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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 66-73, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561370


Introducción: El yoga es una actividad que trata de un ejercicio el cual contiene una intensidad baja a moderada, la cual no se centra exclusivamente en el entrenamiento físico, sino que también en el desarrollo de la mente y el espíritu de uno mismo. El yoga puede obtener un mayor impacto en el equilibrio y en la ganancia de fuerza de la parte superior del cuerpo, además, demuestra mejora en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria y flexibilidad. Metodología: El enfoque de desarrollo fue de tipo cuantitativo en donde se realizó una revisión sistemática como metodología de búsqueda de información, relacionada al yoga como una terapia complementaria y los beneficios que éste aportaba al bienestar de las personas mayores. Resultados: En cada uno de los ensayos controlados aleatorizados que fueron recabados para fines de esta revisión sistemática. Se destaca la importancia y los beneficios del yoga en la movilidad, fuerza, flexibilidad y espiritualidad de los usuarios que practican esta terapia. Discusión: Los artículos analizados pertenecen a ensayos clínicos o estudios aleatorizados, los cuales permitieron responder de manera efectiva a nuestra pregunta de investigación, la cual consiste en reconocer si el yoga es efectivo para disminuir el riesgo de dependencia funcional y eliminar hábitos que no son saludables para las personas mayores, además de mejorar la calidad de vida actual. Gracias a ello se pudo evidenciar que esta terapia en adultos mayores genera cambios positivos respecto a estado y condición física, la ejecución de esta práctica mejora la calidad de vida en un 80% Conclusión: La yoga como terapia complementaria si entrega beneficios en la calidad de vida de la población adulta mayor, dado que, que hubo una mejora tanto en la movilidad, calidad de vida y autovalencia de los adultos mayores[AU]

Introduction: Yoga is an activity that deals with a low to moderate intensity exercise, which is not exclusively focused on physical training, but also on the development of the mind and spirit itself. Yoga may have a greater impact on balance and upper body strength gains, and have shown improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility. Methodology:the development approach was of a quantitative type where a systematic review was carried out as a methodology for searching for information related to yoga as a complementary therapy and the benefits that it brought to the well-being of the elderly. Results:The importance and benefits of yoga on the mobility, strength, flexibility and spirituality of users who practice this therapy are highlighted in each of the randomized controlled trials that were collected for the purposes of this systematic review. Discussion: The articles analyzed belong to clinical trials or randomized studies, which allowed us to effectively answer our research question. The activity of yoga in older adults generates positive changes regarding state and physical condition, the execution of this practice improves the quality of life by 80% Conclusion: Yoga as a complementary therapy delivers benefits in the quality of life of the adult population elderly, it can be said that there was an improvement in mobility, quality of life and self-valence of the elderly[AU]

Introdução: O Yoga é uma atividade que trata de um exercício de intensidade baixa a moderada, que não se foca exclusivamente no treino físico, mas também no desenvolvimento da mente e do espí-rito. A ioga pode ter um impacto maior no equilíbrio e nos ganhos de força da parte superior do corpo e mostrou melhorias na apti-dão cardiorrespiratória e flexibilidade. Metodologia: a abordagem de desenvolvimento foi do tipo quantitativo onde foi realizada uma revisão sistemática como metodologia de busca de informações re-lacionadas ao yoga como terapia complementar e os benefícios que trouxe para o bem-estar dos idosos. Resultados: A importância e os benefícios do yoga na mobilidade, força, flexibilidade e espiri-tualidade dos usuários que praticam esta terapia são destacados em cada um dos ensaios clínicos randomizados que foram coletados para fins desta revisão sistemática. Discussão: Os artigos analisa-dos pertencem a ensaios clínicos ou estudos randomizados, o que nos permitiu responder de forma eficaz à nossa questão de inves-tigação. A atividade de yoga em idosos gera mudanças positivas quanto ao estado e condição física, a execução desta prática mel-hora a qualidade de vida em 80% Conclusão: o yoga como terapia complementar traz benefícios na qualidade de vida da população adulta idosa, pode-se dizer que houve melhora na mobilidade, qualidade de vida e autovalência dos idosos[AU]

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Systematic Review
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1553651


Objetivo: descrever as demandas de cuidado em saúde mental na Estratégia Saúde da Família, na perspectiva de enfermeiros supervisores. Métodos: estudo descritivo-exploratório de abordagem qualitativa realizado em 10 unidades de Estratégia Saúde da Família de um município da região centro-oeste do Brasil. Participaram do estudo 13 enfermeiros supervisores. Os dados foram coletados por meio de grupos focais, observação participante e anotações em diário de campo e foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. Resultados: emergiu a categoria temática Demandas e ações em saúde mental que revela as principais demandas de cuidado em saúde mental no contexto da Atenção Primária que foram relacionadas ao uso problemático de álcool e outras drogas, além de casos de sofrimento ou transtornos mental. Sobre as ações de cuidado em saúde mental à saúde, os participantes verbalizaram a prescrição indiscriminada e prolongada de psicofármacos, práticas integrativas e complementares e encaminhamentos para outros serviços. Conclusão: há limitação da oferta de ações em saúde mental no âmbito da Estratégia de Saúde da Família, com ausência de alguns cuidados específicos que poderiam ser possibilitados com a instrumentalização das equipes. (AU)

