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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 66-73, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561370


Introducción: El yoga es una actividad que trata de un ejercicio el cual contiene una intensidad baja a moderada, la cual no se centra exclusivamente en el entrenamiento físico, sino que también en el desarrollo de la mente y el espíritu de uno mismo. El yoga puede obtener un mayor impacto en el equilibrio y en la ganancia de fuerza de la parte superior del cuerpo, además, demuestra mejora en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria y flexibilidad. Metodología: El enfoque de desarrollo fue de tipo cuantitativo en donde se realizó una revisión sistemática como metodología de búsqueda de información, relacionada al yoga como una terapia complementaria y los beneficios que éste aportaba al bienestar de las personas mayores. Resultados: En cada uno de los ensayos controlados aleatorizados que fueron recabados para fines de esta revisión sistemática. Se destaca la importancia y los beneficios del yoga en la movilidad, fuerza, flexibilidad y espiritualidad de los usuarios que practican esta terapia. Discusión: Los artículos analizados pertenecen a ensayos clínicos o estudios aleatorizados, los cuales permitieron responder de manera efectiva a nuestra pregunta de investigación, la cual consiste en reconocer si el yoga es efectivo para disminuir el riesgo de dependencia funcional y eliminar hábitos que no son saludables para las personas mayores, además de mejorar la calidad de vida actual. Gracias a ello se pudo evidenciar que esta terapia en adultos mayores genera cambios positivos respecto a estado y condición física, la ejecución de esta práctica mejora la calidad de vida en un 80% Conclusión: La yoga como terapia complementaria si entrega beneficios en la calidad de vida de la población adulta mayor, dado que, que hubo una mejora tanto en la movilidad, calidad de vida y autovalencia de los adultos mayores[AU]

Introduction: Yoga is an activity that deals with a low to moderate intensity exercise, which is not exclusively focused on physical training, but also on the development of the mind and spirit itself. Yoga may have a greater impact on balance and upper body strength gains, and have shown improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility. Methodology:the development approach was of a quantitative type where a systematic review was carried out as a methodology for searching for information related to yoga as a complementary therapy and the benefits that it brought to the well-being of the elderly. Results:The importance and benefits of yoga on the mobility, strength, flexibility and spirituality of users who practice this therapy are highlighted in each of the randomized controlled trials that were collected for the purposes of this systematic review. Discussion: The articles analyzed belong to clinical trials or randomized studies, which allowed us to effectively answer our research question. The activity of yoga in older adults generates positive changes regarding state and physical condition, the execution of this practice improves the quality of life by 80% Conclusion: Yoga as a complementary therapy delivers benefits in the quality of life of the adult population elderly, it can be said that there was an improvement in mobility, quality of life and self-valence of the elderly[AU]

Introdução: O Yoga é uma atividade que trata de um exercício de intensidade baixa a moderada, que não se foca exclusivamente no treino físico, mas também no desenvolvimento da mente e do espí-rito. A ioga pode ter um impacto maior no equilíbrio e nos ganhos de força da parte superior do corpo e mostrou melhorias na apti-dão cardiorrespiratória e flexibilidade. Metodologia: a abordagem de desenvolvimento foi do tipo quantitativo onde foi realizada uma revisão sistemática como metodologia de busca de informações re-lacionadas ao yoga como terapia complementar e os benefícios que trouxe para o bem-estar dos idosos. Resultados: A importância e os benefícios do yoga na mobilidade, força, flexibilidade e espiri-tualidade dos usuários que praticam esta terapia são destacados em cada um dos ensaios clínicos randomizados que foram coletados para fins desta revisão sistemática. Discussão: Os artigos analisa-dos pertencem a ensaios clínicos ou estudos randomizados, o que nos permitiu responder de forma eficaz à nossa questão de inves-tigação. A atividade de yoga em idosos gera mudanças positivas quanto ao estado e condição física, a execução desta prática mel-hora a qualidade de vida em 80% Conclusão: o yoga como terapia complementar traz benefícios na qualidade de vida da população adulta idosa, pode-se dizer que houve melhora na mobilidade, qualidade de vida e autovalência dos idosos[AU]

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Systematic Review
Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 19(46): e-3416, 20241804.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566115


Introdução: A terminalidade é uma situação cada vez mais vivenciada nos serviços de saúde em razão da progressão da expectativa de vida da população e, consequentemente, do incremento de pacientes com doenças crônicas graves. No Brasil, os serviços de cuidados paliativos ainda se encontram centralizados nos serviços de atenção terciária. Entretanto, em diversos países, a Atenção Primária à Saúde tem sido a grande prestadora e coordenadora de cuidados paliativos dos usuários, em prol da descentralização dessa assistência e da promoção do cuidado integral. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão narrativa da literatura, a fim de identificar a relação dos médicos de família e comunidade na atuação de cuidados paliativos na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: Revisão bibliográfica por meio do acesso às bases de dados: Portal da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e PubMed. Foram selecionados 16 artigos, os quais foram submetidos a análise temática e posterior discussão das principais características que colaboram para a maior atuação dos médicos de família e comunidade em cuidados paliativos. Resultados: Observou-se a importância da atuação dos médicos de família e comunidade em cuidados paliativos no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde, bem como a interligação entre as duas especialidades, os desafios existentes nesse caminho e os benefícios dessa prática. Conclusões: A oferta de cuidados paliativos pelos médicos de família e comunidade na atenção primária favorece o acesso e acompanhamento dos pacientes. Entretanto, a atuação dos profissionais das Equipes de Saúde da Família nessa linha de cuidado ainda é insuficiente em razão da escassa capacitação na área.

