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Homeopatia Méx ; 93(736): 30-33, mar. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1555432


En el panorama de la salud, el cuerpo humano, en su estado natural, se revela como una intrincada unidad que opera en armonía para mantener el equilibrio dinámico. Sin embargo, esta homeostasis puede verse afectada, dando lugar a la dualidad y a trastornos que comprometen la estabilidad vital. Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre la perspectiva homeopática, destacando su enfoque único en comparación con la medicina convencional. Diferenciándose al tratar al individuo como un todo integrado, la Homeopatía reconoce la transitoriedad de la dualidad representada por las enfermedades y enfatiza la importancia de la armonía entre el cuerpo y la mente en la búsqueda de la homeostasis. Inspirada en las ideas de Hahnemann, la Homeopatía se destaca por su visión holística, rechazando el dualismo estricto y proponiendo intervenciones que van más allá de la supresión de los síntomas. Anclada en la ley de los similares, busca sustancias que reproduzcan los síntomas del paciente en un estado saludable, buscando una cura profunda y la restauración de la unidad dinámica del organismo. A pesar de los desafíos, como la resistencia y la falta de métodos de investigación universalmente aceptados, la Homeopatía persiste a nivel mundial, sugiriendo un valor único. Este artículo promueve una reflexión sobre el enfoque homeopático, enfatizando su contribución a la comprensión de la salud y su papel en el panorama terapéutico.

n the landscape of health, the human body, in its natural state, reveals itself as an intricate unity, operating harmoniously to maintain dynamic balance. However, this homeostasis can be disrupted, leading to duality and disturbances that compromise vital stability. This article reflects on the homeopathic perspective, highlighting its unique approach compared to conventional medicine. Distinguishing itself by treating the individual as an integrated whole, homeopathy recognizes the transience of duality represented by diseases and emphasizes the importance of harmony between body and mind in the pursuit of homeostasis.Inspired by Hahnemann's ideas, homeopathy stands out for its holistic view, rejecting strict dualism and proposing interventions that go beyond symptom suppression. Anchored in the Law of Similars, it seeks substances that would reproduce the patient's symptoms in a healthy state, aiming for a profound cure and the restoration of the dynamic unity of the organism. Despite challenges, such as resistance and a lack of universally accepted research methods, homeopathy persists globally, suggesting unique value. This article encourages reflection on the homeopathic approach, emphasizing

Humans , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Mind-Body Therapies , Holistic Health , Homeostasis
Repert. med. cir ; 33(1): 88-92, 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1552679


Objetivo: determinar si la terapia neural es una opción de tratamiento que pueda ser utilizada sin la aparición de efectos adversos. Presentación del caso: se presenta y analiza el caso de una paciente que ingresó a urgencias por dolor abdominal generalizado diagnosticándose hematoma hepático y realizándosele una revisión de la literatura científica. Resultados: se procedió a efectuar laparotomía con cirugía de control de daños, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios con egreso hospitalario sin complicaciones agregadas. Conclusiones: la terapia neural es un tratamiento del cual no se tiene suficiente evidencia científica que avale su seguridad en los pacientes

Objective: to determine whether neural therapy is a treatment option which can be used without the occurrence of adverse effects. Case report: we present and analyze the case of a female patient who was admitted to the emergency room for generalized abdominal pain. A hepatic hematoma was diagnosed, and a review of the scientific literature was conducted. Results: a laparotomy with damage control surgery was performed, obtaining satisfactory outcomes, with hospital discharge without any added complications. Conclusions: neural therapy is a treatment for which there is not enough scientific evidence to support its safety in patients

São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 228 p.
Monography in English | HomeoIndex Homeopathy, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1551294


Homeopathy has been a medical practice recognized worldwide for more than two centuries, performing care, teaching and research activities in several health institutions and medical schools. It employs a clinical approach based on heterodox and complementary scientific principles (principle of therapeutic similitude, homeopathic pathogenetic experimentation, use of individualized medicines and dynamized or potentiated doses), with the aim of awakening a curative response in the body against its own disorders and/or diseases. Based on different premises from those used by conventional medical practice, homeopathy is often the target of unfounded and widespread criticism from individuals who systematically deny homeopathic assumptions and any scientific evidence that proves them due to their pseudoskeptical and pseudoscientific stance, which prevents a correct and bias-free analysis. In order to enlighten doctors, researchers, health professionals and the general public, demystifying culturally rooted dogmatic positions and the pseudoskeptical fallacies that "there is no scientific evidence for homeopathy" and "homeopathy is placebo effect", the Technical Chamber of Homeopathy of the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of São Paulo (TC-Homeopathy, Cremesp) prepared the "Special Dossier: Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy" in 2017, made available in three independent editions (online in Portuguese and English; printed in Portuguese) in the Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). Then, the dossier was published in Spanish in the La Homeopatía de México journal in 2023 in an edition commemorating the journal's 90th anniversary. Encompassing nine narrative reviews on the various lines of homeopathy research and containing hundreds of scientific articles describing experimental and clinical studies, the Dossier highlighted the state of the art of homeopathic science. Proving and expanding this scientific evidence in 13 chapters, the current work aims to update and clarify knowledge in the area. In addition to elucidating the epistemological premises of the homeopathic model in detail, the work describes the various aspects of basic and clinical research which endorse homeopathic practice and treatment in a continuum of information, data and bibliographic references. The work discusses various topics related to research in homeopathy, covering everything from "homeopathic clinical epidemiology" to "pseudoskeptic and pseudoscientific strategies used in attacks on homeopathy", including "pharmacological basis of the principle of similitude", "experimental studies in biological models", "randomized controlled clinical trials", "systematic reviews, meta-analyses and global reports" and "observational studies", among others. In view of the fact that it becomes fruitless and tiring to describe and analyze all the studies and experiments from the different research lines, we suggest and systematize in the different chapters for those who want to delve deeper into the areas of interest, bibliographical surveys of existing literature through the different databases. As we reiterate throughout the work, despite the difficulties and limitations that exist in developing research in homeopathy due to both methodological aspects and the lack of institutional and financial support, the set of experimental and clinical studies described is indisputable proof that "there is scientific evidence for homeopathy" and "homeopathy is not placebo effect", contrary to falsely disseminated prejudice. However, new studies must continue to be developed to improve clinical practice and elucidate peculiar aspects of the homeopathic paradigm. Acting as an integrative and complementary therapy to other specialties, homeopathy can add efficacy, effectiveness, efficiency and safety to medical practice, acting in a curative and preventive manner, reducing symptomatic manifestations and the predisposition to falling ill, with low cost and minimal adverse events, helping doctors to fulfill their "highest and only mission, which is to make sick people healthy, which is called healing" (Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, § 1).