Objective: to describe the demands of mental health care in the Family Health Strategy, from the perspective of supervisor nurses. Methods: descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach carried out in 10 units of the Family Health Strategy in a city in the Midwest region of Brazil. Thirteen nurse supervisors participated in the study. Data were collected through focus groups, participant observation and notes in a field diary and were subjected to content analysis, thematic modality. Results: the thematic category Demands and actions in mental health emerged, revealing the main demands for mental health care in the context of Primary Care, which were related to the problematic use of alcohol and other drugs, in addition to cases of suffering or mental disorders. Regarding mental health care actions, the participants verbalized the indiscriminate and prolonged prescription of psychotropic drugs, integrative and complementary practices and referrals to other services. Conclusion: there is a limitation in the offer of actions in mental health within the Family Health Strategy, with the absence of some specific care that could be made possible with the instrumentalization of the teams. (AU)

Objetivo: describir las demandas de atención en salud mental en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia, desde la perspectiva de enfermeras supervisoras. Métodos: estudio descriptivo-exploratorio con abordaje cualitativo realizado en 10 unidades de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia en una ciudad del Medio Oeste de Brasil. Participaron trece supervisoras de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de grupos focales, observación participante y anotaciones en un diario de campo y fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido, modalidad temática. Resultados: surgió la categoría temática Demandas y acciones en salud mental, revelando las principales demandas de atención en salud mental en el contexto de Atención Primaria, las cuales estaban relacionadas con el uso problemático de alcohol y otras drogas, además de casos de sufrimiento o trastornos mentales. En cuanto a las acciones de atención en salud mental, los participantes verbalizaron la prescripción indiscriminada y prolongada de psicofármacos, prácticas integradoras y complementarias y derivaciones a otros servicios. Conclusion: existe una limitación en la oferta de acciones en salud mental dentro de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia, con la ausencia de alguna atención específica que podría hacerse posible con la instrumentalización de los equipos. (AU)

Mental Health , Primary Health Care , Public Health , Nursing , Mental Health Assistance
Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559134


Introducción: la salud mental es crucial para el bienestar y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios. Los estudiantes de Kinesiología y Fisioterapia enfrentan desafíos únicos que pueden afectar su salud mental. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de trastornos mentales comunes en estudiantes de kinesiología y fisioterapia de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Metodología: se trata de un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. La muestra no probabilística estuvo compuesta por 150 estudiantes de Kinesiología y Fisioterapia de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos, académicos, ocupacionales, de estilo de vida y psicopatológicos mediante la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés - 21 (DASS-21). El análisis se realizó mediante Jamovi con regresión logística binomial multivariada. Resultados: la frecuencia de depresión, ansiedad y estrés fue del 61,3 %, 72 % y 54,7 %, respectivamente. Los factores importantes para la depresión incluyeron ser un estudiante irregular, trabajar y no realizar actividad física. Para la ansiedad, fueron significativos ser estudiante irregular y ser mujer. Respecto al estrés, se encontraron relevantes ser estudiante irregular, trabajar y no realizar actividad física. Los modelos resultantes tuvieron clasificaciones correctas del 90,2 %, 88 % y 72 % para depresión, ansiedad y estrés, respectivamente. Conclusión: Este estudio reveló una alta frecuencia de depresión, ansiedad y estrés entre estudiantes de kinesiología y fisioterapia, lo que se asoció significativamente con irregularidad académica, empleo y falta de actividad física. Estos hallazgos subrayan la necesidad de implementar estrategias de intervención y programas de apoyo que aborden estos factores de riesgo para promover la salud mental y el bienestar de los futuros profesionales de la salud.

Introduction: mental health is crucial for university students' well-being and academic performance. Kinesiology and Physical Therapy students face unique challenges that can affect their mental health. Objective: to determine the frequency of common mental disorders in kinesiology and physical therapy students at the Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Methodology: this was an observational and descriptive cross-sectional study. The nonprobabilistic sample included 150 Kinesiology and Physiotherapy students from the Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Sociodemographic, academic, occupational, lifestyle, and psychopathological data were collected using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 (DASS-21). The analysis was performed using Jamovi with multivariate binomial logistic regression. Results: the frequency of depression, anxiety, and stress was 61.3 %, 72 %, and 54.7 %, respectively. The significant factors for depression included being an irregular student, working, and not engaging in physical activity. For anxiety, being an irregular student and being a woman were significant. Regarding stress, being an irregular student, working, and not engaging in physical activity were found to be relevant. The resulting models had correct classifications of 90.2 %, 88 %, and 72 % for depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively. Conclusion: this study revealed a high frequency of depression, anxiety, and stress among kinesiology and physical therapy students, which was significantly associated with academic irregularity, employment, and a lack of physical activity. These findings underscore the need to implement intervention strategies and support programs that address these risk factors in order to promote the mental health and well-being of future health professionals.

