose, and fructans increased in response to oxygen deficiency in timothy, whereas the concentration of soluble sugars decreased under the same conditions in lucerne, red clover, and cocksfoot. The gene expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase increased in response to low oxygen concentration in oxygen deficiency-sensitive lucerne while it remained unchanged in the oxygen deficiency-resistant timothy. It is concluded that timothy maintains higher carbohydrate reserves under oxygen deficiency, a specific feature that could favour its winter survival and spring regrowth.

Metabolismo de los Hidratos de Carbono , Magnoliopsida/metabolismo , Oxígeno/farmacología , Frío , Dactylis/efectos de los fármacos , Dactylis/genética , Dactylis/metabolismo , Regulación Enzimológica de la Expresión Génica , Regulación de la Expresión Génica de las Plantas , Gliceraldehído-3-Fosfato Deshidrogenasa (NADP+)(Fosforilante)/genética , Gliceraldehído-3-Fosfato Deshidrogenasa (NADP+)(Fosforilante)/metabolismo , Magnoliopsida/efectos de los fármacos , Magnoliopsida/genética , Medicago sativa/efectos de los fármacos , Medicago sativa/genética , Medicago sativa/metabolismo , Phleum/efectos de los fármacos , Phleum/genética , Phleum/metabolismo , Estaciones del Año , Trifolium/efectos de los fármacos , Trifolium/genética , Trifolium/fisiología