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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e251630, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1448947


Este estudo qualitativo teve como objetivo compreender, a partir da teoria de bioecológica de desenvolvimento, as implicações da prática profissional no processo de acolhimento de crianças em uma casa-abrigo, na perspectiva de cuidadoras. As participantes foram 10 profissionais de uma casa-abrigo localizada na região sul do Brasil. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada e a organização e análise dos dados sustentou-se na Grounded Theory, com auxílio do software Atlas.ti 8.4.14. Os resultados evidenciaram uma centralização das ações de acolhimento e atenção em torno dos cuidados físicos das crianças. As ações para promover suporte e cuidados emocionais dentro da casa-abrigo eram delegadas às profissionais da equipe técnica da instituição. Observou-se que as dificuldades encontradas pelas cuidadoras diziam respeito à falta de segurança e preparação para responder e acolher as demandas emocionais das crianças, as quais estão presentes em diversos momentos do processo de acolhimento. Percebeu-se que as práticas institucionais afetaram decisivamente tanto as ações de acolhimento das participantes e o suporte emocional oferecido às crianças na passagem pela casa-abrigo quanto as cuidadoras, no sentido de vivenciarem no trabalho sentimentos de insegurança. Os resultados tensionam ecologicamente a interação nos processos proximais presentes no desenvolvimento humano. Advoga-se pela reflexão sobre as implicações das práticas institucionais de uma casa-abrigo e o desenvolvimento infantil, visando o cuidado integral dos acolhidos.(AU)

Based on the developmental bioecological theory, this study analyzes the implications of professional practice in children's user embracement at a shelter from the caregivers' perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 professionals from a shelter located in southern Brazil. Data organization and analysis was performed based on Grounded Theory using the Atlas.ti 8.4.14 software. Results showed that embracement and attention focus on the physical care of children. Support and emotional care activities were delegated to the institution's technical team. Caregivers faced difficulties regarding the lack of security and preparation to respond to and accept the children's emotional demands, which arise at different moments in the embracement process. The institutional practices decisively affected both user embracement actions and the emotional support offered to the children, as well as the caregivers, in the sense of experiencing feelings of insecurity. These findings ecologically tension the interaction in the proximal processes present in human development. Further reflections on the implications of institutional shelter-based practices for child development are needed to provide comprehensive care.(AU)

Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo comprender, desde la perspectiva de la teoría bioecológica del desarrollo, las implicaciones de la práctica profesional en el proceso de acogida de niños en una institución infantil desde la perspectiva de las cuidadoras. Las participantes fueron 10 profesionales de una institución de acogida infantil ubicada en la región Sur de Brasil. Se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada, y para la organización y análisis de datos se aplicó Grounded Theory, con el uso del software Atlas.ti 8.4.14. Los resultados mostraron que las acciones de recepción y atención se centran en el cuidado físico de los niños. Las acciones de promoción de apoyo y cuidado emocional dentro del alojamiento se asignaron a los profesionales del equipo técnico de la institución. Se observó que las dificultades encontradas por las cuidadoras estaban relacionadas con la falta de seguridad y preparación para responder y aceptar las demandas emocionales de los niños, las cuales se encuentran presentes en diferentes momentos del proceso de acogida. Se notó que las prácticas institucionales afectaron decisivamente tanto las acciones de acogida de las participantes como el apoyo emocional que la institución brinda a los niños durante su paso, así como a las cuidadoras en el sentido de experimentar sentimientos de inseguridad en el trabajo. Estos resultados tensan ecológicamente la interacción en los procesos proximales presentes en el desarrollo humano. Se aboga por reflexionar sobre las implicaciones de las prácticas institucionales en los alojamientos institucionales y el desarrollo infantil, apuntando a la atención integral de los acogidos.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Professional Practice , Child , Caregivers , Ecology , User Embracement , Human Development , Pain , Parent-Child Relations , Paternal Behavior , Paternal Deprivation , Play and Playthings , Poverty , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Safety , Attention , Sibling Relations , Sleep , Social Adjustment , Social Change , Social Conditions , Social Environment , Social Justice , Social Problems , Social Support , Sociology , Sports , Violence , Battered Child Syndrome , Women , Child Labor , Adoption , Divorce , Family , Child, Abandoned , Child Abuse , Child Advocacy , Child Development , Child, Institutionalized , Child Rearing , Child, Unwanted , Child Welfare , Residence Characteristics , Family Characteristics , Health , Hygiene , Child of Impaired Parents , Liability, Legal , Hunger , Civil Disorders , Parenting , Interview , Domestic Violence , Cultural Diversity , Life , Crime Victims , Alcohol-Related Disorders , Affect , Culture , Personal Autonomy , Official Instructions , Defense Mechanisms , Adult Children , Stress Disorders, Traumatic , Qualitative Research , Friends , Minors , Adolescent Development , Human Rights Abuses , Diet , Alcoholism , Empathy , Health of Institutionalized Children , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Drug Users , Chemically-Induced Disorders , Enslaved Persons , Grounded Theory , Grandparents , Psychological Trauma , Child, Adopted , Child, Foster , Freedom , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Family Separation , Psychological Distress , Right to Health , Emotional Abuse , Freedom of Religion , Social Interaction , Sociodemographic Factors , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Family Support , Household Work , Human Rights , Individuality , Institutionalization , Jealousy , Leisure Activities , Loneliness , Love , Malpractice , Maternal Deprivation , Mental Disorders , Motivation , Object Attachment
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e249513, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1431132