Introduction: Terminality is a situation increasingly experienced in healthcare services due to the progression of the population's life expectancy and, consequently, the increase in patients with serious chronic diseases. In Brazil, Palliative Care services are still centralized in tertiary care services. However, in many countries, Primary Health Care has been the major provider and coordinator of Palliative Care for users, in favor of decentralizing this assistance and promoting comprehensive care. Objective: To carry out a narrative literature review to identify the relationship of Family Practice Doctors in the performance of Palliative Care in Primary Health Care. Methods: Bibliographic review through access to databases: CAPES, LILACS, SciELO, and PUBMED. Sixteen articles were selected, which were submitted to thematic analysis and subsequent discussion of the main characteristics that contribute to the greater performance of Family Practice Doctors in Palliative Care. Results: The importance of Family Practice Doctors in Palliative Care within the scope of Primary Health Care was observed, as well as the interconnection between the two specialties, the challenges along this path, and the benefits of this practice. Conclusions: The offer of Palliative Care by Family Practice Physicians in Primary Care favors the access and monitoring of patients. However, the performance of the professionals in Family Health Teams in this line of care is still insufficient due to the lack of training in the area.

Introducción: La terminalidad es una situación cada vez más experimentada en los servicios de salud debido a la progresión de la esperanza de vida de la población y, en consecuencia, al aumento de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas graves. En Brasil, los servicios de Cuidados Paliativos todavía están centralizados en los servicios de atención terciaria. Sin embargo, en varios países, la Atención Primaria de Salud ha sido la principal proveedora y coordinadora de los Cuidados Paliativos para los usuarios, a favor de descentralizar esta asistencia y promover la atención integral. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión narrativa de la literatura, con el fin de identificar la relación de los Médicos de Familia y Comunitarios en la actuación de los Cuidados Paliativos en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica mediante acceso a bases de datos: Portal CAPES, LILACS, SciELO y PubMed. Fueron seleccionados dieciséis artículos, que fueron sometidos al análisis temático y posterior discusión de las principales características que contribuyen para una mayor actuación de los Médicos de Familia y Comunidad en Cuidados Paliativos. Resultados: Se constató la importancia del trabajo de los Médicos de Familia y Comunitarios en Cuidados Paliativos en el ámbito de la Atención Primaria de Salud, así como la interconexión entre las dos especialidades, los desafíos que existen en este camino y los beneficios de esta práctica. Conclusiones: La oferta de Cuidados Paliativos por Médicos de Familia y Comunitario en Atención Primaria favorece el acceso y seguimiento de los pacientes. Sin embargo, la actuación de los profesionales de los Equipos de Salud de la Familia en esta línea de atención aún es insuficiente debido a la falta de formación en el área.

Palliative Care , Primary Health Care , Family Practice , National Health Strategies
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e77903, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554456


Objetivo: compreender as percepções e as ações de uma equipe multiprofissional em saúde quanto à prática da medicina tradicional indígena em uma Casa de Atenção à Saúde Indígena. Método: estudo qualitativo descritivo, realizado em uma de Casa de Apoio à Saúde Indígena em um município do Pará, que incluiu oito profissionais de uma equipe multiprofissional. A coleta de dados foi realizada no ano de 2018 e estes foram examinados pelo método da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: inserção e prática do cristianismo; ritos e lideranças xamânicas; e postura da equipe de multidisciplinar foram as categorias elencadas, que apontam os entendimentos e atuações da equipe multiprofissional e da organização espacial da Casa de Saúde do município. Considerações finais: há novos costumes e valores entre as etnias, em virtude da aproximação de grupos religiosos, cujas ações foram registradas e apreendidas pela equipe de trabalhadores em saúde.

Objective: understanding the perceptions and actions of a multi-professional health team regarding the practice of traditional indigenous medicine in an Indigenous Health Care Center. Method: this is a descriptive qualitative study carried out in an Indigenous Health Support Center in a municipality in the state of Pará, which included eight professionals from a multi-professional team. Data was collected in 2018 and examined using the content analysis method. Results: insertion and practice of Christianity; shamanic rites and leadership; and the attitude of the multidisciplinary team were the categories listed, which point to the understandings and actions of the multi-professional team and the spatial organization of the Health Center in the municipality. Final considerations: there are new customs and values among ethnic groups, due to the approach of religious groups, whose actions were recorded and apprehended by the team of health workers.

Objetivo: comprender las percepciones y acciones de un equipo multidisciplinario de salud sobre la práctica de la medicina tradicional indígena en una Casa de Atención para la Salud Indígena. Método: estudio descriptivo cualitativo, realizado en una Casa de Apoyo a la Salud Indígena de un municipio de Pará, que incluyó ocho profesionales de un equipo multidisciplinario. La recolección de datos se realizó en 2018 y los datos fueron sometidos al método de análisis de contenido. Resultados: inserción y práctica del cristianismo; ritos y líderes chamánicos; y actitud del equipo multidisciplinario fueron las categorías enumeradas, que indican la percepción y las acciones del equipo multidisciplinario y la organización espacial de la Casa de Salud del municipio. Consideraciones finales: existen nuevas costumbres y valores entre las etnias, debido a la presencia de grupos religiosos, el equipo de los trabajadores de la salud registró y aprendió las acciones de los indígenas.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(4): e202310219, ago. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562730


El estudio de los tumores del sistema nervioso central (SNC) resulta ser un tema de gran consideración y su conocimiento reviste una alta importancia en la práctica médica. Las clasificaciones de las neoplasias del SNC comenzaron a mediados del siglo XIX hasta que en 1979 la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) publicó la primera edición de una sistemática útil con el objetivo de establecer un lenguaje común para todas las especialidades médicas. Al día de hoy, 5 ediciones actualizaron la taxonomía neoplásica. La quinta edición del año 2021 consolida el cambio de paradigma dado por los avances moleculares, si bien todavía la transición se encuentra en proceso entre la caracterización morfológica y la biológica molecular. En este artículo, se analizan las nuevas modificaciones incorporadas en las diferentes familias tumorales más frecuentes en pediatría haciendo hincapié en aquella información de utilidad para el médico pediatra en su práctica diaria y la consulta multidisciplinaria.