BMC Psychiatry ; 24(1): 267, 2024 Apr 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38594701


BACKGROUND: Yoga can be used as a complementary intervention to conventional treatments, whether pharmacological or non-pharmacological. Sustained practice of yoga can generate a series of benefits for individuals' quality of life and improve their physical fitness. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the potential effects of yoga as an adjunct intervention in conditions involving impulse control issues, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), borderline personality disorder, bipolar affective disorder, and substance use disorders. METHODS: We performed a systematic review of placebo-controlled, randomized trials of yoga in patients with impulsivity. PubMed, Web of Science, and Science Direct databases were searched for trials published up to January, 2023. Data were extracted from published reports and quality assessment was performed per Cochrane recommendations. RESULTS: Out of 277 database results, 6 RCT were included in this systematic review. To assess the level of attention and impulsiveness, the following scales were analyzed: Barratt Impulsiveness, UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior scale, Conners' Continuous Performance Test IIª and Conners' Parent Rating Scale-Revised: Long. CONCLUSIONS: Yoga didn't have a significant improvement in impulsivity when compared to placebo. There are many tools to assess impulsivity, but they mean different concepts and domains consisting in a weakness on comparison of yoga effects. PROSPERO REGISTRATION: CRD42023389088.

Impulsive Behavior , Yoga , Yoga/psychology , Humans , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Mental Disorders/therapy , Mental Disorders/psychology , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/therapy , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Bipolar Disorder/therapy , Bipolar Disorder/psychology , Borderline Personality Disorder/therapy , Borderline Personality Disorder/psychology , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , Substance-Related Disorders/psychology
AIDS Behav ; 28(8): 2492-2499, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38578597


Mental health and substance use disorders can negatively affect physical health, illness management, care access, and quality of life. These behavioral health conditions are prevalent and undertreated among people with HIV and may worsen outcomes along the entire HIV Care Continuum. This narrative review of tested interventions for integrating care for HIV and behavioral health disorders summarizes and contextualizes findings from systematic reviews and meta-analyses conducted in the past decade. We sought to identify gaps in research that hinder implementing evidence-based integrated care approaches. Using terms from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration-Health Resources & Services Administration standard framework for integrated health care, we searched PubMed and PsycInfo to identify peer-reviewed systematic reviews or meta-analyses of intervention studies to integrate behavioral health and HIV published between 2010 and 2020. Among 23 studies identified, only reviews and meta-analyses that described interventions from the United States designed to integrate BH services into HIV settings for adults were retained, leaving six studies for narrative review by the study team. Demonstrated benefits from the relatively small literature on integrated care interventions include improved patient- and service-level outcomes, particularly for in-person case management and outreach interventions. Needed are systems-level integration interventions with assessments of long-term outcomes on behavioral health symptoms, HIV viral suppression, HIV transmission rates, and mortality. HIV, primary care, and other providers must include behavioral health as a part of overall healthcare and must play a central role in behavioral health care delivery. Research is needed to guide their way.

Delivery of Health Care, Integrated , HIV Infections , Substance-Related Disorders , Humans , HIV Infections/therapy , HIV Infections/psychology , Delivery of Health Care, Integrated/organization & administration , United States/epidemiology , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , Mental Disorders/therapy , Adult , Quality of Life , Mental Health Services/organization & administration
Front Public Health ; 12: 1363866, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38655517


Background: In China, the prevalence of mental health issues among college students is a significant concern in society. This study aims to investigate the impact of early dietary quality on the psychological well-being of college students and elucidate the underlying mechanisms through which these effects occur, specifically focusing on height and qi-deficiency as mediators according to Chinese traditional medicine (CTM). Methods: A total of 655 college students were surveyed in October 2023 using paper-pencil-based questionnaires at four second-tier universities in Sichuan Province. The assessment included mental health, height, and qi-deficiency. Pearson's correlation and linear regression analyses were employed to examine the mediation model and test the hypotheses. Results: The college students exhibited acceptable levels of early diet quality (M = 3.72) and mental health (M = 3.63), while also presenting mild qi-deficiency symptoms (M = 2.25). Their average height was measured at 164.61 cm. Early diet quality demonstrated significant associations with mental health (r = 0.38, p < 0.01), height (r = 0.32, p < 0.01), and qi-deficiency (r = -0.32, p < 0.01). Mental health displayed correlations with height (r = 0.32, p < 0.01) and qi-deficiency (r = -0.49, p < 0.01). The results of linear regression analyses revealed significant associations between early diet quality and mental health (ß = 0.31, p < 0.01), height (ß = 0.21, p < 0.01), as well as qi-deficiency (ß = -0.26, p < 0.01). Furthermore, when early diet quality was included in the regression model, both height (ß = 0.21, p < 0.01) and qi-deficiency (ß = -0.35, p < 0.01) emerged as significant mediators in the relationship with mental health. Conclusion: The mediation model and hypotheses were strongly supported, demonstrating that early diet quality exerted an influence on the mental health of college students through two distinct pathways: height and qi-deficiency. Moreover, the mediating effect of qi-deficiency was found to be more pronounced than that of height in the relationship between early diet quality and mental health among college students.

