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China Pharmacy ; (12): 2231-2234, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-612338


OBJECTIVE:To study varieties,indications and usage features of Tibetan medicine preparations,and provide refer-ence for the clinical treatment and new drug development for Tibetan medicine. METHODS:Tibetan medicine preparations in offi-cial standards were collected,variety features(formula scale,license number,pharmaceutical enterprise,name and dosage form, herbal medicine number),action features(indication name,clinical application)and medicine features(category and quantity,me-dicinal part,commonly used drug,frequency,three fruitsuse feature) were summarized. RESULTS:Totally 458 preparations were included,including 18 recorded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia (part 1,2015 edition),200 recorded in Pharmaceutical Stan-dards of the Ministry of Health of China(Tibetan medicine,1995 edition),240 recorded in Tibetan Medicine Standards(six prov-inces). 129 had obtained 430 license numbers,from 52 pharmaceutical companies;the prearations were mainly named byherbal medicine+principal medicine+dosage formprincipal medicine+dosage formandindication+dosage form. Dosage forms had powder,pill,cream,oil,syrup and wine; the number of herbal medicine was(13.81±13.28). The Tibetan preparations were com-monly used in the clinical treatment of diseases of the digestive system,respiratory system,genitourinary system,circulatory sys-tem,infectious and parasitic diseases,etc. 442 medicines had been used,including 297 herbal medicines,70 animal medicines, 47 mineral medicines and other 28 medicines. The common medicinal parts were seed or fruit,root or rhizome,whole grass,flow-er,stem,over-ground part,tuber or bulb,etc. The top 10 frequency of medicines were as follows as Terminalia chebula,Cartha-mus tinctorius,Aucklandia lappa,Amomum kravanh,Phyllanthus emblica,Piper longum,Inula racemosa,Punica granatum, Moschus berezovskii,Adhatoda vasica;and 19% preparations contained three fruits(T. chebula,P. emblica,Terminalia bellirica). CONCLUSIONS:Tibetan medicine preparations have rich varieties,reasonable herbal medicines,more solid preparations,widely clinic application,contain more herbal drugs and commonly usethree fruits,while fewer preparations have obtained license number.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439875


This study was aimed to investigate the comprehensive ecological factors of Hippophae rhamnoides L. and their regional suitability in China. Based on field survey, specimen examination and literature investigation, ecologi-cal factors and appropriate production areas were analyzed by Traditional Chinese Medicine Geographic Information System (TCMGIS-II). The results showed that the proper region (with similarity of 95%~100%) of H. rhamnoides L. accounts for 737 994.71 km2, including 15 provinces/municipalities and 387 counties/cities. The largest area among them is Tibet autonomous region with area of 313 857.73 km2 (42.53%), followed by Sichuan province (223 987.02 km2, 30.35%), Gansu province (66 314.43 km2, 8.99%) and Shanxi province (4 237.79 km2, 0.57%). There are also certain appropriate production areas distributed in Liaoning province, Beijing, Chongqing and Hubei province. It was concluded that this system is much valuable to the recognition of the formation of the producing area, the division of adaptive area, introduction and acclimatization of medicinal materials. It also provided a scientific reference for the introduction and cultivation of H. rhamnoides L. Through further field study and experiments, these new areas have the potential to be developed into suitable production region of H. rhamnoides L. in the future.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439889


This study was aimed to reveal the species characteristics of Chinese patent medicines for antitussive ef-fect and provide references for developing new drugs. This research targeted Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect which were included in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and the New National Chinese Patent Medicines as well as those characterized by keywords such as cough cure, cough alleviating, antitussive effect, cough, persistent cough. The analysis was made on the species characteristics, such as the number of Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect, license number, ethnomedicine patent medicines, drugs for children use, protection of varieties of traditional Chinese medicine, the number of drugs, the generic names of drug, and drug forms. The results showed that 684 Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect collected in this research had ac-counted for 8.60% of the total 7 260 of Chinese patent medicines. A total of 7 450 license numbers were approved, and 33% of the Chinese patent medicines shares one license number. One Chinese patent medicine owns 16.6 li-cense numbers on average. Ethnomedicine patent medicines had 3 Tibetan prescriptions such as the Shiwuwei Chenxiang pill and 4 Mongolian prescriptions, such as the Siwei Tumuxiang powder. Drugs for children accounted for 14%, including 9 forms. The type of the generic names of drug reached 16 and most of them originate from abbrevia-tions of the main drug in prescription. The number of drugs in prescription ranges from 8 to 16. Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect involved 16 forms, of which the proportion of the use of solid preparation was higher than the liquid preparation. It was concluded that Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect were characterized by such advantages such as a variety of species, various forms, the reasonable number of drugs, considerable medicine retail market share and drug for children use which can meet the clinical needs, and meanwhile some prob-lems, such as a lack of criteria for the generic names of drug, the homogenization of fierce competition, and inade-quacy of ethnomedicine patent medicines.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439677


This study was aimed to reveal characteristics of functions, main indications and applications of Chinese patent medicines in order to provide references for development of new Chinese patent medicines for antitussive ef-fect. Chinese patent medicines recorded in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and the New Na-tional Chinese Patent Medicines were taken as research subjects. Chinese patent medicines classified in the function and indication with key words of cough-relieving, cough-suppressing, cough and chronic cough were col-lected. Analysis was made on the prescription characteristics, such as functions, main indications and applications. The results showed that there were 684 Chinese patent medicines and 462 terms, which were used for a total of 1533 times. The frequently-used terms are antitussive effect with expectorant, antitussive effect, expectorant, heat-clearing and exterior-releasing, antiasthmatic, wind-expelling and antipyretic, antitussive effect with antiasthmatic, purging lung heat, relieving exterior syndrome and moistening the lungs. All 684 Chinese patent medicines were used 48 ma-jor treatments for a total of 1107 times. The main indications include acute and chronic trachitis / bronchitis, exoge-nous wind-heat type of common cold, exogenous wind-cold type of common cold, cough with abundance of phlegm due to phlegm-heat obstructing the lung, acute upper respiratory tract infection, asthma, acute and chronic pharyngi-tis, lung heat cough, and etc. All 684 Chinese patent medicines used a total of 537 kinds of herbs and chemical medicines, including 441 kinds of herbal medicine, 36 kinds of animal medicine, 25 kinds of mineral medicine and 35 kinds of chemical medicine. The top ten herbs in terms of using frequency are Glycyrrhizae radix et rhizoma, Platycodonis radix, Armeniacae semen amarum, Menthae haplocalycis herba, Citri reticulatae pericarpium, Ephedrae herba, Scutellariae radix, Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt, Pinelliae rhizoma, Fritillariae cirrhosae bulbus. Among them, 1/4 of Chinese patent medicines used extract. Five kinds of food or fruits were also used, which were orange, fresh gin-ger, pear, watermelon and dried mushroom. It was concluded that Chinese patent medicines for antitussive effect can be adopted in the treatment of various kinds of diseases, especially for the treatment of cough(heat cough in partic-ular), abundance of phlegm, asthma, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and etc. The treatment methods of clearing heat, dis-pelling wind and relieving exterior syndrome played an important role in the realization of antitussive effect. However, the expression of functions and main indications is far from standardized and clear. Drugs commonly used are herbal medicine plus animal medicine, mineral medicine and chemical medicine as well as food and fruit. The discovery of preparations with certain clinical curative effect from ethnomedicine and the using of their extracts as a major ingre-dient are one important way to develop new Chinese patent medicines with antitussive effect.