Este ensaio teórico-reflexivo tem como objetivo discutir sobre as contribuições dos estudos da criminologia e sua crítica para as diversas formas de aprisionamento feminino, e mais atualmente para o encarceramento em massa no sistema prisional, além de abrir espaço para o debate sobre as diferentes perspectivas feministas e as relações com os estudos criminológicos, sobretudo com os posicionamentos da chamada criminologia crítica. Reconhecem-se importantes avanços e conquistas feministas no debate sobre a estruturação masculinizada do direito penal e do seu fazer jurídico, mas também a manutenção de diversas formas de violência de gênero que configuram um sistema penal antropocêntrico, seletivo, racista e discriminatório. Indica-se a urgência de estudos interseccionais que considerem as particularidades e reinvindicações das mulheres no cárcere e suas formas de militância, sobretudo diante de população carcerária feminina composta majoritariamente por mulheres negras, pobres e periféricas. Faz-se visível a necessidade de uma análise dos fatores que atravessam o encarceramento feminino por uma ótica feminista plural, adequada às realidades que se estudam e atenta às múltiplas perspectivas que podem existir dentro do feminismo.(AU)

This theoretical-reflexive essay aims to discuss the contributions of criminological studies and their critique of the various forms of imprisonment of women, and more recently of mass incarceration in the prison system, in addition to opening space for the debate on the different feminist perspectives and their relations with criminological studies, especially with the positions of the so-called critical criminology. Important feminist advances and conquests are recognized in the debate about the masculinized structure of penal law and its legal practice, but also the maintenance of diverse forms of gender violence that configure an anthropocentric, selective, racist, and discriminatory penal system. It indicates the urgency of intersectional studies that consider the particularities and claims of women in prison and their forms of militancy, especially in the face of the female prison population composed mostly of black, poor, and peripheral women. The need for an analysis of the factors that cross women's imprisonment from a plural feminist perspective, adequate to the realities under study and attentive to the multiple perspectives that may exist within feminism, becomes visible.(AU)

Este ensayo teórico-reflexivo pretende discutir las aportaciones de los estudios criminológicos y su crítica a las distintas formas de encarcelamiento femenino, y más recientemente de encarcelamiento masivo en el sistema penitenciario, además de generar debate sobre las distintas perspectivas feministas y sus relaciones con los estudios criminológicos, especialmente con las posiciones de la Criminología Crítica. Se reconocen importantes avances y logros feministas en el debate sobre la estructuración masculinizada del derecho penal y su práctica jurídica, además del mantenimiento de diversas formas de violencia de género que configuran un sistema penal antropocéntrico, selectivo, racista y discriminatorio. Se necesitan estudios interseccionales que consideren las particularidades y reivindicaciones de las mujeres en prisión y sus formas de militancia, principalmente ante la población penitenciaria femenina compuesta mayoritariamente por mujeres negras, pobres y periféricas. Se hace evidente la necesidad de analizar los factores que inciden en el encarcelamiento femenino desde una perspectiva feminista plural, adecuada a las realidades que se estudian y atenta a las múltiples perspectivas que pueden existir dentro del feminismo.(AU)

Humans , Female , Prisons , Feminism , Criminology , Patient Escort Service , Prejudice , Sex Work , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Punishment , Quality of Life , Rape , Rejection, Psychology , Religion , Role , Safety , Sexual Behavior , Social Adjustment , Social Behavior , Social Change , Social Class , Social Problems , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Stereotyping , Taboo , Theft , Unemployment , Pregnancy , Poverty Areas , Child Rearing , Demography , Family Characteristics , Hygiene , Family Planning Policy , Witchcraft , Colonialism , Congresses as Topic , Sexuality , Knowledge , Statistics , Crime , Culture , Vandalism , Health Law , State , Government Regulation , Law Enforcement , Vulnerable Populations , Aggression , Racial Groups , Educational Status , Humanization of Assistance , Job Market , Menstrual Hygiene Products , Femininity , Ageism , Racism , Sexism , Social Discrimination , Drug Trafficking , Recidivism , Political Activism , Social Oppression , Sexual Vulnerability , Androcentrism , Freedom , Respect , Civil Society , Gender Role , Intersectional Framework , Citizenship , Family Structure , Correctional Facilities Personnel , Health Promotion , Homicide , Household Work , Human Rights , Malpractice , Menstruation , Morals , Mothers , Motivation
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e257126, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529221