Professional Practice , Placebo Effect , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Homeopathy/ethics
São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 57 p. tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | MTYCI, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1556078


Dentre as várias vertentes de pesquisa e prática homeopática pós-hahnemanniana, a Homeopatia Constitucional leva em consideração os aspectos morfofisiológicos: a biotipologia, o temperamento, as diáteses, não como noções absolutas, mas inseridas no seu devido lugar dentro da Doutrina e Técnicas de aplicação da Homeopatia. O conceito básico persiste sendo a semelhança precisa entre os sinais de um remédio e os mesmos sinais encontrados num paciente. A gravidez é um estado fisiológico que resulta na formação de um ser do qual podemos conhecer os progenitores. É uma oportunidade de abordar este ser diante das imperfeições de terreno que lhes podem ser transmitidas. A homeopatia é a única terapêutica prática, pois é inofensiva à criança e conduz um tratamento "eugênico", permitindo que a criança seja bem constituída.

Among the various aspects of post-Hahnemannian homeopathic research and practice, Constitutional Homeopathy considers morphophysiological aspects: biotypology, temperament and diatheses, not as absolute notions, but inserted in their due place within the Doctrine and Application Techniques of Homeopathy. The basic concept remains the precise similarity between the signs of a medicine and the same signs found in a patient. Pregnancy is a physiological state that results in the formation of a being whose parents we can know. It is an opportunity to approach this being in the face of the imperfections of the terrain that can be transmitted to them. Homeopathy is the only practical therapy, as it is harmless to the child and provides a "eugenic" treatment, allowing the child to be well constituted.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Temperament , Biotypology , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Disease Susceptibility
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 14-28, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562965


A Homeopatia é um sistema terapêutico baseado no princípio da similitude. A experimentação sistemática de substâncias em pessoas sadias permite conhecer os sintomas que elas provocam (patogenesia). A reunião de diferentes patogenesias forma as Matérias Médicas, dentre as quais destaca-se como referência até hoje The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica, de Constantine Hering. Objetivo: Avaliar a concordância da experimentação atual de um medicamento homeopático (Agaricus muscarius) com os dados constantes em Matéria Médica de referência. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma experimentação patogenética breve no formato de um ensaio randomizado duplo- -cego, placebo-controlado com cross-over. Foi experimentado o medicamento Agaricus muscarius na dinamização 30 CH. A experimentação teve duração de 8 semanas. Os sintomas foram classificados, graduados e ordenados para análise estatística. Foram utilizados os testes de Kolgomorov- Smirnov para normalidade dos dados e t de Student e ANOVA para comparação entre grupos. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Resultados: Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os escores de correspondência de sintomas dos participantes com a Matéria Médica quando usaram medicamento e quando usaram placebo. Mais da metade dos sintomas teve um grau moderado a alto de correspondência com a Matéria Médica (59,4%) e um grau elevado de associação com o uso do medicamento (53,1%). Conclusão: A reexperimentação de Agaricus muscarius produziu sintomas em sua maioria correspondentes àqueles registrados em Matéria Médica de referência e com alto grau de associação ao uso do medicamento.

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system based on the similitude principle, Systematic substance experimentation in healthy subjects allows knowing the symptoms they cause (pathogenesis). The assemblage of various pathogeneses yields homeopathic therapeutic compendia called Materia Medica, among which The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica, by Constantine Hering, remains an important reference. Objective: Evaluate the concordance between the present experimentation of a homeopathic medicine (Agaricus muscarius) and the data from a referential Materia Medica. Methods: A brief pathogenetic experimentation was performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo- -controlled cross-over trial. The medicine Agaricus muscarius was experimented as 30 CH dynamization. The experimentation lasted for 8 weeks. Symptoms were classified, graded and ordered for statistical analysis. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for data normality and t-Student test and ANOVA for between-group comparison. The research was approved by the Human Beings Research Ethics Committee from the Foundation Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Results: No significant differences in symptom correspondence scores were noted when participants were administered remedy vs placebo. More than half of experimentation pathogenesis symptoms had a moderate to high correspondence degree to the Materia Medica (59,4%) and a high association degree to the use of remedy (53,1%). Conclusion: Reexperimentation of Agaricus muscarius has produced symptoms mostly correspondent