The study of central nervous system (CNS) tumors is a subject of great interest and such knowledge is of great importance in medical practice. The classifications of CNS neoplasms began in the mid-19 th century, until the World Health Organization (WHO) published, in 1979, the first edition of a useful systematic review for the purpose of establishing a common language for all medical specialties. To date, 5 updated editions of neoplastic taxonomy have been published.The fifth edition, from 2021, consolidates the paradigm shift brought about by molecular advances, although the transition between morphological and molecular biological characterization is still in progress. In this article, the new modifications introduced in the different most frequent families of tumors in pediatrics are analyzed, emphasizing useful information for pediatricians in their daily practice and multidisciplinary consultations.

Humans , Child , Central Nervous System Neoplasms/classification , Central Nervous System Neoplasms/diagnosis , World Health Organization
MHSalud ; 21(1): 35-49, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558384


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, en un grupo de personas adultas mayores costarricenses. Materiales y métodos: Se contó con un grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69.38) y otro para el análisis de las propiedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69.31). Se utilizó la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, de 25 ítems. Se efectuó un análisis por juicio de personas expertas y un estudio piloto, para establecer la escala por validar; posterior a esto, se realizó el estudio de validación completo. Se aplicaron análisis factoriales y alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: El análisis factorial extrajo dos factores denominados: a) "capacidad de autoeficacia" y b) "capacidad de propósito y sentido de vida". La consistencia interna en el nivel global fue 0.84 (21 ítems); para el primer factor, 0.81, y para el segundo factor, 0.74. Conclusiones: El instrumento es confiable y válido para valorar los niveles de resiliencia desde una óptica integral e interdisciplinaria, en una población de personas adultas mayores con las características similares a las de la muestra estudiada. A futuro, se recomienda realizar análisis cualitativos para delimitar mejor los constructos, con base en las características de la población.

Abstract Purpose: To analyze the psychometric characteristics of the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale Argentine version in a Costa Rican elderly group. Materials and methods: The study had two groups, one for the pilot study (N = 40, X = 69.38), and another for the analysis of the psychometric properties (N = 100, X = 69.31). The 25-item Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale, Argentine version, was used. An analysis by expert judgment and a pilot study were carried out to establish the scale to be validated, after which, the complete validation study was carried out. Factor analyzes and Cronbach's alpha were applied. Results: They were obtained two factors named: a) "selfefficacy capacity", and b) "purpose in life capacity". The global internal consistency was 0.84, for the first factor was 0.81 and for the second factor was 0.74. Conclusions: The scale generated is reliable and valid to assess resilience in an elderly people with similar characteristics to the present study. In the future, it is recommended to carry out qualitative analyzes to better define the constructs based on the characteristics of the population.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, em um grupo de pessoas idosas costarriquenhas. Materiais e métodos: Um grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69,38) e outro grupo para a análise das propriedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69,31) foram utilizados. A Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, com 25 itens, foi utilizada. Para estabelecer a escala a ser validada, foi realizada uma análise de julgamento por especialistas e um estudo piloto, após o qual foi realizado o estudo de validação completo. A análise fatorial e o alfa de Cronbach foram aplicados. Resultados: A análise fatorial extraiu dois fatores: a) "capacidade de autoeficácia" e b) "capacidade de propósito e significado na vida". A consistência interna ao nível global foi de 0,84 (21 itens); para o primeiro fator foi de 0,81 e para o segundo fator foi de 0,74. Conclusões: O instrumento é confiável e válido para avaliar níveis de resiliência a partir de uma perspectiva holística e interdisciplinar em uma população de idosos com características semelhantes às da amostra estudada. Recomendam-se futuras análises qualitativas para melhor delimitar as construções com base nas características da população.

Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 56(5)may. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-CR-345


Introducción Los avances tecnológicos continúan transformando la sociedad, incluyendo el sector de la salud. La naturaleza descentralizada y verificable de la tecnología blockchain presenta un gran potencial para abordar desafíos actuales en la gestión de datos sanitarios. Discusión Este artículo indaga sobre cómo la adopción generalizada de blockchain se enfrenta a importantes desafíos y barreras que deben abordarse, como la falta de regulación, la complejidad técnica, la salvaguarda de la privacidad y los costos tanto económicos como tecnológicos. La colaboración entre profesionales médicos, tecnólogos y legisladores es esencial para establecer un marco normativo sólido y una capacitación adecuada. Conclusión La tecnología blockchain tiene potencial de revolucionar la gestión de datos en el sector de la salud, mejorando la calidad de la atención médica, empoderando a los usuarios y fomentando la compartición segura de datos. Es necesario un cambio cultural y regulatorio, junto a más evidencia, para concluir sus ventajas frente a las alternativas tecnológicas existentes. (AU)

Introduction Technological advances continue to transform society, including the health sector. The decentralized and verifiable nature of blockchain technology presents great potential for addressing current challenges in healthcare data management. Discussion This article reports on how the generalized adoption of blockchain faces important challenges and barriers that must be addressed, such as the lack of regulation, technical complexity, safeguarding privacy, and economic and technological costs. Collaboration between medical professionals, technologists and legislators is essential to establish a solid regulatory framework and adequate training. Conclusion Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize data management in the healthcare sector, improving the quality of medical care, empowering users, and promoting the secure sharing of data, but an important cultural change is needed, along with more evidence, to reveal its advantages in front of the existing technological alternative. (AU)

Humans , Primary Health Care , Electronic Health Records , Data Analysis , Basic Health Services
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1553651