O texto é um relato de experiência da participação no Grupo de Estudos psicoQuilombologia ocorrida nos meses de setembro de 2020 a março de 2021, período atravessado pela segunda onda da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. O objetivo do relato é apresentar o conceito-movimento de psicoQuilombologia como uma proposta epistemológica quilombola de agenciamento de cuidado e saúde, com base em uma escuta que se faça descolonial e inspirada no fecundo e ancestral acervo de cuidado dos povos africanos, quilombolas e pretos, preservado e atualizado em nossos quilombos contemporâneos. A metodologia utilizada é a escrevivência, método desenvolvido por Conceição Evaristo que propõe uma escrita em que as vivência e memórias estão totalmente entrelaçadas, imersas e imbricadas com a pesquisa. O resultado das escrevivências dessa pesquisa descortinam que os povos pretos desenvolveram práticas de cuidado e acolhimento às vulnerabilidades do outro, enraizadas no fortalecimento de laços e conexões coletivas de afetos e cuidado mútuos. Práticas de cuidado que articulam memória, ancestralidade, tradição, comunidade, transformação, luta, resistência e emancipação, engendrando modos coletivos de ser e viver. Nas quais cuidar do outro implica tratar suas relações e situar o cuidado como extensão de uma cura que se agencia no coletivo. O trabalho conclui apontando que o cenário pandêmico vigente acentua a pungência de se desenvolver estratégias de cuidado baseadas em epistemologias pretas e quilombolas, valorizando os sentidos de ancestralidade, comunidade, pertencimento e emancipação.(AU)

The text is an experience report of the participation in the psicoQuilombology Study Group that carried out from September 2020 to March 2021, during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The purpose of the report is to introduce the concept-movement of psicoQuilombology as a quilombola epistemological proposal for the development of care and health, based on a decolonial listening and inspired by the rich care collection of African peoples, quilombolas and Blacks, preserved and updated in our contemporary quilombos. The methodology used is writexperience [escrevivências], a method developed by Conceição Evaristo who proposes a writing in that the experiences and memories are totally involved with the research. The result of the writability of this research show that Black people have developed practices of care and acceptance of the other's vulnerabilities, based on the strengthening of ties and collective connections of mutual affection and care. Care practices that mix memory, ancestry, tradition, community, transformation, struggle, resistance and emancipation, outlining collective ways of being and living. The core idea is that taking care of the other means treating your relationships and maintaining care as an extension of a cure that takes place in the collective. The paper concludes by pointing out that the current pandemic scenario demonstrates the urgent need to develop care strategies based on black and quilombola epistemologies, valuing the senses of ancestry, community, belonging and emancipation.(AU)

Este es un reporte de experiencia de la participación en el Grupo de Estudio psicoQuilombología que ocurrió en los meses de septiembre de 2020 a marzo de 2021, periodo en que Brasil afrontaba la segunda ola de la pandemia de la COVID-19. Su propósito es presentar el concepto-movimiento de psicoQuilombología como una propuesta epistemológica quilombola para el desarrollo del cuidado y la salud, basada en una escucha decolonial e inspirada en el rico acervo asistencial de los pueblos africanos, quilombolas y negros, conservado y actualizado en nuestros quilombos contemporáneos. La metodología utilizada es la escrivivencia, un método desarrollado por Conceição Evaristo quien propone una escrita en que las vivencias y los recuerdos están totalmente involucrados con la investigación. El resultado de la escrivivencia muestra que las personas negras han desarrollado prácticas de cuidado y aceptación de las vulnerabilidades del otro, basadas en el fortalecimiento de lazos y conexiones colectivas de afecto y cuidado mutuos. Prácticas de cuidado que mezclan memoria, ascendencia, tradición, comunidad, transformación, lucha, resistencia y emancipación, perfilando formas colectivas de ser y vivir. El cuidar al otro significa tratar sus relaciones y mantener el cuidado como una extensión de una cura que tiene lugar en lo colectivo. El trabajo concluye que el actual escenario pandémico demuestra la urgente necesidad de desarrollar estrategias de atención basadas en epistemologías negras y quilombolas, y que valoren los sentidos de ascendencia, comunidad, pertenencia y emancipación.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Black or African American , Health Strategies , Problem-Based Learning , Knowledge , Empathy , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Quilombola Communities , Poverty , Prejudice , Psychology , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Religion , Audiovisual Aids , Social Behavior , Social Conditions , Social Desirability , Social Dominance , Social Identification , Socioeconomic Factors , Stereotyping , Violence , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Mainstreaming, Education , Attitude , Ethnicity , Family , Mental Health , Colonialism , Congresses as Topic , Basic Sanitation , Community Participation , Life , Cooperative Behavior , Internet , Culture , Spiritual Therapies , Personal Autonomy , Spirituality , Vulnerable Populations , Black People , Agriculture , Education , Ego , User Embracement , Existentialism , Racism , Social Marginalization , Human Migration , Ethnic Violence , Enslavement , Moral Status , Frailty , Survivorship , Political Activism , Social Construction of Ethnic Identity , Nation-State , Freedom , Social Vulnerability Index , Solidarity , Empowerment , Social Evolution , Sociodemographic Factors , Systemic Racism , Ethnic and Racial Minorities , Cognitive Restructuring , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Working Conditions , African People , Traditional Medicine Practitioners , Hierarchy, Social , History , Homing Behavior , Household Work , Housing , Human Rights , Individuality , Life Change Events , Mass Behavior
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253659, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1448943