Humans , Female , Adult , Agaricus muscarius/adverse effects , Experiment of Substances , Homeopathic Materia Medica
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 36-43, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562971


O inconsciente coletivo é um conceito formulado por Carl G. Jung que consiste de um nível de consciência primordial, compartilhado pelos membros de comunidade no âmbito familiar, racial, social, grupal, etc. e mediado por reações humanas instintivas ancestrais que não se baseiam na experiência individual. A assim chamada Ressonância Mórfica, elaborada por Rupert Sheldrake, amplia o conceito de inconsciente coletivo, pois opera em todo o universo, envolvendo elementos de todos os reinos da natureza. Representa uma memória coletiva auto-organizada influenciada por padrões semelhantes do passado. Poderíamos inferir que a totalidade de sintomas de uma patogenesia de uma substância é também um conjunto de símbolos e arquétipos. Cada substância está ligada aos seus ancestrais de uma mesma família botânica ou animal, como também ligada à formação geológica do nosso planeta. De forma semelhante, existe uma consciência de grupo que influencia todos os membros do sistema familiar. A verdadeira individualidade psíquica da criança é uma combinação de fatores coletivos, pois não apenas o corpo da criança, mas também sua alma, provém da série dos antepassados, no sentido de que ela não pode ser distinguida individualmente da alma coletiva da humanidade. Por estar espalhada por toda a parte na alma coletiva, a criança pequena "percebe" não apenas os condicionamentos mais profundos dos pais, mas também, em um âmbito mais extenso, o bem e o mal existentes nas profundezas da alma humana. Todos nós somos influenciados pelas dinâmicas sistêmicas do mundo que nos cerca. A tendência é repetir inconscientemente os problemas do passado e levá-los adiante. Desta forma, a noção de individualidade é relativizada. Ao estudarmos os medicamentos agregando-os por algum tipo de analogia para formar grupos ou famílias seja de origem mineral, vegetal ou animal, o conjunto de características, temas, arquétipos, sensações, sintomas comuns, etc. de um determinado grupo forma um campo mórfico no espaço-tempo, a qual os pacientes por ressonância ou similitude se ligam inconscientemente. O campo eletromagnético de cada indivíduo, mediado pelos seus sistemas de crenças e campos mórficos familiares, liga-se aos campos informacionais dos mitos, dos arquétipos e do inconsciente coletivo humano similares, podendo levar ao adoecimento.

The collective unconscious is a concept formulated by Carl G. Jung that consists of a primordial level of consciousness, shared by community members in the family, racial, social, group, etc. spheres and mediated by ancestral instinctive human reactions that are not based on individual experience. The so-called Morphic Resonance, elaborated by Rupert Sheldrake, expands the concept of the collective unconscious, as it operates throughout the universe, involving elements from all kingdoms of nature. It represents a self-organizing collective memory influenced by similar patterns from the past. We could infer that the totality of symptoms of a pathogenesis of a substance is also a set of symbols and archetypes. Each substance is linked to its ancestors from the same botanical or animal family, as well as linked to the geological formation of our planet. Similarly, there is a group consciousness that influences all members of the family system. The true psychic individuality of the child is a combination of collective factors, for not only the child's body, but also his soul, comes from the series of ancestors, in the sense that it cannot be distinguished individually from the collective soul of humanity. Because it is scattered everywhere in the collective soul, the young child "perceives" not only the deeper conditionings of the parents, but also, in a wider scope, the good and evil existing in the depths of the human soul. We are all influenced by the systemic dynamics of the world around us. The tendency is to unconsciously repeat the problems of the past and carry them forward. In this way, the notion of individuality is relativized. When we study medicines by aggregating them by some kind of analogy to form groups or families, whether of mineral, vegetable or animal origin, the set of characteristics, themes, archetypes, sensations, common symptoms, etc. of a given group forms a morphic field in space-time, to which patients by resonance or similarity unconsciously attach themselves. Each individual's electromagnetic field, mediated by their belief systems and familiar morphic fields, is linked to the informational fields of similar myths, archetypes, and the human collective unconscious, and can lead to illness.

Biotypology , Vital Force , Principle of Similarity , Homeopathic Remedy
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 29-31, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562966


A infertilidade afeta milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo, sendo quase metade dos casos decorrentes de fatores tuboperitoneal, destacando- se a endometriose como doença de grande prevalência. Este artigo apresenta um caso clínico bem-sucedido de tratamento homeopático para infertilidade, resultando em rápida desobstrução da tuba uterina e gravidez em um ciclo ovulatório. O tratamento incluiu simillium (Nux vomica) e constitucional (Calcarea phosphorica), além de medicamento episódico (Eupion, Borax veneta e Endometrium).

Infertility affects millions of women worldwide, with nearly half of the cases attributed to tuboperitoneal factors, with endometriosis being a prevalent condition. This article presents a successful clinical case of homeopathic treatment for infertility, resulting in rapid unblocking of the fallopian tube and pregnancy in one ovulatory cycle. The treatment included simillium (Nux vomica) and constitutional (Calcarea phosphorica) remedies, along with episodic medication (Eupion, Borax veneta and Endometrium).