Body Height , Diet , Mental Health , Qi , Students , Humans , Female , Students/statistics & numerical data , Students/psychology , Male , Universities , Mental Health/statistics & numerical data , China , Young Adult , Surveys and Questionnaires , Diet/statistics & numerical data , Adult , Adolescent , Medicine, Chinese Traditional
Health Policy Plan ; 39(6): 541-551, 2024 Jun 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38597872


The prevalence of common perinatal mental disorders in Vietnam ranges from 16.9% to 39.9%, and substantial treatment gaps have been identified at all levels. This paper explores constraints to the integration of maternal and mental health services at the primary healthcare level and the implications for the health system's responsiveness to the needs and expectations of pregnant women with mental health conditions in Vietnam. As part of the RESPONSE project, a three-phase realist evaluation study, we present Phase 1 findings, which employed systematic and scoping literature reviews and qualitative data collection (focus groups and interviews) with key health system actors in Bac Giang province, Vietnam, to understand the barriers to maternal mental healthcare provision, utilization and integration strategies. A four-level framing of the barriers to integrating perinatal mental health services in Vietnam was used in reporting findings, which comprised individual, sociocultural, organizational and structural levels. At the sociocultural and structural levels, these barriers included cultural beliefs about the holistic notion of physical and mental health, stigma towards mental health, biomedical approach to healthcare services, absence of comprehensive mental health policy and a lack of mental health workforce. At the organizational level, there was an absence of clinical guidelines on the integration of mental health in routine antenatal visits, a shortage of staff and poor health facilities. Finally, at the provider level, a lack of knowledge and training on mental health was identified. The integration of mental health into routine antenatal visits at the primary care level has the potential help to reduce stigma towards mental health and improve health system responsiveness by providing services closer to the local level, offering prompt attention, better choice of services and better communication while ensuring privacy and confidentiality of services. This can improve the demand for mental health services and help reduce the delay of care-seeking.

Maternal Health Services , Mental Health Services , Primary Health Care , Humans , Vietnam , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Female , Mental Health Services/organization & administration , Pregnancy , Maternal Health Services/organization & administration , Health Services Accessibility , Focus Groups , Mental Disorders/therapy , Delivery of Health Care, Integrated/organization & administration , Qualitative Research , Social Stigma
Complement Ther Med ; 82: 103041, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38648942


OBJECTIVES: The effects of jujube (Ziziphus jujube) consumption on metabolic and mental health outcomes in subjects diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MetS) is unknown and remains to be examined. Hence, we carried out a parallel-group, randomized controlled trial to investigate this issue. METHODS: Eligible participants were randomly assigned to the intervention (n = 30) or the control (n = 30) groups to receive either jujube or a placebo for eight weeks. Subjects were provided with 30 g dried jujube powder or placebo and were asked to consume half of the powder at 10 a.m. and the rest at 4 p.m. Lipid profile, fasting blood glucose (FBG), waist circumference (WC), and blood pressure were evaluated as primary outcomes. Secondary outcomes collected were mental health measures (e.g., depression, anxiety, and stress). RESULTS: Jujube consumption failed to decrease FBG, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and blood pressure, as well as depression and anxiety scores (P > 0.05). However, the between-group comparison revealed a significant improvement in WC (- 3.98 vs. - 0.51, P = 0.01), triglyceride (TG) (- 24.96 vs. - 0.73, P = 0.03), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (2.83 vs. 0.40, P = 0.01) in the jujube group compared to the placebo. In addition, compared to the control group, jujube consumption led to a significant improvement in the score of stress (- 5.80 vs. - 2.86, P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Jujube consumption only had beneficial effects on WC, TG, and HDL-C in subjects with MetS. However, the current study has methodological weaknesses in blinding and herb purity/potency testing, which should be addressed in future studies.

Blood Glucose , Metabolic Syndrome , Ziziphus , Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Adult , Blood Pressure , Waist Circumference , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Mental Health , Depression/drug therapy
Womens Health (Lond) ; 20: 17455057241240920, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38576125


BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infections and reproductive tract infections pose significant health risks, particularly among women living in challenging conditions. Unhygienic menstrual practices can exacerbate these risks, impacting physical and psychological well-being. OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the association between unhygienic menstrual care and self-reported urinary tract infection/reproductive tract infection symptoms among refugee women. In addition, it explored the association between these symptoms and mental health, specifically depressive symptoms. DESIGN: This study adopted a cross-sectional observational design. METHODS: This study was conducted between January and March 2023, involving 387 reproductive-age refugee women. Data collected included sociodemographic information and urinary tract infection/reproductive tract infection symptoms. In addition, we used the Menstrual Practice Needs Scale to evaluate menstrual hygiene practices and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 for depressive symptoms. Statistical analysis was performed using Python version 3.9.12. RESULTS: Of 387 refugee women, 92.25% reported having urinary or reproductive tract infection symptoms in the previous 3 months. Factors like older age (odds ratio = 1.764, 95% confidence interval = 1.083-2.873, p-value = 0.023), lower family income (odds ratio = 0.327, 95% confidence interval = 0.138-0.775, p-value = 0.011), lower educational level (odds ratio = 0.222, 95% confidence interval = 0.068-0.718, p-value = 0.012), and being married (odds ratio = 0.328, 95% confidence interval = 0.188-0.574, p-value < 0.001) were significantly associated with urinary or reproductive tract infection risk. Difficulties obtaining menstrual products and thus reusing them increased the odds of urinary or reproductive tract infection diagnosis (odds ratio = 2.452, 95% confidence interval = 1.497-4.015, p-value < 0.001). Women with urinary or reproductive tract infection symptoms exhibited higher Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores than those without (12.14 ± 5.87 vs 9.99 ± 5.86, p-value < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: This study highlights a high prevalence of urinary or reproductive tract infection symptoms among refugee women residing in camps in Jordan, which was associated with poor menstrual hygiene practices and depressive symptoms. To reduce the urinary tract infection/reproductive tract infection burden in marginalized communities, public health initiatives should enhance healthcare accessibility, provide reproductive education, and promote holistic well-being practices for refugee women.

Reproductive Tract Infections , Urinary Tract Infections , Humans , Female , Menstruation/psychology , Hygiene , Reproductive Tract Infections/diagnosis , Reproductive Tract Infections/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Jordan/epidemiology , Refugee Camps , Urinary Tract Infections/epidemiology
BMJ Open ; 14(4): e079098, 2024 Apr 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38631828


INTRODUCTION: Electroencephalographic neurofeedback (NFB), as a non-invasive form of brainwave training, has been shown to be effective in the treatment of various mental health disorders. However, only few results regarding manualised and standardised NFB trainings exist. This makes comparison as well as replication of studies difficult. Therefore, we developed a standard manual for NFB training in patients with mental health disorders attending a psychosomatic outpatient clinic. The current study aims at investigating the conduction of a standardised manual for NFB training in patients with mental health disorders. If successful, the study provides new opportunities to investigate NFB in a more controlled and comparable manner in clinical practice. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: 30 patients diagnosed with a mental health disorder will be included. After the educational interview, patients will undergo baseline diagnostics (T0). The subsequent intervention consists of 10 sessions of NFB training aiming at increasing sensorimotor rhythm and alpha-frequency amplitudes and decreasing theta-frequency and high beta-frequency amplitudes to induce relaxation and decrease subjective stress. All patients will undergo a post-treatment diagnostic assessment (T1) and a follow-up assessment 8 weeks following the closing session (T2). Changes in amplitude bands (primary outcome) will be recorded with electroencephalography during pre-assessments, post-assessments and follow-up assessments and during NFB sessions. Physiological (respiratory rate, blood volume pulse, muscle tension) and psychometric parameters (distress, perceived stress, relaxation ability, depressive and anxiety symptoms, insomnia, self-efficacy and quality of life) will be assessed at T0, T1 and T2. Moreover, satisfaction, acceptance and usability will be assessed at T1 after NFB training. Further, qualitative interviews about the experiences with the intervention will be conducted with NFB practitioners 6 months after the study starts. Quantitative data will be analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance as well as mediation analyses on mixed linear models. Qualitative data will be analysed using Mayring's content analysis. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen (23-11140-BO) and patient enrolment began in April 2023. Before participation, written informed consent by each participant will be required. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Prospectively registered on 28 March 2023 in the German clinical trials register, DRKS00031497.

Neurofeedback , Humans , Electroencephalography/methods , Neurofeedback/methods , Outpatients , Pilot Projects , Quality of Life
BMC Health Serv Res ; 24(1): 519, 2024 Apr 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38658992


BACKGROUND: Mental disorders are common among people with HIV (PWH) and are associated with poor HIV outcomes. Despite high unmet mental health needs among PWH, use of evidence-based mental health screening and treatment protocols remains limited at HIV treatment facilities across low-resource settings. Integrating mental health services into HIV care can reduce this gap. This study's objective was to explore factors that influence integration of mental health screening and treatment into HIV clinics in Cameroon. METHODS: We analyzed 14 in-depth interviews with clinic staff supporting PWH at three urban HIV treatment clinics in Cameroon. Interviews focused on current processes, barriers and facilitators, and types of support needed to integrate mental health care into HIV care. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. French transcripts were translated into English. We used thematic analysis to identify factors that influence integration of mental health screening and treatment into HIV care in these settings. Ethical review boards in the United States and Cameroon approved this study. RESULTS: Respondents discussed a lack of standardized mental health screening processes in HIV treatment facilities and generally felt ill-equipped to conduct mental health screening. Low community awareness about mental disorders, mental health-related stigma, limited physical space, and high clinic volume affected providers' ability to screen clients for mental disorders. Providers indicated that better coordination and communication were needed to support client referral to mental health care. Despite these barriers, providers were motivated to screen clients for mental disorders and believed that mental health service provision could improve quality of HIV care and treatment outcomes. All providers interviewed said they would feel more confident screening for mental disorders with additional training and resources. Providers recommended community sensitization, training or hiring additional staff, improved coordination to manage referrals, and leadership buy-in at multiple levels of the health system to support sustainable integration of mental health screening and treatment into HIV clinics in Cameroon. CONCLUSIONS: Providers reported enthusiasm to integrate mental health services into HIV care but need more support and training to do so in an effective and sustainable manner.