Partindo da pergunta "Como tem sido ser mulher e mãe em tempos de pandemia?", o presente estudo convidou mulheres que são mães, em redes sociais virtuais, a partilhar um relato de suas experiências com a readaptação parental em função do distanciamento social causado pela pandemia de covid-19. O objetivo foi refletir sobre a experiência de ser mulher e mãe em tempos de covid-19 e distanciamento social, apontando algumas ressonâncias do cenário pandêmico na subjetividade dessas mulheres. O estudo teve como base o referencial psicanalítico, tanto na construção da pesquisa e análise dos relatos quanto na sua discussão. A análise dos cerca de 340 relatos coletados, os quais variaram de uma breve frase a longos parágrafos, apontou para uma série de questionamentos, pontos de análise e reflexões. A pandemia, e o decorrente distanciamento social, parece ter colocado uma lente de aumento sobre as angústias das mulheres que são mães, evidenciando sentimentos e sofrimentos sempre presentes. Destacaram-se, nos relatos, a sobrecarga das mulheres com as tarefas de cuidado dos filhos e da casa, a culpa, a solidão, a exaustão, e o sentimento de que não havia espaço nesse contexto para "ser mulher", sendo isso entendido especialmente a questões estéticas e de vaidade.(AU)

Starting from the question "How does it feel to be a woman and a mother in pandemic times?", this study invited women who are mothers, in virtual social networks, to share their experiences regarding parental adaptations due to social distancing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective was to reflect on the experience of being a woman and a mother in the context of COVID-19 and of social distancing, pointing out some resonances of the pandemic scenario in the subjectivity of these women. The study was based on the psychoanalytical framework, both in the construction of the research and analysis of the reports and in their discussion. The analysis of about 340 collected reports, which ranged from a brief sentence to long paragraphs, pointed to a series of questions, analysis topics, and reflections. The pandemic, and the resulting social distancing, seems to have placed a magnifying glass over the anguish of women who are mothers, showing ever-present feelings and suffering. The reports highlighted women's overload with child and house care tasks, the guilt, loneliness, exhaustion, and the feeling that there was no space in this context to "be a woman," and it extends to aesthetic and vanity related questions especially.(AU)

A partir de la pregunta "¿cómo te sientes siendo mujer y madre en tiempos de pandemia?", este estudio invitó por las redes sociales a mujeres que son madres a compartir un relato de sus experiencias sobre la readaptación parental en función del distanciamiento social causado por la pandemia del covid-19. Su objetivo fue reflexionar sobre la experiencia de ser mujer y madre en tiempos del covid-19 y el distanciamiento social, señalando algunas resonancias del escenario pandémico en la subjetividad de estas mujeres. Este estudio se basó en el marco psicoanalítico, tanto en la construcción de la investigación y análisis de los informes como en su discusión. El análisis de los casi 340 relatos, que variaron de una pequeña frase a largos párrafos, generó en las investigadoras una serie de cuestionamientos y reflexiones. La pandemia y el consecuente distanciamiento social parece haber agrandado las angustias de las mujeres que son madres, evidenciando sentimientos y sufrimientos siempre presentes. En los relatos destacan la sobrecarga de las mujeres con las tareas de cuidado de los hijos y del hogar, la culpa, la soledad, el cansancio, así como el sentimiento de que no hay espacio em este contexto para "ser mujer", relacionado principalmente a cuestiones estéticas y de vanidad.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Psychoanalysis , Women , Parenting , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Paternal Behavior , Paternity , Prenatal Care , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Relaxation , Self Care , Self Concept , Social Adjustment , Social Responsibility , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Stereotyping , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Women's Rights , Work Hours , Body Image , Burnout, Professional , Activities of Daily Living , Pregnancy , Adaptation, Biological , Family , Marriage , Child , Child Development , Child Rearing , Quarantine , Hygiene , Mental Health , Family Health , Immunization , Sex Characteristics , Universal Precautions , Employment, Supported , Cost of Illness , Confusion , Feminism , Self Efficacy , Affect , Culture , Parturition , Depression , Postpartum Period , Educational Status , Ego , Employment , Fear , Femininity , Sexism , Work-Life Balance , Frailty , Occupational Stress , Androcentrism , Freedom , Self-Neglect , Frustration , Body Dissatisfaction , Psychological Distress , Social Comparison , Teleworking , Physical Distancing , Gender Equity , Family Support , Family Structure , Guilt , Health Promotion , Household Work , Identification, Psychological , Identity Crisis , Income , Individuation , Anger , Leisure Activities , Loneliness , Love , Maternal Behavior , Maternal Welfare , Mothers
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255712, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1529208