Humans , Female , Adult , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Infertility, Female/drug therapy , Calcarea Phosphorica/therapeutic use , Eupionum/therapeutic use , Materia Medica , Strychnos nux-vomica , Endometrium
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 32-35, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1562970


Os desastres naturais tem se intensificado nas últimas décadas causando impactos sobre a saúde humana e todas as esferas: física, psíquica e espiritual. Dentre as diferentes abordagens terapêuticas a Homeopatia surge como uma opção suave, segura, duradoura e de baixo custo. O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar as possibilidades de utilização da abordagem e dos medicamentos homeopáticos nestes eventos. Para tanto consideramos a Homeopatia aplicada nos diferentes níveis de atuação e complexidade dos cuidados à saúde. Concluindo, salientamos que a Homeopatia e os Médicos Homeopatas podem e devem participar nas ações de acolhimento e cuidado à saúde das pessoas direta ou indiretamente atingidas por este trágico evento.

Natural disasters have intensified in recent decades, causing impacts on human health and all spheres: physical, psychological and spiritual. Among the different therapeutic approaches, Homeopathy appears as a gentle, safe, long-lasting and low-cost option. The objective of this article is to show the possibilities of using the homeopathic approach and medicines in these events. To this end, we consider Homeopathy applied at different levels of activity and complexity of health care. In conclusion, we emphasize that Homeopathy and Homeopathic Doctors can and should participate in welcoming and caring for the health of people directly or indirectly affected by this tragic event.

Rainwater , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Disease Prevention , Natural Disasters
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 7-13, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Redbvs, HomeoIndex Homeopathy, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562963


A Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) Homeopatia Brasil(1) personifica o ingresso da Homeopatia na literatura médica oficial, sendo o resultado de décadas de um trabalho voluntário de vários homeopatas, tendo uma história de mais 40 anos a qual se mescla de maneira indissociável com a história da Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME)(2), que adotou posteriormente o nome de Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde(3). É também um testemunho da transformação tecnológica do paradigma das bibliotecas físicas seculares(4), para as atuais bibliotecas digitais online. A BVS é um patrimônio da Homeopatia brasileira, evidenciando a Homeopatia perante as ciências da saúde como sendo uma especialidade médica em nosso país. Ela teve como marco inicial a base de dados HOMEOINDEX, pioneira e exclusiva da literatura homeopática, construída na década de 90, que será abordada mais adiante. Esta biblioteca virtual homeopática faz parte da rede de bibliotecas virtuais em saúde(5), e da rede BVS Brasil(6) operacionalizadas pela BIREME, órgão regional da OPAS(7) (Organização Panamericana de Saúde) e da OMS(8) (Organização Mundial de Saúde). A BIREME tem como missão contribuir para o desenvolvimento da saúde nos países da América Latina e Caribe por meio da democratização do acesso, publicação e uso de informação, conhecimento e evidência científica. A BIREME abriga atualmente mais de 60 BVSs, entre temáticas, nacionais e regionais, que abordam os mais variados aspectos de informações de cada área, com acesso online eficiente, gratuito, universal e eqüitativo à informação Para entendermos a origem da BVS Homeopatia é necessário que seja abordada também a história da BIREME(9). Desde a sua criação no ano de 1967, a BIREME sempre considerou a colaboração das bibliotecas para desenvolver e oferecer seus serviços e produtos de informação. Nos anos iniciais a primeira tarefa foi o serviço colaborativo de comutação bibliográfica (fornecimento de cópias de documentos), já considerando que apenas a coleção de revistas da então Biblioteca Regional de Medicina não seria suficientemente completa para atender a todos os pedidos dos usuários da América Latina e do Caribe. Os primeiros acordos de cooperação da BIREME com as bibliotecas foram estabelecidos no início dos anos 70, com a Faculdade de Odontologia e a Escola de Medicina Veterinária, ambas da Universidade de São Paulo, com o Instituto de Nutrição da América Central e do Panamá (INCAP), com o Centro Latino-Americano de Perinatologia e Desenvolvimento Humano, e com o Centro Pan-Americano de Engenharia Sanitária e Ciências Ambientais (CEPIS).

The Virtual Health Library (VHL) Homeopathy Brazil embodies the inclusion of Homeopathy in the official medical literature, being the result of decades of voluntary work by several homeopaths, having a history of more than 40 years, which is inseparably intertwined with the history of the Regional Library of Medicine (BIREME), which later adopted the name of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. It is also a testament to the technological transformation from the paradigm of centuries-old physical libraries to today's online digital libraries. The VHL is a heritage of Brazilian Homeopathy, highlighting Homeopathy before the health sciences as a medical specialty in our country. Its initial milestone was the HOMEOINDEX database, a pioneer and exclusive database of homeopathic literature, built in the 1990s, which will be discussed later. This virtual homeopathic library is part of the network of virtual health libraries, and the VHL Brazil network operated by BIREME, a regional body of PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization). BIREME's mission is to contribute to the health development in Latin American and Caribbean countries through the democratization of access, publication, and use of information, knowledge, and scientific evidence. BIREME currently houses more than 60 VHLs, including thematic, national, and regional, covering the most varied aspects of information in each area, with efficient, free, universal, and equitable online access to information. To understand the origin of the VHL Homeopathy, it is also necessary to address the history of BIREME. Since its creation in 1967, BIREME has always considered the collaboration of libraries to develop and offer its information services and products. In the early years, the first task was the collaborative bibliographic exchange service (provision of document copies), already considering that the journal collection of the then Regional Library of Medicine would not be sufficiently complete to meet all the requests from users in Latin America and the Caribbean. The first cooperation agreements between BIREME and libraries were established in the early 1970s, with the Faculty of Dentistry and the School of Veterinary Medicine, both from the University of São Paulo, with the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), with the Latin American Center for Perinatology and Human Development, and with the Pan-American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS).