HIV Infections , Mass Screening , Mental Disorders , Mental Health Services , Qualitative Research , Humans , Cameroon , HIV Infections/therapy , HIV Infections/diagnosis , HIV Infections/psychology , Male , Female , Mental Disorders/therapy , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Adult , Mental Health Services/organization & administration , Interviews as Topic , Attitude of Health Personnel , Health Personnel/psychology , Delivery of Health Care, Integrated/organization & administration , Middle Aged , Ambulatory Care Facilities
Community Ment Health J ; 60(6): 1117-1130, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38619699


This study explored the enablers and obstacles to the integration of traditional medicine and mainstream medicine in mental health services in West Africa. This study is a systematic review conducted in accordance with the relevant parts of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses. Keywords searches were done in databases, and other reference lists were also searched. The Rainbow model of integrated care and a thematic analysis framework were used to account for the factors influencing the integration of traditional medicine and mainstream medicine in mental health services in West Africa. A total of 12 studies met the eligibility criteria after the evaluation of 6413 articles from databases and reference lists. The themes of: policy and implementation; different conceptualisation of mental health/referrals; trust issues, and education and training, were enablers or obstacles of integration depending on how they worked to facilitate or hinder integration. There was an indication of little integration of TM and MM at the macro, meso and micro levels in mental health services in West Africa. Though the study does cover all the West African states evenly, it is recommended that policy-makers and stakeholders interested in integration should ensure integration activities, especially policies, cut across all the levels of the rainbow model of integrated care and are planned and aligned at the macro, meso and micro levels instead of using ad hoc measures, informal initiatives or placing TM services in MM mental health services, which do not amount to integration.

Delivery of Health Care, Integrated , Mental Health Services , Humans , Mental Health Services/organization & administration , Africa, Western , Delivery of Health Care, Integrated/organization & administration , Medicine, Traditional , Medicine, African Traditional , Mental Disorders/therapy
Iran J Child Neurol ; 18(2): 83-101, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617396


Objective: This study investigated the efficacy of telerehabilitation (TR) in school-based Occupational Therapy (OT) for children with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), focusing on occupational competence and parental satisfaction, aiming to contribute empirical insights to the discourse on the educational well-being of this population. Materials & Methods: The study adopted a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design involving 31 children diagnosed with SLD, implementing TR and in-person interventions alongside a control group. Outcome measures included the School Self-Concept Inventory, Child Occupational Self-Assessment (COSA), and Canadian Occupational Performance Measurement (COMP), analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOVA, post hoc tests). Results: Both TR and in-person interventions exhibited significant enhancements in academic self-efficacy (F=23.96, p<0.001, Partial ȵ²=0.461), occupational competence (F=70.59, p<0.001, Partial ȵ²=0.716), and parent satisfaction (F=17.03, p<0.001, Partial ȵ²=0.378) compared to the control group. Notably, no significant differences emerged between the TR and in-person groups, emphasizing their comparable effectiveness in improving outcomes. Conclusion: In conclusion, the study demonstrated the efficacy of TR and in-person interventions in school-based OT for children with SLD. The cohesive outcomes in academic self-efficacy, occupational competence, and parental satisfaction highlight TR as a versatile modality. This research, grounded in robust methodology, encourages further exploration of TR's transformative role in enhancing the holistic well-being of children with SLDs.

Med Humanit ; 50(2): 417-420, 2024 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38649267


This article responds to Coope's call for the medical humanities to address the climate crisis as a health issue. Coope proposes three areas for progress towards ecological thinking in healthcare, with a focus on ecological mental health. The article emphasises the need to understand the cultural dimensions of mental health and proposes an interdisciplinary approach that integrates insights from the arts and humanities. It examines the impact of climate change on mental health, drawing on The Rockefeller Foundation - Lancet Commission on Planetary Health and recent studies. The discussion focuses on the intersection of mental health, subjective experience and environmental change. Focusing on emotional experiences as constructed from biological and cultural elements, the article proposes a holistic approach to mental health. It proposes two converging lines of research, in constant interaction: first, a historical and cultural research of those concepts, practices and symbols related to the environment, emphasising a cultural history of nature; and second, a synchronous research, drawing on anthropology, sociology and participatory art-based research, to understand how these aforementioned elements influence our current relations with nature. The article concludes by emphasising the urgency of developing narratives and histories that redirect temporal trajectories towards a better future, while respecting and acknowledging diverse narratives of individual experience. It calls for collaborative efforts from the medical humanities to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the complex relationship between mental health, nature and ecological crisis.