Objetivo: descrever as demandas de cuidado em saúde mental na Estratégia Saúde da Família, na perspectiva de enfermeiros supervisores. Métodos: estudo descritivo-exploratório de abordagem qualitativa realizado em 10 unidades de Estratégia Saúde da Família de um município da região centro-oeste do Brasil. Participaram do estudo 13 enfermeiros supervisores. Os dados foram coletados por meio de grupos focais, observação participante e anotações em diário de campo e foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. Resultados: emergiu a categoria temática Demandas e ações em saúde mental que revela as principais demandas de cuidado em saúde mental no contexto da Atenção Primária que foram relacionadas ao uso problemático de álcool e outras drogas, além de casos de sofrimento ou transtornos mental. Sobre as ações de cuidado em saúde mental à saúde, os participantes verbalizaram a prescrição indiscriminada e prolongada de psicofármacos, práticas integrativas e complementares e encaminhamentos para outros serviços. Conclusão: há limitação da oferta de ações em saúde mental no âmbito da Estratégia de Saúde da Família, com ausência de alguns cuidados específicos que poderiam ser possibilitados com a instrumentalização das equipes. (AU)

Objective: to describe the demands of mental health care in the Family Health Strategy, from the perspective of supervisor nurses. Methods: descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach carried out in 10 units of the Family Health Strategy in a city in the Midwest region of Brazil. Thirteen nurse supervisors participated in the study. Data were collected through focus groups, participant observation and notes in a field diary and were subjected to content analysis, thematic modality. Results: the thematic category Demands and actions in mental health emerged, revealing the main demands for mental health care in the context of Primary Care, which were related to the problematic use of alcohol and other drugs, in addition to cases of suffering or mental disorders. Regarding mental health care actions, the participants verbalized the indiscriminate and prolonged prescription of psychotropic drugs, integrative and complementary practices and referrals to other services. Conclusion: there is a limitation in the offer of actions in mental health within the Family Health Strategy, with the absence of some specific care that could be made possible with the instrumentalization of the teams. (AU)

Objetivo: describir las demandas de atención en salud mental en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia, desde la perspectiva de enfermeras supervisoras. Métodos: estudio descriptivo-exploratorio con abordaje cualitativo realizado en 10 unidades de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia en una ciudad del Medio Oeste de Brasil. Participaron trece supervisoras de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de grupos focales, observación participante y anotaciones en un diario de campo y fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido, modalidad temática. Resultados: surgió la categoría temática Demandas y acciones en salud mental, revelando las principales demandas de atención en salud mental en el contexto de Atención Primaria, las cuales estaban relacionadas con el uso problemático de alcohol y otras drogas, además de casos de sufrimiento o trastornos mentales. En cuanto a las acciones de atención en salud mental, los participantes verbalizaron la prescripción indiscriminada y prolongada de psicofármacos, prácticas integradoras y complementarias y derivaciones a otros servicios. Conclusion: existe una limitación en la oferta de acciones en salud mental dentro de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia, con la ausencia de alguna atención específica que podría hacerse posible con la instrumentalización de los equipos. (AU)

Mental Health , Primary Health Care , Public Health , Nursing , Mental Health Assistance
Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559128


Introducción: la yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) constituye un recurso alimentario autóctono, formando parte de la tradición y cultura alimentaria del Paraguay. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios locales sobre los hábitos de consumo y preferencias por los paraguayos. Objetivo: describir los hábitos de consumo de la yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) en el Departamento Central en el 2022. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, transversal, con datos primarios, realizado en el Departamento Central de Paraguay. Muestreo no probabilístico en racimos. Instrumento de elaboración propia, diseñado como encuesta digital en la plataforma Google Form® (EE.UU.). Las variables fueron agrupadas en datos demográficos, relacionados al consumo de mate, tereré y cocido, procesados en Microsoft Excel® (EE.UU.) y EPI INFO® 7.0 (EE.UU.). Resultados: participaron 207 personas, la mayoría contaban entre 18 a 40 años, sexo femenino (83,22 %, 119), solteros, universitarios. El consumo más frecuente fue mate+ tereré+ cocido (43,96 %, 91) y tereré + cocido (14,01 %, 29). Todos los encuestados percibían más de dos salarios mínimos, y eran trabajadores de tiempo completo. El 81,64 % (169) consumían tereré, 69,08 % (143) mate, 80,23 % (138) cocido. El tipo de yerba más consumido fue la "compuesta con hierbas medicinales", con un promedio de 1,5 Litros diarios. Conclusión: las formas más consumidas son tereré, cocido y mate, el tipo de yerba es la compuesta con el agregado de hierbas medicinales. Se sugieren realizar estudios poblacionales más amplios sobre el consumo de bebidas a base de yerba mate en Paraguay, así como ampliar estudios sobre las posibles interacciones e inocuidad entre la yerba mate con hierbas medicinales.

Introduction: yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) constitutes a native food resource, forming part of the food tradition and culture of Paraguay. However, there are few local studies on the consumption habits and preferences of Paraguayans. Objective: to describe the consumption habits of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) in the Departamento Central in 2022. Methodology: descriptive, cross-sectional study, with primary data, carried out in the Departamento Central of Paraguay. Non-probability cluster sampling. Self-developed instrument, designed as a digital survey on the Google Form® platform (USA). The variables were grouped into demographic data, related to the consumption of mate, tereré and cocido, processed in Microsoft Excel® (USA) and EPI INFO® 7.0 (USA). Results: people participated was 207, the majority were between 18 and 40 years old, female (83.22 %, 119), single, university students. The most frequent consumption was mate + tereré + cooked (43.96 %, 91) and tereré + cooked (14.01 %, 29). All respondents received more than two minimum wages, and were full-time workers. 81.64 % (169) consumed tereré, 69.08 % (143) consumed mate, 80.23 % (138) cooked. The most consumed type of herb was "composed with medicinal herbs", with an average of 1.5 Liters per day. Conclusion: the most consumed forms are tereré, cooked and mate, the type of yerba is the one composed with the addition of medicinal herbs. It is suggested to carry out larger population studies on the consumption of yerba mate-based drinks in Paraguay, as well as expand studies on the possible interactions and safety between yerba mate and medicinal herbs.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559134