History of Homeopathy , Homeopathy Broadcasting , Cultural Evolution , Libraries, Digital , Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information , Brazil , Medical Subject Headings
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 50-58, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562976


Este artigo tem como objeto o papel da narração das histórias de vida dos pacientes durante a consulta homeopática na promoção da saúde e produção de autonomia dos sujeitos. Objetivos e Metodologia: A partir da abordagem sócio-histórica, foi realizada revisão de literatura narrativa, a fim de identificar os limites e as possibilidades do ato de narrar na racionalidade médica homeopática para a produção de subjetividades e autonomia na trajetória singular de cada indivíduo levar sua vida. Considerações Finais: Há atualidade e consonância de conceitos da racionalidade médica homeopática com o paradigma contemporâneo da promoção da saúde; as narrativas produzidas no ato da anamnese homeopática têm a potencialidade de ampliar a compreensão médica e do indivíduo para além da doença, analisando o fenômeno existencial do adoecimento. A anamnese homeopática, ao valorizar as experiências existenciais relatadas no âmbito de uma consulta, concorre para uma valorização dos sujeitos, o que contribuiria para a construção de sua subjetividade, autonomia e emponderamento.

This article focuses on the role of narrating patients' life stories during homeopathic consultations in promoting health and producing autonomy for subjects. Objectives and Methodology: Using a socio-historical approach, a narrative literature review was carried out in order to identify the limits and possibilities of the act of narrating in homeopathic medical rationality for the production of subjectivities and autonomy in the unique trajectory of each individual. your life. Final Considerations: The concepts of homeopathic medical rationality are current and consistent with the contemporary paradigm of health promotion; The narratives produced in the act of homeopathic anamnesis have the potential to expand medical and individual understanding beyond the disease, analyzing the existential phenomenon of illness. Homeopathic anamnesis, by valuing the existential experiences reported in the context of a consultation, contributes to an appreciation of the subjects, which would contribute to the construction of their subjectivity, autonomy and empowerment.

Rationalization , Professional Autonomy , Patient-Centered Care , Health Promotion
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;109(1): 35-38, 20230000.
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427940


Se ha confirmado que la composición química de Similimum en personas sanas es la misma que la de individuos enfermos. Este es el hallazgo más importante en apoyo de una interpretación termodinámica de la homeopatía y se basa en la curación de pacientes con similimum con respecto al equilibrio químico en personas enfermas. La composición química de similimum no es necesaria para un tratamiento en la homeopatía. Todo lo que se requiere es la misma composición química entre las dos moléculas objetivo. Conocer la composición química de las moléculas que causan enfermedades solo es relevante en el caso de buscar un compuesto que pueda actuar como un similimum

It has been confirmed that the chemical composition of Similimum in healthy people is the same as that in diseased individuals. This is the most important finding in support of a thermodynamic interpretation of homeopathy and is based on the healing of patients with Similimum regarding the chemical equilibrium in diseased people. The chemical composition of Simillimum is not required for a treatment in homeopathy. All that is required is the same chemical composition between the two target molecules. Knowing the chemical composition of disease-causing molecules is only relevant in the case of searching for a compound that could act as a Simillimum

Humans , Male , Female , Thermodynamics , Simillimum , Homeopathy
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 7-19, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1416726


La homeopatía es una forma de medicina con 200 años de historia. A lo largo de este tiempo, ha demostrado su capacidad para resolver problemas, a bajo costo, con un amplio alcance y con una aceptación social incuestionable. Según las estimaciones, aproximadamente 500 millones de personas utilizan la homeopatía en todo el mundo, lo que corresponde a alrededor del 7% de la población mundial. Sin embargo, aún existen obstáculos para su integración en la medicina convencional, los cuales deben ser puestos en perspectiva y eliminados. El propósito del presente artículo es contextualizar la homeopatía como una ciencia y un arte tanto en Brasil como en el resto del mundo. Analizamos algunos aspectos relevantes, como el perfil de sus usuarios, las razones para elegir la homeopatía, así como los contextos históricos y sociales para su inclusión en los sistemas educativos y de atención médica. Concluimos que la homeopatía es un sistema medico ético que ofrece un tratamiento sistémico y seguro a los pacientes, con una optima relación costo-beneficio. La homeopatía debe incluirse en las universidades, escuelas de medicina, así como en todos los niveles del sistema de atención médica, asegurando así su naturaleza histórica como especialidad médica.

Homeopathy is a medical approach with 200 years of history. Along this time it demonstrated its ability to solve problems, with low cost, broad scope and unquestionable social acceptance. According to estimates, approximately 500 million people use homeopathy worldwide, corresponding to about 7% of the world population. However, there are still hindrances to its integration into conventional medicine which need to be put into perspective and removed. The aim of the present article is to contextualize homeopathy as a science and an art in Brazil and worldwide. We analyzed some relevant aspects, such as the profile of users, their reasons to choose homeopathy, and historical and social contexts for the inclusion of homeopathy into health care and educational systems. We conclude that homeopathy is an ethical medical system that provides systemic and safe treatment to patients with optimal costbenefit ratio. Homeopathy should be included in universities, schools of medicine and at all levels of the healthcare system, thus ensuring its historical nature as a medical specialty.