Climate Change , Culture , Humanities , Mental Health , Humans , Environment , Emotions , Nature
Front Public Health ; 12: 1228271, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38590811


Background: A nature-based social prescription (NBSP) is an approach to improving mental health outcomes that involves prescribing nature-based interventions as complementary or alternative therapy to traditional ones. A variety of advantages are available from NBSP for people looking to enhance their mental well-being. The effect size of the nature-based social prescriptions (NBSPs) has not been thoroughly evaluated by systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Objectives: The current study aimed to analyze existing studies and conduct a meta-analysis to determine the overall effect size of the nature-based social prescriptions (NBSP's) outcomes on mental health. Methods: By choosing the relevant papers from among those that were available, a meta-analysis was carried out in the current study. A systematic search of electronic databases (Pub Med, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Embase, CINAHL, and PsychINFO) was conducted to identify relevant studies. Studies were included if they evaluated the effects of NBSP on mental health outcomes. Effect sizes were calculated using the random effects model. Results: Meta-analysis of interventions statistics shows that CBT (SMD -0.0035; 95% CI: [-0.5090; 0.5020]; Tau^2: 0.1011; Tau: 0.318), digital intervention (SMD -0.3654; 95% CI: [-0.5258; 1.2566]; Tau^2: 0.2976, Tau: 0.5455), music intervention (SMD -2.1281; 95% CI: [-0.4659; 4.7221]; Tau^2: 3.4046; Tau:1.8452), and psychological interventions (SMD -0.8529; 95% CI: [0.3051; 1.4007]; Tau^2: 0.1224; Tau: 0.3499) do not significantly impact. The other interventions [social belongingness, communication training, blue intervention, nature-based education, cognitive behavior group therapy (CBGT), social prescribing coordinator, self-help intervention, participatory, organizational intervention, inpatient services, brief diet, internet-based intervention, prenatal intervention, yoga and meditation, ergonomics training program, yoga nidra intervention, and storytelling] highlighted above are significant. Conclusion: The conclusion of the meta-analysis supports the idea that incorporating nature-based social prescription interventions into mental healthcare plans can effectively complement traditional therapies and improve mental health outcomes. Systematic review registration:, CRD42023412458.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Meditation , Yoga , Humans , Mental Health , Outcome Assessment, Health Care
Cureus ; 16(4): e57430, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38572180


Essential oils, aromatic compounds extracted from various parts of plants, have garnered significant attention in recent years due to their diverse therapeutic properties and potential applications in healthcare. This analysis delves into the publication trends, productivity patterns, most relevant contributors, coauthorship networks, most frequently used keywords, and their co-occurrence, topic trends, thematic evolution, and collaboration between various countries in clinical trials exploring the therapeutic potential of essential oils. Six hundred sixty-one clinical trials were selected from the PubMed database for analysis, authored by 2959 authors, and published across 359 sources. The analysis identified Horrobin DF as the most contributing author based on the number of published clinical trials, followed by Kasper S, McGuire JA, and Schlafke S. Lotka's law underscores the distribution of authors' productivity, revealing a small number of highly productive authors. Coauthorship analysis identifies significant collaborations among authors and institutions, with prominent contributors like Siegfried Kasper and institutions like Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Furthermore, the analysis highlights leading journals like Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice and the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Using keyword clustering, connections between various subjects and their chronological presence are uncovered, offering insights into the changing research landscape. The thematic examination exposes changes in research emphasis over time, progressing from fundamental studies on essential oil components to broader utilization and focused inquiries into oils and therapeutic domains. Analysis of the countries of corresponding authors revealed that Iran has the highest number of multiple-country publications. Moreover, international collaboration trends have been unveiled. Together, these analyses furnish holistic understandings of keyword relationships, thematic shifts, and global partnerships in essential oil research, presenting valuable perspectives on trends and focal points within this domain.

Glob Ment Health (Camb) ; 11: e29, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38572251


This study discusses the significant topic of mental health challenges in Nigeria, focusing on the shortage of mental health professionals, particularly psychiatrists, and the factors influencing medical students' hesitation to pursue psychiatry as a career path. We examine the multifaceted difficulties in Nigeria's mental health environment using various sources, including research studies and statistical data. The scarcity of psychiatrists, with only 250 for a population of 200 million, underscores the urgent need for attention to mental health within the country. Factors such as brain drain, inadequate learning infrastructure, limited research exposure and insufficient health coverage contribute to this crisis. Additionally, societal stigma and financial constraints discourage students from pursuing psychiatry as a career. To address these challenges comprehensively, we propose a holistic approach that involves cross-disciplinary collaboration, robust mental health education in all healthcare programs, community-based awareness initiatives and transdisciplinary teamwork among mental health providers. We highlight the importance of mentorship, scholarships and national advocacy to encourage more individuals to enter the mental health profession, emphasizing the need for diversity and inclusiveness. Furthermore, our paper stresses the significance of research and innovation in advancing mental health treatment and inspiring passion for mental health among students and aspiring professionals. By embracing this comprehensive set of recommendations, we aim to cultivate a diverse, talented and compassionate workforce capable of effectively addressing Nigeria's pressing mental health challenges.

