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Phys Rev Lett ; 107(21): 216804, 2011 Nov 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181909


We report the observation of Coulomb blockade in a quantum dot contacted by two quantum point contacts each with a single fully transmitting mode, a system thought to be well described without invoking Coulomb interactions. Below 50 mK we observe a periodic oscillation in the conductance of the dot with gate voltage, corresponding to a residual quantization of charge. From the temperature and magnetic field dependence, we infer the oscillations are mesoscopic Coulomb blockade, a type of Coulomb blockade caused by electron interference in an otherwise open system.

Nature ; 403(6768): 398-401, 2000 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10667785


The magnetic flux line lattice in type II superconductors serves as a useful system in which to study condensed matter flow, as its dynamic properties are tunable. Recent studies have shown a number of puzzling phenomena associated with vortex motion, including: low-frequency noise and slow voltage oscillations; a history-dependent dynamic response, and memory of the direction, amplitude duration and frequency of the previously applied current; high vortex mobility for alternating current, but no apparent vortex motion for direct currents; and strong suppression of an a.c. response by small d.c. bias. Taken together, these phenomena are incompatible with current understanding of vortex dynamics. Here we report a generic mechanism that accounts for these observations. Our model, which is derived from investigations of the current distribution across single crystals of NbSe2, is based on a competition between the injection of a disordered vortex phase at the sample edges, and the dynamic annealing of this metastable disorder by the transport current. For an alternating current, only narrow regions near the edges are in the disordered phase, while for d.c. bias, most of the sample is in the disordered phase--preventing vortex motion because of more efficient pinning. The resulting spatial dependence of the disordered vortex system serves as an active memory of the previous history.

Science ; 292(5520): 1354-7, 2001 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11359006


A single electron transistor is used as a local electrostatic probe to study the underlying spatial structure of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions. The measurements show that as we approach the transition from the metallic side, a new phase emerges that consists of weakly coupled fragments of the two-dimensional system. These fragments consist of localized charge that coexists with the surrounding metallic phase. As the density is lowered into the insulating phase, the number of fragments increases on account of the disappearing metallic phase. The measurements reveal that the metal-insulator transition is a result of the microscopic restructuring that occurs in the system.

Science ; 290(5492): 779-83, 2000 Oct 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11052936


We measured the phase evolution of electrons as they traverse a quantum dot (QD) formed in a two-dimensional electron gas that serves as a localized spin. The traversal phase, determined by embedding the QD in a double path electron interferometer and measuring the quantum interference of the electron wave functions manifested by conductance oscillation as a function of a weak magnetic field, evolved by pi radians, a range twice as large as theoretically predicted. As the correlation weakened, a gradual transition to the familiar phase evolution of a QD was observed. The specific phase evolution observed is highly sensitive to the onset of Kondo correlation, possibly serving as an alternative fingerprint of the Kondo effect.

Phys Rev Lett ; 84(14): 3133-6, 2000 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11019030


We have measured the local electronic compressibility of a two-dimensional hole gas as it crosses the B = 0 metal-insulator transition. In the metallic phase, the compressibility follows the mean-field Hartree-Fock (HF) theory and is found to be spatially homogeneous. In the insulating phase it deviates by more than an order of magnitude from the HF predictions and is spatially inhomogeneous. The crossover density between the two types of behavior agrees quantitatively with the transport critical density, suggesting that the system undergoes a thermodynamic change at the transition.

Phys Rev Lett ; 68(8): 1196-1199, 1992 Feb 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10046104
Phys Rev Lett ; 76(12): 2149-2152, 1996 Mar 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10060618
Phys Rev Lett ; 74(20): 4047-4050, 1995 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10058399
Phys Rev Lett ; 73(23): 3149-3152, 1994 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10057300