Introducción: la salud mental es crucial para el bienestar y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios. Los estudiantes de Kinesiología y Fisioterapia enfrentan desafíos únicos que pueden afectar su salud mental. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de trastornos mentales comunes en estudiantes de kinesiología y fisioterapia de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Metodología: se trata de un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. La muestra no probabilística estuvo compuesta por 150 estudiantes de Kinesiología y Fisioterapia de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos, académicos, ocupacionales, de estilo de vida y psicopatológicos mediante la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés - 21 (DASS-21). El análisis se realizó mediante Jamovi con regresión logística binomial multivariada. Resultados: la frecuencia de depresión, ansiedad y estrés fue del 61,3 %, 72 % y 54,7 %, respectivamente. Los factores importantes para la depresión incluyeron ser un estudiante irregular, trabajar y no realizar actividad física. Para la ansiedad, fueron significativos ser estudiante irregular y ser mujer. Respecto al estrés, se encontraron relevantes ser estudiante irregular, trabajar y no realizar actividad física. Los modelos resultantes tuvieron clasificaciones correctas del 90,2 %, 88 % y 72 % para depresión, ansiedad y estrés, respectivamente. Conclusión: Este estudio reveló una alta frecuencia de depresión, ansiedad y estrés entre estudiantes de kinesiología y fisioterapia, lo que se asoció significativamente con irregularidad académica, empleo y falta de actividad física. Estos hallazgos subrayan la necesidad de implementar estrategias de intervención y programas de apoyo que aborden estos factores de riesgo para promover la salud mental y el bienestar de los futuros profesionales de la salud.

Introduction: mental health is crucial for university students' well-being and academic performance. Kinesiology and Physical Therapy students face unique challenges that can affect their mental health. Objective: to determine the frequency of common mental disorders in kinesiology and physical therapy students at the Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Methodology: this was an observational and descriptive cross-sectional study. The nonprobabilistic sample included 150 Kinesiology and Physiotherapy students from the Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Sociodemographic, academic, occupational, lifestyle, and psychopathological data were collected using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 (DASS-21). The analysis was performed using Jamovi with multivariate binomial logistic regression. Results: the frequency of depression, anxiety, and stress was 61.3 %, 72 %, and 54.7 %, respectively. The significant factors for depression included being an irregular student, working, and not engaging in physical activity. For anxiety, being an irregular student and being a woman were significant. Regarding stress, being an irregular student, working, and not engaging in physical activity were found to be relevant. The resulting models had correct classifications of 90.2 %, 88 %, and 72 % for depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively. Conclusion: this study revealed a high frequency of depression, anxiety, and stress among kinesiology and physical therapy students, which was significantly associated with academic irregularity, employment, and a lack of physical activity. These findings underscore the need to implement intervention strategies and support programs that address these risk factors in order to promote the mental health and well-being of future health professionals.

Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 60(1): 23-28, jan.-mar. 2024. fig
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555101


The trajectory of healthcare has evolved from ancient holistic practices to the present biomedical model, reflecting the dynamic interplay between scientific progress, technological advancements, and the integration of humanistic values. While biomedical advancements have revolutionized medical treatments, there is an emerging recognition of the importance of integrating neuroscience and humanities to foster holistic patient care and understanding. This paper aims to explore the historical development of medicine, emphasizing the convergence of neuroscience, psychiatry, and neurology within the biomedical framework. Additionally, it investigates the resurgence of humanities in healthcare and its role in promoting patientcentered care. Through a comprehensive review of literature, this study traces the historical roots of medicine and examines the interdisciplinary intersections of neuroscience, psychiatry, neurology, and medical humanities. The exploration reveals the significant contributions of interdisciplinary approaches in enhancing patient-centered care, fostering a comprehensive understanding of health and well-being, and shaping modern healthcare practices. The integration of neuroscience and humanities offers valuable insights into the complexities of human health, bridging legacy practices with innovative approaches. Embracing this interdisciplinary perspective is crucial for promoting holistic healthcare, emphasizing patient-centered care, and enriching the understanding of health and well-being in contemporary healthcare settings.

A trajetória dos cuidados de saúde evoluiu das antigas práticas holísticas para o atual modelo biomédico, reflectindo a interação dinâmica entre o progresso científico, os avanços tecnológicos e a integração de valores humanísticos. Embora os avanços biomédicos tenham revolucionado os tratamentos médicos, há um reconhecimento emergente da importância de integrar as neurociências e as humanidades para promover a compreensão e os cuidados holísticos dos doentes. Este artigo tem como objetivo explorar o desenvolvimento histórico da medicina, salientando a convergência da neurociência, da psiquiatria e da neurologia no quadro biomédico. Além disso, investiga o ressurgimento das humanidades nos cuidados de saúde e o seu papel na promoção de cuidados centrados no doente. Através de uma revisão exaustiva da literatura, este estudo traça as raízes históricas da medicina e examina as intersecções interdisciplinares da neurociência, psiquiatria, neurologia e humanidades médicas. A exploração revela os contributos significativos das abordagens interdisciplinares para melhorar os cuidados centrados no doente, promover uma compreensão abrangente da saúde e do bem-estar e moldar as práticas modernas de cuidados de saúde. A integração das neurociências e das humanidades oferece conhecimentos valiosos sobre as complexidades da saúde humana, fazendo a ponte entre práticas antigas e abordagens inovadoras. A adoção desta perspetiva interdisciplinar é crucial para promover cuidados de saúde holísticos, enfatizando os cuidados centrados no doente e enriquecendo a compreensão da saúde e do bem-estar nos contextos de cuidados de saúde contemporâneos.

Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202404029, Abr. 2024. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-VR-18


Métodos: DDHealth pretende abordar dos aspectos innovadores y oportunos que se ha postulado que contribuyen a las desigualdades socioeconómicas en salud. El primero es la brecha digital socioeconómica, que se refiere a que las capacidades y posibilidades de acceder a la tecnología y usar internet son mayores entre las clases sociales altas en comparación con las bajas. La segunda es la alfabetización sanitaria, que se refiere a la capacidad de los individuos para satisfacer y comprender las complejas demandas de promoción y mantenimiento de la salud en la sociedad moderna. El estudio llevó a cabo más de 2.000 entrevistas entre residentes en España de entre cincuenta y setenta y nueve años de edad entre marzo y abril de 2022, utilizando un enfoque de entrevista telefónica asistida por ordenador (CATI). El cuestionario tiene cuatro módulos diferentes: sociodemográfico; brecha digital; salud; alfabetización sanitaria. Los datos anonimizados están disponibles a través del enlace: éticas y discusión: La DDHealth permite abordar dimensiones innovadoras acerca de los determinantes sociales de la salud en España. Los datos de la DDHealth están disponibles para investigadores externos con fines científicos previa solicitud de una propuesta de investigación razonable.(AU)

Background: Socioeconomic inequalities in health persist in Spain. The DDHealth project aims to address two timely innovative aspects that have been postulated to contribute to socioeconomic inequalities in health. Methods: DDHealth aims to address two innovative and timely aspects that have been proposed to contribute to socioeconomic health inequalities. The first one is the socioeconomic digital divide, which refers to the greater capabilities and opportunities to access technology and use the internet among higher social classes compared to lower ones. The second aspect is health literacy, which refers to individuals’ capacity to meet and understand the complex demands of health promotion and maintenance in modern society. The study conducted over 2,000 interviews among residents in Spain aged between fifty and seventy-nine years old from March to April 2022, using a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) approach. The questionnaire comprises four different modules: sociodemogra-phic; digital divide; health; health literacy. The anonymized data are available through the following link: Considerations and Discussion: DDHealth enables addressing innovative dimensions concerning the social determi-nants of health in Spain. The data are available to external researchers for scientific purposes upon request of a reasonable research proposal.

Humans , Male , Female , Digital Divide , Internet Access , Health Status Disparities , Health Literacy , Spain , Surveys and Questionnaires , Public Health
Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 27(2): 71-78, Abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-VR-24


Introducción: El portafolio es un instrumento de aprendizaje y de evaluación que permite a los estudiantes conocer cómo se desarrolla su aprendizaje y autoevaluarse. Objetivo. Describir la percepción de estudiantes de kinesiología respecto al uso de un portafolio digital como instrumento didáctico en el desarrollo de prácticas intermedias. Sujetos y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, que busca describir la percepción de estudiantes de kinesiología frente al uso de un portafolio digital en el desarrollo y seguimiento de prácticas intermedias de la actividad curricular de geriatría. Resultados: En general, para las dimensiones que evalúan la percepción de los estudiantes en esta metodología docente y evaluativa, un 72% reconoce que los materiales de aprendizaje son muy buenos, seguidos de la dimensión sistema de tutorías, con un 53% de las respuestas de forma satisfactoria, y la de los recursos de la plataforma en línea, con un 42% que la conceptualiza como buena. Conclusiones: La percepción de los estudiantes se describe como positiva en los distintos ítems de evaluación de la estrategia didáctica.(AU)

Introduction: The portfolio is a tool that allows students to account for their learning and assessment processes. Objective: To describe the self-perception of kinesiology students regarding the use of the e-portfolio as a didactic tool for the development of intermediate practices. Subjects and methods. Observational study that aims to describe the self-perception of kinesiology students regarding the use of e-portfolios for the development and monitoring of intermediate practices of the geriatric’s curricular activity. Results: In general, regarding the dimensions that evaluate the self-perception of the students on this learning and assessment tool, a 72% recognize that the learning materials are very good, followed by the tutorial system dimension with a 53% of the responses as satisfactory and the resources of the online platform with a 42% considering the latter as good. Conclusions: The self-perception of the students is described as positive in the different items of evaluation of the didactic strategy.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Education, Medical , Kinesiology, Applied/education , Education , Clinical Clerkship , Self Concept , Learning
Am J Lifestyle Med ; 18(2): 181-185, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559783


Health and wellness coaching (HWC) is an effective intervention for many chronic lifestyle diseases. Chronic diseases represent a majority of our severe national healthcare burden. Yet, HWC certification programs vary in delivery method and degree awarded. The purpose of this paper is to provide an evidence based rationale for HWC as a complementary area of study to non-licensure granting, undergraduate health degrees in higher education. A comprehensive review of the literature related to the efficacy of HWC was completed. In addition, the national program directory was mined for descriptive data for approved HWC programs. Given the growing body of support for HWC as an effective intervention, we recommend that institutions deliver HWC curricula as an academic minor for undergraduate students in non-licensure granting health-related degrees to position graduates for entry level careers in HWC. Evidence from the successful deployment of an undergraduate program in HWC supports our contention that HWC be delivered as an academic minor in support of lifestyle health and wellness education. In doing so, the field can offer HWC in a way that is widely accessible to the undergraduate population, while providing a mechanism for direct employment as a professional health and wellness coach.

Geriatr Nurs ; 57: 73-79, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38598906


INTRODUCTION: Promoting healthy ageing is a global priority. Active Participation Centres are potentially key in fostering psychosocial and emotional health, contributing to a fulfilling and active lifestyle for older adults. AIMS: The study explores self-perceived health, perceptions of sociocultural participation, emotions that emerged when sociocultural participation, and preferences among older adults engaged in community socio-cultural activities from an Active Participation Centre. METHODS: We realised a hermeneutic study; interviews with nine older participants were conducted. Hermeneutic considerations were employed for data analysis. RESULTS: Findings reveal the centre's significance as a therapeutic space, positively influencing emotional well-being, fostering social connections, and offering diverse activity preferences. CONCLUSION: This study underscores the nuanced interplay between sociocultural engagement and self-perceived health, emphasising the need for holistic approaches to promote well-being among older adults attending Active Participation Centres.