Com o advento da covid-19, foi declarado estado de emergência de saúde pública e decretadas medidas de isolamento e distanciamento social para conter a propagação da doença. O Conselho Federal de Psicologia, considerando a importância do acolhimento seguro durante a pandemia, publicou a Resolução CFP nº 4/2020, permitindo que serviços psicológicos aconteçam de maneira remota. O presente estudo visa, através do Método da Cartografia, apresentar a construção de um setting on-line para intervenções grupais e os desafios na oferta de acolhimento e atendimento remoto. Foram ofertados grupos terapêuticos, por meio da plataforma Google Meet, para estudantes da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Um diário de bordo foi produzido para acompanhar as forças que atravessavam e constituíam o território e a experiência grupal remota. Compreendemos que o território-espaço-grupal-on-line era composto pelo espaço virtual em que nos reuníamos, pelos espaços individuais de cada integrante e pelas forças que os atravessavam. Observamos que nem sempre os participantes dispunham de um lugar privado, mas estiveram presentes no encontro com câmeras e áudios abertos e/ou fechados e/ou através do chat da videochamada. A participação no grupo funcionou como alternativa no momento de distanciamento social, sendo uma possibilidade para o atendimento psicológico em situações de dificuldade de encontros presenciais; entretanto, se mostrou dificultada em diversos momentos, pela falta de equipamentos adequados e instabilidade na internet, fatores que interferiram nas reuniões e impactaram na possibilidade de falar e escutar o que era desejado.(AU)

With the advent of COVID-19, a state of public health was declared, and measures of isolation and social distance to contain the spread of the disease was decreed. The Federal Council of Psychology, considering the importance of safe reception during the pandemic, published CFP Resolution No. 4/2020, allowing psychological services to happen remotely. This study narrates, via the Cartography Method, the experience of inventing an Online Setting for group reception. Therapeutic groups were offered, via Google Meet Platform, to students at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. A logbook was produced to accompany the forces that crossed and constituted the territory and the remote group experience. We understand that the territoryspace-group-online was composed by the virtual-space that we gathered, by the individualspaces of each member and by the forces that crossed them. We observed that the participants did not always have a private place, but they were present at the meeting with open and/or closed cameras and audio and/or through the video call chat. Participation in the group worked as an alternative at the time of social distancing, being a possibility for psychological care in situations of difficulty in face-to-face meetings, however, it proved to be difficult at various times, due to the lack of adequate equipment and instability on the internet, factors that interfered in meetings and impacted the possibility of speaking and listening to what was desired.(AU)

La llegada de la COVID-19 produjo un estado de emergencia de salud pública, en el que se decretaron medidas de confinamiento y distanciamiento físico para contener la propagación de la enfermedad. El Consejo Federal de Psicología, considerando la importancia de la acogida segura durante la pandemia, publicó la Resolución CFP nº 4/2020, por la que se permite la atención psicológica remota. Este estudio tiene por objetivo presentar, mediante el método de la Cartografía, la elaboración de un escenario en línea para la intervención grupal y los desafíos en la oferta de acogida y atención remota. Grupos terapéuticos se ofrecieron, en la plataforma Google Meet, a estudiantes de la Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro. Se elaboró un diario para acompañar a las fuerzas que atravesaron y constituyeron el territorio y la experiencia remota del grupo. Entendemos que el territorio-espacio-grupo-en línea estaba compuesto por el espacio-virtual que reunimos, por los espacios individuales de cada integrante y por las fuerzas que los atravesaban. Observamos que los participantes no siempre tenían un lugar privado y que estaban presentes en la reunión con cámaras y audio abiertos y/o cerrados y/o por el chat de la videollamada. La participación en el grupo funcionó como una alternativa en el momento del distanciamiento físico y revela ser una posibilidad de atención psicológica en situaciones de dificultad en los encuentros presenciales, sin embargo, se mostró difícil en varios momentos, ya sea por la falta de medios adecuados o por inestabilidad en Internet, factores que interferían en las reuniones e impactaban en la posibilidad de hablar y escuchar lo que se deseaba.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Attitude , Answering Services , Internet-Based Intervention , Teleworking , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Personal Satisfaction , Preceptorship , Professional Practice Location , Psychoanalysis , Psychology, Social , Quality of Life , Safety , Social Identification , Social Values , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Speech , Students , Teaching , Unemployment , Universities , Work , Behavior , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Work Hours , Attitude to Computers , Medical Informatics Applications , Bereavement , Single Parent , Family , Catchment Area, Health , Cell Adhesion , Cell Communication , Quarantine , Communicable Disease Control , Mental Health , Life Expectancy , Universal Precautions , Infection Control , Employment, Supported , Communication , Mandatory Testing , Confidentiality , Privacy , Imagery, Psychotherapy , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Internet , Crisis Intervention , Personal Autonomy , Death , Trust , Codes of Ethics , Depression , Air Pollution , Educational Status , Disease Prevention , Centers of Connivance and Leisure , Professional Training , Faculty , Family Relations , Fear , Emotional Intelligence , Return to Work , Hope , Social Skills , Emotional Adjustment , Optimism , Healthy Lifestyle , Work-Life Balance , Mentoring , Sadness , Respect , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Social Integration , Transtheoretical Model , Psychosocial Intervention , Listening Effort , Social Cohesion , Belonging , Cognitive Training , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Psychological Well-Being , Household Work , Humanities , Individuality , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Interpersonal Relations , Learning , Life Change Events , Motivation , Object Attachment
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e241608, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1448958


