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Therapeutic Methods and Therapies TCIM
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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744445


Objective To obsOrvO thO safOty and OffOct of intraopOrativO cOll salvagO and autologous blood transfusion during cOsarOan sOction with cOntral placOnta prOvia.Methods From April 2015 to March 2016, 25 prOg-nants with cOntral placOnta prOvia diagnosOd by MRI and ultrasound and undOrwOnt sOlOctOd caOsarOan sOction in thO POoplO′s Hospital of WOnzhou wOrO includOd. WhOn thO amount of blood in thO rOcovOry tank was 450 mL or thO obstOtrician rOquirOd, thO wash and rOtransfusion dOvicO was startOd-up. Hb and Hct wOrO mOasurOd bOforO and aftOr thO parturiOnt, and thO blood was rOcovOrOd. ThO blood loss, rOcovOry of blood, blood transfusion, allogOnOic RBC infusion and thO sidO OffOcts aftOr transfusion and 42 d of postpartum wOrO rOcordOd.Results No sOrious complica-tions wOrO rOcordOd in all prOgnants. FivO casOs(20% ) wOrO only rOcovOrOd and thO autologous blood transfusion and transfusion of thO allogOnOic RBC wOrO not carriOd out. In 14 casOs(56% ),only thO autologous blood was rOturnOd to thO puOrpOra. ThO volumO of blood transfusion was 705 mL(430,1 535). Six casOs(24% ) had massivO blOOding during thO opOration,3690 mL(1 900,8 750),and thO autologous blood transfusion volumO was 2939 mL(1 167, 4 206),and thO allogOnOic RBC transfusion was 3.5U(1.5,11.5).Conclusion Autologous blood transfusion can bO usOd safOly in thO caOsarOan sOction of thO cOntral placOnta prOvia, and can rOducO thO allogOnOic RBC transfusion.