Qualitative Research , Self Concept , Humans , Female , Male , Aged , Aged, 80 and over
Vaccine ; 42(12): 3122-3133, 2024 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38604909


IMPORTANCE: Healthcare personnel (HCP) are important messengers for promoting vaccines, for both adults and children. Our investigation describes perceptions of fully vaccinated HCP about COVID-19 vaccine for themselves and primary series for their children. OBJECTIVE: To determine associations between sociodemographic, employment characteristics and perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines among HCP overall and the subset of HCP with children, who were all mandated to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, in a large US metropolitan region. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of fully vaccinated HCP from a large integrated health system. SETTING: Participants were electronically enrolled within a multi-site NYS healthcare system from December 21, 2021, to January 21, 2022. PARTICIPANTS: Of 78,000 employees, approximately one-third accessed promotional emails; 6,537 employees started surveys and 4165 completed them. Immunocompromised HCP (self-reported) were excluded. EXPOSURE(S) (FOR OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES): We conducted a survey with measures including demographic variables, employment history, booster status, child vaccination status; vaccine recommendation, confidence, and knowledge. MAIN OUTCOME(S) AND MEASURES: The primary outcome was COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy for all dose types - primary series or booster doses - among HCP. RESULTS: Findings from 4,165 completed surveys indicated that almost 17.2 % of all HCP, including administrative and clinical staff, were hesitant or unsure about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine booster, despite the NYS recommendation to do so. Depending on age group, between 20 % and 40 % of HCP were hesitant about having their children vaccinated for COVID-19, regardless of clinical versus non-clinical duties. In multivariable regression analyses, lack of booster dose, unvaccinated children, females, income less than $50,000, and residence in Manhattan remained significantly associated with vaccine hesitancy. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Despite mandated COVID-19 vaccination, a substantial proportion of HCP remained vaccine hesitant towards adult booster doses and pediatric COVID-19 vaccination. While provider recommendation has been the mainstay of combatting COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, a gap exists between HCP-despite clinical or administrative status-and the ability to communicate the need for vaccination in a healthcare setting. While previous studies describe the HCP vaccine mandate as a positive force to overcome vaccine hesitancy, we have found that despite a mandate, there is still substantial COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, misinformation, and reluctance to vaccinate children.

COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , Immunization, Secondary , Adult , Female , Humans , Child , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19/prevention & control , Cross-Sectional Studies , Electronic Mail , Health Personnel , Vaccination
J Invest Dermatol ; 144(8): 1724-1732, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38661623


UVR is a skin carcinogen, yet no studies link sun exposure to increased all-cause mortality. Epidemiological studies from the United Kingdom and Sweden link sun exposure with reduced all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. Vitamin D synthesis is dependent on UVB exposure. Individuals with higher serum levels of vitamin D are healthier in many ways, yet multiple trials of oral vitamin D supplementation show little benefit. Growing evidence shows that sunlight has health benefits through vitamin D-independent pathways, such as photomobilization of nitric oxide from cutaneous stores with reduction in cardiovascular morbidity. Sunlight has important systemic health benefit as well as risks.

Skin Neoplasms , Sunlight , Ultraviolet Rays , Vitamin D , Humans , Vitamin D/blood , Vitamin D/administration & dosage , Vitamin D/metabolism , Ultraviolet Rays/adverse effects , Skin Neoplasms/prevention & control , Skin Neoplasms/etiology , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Skin/radiation effects , Skin/metabolism
Rheumatol Int ; 44(7): 1233-1244, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38609655


INTRODUCTION: The growing recognition of holistic patient care highlights the various factors shaping the quality of life of individuals with autoimmune and rheumatic diseases (AIRDs). Beyond the traditional disease measures, there is an emerging acknowledgment of the less-explored aspects, including subjective well-being, social determinants of health, comorbidities, mental health, and medication adherence. Moreover, digital health services have empowered patients to engage actively in decision-making alongside clinicians. To explore these domains within the context of AIRDs, the "Collating the Voice of People with Autoimmune Diseases" COVAD survey was conceived, a successor of the previous two COVAD surveys. In this document, we present the study protocol in comprehensive detail. METHODS: The COVAD-3 survey is a cross-sectional patient self-reported e-survey incorporating multiple widely accepted scales/scores to assess various aspects of patients' lifestyles objectively. To ensure the survey's accuracy and usability across diverse regions, it will be translated into multiple languages and subjected to rigorous vetting and pilot testing. It will be distributed by collaborators via online platforms and data will be collected from patients with AIRDs, and healthy individuals over eight months. Data analysis will focus on outcome measures related to various social, demographic, economic, and psychological factors. CONCLUSION: With the increasing awareness to adopt a holistic treatment approach encompassing all avenues of life, the COVAD-3 survey aims to gain valuable insights into the impact of social, demographic, economic, and psychological determinants of health on the subjective well-being in patients with AIRDs, which will contribute to a better understanding of their overall health and well-being.

Autoimmune Diseases , Quality of Life , Humans , Autoimmune Diseases/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Rheumatic Diseases/psychology , Self Report , Medication Adherence , Mental Health , Social Determinants of Health , Research Design , Surveys and Questionnaires
Health Soc Care Deliv Res ; 12(9): 1-171, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38662367