O distanciamento social ocasionado pela pandemia de Covid-19 levou a profundas mudanças na rotina das famílias com crianças pequenas, aumentando o estresse no ambiente doméstico. Este estudo analisou a experiência de planejamento e implementação de um projeto de extensão universitária que ofereceu orientação a pais com filhos de 0 a 11 anos por meio de chamadas de áudio durante a pandemia. O protocolo de atendimento foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de famílias de baixa renda e listava problemas específicos relacionados ao confinamento em casa e ao fechamento das escolas seguidos por uma variedade de estratégias de enfrentamento. A análise de 223 queixas relatadas pelos usuários em 130 ligações revelou que 94% dos problemas referidos pelos pais foram contemplados pelo protocolo de atendimento e estavam relacionados aos problemas externalizantes (39%) ou internalizantes (26%) das crianças ou ao declínio do bem-estar subjetivo dos pais (29%). Serviços de apoio devem orientar os pais quanto ao uso de práticas responsivas e assertivas que promovam o bem-estar emocional da criança e estabeleçam expectativas comportamentais em contextos estressantes. A diminuição dos conflitos entre pais e filhos resultante do uso dessas estratégias tende a reduzir o sofrimento dos pais, aumentando sua sensação de bem-estar subjetivo. Recomenda-se ampla divulgação dessas iniciativas e seguimento dos casos.(AU)

The social distancing the COVID-19 pandemic entailed has led to profound changes in the routine of families with young children, increasing stress in the home environment. This study analyzed the experience of planning and implementing a university extension program that offered support to parents with children from 0 to 11 years old via audio calls during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service protocol was developed to meet the needs of low-income families and listed specific problems related to home confinement and school closure followed by a variety of coping strategies. The analysis of 223 complaints reported by users in 130 calls revealed that 94% of the problems reported by parents were addressed by the protocol and were related to children's externalizing (39%) or internalizing (26%) problems or to the decline in parents' subjective well-being (29%). Support services should guide parents on the use of responsive and assertive practices that promote the child's emotional well-being and set behavioral expectations in stressful contexts. The reduction in conflicts between parents and children resulting from the use of these strategies tends to reduce parents' suffering, increasing their sense of subjective well-being. Wide dissemination of these initiatives and case follow-up are recommended.(AU)

La distancia social causada por la pandemia de COVID-19 condujo a cambios profundos en la rutina de las familias con niños pequeños, aumentando el estrés en el entorno del hogar. Este estudio analizó la experiencia de planificar e implementar un proyecto de extensión universitaria que ofreció orientación a los padres con niños de cero a 11 años a través de llamadas de audio durante la pandemia COVID-19. El protocolo de atención se desarrolló para satisfacer las necesidades de las familias de bajos ingresos y enumeró problemas específicos relacionados con el confinamiento en el hogar y el cierre de la escuela, seguido de una variedad de estrategias de afrontamiento. El análisis de 223 quejas informadas por los usuarios en 130 llamadas reveló que el 94% de los problemas informados por los padres fueron abordados por el protocolo de atención y estaban relacionados con los problemas de externalización (39%) o internalización (26%) de los niños o la disminución del bienestar subjetivo de los padres (29%). Los servicios de apoyo deberían aconsejar a los padres sobre el uso de prácticas receptivas y asertivas que promuevan el bienestar emocional del niño y establezcan expectativas de comportamiento en contextos estresantes. La reducción de los conflictos entre padres e hijos como resultado del uso de estas estrategias tiende a reducir el sufrimiento de los padres, aumentando su sensación de bienestar subjetivo. Se recomienda una amplia difusión de estas iniciativas y seguimiento de casos.(AU)

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Orientation , Parents , Personal Satisfaction , Child , Problem Behavior , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Appetite , Play and Playthings , Problem Solving , Psychology , Psychomotor Agitation , Quality of Life , Reading , Recreation , Remedial Teaching , Respiratory Tract Infections , Safety , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , School Health Services , Self Concept , Autistic Disorder , Sleep , Social Adjustment , Social Conditions , Social Conformity , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Task Performance and Analysis , Telephone , Temperament , Therapeutics , Time , Unemployment , Violence , Behavior Therapy , Work Hours , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Child Abuse, Sexual , Boredom , Neurosciences , Virus Diseases , Activities of Daily Living , Bereavement , Exercise , Divorce , Child Abuse , Child Development , Mental Health , Mass Vaccination , Relaxation Therapy , Immunization , Self-Injurious Behavior , Civil Rights , Parenting , Panic Disorder , Interview , Cognition , Domestic Violence , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Lecture , Disabled Children , Wit and Humor , Internet , Creativity , Crisis Intervention , Crying , Disaster Vulnerability , Psychosocial Impact , Personal Autonomy , Death , Friends , Aggression , Depression , Drive , Economics , Education, Special , Educational Status , Emotions , Empathy , Faculty , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fear , Binge Drinking , Meals , Return to Work , Hope , Optimism , Pessimism , Self-Control , Phobia, Social , Psychosocial Support Systems , Work-Life Balance , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Screen Time , Disgust , Sadness , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Psychosocial Intervention , Teleworking , Financial Stress , Food Insecurity , Sentiment Analysis , Sociodemographic Factors , Social Vulnerability , Family Support , Government , Guilt , Holistic Health , Homeostasis , Hospitalization , Household Work , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Anger , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Leisure Activities , Loneliness , Mental Disorders
OTJR (Thorofare N J) ; 37(1): 50-56, 2017 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28830316