Homeopathic Clinics/education , Delivery of Health Care , Homeopathy/statistics & numerical data
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 68-74, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex Homeopathy, LILACS | ID: biblio-1416727


La investigación fundamental en homeopatía ha avanzado considerablemente en los últimos 20 años: desde estudios exploratorios con animales y plantas hasta la caracterización de los efectos sistémicos de los medicamentos homeopáticos y estudios in vitro con sistemas celulares aislados para evaluar los cambios en los mecanismos de adaptación celular y señalización intracelular frente a tratamientos homeopáticos variables. El número de artículos publicados a lo largo del tiempo ha permitido realizar varias revisiones sistemáticas. Recientemente, la demostración de que los medicamentos homeopáticos podrían modificar las funciones celulares a través de mecanismos epigenéticos (metilación y desmetilación de ADN) preparó el camino para un campo de investigación completamente nuevo. En paralelo, el descubrimiento de las nanopartículas y propiedades físicas específicas de las diluciones homeopáticas ha arrojado luz hacia un campo antes poco conocido, dado que se consideraba que las diluciones homeopáticas no consistían más que de agua. Así las cosas, los retos para el futuro conciernen a la demostración, o no, de la interrelación entre ambos fenómenos.

Fundamental research in homeopathy has much advanced in the past 20 years. From exploratory studies with animals and plants to the characterization of the systemic effects of homeopathic medicines and in vitro studies with isolated cell systems to assess changes in the mechanisms of cell adaptation and intracellular signaling facing variable homeopathic treatments. The amount of articles published over time enabled several systematic reviews. Recently, demonstration that homeopathic medicines might modify cell functions through epigenetic mechanisms (DNA methylation and demethylation) paved the road for a fully new field of research. In parallel, the discovery of nanoparticles and specific physical properties of homeopathic dilutions brought light to a previously poorly known field, as it was believed that homeopathic dilutions consist in nothing but water. Thus being, challenges for the future concern the demonstration, or not, of the interrelationship between both phenomena.

Dynamization , Nanoparticles , Epigenomics
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 75-87, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1416728


Los efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas (HD, por sus siglas en inglés) son controvertidos debido a que superan el número de Avogadro. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre los efectos de las HD sobre los modelos in vitro. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en la base de datos PubMed de estudios que evaluaran las HD simples sobre modelos in vitro, publicados de 2007 en adelante. Resultados: 28 publicaciones cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión/exclusión. 26 estudios mostraron efectos evidentes de las HD simples sobre modelos in vitro. La mayor parte de tales estudios fueron realizados en países en donde la homeopatía ha alcanzado un alto nivel de institucionalización. Conclusiones: Los modelos in vitro evidencian de forma clara la actividad biológica de las HD superiores al número de Avogadro y dan cuenta de los efectos encontrados en la práctica clínica. La mayor parte de los estudios fueron realizados en países en donde la homeopatía es reconocida oficialmente, lo cual facilita el acceso a recursos para el desarrollo de la investigación.

the effects of homeopathic high dilutions (HDs) are controversial because they exceed Avogadro's number. Aim: to perform a literature review on the effects of HDs on in vitro models. Methods: a systematic search was performed in database PubMed for studies assessing simple HDs on in vitro models published from 2007 onward. Results: 28 publications met the inclusion/exclusion criteria; 26 studies demonstrated patent effects of simple HDs on in vitro models; most such studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy attained a high level of institutionalization. Conclusions: in vitro models patently evidence biological activity of HDs above Avogadro's number and account for effects found in clinical practice. Most studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy is officially recognized, which facilitates access to resources for the development of research.

Dynamization , Basic Homeopathic Research
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 129-136, feb. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1416729


La valoración crítica de la seguridad de los medicamentos homeopáticos se ha desarrollado recientemente. Esta cuestión es relevante para la toma de decisiones de los médicos, pacientes y dependencias regulatorias de fármacos. A pesar de la aparente inverosimilitud de la acción de los medicamentos homeopáticos debido a los procesos farmacotécnicos de la dilución y agitación empleados para su preparación, existen reportes en la literatura médica convencional sobre la toxicidad de los medicamentos homeopáticos, incluyendo eventos que aparentemente ponen en riesgo la vida. Las revisiones sistemáticas de estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados muestran que los medicamentos homeopáticos provocan más efectos adversos que el placebo, aunque leves y transitorios. El establecimiento de un sistema de monitoreo en línea para la recolección de datos sobre los efectos adversos de los medicamentos homeopáticos, herbolarios o convencionales, es relevante para una evaluación no sesgada de la información reunida a partir de los consumidores y proveedores de atención médica.

Critical appraisal of the safety of homeopathic medicines developed recently. This matter is relevant for decision making by doctors, patients and drug regulatory agencies. Despite the apparent implausibility of the action of homeopathic medicines due to the pharmacotechnical processes of dilution and agitation used for their preparation, there are reports in the conventional medical literature on the toxicity of homeopathic medicines, including apparently life-threatening events. Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials show that homeopathic medicines cause more adverse effects than placebo, albeit mild and transient. Establishing an online monitoring terapéusystem for collection of data on the adverse effects of homeopathic, herbal or conventional medicines is relevant for non-biased assessment of the information gathered from consumers and health care providers.