Background: Nurses, midwives and paramedics are the largest collective group of clinical staff in the National Health Service and have some of the highest prevalence of psychological ill-health. Existing literature tends to be profession-specific and focused on individual interventions that place responsibility for good psychological health with nurses, midwives and paramedics themselves. Aim: To improve understanding of how, why and in what contexts nurses, midwives and paramedics experience work-related psychological ill-health; and determine which high-quality interventions can be implemented to minimise psychological ill-health in these professions. Methods: Realist synthesis methodology consistent with realist and meta-narrative evidence syntheses: evolving standards' reporting guidelines. Data sources: First round database searching in Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online Database ALL (via Ovid), cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature database (via EBSCO) and health management information consortium database (via Ovid), was undertaken between February and March 2021, followed by supplementary searching strategies (e.g. hand searching, expert solicitation of key papers). Reverse chronology screening was applied, aimed at retaining 30 relevant papers in each profession. Round two database searches (December 2021) targeted COVID-19-specific literature and literature reviews. No date limits were applied. Results: We built on seven key reports and included 75 papers in the first round (26 nursing, 26 midwifery, 23 paramedic) plus 44 expert solicitation papers, 29 literature reviews and 49 COVID-19 focused articles in the second round. Through the realist synthesis we surfaced 14 key tensions in the literature and identified five key findings, supported by 26 context mechanism and outcome configurations. The key findings identified the following: (1) interventions are fragmented, individual-focused and insufficiently recognise cumulative chronic stressors; (2) it is difficult to promote staff psychological wellness where there is a blame culture; (3) the needs of the system often override staff well-being at work ('serve and sacrifice'); (4) there are unintended personal costs of upholding and implementing values at work; and (5) it is challenging to design, identify and implement interventions to work optimally for diverse staff groups with diverse and interacting stressors. Conclusions: Our realist synthesis strongly suggests the need to improve the systemic working conditions and the working lives of nurses, midwives and paramedics to improve their psychological well-being. Individual, one-off psychological interventions are unlikely to succeed alone. Psychological ill-health is highly prevalent in these staff groups (and can be chronic and cumulative as well as acute) and should be anticipated and prepared for, indeed normalised and expected. Healthcare organisations need to (1) rebalance the working environment to enable healthcare professionals to recover and thrive; (2) invest in multi-level system approaches to promote staff psychological well-being; and use an organisational diagnostic framework, such as the NHS England and NHS Improvement Health and Wellbeing framework, to self-assess and implement a systems approach to staff well-being. Future work: Future research should implement, refine and evaluate systemic interventional strategies. Interventions and evaluations should be co-designed with front-line staff and staff experts by experience, and tailored where possible to local, organisational and workforce needs. Limitations: The literature was not equivalent in size and quality across the three professions and we did not carry out citation searches using hand searching and stakeholder/expert suggestions to augment our sample. Study registration: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42020172420. Available from: Funding: This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health and Social Care Delivery Research programme (NIHR award ref: NIHR129528) and is published in full in Health and Social Care Delivery Research; Vol. 12, No. 9. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information.

The National Health Service needs healthy, motivated staff to provide high-quality patient care. Nurses, midwives and paramedics experience poor psychological health (e.g. stress/anxiety) because of pressured environments and the difficulties of healthcare work. This study planned to better understand the causes of poor psychological ill-health in nurses, midwives and paramedics and find which interventions might help and why. We analysed the literature using a method called 'realist review' to understand how interventions work (or not), why, and for who. We tested our findings with patients, the public, nurses, midwives and paramedics in our stakeholder group. We reviewed over 200 papers/reports and identified five main findings: (1) existing solutions (interventions) are disjointed, focus mainly on the individual (not the system) and do not recognise enduring stressors enough; (2) when there is a blame culture it is difficult to encourage staff psychological well-being; (3) the needs of the system often override staff psychological well-being at work; (4) upholding and implementing personal and professional values at work can have negative personal costs; and (5) it is difficult to design, identify and implement solutions that work well for staff groups in different circumstances with varied causes of poor psychological health. Healthcare organisations should consider: (1) changing (rebalancing) the working environment to help healthcare professionals rest, recover and thrive; (2) investing in multiple-level system (not just individual) approaches to staff psychological well-being; (3) continuing to reduce stigma; (4) ensuring the essential needs of staff are prioritised (rest-breaks/hydration/hot food) as building blocks for other solutions; (5) addressing the blame culture, assuming staff are doing their best in difficult conditions; (6) prioritising staff needs, as well as patient needs. We will provide guidance and recommendations to policy-makers and organisational leaders to improve work cultures that tackle psychological ill-health and suggest new areas for research.

COVID-19 , Workplace , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Midwifery , Nurses/psychology , Paramedics , SARS-CoV-2 , United Kingdom , Workplace/psychology
BMJ Qual Saf ; 33(7): 470-478, 2024 Jun 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38575310


Mixed methods research is a popular approach used to understand persistent and complex problems related to quality and safety, such as reasons why interventions are not implemented as intended or explaining differential outcomes. However, the quality and rigour of mixed methods research proposals and publications often miss opportunities for integration, which is the core of mixed methods. Achieving integration remains challenging, and failing to integrate reduces the benefits of a mixed methods approach. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to guide quality and safety researchers in planning and designing a mixed methods study that facilitates integration. We highlight how meaningful integration in mixed methods research can be achieved by centring integration at the following levels: research question, design, methods, results and reporting and interpretation levels. A holistic view of integration through all these levels will enable researchers to provide better answers to complex problems and thereby contribute to improvement of safety and quality of care.

Research Design , Humans , Patient Safety , Health Services Research , Quality of Health Care
Dermatologie (Heidelb) ; 75(5): 366-376, 2024 May.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38649555


BACKGROUND: Medical rehabilitation plays an important role in the management of patients with chronic dermatoses and dermato-oncological diseases. OBJECTIVES: Which dermatological indications qualify for a medical rehabilitation? What forms need to be completed for a successful application? Which treatments are provided and what are goals to be accomplished during dermatological rehabilitation? MATERIALS AND METHODS: Evaluation of current guidelines, directives, and recommendations as well as exemplary reviews. RESULTS: Dermato-oncological diseases and every chronic dermatological disease that is associated with a limitation of body functions and structures, activity and participation is eligible for medical rehabilitation. They include need, ability to absolve a rehabilitation, and a favorable prognosis. Treatments range from therapy of the underlying dermatological condition to interdisciplinary treatment of comorbidities with the aim of restoring functional health. CONCLUSIONS: Medical rehabilitation follows a holistic approach and represents a significant addition to outpatient and acute inpatient care, often leading to a long-term improvement in clinical outcome, participation, and activity.

Dermatology , Skin Diseases , Humans , Skin Diseases/rehabilitation , Skin Diseases/therapy , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Germany , Chronic Disease/rehabilitation