The Activity Card Sort (ACS) measures activity engagement levels. The Activity Card Sort-Australian version for adults aged 18 to 64 (ACS-Aus (18-64)) was recently developed, and psychometric properties have not yet been determined. This study was established to determine the test-retest reliability and internal consistency of the ACS-Aus (18-64) and describe activity engagement trends for healthy adults. Fifty-four adults aged 18 to 64 participated in this descriptive study. The ACS-Aus (18-64) demonstrated excellent test-retest reliability ( r = .92, p < .001) and acceptable internal consistency (α = .83). Adults aged 18 to 40 retained a lower percentage of activities than adults aged 41 to 64 for personal care, daily life, home maintenance activities ( t = -2.22, p = .03), and recreation and relaxation activities ( t = -2.38, p = .02). The ACS-Aus (18-64) may be used to explore the activity engagement patterns of community-dwelling Australian adults aged 18 to 64. Further research will determine validity for clinical populations.

Activities of Daily Living , Adolescent , Adult , Australia , Exercise/physiology , Female , Household Work , Humans , Leisure Activities , Male , Psychological Tests/standards , Psychometrics/standards , Relaxation , Reproducibility of Results , Social Participation/psychology , Young Adult
J Occup Environ Med ; 59(4): e46-e56, 2017 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28628056


OBJECTIVE: Opportunities for people to recover from stress are insufficient, because demanding and excessive life activities leave little time for recovery. Downtime is a self-care behavior that can occur in any life domain (ie, work, home/family, leisure). METHODS: Using survey data from a cross-section of 422 U.S. workers, we tested hypotheses regarding downtime as a buffer of the effects of time pressure and whether downtime's benefits were related to the domain in which it was taken, or influenced by perceived time control. RESULTS: In situations of high time pressure, work and home/family downtime were beneficial when time control was high, while relaxing leisure was beneficial when time control was low. CONCLUSIONS: Downtime is available whenever people recognize their need for recovery and respond by entering a state of physical relaxation and psychological detachment from stressors.

Relaxation/psychology , Stress, Psychological/prevention & control , Work-Life Balance , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Household Work , Humans , Internal-External Control , Male , Middle Aged , Personal Autonomy , Personal Satisfaction , Self Care , Time Factors
Appl Ergon ; 43(4): 687-94, 2012 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22133974


This paper illustrates and discusses problems with the implementation and use of ergonomic tools and techniques in the process of cleaning. Cleaning is an occupation with a high risk of developing work-related disorders. One high-strain task where recommended tools and techniques are difficult to apply is cleaning staircases. This study evaluated the muscular activity of cleaners while mopping staircases using two different mop handles and found that an easily adjustable mop handle can decrease a cleaner's physical load. The results also show that the implementation and contextualization of the mop are of great importance for how a mop is used. A more holistic approach is needed to improve the benefits of good tools and techniques in cleaning work. More research is needed on how workplace organization can be improved to support the implementation of strategies to increase the health of professional cleaners.

Equipment Design , Household Work , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Occupational Diseases/prevention & control , Posture , Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology , Electromyography , Ergonomics , Floors and Floorcoverings , Humans , Interviews as Topic , Middle Aged , Musculoskeletal Diseases/prevention & control , Physical Exertion , Shoulder/physiology , Wrist/physiology
Pract Midwife ; 14(4): 24-5, 2011 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21560946


To some midwives, record keeping may be a chore. However, getting your records right will provide you with the best possible defence if you have the misfortune to be called to a 'Fitness to Practise Hearing'. In this article I shall consider what makes good records and next month, examine the hearing itself. It is important to note that if called to a hearing, it may be several years after the event in question and you must be able to verify what actually happened and why. Considering that a midwife delivers hundreds of babies each year, it would be very difficult to prove your fitness to practise from memory alone; in cross-examination you will need some concrete evidence of what actually happened. You should keep your notes for at least six years as breach of contract cases can be brought for up to six years after the breach is discovered (whereas negligence cases need to be brought by three years after the negligent act). In the case of a minor, a case can be brought three years after a child reaches adulthood and may therefore be up to 21 years after the event.

