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J Phys Chem A ; 127(14): 3133-3147, 2023 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37014811


High-resolution photoelectron spectra of vibrationally pre-excited vinoxide anions (CH2CHO-) are reported using the recently developed IR-cryo-SEVI technique. This method is combined with a newly developed implementation of vibrational perturbation theory that can readily identify relevant anharmonic couplings among nearly degenerate vibrational states. IR-cryo-SEVI spectra are obtained by resonant infrared excitation of vinoxide anions via the fundamental C-O (ν4, 1566 cm-1) or isolated C-H (ν3, 2540 cm-1) stretching vibrations prior to photodetachment. Excitation of the ν4 mode leads to a well-resolved photoelectron spectrum that is in excellent agreement with a harmonic Franck-Condon simulation. Excitation of the higher-energy ν3 mode results in a more complicated spectrum that requires consideration of the calculated anharmonic resonances in both the anion and the neutral. From this analysis, information about the zeroth-order states that contribute to the nominal ν3 wave function in the anion is obtained. In the neutral, we observe anharmonic splitting of the ν3 fundamental into a polyad feature with peaks at 2737(22), 2 835(18), and 2910(12) cm-1, for which only the center frequency has been previously reported. Overall, 9 of the 12 fundamental frequencies of the vinoxy radical are extracted from the IR-cryo-SEVI and ground-state cryo-SEVI spectra, most of which are consistent with previous measurements. However, we provide a new estimate of the ν5 (CH2 scissoring) fundamental frequency at 1395(11) cm-1 and attribute the discrepancy with previously reported values to a Fermi resonance with the 2ν11 overtone (CH2 wagging).

J Phys Chem A ; 126(43): 7962-7970, 2022 Nov 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36269316


High-resolution photoelectron spectra of cryogenically cooled acetyl anions (CH3CO-) obtained using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging are reported. The high resolution of the photoelectron spectrum yields a refined electron affinity of 0.4352 ± 0.0012 eV for the acetyl radical as well as the observation of a new vibronic structure that is assigned based on ab initio calculations. Three vibrational frequencies of the neutral radical are measured to be 1047 ± 3 cm-1 (ν6), 834 ± 2 cm-1 (ν7), and 471 ± 1 cm-1 (ν8). This work represents the first experimental measurement of the ν6 frequency of the neutral. The measured electron affinity is used to calculate a refined value of 1641.35 ± 0.42 kJ mol-1 for the gas-phase acidity of acetaldehyde. Analysis of the photoelectron angular distributions provides insight into the character of the highest occupied molecular orbital of the anion, revealing a molecular orbital with strong d-character. Additionally, details of a new centroiding algorithm based on finite differences, which has the potential to decrease data acquisition times by an order of magnitude at no cost to accuracy, are provided.