/drug effects , Homeopathic Remedy , Patient Safety
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 34-67, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1416730


La homeopatía emplea el denominado 'principio de similares' como método terapéutico ­ el cual consiste en administrar medicamentos que provocan ciertos síntomas en individuos sanos para tratar síntomas similares en individuos enfermos (similia similibus curantur) - para inducir una reacción curativa secundaria del cuerpo en contra de sus propios trastornos. Esta reacción secundaria (vital, homeostática o paradójica) del cuerpo se basa en el 'efecto de rebote' de los fármacos modernos, un tipo de evento adverso que se produce después de interrumpir varias clases de fármacos prescritos según el 'principio de los contrarios' (contraria contrariis curantur). Objetivo: La presente revisión ha buscado justificar científicamente el principio de curación homeopática frente a la farmacología clínica y experimental a través de un estudio sistemático del efecto de rebote de los fármacos modernos o reacción paradójica del cuerpo. Métodos: Empleando como referencia estudios y revisiones sobre el tema publicados a partir de 1998, actualizamos los datos añadiendo estudios recientes incluidos en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: El efecto de rebote se produce después de interrumpir varias clases de fármacos con acción contraria a los síntomas de las enfermedades, exacerbándolos a niveles superiores a aquellos previos al tratamiento. Independientemente de la enfermedad, fármaco, dosis y duración del tratamiento, el fenómeno del rebote se manifiesta en una pequeña proporción de los individuos susceptibles. Siguiendo las premisas homeopáticas, los fármacos modernos también podrían usarse según el principio de la similitud terapéutica, empleando entonces el efecto de rebote (reacción paradójica) con propósito curativo. Conclusiones: Evidenciado por cientos de estudios que constatan la similitud de conceptos y manifestaciones, el efecto de rebote de los fármacos modernos justifica científicamente el principio de la cura homeopática. Aunque el fenómeno de rebote es un evento adverso estudiado por la farmacología moderna, no es conocido por los profesionales de la atención médica, lo cual priva a los médicos de un conocimiento indispensable para el manejo seguro de los fármacos.

Homeopathy employs the so-called 'principle of similars' as therapeutic method - which consists in administering medicines that cause certain symptoms in healthy individuals to treat similar symptoms in sick individuals (similia similibus curantur) - to induce a secondary and healing reaction by the body against its own disorders. This secondary (vital, homeostatic or paradoxical) reaction of the body is based on the 'rebound effect' of modern drugs, a type of adverse event that occurs following discontinuation of several classes of drugs prescribed according to the 'principle of contraries' (contraria contrariis curantur). Aim: The present review sought to scientifically substantiate the homeopathic healing principle vis-à-vis experimental and clinical pharmacology through a systematic study of the rebound effect of modern drugs or paradoxical reaction of the body. Methods: Employing as reference studies and revisions on the subject published since 1998, we updated the data adding recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: The rebound effect occurs after discontinuation of several classes of drugs with action contrary to the symptoms of diseases, exacerbating them to levels above the ones before treatment. Regardless of disease, drug, dose and duration of treatment, the rebound phenomenon manifests in a small proportion of susceptible individuals. Following the homeopathic premises, modern drugs might also be used according to the principle of therapeutic similitude, thus employing the rebound effect (paradoxical reaction) with curative intent. Conclusions: Evidenced by hundreds of studies that attest to the similarity of concepts and manifestations, the rebound effect of modern drugs scientifically substantiates the principle of homeopathic cure. Although the rebound phenomenon is an adverse event studied by modern pharmacology, it is not known by health care professionals, thus depriving doctors of knowledge indispensable for safe management of drugs.

Pharmacodynamics of Homeopathic Remedy , /statistics & numerical data , Rebound Effect , Rebound Effect
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 129-136, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1416731


La valoración crítica de la seguridad de los medicamentos homeopáticos se ha desarrollado recientemente. Esta cuestión es relevante para la toma de decisiones de los médicos, pacientes y dependencias regulatorias de fármacos. A pesar de la aparente inverosimilitud de la acción de los medicamentos homeopáticos debido a los procesos farmacotécnicos de la dilución y agitación empleados para su preparación, existen reportes en la literatura médica convencional sobre la toxicidad de los medicamentos homeopáticos, incluyendo eventos que aparentemente ponen en riesgo la vida. Las revisiones sistemáticas de estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados muestran que los medicamentos homeopáticos provocan más efectos adversos que el placebo, aunque leves y transitorios. El establecimiento de un sistema de monitoreo en línea para la recolección de datos sobre los efectos adversos de los medicamentos homeopáticos, herbolarios o convencionales, es relevante para una evaluación no sesgada de la información reunida a partir de los consumidores y proveedores de atención médica.

Critical appraisal of the safety of homeopathic medicines developed recently. This matter is relevant for decision making by doctors, patients and drug regulatory agencies. Despite the apparent implausibility of the action of homeopathic medicines due to the pharmacotechnical processes of dilution and agitation used for their preparation, there are reports in the conventional medical literature on the toxicity of homeopathic medicines, including apparently life-threatening events. Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials show that homeopathic medicines cause more adverse effects than placebo, albeit mild and transient. Establishing an online monitoring terapéusystem for collection of data on the adverse effects of homeopathic, herbal or conventional medicines is relevant for non-biased assessment of the information gathered from consumers and health care providers.

Homeopathic Remedy , Symptomatology , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Brazil
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 88-100, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1416732


Entre los supuestos no convencionales de la homeopatía, el uso de medicamentos en diluciones altas (HD, por sus siglas en inglés) es una causa de objeciones y escepticismo entre la comunidad científica, formada dentro del paradigma de la dependencia de la dosis de la farmacología clásica. La investigación que busca evidenciar los efectos de las HD homeopáticas recurre a varios modelos experimentales (in vitro, plantas y animales). Objetivo: Describir los resultados de estudios con alta calidad metodológica que han demostrado los efectos positivos de las HD homeopáticas sobre las plantas. Métodos: Tomando como fuente de referencia las revisiones publicadas hasta 2015, actualizamos la información añadiendo datos de estudios recientes incluidos en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: De los 167 estudios experimentales analizados, 48 cumplieron los criterios mínimos de calidad metodológica, de los cuales 29 detectaron efectos específicos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre las plantas mediante la comparación con controles adecuados. Conclusiones: A pesar de que la mayor parte de los experimentos presentaba una calidad metodológica por debajo del estándar, los estudios que emplearon sistemáticamente reproducibilidad y controles negativos demostraron indiscutibles efectos significativos de las HD homeopáticas sobre las plantas.