Contemp Clin Trials Commun ; 39: 101297, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38590512


Pre-menstrual disorders, including pre-menstrual syndrome and pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder, are highly prevalent disorders in women of reproductive age. Pre-menstrual disorders are associated with debilitating symptoms that onset in the days prior to menses. A complex interplay between hormonal fluctuations, cellular sensitivity, and psychosocial stressors likely underly the pathophysiology of pre-menstrual disorders. Current treatment options include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, hormonal therapies, and psychosocial support. There is growing evidence for oestrogen, progesterone, gonadotropin Releasing Hormone analogues and Complementary and Alternative Medicines in treating Pre-menstrual disorders. (S)-S-adenosylmethionine is a complementary and alternative medicine with postulated roles in the treatment of depression, with a rather rapid onset of action and minimal side effect profile. We propose a protocol for investigating the efficacy of (S)-S-adenosylmethionine in the treatment of pre-menstrual disorders. The proposed study is an open label pilot study, that will recruit thirty women between the ages of 18-45 who experience a pre-menstrual disorder. Daily and interval questionnaires will provide a quantification of symptoms across four menstrual cycles (16 weeks). During two consecutive menstrual cycles it is proposed that participants receive oral (S)-S-adenosylmethionine Complex 400 mg three times a day (total daily dose 1200 mg), during the pre-menstrual time-period (14 days prior to menses). Changes in pre-menstrual disorder symptoms between control and treatment cycles will assist in elucidating the clinical efficacy of (S)-S-adenosylmethionine. This study has the potential to support a larger double blinded, placebo controlled randomised control trial and aims to enrich the knowledge surrounding pre-menstrual disorders.

Front Psychiatry ; 15: 1352818, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38577404


Background: Recovery-supportive interventions and strategies for people with substance use disorders are a cornerstone of the emergent recovery paradigm. As compared to other services, such approaches have been shown to be holistically focused and improve outcomes (e.g. substance use, supportive relationships, social functioning, and well-being). Even so, a comprehensive overview of the nature, extent, and range of research on the topic is lacking. Methods: A scoping review of the literature was conducted to characterize the main topics on recovery-supportive interventions. A systematic search was conducted in three databases: Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed from January 2000 to July 2023 using the PRISMA-ScR. Twenty-five studies published between 2005-2022 met the inclusion criteria. Results: Most studies emanated from the United States, and we found a peak in publication frequency between 2018-2022 (n = 13) relative to other years. The most prominent lines of inquiry appear to concern recovery-oriented policies; principles of recovery-oriented services (challenges encountered when implementing recovery-oriented practices, relationships with service providers characterized by trust, and service user-service provider collaboration), and recovery capital (particularly recovery-supportive networks, employment, and housing). Seventeen studies addressed co-occurring disorders, and eight addressed substance use recovery. Conclusion: To advance the field, more context-specific studies are required on supporting peer professionals, (including enabling cooperation with service users, and hiring experts by experience as staff), and training of professionals (e.g., nurses, psychologists, social workers, physicians) in the principles of recovery.

BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1056, 2024 Apr 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622675


BACKGROUND: Holistic housing renovations combine physical housing improvements with social and socioeconomic interventions (e.g. referral to social services, debt counselling, involvement in decision-making, promoting social cohesion). In a deprived neighbourhood in Utrecht, the Netherlands, this paper examined residents' and professionals' experiences, ideas, and perceptions regarding holistic housing renovation, its health effects, and underlying mechanisms explaining those effects. METHODS: Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 social housing residents exposed to holistic housing renovation, and 12 professionals involved in either the physical renovation or social interventions implemented. Residents were interviewed in various renovation stages (before, during, after renovation). Transcripts were deductively and inductively coded using qualitative software. RESULTS: Residents experienced and professionals acknowledged renovation stress caused by nuisance from construction work (noise, dust), having to move stuff around, and temporary moving; lack of information and control; and perceived violation of privacy. Involvement in design choices was appreciated, and mental health improvement was expected on the long term due to improved housing quality and visual amenity benefits. Social contact between residents increased as the renovation became topic for small talk. Few comments were made regarding physical health effects. The interviews revealed a certain amount of distrust in and dissatisfaction with the housing corporation, construction company, and other authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Renovation stress, aggravated by lack of information and poor accessibility of housing corporation and construction company, negatively affects mental health and sense of control. Potential stress relievers are practical help with packing and moving furniture, and increased predictability by good and targeted communication. Social interventions can best be offered after renovation, when residents live in their renovated apartment and the nuisance and stress from the renovation is behind them. Social partners can use the period leading up to the renovation to show their faces, offer practical help to reduce renovation stress, and increase residents' trust in their organization and authorities in general. This might also contribute to residents' willingness to accept help with problems in the social domain after renovation.

Housing , Residence Characteristics , Humans , Netherlands , Mental Health