Forms and Records Control , Household Work , Midwifery/organization & administration , Nursing Records , Security Measures/organization & administration , Self Efficacy , Humans , Liability, Legal , Medical Records Systems, Computerized , United Kingdom
J Fam Hist ; 34(4): 344-68, 2009 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19999636


In 1676 the apostate Baptist prophet Anne Wentworth (1629/30-1693?) published "A True Account of Anne Wentworths Being Cruelly, Unjustly, and Unchristianly Dealt with by Some of Those People called Anabaptists," the first in a series of pamphlets that would continue to the end of the decade. Orignially a member of a London Baptist church, Wentworth left the congregation and eventually her own home after her husband used physical force to stop her writing and prophesying. Yet Wentworth persisted in her "revelations." These prophecies increasingly focused on her response to those who were trying to stop her efforts, especially within her own household. This article examines Wentworth's writings as an effort by an early modern woman, using arguments of spiritual agency, to assert ideas about proper gender roles and household responsibilities to denounce her husband and rebut those who criticized and attempted to suppress her.

Authorship , Domestic Violence , Family Characteristics , Religion , Spirituality , Women , Domestic Violence/economics , Domestic Violence/ethnology , Domestic Violence/history , Domestic Violence/legislation & jurisprudence , Domestic Violence/psychology , England/ethnology , Family Characteristics/ethnology , Family Relations/ethnology , Family Relations/legislation & jurisprudence , Gender Identity , History, 17th Century , Household Work/economics , Household Work/history , Household Work/legislation & jurisprudence , Publications/economics , Publications/history , Religion/history , Social Dominance , Women/education , Women/history , Women/psychology , Women's Health/ethnology , Women's Health/history , Women's Rights/education , Women's Rights/history , Women's Rights/legislation & jurisprudence
J Ethnobiol Ethnomed ; 3: 20, 2007 May 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17475017


BACKGROUND: The research was carried out within the course of two years (2005-2006) in four countries from southern, southeast and eastern parts of Europe: Bulgaria, Italy, Macedonia and Romania. The data are collected mainly from Bulgaria and Italy and are compared with those from Macedonia and Romania. METHODS: The information was gathered largely from literature as well as field collected data and interviewed informants. A brief questionnaire, referring to the vernacular name, plant description, providing specimens from the plants and brooms, details on their use has been prepared and applied. RESULTS: The total number of species as brooms in the study areas is about 108. The list includes two fungi taxa which caused the so-called "Witches' brooms". A high species diversity of 106 taxa of vascular plants, belonging to 37 families and 74 genera, is established in the research area. The investigation includes data about scientific name, family, vernacular name, life form, status (wild or cultivated), used parts and place of use. The relations between the plant characteristics and broom specific shape and working qualities, details of the traditionally broom planting and making, the broom as a part of folklore, traditions and religious rituals are discussed. CONCLUSION: Collected data show how ecological, geographical features and different cultures are related with the variety of plants traditionally used as brooms as well as details for their uses. The data about the variety of plants traditionally used to make brooms and the ways in which they are used according to the specific characteristics of the areas are important for ethnobotanical knowledge.

Ethnobotany , Household Articles , Household Work , Adult , Aged , Equipment Design , Europe , Folklore , Humans , Middle Aged , Names , Terminology as Topic
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen ; 124(20): 2630-2, 2004 Oct 21.
Article in Norwegian | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15534639


BACKGROUND: Since 1997, the catering department at Statoil, a Norwegian oil company, has worked systematically in order to facilitate employees' ability to avoid sick leaves and return to work after illness, and to improve their ability to cope with the challenges entailed in their work. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All employees in the catering department were sent a questionnaire about how they felt about their working environment. Sick leave data from Statoil and from Statistic Norway were collected. RESULTS: From 1997, sick leaves in catering have declined by 8%. 60% of employees and 90% of managers say that the physical as well as the psychosocial working environments have improved because of the programme described in this article. INTERPRETATION: Better support from co-workers and supervisors has created a more positive culture in the workplace.

Extraction and Processing Industry , Occupational Diseases/rehabilitation , Petroleum , Rehabilitation, Vocational/methods , Adult , Cooking , Female , Household Work , Humans , Male , North Sea , Norway , Sick Leave/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workplace
Arctic Anthropol ; 40(1): 121-38, 2003.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21755643


The role of women in Paleoeskimo households has rarely been examined. Careful application of analogies to Inuit culture reveal that there are both similarities and differences in how Late Dorset and Inuit gender roles are expressed in household organization. On an ideological level, Late Dorset women probably had a similar role to that of women in Inuit society, as the soul of the house and an important intermediary between hunters and the souls of the animals they hunted. On a day-to-day basis, however, Late Dorset women seem to have shared more of their labor as members of dual family households than did Inuit women, as members of nuclear family units. The increased importance of small, trapped game such as foxes and rabbits during Late Dorset times (Darwent 2001) may have contributed to the need for shared labor. Finally, women, in their role as keepers of the hearth, were important in maintaining community ties at seasonal aggregation sites dominated by long houses and external hearth rows.

Anthropology , Diet , Food Supply , Household Work , Women , Anthropology/history , Arctic Regions/ethnology , Diet/ethnology , Diet/history , Ethnicity/ethnology , Ethnicity/history , Food Supply/history , Gender Identity , History, Ancient , Household Work/history , Humans , Population Groups/ethnology , Population Groups/history , Women/history , Women's Health/ethnology , Women's Health/history