Among the non-conventional assumptions of homeopathy, the use of medicines in high dilutions (HD) is a cause for objections and skepticism among the scientific community, trained within the dose-dependency paradigm of classic pharmacology. Research aiming at evidencing the effects of homeopathic HD has resource to several experimental models (in vitro, plants and animals). Aim: To describe the results of studies with high methodological quality that demonstrated positive effects of homeopathic HD on plants. Methods: Taking reviews published until 2015 as reference source, we updated the information through addition of data from recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: From 167 experimental studies analyzed, 48 met the minimum criteria of methodological quality, from which 29 detected specific effects of homeopathic high dilutions on plants through comparison to adequate controls. Conclusions: Despite the substandard methodological quality of most experiments, studies with systematic use of negative controls and reproducibility demonstrated significant indisputable effects of homeopathic HD on plants.

Plants/drug effects , Dynamization , Homeopathic Remedy
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 123-128, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1416733


La eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento homeopático fueron investigadas en niños con amigdalitis recurrente para la que se indicaba cirugía. Métodos: Estudio clínico prospectivo, aleatorizado, doble ciego, que incluyó 40 niños de entre 3 y 7 años de edad; 20 niños fueron tratados con medicación homeopática y otros 20 niños, con placebo. El seguimiento fue de 4 meses por niño. La evaluación de los resultados fue clínica mediante un cuestionario estándar y examen clínico el primer y último día de tratamiento. La amigdalitis recurrente se definió como ocurrencia de 5 a 7 episodios de amigdalitis bacteriana aguda al año. Resultados: Del grupo de 18 niños que completó el tratamiento homeopático, 14 no presentó episodio alguno de amigdalitis bacteriana aguda; del grupo de 15 niños que recibió placebo, 5 pacientes no presentaron amigdalitis. Esta diferencia fue estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,015). Ninguno de los pacientes presentó efectos secundarios. Conclusiones: El tratamiento homeopático fue efectivo en niños con amigdalitis recurrente, en comparación con el placebo; a 14 niños (78%) ya no se les indicó cirugía. El tratamiento homeopático no se asoció con eventos adversos.

The efficacy and safety of homeopathic treatment was investigated on children with recurrent tonsillitis justifying surgery. Methods: Prospective, randomized,double-blind clinical trial that included 40 children between ages of 3 to 7 years old;20 children were treated with homeopathic medication and 20 children with placebo. Follow up was 4 months per child. Assessment of results was clinical by means of a standard questionnaire and clinical examination on the first and last day of treatment.Recurrent tonsillitis was defined as 5 to 7 episodes of bacterial acute tonsillitis per year. Results: From the group of 18 children who completed homeopathic treatment, 14 did not present any episode of acute bacterial tonsillitis; from the group of 15 children whoreceived placebo 5 patients did not present tonsillitis; this difference was statistically significant (p= 0,015). None of the patient exhibited side effects. Conclusions: Homeopathic treatment was effective in children with recurrent tonsillitis compared to placebo, 14 children (78%) were no longer indicated surgery. Homeopathic treatment was not associated with adverse events.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Tonsillitis/drug therapy , Homeopathic Remedy , Double-Blind Method
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 101-111, feb. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex Homeopathy | ID: biblio-1416734


Se considera que las revisiones sistemáticas y estudios clínicos aleatorizados (RCT) presentan el nivel de evidencia más alto. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión descriptiva de las revisiones sistemáticas y estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados (RCT, por sus siglas en inglés) sobre la efectividad y eficacia de la homeopatía. Métodos: Los datos del reporte publicado por la Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) en 2014 fueron actualizados mediante una búsqueda en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: Se localizaron 7 revisiones sistemáticas con meta-análisis, 6 de las cuales concluyeron que los efectos de la homeopatía no son compatibles con el efecto placebo; sólo una revisión sistemática llegó a la conclusión opuesta, aunque fue severamente criticado debido a sus errores metodológicos. Un total de 19 RCT fueron publicados a lo largo del periodo analizado. El 84.2% tuvo por lo menos un resultado positivo. Conclusiones: Con base en las evidencias disponibles del más alto nivel, no es posible afirmar que los efectos de la homeopatía son exclusivamente un efecto placebo. Por el contrario, se han detectado efectos específicos en varios estudios.

Systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials (RCT) are considered to have the highest level of evidence. Aim: To perform a descriptive review of systematic reviews and RCT on the effectiveness and efficacy of homeopathy. Methods: Data from the report published by Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) in 2014 were updated by means on a search conducted in database PubMed. Results: 7 systematic reviews with meta-analysis were located, 6 of them concluded that the effects of homeopathy are not compatible with placebo effect; only 1 systematic review arrived to the opposite conclusion, but was severely criticized due to methodological flaws. A total of 19 RCT were published along the analyzed period; 84.2% had at least one positive outcome. Conclusions: Based on the available evidences of the highest level it is not possible to assert that the effects of homeopathic are exclusively placebo effect. On the opposite, specific effects were detected in several studies.

Basic Homeopathic Research , Treatment Outcome